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001147 Original Contract
City of Port Angeles City of Port Angeles ORIGINAL, Public Works&t4ilides Dept. Record#001147 # Engineering Office d 321 E. Fifth Strevt SMALL WORKS, RO!ki R 'Opy Pon Angeles WA 98362 Tel: 360-41'7-'4541 Fax: 160-417-4709 Request for Bid Contract Contract Title: 2016 Sanitary Sewer&Stormidrain System, Cleaning &CCTV Project Number: SVC-2016,-23 THIS CONTRACT is entered into the date last below written between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ("CI-TY") AND FLOW TECHNOLOGIES, INC("CONTRACTOR"). 1. WORK BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall perform the work as described in Attachment"A"(Attachment"A"may include Contractor's Prolposall, Scope of Work, Statement of Work, Plans, Specifications, and any other related Contract Documents), which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein, 2. TERM OF CONTRACT All work under this Contract is to, be completed as indicated' (check one): D Ali work under this,Contract is to be completed by this date; The overall performance,period for this contract is 6 months from the date of award. The performance period under this Contract commences calendar days after notice to proceed and ends (xx days thereafter or after contract award). 3. PAYMENT A. The City shall pay the Contractor,for the work performed under this contract(check one): Force Account- Time and imaterial, not to exceed. F-1 Force Account- Time and actual expenses incurred, not to,exceed: $ Force Account- Unit prices set forth in the Contractor's bid or quote, not to,exceed: $50,000,, sales tax included. Firm Fixed Price set forth in Contractor bid or quote in the amount of: $ The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment, in accordance with and as described in the Attachment "A". The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work, provided) for in this contract and every part thereof; except those indicated to be furnished by the City of Port Angeles in Attachment A. 8, The Contractor shall maintain time and expense recordls, which may be requested by the City. The contractor shall submit invoices to the City for payment for work performed. All ilnvoices must reference the City's contract number, invoices shall be in a format acceptable to the City, C. The City shalll pay all invoices from the Contractor by mailing a City warrant within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed invoice. D. All records and accounts, pertaining to this Contract are to be kept available for inspections, by representatives of the City for a period of three (3):years after final palymenit. Copies sha,li be made available to the City upon request, E. If during tlhle course of the Contract, the work rendered doles not meet the requirements set forth in the SVC-2016-23 Page, 1 Rev. 8/15/16 91/fiI/s 'A"'T Z affr,j CZ-9 I OZ-:)AS ,sjol!paj:) sju jo I!jz)luaq aqj joj juawu6isse jel e saNew jopeiluoD @41. -1 ,pag!,Dads ja:ijeaj@q S4Ual aqj 10 ajow jo auo huiie jo a:)uaiin:)m aqj uodn 'joi:)lejiuo:) aqj of alogou ua:a!jm sAeP OT 15UlAl6 Aq 'juaipal waap Aew 1! 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Contractor fails,to make prompt payment to subcontractors for material or tabor. 5. Contractor persistently disregards federal, state or local regulations,and ordinances, 6. Contractor persistently disregards instructions of the Contract Administrator, or otherwise substantially violates the terms of this Contract. 7. The City determines that sufficient operating funds are not available to fund completion of the work contracted for. C. In the event this Contract is,terminated by the City, Contractor shall! not be entitled to receive any further amounts due under this Contract until the work specified in, Attachment "A" is satisfactorily completed, as scheduled, up to the,date of termination. At such time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this Contract exceeds the expense incurred by the City in finishing the work, and all damages sustained by the City or 'which may be sustained by reason of such refusal, neglect, failure or discontinuance of employment, such excess shall be paid by the City to the Contractor, If the City's expense and damages,exceed the unpaid balance, Contractor and his,surety shall be jointly and severally liable therefore to the City and shall pay such, difference to the City. Such, expense and damages shall!, include all legal costs incurred by the City to protect the irigihts and interests of the City under the Contract, provided such legal costs shall be reasonable. 7. O NERSHIIP OF DOCUMENTS A. On payment to the Contractor by the City of all compensation due under this, Contract, all finished or unfinished documents and material prepared by the Contractor with funds paid by the City under this Contract shall become the property of the City and shall be forwarded to the City upon its request. B. Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to,or prepared or assembled by the Contractor under this Contract will be kept confidential and shalll not be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without prior written approval of the City or by court order. 8,. CLAIMS Any claim against the City for damages, expenses, costs or extras arising out of the performance of this Contract must be made in writing to the City within,thirty days after the,discovery of such damage, expense or loss, and in no event later than the time of approval by the City for final payment. Contractor, upon making application for final payment, shall be deemed to have waived its right to claim for any other damages for which application has not been made, unless such claim, for final payment includes notice of additional claim and fully describes such claim, 9. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT The Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department or his,/her designee shall have primary responsibility for the City under this Contract and shall oversee and approve all work to be performed, coordinate communications, and review and approve all invoices, under this Contract. 10. INDEMNIFICATION / HOLD HARMLESS A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses,or suits includlinig attorney fees,, arisings out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages,caused by the sole negligence of the,City. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to,the extent of the Contractor's neg[igence, It is, further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this incleminification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shalll survive the expiration, or termination of this Agreement. SVC-2010-23 P'age 3 Rev. 8/15/16 11. INSURANCE, BONDS, &RETAINAGE A. The Contractor shallmaintain insurance as set forth in Attachment B. B. If the total bid amount including tax exceeds$35,0,0011, this project will be awarded as a small works roster contract and payment and performance bond's and retainage will apply in accordance with Washington State law. A retainage of 5% will then: be applicable to this contract,. The Contractor shall obtain payment and performance bonds in accordance with this Contract and all Attachments incorporated herein. Copies of the Bid Security Transmittal Form, Performance and Payment Bond form, and Escrow Agreement for Retained Percentage form are available from, the Operations Office of Public Works& Utilities (Telephone 360-417-4541). Performance Bond and Retainage forms are provided in Attachment C. The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Contract and obtain the Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice of award is delivered to the bidder. Such bonds)shall be on the form provided by the Owner, specify the name, contact phone, and address of the surety, and shall include a power of attorney appointing the signatory of the bonds) as the person authorized to execute it(them,). 1,2. PREVAILING WAGE This Contract is,subject to Chapters 39,,12 and 49.28 RCW, amendments thereto and regulations issued thereunder, relating to prevailing wages, benefits and other requirements. Workers, shall receive no less than the, prevailing rate of wage. Bidders shall examine and be familiar with suchi requirements, No claim for additional compensation willl be allowed which is based upon a lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of any such requirements by the Bidder or a failure to, include in Bidder's price adequate increases in such, wages during the performance of this,Contract, The Contractor is advised to consult the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries to determine the,prevailing wages that must be paid. This public works project is being done in Claillam County. Washington State wage determinations for Clallam County Journeymen and Apprentices,can, be found at: h-ttpau//fortress,wa,ciovLin wagel okuDJDrvWa lookMasox jL-- ---QokuDJDrvWa httpa1Jf6rtress.wa,gpv lijiLw lookup/A DrenbQgW—@-gaLggkup.as L —age ---gx The applicable wage determiinations to use have an effective an the lzi:ddue date. A copy of the applicable wage rates is available for viewing at the Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Contracts Office, In addition, this agency will mail a, hard copy of the applicable wage rates upon: request. For a contract award under $2,500, and ini accordance with RCW' 39.12,.040(2), the contractor or subcontractor is authorized to submit a combined Statement Of Intent To Pay Prevailingi Wages &Affidavit Of Wages directly to the City of Port Angeles at final invoicing. Submission shall be made on,the form developed by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and available from the City of Port Angeles, Public Works and Utilities Department. In case any dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for a specific trade, craft or occupation and such dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties in interest, including labor and management representatives, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries, and his deciisioni shall be,final, conclusive, anid binding on all parties involved in the dispute. 13. INTERPRETATION AND VENUE Thils Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. 14. BRANDS OR EQUAL When a special "braind or equal"is named it shall be construed solely for the purpose of indicating the standards of quality, performance, or use desired. Brands of equal quality, performance, and use shall be considered, provided Contractor specifies the brand and model and slubmits descriptive literature when available. Any bid containing a brand which is not of equal quality, performance, or use specified must be represented as an alternate and not as an equal, and failure to do so shall be sufficient reason to disregard the bid. SVC-2016-23 Page 4 Rev, 8/15/16 15. INSPECTION AND REJECTION All goods, services, work, or materials purchased herein are subject inspection and to approval by the City. Any rejection of goods,, services, work, or materials resulting because of nonconformity to the terms and specifications of this order, whether held by the City or returned, wild be at Contractors risk and! expense. 16. SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING OF CONTRACTS Neither the City nor the Contractor shall assign, transfer, or encumber any rights, duties or interest accruing from. this Contract without the express prior written consent of the other. 17. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Contractor is and shall be at alll times during the term of this,Contract an, independent contractor and not an employee,of the,City. 18. EXTENT OF CONTRACT/MODIFICATION This, Contract, together with the attachments and/or addenda, represents the entire and integrated Contract between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. This contract may be amendledl, modified or added to only by written instrument properly signed by both parties hereto. 191., SUBCON,TRACTOR RESPO'NSI,BIUTY The Contractor sh,alll include the language of this section: in each of its first tier subcontracts, and shall require each of its subcontractors to include substantially the same language of this section in each of their subcontracts, adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the, contracting parties. The requirements of this section apply to all subcontractors regardless of der. At the time of subcontract execubon, the Contractor shall verify that each of its first tier subcontractors meets the folllowingi bidder responsibility criteria: -At the time of subcontract bid: submittal, have a certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW; - Have a current state unified business identifier number; - If applicable, have: 1) Industrial insurance coverage for the subcontractor's employees working in Washington:, as required in Title 511 RCW; 2) An employment security department number as required in Tile 50 RCW; and 3)A state excise tax registration number as required in Tile 82 RCW; 4)An electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW; 5), An elevator contract license, if required by Chapter 701.87 RCW. - Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010,or 39.12.065(3)., 20. C'OMPENSATIONI AND MUH0113 OF PAYMENT. A. The City shaIl pay the Contractor for work performed under this, Contract as detailed in the bid, as incorporated in the Contract. B. payments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No, payment shall be made for any work rendered by the Contractor except as identified and set forth in this,Contract. C. Progress payments shall be based on the timely submittal by the Contractor of the City's standard payment request form, SVC-2016-23 Page 5 Rev. 8/15,116 D. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the wo�rk provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI)and/or Construction Change Order(CCO) process as set forth in Attachment D. Following approval of the RFI and/or CCC, the Contractor shall submit the standard payment request form(s), E. The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which: is included ini Attachment D to this Contract. This form includes a hie,n waiver certification, and shall be notarized before,submission., Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. The City shall initiate authorization for payment after receipt of a satisfactorily completed payment request form and shall make payment to the Contractor within approximately thirty (30) days thereafter. Final payment requests shall also include a Certification of Work Completion and Acceptance located: in Attachment D), IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as the day of the last signature below. FLOW TECHNOLOGIES, INC CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Ili, v By: Printed Name: Printed: Name: Title: Title: I- I" GjDate: Address: 62 I 51 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tax ID U V- j- Phone Number: 0 C I Date: ATTEST: 114A al&=7' CM CLUNK SVC-2016-23 Page 6 Rev. 8/15/16 City of Port Angeles ATTACH ME N�T "A" Engineering Office Public Works and Utilities Department WORK BY CONTRACTOR 360-,417-4541 The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all; tools, materials,and equipment in order to accomplish the project described below, Unless otherwise provided for in the Statement of Work, the Contractor will be responsible for obtaining and paying for any and all permits required for this work. General Scope: The work covered within this section is for sewer line and stormidrain cleaning to remove foreign materials from the lines, and perform internal closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection of sanitary sewer and stormdram pipes, The Contractor shall perform televising work as necessary to thoroughly document the condition of all sewer and stormdrain lines(lines), and service lateral connections. The lines shall be carefully inspected to determine alignment, grade variations, separated joints, location and extent of any deterioration, breaks, obstacles, obstructions, debris,, quantities,of infiltration/inflow and the locations of service connections, The quality of all work specified in this section shall meet or exceed the requirements of the (National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Recommended Specifications for Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation (latest edition), except as described in this section. Applicable portions of this section, that inadvertently fall below those standards shall be corrected and maintained at the NASSCO standards as a minimum requirement, at no additional cost to the City. The City wilt provide maps and an EXCEL spreadsheet for informationall purposes With each service order. This Contract is an indefinite quantity—indefinite delivery contract with the expectation of executing all work on three separate service orders with an option of a fourth service order. The minimum order size for any individual service order will be $10,000 or greater based on the unit priced line items bid in the contract, The Contractor will have sixty(601) days to complete each order. Location. Port Angeles, Washington Site Point of Contact: Lucie, Baack—Civil Engineer I at 360-417-4720. Work Hours and Schedule: The Contractor will be allowed to work from 7 AMI to 7 PM, Monday through Friday. Work outside of these hours may be requested from and is at the discretion of the Project Manager. Construction Schedule and Preconstruction Conference: The Contractor shall arrange with the, project manager for a preconstructilon conference as soon as practical after being awarded the contract, All relevant supervisory personnel in charge of the operation of the Contractor and subcontractors shall be made available to attend this meeting, The Contractor is urged to submit a, list of agenda items to discuss, along with the construction schedule prior to this meeting. Approval of this schedule by the City will be required prior to the beginning of work. The Contractor shall provide a,traffic control', plan for the safety of job sites in the right-of-way to the project manager, Traffic Control: The Contractor shall provide traffic control necessary to complete these services. The Contractor shall foilow all City of Port Angeles and the current Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, as well as all conditions called out on the Right-of-Way Use Permit and by the Right-of-Way Use,official. Confined Space Entry: The Contractor shall comply with all requirements and have all necessary equipment for confined space entry. The Contractor is referred to Title 296-62 WAC and any other applicable laws. Payment for any equipment or labor to meet confined space entry codes will be considered incidental to the project and no separate payment will be made. The Contractor may be required to provide documentation or proof of Contractor ability to comply with confined space requirements outlined in the above WAC provisions prior to beginning work. Final Acceptance: Final acceptance of the line cleaning,shall be made upon the successful completion of tlhe television inspection and shall Ibe to the satisfaction of the project manager. SVC-2016-23 Page 7' Rev8/15/16 Work Requirements: 1.0 CLEANING A. The lines will be cleaned prior to inspection,. The Contractor shall select the cleaning equipment and method for cleaning based on the age, the material', and the probable condition of the line. More than, one type of equipment or attachments may be required on a single reach or at a single location. The Contractor shall not damage the line or any manhole during cleaning. B. When requested by the Project Manager,the GDntractorshall demonstrate the performance capabilities of the cleaning equipment and method proposed for use. If results obtained by the demonstration are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall select other methods or equipment that will clean the line, and shall perform another demonstration, C. For water pressure cleaning equipment the Contractor shall install a gauge to monitor working pressure on the discharge of high-pressure water pumps. D. The Contractor shallremove dirt,debris,roots,rags,solids,and grease from the entire circumference of the line between manholes. E. All excessive sediments shall be removed by the Contractor from catch basins ns and manholes encountered during cleaning. F. Acceptance of line cleaning work is contingent upon the successful compietion of the video inspection. If video inspection shows debris, solids, sand, grease, or grit remaining in the line, the cleaning will be considered unsatisfactory, and the Contractor shall repeat cleaning and televising of the line at no increased cost to the City until cleaning is acceptable to the Project Manager. G'. The Contractor shall remove sludge, dirt,sand, rocks,grease, roots,and other solid or semisolid material resulting from the cleaning operation at the downstream manhole of the section beings cleaned. A suitable sand trap, weir, dam, or suction in the next downstream manhole shall be installed so that solids and debris are trapped for removal. Passing debris from one line section to any other line section,shall not be allowed. Debris from the manholes shall be loaded into a leak proof, enclosed container that is permitted by applicable regulations for liquid waste hauling. All solids or semi-solid wastes shall! be removed from the Site at the end of each work day. Debris, liquid waste, or sludge shall not accumulate at the Site. H. The Contractor shall dispose,of waste debris using a licensed waste transporter to a location licensed for the type of waste involved. Debris resuiting from cleaning may be disposed of into one of the two 25 yard Flo-trend decant boxes located:at the City of Port Angeles Transfer Station at 35011 W. 1f3 h, Port Angeles, WA. Contractor must first decant the majority of the fluid with their jet truck prior to transferring debris to,the decant boxes. Sanitary sewer cleaning liquids may be returned to,the,next manhole on site(not permitted for Storm drain cleaning liquids), or at the oil water separator at the Transfer Station decant facility. These two decant boxes will be dedicated! for the use of this project and disposal fees in those boxes by the City shallll be waived, Note that these decant boxes require decant time and process cycle time. If boxes,are filled to capacity and are unavailable, Contractor shall make other arrangements foir disposal at Contractor cost, Arrangements for disposal shall be coordinated through the Project Manager. I. Water for cleaning operations is available from a City hydrant at no cost to,the Contractor provided that Contractor maintains sanitary procedures and an inventory of water obtained (volume recorded on hydrant meter), and providing the figure (gallons used) to the Project Manager at the end of each service, order. All connections shall, have a backflow safety device approved by the City's Water Utility, Installation of hydrant water meter shall be discussed at preconstruction conference. SVC-2016-23 Page 8 Rev. 8,,115/16 91/'�I'S 'AZ'd 6O L'd £Z-9 10Z-JAS lauuosJadl PURIGO d:)Vd 0:)S'SVN Aq p@wjojj,3d aq Ilia4s:)j)1,Vb '(j -elep pa:4!wq,ns uo s1pne /vb wiop@d ipm /q!!D @4jL A4!D aq1 of lepwqns of joIid s@jnpaDoid aqj of papa(qns aq lIeqs elep uolpadsul lie, pue weld uil wei5oid joijum A:plenb/@:)uejnsse/kl!lenb leuj@lui Ue aAeq Isnw jope,iluo:)uppadsui aLU 'alqejdame jou sI I (ssamid 4sod') aoUp aqj ui spapp ju@wmop/mamaj of suePUL13a4 PaWlJaD dVd!Pasn -pag!),ja:)d:)Vd 0:)SSVN aq IIe1qs josimacins wipadsui plaq AL-):)qz)e3 'q d,:)Vd 0:)SSVN Josjuawajinbad @441 laaw lleqs japeiluo:) a4i -V 9:)Nv,dnssv,uflvnb - co'T buiuiewaj aL44 jol piepue4s e se a/uas Ile'L4S lepa4au jepwqns @qj 'pajdane @Duo 'aAoqe g q6naj4j V quawaipbai JeU!wqins @L44 johj!:)aqj Aq limidde of joilid a:)uDww10:)IAS)IJOm ON '=1 °Ajqenb @peldame,jo le'uajew:podaj aAaiLpe of sainpaDoid uoipadsu Jo/pue juawdriba of suoneogpow jiol @Iq!suodsaj aq IIeqs JOPGAUOD '3 ,sw,joj uopadsus aqj uo auq aL14 JO iuoljppuoa 6upsix@ aqj @q!jDs@p Alinj of Aiess@:)@iu Se SjUaWWO3 @p!Aojd IIeqs jo:pej4uo:) @41 �Ijom uor adsuii aqj jo uoi aidwo:)ja:ge sjeaA C wnpup e jol s:podaj pue aseqlqep 'sqdej6ojoqd 'SalU Oap!A buipnpui spimaj uopaclsw Ile jo AdoD e weluIew Ileqs jopeguo:) hjr aqj Aq PDA04dide jewjoj pa:pl,odxa d:)Vd e UI JO:pejjuo:),aqj Aq paplAoid @q Ipm asecie4ep atuoxp@ja uV -juetIdWO-.)d:)Vd aq Ipm jopej4uo:) aqj Aq pasn ajem4os Ile PU2 SUMjUaAUO3 buP00 (d:)Vd) WeJ6OJd uO4e:)4PJa:)luaw'ssass'V auilad'd 0:)SSVN luaimo of wippm ll!m)plom Ili' 'pa4pads Se aAIjp pjeq alcieliod UO OaPIA Ile apAoid jp4s JOjjejju0D -ul'Gjaq paupads sjuawaipbaj @41 pm a:)u1epjo:):)e ui s:podai pue elep 'Gap!A wipadsus @P!AOjd IIpqs Jopej4UOD .9 -(aloquew-ol-aloquew), @uil pea jiol suopadsui O@P!A aqj Auedwome "e4s ((]I jasse adid aqj ql!m pa>ije1wN,00q pue s@I9 JGd ) sclew, plag jo s5ol uopadsui uapimpueq hue jo saildim pauueas pue (salt J(ld*) s:podaj uapadsut '(Saig Nil') sqdej6o4oqd iel!610 *DIU AWAA JO 9A3dW PaWIDOSSel U2 Z)AeL4 pinoqs auil 6upuodsaija) Lpea pup, laloquew 04 aloqupw pgouaj@jaj auji uiew papadsm q:)2'3 -lepwqns jcy SaAIJP PJRqglqe:pod UO PaAeS pue 4ewJOJ DI U (AWM-) O@P!A elpaw smOPu1AA JO 944 J@LAZ) u! pajnjde3 aq IIeqS O@P!A uopadsq IIV 'japimaj lq!i5ip 2 uo uopadsui aqj 4uawmop pue(AoV) ejaWleD U06.1Aalal j!nDjp pasop jolm e 5uisn jouaw auil aql:p;gdsui 11eqs jopeguoD a4j V SA3w13,dinb'4d zu ' !:) aq1 01 4soo lem4ppe ou le '4uawajmbaj wnpup e se SP'ePuels ODSSVN aqj le papejuiew pue papajim aq Ilei4s spiepue4s asoq4 molaq Ilej Aj4Ua4J@ApeUI JeLij U0140as siql jo suoillod alqeoiiIddV -uopas spqi ui paqnsap se jdq3x@ '(uoi ipa Isalel)uoije4q!qeqadl wa4sAS U01pallOD jamaS jcq suotleogpadS papuawwma�jl (0:),SSVN) saiuedwo:) aawaS J!aMaS 10 UIOI ej0OSSV leuoijeN aL44 jo s4uawaimbai aqj paaDxa jo laaw plet4s uio, IS pas siLp u� pa4pad' {jom Ile jo /,4!lenb aLU 'su0l:Pauuo:) Wwas jo suotwxl aqj pue mogui/wIleill4ul JO sailquienib Isuciap Isuapni1scIo Isape1scio lqeajq 'uopejopapp hue,jo 4u@4xa pue uoi 4e:)q Isjujo'I pajejeclas IsuopepeA aPej6 luawubp je aujapp of papadsul AlInjaie:)aq lleqs sauil aLtL -eaje Apinjs aqjui suolpas -DUOD pue laijeci 'J'aclio-j aloqueui pue 'suopaulum lejajel aoi/uas 'Saull Ile 40 u0qpuo:> aL4 juawn*aop Alt46nojoqj of AjessaDau se�jom 6upAala4 auil wjopad lleqs jopej4uo:) aq 1 -sauil ujejp wj!o4s pue jamas Ajelpes jo uot adsui (Aj_D:)) uoi&A@Iaj;!noji:) pasop jewalui aqj joj sI uopI U1 as sIq ' " 44!M PaJDAOD)IJOM aLLL XdOM JO gdOZ)S- 1011 1"]IN39-1 ja`ed N'01133dSNIX 0301A 017 1.04- 'SUBMITTALS Aa The following deliverables,shall be submitted on a portable hard drive at the completion,of inspection: a. Inspection videos saved in MPEG format or Windows Media video format b. Electronic version (.pdf) of the pipe inspection reports c. PACP export pipe inspection database (.mdb) cl. Inspection digital photographs in]PEG format e. Map of sub area depicting area, inspected, inspection status, asset identification numbers and mark ups C QA/QC report B. The above deliverables shallbe submitted to the City for approval. C. The line inspection video, report documents, and line inspection database shall be in accordance with City data standards and NASSCO PACP, 1.015 - NOTIFICATION Contractor shall notify the City a minimum of 48,hours prior to performing any inspection work. No payment will be made for inspections,performed without proper notification. Part 2—PRODUCTS 2.01 —EQUIPMENT A. Closed Circuit Television: Camera: The television camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for line inspection. Lighting for the camera shall be suitable to allow a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. The camera shall be operative in 100 percent humiclity/subirnerged conditions. The CCTV camera equipment will provide a view of the pipe ahead of the equipment and of features to the side of the equipment through turning and rotation of the lens. The camera shall be capable of tilting at right angles along the axus of the pipe while panning the camera lens through a full circle about the circumference of the pipe. The lights on the camera shall also be capable of panning 90-degrees to the axis of the pipe. The radial view camera must be solid state color and have remote control of the rotational lens, The camera shall be capable of viewing:the complete circumference of the pipe. Cameras incorporating mirrors for viewing sides or using exposed rotating heads are not acceptable. The camera lens shall be an auto-iris type with remote controlled manual override. The camera, television monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to the satisfaction of the City. The television camera, electronic systems and monitor shall provide an image that meets the following specifications, or approved equal. I The gray scale shall show equal changes in brightness ranging from black to white with a minimum of five!stages. 