HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/19/2016 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 19, 2016 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Gase,Merideth and Whetham. Councilmember Collins participated via conference call. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen, B. Smith, N. West, A. Fountain, H. Greenwood and C. Fulton. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor,Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel,and RCW 42.30.140 for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining for approximately 45 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:01 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:45 p.m. No action was taken. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Gase,Merideth and Whetham. Councilmember Collins participated via conference call. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C.Delikat,K. Dubuc,C.Fulton,B. Smith, B. Olson,N. West,A.Fountain and H. Greenwood. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Deputy Mayor Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS: 1. Super Cup Soccer Match Mayor Downie announced that the Port Angeles team recently won the annual Super Cup soccer competition against Sequim. Mayor Downie noted that the soccer match was extremely well attended and said the trophy,which is engraved with"building bridges with soccer on the Olympic Peninsula,"would be displayed in the City Hall lobby for all to enjoy. 2. James Howard Flight to Port Angeles Mayor Downie spoke about the recent visit from James Howard who,along with his friend and two daughters, flew a small plane from Chattanooga,Tennessee,to Port Angeles as a way to celebrate the friendship of the two cities and as a memorial to four Marines and one Navy Sailor who were shot and killed in Chattanooga one year prior,in July 2015. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING-July 19, 2016 Mayor Downie said that Port Angeles' and Chattanooga's friendship began last summer during Outdoor Magazines' competition for"Best Towns." Not long after the competition concluded,the horrific shooting occurred in Chattanooga. He said that Port Angeles residents reached out to the town by filling 24 banners with handwritten messages of support and friendship. Leslie Robertson, founder of Revitalize Port Angeles,led the effort and then flew to Tennessee to deliver them. Mayor Downie said that Mr. Howard's flight to Port Angeles was to honor the servicemen and to bring a signed banner showing their appreciation for the people of Port Angeles and the outreach Chattanooga received. Mayor Downie read a letter from Mr. Howard and noted that the banner would hang in City Hall. PUBLIC COMMENT: Eloise Kailin requested that Council place the ballot measure to change to form of government on the 2016 ballot. Janet Kailin,2902 South Regence Street,asked Council to end water fluoridation. Brent Powell,204 West Second Street,asked Council to allow time for the voters to become educated on the issue of a change in fornm of government and not to rush into a premature vote. Gene Turner, 3928 Mount Angeles Road, read a letter from his wife Norma Turner. He asked that the issue of becoming a second class city be placed on the November 2017 ballot,not 2016,in order to allow time for substantive discussion and voter education. Michael Sutton,3322 Upland Lane,spoke about parental rights. He asked that Council represent the people or resign. Glenn Wiggins,702 Caroline Street, spoke against Port Angeles reverting to a second class city classification. Cliff Fors,2537 Black Diamond Road,said he was available to answer questions relating to roofing permits. Peter Ripley, 114 East Sixth Street, Apt. 102, asked Council to let the voters have their say on the change in government during the 2016 general election. Michael Cyrl, 925 East Ninth Street, introduced himself to Council as the new manager of IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)and said he is looking forward to positive relationship with the City. Stephanie Noblin,2345 East Third Avenue,said she would be moving to Oklahoma City and that she had enjoyed her time video recording public meetings for her transparency project,Clallam Public Eye. Debbie Devey, 728 East T" Street,said she was concerned about the criminal element in the City. Young Johnson, 410 East Front Street, thanked staff and Council for their work and encouraged people to express their concerns in a healthy way. Dale Wilson, Fourth Street, asked Council to allow the petition to change the form of government to go forward on the 2016 ballot. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Mana,-er or Counciltnenzber- Mayor Downie read from a prepared statement and said he would like to add Municipal Water Fluoridation as item 1-1 on the evening's agenda. He proposed the Council consider stopping fluoridation of the City's water supply until an advisory vote can be taken of Port Angeles registered voters during the 2017 election. Council discussed whether to add Municipal Water Fluoridation to the evening's agenda or at a future meeting. �lJ Page 2 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 19, 2016 It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Merideth to: Add the topic of fluoride as Item I-2 under Other Considerations. Council discussion followed. Whetham asked for a show of hands. Motion failed 4-3,with Whetham,Merideth and Bruch in favor. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to: Have the Mayor's proposal put on the agenda for the first meeting in August. Motion passed 6-1,with Merideth opposed. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Petition to Reclassify as a Second-Class City Councilmember Whetham asked if there was a spokesperson from"Our Water,Our Choice"(OWOC),the organization sponsoring the petition. Eloise Kailin,president of OWOC,was invited to serve as spokesperson and answer any questions. Manager McKeen introduced the presentation saying that a citizen's group,"Our Water,Our Choice"filed with the City Clerk a petition to change the City's classification from a noncharter code city to a second class city. OWOC recently requested the Council submit this proposition to the voters at the November 2016 general election.Manager McKeen said that to place the proposition on the November 2016 ballot,the City Council must adopt a resolution and submit it to the Comity not later than August 2,2016. Attorney Bloor conducted a PowerPoint presentation on the procedural aspects associated with the petition to reclassify as a second class city.He said the Council should decide if it wants to put the item on the ballot in November 2016 or allow for the statutory process to move forward which would lead to it being placed on the ballot in November 2017.He noted that OWOC has requested that Council submit the proposition to voters during the November 2016 general election. Council discussion followed. Eloise Kailin, 160 Kane Lane, Sequim,was asked by Councilmember Whetham if she would like to refute anything stated by Attorney Bloor. She said that Council did not have to sponsor the petition,just pass a resolution. She further spoke about the advantages of holding the election in 2016. