HomeMy WebLinkAbout001111 Original Contract City of Port Angeles
Record # 001111
Page 1 of 15 Agreement
Mcdonalds Corporation
ClalIam County Washington 05/24/2016 10:42:14 AM
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When recorded,return to:
Barbara DiRienzo, McDonald's Corporation, L/C:046-0060,One McDonald's Plaza,Oak
Brook,IL 60523
Director, Public Works and Utilities Department,City of Port Angeles,P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles,Washington, 98362.
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 20 day of_(�_t' 2016 by and between
McDonald's Real Estate Company, a Delaware corporation„ whose business address is One McDonald's
Plaza, L/C:046-0060,Oak Brook,IL 60523„ hereinafter referred to as the Owner and the City of Port Angeles,
a Washington municipal corporation whose address is P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362,
hereinafter referred to as the City.
WHEREAS, the Owner warrants and represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of the subject
premises as described in p a r g r p h I below with full and exclusive authority to execute this Agreement
and that all necessary steps precedent to its execution have been undertaken,making the obligation binding
upon the Owner;and
WHEREAS,the Owner has constructed stormwater drainage facilities for the McDonald's Redevelopment
pursuant to a properly issued permit from the City of Port Angeles; and
WHEREAS,the Owner is required pursuant to Section 13.63.270 of the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code
(Maintenance Covenant Required for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities,) to operate and maintain
all stormwater drainage facilities at the McDonald's Redevelopment site;and
WHEREAS, the City and the Owner are mutually desirous of providing assurances for the future
continued maintenance, repair and operation of stormwater drainage facilities for the McDonald's
Redevelopment site;
Document Number: 1449683
NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements herein provided and other good and valuable
consideration,the parties agree as follows:
1. The Owner warrants and represents that it has or on the date this agreement is executed it will
have sole and exclusive authority and sole and exclusive right,title and interest in the subject
property situated in the City of Port Angeles, Clallam County,Washington, legally described as:
Parcel Number: 063000-101300
Parcel Number: 063011-500230
Parcel Number: 063011-500200
2. The Owner, for itself and its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees to maintain, repair
and replace in good and serviceable condition any and all stormwater drainage infrastructure
within and for the McDonald's Redevelopment, excluding any and all alley and/or right-of-way
infrastructure. Such maintenance activities shall be performed as described in the Stormwater
Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual for the McDonald's Redevelopment; and in the event
Owner is contacted by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department, it will
perform any and all reasonable and necessary maintenance, repair or replacement as indicated
by the Public Works and Utilities Department.The Owner shall perform all such work in a timely
fashion, completed according to the applicable codes regarding stormwater management. The
Owner shall document all inspection and maintenance activities and submit documentation
records to the City annually no later than January 31 for the previous calendar year.
3. The City shall not and does not serve as a guarantor of the performance of the Owner, nor does
the City make any representations or warranties with regard to the design or capability of
stormwater drainage facilities. The City may, but is not required, in its sole discretion after
adequate advance written notice and time to perform the repair has been given to the Owner, elect
to repair, replace or maintain stormwater drainage facilities if in the sole opinion of the City the
Owner has failed to do so within the time frame set forth in the Maintenance Timeline
established in the Stormwater Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual. All such reasonable
and necessary costs associated with such work, including administrative costs and professional
fees shall be charged to the Owner and payable by the Owner forthwith.
4. This Agreement is intended to be a covenant that runs with the land
a n d shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the Owner. The Owner
shall maintain its right to use the surface area above the underground stormwater
drainage facilities for landscaping or other purposes that do not then or later interfere with
the intended use of the facilities, including but not limited to the McDonald's restaurant
drive-thru lanes, curbing, asphalt, paving, lighting, and signage.
5. This Agreement may only be modified in writing by a document executed by the Owner and the
Document Number: 1449683
IN WITNESS HEREOF,the City, through its legally-authorized representative(s), sets his/her/their hand(s)
and seal(s) this day of , 2016.
City uthorized sentative Signature
Craig Fulton
Printed Name
Its: Public Works and Utilities Director
Title of City Authorized Representative
) ss
On this��day of 2016, before me personally appeared
who executed the
(Ap*�o � ,Notary Public, CWdWA County,
Washington. My Commission Expires:
�r�rffill ultt���
Document Number: 1449683
IN WITNESS HEREOF, t h e Owner,through its legally-authorized representative, sets his/her/their
hand(s) and seal(s) this ! day of_ L 2016.
Owner Authorized Reseneative
Printed Name
Its: , !' i c
Title of Grantor
On this qday of 5 i 2016, before me personally appeared
c r „yams t vf._tH , s c who executed the
Notary Public, DuPacie County,
Illinois. My Commission Expires:
Document Number: 1449683
Maintenance Program
Cover Sheet
Inspection Period:
Number of Sheets Attached:
Date Inspected:
Inspector's Signature:
The following pages contain maintenance needs for most of the components that are part of your
drainage system, as well as for some components that you may not have. Let the City know if there are
any components that are missing from these pages. Ignore the requirements that do not apply to your
system.You should plan to complete a checklist for all system components on the following schedule:
(M) Monthly from October(or November)through April
(A)Once in late summer(preferably September)
(C)Once in mid summer(late July or early August)
(S)After any major storm(use 1 inch in 24 hours as a guideline)
(B) Biannually(twice per year-refer to individual checklist for timing)
(Q) Quarterly
Use photocopies of these pages and check off the problems you looked for each time you did an
inspection.Add comments on problems found and actions taken. Keep these"checked"sheets in your
files,as they will be used to write your annual report. Some items do not need to be looked at every
time an inspection is done. Use the suggested frequency at the left of each item as a guideline for your
The facility-specific maintenance standards contained in this section are intended to be conditions for
determining if maintenance actions are required as identified through inspection.They are not intended
to be measures of the facility's required condition at all times between inspections. In other words,
exceedance of these conditions at any time between inspections and/or maintenance does not
automatically constitute a violation of these standards. However, based upon inspection observations,
the inspection and maintenance schedules shall be adjusted to minimize the length of time that a facility
is in a condition that requires a maintenance action.
A complete list of maintenance checklists can be found at the end of this section.
SU Allionce _ 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 12 December 1014
Storm water Site Plan
#3—Maintenance Checklist for Closed Detention Systems(TanksNaults)
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
M Storage Plugged Air Vents One-half of the cross-section of a vent is Vents open and functioning-
Area blocked at any point or the vent is damaged.
M Storage Debris and Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10 All sediment and debris removed from
Area Sediment percent of the diameter of the storage area for storage area
one-half length of storage vault or any point
depth exceeds 15 percent of diameter.
(Example:724nch storage lank would require
cleaning when sediment reaches depth of 7
inches for more than one-half length of lank)
A Storage Joints Between Any openings or voids allowing material to be All joint between lank/pipe sections are
Area Tank/Pipe Section Iranspoded into facility (Will requite seated
engineering analysis to determine structural
A Storage Tank Pipe Bent Any part of tarddpipe is bent out of shape more Tank/pipe repaired or replaced to design.
Area Out of Shape than 10 percent of its design shape (Review
required by engineer to determine structural
A Storage Vault Structure Cracks wider than one-half inch and any Vault replaced or repaired to design
Area Includes Cracks in evidence of soil particles entering the structure specifications and is structurally sound.
Wall,Bottom, through the cracks,or mainlenancelinspection
Damage to Frame personnel determines that the vault is not
and/or Top Slab structurally sound.
A Storage Vault Structure Cracks wider than onedralf inch at the joint of No cracks more than one-fourth inch wide at
Area Includes Cracks in any inlettoutlet pipe or any evidence of soil the joint of the inleVoullel pipe.
Wall,Bottom, particles entering the vauk through the walls
Damage to Frame
and/or Top Slab
M,S Crest Gage Crest Gage Crest gage is not functioning property,has been Repairtreplace
MissinglBroken vandalized,or is missing.
A Manhole Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any Manhole is closed,
open manhole requires maintenance.
system Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature J ✓ 4 ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
A Manhole Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper toots.
Mechanism Not maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts into
Working frame have less than one-hall inch of thread
(may not apply(o self-locking lids).
A Manhole Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove led Cover can he removed and reinstalled by
Remove after applying normal lifting pressure.Intent is to one maintenance person
keep cover from sealing off access to
A Manhole Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards.Allows
Unsafe misalignment,not securely allached to structure maintenance person safe access
wall,rust or cracks.
If you are unsure whether a problem erdsts,please contact a professional engineer.
Tanks and vaults are a confined space. Visual Inspections should be performed aboveground. if entry Is required it should be
performed by qualified personnel.
(M) Monthly from October through April,
(A) Once In late summer(preferably September).