1 With the monitor control correctly adjusted, the six colors - Yellow, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red, and Blue, plus black and white shall be clearly resolved with the primary colors in order of decreasing luminance. The gray scale shall appear in contrasting shades of gray with no color tint. 3. The picture shall show no convergence or divergence over the whole of the picture. The monitor shall be at least 13 inches diagonally across the picture tube. 4. The live picture on the CCTV monitor shall be capable of registering a minimum of 470 lines horizontal resolution and be a dear, stable image with no interference, 5. Lighting intensity shall be remote controlled, and shall be adjusted to minimize reflective glare. Lighting and camera quality shall provide a dear, in-focus picture of the entire inside periphery of the lines and laterals for all conditions except submergence. Under ideal conditions (no fog in:the line) the camera lighting shall) allow a clear picture up to five pipe diameter lengths away SVC-2016-23 Page 10 Rev. 8/15/16 911glIS 'A�)d q I ;)fed �Z-9 I OZ-DAS -lenba paAoidde jo We:)UIM JO SUO11SJaA lueqdwO:)d:)Vd aq lleqs ajeAA4os u!oipodsuj -01 ,aIq!uja:)sip PUe Jeal:)Si 12g4 :podai jejo ue ampoid o4 se os asiou Imupalia pue punoANDeq jo aaij Aiquaogns aq Ilelqs uo!1jod oipne aqj 'abep alciels pue jeap e aonpoild lleqs pue amajapajui leoppala jo a@jj aq lleqs Bui:pjo:)aj je4!6p aqj jo uot:Pod Ogp!A aLLL 'uoipadsui ODPiA @qj 40 ponos pup, ampd leuibijo aqj sampoidai Alaleinooe JeLij U0142WJCqU11 Oap!A p,ue oi1pne qloq apnpui lleqs buipilmaj lel!5i!p aLLL -Pu000s jad sawej4 L6'6Z 40 alej awej4 papoDua up pue(wnwiuiiw) (4) ,slaxid: of Aq (x) slaxid ZqC jo uoplosaj e 6UJAeq I5u'POD (1-93c!W) T I@Aal 93dW-OS1 se paugap aq Ile4S O@P!!A le4!61.1 '6(j -alosuoo joijum aqj le Aieldsip abe4004 pajeuimll!siolejau@6 ia:pejeq:)oapiA;)ql se Ilam se jol!uow Oap!A aq4 UO paAeldsip aq Reqs PU2 DWIJ JIM U1 PaUlelWeW aq lleqs sjaqwnu aloquew)R alep la6epoj ejaweD -8 'splag duos paugap jasn pue Aar :pos DuauaI5 buisn pajo:p elep lie 6upios 4o alcIedel aq lleqs ujej16oid bw os-elep a4.L -L SUORUZ)AUM 6UIIW2U d:)Vd qj!m aDuepiome ui sapoo A4!JaAaS P@J@p aqj q:)jew Reqs sliodai e4ep 11V -elep juaupad pue quiod uio!4e/uasqo Up 'ujnLuiUliW 2 le lapnpuil o4 sliodai elep ampoid of a'lqe acl lilleps walsAs at4i g 'Aisnoauequelsq pajap jo uoi4e/uasqo papimaj AIsnOlAajd Aue ol/wojj aje6lAeu ol/%Iq!qe aqj ql!m Pajap jo uoilemascio qD2@ ql!m apm awe1jaLU14 OaP!A aqj buliols se Paugap si ,6wNui1,, of A4!1!qe aqj DAeqi lleqs juawdinba s,jiopejluo:) aLLL s -aseciellep uopadsuil JU211:dLuOz),dDVd @41 qjim aIqp'jajs1uejj aq pue jewj;104 4:) paAoidde pue piepuels Aiisnpui Ui SaIg Oap iA passaidwoD aqj ajols ol)(4!1!lqe aqj DAeq lleqs JoPejjuo:)aLtL -0, *juaw6as auil qz)ea jo4 sliodai elep uoqDadsu! qj!m A4!:) aqj Alddns of Aj!pqedeo aqj DAeq Reqs walsAs sit4j `osIV -lenba paAoiddle jo aA]Jp PJeq 'GAC]i e uo jewjo4 lej!I51P U1 panes alq pue sa6ewi!i ainjo!d joloo paz!4!61P ajo;s liet4s wa4sAs ain4deD 15uibewi @,LLL 'E ,ja4uijd Aoloo Pjepuqs e uo uoqewjcUui lensiA 4um4p6is pajelaj jaqjo jo spapp jo sabewl painldeD qj!m s:podai uorpaclsw auiladid 6w4upd,jo alqedeo a'q Ili2qs 11 jenba P@Aoidde jo Pajuapo pafqo AIjlnj aq lleqs pue mem os uoileDildde 4ueildwO:) d:)Vd juaijim 1sowi aqj asn Reqs walsAs aqj 7 'PapiAoid aq Ileqs swialsAs uoiltsinboe elep pue ainIcIm 0@P!A aWij JeW PUeUMP alloD auiladid aq 1 -jewJO4 J(]d ull pajejau@6 uoiaoadsui ue ui pue aseqejep uoipadsug aqj ui pa:)uai@jaj aq Ipm saweU DIU OaP!A @LLL 'I :'TT'c uoqDaS ui pau!ejum UOIJUaAlum 6ujweu alij A4!,)aLlj q4im aDuepjoD:)e ul paw2u aq jI!M SOI4 OaP!A 9LLL -lenba P@Aoidde JO (AWPA' JO 'E),dW' '93dW) Oly DIAOW lenp!M pui up se papimaj uorpadsut ouil qDea ql!m '@Aljp pjeq JO s51s'P GAO uo uoipadsui auil am4dm lIeqs 4uawdinba Gulp maj 1Eq161p a4i juawdinba paipbai aqj 'jo nail ui jou jinq 'ql!m uoipunfuco ui pasn aq Aew jaDU2qUD ODP!A V -juawdmba oapA lel!5ip 6uisn apew aq lIeqs suorpadsui auil aqj jo s6uipio:)aj opine, pup O@P!A D41 :wajsAS ajin4de:) OaP!A 'S 'Aj!:) aqj Aq PaAojdd12 uoiijejedas juiol pue adid aqj ui uoijoagap ainspaw of po44@w PDAOjdde jo a626 q;dap e @Aeq lleqs ejaweo aU :a6e6 qldz)() -TT ,sAellcisi(] eje(j -C uoipas u,i paUpacls se elep uaaj:)s uo buiAeldsip to alqpdeo aq lleqs ejaweo O@PrA @LLL '01 'OaP!A UOI:Padsui aqj q4gm pa:n!wqns juawnDop ijodz)j uorpaclsui adid aqj olui pappaqlwa aq lleqs sa6ewi uaaj:)S °spopp lie pup spejap auil imidAl jo sa6ewi WaDS @A2S pup ainidpo of alqe aq rile lleqs ajem4os pue joj!uow ate, -6 'A4!:)aqi jo umpeples aqj o4 aq lleqs uoiliuUap pue olenb ain-p!d .8 'A4!uUu' 04 s04:)ull 9 jo a6uej e q6n,ojql aIqqsn(pp Aja4owaj aq Iletis a-iuelsip leoloj ejaweD Z 'SUOJPaUU0D JDMaS 121ajej 4osuorp@s jewalpi jo uoileuunly molle of walsAs 6u!lqbil 6UiMaIA aps A4!suz)4ui-qbiq e apniqui Reqs Peaq jq61I Pjaw!po aLLL .9 sqlods joq Jo smopeqs wojj aaj4 jq1bil wjoj!un ap!Aoid (legs I5uqqbiIj a4L 'auil aqj 4o Ajaqc1ijad aigua aqj joj 91/g[/8 'A;)E Z I 3BLd £Z-91OZ-DAS (AllJDAaS/J@U!poW/joldiJDs@C]/dnoj ) apo:) -p fuQi4!so,d)jDqD '40@jap 10 uo!12DOI -D 'DDUl ODP!A -q faI52joclj uo!q2Ajasqo len:pV -e :buimollo4 aLjj apnloui lleqs u042/u@sqlO q!:)eg 'P,DPJO:)@J Pule painIdeo scup oap!A pue sal aw2li 1145 'SaPOD SPa4W dDVd buisn jaqwnu apoo :pajap pue suoildijz)sap ixal Aq pajou aq Ile4s suoi4masqol -P@Jal Sl U0142AJasqo ue ajaqm al 4o uo!4jod aqj of sja4a'd—e4eCI uoIjeAJ@sqO -Z s4u;qwwO:)/uollIewjqw leuoq!pPv '33 'jz)qleDM qq f Otueu aig O 'PW jaqlwnN ei!paW -ee f(bluilueal:)-aid ou Tul AAeaq "al 5ullue'GO @Jd -z .(,Dja "pa(ord dffd dID AIueJJ2m Pu@-JeaA 'Gull mau) uoI':P@dsuj to al 'A :qj6uaj juio[al 'x f(silwas Paull Joj) lepajew buipi -M flepajeW ad'd 'A ,;)deqS a6d 'n fqlp!M acllld q !4q6l@Hl ad'd 'S ,adid 40 adAi 'J f(pallw4um lou 'Pal 'uoilqs 4lll 'pa66nld -6°a) loj4uoD mold -b !jaqwnN uoije3y!l GAO -d '(weaj!-4sumoa jo weailsdn) uloijDadsui to uoipaji(] -o !(q: aP) Ill 01 wli HWweal3 'u f(jaqwnN:4assV PAepue4s All:))jaqwnN all we@jISumo(3 -w '(Lpdap) :Pal 01 wlil HW weajlsdn !(jacluunN 4.-)ssV piepuels /%j!:))jaclluuniN alOqu2W ujeajlsdn '(:)4a 'jol 6ui,Xjed 'pjeA�l:)eq -6-a) uollieul uoijeool, leuojjlppV '(sDlabuV:PlOd 40 A40)*12DO-1 I 'jaqwnN 4@SSV Pule aweN 4aal 'q (jaqwinu jal liodai)jaqwnu 4al -6 "awLj 'J "ale(] 'a .1jaumo LuGjsAS -p fjaqwnu ajeDy!),ja:) joAawS/jo4ejadO -:) !(aweu SJOADAjnS/Ao4ej@diO)Aq pl@AatunS -q !aW2N :PD(OJd T -pa:padsuli aq of leja4ej aqj jo ss;ajppe aql Jo saloquew omi uz)z)Atq;)q pa:padsui aq of addl jo eajie al of sja4ad —uoqewAiqjuj uioipadsuj 'I -suo!l lle jio4/uolepuew sl uoilewiojul bulmollol aqj -Alsinoaluellmlls sajinjeaj pue s4ewjo4 6uimolloj aqj jo uoileuiqwo:)hue Aeldsip o4 A4!1!qe aq4 aAeq Ile4s wa4sAs aLLL uo!4ewj,oju:il lens!A 4UeOy!U5is pajelaj jaLpo pue spajap jo sa6ewi pajnldie:) pue sDj4ewaqDs auil!adid q4!m s-,poclaj uoipal auqadid 6lu!luijd 4o alqede3 aq lleqs wa4sAs AID:), aLU -V 'SgLLnIOVd!VD 9NU'dOdRl—Z07 ,A4!D Aq Pal ssaliun suo!l asal jol paj4a ul aq llel4s dl:)Vd jo salm a4i elep p!es 6uiA4!pow pue 6ui44ndui joj aljqsuodsaj lauuosiad lle to plea uO!Ie:)U!IJa:)J0,34eD!Jll:PaD dDVd G`qI 40 Ado:) e A4!0 aq;Ajddns Ile'll-Is JOPeJ4uO:) "01:)SSVN Aq pal d:),Vd all Isnw 'uoqewjo4ui uollpal alalap jo A4!po,Lu Ippe hew ogre uosiad hue jo Isjojejado mpadsw AL,):) llV -A4!D Aq pamoism) splay allJOS Dl llym Inq 'paseq d:)Vdi aq ll!m sa4ejdlwgj':Podajpue swjo4 siLLL .>lJom 10:P24S aqj of joijd jop2jjuoD of pap!Aoid aql,Ipm saieldwal:podai pue swjol piepue4s OD 'ZI -adlid aqj to uoilipuoD aL44 uodn 6uipuadap/uessal aq hew sa6ewi ajoW 49 p!dap Aljeap of uollpauum wimas pue sainjeaj uolipm4suloo 'Pajap q'Dea to sa6ewi 11! is lej!6llp @Ne4 of ueld 1,lleqs jo:Peijuo:) 'jewjo4 5adf, ui suoipauuoz)aDyulas Gull,Pule ls:palap aloquew 4spajap auil IIle to sa6ewi paz!4!61p Will to all aq 11eqIS ajem4os/4uawdlinba Ai:):) aU jT e,, Whether it is a continuous defect f. Whether the defect occurs at a,joint g. Severity level!; h. DVD Identification number; l. DVD counter; j, Final footage; k. Video clip ID for each,observation I. Image reference (file name of photos) m. Remarks (as appropriate or needed) 3. Formats- Standard and/or custom designed reports shall have the following formats available and shall be able to be produced in hard copy or viewed on the monitor, ,a, Site Observation: Displays detailed site observation reports in landscape or portrait views. ti, Directory Report: Displays a list of all! the projects sorted by pump station number and manhole number c. Picture Reports: Displays site data and include full size single photos or half size double photos of discrepancies d. Pipe Run: Displays a graphical display,of the site indicating footage, observations, and comments,. e. Project Data: Displays the project, client, and Contractor information, f. Custom Sort. Creates user-defined reports of selected site, proje'ct, and observation data, PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Prior to inspection the Contractor shall obtain pipe and manhole asset identification numbers from City to be used during inspections. Inspections performed using identification numbers other than the City assigned numbers will be rejected, B. Inspection shall not commence until the line to be televised has been completely cleaned in conformance with the Cleaning Work Requirements, C. After the line and/or lateral cleaning operation is completed, the line sections shall be visually inspected internally by means of color closed-circuit television. The television inspection shall be performed one line section at time. D. Contractor shall perform line televising work within 24 hours of said line being clealned. If said line is not televised within the required 24-hour time limit,the line shall be re-cleaned prior to televising at no additional expense to City. E. The CCTV camera shall be positioned as close to the spring line as possible while maintaining the required equipment stability. F. Wherever possible,the inspections shall be performed in the upstream to,downstream direction. All line segments shall be recorded in a logiical order in the same direction they are cleaned and televised. G. In the event that access to some manholes is restricted, permission may be granted by City to direct the camera through the line in an upstream direction, against the flow,. H. When line conditions prevent forward movement of the camera, the camera shall be withdrawn, and Contractor shall televise the line from the opposite direction. I. The camera shall be directed through the Pune in a downstream direction, with the, now, at a uniform, slow rate. In no case will the video camera record while moving at a speed greater than 3'O feet per minute. If, during the course of the, project, the inspection is rejected due to camera speeds exceeding 30, feet per minute, the inspection recordings shall' be redone, at no additional cost to City, 1 Flow levels within existing lines to be inspected shall not exceed 101% of the pipe diameter or the camera lens. If water levels prevent adequate televising of the line, then conducting the work during low flow periods or other methods like plugging and bypass pumpiing shall l be implemented. If, in the opinion of the camera operator,the depth is due to a minor obstruction or a local depression of the line, the camera may be advanced to a location that either clears the obstruction,or in the case the depth of flow drops below the camera lens, progress wiill be maintained, K. The survey unit shall be slowed,, stopped, or backed-up to perform detailed inspections, of significant features. The camera shall be stopped at all defects, changes in material, water level, SVC-2016-23 Page 13 Rev. 8/15/16 size, side connections, manholes, junctions, or other unusual areas. When stopped at the,defect or feature, the operator shall pain the camera to the area and along the circumference of the pipe. L. The camera unit shall be paused long enough at areas suspected of leaking to determine if a leak exists currently or if deposits have occurred. The operator shall also record audiio of the type of defect or feature, clock position, footage, extent or other pertinent data. M. If videotaping must be stopped due to a blockage in pipe that requires further cleaning,the end product provided to the City shalli be video of the continuous run of the ii after cleaning. Lines with blockages or defects that cannot be cleared shall be video inspected from each end of the system. N. Digital photographs or screen captures shall be taken at aill laterals, defects and general condition photographs shall be taken at least every 200 feet. O. At the Contractor's,discretion or direction of the owner, the camera shall be stopped or backed up (when conditions all1ow), to view and analyze conditions that appear to be unusual or uncommon for a sound line. The lens and lighting shall be readjusted, if need be, in order to ensure a, clear, distinct, and properly lighted feature. P� Audio shall be recorded during each inspection by the operating technician, electronic voice text recognition or approved equal on the inspection video as the line is inspected and shall include the, line location, identification of beginning and terminating manholes including location(address or cross streets),inspection direction,length of inspection,side sewer identification,flow information,complete descriptions of the line conditions as they are encountered, description of the rehabilitation work,, reason for termination, and other relevant commentary to the inspections. Voice descriptions should be made: 1) at points of pipe failure or weakness, 2) at points of infiltration, 3) at the location of service connections, 4) at points where unusual conditions are noted, and 5) at points where digital still photos are taken. In addition, the audio reports shall include the distance traveled on the specific run, a description of abnormal conditions iin the line and side sewer coniaections, as they are encountered, explanations for pausing, backing up, or stopping the survey, and the final measured center to center distances between consecutive manholes. The audio portion of the composite video shall be sufficiently free from electrical interference and background noise to provide complete intelligibility of the oral report. Audio dubbing after the inspection is prohibited. Q� Video recordings shall incluide a continuous video display/readout of similar information,as described in section 3.08,. A separate digital video file shall be made for each pipe reach inspected, R. Contractor shall coordinate with City Engineer prior to commencement of work to ensure inspection is accomplished in a, manner acceptable to City Engineer. S. If the video and/or audio recording is of poor quality, the City Engineer has the right to require a re- submittal of the affected line sections and no, payment will be made until an acceptable video and audio recording is made, submitted to, and accepted by City Engineer, T. Measurement for location of defects and actual length of pipe shall be by means of a calibrated meter on the camera with a digital readout on the video monitor. This readout shall Ibe included in the video recording,. Marking on cable, or the like, which would require interpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed. Measurement will be accurate to one foot per 100 feet of inspected pipe. U. The Contractor inspection units shall be equipped with adequate back up equipment and spare parts so field repairs to equipment can, be made and down time is minini V. The Contractor shall be responsible for a:lil traffic cointroll measures required to perform the work, 3.012 LINEAR MEASUREMENT The CCTV camera location footage counter shall be zeroed at the beginning of each inspection. The survey unit location entered on the footage counter at the start of the inspection shall allow, for the distance from the accepted start of the length of the line to the initial point of observation of the camera (pre-set footage). In, the case of resuming an inspection at an intermediate point within a line, the footage counter shall be set to start at the distance from the upstream,maintenance hole to that point, as previously recorded by the counter. The Contractor shall ensure that the footage counter starts to register immediately when the survey unit starts to move. Prior to commencing inspections, the Contractor shalil demonstrate compliance with the linear measurement tolerance specified below: SVC-2016-23 Page 14 Rev. 8/15/16 A. The equipment shall measure the location of the camera unit in 1-foot increments from the beginning (upstream end) of each continuous section. This footage location must be displayed on the CCTV monitor and recorded on the videotapes. B. The accuracy of the measured location shall be within + 0.5%of the actual length of the line being surveyed, or 1 foot, whichever is greater. 3,07 CCTV M1ONITOR DISPLAY The images displayed on the CCTV monitors will be a view of the pipe above the water surface as seen by the CCTV camera as the unit is conveyed through the line. The camera lighting shall, be fixed in intensity prior to commencing the survey and the white balance set to the color temperature emitted, In order to ensure color constancy, no variation in illuminabon shall take place during the survey. The video equipment shall be checked using an approved test card with a color bar prior to commencing each days survey. The camera shalll be positioned centrally and parallel to the test card, at a distance where the full test card just fills the monitor screen. The card shall be diuminated evenly and uniformly without any reflection. 3.08 DATA DISPLAYS The CCTV images,shall include an initial:;data display that identifies the line being surveyed and a survey status display that provides,continuously updated information on the location of the survey unit as the survey is being performed, These data displays shall be in alphanumeric form. The size and position of the data shall not interfere with the, main subject of the monitor picture. The on-screen display should be white during inspections where the background behind the display is dark and, conversely, black where the background is light. At the beginning of each reach of line being inspected,the following information shall be electronically generated and displayed on the CC7V monitors as well as included in the audio track: A. Date of survey B. Inspection company name and inspector C. Street name or location D. Manhole number to manhole number (in order of inspection) E Direction of survey (upstream or downstream) F. Time of start of survey During inspections, the following information shall be electronically generated, automatically updated, and displayed on the CCTV monitors: A. Survey unit location in the line in feet from adjusted zero B. Line diameter C, Upstream and downstream manholes reference numbers as per approved drawings or City GIS, 3.09 PHOTOGRAPHS During CCTV inspections, screen captures will be taken from the monitor images and saved electronically by the in-fine inspection crew of typical conditions every 20O feet andi at all defects, construction features, manholes and laterals. The screen capture shall have the pipe reach (identified by the upstream and downstream manholes), survey direction,footage,and date when photograph was taken. The annotation shall be clearly visible and in contrast to its background, shall have a figure size no greater than 1/4-inch, and shall be,type-pdrited. The annotation shalll be positioned on the front of the photograph so as to not interfere with the subject of the photograph. Photograph files shall be named by the video capture system and automatically referenced to the logged defect. The image of the line shall fill the photographic image. Photographs must dearly and accurately show what is displayed on the monitor, which shall be in proper adjustment. Where significant features exist within 6-feet of each other, one photograph shall be made to record these features. Where there is a continuous feature, photographs shall not be taken at intervals of less than 6-feet unless absolutely necessary to show a change in the feature. SVC-20,16-23 Page 15 Rev. 8/15/16 9 1/�1,18 'AId 91 )fivd U-9 OZ-JAS 'DAIJP pi1eq apeliod 10(]A(] UO PaJaAljap JaMaU JO�"t,UOISJ@A(9(]W-)aseqe1ep ssamV 4osoj:)iw weipdwco(d:)Vd) wej6oJd uoile:)U!4j@D pue juawssassv auiladid 0:)SSVN e ui pa:podx-a pue paAc4s e4e(] uoip@dsuj:)Iuojpaj3 '(3 AWM"d_9T_/O_ TOZ_t,OTZ PSSe ZOOHd_EOTZ lasse TOOHd_OCSi7 Psse laaIIS WeW :aweu aly 6uimojjoj aqil paub,isse aq pinom mpaip weajlsdn of weajisumop aqi wojj aig oapA at4 'pua alpodidO aqi WOJJ P@SlQjaj sem adid at4i pue uospnilsqo ue of anp p@41eq sem puz weaAsdin aqi woo umpadsui aqi j! 'aAoqe ai!dwexa alb aqi 6u1sn -uolPaA1Ip.asjat\aj,,aie:)lpul of aweu alb aqi jo pug aqi 12,1&e OjejodioDui 11eqs aweu agU aill uoi:padsui aqi alaidwoo jo wippad of Aiiessa:)au sl do las,asjaAaj e ajaqm saDuelsui uj AWM*qT /0 ToCU P tOTZ I@Sse ZGORCEOsse TOOHd 05r 4asse 49ails uilew :agdwex3 AWW<(Aep—qjuow—jeaA) ale,(]>—<uo.43@dsuj>—<C]j HW weaAsUmOO> <GI HW! weajlsdn><(# CII lasse pue aweu) uoileDpu@p ad'dl> :pjepuejs 5UImqjoj aqi 04 buip000e paweu @JY e'PaW SmOPUIM 11093dW Illegs SDJU ODP!A @U111 Uft 10 (apeoildde p) jaqwnN J@PJO /UDAIID(] /jaquinN P21;uOD 'I Aamns jo ale(] "q (## jaqwnN alOqueW of ## jaqlwnN apqueW wojj) papnpui sapead S (# (]I lasse pue aweu) uogeo4pap! auil AaAjnS jo asodind 'E aweu jo:pej;uoD -Z (AiDD)lu@IUO:) 'T :uo4ewjop buimolloj aqi apnjout Illegs spqej xapul padAl aLLL 'DAIJPPJeqt4:)2,3,JO@OP4,3gIOIP,3LPelle aql]24S'slaqeip,adAj_"aAijppieqalqelAoduos,glgoap!Auoipads�uj "a IN'9T_Z071OCKTZ lasse ZOOHd_EOTZ J@SS2 TOOHd_OESJ7 lasse,ja@jjS uieW :aldwexg JGd-<(4ewjo4 A2p—ow—jeaA) @T2C1>_<C1I HW weaJ4sumOP>_<GI HW WL7ajjsdn>—<(# (]I lasse pue aiweu), uoiMUquap! adid> :aweu ajU'4jodaj uoipadsui auil ujeW q z)didiadd(l,dl :po,dajT —sal94C]dlelqojoVaqopV v :jewioj -t, spopp buimoqs adgd jo buimpip Dilewaps *C oapIA AiDD wojj swnideD oloqd Buipnpu!:podai 6ol:pa4a(] -Z (aAoqe sppU paj!nt)aj aas)uoi ewjojuii japeaq uoissas uoipads ui -T :apnlaui of s�podad uo4Dadsuj 'V -uoipadsuii jo uo!laldLuo:)aqi 42 salqlej@Allap Buimollol aqi I!wqns of pajinbai aq Ill m jo:pejjuoD aLU S31MIAn'130 I TT "Jejajej a4l,/yjuap 01 papau suoi4isod�l:)op pue abqool at44 uie4qo of Isig pawippad aq 11eqs uoipadsui auq uiew at4i 0 (dl:)Vd) wej6OJd uofie30!Ija:) Prue JUaWSSaSSV auiladid (OOSSVIN) saiuedwio:) mmjaS jamaS jo mlepossV lemReN aL44 qTaDu2PJOODe ul lieq,s sloDoloid ulopadsui pue aseqMp uopadsui Iswjoj uoi:padsui Isapm papp a4i pasn aq jjeLjs sapoD papp piepuels pue swjoj uolipadisui A:p:) a4,L °9 ,pafoid siL41 jol suoiloadsui,@Lp 5uiwjojjad uaqim lir:)Aq pap!Aojd sdew jamas iq wjols ulo umoqs se bupaqwnu (]I jassV agoquew aqi asn of Pajinbaj aq 111m jopej4uoD at4i 'V SIGOD IDIA30 (INV SWI OA Na: LLD:IdSNI "EAnogwiN 31OHNVW 0T"L' ,s:poda.j pue aseqelep 'SOGP!A uoipadsui aL44 pm papwqns puie 'DAUP PJeq 2 of paido:) 'AlleDiucupala jda� aq 11eqs sa6ewi aLL E. Inspection photograph digital files Opeg) indexed to NASSCO PACP compliant database. F. Map of sub area depicting area,inspected, inspection status,asset identification numbers and mark ups, G. Acceptable media for the video recordings portable hard drive. K Inspection data noted above shall be provided to CITY weekly throughout the,inspection work. I. Contractor Quality Control report detailing data validation performed, pipe inspection records reviewed and results. 1 All: inspection data shall be submitted on a portable hard drive. Each hard drive shall be filled with as much data as practical to minimize the number of hard drives submitted. Sections of a single segment of line shall not be recorded to more than one hard drive.Video footage of recorded segments shall be grouped by area and shall be submitted in sequential order relating to the area mapping designation. K. Upon approval by the CITY of all, or portions of, the data delivered via the portable hard drives, the approved CCTV data shall be delivered to CITY on a portable hard drive labeled with project information. The hard drive shall dearly indicate the date of the inspection, the designated segiment(s)of line(s) contained on the disk,the name of the project, the project CIP number,the pump station number, and CONTRACTOR name.The hard drive shall contain separate digital files for each manhole-to-mainhiole section. L. The database shall be comprehensive for the entire project, and additional data shall! be,added to the database each,week. All deliverables, either video, audio, electronic files, or documentation shall become the sole property of the City. 3.12 ACCEPTANCE A. Inspection deliverables will be validated to check conformance with the specified requirements for file names, formats, quantity, resolution,data table,references, in addition to checks for null fields, asset numbers,duplicate records, connectivity, material, size, and depth,. Any data not passing the data validation checks will be returnedto the CONTRACTOR for resubmittal. B. Inspection submittals will be reviewed for quality control. A minimum of 5%of the submitted inspections wdl be randomly reviewed,. A quality control check will be performed for each CCTV operator and each operator must exceed 90%accuracy. Reference Section,01100 Special Project Requirements. C. Throughout the duration of the project, should City discover inaccuracies in data or quality issues with any of the videos, Contractor shall re-inspect those segments at no additional cost to the City. City will provide comments regarding acceptance of the data within 21 days of receiving the data from;the Contractor Neither the CCTV inspections nor the work inspected is accepted by,City until such time that an acceptance letter is issued by City. The name of each digital still image shall be basedon the video/data file name of the line in which the image was taken. The name shall be recorded as,follows: Video/data file name, foliowed by the PACP code for the item pictured, followed by the footage at which,the item was found, i.e. (File Name)(PACP CodeWFootage).)pg Examples: Main Street asset 4530—PHOOI asset 2103—PH002 asset 210420140716 HSV1@37-2.jpg Main Street asset 4530PH0101 asset 2103PH0102 asset 210420140716 MCU1@113-7.jpgi 4.0 ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR A. In the event of any Contractor-related overflow or interruption/backup of customer service, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Project Manager during normal working hours, or the Wastewater Utility On-Call number 360-461-0111 or 360-461-1044, and shall contain and eliminate the overflow. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for any fines levied by others, reimbursement of any agency incurred costs, damage, cleanup, restoration of flow, and any disruption of service costs to customers as a result of the Contractor's work, This is in addition to any and all costs incurred by the customer. SVC-2016-23 Page 17 Rev. S/15/16 C. The Contractor shall respect the rights of property owners, and not enter upon private property without obtaining permission from the owner of the property. D. For manholes located in easements of private property, the Contractor shall provide the resident with 24-hour advanced notice for easement access prior to entering the property, unless,the resident provides, immediate permission. Such manholes will be identified in the work order. 5.0 SERVICE ORDERS A. This Contract is an indefinite quantity—indefinite delivery contract with the expectation of executing all work on either two or three separate work orders. The minimum order size for any individual work order will be $10,0010, or greater based,on the unit priced line items bid in the contract, The performance period for each work order shall be 30 days. B. Work orders shall be signed by a duly authorized agent of the City for the amount of the work order. Work orders will be initiated by a letter to the Contractor fully describing the locations of the work to be performed with proper identification of the lines, lengths as determined'by GIS, diameters, and manholes involved, and GIS map showing the locations, Included will be the unit pricing as bid, extended, and taxes. Upon receipt of the work order, the Contractor shall sign and return one copy acknowledging receipt of the work order. C. The quantities of cleaning needed prior to video inspection and the quantities of inspection may be reduced or increased depending on circumstances determined in the field by the Contractor and the Project Manager; however, alil adjustments will be made using the bid unit prices and with no increase to the total maximum value of the work order. Invoicing on the work order will be for the actual quantities of work performed. 6.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Sample Service Order Maps&Line List SVC-2016-23 Page 18 Rev. 8/15/16 2016 STORM SYSTEM CLEANING AND VIDEC SERVICE ORDER 1 WORK LLS Pipe From MH To MH No Street/Alley AssetID Assetll) Assetl© Size, In Material Length 1 Vashon Arne 450 777 782 8 CMP 96 2 N/A 2194 782 556 8 CMP 220 3 Whidby Ave 1358 556 786 8 CMP 392 4 Whidby Ave 1:357 786 784 8 CMI) 449 5 Eunice St 1194 784 .5910 8 CIVIP 308 6 Eunice St 2287 590 611 8 CM'P 139 7 Eunice St 2134 611 610 8 CMIP 193 8 Lauridsen Blvd 1153 610 606 81 CONC 36 9 Lauridsen Blvd 3754 606 138 24 CONC 377 10 Lauridsen Blvd 4 741 140 138 8 CONC 38 11 Lauridsen Blvd 3680 138 139 24 CONC 146 12 Lauridsen Blvd 2557 139 591 24 CONC 370 13 Lauridsen (Blvd 4662 591 25897 24 CONC 27 14 Lauridsen Blvd 15206 25897 25899 24 Unknown 31 1.5 Vine St. 1198 785 588 8 CMP 372 16 Vine St. 2180 588 582 8 CMP 125 17 Vine St. 1151 582 583 10 CONC 125 18 Vine St. 2267 583 598 10 CONC 67 19 Lauridsen Blvd 3787 5918 47 18 CONC 199 20 Lauridsen Blvd 2193 47 596 18 CONC 301 21 Lauridsen Blvd 2135 5,916 607 18 CONC 369 22 Lauridsen Blvd 2133 607 606 24 CONC .336 23 Peabody St 455 298 783 8 CMP 369 24 Peabody St 297.5 & 616 783 589 8 CMP 371 25 Peabody St 615 &617 589 585 8 CMP 368 26 Peabody St 2555 585 586 8 CMP 216 27 Peabody St 666 586 137 8 CMP' 57 28 Lauridsen Blvd 667 137 484 15 CONC 305 29Laurid'sen Blvd 21.37 484 598 15 CONC 399 Total Length 6799 h m a r^ ix mvu�u r ` ie' M VO f, u ,. � N � r m u µ ifib r, 14 � . �. � �w r ....m., " „dem Puri ➢ xpj �,,.,„.. ,H, . ,, �///r r OM Ir au Vol i, It J 3 �q t /// / 0.n'N y� ,• ' �F r ! 77/7” ryp i [eve J ' f, iol VP r 0 �. kl 40 MOO jo ........................................ r �! Y ,F , °°L$lIM'"idS�B7k, %iN ,.... �,.,..,.®.�,,,, ,,,,,,,tlrn k GM Ww G i / /lr rr0„ � 4� �. ,ad1f' SAN ........... ov/ e f B - a n r w ro °, Y. ' Ij fMa�� a ° u f i r V y mF , l r 1t �qw II �w r r, _ r r _ pi m V 10 _ e. ' f,✓�, e i z M � qr; City of Dort Angeles ATTACHMENT "B" Engineering Office INSURANCE Public Works and Utilities Department 360-417-4541 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE CONTRACTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries, to persons or damage to property which,may arise from or in,connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor,their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. No Limitation Contractor's maintenance of insurance, its scope of coverage and limits as required herein shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided Iby such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: L Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased'vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO)form CA 00,01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 1 Commercial General Ligility insurance shalll be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arisings from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract.The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 1185 or an equivalent endorsement. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liabflity Insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage, The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10, 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers'Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,0100,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000, products-completed operations aggregate limit. Other Insurance Provision The Contractor's Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain that they shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or SVC-2016-23 Page 19 Rev. 8/15/16 insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: VII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured! endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for determining the insurance coverage and limits required, if any, to be obtained by subcontractors, which determination shallll be made in accordance with reasonable and prudent business practices,. Gi. Notice of Cancellation The Contractor shall provide the City and all Additional Insureds for this work with written notice of any policy cancellation, 'within two business days of their receipt of such notice. H. Failure to Maintain Insurance Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the City may, after giving five business days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such, insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against funds due the Contractor from the City. SVC-2016-23 Page 20 Rev. 8/15/16 City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "C" Engineering Office PERFORMANCE BOND Public Works and Utilities Department 360-417-4541 & RETAINAGE PERFORMANCE BOND, to[City of Port Angeles], WA Bond No. The City of Port Angeles, Washington,has awarded to (Principal), a contract for the construction of the project designated as 2016 Sanitary Sewer&Stornidrain System Cleaning&ccrv,Project No. SVC-2016-2,3, in,Port Angeles,Washington,and said Principal is required to furnish a bond for performance of all obligations under the Contract. The Principal,and (Surety),a corporation,organized under the laws of the State of.._..._...._and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of"'Surety Companies Acceptable in I.--ederal Bonds" as,published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,U.S. Treasury Dept.,are jointly and severally held and,firmly bound to the City in the surn of US Dollars (S _ )Total Contract Amount,sutnject to the provisions herein. This statutory performance bond shall become null and void, if and when the Principal, its heirs,executors, administrators,, successors,or assigns, shall well and faithfully perform all of the Principal's obligations under the Contract and fulfill all the terms and conditions of all duly authorized modifications,additions, and changes to said Contract that may hereafter be made,at the time and in the manner therein specified; and if such performance obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract,or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,and waives notice of any change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the, terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation. This bond may be executed in two(2)original counterparts,and shall be signed by the parties"duly authorized officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety. PRINCIPAL SURETY —_.....—......m...—___.— Prul6pal Sig nalure DatesuctySigluture Date Friv,ded—Nanw-, Printed NwTx Til le it It Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: ..... .......... SVC-2016-23 Page 21 Rev. 815/16 PAYMENT BOND to[City of Port Angeles],WA Bond No. The City of'Port Angeles, Washington,has awarded to (Principal),a contract for the construction of the project designated as 2016 Sanitary Sewer&Storradrain System Cleaning&CCTV,Project No.SVC-2016- 23,in Port Angeles, Washington, and said Principal is required under the terms of that Contract to furnish a payment bond in accord wifliTitle 39.018 Revised Code of Washington(RCW)and(where applicable)60.28 RCW. The Principal,and_. (Surety),a corporation,organized under the laws of the State of and licensed to do business in die State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of"Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds"as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,US. 'Treasury Dept.,are jointly and severally held and firinly bound to the City of Port Angeles ill the sum .,USDollars(S__ _ _.._)Total Contract Amount,subject to the provisions herein. This statutory payment bond shall become null and void,if and when the Principal, its heirs,executors,administrators, successors,or assigns shall pay all persons in accordance with Titles 60.28, 39.08,and 39.12 RCW including all workers,laborers,mechanics,subcontractors,and materialmen,and all persons who shall supply such contractor or subcontractor with.provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work,and all taxes incurred on said Contract under Title 50 2nid 51 RCW and all taxes imposed on the Principal under"Title 82 RCW;and if such payment obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract,or to the work to be perforined under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,and waives notice of any change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the tenons of the Contract or the work perfornied.The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation. This bond may be executed in two(2)original counterparts,,and shall be signed by the parties'duly authorized officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety, PRINCIPAL, SURETY -—----.............. .—.......-—-------- mcipal sqlwlure Daic Surety SiguiluTe Date i"r-iiac,d N—ai—w- Primcd Narm I We Title Name, address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: ..... ......... ......... -...... ...... SVC-2016-23 Page 22 Rev, 8/15/16 City of Port Angeles, ATTACHMENT "C" Engineering Office PERFORMANCE BOND Public Works and Utilities Department 360-417-4541 & RETAINAGE PERFORMANCE BOND to [City of['on Angelesb WA Bond No. 106589154 The City of Port Angeles, Washington, has awarded to H0W`re&-U10t0&,S,1r1C (Principal), a contract for the construction of the project designated as 2016 Sanitary,Semper& Stormdrain System Cleaning& CCTV, Project No. SVC-2016-23, in Port Angeles,Washington,and said Principal is required to furnish a bond f6r performance of all obligations under the Contract. Traveaers(7asualq,and Swey The Principal,and Comparty a' (Surety)' a e0rPoration,organized under the laws of the State of and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of"Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds"as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,US. Treasury Dept.,are jointly and severally,field and firmly bound to the City in the sum of US Dollars ........... in. **Fifty,Thousand Three I lundred Seven )Total C',ontract Amount,subject to tire provisions here' Dollars and l'wentyTwo Cents 001100 "I'lus statutory performance bond shall become null and void, if and when the Principal, its heirs,executors, administrators,successors, or assigns shalll well and faithfully perform all of the Principal's obligations, under the Contract and fulfill all the terms and conditions of all duly authorized mod i ficat ions, additions,and changes to said Contract that may hereafter be made,at the time arid in the manner therein specified,-and if'such performance obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract,or to the work to be performed Linder the Contract shall in any, way affect it%obligation on this bond, and waives notice of any change,extension oftirne,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed, Tire Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terrors and conditions,of the Contract that increase the total urnOL111t to be paid tile Principal shall automaticallyincrease the obligation of"the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is riot required for such increased obligation. This bond may be executed in two(2)original counterparts,and shall be signed by the parties"duly authorized officers, This bond will only be accepted if`it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety. PRINCIPAL SURETY J`i w Te�, not ies,fin Travelers Casualty and Surety Conrpkny of'Anrerica pa c Dam Datu Vlcoltv—uffild-- ...... Simone Rae Frederick 10/2 1 F20 1 6 Hilted Not Printed Nam CEO — -in-Fact Title Tifle Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Onelower Square-- Hartford,CT061till -—---------- SVC-2016-23 Page 21 Rev. 8/15/16 �/�/\��.�\}��2 . � . . � � � « a«,V , : / � � � \ \ } ? \��\��� �/ � � ®^^° �\/ � . . � ` 3 - �:�y�\ate j{�\ <»: . { PAYMENT BOND to[City of Port A rigeles l,WA Bond No, 106589154 The City of PortAngeles, Washington, has awarded to 1,�Iqw'� ctb,r i0 ne (Principal),a contract 1br the construction of the project designated as 2016 Sanitary Sewer, Stormdrain System Cleaning&CCTV,Project No. SVC-2,016- 23,in Port Angeles, Washington, and said Principal is required under the terms of that Contract to furnish a payment bond in accord with,Title 39.08 Revised Code of Washington(RCW)and(where applicable)60.28 RCW. Travelen Casuafty and Sawy The Principal,and(ampm,of Amoi.(Surety),a corporation,organized under the, lawns of the State of Ct' and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as iLlrety and narned in the current list of"Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds"ris published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,U.S. Treasury Dept.,are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the suns of US Dollars($50,3 .22 J"Total Contract Amount, subject to the provisions herein. arm y-T�- 57 —---------- �Usalld'Fhree Hundred Seven Dollars and Twenty Two Cents 00/10,0 Chis statutory payment bond shall becorne null and void, if and when the Principal,its heirs,executors,adininiStrators, successors,or assigns shall pay all persons in accordance with Titles 60.28, 39.0 8,and 29,12 RCW including all workers, laborers, mechanics,subcontractors,and rnaterialmen, anal all persons who shall supply such contractor or subcontractor with provisions and Supplies for the carrying oil of such work,and all taxes incurred on said Contract under Title 50 and 51 RCW and all taxes imposed on the Principal under Titte 82 RCW;and if such payment obligations have Lint been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in fbrce and effect, The Surety for val Lie received agrees that no change,extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract,or to the work to be perfi)rmed under the C,ontract shall in any way affect its, obligation on this bond,and waives notice of any change,extension of time, alteration or,addition to the terve;of the Contract or tile work performed. The Surety agrees that niodifications and changed to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase:the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such incretised obligation. This bond may be executed in two(2)original COUnterparts,and shall be signed by the parties"duly authorized officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the ol"ficer executing,on behalf of the surety. PRINCIPAL SURETY low E hit to i S Travelers Cwivalry and Suret C(MIVUL fAmnerica Sammy q�c &n,.'V,A W.Si� re DaTe Date Siinme Rae Frederick 10/21/2016 Printed Name Printed Natrw »wtm<arzr-iii-Fact Tiflt Name, address,and telephone oflocal office/agent ofSurety Company is: 1 Larjb!l C-T0,6,1-83 �)2_77-011 I SVC-2016-23 Page 22 Rev'. 8/15/16 \ �/ /��\* \\ \%/���\� � � � . ! � a .