HomeMy WebLinkAboutHelen SearsOctober 18, 2016
Mr. Patrick Downie, Mayor
c/o City Hall
321 East Sth Street
Port Angles, WA 98362
RE: Gratitude for Your Vote
Dear Mr. Downie,
OCT 2 12016 L
A note to express gratitude for your vote that stopped fluoridation of Port
Angeles's water supply for now. In the face of much contention, as well as pressure
from a number of sources to continue the practice, your vote was a brave thing to
do., as well as a nod to allowing the citizenry to have a say in the matter.
As a former resident, and one who left her heart behind, I commend you for
taking the bold step of restoring calm. (We left only because I had severe reactions
to the WiFi mesh system when it was installed. It turned out there were 9 sets of
antennas within two blocks of our house.)
The PDN newspaper article mentioned that you were still in favor of
fluoridation, which means your decision must have been that much more difficult
for you to make.
You've no doubt heard information presented as to why fluoridation should
be stopped. But, as the atmosphere regarding the issue has become highly charged,
I offer a quiet, succinct summary to ponder:
The National Research Council concluded in 2006 that "water fluoridation
is no longer viable." A summation of their findings is enclosed, as published in Well
Being Journal.
. 97% of the benefits of fluoride are topical - that is, they happen in the
mouth. There is no benefit from swallowing it. Thirty-five out of fifty-five studies
show that ingested fluoride is not only a neurotoxin, but causes skeletal damage.
By the time mottling appears on the teeth, the entire skeletal system is in
trouble. That's why hip fractures increase about 10 years after fluoridation begins.
. Fluoride is the main ingredient in Fosamax (30% by weight), and is why
spontaneous fractures have been reported by patients.
97% of Europe no longer fluoridates. Israel rejected all fluoridation as of
August 17, 2014.
Since the benefits from fluoride occur in the mouth, the same results can be
obtained from fluoridated toothpaste. The money that Port Angeles spends every
year on the fluoride chemicals could supply fluoridated toothpaste and
toothbrushes to every elementary school child.
There. More than you wanted to hear again, I'm sure. But since the original
research study documenting that fluoride causes lowering of IQ in children has been
replicated since fluoridation began in PA - children ages 9-12 lost an average of 6 to
10 IQ points - it's worth mentioning. A thorough toothbrushing after lunch, and
after the sweet and starchy snacks many children have after school, would go a long
way to improving their dental health without doing any harm.
Again, thank you for allowing the electorate to have a say in this issue. To
stand firm for the democratic process, even when going against personal opinion, is
the most inspiring form of leadership.
Re n ears
� f
41600 Comptche Ukiah Road
Mendocino, CA 95460
P.S. As for WiFi, I urge you to look into the coming technology of LiFi - which uses
light waves instead of radio waves. Studies have shown that LiFi is not only much
faster and more secure, but completely safe to all forms of living tissue. AND, the
infrastructure for it is already in place. Every light bulb fixture will work. All that
will be needed is a special LiFi bulb.
See the TED talk by Dr. Harold Haas, a lead researcher of LiFi. I've enclosed a
copy of an article on LiFi from Popular Science, which says the technology will be
available in about 4 years.
This means that WiFi can easily be taken out of the schools (children's skulls
are thinner than those of adults), hospitals, and retirement homes (the most
vulnerable). And the mesh system replaced with LiFi.
It's now known that WiFi is cumulative on the body, so you would be
preventing major health concerns in the future.
"-rt Make'Y'ou ('jo H'"mmm
. .
July/August 2016
IN t has been conventional practic . in dcniistry for years to use fluoride to
dental care, including recommending it in toothpastes and mouthwash.
Indeed, much of the public water supply in the US is also fluoridated,
but is all this fluoride in the system safe and supported by research? The
National Research Council reported in 2006:
"It is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with
the functions of the brain."
"The possibility has been raised by studies conducted in China
that fluoride can lower intellectual abilities."
I luoride is an c.ndocrlr EF disruptor.
"Several lines of information indicate an effect of fluoride
exposure on thyroid function."
"Sufficient fluoride exposure appears to ... increase the severity
of some types of diabetes."
"The relationship between fertility and fluoride requires
additional study."
"Further research on a possible effect of fiuoride cin, bladder
cancer risk should be conducted."
"These changes have a bearing on tr:e possibility that fluorides
act to increase the risk of devicping Alzheimer's disease."
—Source: National Research Council, "Fluoride in Drinking Water:
A Scientific Review of EPAs Standards," National Academies Press,
�,Nashington DC, 2006.
Celebrating 25 Years!
In "Fluoride & IQ: The 49 Studies," the Fluoride Action Network reports, "As of November 2015,
a total of 56 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence,
and a total of 36 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in
animals. Of these investigations, 49 of the 56 human studies have found that elevated fluoride
exoosure is a .socia'"' ",rill, reduce I IQ, white 34 of the 36 animal studies have found that fluoride
exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are
based on IQ examinations of over 12,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride
exposure during the early years of life can damage a child's developing brain."
—For full story, see http://fluoridealert.org/studies/brain0l.
There's no doubt about it: fluoride should not be ingested, Even scientists
from the EPA's National Health and Environmental Effects Research
Laboratory have classified fluoride as a "chemical having substantial
evidence ar deveiopmental neurotoxicity."
® New research links public water fluoridation to significant increases in
ADHD and hypothyroidism.
® New study shows link between dental fluorosis and IQ damage
in children. There are now over 100 animal studies and over 43
human studies proving fluoride's neurotoxicity. -
® Evidence has been uncovered showing government agencies trying to
hide disproportionate harm to minority communities from fluoridation.
The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation
P"', yi.
in.,:e rst Ni,�ce.
—Source: "New Evidence of Harm from Fluoridation,"by Stuart Cooper,
at http://mercola.com.
"Jr 0 aces "'bout Fluoride," states, "Fluoridation advocates have long claimed
that the safety of fluoridation is beyond scientific debate. However, according to the well-known toxicologist
John Doull, PhD, who chaired the National Academy of Science's review on fluoride, the safety of fluoridation
remains 'unsettled' and 'we have much less information than we should, considering how long it has been
going on.' In 2006, Doull's committee at the NAS published an exhaustive 500 -page review of fluoride's
toxicity. The repr rt c-nch!des that fluorido is an 'endocrine disruptor' and can affect many things in the body,
including the bones, the brain, the thyroid gland, the pineal gland, and even blood sugar levels.
"Far from giving fluoride a clean bill of health, the NAS called upon scientists to investigate if current fluo-
ride exposures in the United States are contributing to chronic health problems, like bone disorders, thyroid
disease, low intelligence, dementia, and diabetes, particularly in people who are most vulnerable to fluoride's
effects. These recommendations highlight that• --despite 60 years of fluoridation— many of the basic studies
necessary for determining the program's safety have yet to be conducted."
—For full story, see http://fluoridealert.org/articles/fluoride-facts.
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