(S) After any major storm(use f Inch In 24 hours as a guideline).
SCJ Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 13 December 2014
Stormwater Site Plan
#4—Maintenance Checklist for Control Structure0ow Restrictor
system Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
M General Trash and Debris Material exceeds 25 percent of sump depth or 1 Control structure orifice is not blocked,All
(Includes foot below orifice plate. trash and debris removed.
A General Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole Structure securely attached to wall and outlet
wall. PIPE
A General Structural Damage Structure is not in upright position tallow up to Structure in correct position.
10 percent from plumb).
A General Structural Damage Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outlet pipe are water tight;
show signs of rust. structure repaired or replaced and works as
A General Structural Damage Any holes-other than designed notes-in the Structure has no toles other than designed
structure. holes.
A Cleaned Damaged or Cleanout gate Is not watertight or is missing Gate is watertight and works as designed.
Gala Missing
A Cleanout Damaged or Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily and Is
Gate Missing maintenance person. watertight.
A Cleanout Damaged or Chamhod leading to gate is missing or Chain is in place and works as designed.
Gate I Missing damaged.
A Cleaned Damaged or Gate is rusted over 50 percent of its surface Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design
Gate Missing area. standards.
A Orifice Damaged or Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as designed.
Plate Missing missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate.
M S Orifice Obstructions Any trash,debris,sediment,or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions and works as
Plate blocking the plate. designed.
M S Overflow obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions and works as
Pipe potential of blocking)ine overflow pipe. designed,
Manhole Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place Any Manhole is closed
open manhole requires maintenance.
system Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
A Manhole Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper fools.
Mechanism Not maintenance person with proper tools.Bolls into
Working frame have less than one-half inch of thread
(may not apply to self-locking lids).
A Manhole Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Rd Cover can be removed and reinstalled by
Remove after applying normal lining pressure.Intent is to one maintenance person.
keep cover from sealing off access to
A Manhole Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards Allows
Unsafe misalignment,not securely attached to structure maintenance person safe access.
wag,rust,or cracks.
if you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a professional engineer.
Control structures are usually considered a confined space. Visual Inspections should be performed aboveground. If entry is
required It should be performed by qualified personnel.
(M) Monthly from October through April.
(A) Once in late summer(preferably September)
(S) After any major storm(use 1 inch In 24 hours as a guideline).
SO Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 14 December 2014
Stormwater Site Plan
#5—Maintenance Checklist for Catch Basins
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
A General 'Dump no Stencil or stamp should be.visible and easily Warning signs(e g.,'Dump No Waste-nmins
pollutants'Stencil read to Stream')shall be painted or embossed on
or stamp not visible or adjacent to all storm drain inlets.
M'S General Trash and Debris Trash or debris which is located immediately in No trash or debris boated immediately in
front of the catch basin opening or is blocking front of catch basin or on grate opening
inletting capacity of the basin by more than 10
M General Trash and Debris Trash or debris(in the basin)that exceeds 60 No trash or debris in the catch basin.
percent of the sump depth as measured from
the bottom of basin to Invert of the lowest pipe
into or out of the basin,but in no case less than
a minimum of 6 inches clearance from the debris
surface to the invert of the lowest pipe.
M General Trash and Debris Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or debris.
blocking more than one-third of Its height
M General Trash and Debris Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation present within
odors that could cause complaints or dangerous the catch basin.
M General Sediment Sediment(in the basin)that exceeds 60 percent No sediment In the catch basin
of the sump depth as measured from the bottom
of basin to invert of the lowest pipe into or out of
the basin,but In no case less than a minimum of
6 inches clearance from the sediment surface to
the invert of the lowest pipe.
A General Structure Damage Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches Top slab is free of holes and cracks
to Frame and/or or cracks eider than one-fourth inch(intent is to
Top Slab make sure no material is running into basin).
A General Structure Damage Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting lbsh on the hoer rings or top
to Frame and/or separation of more than three-fourth inch of the slab and firmly attached.
Top Slab frame from the top slab.Frame not securely
SCJ Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment IS December2014
StormwaterSite Plan
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
A General Fractures or Cracks. Maintenance person judges that structure is Basin replaced or repaired to design
in Basin WaNsi unsound. standards
A General Fractures or Grout fillet has separated or cracked udder than Pipe is regrouted and secure at basin wall.
Cracks in Basin one-half-inch and longer than t foot al the joint
Walisf Bottom of any inleUoutlet pipe or any evidence of soil
particles entering catch basin through cracks.
A General Settlement/ If failure of basin has created a safety,function, Basin replaced or repaired to design
Misalignment or design problem. standards
M General Vegetation Vegetation growng across and blocking more No vegetation blocking opening to basin
than 10 percent of the basin opening
M General Vegetation Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints that No vegetation or root growth present.
IS more than 6 inches tail and less than 6 inches
M General Contamination and Any evidence of al,gasoline,contaminants or No contaminants or pollutants present.
Potution other pollutants, (Coordinate removalicfeanupwith Pierce
County Surface Water Management 263-
798-2725 and/or DOE Spill Response 800-
A Catch Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open catch basin requires maintenance.
Basin Catch basin cover is closed
A Catch Loddng Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens wish proper tools.
Basin Mechanism Not maintenance person with prom tools.Botts into
Cover Working frame have fess than one-half-inch ofihread,
A Catch Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid Cover can be removed by one maintenance
Basin Remove after applying normal lifting pressure. person.
Cover (Intent is keep cover from sealing off access to
A Ladder Ladder Rungs Ladder isunsafe due to missing rungs,not Ladder meets design standards and allows
Unsafe securely ahached to basin wall,misalignment, maintenance person safe access.
rust,cracks,orsharp edges.
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
Grates Grate opening Grate with opening wider than seven-eighths of Grate opening meets design standards.
Unsafe an inch
M's Grates Trash and Debris Trash and debris that Is blocking more than 20 Grate free of trash and debris.
percent of grate surface inletting capacity.
A Grates Damaged or Grate missing or broken members)of the grate Grate is in place and meets design
Missing. standards,
If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a professional engineer,
(M) Monthly from October through April.
(A) Once in late summer(preferably September)
(S) After any major storm(use 1 Inch in 24 hours as a guideline).
SO Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 16 December2014
Storm water Site Plan
#12—Maintenance Checklist for Wet Vaults
Drainage I
System Maintenance Activides and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
M General Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated in vaull,pipe or Remove trash and debris from vault.
Accum"iion in(eliouffet(includes floalables arid non-
M General Sediment Sediment accumulation in vault bottom exceeds Remove sediment from vault. Of sediment
Accumulation in the depth of the sediment zone plus 6 inches contamination is a potential problem,
Vault sediment should be tested regularly to
determine leaching potential prior to
A General Damaged Pipes Inletkultet piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired and/or replaced.
need of repair.
A General Access Cover Cover cannot be opened or removed, Pipe repaired or replaced to proper working
DamageMt especially by one person specifications.
M General Ventilation Ventilation area blocked or plugged. Blocking material removed or cleared from
ventilation area,A specified percentage of
the vault surface area must provide
ventilation to the vault interior(see design
A Vault Damage-Includes Maintenancelinspection personnel determine Vault replaced or repairs made so that vault
Structure Cracks in Walls that the vault is rot saurturalty sound meets design specifications and is
Bottom,Damage to structurally sound.
Frame andlor Top
A Vault Damage-Inckxles Cracks udder than one half-inch at the pint of Vault repaired so that no cracks exist wider
Structure Cracks In Walls any inlelloutkt pipe or evidence of soil particles than one-loutth inch at the joint of the
Bodom.Damage to entering through the cracks. iniet/outiet pipe.
Frame andlor Top
A Vauk Battles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping andlor Baffles repaired or replaced to specifications.
Swcture showing signs of failure as determined by
maintenancelinspecdon staff.
System Mainterwncs Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓1 ✓ 1 Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
A Access Damage Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not Ladder replaced or repaired to specifications,
Ladder functioning property,not attached to structure and is sate to use as determined by
wall,missing rungs,has cracks andlor inspection personnel.Replace sign wdrning
misaligned. of confined space entry requirements.
Confined space warning sign missing.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a professional engineer.
A vault Is a confined space. Visual Inspections should be performed aboveground. If entry is required It should be performed by
qualified personnel,
(M) Monthly from October through April.
(A) Once In late summer(preferably September)
(S) After any major storm(use 1 Inch in 24 hours as a guideline).
SG Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 17 December 2014
Storm water Site Plan
#22—Maintenance Checkllst for Conveyance Systems(Pipes and Ditches)
System Maintenance Actrvltles and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
M,S pipes Sediment& Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of Pipe cleaned of all sediment and debris,
debris the diameter of the pipe.
M Pipes Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of Prohibit use of sand and sealant application
Water though pipes. and protect from construction runoff.