�/> � ` »° ` °^ ` / }\� rlt«� � ®» . . {\��®}, } 1� �22 � � � � e3 22 " a WARNMG�THS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS iNVALIT)MTHOUT THE RED BORIDER Thus Po"er ot Attonrey is graffled lander and by the aisthority of lhe fbilowin",resolufions akkwpTed by the Koards,of I)rrocnors of FartnirlLim Casrmhy(.'ompanyFid0ify and 6'ultranty lismnance, Coinparry, 1"kicIny and Guaranty, hisur-mice Undcrwiinevs, hic', St 11�iul[ Fire and Marine St, Paul(itrar(harr Insurance contpany,St. Pard Mercury Insurance Company,1 ravelers Casualiv and Stmely CcIrnpany, fiavedcrs Castrafty and Sureky Cornpan), od Ainefica,and Unned Siates 1-Idefity and Guaranty CiunipanY.which resolutions are no",in full folce and ellesct,reading as fohoxvs< RESOLVED,that tht-Chainnan.,the Pre,,ldem,,III,'v Vice, (,,hanrman,any Execut0,e Vice Pro,ident,arly sentor Vice 4'resk4int.any Viu,,, Presldent.an.m Second %lice Presidem,dic.,Treasurer,any AssNkanr 11reamarer,flic CmIlorme,Secretary or any Assislant Scu-cuuy may appoint yBparuau vs uure la,ra Y and A,nnwi to aio tor and ori behalf Orr I he(,I Mfi, 'A Jjjy"nl(l allay ,pave SUCli apqltfee sjraCdj anifiorltV as hk or her certificate of alailto6ty mus prc",criibe to swgn s,ith the Company's narne and seal wnh the Compimy"s"Cal bonds, contracts of indemnay,and other antings obfigaimr in die nature.of hond rvccanzance,or aori,fifionid mid any Inne may remove ally Such appointee lind re%,oke t�je pkiWejr of said officers or flw Board of Directors at mi� iven hiin or her:and it is FURTHER RFSo,],,%'Er),that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Uafirrialc,any Executive Vice Presid(mt,tinny senuxf vice Plesideni Cir an.v vice President may cfelegate add or any part chr the foregoing whority w une,or arore cffims or rmrpkayec.s ant'this C'ornlyany.prmOed what mh sucil kMegitfion Is in wriline and a copy thereof is fiied in Ore office of the Secreursry�'�and it is, FURTHER RUSOINED,Thm any 1,xind,rouigi-fizance,contract of indervirtriy.or wfiling obfigatory in iho rrifl=Ot ,l NMIL or conihfiemal uindertaking, shafl be valid and hurrdhiyy up iln the C,ornpany when(a)sigmt by the President,any Vice(r"haimtan,arry Execloive,Vice Piesident.miv'ienicrr N/ice Fliestdem or any Vice PrOldent, 311 SeL01id Vice Presidera,the ficirsurer.ruty Assistairlt Treasurer,thie Corfx,,irale Secreotry or any Assislant Secretury a��ILJ dridy y wiesitecf and seaIecl m,fth rhe exec t8 i duls, ued one dersM,ifrequirecir by one or,more Att(oIneV,rin-Faci and Agents J)Uranajjr G()hte ontf,,mny',,scal by a Secretary or Assisumt Secret,try:or� I prescirribed, III his im, h(1 Cffuficwie, or fheir cerfifilcates (A amhoirity cu by ourc or more Company oftice.rs puymnuill I0 a WriiTen, iMe."aficni of Iutivmhy" and if is FURXIIER,RESOLVED,ihat the sign aur re ofeach of the foRilwing off-kers:Pre,siderrt,any Executive Vaav Presiiieltl,arry seliklt 'Vice Pre"Idero,any Vice Piesiderll, luiv Assistant Vice PresWent,any Sccri%irv,any Assislam SecrNary,and the s,ead of the C.oinpany ulay bo•. affiked by laLsirnfle to any Power of Antal-neY or to any CeIrlificate Ire afiflpr therell)appointing Resklent Vire Presidents.Resident Assistant Secreluics or Arrctirwvs-fi)-Fact for purposes aMi\ 0fCXCeLJlin,, ai-id attesting bonds, and underietkaigs and officr van Ung8 obh!'gaIfcwy fir the riatue thelecst,and any qtich Power ofAtIorney 0rcertificaw dvaring such fiAC'ihnik �,�IMAUU!Fc Or SCid stialf be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so exoccutcd arld cerkfied by sitch fiacsirrile ,Ognalriro and fiacsundc seal Shall bo, and hirrding on idled j,ti,�Uqjr,M'Wr TC' �1 SP(XI to any bond or undeislanding to which it is atuwhed 1,Kcm E Hughes,the kuhlmignedAssimant Secrvury,ot Faunington Casualty Comparry,Frdckay�,,md CkluatitN Cmsnun rci w.Company.Fitichty and Guaranty Insurmice Undem,rners,frw-St.Paik)Fire arld Marine Insurance("DInp,111y,St Paul Guardian Insurance('arrilvilly,St.flwd Melcur,v Insurance Casualty and Surety Company.Travelm("asualty and Surmy Company of Anict-rea.and United States Fld0ily and(du arsuay Company dei hereby ccgtify Ihat The aboke and fixegoing is a n ue and oarrect copy rA Ore Power iA Autorrrv,,v execuled bY said Cimiparries,which is lin tull force and eflect and has nor beert uCvoked IN 1'ESTIN4(.,)NY WHERE,017,I haVC lac VUM0 SO irly ltand mid affixe(l lhe scAs of said ComparOic,rhs iily()j <>C;C 20 ----------- S EAL & To vedfi, the aillthentichy is thu Nmuuaarea (il'rVjgfnev,ca B I-80,(l 321-38SA)or corMACI ij,at W%,A.mlvclelshondl Lovin,Mcnase nater to the Arrorne.v-hr-FacKILUTIAX`r,lbe abovo-nmed tridividuals and the detatils,of the llond it)which the p(jWr,"Ir is tivached. it WARNINGd THIS POWER OF ACF70RNIEY B INVALID WITHOUTTHE RED BORDEF4, ESCROW AGREEMENT fo,r RETAINED PERCENTAGE 2016 Sanitary Sewer&Stormdrain System!Cleaning &CCTV Escrow No.: City of Pori Angeles Contract No. SVC-2016-23 Completion Date: TO� 6, In the event the City orders you,in writing,to reconven the mnvcsuncnts and return all monies,you shall do so within thirty, (30)days of receipt of the order. 7, The Contractor agrees to compensate you Tear Your services,in accordance with your current published schedule ol'applicable escrow fccs. Payment ofall lees shall be the sole responsibility THIS ESCRONVAGREENIENT is for the invesunLru of the retained of the Contractor and shall not be deducied from any meanies Percentage of the al:swe contract,in accordance%vnii chapter 60.28 of placed with you pursuant to this agreement until and unless the the Revised Code of Washington. It is limited io I'DICinsured City directs the release to The Contractor of the investments and Washington State Chartered hanks who are coveted by,the State of monies held hereunder,vk hereupon you shall be entitled to Washington Kiblic Deposit Protection Act. reimburse yourselffrom such monies for the entire arnount of Your it e. The undersigned, (as"Contractor"t,has 8, This agreement shall not be binding urild signed by both panic,,, directed the C1 FYOF PORI ANGELES(as"City"'),todefivcrto and accepted by you. you its warrantswhich shall be payable to you and/or the contractor. 7. This document cornains the entire agreeincra between you,the The wan-ants are to be held and disposed of by you in accordance Contractor,anti the City,with respect top this Escrow,and you with the following instruction: are not a party to,nor and by any insvurncra or agreement other than this. You shall not be required to take notice ofany INSTRUCTION'S delauh or any other mancr,not be bound by nor required to give notice or demand,nor rquired to take any action whatever Upon defivcry the iw arrarnsshall be endorsed by you and ex,cepw as herein expressly Provided. You shall nevi be liable fiw forwarded to the City fbr collection. )'on shall use the monies any lows or darnage not caused by your o"n negligence or to purchase inresIrnents selected by the Contractor and willfut misconduct. approved by the City. You may k4low The last'written threciton recened by you from Glee Comractor,for each CONTRACTOR purchase,provided the direction othemise conforms with this agreement. Acceptable investments are: Federal Tax 1.1),No. A. Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the By,:............ ...... United States; B. Other obligations of the United States .....—----- or its agencies; Address: C. Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the Government of the United ..............m_.._...... States; DAIT: D. Indebtedness of the Federal Natlonal Mortgage Association; CITY OF PORT ANGELES E. Time deposits in commercial banks; By E Other investments, except stocks, selected by the Contractor, subject to 1 Wet ................ express prior written consent of the City., DA FE: 2. Vhc investments shall be in a form which aflows you alone to H IL ABOVE ESCROW AGREEMENT RI CEWED AND recOrivert i hem into money of you are requ ned to do so by the V("EPTED on the dav of 20 City, 3- 11be invesuncrits must mature on or prior to the date set for the BANK ccunplelion of the conuacC including extension there of or thirty(30)days follow ing the final acceptance of the%ork By 4. When interest on the investinents accrues and is paid, you "rifle: shall collect the interest and forward it Address: to the Contractor unless otherwise directed by the Contractor. 5, You are not authorized lo deliver to the Conlractor all or any DIS MIKA ION: part of the investments held by you pursuant lo this agreement City Clerk ("CnItractor Cot'any monics dern ed from the sale of such investments,or Financial Insinnion Files Copy the negotiation of the City's Nharrants)except in accordance with fliewriaen instructions from the,City. Gmipliance with such instruefionssbal I relieve you of any further liability ty related thereto. SVC-2016-23 Page 23 Rev. 8/15/16 325174 DATE INIRWDOIYYYYh w+ r' i r CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10/1412016 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED, BY THE POLICIES BELOW., THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOE'S NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSIJII AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the Policy(ies) muI„t have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy, certain Policies may rerq,unire an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAIWIE „_ Brenda Schornak _. CtSrnanercial Lines (206)731-1200 PHONE _-, _.. Max — .—.. . _. ....... 1,VC Ns�E,,) 206-731-1237 al; 206-731-1209 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, llnc.-CA Ucfl:0D08408 E-MAcjAIL : hrends.s.schronak@!weDIsfargo.com 999 ThI:rd Ave-Sidle 4100 ... ......_ ..�tlNSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE _,__— ....�.._, NAIC# Seattle, MVA 98104 ._— __-.._. —..—....-..�..... — ..—_.-. WSURERA Crulnv and Forster'Spedalty Ins Co144520 INSURED ... ..._ _ INSURER,s Ohi�c Casualty.Insurance Co�Tmpan.)°.. .__.., ._. 24074 —_ ..,_ �__..... .._ . — r___. -_._ IGMY”Techrw�cicmg.,ies.Inc' IRISYRERC: i 82115 S"M�1 TusalatirM-Sherv+OOd Rd. __ Suite 200 INSURER E _ ----.. ,.__....._�_,.._.-.__..._.-.. — Tualatin CIR'97062 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 109,77211 REVISIONNUMBER: See below THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAI"THE.POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE. INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOUTI,r1THSTANIDINLI ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO °"WKCH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUIED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES' DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLIUSIONIS ANC CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, LTR_._.........._ TYPE OF INSURANCE I .F3'F'1�..,....—. _. ........_.._ .—. —_-,.,.., -..... ........�_....._..,....._..._. _... ....... ....—..... ...m. .�_ .. PgLIC1' FF ..-ft7L16'N IEYKP /NSR .—.._ .. .__ AC7C1LiFki VD POLICk"NUI�V9ER 'bAiMWttTCiv°1"!r'X'r IMMIpI79"rrYY LUUR7�Ts X ' CCARe7I RCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY A ;_.. .� % I EPK113879 08/1812016 0811812017 EACHOCCURRENC CIE-MA InAA �" ENYI U— AMAE"�E OCCUR F"&� AvrRSE�(L"wan a�un en�e} 5 6{7 YJdgI} -c ..... .-,,... .._..... .. I J KITED EJGP(Arr on Sol) 5 �UU1u7 _ _. ......_ _ PERSONAL&A[1'4'INJURY S 1,rYV7L1,QWyLT 1 GENT.AGGREGATE LII CT'APPUES PER f `JI ., ) P.iFhaE.h"ALC�U,'idafEECudMIE I 'E 2,000f;10 FG ....� PEST ICY L,.7�', JECT I i LIC ( PRCLNUCT,c•1.¢ M'Prq.'}P AC.x�"a $ 2000000I ........ ... ..._,,........._.. _......—...._...�_ IS 1 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITd � 1 BA40568 51736 0811812016 0611812017 COMSWEDSdNGLE LIMIT i s 9,C�GUE.fJT?1 X ANY 4Aurd Q � 1 I SOML r INJURY IPar persnn s .1 AU,,T E,G AUIT pULE.Y; ? Er,IapRJw INJIURr"CPwHr.3icr'U"UEtlIY 5 ... AIRF V:5.C7NL"r" AeJITCU^ .....____. ..�._._ ..—. .. _......._,_ HD NONOWNEta w�RfPERTY uAruAGh. �Yt4.f1'Ca ONLY AUTOS ONI.'m" Pier ricaniderrotl 1 L j I II S A UMBRELLA LIAO 1 Ui i OCCUR EFX N059 4 a 06116/2016 08118120117 EACH OCCURRENCE 's 1 000 X000 �. . 0 wrea� k EXCESSIL.IAa r AGGREGATE ,3 1,Jhdlll'JCuJ - DED RETENTION$ jw—ORKER5Ca:MPEINS6@T'II N I.... PERE' I GT'H 'AND EMPLOYERS"LIABILITY j I S"OAT4YrE! 'ER u ,iir"+d`YPR'�6""BAlET47Po'PAFA1 M7E.I2rEXE+" 'i'uwE `t f N 4OFFICEREMMEMBERE.ACLV.UDEW, NUA' EL EAR'trI AU"G:ICEhd1' $ i(Mandatory In NhII ' _.... ._....._._.�.._.—.., .�.......__._.__,.._._.__..,,—„ ' da uMa` If yaMM��� TJtr rJndar E.L DISEASE.EA EMPLOYEE! 3 `OESCRIPTh0N OF OPERATIONS ix4oav i I E Cr1aE,A.SE I'C'LV?,,'V LIMIT 1 S A WA Steyr Gap EPh113879 08d181me 08/'18)2017 s1.q1cu.Raa1z E�L Eaca Arc��R1arAs' S1,0100000E.I EachOksrr.,a,e 1 1 $�1,000 E410 E.L Poicy+L,r,,i% 1 , DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACOR:{k 101,Additl••''.onad Remarks Schedule,maybe attached M more space Is.recquiredl Ile.2016 Sanita:ry Sewer 5 Stormdrain System Cleaning 8i CCTV-Project#S'V'C-2016-23 Certificate holder is included)as Additional Insured as it relates to General Liialhihty in accordance with the terms and conditions of the poiicy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION I City of Part Angeles SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 321 E Fufttr Street THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE VMIIILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, Port Angeles,'u""wr"A 98362 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD �D 1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) Cruni&F rser, THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIU�TORY ADDITIONAL INSURED WITH WAIVER OF SUBROGATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART THIRD PARTY POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Additional Insured Person(s) or Organization(s) Where Required by Written Contract A. SECTION III — WHO IS AN INSURED within the Common Provisions is amended to Include as an adclufional insured the person(s) or organizationi(5) indicated in the Schedule shown above, but solely with respect to "claims"' caused in whole or in part, by "your work"' for that person or organization performed by you, or by those acti!ngi on your behalf. This insurance shall be primary and non-contributory, but only in the event of a named insured's sole negligence,. B. We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person(s) or organization(s) indicated in the Schedule shown above because of payments we make for "damages" arising out of "your work" performed under a designated project or contract with that persons) or organization(s). C. This Endorsement does not reinstate or increase the Limits of Insurance applicable to any "claim"" to which the coverage afforded by this Endorsement applies. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. EN01 18�-0211 Pagel of I Crum& rst'er th,^ F14, FM ircrup THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Additional Person(s) or Location And Description Of Completed Organ ization(s): Operations Where Required by Written Contract Where Required by Written Contract information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, wiNl be shown in the Declarations. A. Section III — Who Is An Insured within the Common Provisions is amended to include as an insured the person(s) or organizations) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "'bodily injury"' or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "'products-1completed operations hazard". EN0201-0211 Page 1 of"! City of Peart Angeles Engineering Office ATTACHMENT "D" PubHc Works and!Utilities Department FORMS 360-417-4541 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FORM I)ROJECT NAME: PROJECT/CONTRACT NUMBER: ORIGINATOR: Owner Contractor ITEM: REFERENCE DRAWING OR SPECI FICA'I"ON:— DESCRIPTION OF CLARIFICATION/REQUEST: DATE REPLY REQUESTED:___ CRITICALTCD SCHEDULE: YES NO ORIGINATOR SIGNATURE: DATE: COMMENTS; RF1 Number: SVC-2016-23 Page 24 Rev, 8/30/2011 ,PORT p w. _luoioili�it Am CONTRACT CHANGE CORDER(CCC ) NO. Project Name Cate Contractor Project No, DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: 1'. Describe work here 2. Additional work, etc.... Such work will be compensated by:check one or inoret of they follo wing as applicable [ ] Increase or Decrease in bid items; ( II Force Account; [ ]Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/'or deletes hid items as foliows: hurn Descaapiicarr RFI r/ Qty, (Alii y Ccst i'cr L.7nit l"iw t Net S'Cast Adi,Days No., N C Iri Rev, 2 Orig. Rea C7rclCANA.L G`URREN't ESI NEI CILANGE 6(.)T.Ai. CHANGE ORDERS, EST,CONI`RA("I AFTF;R CON 0 RACT C ONTRACT TI IqS CHANT ORDER INCLUDINGTHIS[SNF: "I"ITIS CHANGE()RDER DAYS;XX DAYS:YY DAYS: ZZ DAYS:XV+ZZ—)T 1)AN"S. )'ti+ZZ *Arnmunt with applicable sales tax included All work,materials and nueasuurernents to be:in accordance ew tih the provisions ctf the original Qonirdo and/or the standard specificanons and specW provisions for the type ofconstruction involved, The payments and/or additional tirne staavified andagreed to in this order include every clau;nr by the Contractor l'or any extra payment or extension of tirne with respect to the w of k described ltarern,anclndung delays to the overall project, APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: PROJe C"'I ENGINEER OTY ENGINEER CON,.I,.RA C l"(I1R PLMLIC WORKS&UTILITIES I"IES I)IREC]"OR CITY NIANAClER C'ITY COUNCH,APPROVAL DAFE SVC"-2016.23 Page 25 Rev. 8/30/2011 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PROJECT 20'16 Scan tarry Sewer&Stormdrain Cleaning& Video Inxpection PROJECT NO. SVC-2'016-23 Pa.re I of 2 TO:City of Port Angeles DATE: Public Works&Utilities Department- Engineering 321 E.