HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/25/2016 THE CITY OF y ORTANGELE S !P !' IT ��... ,E „ w — . . __.. ,.-- � 4 � � :� �i.�✓�RE61"IONWOT]EE'i r Igo 4 a ( H� I 1 � r� 01 i a , 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET October 2016 TONIGHT'S AGENDA - - 1. City Manager Overview =='r 2. 2017 Operating Budget 1. Financial Summary — Revenues and Expenditures z ` w y 3. Upcoming Funding Considerations & Options 1. Transportation Benefit District - +`SIA, 2. Public Safety Funding 4. Closing Statement 5. Questions & Discussion 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2017 CITYWIDE BUDGET IS BALANCED w 4;w w 6T4 Elm Operating Budget: $106,758,850 �- - - Capital Projects: $11,027,400 ¢� t � e Citywide Total Budget: $117,786,250 " • The 2017 g g operating Budget continues to follow a downward trend: • The 2017 Budget is 6.5% less than the amended 2016 Budget. • The 2016 Amended Budget is 3% less than the 2015 Actual. • Close to a 10%budget reduction over the past 2 years. I • The 2017 Budget will increase when finalized to include unfinished 2016 projects - that will be carried over into 2017. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET w 2017 GENERAL FUND BUDGET IS BALANCED 4r SII r rJ�- .,. W REVENUES Q� $20,324,100 EXPENDITURESZ i $253,800 $20900e • In 2016 City Council directed staff to implement a records management program to address a growing records issue. I • 2 year program funded with 2015 year end savings. • The $253,800 use of reserves from the General Fund covers implementation of the program including personnel costs. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET w 2017 BUDGET PROCESS 4;w1 W Budget assumptions are prepared I� 0 Budget calendar is prepared and distributed 1 W Capital Facilities Plan kickoffmeeting Lang-Range Financial Planupdatedand adopted by Z �� Council s t � e City Managerpresents PreliminaryBudgetto Council BudgetkickoffmeetingwithCityManagerand 11 no later thanNovember a Department Directors City Council holds workshops to receive input on Personnel worksheets distributed to departments U ^ Preliminary Budget for review • Public Hearings areheld to discuss PropertyTaxes and Supplemental requests submitted by departments • other revenue sources,as well as citywide expenses for new or enhanced programs for upcoming budget Final Budget is adopted before December 31 Departments enter revenue and expenditure budgets d Revenue and expenditure summaries to City Manger for review City Manager conducts internal budget reciewvs �® with Department Directors and Budget Staff Finance Staffcontinuesto update Preliminary Budget based on input from City Manger r--T 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET BALANCING THE 2017 BUDGET w 4;w W Council Directed Budget: �� w Long Range Financial Plan amt � e Decisions take into account long-term impacts Ey M m� Property Tax increase of 1% �� " U Priority Setting Process: Reduced contributions to organizations Records management " Financial Policies Maintaining a 25% Fund balance - 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET BALANCING THE 2017 BUDGET w w The 2017 Budget was balanced by focusing on: w ➢ Maintaining the assets within the City; including the physical, - - financial and employee infrastructure; $10.9 million included in for Capital spending on maintaining utility z and facility infrastructure. is H g ➢ Positioning ourselves to be good stewards of our natural resources both at present and into the future; and, ,���'� � Landfill Bluff and CSO projects. ➢ Continuing to make Port Angeles a great place to live, work and play. 9 Civic Field& City Pier Floats 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET w WHAT'S NEXT? 4P y 4;w10 rw, - _ W Continue to secure the City's fiscal status: Further investment in the City's infrastructure Continue Long-Range financial plan t � e ➢ Council Strategic Planning Process 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET OVERVIEW CITYWIDE FUNDS �l tj _ u � y 4 7 f 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET I Slide 9 CITYWIDE REVENUES w zo17Variance from 2oi6 2015 2013 