A Pipes Damaged Protective coaling is damaged:rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced
(rusted,bent or more than 50 0/o deterioration to any part of
crushed) pipe.
M Pipes Any dent that significantly impedes flow(i.e. Pipe repaired or replaced,
decreases the cross seclJon area of pipe by
more than 200%)
M Pipes Pipe has major cracks or tears allowing Pipe repaired or replaced.
groundwater leakage.
M,S Open Ditches Trash&debris Dumping of yard wastes such as grass Remove trash and debris and dispose as
clippings and branches. Unsightly prescribed by the County.
accumulation of non-degradable materials
such as glass,plastic,metal,foam,and
coated paper
M Open Ditches Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of Ditch cleaned of all sediment and debris so
buildup the design depth. that is matches design.
A Open Ditches Vegetation Vegetation(e.g weedy shrubs or saplings) Nater flows freely though ditches.Grassy
that reduces free movements of water through vegetation should be left alone.
PA Open Ditches Erosion damage Erosion damage over 2 inches deep where Slopes should be stabilized using
to Stopes cause of damage is g8il present or where appropriate erosion control measurets);e,g.,
there is potential for continued erosion, rock reinforcement,planting of grass,
M Open Ditches Erosion damage Any erosion observed on a compacted berm If erosion is occurring on compacted berms
to slopes embankment a licensed civil engineer should be consulted
to resolve source of erosion.
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
A Open Ditches Rock fining out Maintenance person can see native soil Replace rocks to design standard.
of place or beneath the rock lining
If you are unsure whether a problem exists.please contact a professional engineer
(M) Monthly from November through April.
(A) Annually,once in late summer(preferable September)
(S) After any major storm(use 1-Inch in 24 hours as a guideline).
SCJ Allionce 1579.01
McDonold's Redevelopment 18 December 2014
Storm woter Site Plan
#15—Maintenance Checklist for Stormfilter TMr Cast-In-Place,Precast,Linear Stotmfilter Units and Catch Basin Units. Also check
DOE website and manufacturer guidelines for updates to O&M requirements.
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist
M Media filter Sediment Sediment accumulation exceeds 0.25 inches on No sediment deposits on top of cartridges
vault accumulation on top top of cartridges Sediment on cartridges likely indicates that
of filter cartridges cartridges are plugged and require
M Media filter Sediment Sediment accumulation in vault exceeds 0.5 Sediment in vault should be removed,
vault accumulation in inches Look for other indicators of clogged Cartridges should be checked and replaced
vault cartridges or overflow. or serviced as needed
M Media filter Trash and floatable Trash and fishable debris accumulation in No trash or other floatable debris in niter
vault debris accumulation vault vault.
S Media filter Filter cartridges Filter vault does not drain within 24 hours Filter media checked and replaced if needed.
vault submerged following storm. Look for evidence of If cartridges are plugged with ail additional
submergence due to backwater or excessive treatment or source control BMP may be
hydrocarbon loading needed
M Forebay Sediment Sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches or Sediment accumuladon less than 6 inches.
accumulation one-third of the of available sump.
M Forebay Trash and floatable Trash and/or floatable debris accumulation, Trash andlor tfoatable debris should be
debris accumulation removed during monthly Inspections.
Significant oil accumulation may indicate the
need for additional treatment or source
A Drain Sediment in Drain When drain pipes,clean-outs,become full with Sediment and debris removed.
Pipes/ Pipes Ciean•Outs sediment and/or debris.
A Below Access cover One maintenance person cannot remove lid Cover repaired to proper working
ground Damaged/Not after applying 80 pounds of lift,corrosion of specifications or replaced,
vault working deformation of cover.
A Below Damaged Pipes Any part of the pipes are crushed or damaged Pipe repaired or replaced..
ground due to corrosion and/or settlement.
It is recommended that filters are replaced at a minimum every 2.2 years unless a documented
maintenance record shows otherwise.
