HomeMy WebLinkAboutGovernor InsleeJAY INSLEE
October 20, 2016
Director Jonathan Jarvis
National Park Service
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
Dear Director Jarvis:
Office of the Governor
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OCT 2 4 2016 (�
I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed transfer of the Elwha Water
Facilities (EWF) from the National Park Service (NPS) to the city of Port Angeles (City).
The City has expressed its concern to both the NPS and my office that the EWF has
significant operational and infrastructure problems not accounted for in either the facilities
designed and constructed by NPS or the 2004 Memorandum of Understanding between the
NPS, City and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT). I agree with the City and the
LEKT that transferring the EWF in its current state is neither fair nor consistent with the
mandate imposed by Congress on the Secretary of Interior with respect to the Elwha River
Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act. This act expressly stated congressional intent to
protect "the existing quality and availability of water from the Elwha River for municipal
and industrial uses from possible adverse impacts of dam removal."
I urge the NPS to find an equitable solution with the City and the 1 -,I. -"KT prior to any
transfer of the EWF. It is apparent that unforeseen circumstances and costs created by dam
removal have impacted the EWF beyond what was envisioned by the NPS. These
additional costs should not be passed on to the City in its effort to provide clean and
reliable water to its customers. I also understand that the NPS will need support in securing
necessary federal funding to correct these problems so that the EWF can be transferred as
P.O. Box 40002 ® Olympia, Washington 9£3504-0002 ® (360) 902-4111 • www,governor.wa.gov
Director Jonathan Jarvis
National Park Services
October 20, 2016
Page 2
The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams under the Elwha River Ecosystem and
Fisheries .Restoration Act represents a monumental achievement in environmental
restoration. The cooperative spirit that formed to make this happen can surely weather this
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cc: Honorable Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of Interior
Honorable Derek Kilmer, U.S. House of Representatives
Honorable Patty Murray, U.S. Senate
Honorable Maria Cantwell, U.S. Senate
Frances Charles, Tribal Chairwoman, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
Honorable Patrick Downie, Mayor, City of Port Angeles