2014 ; tf ( Budget Budget Proposed Amendment -- 1 Amend.Actual Actual Actual Elm Budget $$ Z REVENUES `►I iC I— I� 310 Taxes $14,243,726 $14,478,940 $15,389,964 $14,322,800 $14,696,400 373,600 2.61% i--i 32o Licenses&Permits 484,548 525,o62 764,312 657,300 627,900 (29,400) -4.47% 6 _ y 330 Intergovt.Revenue 7,028,432 -,655,744 5,852,5- 6,013,945 5,427,200 (586,745) -9.76% a ,ee ^11 340 Charges for Goods&Svcs. 65,630,332 69,028,669 65,736,503 68,438,o8o 71,946,15o 3,508,070 5.13% 35o Fines&Penalties 227,936 207,869 205,174 10,000 10,000 0 0.00% '(,{,y 1 36o Miscellaneous Revenue 8,715,237 8,810,261 8,243,043 7,895,900 8,169,9oo 274,000 3.47% N 370 Prop./TrustIncome 766,730 208,577 542,103 286,700 90,000 (196,700) -68.61% 380 Non-Revenues 101000,250 250 9,312,125 41000,250 250 (4,000,000) -99.99% 390 Other Financing Sources 20,404,460 24,468,365 7,782,833 6,716,700 8,082,500 1,365,800 20.33% _ _•__,i�i1�` ...,t rd Reserves Used 10,055,134 3,686,551 14,559,524 16,318,925 8,735,950 (7,582,975) -46.47% TOTAL REVENUE $137,556,785 $133,070,288 $128,388,092 $124,66o,600 $117,786,250 (6,874,350) -5.51% Change from Prior Yr..$.$ .$20,672,886 ($4,486,497) ($4,682,196) ($3,727492 Change from Prior Year% 17.69% 3.26% -3.52% -2.90% 9 This table can be found on page 79 of the 2017 Preliminary Budget book. �! 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITYWIDE REVENUES �4P CITYWIDE REVENUES BY CATEGORY (Total$117,786,250) 370 Prop./Trust 390 Other Financing Reserves Used Income Sources 7.4% 380 Non-Revenues 32o Licenses& �..� 0.1% 6.9% 0.0% PermitsW 0.5% e z�` 36o Miscellaneous a 310 Taxes Revenue 330 Intergovt. 6.9% Revenue 4.6% C i 350 Fines&Penalties 340Charges for Goods 0.0% Svcs. r® This chart can be found on page 79 of the 2017 Preliminary Budget book. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITYWIDE EXPENDITURES w qF 2o16Variance from 2o16 ��1•,i .�/ 00� 1 Proposed 1 EXPENDITURES Budget 1$$ 1 % �! ----.._-. �� io Salaries and Wages $16,849,993 $17,296,087 $16,984,246 $17,437,800 $17,867,100 429,300 2.46% 20 Personnel Benefits 6,757,242 6, 10,21 6, 18, 6 0o7,929,800 00 1 % a 757,24 7 7 9 14 7,397,9 53119 7.9 6T4�,/ e 30 Supplies 26,427,844 26,815,520 20,920,965 22,134,175 211979,500 (154,675) -0.70% -- W 40 Other Services&Charges 28,784,801 29,479,348 32,099,201 34,008,o16 35,264,65o 11256,634 3.70% 5o Intergovmt/Interfund Svcs 311645,097 311802,439 17,684,o56 12,785,614 14,378,600 1,592,986 12.46% �� C i( 1- 6o Capital Outlay 24,889,941 18,167,504 27,8o6,17o 20,947,595 10,907,400 (10,040,195) -47.93% N 1 7o Debt Service: Principal 493,761 5o9,642 3,435,390 3,205,600 3,369,800 164,200 5.12% a n 8o Debt Service: Interest&Other 1,7o8,1o6 2,289,531 2,489,918 2,480,400 2,528,800 48,400 1.95% h 90 Interfimd Pmts.for Services o 0 0 4,263,500 3,56o,600 (702,900) -16.49% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $137,556,785 $133,070,288 $128,338,092 $124,66o,600 $-7,786,250 (6,874,350) -5.51% ''l3 Change from Prior Yr.$$ .$20,672,886 ($4,486,497) ($4,732,196) ($3,677492) t Change from Prior Year% 17.69% 3.26% 3.56% —2.87% d E This table can be found on page 80 of the 2017 Preliminary Budget book. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITYWIDE EXPENDITURES w w�, 0 CITYWIDE EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY (Total$117,786,250) 70 Debt Service: -- So Debt service: 90 InterfundPmts. ~ principal io Salaries and 2% Interest&other for Services �� z% 3.046 Wages a 6o Capital Outlay 15.2% 6 e 9.3% 20 Personnel Benefits 6.7% ON S( e 4 5o Intergovmt/Interfund Svcs ABU - 30 Supplies 40 Other Senvices& 18. %Charges r a. r�.141a d I This chart can be found on page 80 of the 2017 Preliminary Budget book. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET OVERVIEW GENERAL FUND r 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 14 w GENERAL FUND REVENUES w 0 Variance2016 2013 2W4 2W5 BudgetProposed Actual Actual Actual Amend.#2Budget Budget $$ Amendment g6 Z REVENUE `►I 310 Taxes $12,378,635 $12,61o,551 $12,875o7o $12,691,600 13,081,400 389,800 3.07% aC 32o Licenses&Permits 376,523 412,639 637,714 555,800 526,400 (29,400) -5.29% 330 Intergovt.Revenue 707,611 632,764 635,616 572,000 570,700 (1,300) -0.23% a 09 340 Charges for Goods&Svcs. 5,187,832 5,339,993 5,436,232 5772,000 5,829,700 57,700 1.00% 35o Fines&Penalties 227,937 207,869 205,172 10,000 10,000 0 0.00% C N 36o Miscellaneous Revenue 144,914 196,881 179,055 166,800 186,1oo 19,300 11.57% 370 Prop./Trust Income o 0 0 0 0 o N/A 380 Non-Revenues o 0 0 0 0 o N/A idd 390 Other Financing Sources 233,459 535,127 122,000 247,500 119,800 (127,700) -51.6o% =t'- TOTAL REVENUE $19256911 $19935824 $20,090,859 $20,015,700 $20,324,100 308,400 1 1.54% Change from Prior Yr.$$ $1,5o6241 $678,913 $155,035 C$75,159I Change from Prior Year% 8.49% 3.53% 0.78% -0.37°% This table can be found on page 84 of the 2017 Preliminary Budget. i 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 15 GENERAL FUND REVENUES w 0 360 Miscellaneous 370 Pr p./Trust 380 Dion-Revenues Revenuea 0.0"/0 390 Other Financing Sources 1, �I 350 Fines&Penalties 0.0% .y I� 340 Charges For Goods&190 a Svcs. 28.71% O N 330 Intergovt. Revenue 2.8% _. 320 Licenses&Permits 2.6% 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET = Slide 16 w GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES w — 2016 201] O 2013 2014 2015 Budget Actual Actual Actual Amend.*2 Proposed ,.�/ Budget ss EXPENDrrURF.S 'Z 10 Salaries and Wages $9,140,978 $9,447,824 $9,193,566 $9,314,600 $9,236,400 (78,200) -0-849- 2o 0.84%2o Personnel Benefits 3,609,529 3,517,222 3,691,702 3,837,100 4,020,100 183,000 4.77% a 09 3o Supplies 654,687 667,853 567,472 758,500 696,500 (62,000) -8-179/1 w 4o Other Services&Charges 2,453,208 3,103,213 3,157,904 3,921,900 3,678,600 (243,300) -6.20% a 5o Intergovmt/InterfundSvcs 2,441,398 3,157,212 2,473,640 2,436,800 2,945,800 509,000 20.89% 6o Capital Outlay 63,031 0 9,610 41,200 0 (41,200) -100.00% Q N 7o Debt Service: Principal 0 0 0 0 0 o N/A 80 Debt Service: Interest&Other o 0 0 0 0 o N/A 90 InterfundPmts.for Services 1.3,16o 41,o67 29,531 12,900 500 (12,400) -96.12% - TOTAL EXPENDrrURES $18,375,991 $19,934,391 $19,123,425 $20,323,000 $20,577,900 254,900 1.25% Change from Prior Yr.$$ ($84,808) $1,558,400 ($810,966) $1,199,575 -- Change from Prior Year% -0.46% 8.48% -4.07% 6.27% Fund Balance $5,848,438 $5,849,871 $6,817,305 $6,510,005 $6,256,2o5 Change from Prior Yr.$$ $880,920 $1,433 $967,434 ($307300) ($253,800) Change from Prior Year% 1773% 0.02% 16.54% -4.51% -3.90% This table can be found on page 84 of the 2017 Preliminary Budget. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 17 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES fT 6T4 60 Capital Outlay, 70 Debt Service: 80 Debt Service: 90 Interfund 0.00/. � -Px al Interest&Oth Pmts.for Services 0.0% 0.00/. 0. % So Intergovmt/Interfun d Svcs 04 14.3% w 40 Other Services a 1 Salaries and Charges Wages 17.9% O r 20 Personnel Benefits 19.5% 30 Supplies 3.4% 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 18 CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $80,000 A z $709000 — w $609000 $50,000 _ W $40,000 z o $30,000 a M a, $20,000 $10,000 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed •�aim, Amend.#2 Budget ■Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Allocations. Change in Expenditures from 2016:2017 Election expenses 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 1n CITY MANAGER, CITY CLERK AND HUMAN RESOURCES �b Y COMBINED CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $1,200,000 - A z S1,000,000 - w 5500,000 W S600,000 w - — o M _ 5400,000 0 - N M 0� V3 5200,000 M .. P_ .... ........... ........................... ................ 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget iAT Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Allocations. " Change in Expenditures from 2016:Records Management implementation in mid-2016. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 20 a�. FINANCE FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $18,000,000 A $16,000,000 z $14,000,000W r o o $12,000,000 0 v,n oho $10,000,000 z $8,000,000 o 6T4 0 o $6,000,000 N $4,000,000 $2,000,000 ■ $- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget a Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Tax Revenues Change in Expenditures from 2016:Move Cost of Service Analysis position from the Electric Utility to provide a direct link from the Budget to utility rates. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET SIi; 2 LEGAL LEGAL DEPARTMENT 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $1,8009000 A $1,600,000 w $194009000 — W $192009000 f _ W $190009000 _ Z o $8009000 M � x � 0 $6009000 ,,; $400,000 $200,000 $- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget III Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Allocations Change in Expenditures from 2016: 2% increase to prosecution fees to the County based on the CPI index. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET POLICE POLICE DEPARTMENT 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $6,000,000 Q G � I $5,000,000 - � w $4,000,000 r1 $3,000,000- W $2,000,000 cv � 64 $1,000,Q000 $— ......... ................. ......... ........ ... ...... ......... 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget ■Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Grants,tax revenue,allocations. Chane in Expenditures from 2016:Contract settlement with union. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ; $3,000,000 y A t - _ $$29500,000w_ - � � � a $290009000 f $1,500,000 $190009000 lip i O p $5009000 — � $- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget ■Revenues ■Expenditures h Major Revenue Source:Allocations Change in Expenditures from 2016: Personnel split 35%in General Fund and 65%in Medic 1. Reinstatement of the Fire Marshal position eliminated in 2012. Slide 24 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET �'r PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET A $4,000,000 �f' w $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 z $2>000>000 $1,500,000 N N $1,000,000 ' ^w $500,000 , $- - -------- ------- ' 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget w Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Rental revenue and allocations. Chane in Expenditures from 2016:Provided increase to Parks Maintenance. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 25 I PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 2017 r �` PRELIMINARY BUDGET A z $3,500,000 w $3,000,000 $2,500,000 — W $2,000,000 z W $1,500,000 0C c o n c o $1,000,000 ,N„ N 00 n $500,000 $ ------------ - 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget nm Revenues ■Expenditures Major Revenue Source:Allocations. Change in Expenditures from 2016:Decrease in transfer to the Street Fund. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET OVERVIEW r SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS r µ- ;F-44,w' 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 27 LODGING TAX #101 A LODGING TAX 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET w = z , $700,000 $600,000 o W M o $500,000 $400,000 o sFr _ n I 1 U $300,000 y W a $200,000 0 cu $100,000 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget Revenues �Expenditures -Fund Balance Major Revenue Source:Tax revenues. Change in Expenditures from 2016: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommendations to Council on November 1st. These recommendations have not been included in the 2017 Preliminary Budget. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET STREET FUND #102 A w w STREET FUND 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET x2,500,000 W x2,0oo,000 x1,500,000 ------- o ----- -------- o ,w n W x1,000,000 - ------------- es V] xs00,o00 him 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Amend. 2017 Proposed Budget #2 Revenues �Expenditures —Fund Balance Major Revenue Source:Tax revenues as well as General Fund& Utilities support. Change in Expenditures from 2016: Decrease in General Fund Support. Use of reserves to balance fund. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX 1 - #105 A z w REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX 1 -2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET <, W $450,000 $400,000 W $350,000 a¢ $300,000 ' W $250,000 ° U N M Irl $200,000 Q $150,000 O O $100,000 ° M O o M M C 4O $50,000 N v s $- Eh ......... ..... 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget Revenues Expenditures -Fund Balance Major Revenue Source:Tax revenues. Change in Expenditures from 2016:Tumwater Bride Capital projects. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX 2 - #160 A w REAL ESTATE EXCISETAX 2 - 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET a= , " W 4 $500,000 W $450,000 W $400,000 , $350,000 W $300,000 $250,000 N a $200,000 ds c $150,000 . o M O $100,000 n nnlow �. f W W $5 000 � � .�. v} $' _._._._._._._._._ 6R �_._._ A. _._._._._._._._._._.. 69 ------- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget —Revenues �Expenditures —Fund Balance Major Revenue Source:Tax revenues. Change in Expenditures from 2016:Payment of 8th Street Reconstruction.Matures in 2020. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET HOUSING REHAB FUND #172 A Wo PA HOUSING REHABILITATION FUND -2017 PRELIMINARY , w BUDGET Z $1,000,000 w $800,000 U $600,000 0 � o a 0 o � $400,000 e N c $200,000 ----------- --- -------- ----- r -----..� b4 � b4 I b4 I $_ -.-.-.-.-.-.-._ .- �.-.-.-.-.-.-.-'-'- -.-.-.-.-.-.-'-'- �-.-.-'-'- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._ ._ -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- -.-. 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed $(200,000) - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- Amend #2-------- Budget �E Revenues �Expenditures —Fund Balance Major Revenue Source: Grant revenues. Change in Expenditures from 2016: Budget initiative: $20,000 increase for housing rehabilitation. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2006 LTGO BOND #215 (NIICHEL PROPERTY;2015 LTGO BOND #216 (LANDFILL ; & 2015 LTGO BOND #217 (W UGA) � z COMBINED DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 2017 w PRELIMINARY BUDGET U $10,000,000 ? $9,000,000 $8,000,000 6T4 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 W� � ,i $4,000,000 $3,000,000 sNs o 0 0 0 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 ' $- 2013 Actual 20i+iC uai wi5 win Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget ■Revenues ■Expenditures NIICHEL PROPERTY—matures in 2021 - $1,000,000"balloon"payment becomes due. LANDFILL—matures in 2029 WLIGA—matures in 2025 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET A z w CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND #310 - PROJECTS LIST z GOVERNMENTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 2017 . 6, PRELIMINARY BUDGET a $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 M ..- $5,000,000 — o •' � GO O O 'r $4,000,000 ° NU i N rl _ � N � M $3,000,000 � o N $2,000,000 — $1,000,000 M 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget ■Revenues ■Expenditures Xa 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND #310 - PROJECTS LIST z Wo w NIANSPORTATION TRon4 Hill Street ODE Development 200,000 50,000 r50,000 ; W TR ou6 DT Sidewalk Repairs uq,zoo -9,on r� TRozo; Waterfront Development PHASE z r6r,5oo r6r,5oo TRozo Race Street Complete Desi - 9 P Design 472,300 472,300 ..: TRr6i6 Green AlleyProject 555,000 555,000 TRom Marine Drive Channel Bridge Abutment Repair 698,592 _o,000 589,600 TRo2r6 Tumwater Street Bridge Expansion Joint 85,000 200,000 TRo4r4 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab 3,30o,000 - 300,000 TRo7r5 r6th Street LID(C Street to L Street) r,o6o,000 - mo,000 + TR-15 City Hall East Parking Lot LID 602,000 - � � I GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1 GGo;o; NICE Program* 70o,00a mo,000 _o,000 CAPGF Misc Equipment 4rgoa 41400GGou6 ACOE Ediz Hook-not capital .,000 ,82,000 PUBLIC SAFE U i 17Do415 ED Turnout Gear 105,000 - r7,500 FDo15 ED Generator 24,000 z4,0a0 m - FDozr5 City AlarSystem upgrade 30,o00 ;0,000 - FDo3 r4 ED Emergency Services Radio Upgrade 6i,000 8,300 - PDon6 MDT Replacements 40,000 y000 PARKS AND FACILITIES PKo2 14 Erickson Playfield Cameras 40,000 40,000 - PKouo Civic Field Upgrades 562,700 562,700 - PKno6 City Pier Float Replacement 365,000 - 365,000 GG-3 Proximity Access Control 15r,000 - o,000 GGou6 AC for training room 25,000 25,000 - PKou6 Facility Improvement Revolving Fund 105,000 - 301o00 GGo6r6 Fire Hall HVAC/Heating Units 36,000 - 36,000 GGo7i6 Remodel Fire Department Living Area 40,000 - 20,000 i GGo816 Conf ence room chairs 30,000 - 30,000 I �B PKon7 Civic Field Sound System(funded from Civic Field excess) 6o,000 - 6o,000GOVERNMENTAL TOTAL 2,698,ioO 2,481,400 2,317,100 y Yb 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ;: 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET OVERVIEW UTILITY FUNDS � w Fb �I 2 F, 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 36 ELECTRIC UTILITY ELECTRIC UTILITY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $40,000,000 V] Q $35,0009000 o $3090009000 M $2590009000 CI M � N N $2090009000zz - H $15,0009000 - $1090009000 $590009000 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget Revenues �Expenditures —Fund Balance Significant Changes: Increase in charges to support related IT capital projects. Elimination of the $300,000 transfer to the Conservation fund. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 37 t I AEL4 ELECTRIC CONSERVATION UTILITY ELECTRIC CONSERVATION UTILITY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 o $1,000,000 - D � N $800,000 C C $600,000 _ c $400,000 $200,000 — $- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Amend. 2017 Proposed Budget #2 Revenues �Expenditures Fund Balance Significant Changes:Elimination of the $300,000 transfer from the Electric Fund. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGETSlide 38 t `� WATER UTILITY WATER UTILITY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $12,000,000 A z $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 :. � p M $4,000,000 eqc $2,000,000 $- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget Revenues �Fx enditures —Fund Balance P i Significant Changes:Increase in charges to support related IT capital projects. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 39 t F �-M i"I WASTEWATER UTILITY WASTEWATER UTILITY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $10,000,000 A z $8,000,000 0 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 D r^ $2,000,000 1 . 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget oposed $(2,000,000) Amend.#2 Budget 1111 Revenues �Expenditures —Fund Balance Significant Changes: Increase in transfers to support authorized projects in the Capital Facilities Plan. _.__ _ 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 40 A F �-M i"I SOLID WASTE UTILITY SOLID WASTE UTILITY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET $1s,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 c 0 $10,0()(),000 $5,000,0110 W � � N $6,000,000 64 64 $4,000,000 "I $2,000,000 �.... _ _ .• $- .......... .... ... 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Amend.#2 2017 Proposed Budget Revenues Expenditures -Fund Balance FY Significant Changes:Increase in contractual services. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - STORMWATER UTILITY STORMWATER UTILTY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 52,500,000 A z 52,000,000 w o � s1,500,000 n - N Ey S1,000,000 N o � N � ss00,000 - s- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget Revenues Expenditures Fund Balance Significant Changes: Increase in transfers to support authorized projects in the Capital Facilities Plan. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 42 I AmLA MEDIC 1 MEDIC 1 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 53,000,000 Q z $2,500,000 o - o - N $2,000,000 N $195009000 00 oO � M $190009000 u4 _ $500,000 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget Revenues �Expenditures —Fund Balance Significant Changes: Split of personnel costs 35%in the General Fund and 65%in Medic 1 as well as the reinstatement of the Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal position. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 43 - I \-MLA FIRE DEPARTMENT & MEDIC I COMBINED FIRE &MEDIC 1 COMBINED 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET � $5,000,000 A $4,500,000 $4,000,000 — $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- .............. .................................. .......................... 