SW Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 19 February 2015
Stormwoter Site Plan
System Maintenance Activities and Conditions
Frequency Feature V v' 1 ✓ Problem Condlttons to Check For That Should Feist
A Below Vault structure has Cracks wider than one-half inch or evidence of Vault repaired or replaced so that vaults
gmurd cracks in wall, soil particles entering the structure through the meets design specifications and is
varfit bottom,and damage cracks,or maintenance/inspection personnel structurally sound.
to frame and/or top determine that the vault is not structurally
slab. sound
A Bciuw Vault structure has Cracks wider than 0,5 inch at the joint of any Vault repaired so that no cracks exist wider
W04" cracks in wall, inlel/outlet pipe or evidence of soil particles than 0 25 inch at the joint of Inletloudet pipe.
vault bottom,and damage entering through the cracks
to frame and/or top
A Be+ow Baffles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping,and/or Baffles repaired or replaced to design
9—A showing signs of failure as determined by specifications.
vavti maintenance/inspection person
A Below Ladder rungs unsafe Maintenance person judges that ladder is Ladder meets design standards and allowsgra 4 unsafe due to missing rungs,misalignment, maintenance persons safe access.
vasdt rust,or cracks. Ladder must be fixed or
secured immediately.
S Below Compost Media Drawdown of water through the media takes Media cartridges replaced.
Ckound longer than 1 hour,and/or overflow occurs
Ca-4ge frequently.
S Be3ow, Short Circuiting Flows do not property enter filler cartridges. Fitter cartridges replaced.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a professional engineer.
A vault is a confined space. Visual inspections should be performed aboveground. It entry is required it should be performed by
qualified personnel.
(M) Monthly from October through April.
(A) Onix In late summer(preferably September)
(S) After any major storm(use 1 Inch In 24 hours as a guideline),
Maintenance covenants shall include the maintenance standards specified by the Department of
Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, Chapter 4,Volume V,a list
of maintenance activities and proposed inspection intervals for each element of the private stormwater
system,and a guarantee that any maintenance necessary for any element of the stormwater system will
be performed to the standards specified by the Department of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management
Manual for Western Washington, Chapter 4,Volume V and within the following schedule:
1. Within one year for wet pool facilities and retention/detention ponds;
2. Within six months for typical maintenance;
3, Within nine months for maintenance requiring re-vegetation;
4. Within two years for maintenance that requires capital construction of less than$25,000.
SG Alliance 1579.01
McDonald's Redevelopment 20 February 2016
Stormwater Site Plan
BayFilter Maintenance Manual
Maintenance of the BayFilter System
The BayFilterTM system requires periodic maintenance to continue operating at the design
efficiency. The maintenance process comprises the removal and replacement of each BayFilterTM
cartridge and drain down module and the cleaning of the vault or manhole with a vacuum truck.
The maintenance cycle of the BayFilterTM system will be driven mostly by the actual solids load
on the filter. The system should be periodically monitored to be certain it is operating correctly. Since
stormwater solids loads can be variable, it is possible that the maintenance cycle could be more or less
than the projected duration.
When a BayFilterTM system is first installed, it is recommended that it be inspected every six (6)
months. When the filter system exhibits flows below design levels the system should be maintained.
Filter cartridge replacement should also be considered when sediment levels are at or above the level of
the manifold system.
The BayFilter systems in volume based applications are designed to treat the WQv in 24 hours
initially. Later in the cycle these cartridges will flow at a slower rate, and when the WQv does not drain
down within+/-40 hours after the storm event, the system must be maintained.
Please contact the BaySaver Technologies Inc. Engineering Department for maintenance cycle
estimations or assistance at 1.800.229.7283.
Maintenance Procedures
1. Remove the manhole covers and open all access hatches.
2. Before entering the system make sure the air is safe per OSHA Standards or use a
breathing apparatus. Use low OZ, high CO, or other applicable warning devices per
regulatory requirements.
3. Using a vacuum truck remove any liquid and sediments that can be removed prior to
4. Using a small lift or the boom of the vacuum truck, remove the used cartridges by lifting
them out.
5. Any cartridges that cannot be readily lifted directly out of the vault should be removed
from their location and carried to the lifting point using the Trolley system installed in the
Vault(if applicable).
6. When all cartridges and drain down modules are removed, remove the balance of the
solids and water; then loosen the stainless clamps on the Fernco couplings in the pipe
manifold; remove the drain pipes as well. Carefully cap the manifold and the Fernco's
and rinse the floor removing the balance of the collected solids.
7. Clean the manifold pipes,inspect, and reinstall.
8. Install the exchange cartridges and close all covers.
9. The used cartridges must be sent back to BaySaver Technologies, Inc. for
exchange/recycling and credit on undamaged units (1030 Deer Hollow Drive, Mt. Airy,
MD 21771. Phone: 800229-7283).
It is recommended that filters are replaced at a minimum every 2.2 years unless a documented
maintenance record shows otherwise.
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