$1°1 Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 PAYMENT REQUEST NO. [PERIOD Frown: to[end ofrieriod]: STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT I Original Contract Amount(Excluding Sales Tax' 2 Total Value of Approved Change Order No(s). (Excluding Sales Tax) $ 3 Adjusted Contract Amount[1+ ] 4 Value of Work Completed to Date (per attached breakdown) $ 5 Material Stored on Site(per attached breakdown and material receipts) $ 6 Subtotal [4+5] 7 8.4%Sales Tax(at 8.4%of Subtotal),As Applicable 8 Less Arnount Retained(at 5%of subtotal) $ 9 Subtotal [6s-7-8] 10 Total Previously Paid 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST [9-10] WAIVER OF CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST OR TIME- The undersigned Applicant waives and releases,up through th'e date hereof, any and all claims for costs or itern extensions arising out of or relating to extra or changed work or delays or acceleration not specifically identified and reserved in the arnounts identified below or previously acknowledged in writing by the City of Port Angeles. CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR: I hereby certify that the work performed and the materials supplied through the ending period date noted above represent the actual value of' accomplishment under the terms of the,contract(and all authorized changes)between the Applicant and the City of Port Angeles, relating to the above referenced project, and that the remaining contract balance is,sufficient to cover all costs of completing the work in accordance with the contract documents. Continued on Page 2 SVC-2016-23 Page 26 Rev. 8/30/2011 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Page 2 of 2 1 also,certify that all lower-tier payments, less applicable retention,have been made by the Applicant for the periods covered by previous payment(s)received by the Applicant to(1)all lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers, and(2) for all materials,equipment and labor used or in connection with the performance of this contract. I further certify that I have complied with all federal, state and local tax laws,including Social Security laws and Unemployment Compensation laws and Workmen's Compensation laws. insofar as applicable to the performance of this work, and have paid all such taxes,premiums and/or assessments arising out of the performance of the work. I further certify that,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, all work for which previous payrnent(s) have been received shall be free and clear of liens, claims,security interests,and encumbrances in favor of the Contractor, subcontractors,material suppliers,or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having, provided labor,materials and equipment relating to the work. Within seven(7) days of receipt of the payment requested herein,all payments, less applicable retention, will be made through the period covered by this pay request to all my lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers,and for all materials,equipment, labor,taxes and assessinents,arising out of the performance of all said lower-tire Work. DATED: CONTRACTOR: .......... SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME AND SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 120 Notary Public in and for the State of' ..... residing at My appointment expires APPROVAL: Project Manager Date City Engineer Date SVC-2016-23 Page 27 Rev. 8/30/2011 Ca pGRT 4 W CERTIFICATION OF ` S WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE PROJECT: 2016 Sanitary Sewer& 3LQrmdrain._QeaN0gi &Video Inspection PROJECT NO.: SVC-2016-23 All work on the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and the final inspection and the warranty provision included therein or relating thereto. The final estimate in the amount of , including any applicable taxes, has been reviewed and is in agreement with our records. I further certify that the final estimate amount shown above is a true and correct statement showing all the monies due me from the City of Port Angeles for work performed and material furnished under thus contract. City Council acceptance and final payment, including retained percentages, is hereby respectfully requested. Contractor, hereby releases the City of Port Angeles, Washington, from any and all liens arising out of this Contract or is, herewith, providing a bond covering all unpaid obligations for work:, materials, equipment or any other liens outstanding on this Contract. CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL: DATE: 3 SVC;'-2016-23 Page 28 Rev. 8/30/2011 City of Pert An,gehe �►TLv4CFIME1 �" "�,�, Engineering and ADDENDUM ENDUM & CONTRACTOR'S ID FORM P�ubsuc Worksand Utilities Department 360-417-4541 i VC-2016.23 Page 29 rev. 8/15/2016 "r L ,. As H 1 N G T 0 N , U . S A . PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. I TO PROJECT MANUAL FOR 2016 Sanitaq Sewer& Stormdrain System Cleaning& CCTV Project No. SVC-2016-23 NOTICE T'O PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS Bid Opening :lel PM, September 13, 2016. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the instructions and requirernents of the subject bid are amended as follows: RESPONSES,TO.QUESTIONS RECEIVED ASOF.September 1,2016 1 Question: The storm solids are,going to be disposed of in the decant boxes but where are the sanitary sewer solids going to be disposed of? Response: Please refer to Attachment"A4",WorkRequirements: 1.0 Cleaning, H. The Contractor shall dispose of waste debris using a licensed waste transporter to a location licensed for the type of waste involved. Debris resulting from cleaning may be disposed of into one of the two 25 yard Flo-trend decant boxes heated at the City of Fort Angeles Transfer Station at 3501 W. 18th, fort Angeles, WA, Contractor must first decant the majority of the fluid with their jet.truer prior to transferring debris to the decant boxes. Sanitary sewer cleaning liquids may be returned to the next manhole on site(not permitted for Stoma drain cleaning liquids),or at the oil water separator at the Transfer Station decant facility. These two decant boxes will be dedicated for the use of this project and disposal fees in those boxes by the City shall be waived. Note that these decant boxes require decant time and process cycle.time. If boxes are filled to capacity and are unavailable, +contractor,shall make other arrangements for disposal at Contractor cost. Arrangements for disposal shall be coordinated through the project Manager, Question: What is the average time that it take-,to allow for proper drainage of the decant boxes, once they have reached capacity? Response: Typically there is a weeks' time between service orders to allow for CCTV video review, in the Past this has been adequate time to allow for proper drainage of the Flo-trend boxes, The Contractor is also permitted to drain the liquid traction of the decant material to an oil water separator,prior to disposal of remaining solid in the Flo-trend decant boxes. The oil water separator is located at the Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station,in close proximity to the Flo-trend decant boxes. Question: Are there any lateral/side sewer connections that will be inspected under this project? Response: Lateral/side sewer connections will not be inspected under this contract. The contractor shall identify and document the condition of sewer and stormdrain service lateral connections during the main line inspection,A screen capture shall be taken at each lateral connection, noting survey direction, footage, defect,and date the photograph was taken. Question: Ls there a sample snap and line list of areas for the Sanitary Sewer work to be performed. Response. See Attachment I. Sample Sanitary Sewer Maps& Line List. Each Sanitary Sewer service orders will include grid maps like the one in Attachment 1, the corresponding line list will include line information for each line to be inspected within the grid boundary. 'I"he attached sample serves only as an example, finalized maps and line lists will be provided upon issuance of each service order. SPECIFICATIONS -None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Attachment 1: Sample Sanitary Sewer Maps& Line! List (3 Pages) The Bid Opening,date and time has nor been changed. This addendurn must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Forrn in the Project Manual that is submitted to the City. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected as non-responsive, Craig Fulton,P.E. Director of"Public Works & Utilities 2016 SEWER SYSTEM CLEANING AND VIDEO,IN:I Attachment 1 Sample Sanitary Sewer Maps& SERVICE ORDER 2 Line Ust O'RK LIST Pipe From MH To MIH No Street/'Alley AssetlD AssetllD AssetID Size, In Material Length 1 Evans Ave 723 1153 1237 flinch <Null> 169 3 Evans Ave 502 1237 488 10,inch Concrete 199 4 4th St 1019 655 656 10 inch <Null> 402'' 5 4th St 1020 656 657 10 inch <Null> 277 6 4th St 1021 561 500 10 Inch <Null> 207 7' <Null> 788 815 1209 8 inch <Null> 312 8 M at 1090 790 815 8 inch <Nub 249 9 5th St 560 516 1239 15 Inch Concrete 553 10 5th St 561 1239 489 15 inch Concrete 501 1.1 <Null> 563 508 509 15 inch Concrete 22 12 N St 2504 812 813 10 inch <Null> 270 13 N St 2506 785 812 10 inch <Null> 464 14 Milwaukee Dr 1353 499 501 12 inch PVC 401 15 Evans Ave 1358 120*9 511 8 inch <Null> 172' 16 Evans Ave 2498 510 1389 15 inch Concrete 173 17 <Null> 2600 1233 1148 10 inch <Null> 366 18 Evans Ave 2601 511 1.15.3 8 inch <Null> 202 19 <Nub 2608 489 490 15 inch Concrete 80 20 <Null> 2610 657 658 10 inch <Null> 89 22 N St 1478 813 1233 10 inch <Null> 205 23 <Null> 3709 657 1393 <Null> <Null> 1091 24 4th St 5454 1392 1.393 15 inch PVC 37' 25 4th St 5455 1393 1391 15 inch PVC 31.5 26 4th'St 5456 13'91 1390 15 inch PVC 234 27 Evans Ave 5459 1.390 1388 15 inch PVC 86 28 4th St 2611 500 655 10 inch <Null> 39 29 4th St 5462 492 1390 8 inch <Nuill> 502 30 4th St 5463 1390 508 8.inch <Null> 23 31 4th St 5465 509 1392 15 inch <Null> 523 32 4th St 5466 1392 658 15 inch <Null> 74 33 <Null> 581 1212 498 8lnch PVC 185 34 <Nuill> 582 498 <Nullla 8 inch PVC 85 35 4th/5th Alley 596 491 510 8 inch <Null> 523 36 <Null> 4'98 1204 1150 8 inch <Null> 190 38 <Null> 5011 1.152 1151 8 inch PVC 387 40 <Nub 504 505 657 6 inch <Null> 134 41 6th/7th Alley 23401 512 1153 8 inch <Null> 525 42 6th St 1023 487 501 8 inch PVC 365 43 6th/7th Alley 780 818 513 8 iinch <Null> 552 44 <Null> 781 817 816 8 inch Concrete 407 45 Nl 5t 782 816 513 8 inch <Null> 204 46 <Nulll> 786 982 789 6 inch <Null> 468 48 Hamilton Wy 1091 791 79a 6 inch <Null> 128' 53 <N'Ub 496 486 1213 8 finch <Nlub 350' 54 8th St 497 1205 1150 8 inch <Null> 472 55 <Null> 559 1241 492 8 inch <Nub 581 56 4th/5th Alley 562 1240 491 8 inch <Nulll> 580 59 Estes Ct 578 1211 121.2 8 inch FVC 155 64 8thi St 2503 1304 815 6 inch <Nulll> 462 67 4th/5th Alley 1292 506 507 6 inch Concrete 241 68 Seamount Dr 1416 814 1203 8 inch <Nul1> 243 69 Seamount Or 1417 1203 1204 8 finch <Null> 276 76 Clipper Cove 1926 786 787 8 inch FVC 131 77 Seabreere PI 2599 787 812 8 inch PVC 168 78 6th St 2602 514 12.37 8 inch <Null> 524 80 5th/6th Alley 2604 1238 488 8 inch <Null> 525 81 5th/6th Alley 26091 502 656 6 inch <Null> 200 82 6th/7th Alley 1607 51.3 512 <Null> <Null> 25 89 Evans Ave 1291 488 490 10 inch Concrete 220, 90 N St 1293 121.3 501 10,inch <Null> 234 91 N St 1294 1148 1149 10 inch <Null> 21.2 92 N St 1295 1149 1213 10 inch <Null>, 459 93 Evans Ave 1296 490 510 15 inch Concrete 151 94 4th St 1945 658 659 15 inch <Null> 100 97 8tlh St 1351 1.150 11.49 8 inch <Null> 236 9'8 5th/6th Alley 1352 503 500 8 inch Concrete 503 99 5th/6th Alley 1356 515 1238 8 inch <Null> 576 100 6th St 1357 1.214 514 8 inch <Null> 580 101 Jurna Ct 1359 1206. 1207 <Null> <Null> 162 109 <Null> 646 789 791 6 inch <Null> 2017 110 <Null> 647 1151 486 8 inch PVC 254 118 Seabreeze P'l 1558 788 787 8 inch PVC 245 119 <Null> 2612 504 505 6 inch <Null> 83 Total Length 20565' � m �w.o a vo- Cwa'x�V A;+ . wr'rrr ,'"err 1,. r ' it .d° f 55n"� .�nA�r.qa�.� �rP ,h�P mo—.1.. e PM2 �6� d inspected Pipe M'"V 'FG+V "Vd, ., '�...„... '"'u"` aIFfiA� xJ 2.349 rv�&�ro x rW" «.,. 'T'kvi IOU" , JC - , . .,, ,. Sl Mh st � �'"'^ ruw� �""�"^ "" ;1.1-1111111-11-11-,w,.,>„�,�.,y�^wI 4 �Pu w"ui Alky W*sNww Or Lend WasWwater IM st Ab*-domd Lm kw ' � ®.V'�x�Oaetlx+�PVraex 'NW- Lve Graft Mar, V'N rcauepa w+unr oawrou4wmFm,b e wrcww wr undw�w!dN✓wmgrywawa.... 'a,Nwv mmwq�dmsw su,�+ w4/�v o�G',�,u pW namµm�iu Awe +.w mmvJ�w:'g�mowx avy exon.mvw.mf v mmryonm�mrcwuwyx,n�u�' iw nuuuMv"irnrywl IMiwV�++ld i�rc#'nu,y M”-.wuvF ecwyw W dS.w;pmmnrcwd.W"n`, n4rm.a'1al.wmr Axwu Rugpn✓mwry mim'W BID FORM Project Tide-, Project Number: SVC-2016-23 The bidder hereby bids the following amounts for all work(Including labor, equipment, time and materials) required to perform the work in the Statement of Work and this package. ........ ...... SANITARY SEWERPR110E SCHEDULE -1-1-1-1 De,s"cr I ipt I ion Unit Unit. nit E xt end ed I L Line Item Quantmt Price Price P�pe Cleaning & CCTV Inspection 1 T 00 LF 2,0 "IV — 2 8" Pi a Cleaninnp- action LF 4,000 55 iza"Ov 3 10" P�pe Cleaning CCTV inspection m —E—F 11,15,a 4 """ Pi eaninLF 1,000 CCTV Inspection 5 15" Pipe Cleaninq & CCTV Inspection LF 1,500 6 LF 3,000 7 21" Pipe Clean�ng & CCTV I F.._.- ... 8 27"' Pnpe Cleaning & CCTV I nspection 600 134' M Pipe Cleaning, & CCTV Inspection LF I J For pricing purposes only) STORMDRAIN PRICE SCHEDULE Description UnitEstimated Unit --Extended Line=ftem Quantity Price Price1 61" Plpe'Cleanin6i CCT" Inspectiion LF 1,000 2 81" Pipe Cleaning & CCTV Inspection LF 5,000 /1top I 0�;C- 10" PipeCIL,anin, &CCTV In L F 1,000 cc J CC I V Inspection 4 �2 5 apt ev 11 d" Pi etCleani CCTVInspectlon LF 3,000 P1 5 18" Pipe Cleaning & CCTV ln§22cbon_",,_ LF l 1,306 J For pricing purposes only) 1. Totall Price , 2, Sales Tax (8,4%)� Z2- 1 Total Bid- '� ' 3 7, zz 4. The bidder hereby acknowledges that �t has received Addenda No(s). LS (Enter,". /A" if none were issued) to this Request for &d package. 5. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its busiiness phone number and address, to wh& address 0 communicabons concerned with this bid and with the contract shall be sent, are listed below. Any written notices required by the terms of an awarded contract shall be, served or mailed to the following address: ContractInformation: 1, Company Namie: wv N 2. AAddress: shId z0b Project: SVC-2016-23 Page 3 Rev 8/15/16 City, State, Zip Code, Rudct�o OK, l 2 4. Phone Number: .. Contractor Registrabon Number- � TT colf'n . UBI Number! 