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget °i Revenues ■Expenditures The General Fund transfer for support has been excluded from this chart to more accurately show revenues and expenditures. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Slide 4-4 A F �-M i"I 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET OVERVIEW 'j INTERNAL SERVICE FUND °'' 01, MI�+YIIIIY Y a�)r a� �a 4.� a. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 45 A EQUIPMENT SERVICES w w EQUIPMENT SERVICES 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET U 53,000,000 W $2,500,000 - - z $2,000,000 w $1,500,000 $1,000,000 N O V3 O � M $500,000 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Proposed Amend.#2 Budget -' Revenues ■Expenditures Significant Changes:Increase in vehicle replacements as authorized in the Capital Facilities Plan. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 46 A EQUIPMENT SERVICES - PROJECTS w w VEHICLE U EXPENDITUREBY Budget Proposed EQUIPMENT TOTAL0iA w Community Development 37,300 15,000 0404 Conservation 237799 - - Electric 4727773 265,300 316,80o Z Engineering 59,006 - - Equipment Services 2937653 507000 30,000 w Finance 80,000 - 40,000 Z Fire&Medic 1 583,608 - 368,000 ~ Information Services 77000 7,000 - Parks&Recreation 678,980 29,000 250,300 Police 854,044 96,000 48,500 Solid Waste 7007000 347,000 - Stormwater 3057000 - 30,000 Streets 9837310 30,000 346,000 Wastewater 670,062 11,100 510,000 --Z--] Water 6867286 - 16,000 , EQUIPMENT SERVICES TOTAL 674347820 8357400 1,97o,600 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET �r����fi���. Slide 47 ti - A INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY z w w U INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ? S3,500,000 W rA S3,000,000 c a c z szsoo,000 °R � c M W S2,000,000 E- M ~/ S1,500,000 - c c N S1,000,000 M _ S300,000 M U. Ixs U 5 --------------------V — 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Amend. 2017 Proposed Budget #2 Revenues ■Expenditures Significant Changes:Increase in capital projects as authorized in the Capital Facilities Plan. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET A INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - PROJECTS w PROJECTIT EXPENDITURE LISTING BY YEAR o U INFORMATION TE • • • ' ITo614 Server Replacements 884,000 159,000 150,000 W IT0814 Data Storage Array SAN&Backup Capacity Increase 110257000 5007000 V] ITo616 Collaboration Tool 627500 - 627500 ITo214 Records Management System Integration 2917500 797000 150,000 Z ITon4 Network Equipment-Data&Voice 175237000 257000 2507000 ITo913 iSeries SunGard System Upgrade/HA Redundancy 5007000 - 250,000 W ITo215 Phone System Capacity Upgrade Project 2407000 1207000 ti ITo916 GIS Roadmap 277500 2 ,500 .. ITo816 Facility/Class Management and Scheduling 23,800 177500 I11216 SCADA Virtual Desktop Interface 77500 - 7,500 IT1316 WIFI for City Hall 127500 12,500 - IT0313 SCADA Water 55.300 55.300 IT0315 WWTP Firewall 57300 5,300 IT9912 Executime Tracking u,800 u,800 ITun6 Remote Access 77500 7,500 ITa713 Electrical SCADA 1377000 137,000 - IT0516 CityWorks Phase 3 227500 - 227500 IT0416 Cemetery Operating System 62,500 - 62,500 ITo414 Data Center Active Redundant Facili (Full) 4,0 o,000 07000 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • 9.9 tt 1,042,400 1,ijo,000 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET A SELF INSURANCE FUND z w W SELF INSURANCE 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET U. $S,700,000 W $S,600,000 _ 0 a Ss,s00,000 _ � z S3,400,000 - - _ H 55,300,000 _ _ 4 z 55,200,000 ----------------- � m W N 55,100,000 NU o _ ^ ................... V3 55,000,000 - � V3 54,900,000 V3 wi 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Amend. 2017 Proposed Budget #2 Revenues ■Expenditures Significant Changes: Decreased deductible to $50,000 for claims. State increase of Workers Comp rates. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET °° Slide 50 FIREMAN'S PENSION FUND FIREMAN'S PENSION 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET A $250,000 Z w $200,000 _ U $150,000 A Wo $100,000 6�4 N a o $50,00 r` T M � 64 S_ .............................. _._._._._._._._.