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Leave the petition to be voted on as the state statute fixes the date which is November 2017. Motion was withdrawn as unnecessary. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 8:07 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 8:18 p.m. 2. International Association of Firefighters Local#646 Labor Contract It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Approve the terms of the IAFF Local#656 labor contract. Motion carried 7-0. 3. Teamsters Local#589 Communications and Support Unit Labor Contract Councilmember Merideth recused himself due to the fact that he is a member of Teamsters. He then exited the Chambers.Human Resources Manager Abbigail Fountain noted that both contracts(IAFF and Teamsters) are 3-year contracts which is a positive move for the City. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Gase to: Approve the terms of the Teamsters Local#589 Communications and Support labor contract. Motion carried 6-0. Councilmember Merideth returned to the Chambers. ik $ Page 3 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 19, 2016 FINANCE: 1. Renewal of Software/Hardware Maintenance Agreements Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson noted that this was a new item for Council to consider. He said that typically only agreements for software/hardware/maintenance that exceeded the$25,000 nominal threshold for Council approval were brought forward,but that it gave an incomplete picture of what the City spends on software which collectively totals around$550,000. CFO Olson said the agreements were brought forward as a whole to help Council better understand the scope and complexity of what is a significant expense for the City. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to: Authorize the City Manager to approve the necessary annual agreements/purchase renewals for hardware and/or software subscriptions/support services for Information Technologies 4802 fund at a total cost not to exceed $550,000 budgeted. Motion carried 7-0. CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes:June 21, 2016 2. Expenditure Report:Froin 6/25/2016 to 7/8/2016 in the mnount of$2,368,220.23 Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Merideth reported on his son's baseball team and he encouraged people to come out and support players during the local tournament in August. Deputy Mayor Kidd said she spent time with visitors from Chattanooga,IN,and that it was heartwarming to have the community come together to host the guests. Councilmember Gase said that he and Mayor Downie attended the U.S. Coast Guard base Change of Command Ceremony. Councilmember Whetham read a quote from founding father Thomas Jefferson. He encouraged everyone to use their right to vote. Councilmember Collins suggested the City enlist residents of Chattanooga to help Port Angeles in being Outdoor Magazine's#1 Town this year. Mayor Downie spoke about his time hosting pilot James Howard from Chattanooga,TN.He thanked Young Johnson and Leslie Robertson for all they did to make Mr. Howard's time in Port Angeles special. He encouraged people to visit the new mural being worked on at the Gateway Center. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen noted an action item from the Council meeting: adding"Fluoridation of The City's Municipal Water Supply"to the next agenda.He informed Council that CFO Olson has been appointed by the Governor to the Select Committee on Pension Policy. 1. Port Angeles Police Department Downtown Update Interim Police Chief Brian Smith gave a brief presentation that updated Council on the Port Angeles Police Department Downtown efforts. He said there will be another report given to Council in 30 days. Council discussion followed. Page 4 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 19, 2016 2. Roofing Permits Community&Economic Development Director Nathan West said that as a follow-up to the last Council meeting, staff provided Council a detailed report on roofing permits over the past 2 years. He noted a correction on the funding section of the memorandum,saying that$40,000 is revenue received over a two year basis. Council discussion followed. Cliff Fors,2537 Black Diamond Road,was invited to speak as an interested party.He said that he had the support of the North Peninsula Home Builders Association in asking that roofing permit fees be eliminated.Director West noted the importance of the City treating all the contractors and tradespeople in a fair and equal manner,but that staff would be open to discussions with Mr.Fors and the North Peninsula Home Builders Association. 3. Francis Street Park Signage Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat said the sign requested by Alan Barnard for Francis Street Park has been completed and will be installed on Wednesday. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Marolee Smith, P.O. Box 2498, asked questions regarding water fluoridation, petitions and costs. She encouraged Council to listen to the people. Muazzez Eren, 110 East 1311'Street,said she is in favor of community policing and applauds the efforts of increasing the police presence downtown. Edna Willadsen, 1719 East Lambert Lane,inquired about the status of ethics complaints against Council. Dale Wilson, Fourth Street, spoke about the 4-3 Supreme Court decision on fluoridation and said that the case was adjudicated and resulted in a split decision,but was not thrown out. Stephanie Noblin, 2345 East Third Avenue, asked Council to install video cameras so that the City could stream meetings and make them available to the public on the City's website. Michael Sutton,3322 Upland Lane,said he appreciates Dr.Kailin representing people opposed to water fluoridation. Jess Grable, 1117 South Peabody,said that Dr.Kailin,although from Sequim,was the inspiration behind the petitions to change the form of government,but that it was a team from Port Angeles that has done the work. EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was no need for an executive session. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0. Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Pa ick Downie,Mayor Jc4inifer e-neklasen,City Clerk Page 5 of 5