7, WA State Industrial insurance Account Number: -, . WA State Employment Sec city Dept Number; . State Excise Tax Registration t b r: The bidder represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills to bid on 1hi'ls project and the necessary capabilifies to perform the s r+/i s set forth In this Contract, " I 1 0- —Lc I &gined byTitle EO Printed Narne: 8 Date n Prj : SVC-2016-23 Pae 4 Rev 8/15/16 pO 4 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ;NATE OF`W' AI-lll` GTON CO�t„NT'Y OF TCR. The undersm rted, being first dray sworn on oath„ says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or eoEltasi e did, or made in the interest or on behaif of any person not therein rmarned,„ and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above worts or supplies to pout in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding; and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to hinilher self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders, (i (G Signature of idder/Contractor ubscribed and sworn to before me this day of � 0 l AMANDA L, MILLED �- STATE OF WASHNGTON otary Public in and fear the hdt ` PUBLIC ,Mate of UkjCk MY COMMISSION IRS 03-1309 Residling at EwAa�A L"I My Comm. Exp.: ' Project: SVC-2016-23 Page 5 Rev 8/15016 BID SECURITY TRANSMITTAL FORM a. of 2) Herewith find an,executed Bid Bond:or a deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order or other security in Ioeu of a bid bond in the amount of$ wNch amount is riot less than five (5%) percent of the total bid. SIGN HERE BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Travelers Casualty and That we, City o[PorL Angeles as Principal and Surety CornpL�i_yof_,Iinerica as SUrety, are held and fi ml bound unto the CITY OF PORT ANGELES as Obligee, in the penal sum of 5%ofAniountBid i). 3S1. ZZ _Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselved, their heirs, executors, admin'lstrators, successors and assigns,jointly andl severally, by these presents. The condiftion of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the P6ncipai for: Project Title:2016 Sanitary Sewer& Storrodrain System Cleaning & CCTV Project#: S VC-20116-23 according to the terms of the bid made by the Pdncipal, and the PrInGipal shall duly make and enter into a contract wfth the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said bid and award and shall give bond for the fafthful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the advertisement for bids, then this obligation shall be null and voidl; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and I°aqui°idated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED,, SEALED AND DATED THIS 12th day of_a.e�itcmbe��rll 20 66 FlowK,It rl 43 les By Principal 11 raveleri(asualty and Surety Cofmpany oAmerica Wells Fargo Insurance Services'USA,Inc. sj� Ty - Agent tton"I ey--in-Fact 99�9 Third Avenue,Suite 4100,Seattle, WA SSN& ('meTowet , I ,S��a,rc,.Hartfi)rd,("..""T06183 'iurety address Agent Address L)w,fln Gilmore(206)326-4262 John Drurruney,Jr,(206)731-1216 Surety Contact and Phone Number Agent Contact and Phone Number Dated�� Received return of deposit in the sum of$ Protect: SVC-2016-23 Page 6 Rev 8/15/16 BID FORM (page 2 of 2) Project Title; 2016 Sanitary Sewer..&..Storm drain System Cleaning &CCTV Project Number.- SVC-2016-23 BIDDER: Flow'Fechnologies,Inc. The undersigned, hereinafter called the bidder, declares that the only person(s) interested in this bid are those named herein; that the bid is in all respects fair and without fraud; and that it is made without any connection or collusion with any other person making a bid on this project. The bidder further declares that it has carefully examined the plan, specifications, and contract documents, hereinafter referred to as the Project Manual,for the construction of the proposed project improvement(s); that it has personally inspected the sfte(s), that it has satisfied itself as to the types and quantities of materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of and the quantities of work and materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of and the work involved as included herein, are brief and are intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the corresponding requirements of the Project Manual; and that this bid is made in accordance with the provisions and the terms of the Contract included in the Project Manual, The bidder further agrees that it has exercised its own judgment regarding the interpretation of surface information and has utilized all data which it believes is pertinent from the City Engineer, hereinafter also referred to as the City or Owner, and such other source of information as it determined necessary in arriving at its conclusion. If the bidder is awarded a construction contract on this bid, the name and address of the surety who will provide the performance bond is: Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA,Inc. Surety Agent O�ne Tower Square,Hartford,CT 06183 999 Third Avenue,Suite 4100,Seattle,WA 98104 Surety address Agent Address Dustin Gilmore(206)326-4262 John Drunimey Jr. (206)731-1216 Surety Contact and Phone Number Agent Contact and Phone Number Project: SVC-2016-23 Page 7 Rev 8/15/16 Firmvmuanu�rawrr�uawwwwnmwrv�oxnrnwvymmxoruwr mmwmr�wrr,w,n rr„ruasmwnsmm una rumaru.iwu ui axru v�uawm;�naron aw wvrvp,swraurn;mvnase smumm�nun<rnwmorunnvwxawmoumwiumdwawnwvnunraav rammarpwUJmamwr iwwwwundvwmw�wwurvo mimun mi on�moxm mwwm mrmuww.un�mn rv..m rcmm m m�� nm n nomi�wsw .wmwwvum�wwwiwwwmmuuuumm uuuou mrv� WWAFININGtTHIS POWER OF ATTORNEY iS INVAUD"WW^I'THOUT THE RED BORDER �r �iillac In' ER'O A°l�'rO Ct Eft” TvE ,,i Farmington 4."asualty Company St.Paul Mercury Funsanrance Company Fidelity and Guaranty,Insurance Company Trm elerz Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,niters,Inc. "Ilrauvulers Casualty an(["Surety Company a!ut°Aazwricaa St.Paul Fire Lams,Marine Insurance Company ny ]hittd States Fidelity and Guaranty C"onapawn St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company ,Auttorney-In Fact No. 230676 Certificate No.006957714 i hNt.A`pw' ALL MEN BY THESE SE PRESEN 1S: That Farnnninynton Casua ty 4.chv npaauny, St. PauuN &w'in'e and Marunue Insurance C onrorpauny, St. Paul (yuuadiwn Insurance Co mparty,SiPaul Mercury Insurance Company, Truwcicr:i Casualty and Surety C"nu�upany^, 1"rias"cle'I�w C'auuuu�adtyr nurad Surely Company of Arnorica,and Uniwd Sates Fidelity and Guaranty Company are cn:wrpo anions adtflyr organized under the laws at the Srane of C'rruaonaectie:ut, that Fidelity and Guaranty InSLUamDCle (Iunnpany is a. oorlioraation duly organized under the laws of Lhe State of Iowa,and that Fidelity and Guaranty lnsuraan c'c l.indeuwsrraaers,Inc..is an caarp on dio n duly orpaaraired Lander the laws of Ilia State!anf'w'i'ir ronsian(herein collectively called the"Conxpannies"),and that the Companies do hereby make,corrstattuatn,and aagagaoiw Kathleen iw4.Mitchell,]Debbie Lindstrom,John Dntlawmeyr Jr.,Scott C. auadderrnaan,"r`stuiothy Sro uhote,Sinnone Rae Frederick ,and 'Pe&gyr A,f=aidh n; 1 of the City of eattle State of Waa'shin top adncir Inward Wa vdtul AutorraaytO uuu F act p< capacity f cd aackunr,rw Ie dy'¢ any,.amid at B,rauds,rtcogniz ancw t,co nwduutnnnuad unnuden akinpps,and each in,¢Iran separate u.au aclt ul more than is auuancd amara e,twro sign,execute,seat aro w, ,... unalaaat wwsuaanps wutvlugatory in Clue nature thereof on behalf ant the Companies in their husnness of pd,tiara nteeircng tine fidelity of persons, glumaanwei na the lierfornu,ance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing hcwnds and undertaking,,',ruluired or p rvnuitted in any aoa iions mac proceedings adlowe d by dtawv, I ' 2 IN' 'ITT�'ELE.fr$�?i..F,the C error ro a vacs atve ca used dais instnaunnean�t to ire si ed and thei w•anap�aawieate aea;k tar he hereon affixed,trims�.. Gttll day art .. -,-,,,,August Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance.Company Travelers Casualty,and Surety,Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty,and Surety Company of A ntericit St.Panel Fire and Marine Insurance Company United Stater Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company (r , 'n "Wm mr a h S al ra a StFt.la,. r� cry' BY: State f a rtfn'd s. 1$ R a9ar.nti t Ran 5 oor Vice� ('ra of "y., tnas�uyianna', .... . ...._ On this the day«f ................' sd. X0,16,ha frire me p,ne'a��onuahv appeared Robert 1, Raney, ho xckimawMed ed himself to �Cndl1 d�.trtrtl Y �' he the,Senium Viae President of Farmington C:amsumadtyCOrnpany, Fidelityand Guaranty husurance("ou'nmpnaany„Fidelny and Guaranty Insurance Under wrilm,Inc..St.Paul Fire and Marnne Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardiran Insurance Company,St.Paid Mercury Insurance C'orxrl)anyr,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers C.,t.,uaity and Surely Company ofAmerica,and United States Fidepaty aun�d Guaranty Company,and that Bre,as such.iving authorized so io(to,ew,ecu�uie,vd adne:foregoing unsarrzrneant tour the purposes therein contained by.signing on beha&1"of the corporations by ldnuseff as. as aiudya<autparariced officer. In WWllnacss Whereof,1 hereunto set In)(hand and naaflacual se�sd• Vlcura^e c. tctac.a My Commission expires the 30th day of Mauna,202d. alp "�, aria";wrurr.woy-1*ar;°Vac , 58440-5-16]printed do U.S.A. WARNIN&THIS POWER OF ATTCIR EY IS INVAUD WITHOUTTHE RED ECIRE'ER muwwiwiiuuiim.+ocanixsrvnruuaa�aniuuuxrnmunudoiuunwwuNuwrmxmsrum✓ramnarumxmuixrrtrura�vnuoinniwsuawrrvuuwvoausmnnwwaunawrna�rrtxwnnuuuinioiuxrsirounsaioimwuawrroim�nnwdimiwcraiuwxvroxni�warcs!susoiannoemw�uxnnor�imanonm�nuunwnixuwrunfn!pnmimxw;mrvmmumm�mmmuuwwnmmuuummmuwimuswuwniwaunwuwwoasmuwoan�ununuawrouornnnwvniwmiwitiw�diwx,..icnrem�rvmnwimmoumwumu^awewiuoidummimmvwiwtirrmu�u�idu�nmmmhn000mwwivarwawwucnnavwdnoin�irti�vmamn mn......vn '. !w',m�mAitl� otl0o0olwuw N�OOOOOnil NYu00uuuVu muuu40Wuu01 fi00N� WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY iS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power ofAttismey is granted under and by the anithoriiyof tire fut1mving res+Auirons adopted by the.Bcmrds of Directs'. ofFarniingion Casualty Company,Ffidelity? and Guaranty Insurunce Comparty, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwifters,Inc., St. Paul Fine and Marifte Insurance Company, St. Paul Gunn han insurance Ccasipany,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers CaSlialty anct Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of AmerIca,and Unued States Fidelity and Guaranty 0impany,%Yhich resolutions are ncmy in full force slid effect,reading as foflows: RILS,OLVED,that the Chairrnan,rhe President,any Vice Chainnan,any Executive Vice President,any Semor Vice President,any, Vice Pmsaltmt,any Seocund Vice Presidem.the Treasurer,arp,Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary lm any Assistant Semtary inay aprxthil Anorneys-in-Fact,and Ageins to a�ct ftm! and on behalf of the Cotirpany mid inlay give such appoituee such andcority as his(m her cerinicate of,authority may prescribe to sign wilh the Company's natne and seal whit the Company's seat bonds,rccognizances,contracts of indemnity,and other ltrilings obfigatory in the nalure of a tiond,recognizance,or condilional undertaking,and arly M'sail p,,4'fkers cr the Board of DirecI at any time may cern ove any such appointee and revoke the power i,iven hint urn`mer and it is FURTHER RES(7LVED,that the Chaimian,the,President,any Vice Chairman,any Executtvc Vice President,any Senior Vice President or art), Vice President may delegate all oi any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employces of ifus Company,provided that each such delegation is,in writing and a copy' thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary;and it is FURTHER RESOI[NED,that any bond,recognizance,COMVICt of indemnity,or wrifing obligatory in the nature,of a II recognizance,or conditional underlaking shall be vafid and binding uport the Coniparry when(a)signed by the Presidern,any Vice Cirairrnan,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice,President or any Mce President.any Second Vice President,the, Treasurer,any Assistant Treasacer,Ole CO"Porate Sccreel agy tin any Assistant Secretat-y and dul am "v rrested il scaled %viih the Company's seal by a Secretary oi Assistant Secretary;car(b)dM uty CCUted(under seat.if respdred,i by cine or moreAttemeys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to rhe pmxer pre'scribcd in his or her cet-irficalre crr diek certific ates (if authiorin, or by me or rnore Company officer, pursuam to a written dicliegation of authinilyand, it is ai FURTHER RFSOLVED,thw the signature of each of the followim,-,officer&! Presidem,any Executive Vnce Preskieril,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President, any Assisuma Vice Pixoadont,any SecrelI wiv Assistant Secretary,and the seal offlie Comparly may ix affixed by facsaniflc to any Power M Attorney olt to any cerifficate relating thereto app ofifing Resident Vice Presidents,Resndeltt Assistant Secietafies or Attorneys-in-Fact for purpioses only aA executing and anesfing bmmds itrid underiakings and(Ahet writings obligatoryr in the nature thereot,and arry such Poo,ei ofAllorney err ceroficatchearAng suCh frucsaat llCi Ni"MatUIC, Or fi4CSiMile s-d shall lae,Yalid and turaling tq-x-ni the Company and any stich power so execitled and certified by SUCh facs'dmfle signawre and ficsimfle seat shall IT vatid and bolding on the Comimim.y in the future with respect to any bond or understan(fing to xhich it is altached 1,Kevin E,Hughes,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,ofFarrningacas Casualty Company,Fidehly and(3mranty Insurance Company,M&My and Guatanzy Insurance Uridcr�vriters,[ne,St,Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Comparty,St.Paul Guardian insurance Coollniny,St�Pant MercUlry hismance Company1havelers Castrahy and Stirc,.ty Conapany,'Trave[er'S CaSLInity and Surely Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Gitiar-atity Company do hereby certry that the above aml foregoing is a true and correct copy of tile Power of Attorney executed by said Compma,es,Mitch is ln full forve arvJ effect and h,As not been levoktul. IN TESTIMONYWHEREOF,I have heremito ,at any handand affiwed the seais of said C'cmipalises this t0a`clay of (*o01k,:m1I 20 KevinE.Hri,,hes,AssisI ,S ft L✓i1411 cool -1,4 To vefify the arnhernichy of this Power of Attorney,call 1-8tX,)-42 l-3880 or contact us at sv%s,w travelersbond.com, Please rePer to the Anorne 4�act nurriber,Ili y,[it e above nmmd individuals and the details of the bond to which the powei is aaached U1 Z WARMINIG:TMS POWER OF ATTORNEYIS INVALID WITHOUT THE REID BORDER