---------------------- 2013 ______________2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Budget Amend.#2 2017 Proposed Bum. Revenues Expenditures Fmid Balance Significant Changes:The 2016 Actuarial study showed any long-term care costs will need to be funded by the General Fund.These costs are estimated at $80,000 per year and are not included in the 2017 Preliminary Budget. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Slide 51 W BUDGETING FOR THE FUTURE w W The following funding options have not been included in the 2017 Preliminary - x Budget but need to be discussed early in 2017 for consideration and implementation in 2018. O Elm w — . . . DISTRICTBENEFIT SAFETY �.t W e • The Street Fund is currently Additional support needed fora depleting reserves. growing increase in call volume. • Fund Options include: Funding Options include: • $20 license renewal fee • Increase in Medic 1 utility rate • 0.2% sales and use tax • Public Safety Assessment • Property Tax levy • Public Safety Sales Tax • Annual vehicle fee of$40- • B&O tax - $100 n 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET g'-52 " CITY MANAGER'S CLOSING STATEMENT w �- L-00 The City is Financially Strong: ,,, z Increase to sales tax despite loss of major construction project � ;r, w sources. - 6T4 New Chevrolet dealership Healthy fund balances ➢ Total investment portfolio as of 9/30/2016 - $64,109,593. The City has passed the peak on the "mountain of debt" and is now - � starting on its way down. ' Council adopted policies in place manage future debt. ➢ Continued reinvestment in capital projects, infrastructure, personnel and the environment. - ➢ A Capital Facilities Plan that recognizes the need to invest in our existing facilities and utility infrastructure. 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET BUDGET SCHEDULE - H illillillilli illilliillillillillillillilliillillililI Presentation of Preliminary a ge W E- Public Hearing&1st reading -Property Tax Ordinance Vr z kI 7— e • . . . O . • i� a ` ! U Tentative Budget Workshop i NOVEMBER Public Hearing&2nd Reading—Property Tax Ordinance ' Public Hearing&1st Reading—2017 Budget Ordinance 1st Reading 2016 Budget Amendment#3 9 Public Hearing&2nd Reading—2017 Budget Ordinance 2nd Reading 2016 Budget Amendment#3 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET moi. �1- QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION a m t � f d E 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITY of PORT ANGELES Total Debt Service General Government vs. Utility Debt $120,000,000 $100,000,000 r�uw $80,000,000 + + $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 ,r $0 m__ _.. .._.�..�....r......�.....�. �....w�.... _.: O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ■General Government Debt w 2014 LTGO-Solid Waste w Utility Debt Environmental Clean-up vs. All Other Debt $120,000,000 1J� $100,000,000 $80,000,000 t $60,000,000 x $40,000,000 y�. $20,000,000 4 $0 — a 0 l0 n 00 01 O N N M 1 14 l4 n 00 04 O N N M N Ill O n N N O N N M M O M M m M O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m All Other Debt +Environmental Clean-Up+2014 LTGO Solid Waste G:\FINANCE\BUDGET\Budget Status\2016 BSR\Q3-2016 Financials Revision Date: October 25,2016 1 of 2 Print Date: 10/25/2016 2:38 PM CITY of PORT ANGELES Total Debt Service Principal " iV gents vs. Interest Payrrlents $8,000,000 $7,000,000 . ••1 1•• $6,000,000 M 1` $5,000,000 y $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 000 $0 O O O O O O N N N N N N NN N rl N N N N N N N Ln to N N N cn M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r Principal Payments Interest Payments Utility Debt-- Environmental vs. Non-Environmental_Debt $120,000,000 $100,000,000 ,r 70., � 1 • � � - • � •� � f777 � � •� 1� � $80,000,000 $60,000,000 `^•wA t $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N w Non-Environmental Utility Debt i Environmental Clean-Up 2014 LTGO-Solid Waste G:\FINANCE\BUDGET\BucIget Status\2016 BSR\Q3-2016 Financials Revision Date: October 25,2016 2 of 2 Print Date: 10/25/2016 2:38 PM