HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/10/2016 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Rooms
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 10, 2016
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Vice Chair Lee Whetham called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch, Cherie Kidd and Vice Chair Lee Whetham
Other Councilmembers Absent: Brad Collins, Mayor Patrick Downie, Dan Gase, and
Michael Merideth
UAC Members Present: Rob Feller
UAC Members Absent: Chair Lynn Bedford and Betsy Wharton
Staff Present: Craig Fulton, Gregg King, Bill Bloor, Kathryn Neal, and
Michelle Hale
Others Present: None
III. Approval Of Minutes
Sissi Bruch requested a motion to approve the minutes of April 12, 2016. Cherie Kidd seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items:
One item to be discussed by Gregg King in VI Information Only Item C.
V. Discussion Items:
A. Professional Services Agreement with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants,for WWTP
Biosolids Dewatering,Project WW0205
Kathryn Neal, P. E, Engineering Manager provided background information and a review of the
Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Dewatering project of replacing the aging belt press at the
plant with a new screw press, and upgrading the ancillary equipment to include the polymer feed
system. Kathryn stated Kennedy/Jenks Consultants have been selected to provide design
services and construction support,based on the firm's qualifications. Lengthy Discussion
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the
Professional Services Agreement with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants for a maximum amount
not-to-exceed $268,040. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion. Rob Feller voted no.
Discussion followed the motion. The Committee requested additional information from staff.
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works&Utilities will add additional information on the belt press for
the UAC members to consider in response to their good questions.
B. 2015 Hydrogeologic Services Feasibility Study,Phase 2
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works&Utilities brought forward a request for Phase 2 of the
hydrogeologic services feasibility study. This follows Phase 1, the preliminary exploration for
the development of new ground water sources to supplement the current surface water sources
from the Elwha River. Craig briefed UAC members on how Phase 2 involves an assessment of
water rights in the vicinity of potential test wells. Discussion followed.
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Robinson Noble in an amount
not to exceed $20,694,for a total contract amount of$48,004. Cherie Kidd seconded the
motion,which carried unanimously.
C. ADS Environmental Services Contract Amendment 1 for Combined
Sewer Overflow Flow Monitoring
Kathryn Neal, P. E, Engineering Manager reviewed the Wastewater Treatment Plant National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requiring the City to monitor all
Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) events. Kathryn reported the City had entered into an
agreement with ADS Environmental Services in July 2014 to provide technical service support
to the City in order to meet its State NPDES Permit requirements to monitor and report the
frequency and volume of CSO's. As modifications to the CSO structures are made, ADS flow
monitoring field services will be phased out. The contract expires in July 2016 and the
amendment request is to extend the CSO Flow Monitoring contract with ADS Environmental
Services for the remainder of 2016. Discussion followed.
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with ADS Environmental Services,
LLC for a bid amount of$26,870.96, for a new total agreement amount of$154,092.21, and
to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Rob Feller seconded the
motion,which carried unanimously.
VI. Information Only Item
A. UAC Site Visits—Landfill Bluff Project and Morse Creek(verbal report)
Gregg King reported on the site visits he is scheduling as requested for UAC and Council members.
Visits will scheduled over the course of the summer months to the Landfill, Morse Creek, the
Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Water Treatment Plant. Gregg will send invitations to UAC and
Council members with a few dates and times.
B. CFP Presentation—Council and UAC meeting 5:00 PM Tuesday, 17 May 2016
(verbal report)
Gregg King mentioned the May 17`i', 2016 joint Council and UAC meeting and work session.
Finance will discuss the next five years capital finance plan. Requested the UAC to participate in
this work session. A packet will be put together for UAC members.
C. Energy Efficiency Project(verbal report)
Gregg King reported on upcoming energy efficiency LED rebate projects in the City. The City of
Port Angeles Civic field lighting will save 145,474 kWh hours(equivalent of 10 homes saved),and
will receive $28,553 rebate from Bonneville Power Administration-BPA funds. ACTI is also doing
a lighting project with a projected 93,000 kWh savings receiving a rebate of$33,965 from BPA.
Fairmont Grocery,Hotel and Restaurant is planning on a project to save 50,000 kWh with a$12,438
rebate from BPA. All these incentives are through the City of Port Angeles Ordinance 3.25 with the
Bonneville Power Administration energy efficiency.
D. Heat Pump Water Heater (verbal report)
Gregg King mentioned the May 25`i'"Improve the Odds" energy efficiency talk at the Vern Burton
Center. The topic will be on the heat pump water heater rebate program. The City of Port Angeles,
Clallam and Jefferson PUD will be onsite to provide information on the heat pump water heaters and
the rebate program.
VII. Next Meeting Date: June 14, 2016
VIII. Adjournment: 4:10 p.m.
Chair Lynnedford Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist II