HomeMy WebLinkAbout3565 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDFNANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
amending Chapters 12.04, 12.08,12.'1 fl, 12.12 and repealing
Chapter 12,16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows.
Section 1. Ordinance 1859 and Chapter 12.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended as follow,s:
• 12.04,0 10 - Definitions,
12.04,020 - Hours ofoperation.
12.04.030 -Closed areas.
• 12,04.040 - Permits for special events or areas.
12,04.050 - Regulation of organized activities.
12.04.060 - Regulation of individual or family activities generally.
1-1 nj rvm 11
12.04.494 070 - Game playing.
• 12,04AW O80 - Camping on City owned property.
12.04.44-0 090 - Animals in parks.
12.04.420 Riding hersesi.
12.04.4-3-0100 - Prohibited activities.
• 12.04.4-3-5110 - Fishing in Lincoln Park Pond.
1104,440120 - Regulations obedience required.
12,04.4-5,013O - Violation—Penalty,
• 12.04.140 - Metal Detecting-Coin Recovery,
1104.160 G_ill. penilitted.
12.04.170 Geiii Peril4it Fequifed.
12.04.180 (-'OiH FeeOVef:�' Alh@,Fe allawed
PjO�"itted teE)IS A
1,n A.200 G"0 i H eee v ery
,11 - __. ieeover-y Nofieeiii valuables,
12.,04. 150 - Interference with use of waterfront trail prohibited.
12.04,0 10 - Definitions,
As used in this Chapter.
A,". ""CiV', unless specified utherwwrise, means the City" of Port Angeles.
13. "Director" means the ReN,,featien Wa. Parks & Recreation Directeur duty appointed by the
City Manager in accordance with applicable statutes and policies.
C. Ar " cern it"is a license to engage in or conduct a special event at a reepeat" ) rks
Recreation park and/or-facility",.
D. "Recreation anti park jbacilities" include but are not limited to the Following: Woj'verton
" a , l
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Lions,*e& P-11, JamesViewpeint, Conrad D. yaF Memet �Untlfl.
. ,
�r «
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s "A" Street View Point "C
Street View Point 5"' & Oak Park Charles R. Willson Park City Pier Waterfront Park, Civic
Field Conrad Dyar Memorial FOUntair Crown Park Elks Playfield. Erickson Pla field tlwe
.Esplanade, Francis Street Park, Georgiana Park, l--lalb rvieww"P bark, Hazel porter Diel Park, Haynes
View Point :lames View Point Jessie T. Webster Park Lincoln Park Lions Park. Rains Park Sail
&; Paddle Parr., Shane Park, Valley Creek Estuary Park. "Veterans Memorial Park. Webster's
Woods West land. Park Wolverton Park and all areas leased rented 'loaned or otherwise Linder
tem orae control of the Parks&Recreation Department.
E "Carrwin " is the act of lodging somew here temporarily in a vehicle, tent, structure, or
other Outdoor space.
F. "resident" shall include City of Port Angeles residents businesses and organizations that
have their Drincipal vlace of business or o erations within the City.
G. "Non-resident" shall mean all businesses and or wanizations that are net a resident.
12,04,0 0 - Closed areas.
Any section or portion of any park may be declared closed by the Director at ally time, either
temporarily"or at regularly"stated intervals except for the Erickson Pla field Skate Park.. This park-
arkcan onlyr be closed by the City Manager or his/her designee with a recommendation from the
Director, if a section of a 12ark will remain closed for ever. more than a month or have its rause
changed permanently, the Director shall consult with the Parks, Recreation & Beautification
12.04 040 - Permits for special events or areas.
Pe its for special events in a recreation and park facility or for the use of specific areas in such a
facility by individuals or groups may be issued by the Director' UpOrl written application and
oroval of the Citv Manager. Any individual or group receiving the permit shall be subject to all
applicable park regulations and City ordinances in the use of City facilities. The permit shall state
that the City shall be held liarniless for any loss, damage or injuries sustained by any person or
property resulting from the exercise of the permission granted by the permit. The Director, or his
representative, shall revoke any permit where a City ordinance is being violated or use is not in
accordance with that for which the permit was granted,
12.04.050 - Regulation cif organized activities.
The Director shall promulgate regulations for the conduct of organized activities in City parks and
attendant facilities in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, other applicable City
ordinances,and such policies as may be established from time to time by the Reeivatiefi a parks.,
Recreation & Beautification Commission. The promulgation of these regulations, and subsequent
revisions shall be for the purpose of achieving the following ideals:
AInsuring the safety, comfort.,and convenience of the public;
B. Securing maximum use of the facilities within the carrying capacity of the facility;
C. Insuring that activities within an area are in accord,ance with the theme or purpose for which
a particular area or park was developed;
D. Insuring, that organized activities do not fully utilize all available space; that some area is
reserved for family or individual activities,
In the event of a conflict of schedules,feel4H-City resident groups shall have preference over O*t-
ef- non-City gfoupiresident groMs.
12.04.060 - regulation of individual or family activities generally,
The Director shall promulgate regulations for the conduct of individual activities in City parks and
attendant facilities in accordance Nvith the provisions of this chapter, other applicable Cit.),
ordinances,and such policies as may be established from tirne to time by the,Re!efea4iofi a Parks,
Recreation & Beau ti ficati on Commission.Peffilitted USeS by iHA—.'A,,
and faPailwasaFe as set e44
-gh 11 AA
iri seetions 12.011 A70 t 120,
12.04A70 Pieiiies.
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Natury studies whefe swdems may obsefve plants in a nater-al state , pfe-11:111-11
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12.04.090-070 - Game playing.
Ifusing tennis courts or sirni lar facilities,individuals areexpected to observe and obey the cormnon
courtesy rules for use of that facility. Games using dangerous objects shall only be conducted in
areas set aside for that purpose, Dangerous objects shall include, but not be limited to hardballs,
stones, arrowvs, aaaintballs,javelins,,and golf balls.
17.04.1 t-08 —Campin on.City owned prolipert
is ptafmitted ifi the area established I--.- Ilia- T
basis by
the , provided s etivities
engaged ineamping. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp in any City vark,,Cityfacility,or
City owned property without prior authorization from, the Director.
12,04.444-090 - Animals in parks.
Drags or other household pets may be exercised in City parks providing they are on a leash or
carried by the person owning or having custody of the animal. The persons owning or having
custody shall be responsible for any mess created or caused by their animal,
12.04.120 Riding her-sesi
Hofseq may he riddefl on ed anid designated by, sip- 0
17.04.; I fl - Prohibitedactivities.
Activities not permitted in a parks and Citowned facilities/ ro eerties shall include, but not be
limited to, the followving:
A. Possessing and/or consuming intoxicating liquoFs, drugs or narcotics,
. Possessin,and/or consuming- intoxicating alcohol without an Alcohol Use Kermit.
&C. Interfering with any individual or,group engaged in any lawful use of p<ar�k facilities,
Di. Walking, riding or exercising-,horses;
Gly°. Exposing or offering for sale any article or thing or stationing or placing in a stand, cart,
or vehicle any article or object for transportation, sale or display without a permit. This provision
dares not apply to regularly licensed concessionaires acting by and under the direction of the
Reer-euat as a. d Parks & Recreation Department. The Dlirector may also give permission fau° such
activities on a temporary basis providing there is no conflict with the regularly constituted
11 F, Distributing, leaving, 11,owing, tacking, or pasting any' signs,, handbills, posters,
advertisements,or inscriptions for advertising any goods, materials, meetings,people.,or liar other
similar purposes;
9 G. Soliciting, interfering with, or accosting other people for selling, begging, immoral acts or
other similar purposes is, not permitted in any park or attendant facility;
F-14. Willfully marking, marring, defacing, disfiguring, in.juring, tampering with or displacing,
removing, burning, cutting, carving, digging UPL or damaging any park property and attendant
facilities or any Plants, trees,or shrubs, or attaching any rope, wirc.,or other contrivance to a tree,
plant, shrub. or structure:
1. Abandoning or leaving DrODerty and leave pror)eftV unattended. Unattended property that
interferes with public safety, orderly managgment of the Park or Facility/property. or presents a
threat to City property may be impounded-by,jesignated City employees.
12.04.4-3-5-110 - Fishing in Lincoln Park Pond,
Only persons who are 14 years old and j,ounger 4esg than -.o w.--age are permitted to fish in
the ponds at Lincoln Park. No emit is requit - Anyone aged 15 arid- older is prohibited from
fishing at the Lincoln Park ponds,
12.04.44-0-.120- Regulations obedience required.
All regulations promulgated by the Director under the authority ofthis chapter shall be obeyed by
all persons and groups using the recreation and park facilities of the City, The Director shall have
the authority to regulate activities in any area when necessary to prevent congestion and to secure
maximum use of the parks for the comfort and convenience of the public, All persons using the
parks and facilities of the City shall comply with any directions,of the Director in the use thereof.
Failure on the part of any person or group to abide by the regulations promulgated by the Director
or to follow his directions, in the use of the parks shall be grounds for removal of the violator or
violators from the park in which the violation occurs.
12,044544-130 - Violation---Penalty.
Any person violating any provision of this title is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished
b,y a fine Of LIP to$500.00 and imprisonment for LIP to 30 days, or both, for a first offense; and, for
a second offense, a fine may be imposed Of LIP to $1,000 and imprisonment for up to 90 days, or
bot�h; and for a third or subsequent offense, a fine may be imposed Of LIP to $5,000.00 and
imprisonment for LIP to ori r:, 364 days. or both,
12.04.140 Metal Detecting-Coin Recoyea.
The use of metal deteefer-s will he pefmit4ed A4hin, the City pai spee-gr—A
seetien 12.04.148�
fer-the,pufpese efdiseever-y and reeevwy oPlost eo.-I y and -e-evefy shall
be done in weeFdanee with the Fegulations, eantained in seeti 12 0 4 117A A-eugh 12,04.2
12.0447O. GeinReeeNgeF), Pefmitfequifed
Permit Required
---1_Any person desiring to use a metal detector within City parks for the purpose of
coin, recovery shall apply to the City Parks and &, Recreation Difeeta Department for a
permit for such activity,
B. 2. fru annual fee in,the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70, PAMC vVill be charged for
the issuance of"a permit for coin recovery..
G. - , 'chis permit is personal and nontransferable, and shall be carried upon the person
at all times when coin recovery activity is occurring within City parks.
D 4, The issuance of a permit will be conditioned upon an agreement by the:applicant
to comply with all rules and regulations contained in sections l 2.04.1 0 through 12.f14. 10.
9 . issuance of'a permit will also he conditioned upon agreement by the applicant to
reimburse the City for any damage done to park property, including, but not limited to,
buildings, water limes,utility lines,or grounds,caused by any activity undertaken pursuant
to the issued permit..
Upon, deteriination by the Parks & recreation Director,, or his designee:, that as
permit holder has violated any of the terms of section° 112.0-;,i 1160 04.F,� ugh ,� 0 A-24-043
such permit shall be revoked, Notice of such revocation shall be given either personally or
by certified mail to the permittee at the address given can the application for the permit.
- o person who has had ar permit revoked shall be eligible to receive a permit at
1 ` any time subsequent to revocation.
J .
a ,r ll
l � e
ee c d
Those parks in which coin recovery is allowed are as follows: Lincoln, Shane Lions,
°ebster, Erickson Elks, Crown, Wolverton Charles & Willson, Sar' &Oak Geor Jana. and Hazel
Porter Kiel,
. haa!le.
6. WS
7. Grown.
8. Welvel4eli.
0. 7,h find
11-1. KiwafiisGhal--Ies R.
I �
13. 12. 13th and LaoFel. 14azel Pet�' �
14. Maynes Par-k.
C. Where Not Allowed,
B. Those parks, or areas of parks, in which coin recovery, is not allowed are. as Follows: Civic
Field, West End lark ''veteran's Memorial, Lincoln Park Ballfield Area, Shane Park Ballf0eld
area Elks F''la field Ballfield Area Jarnaes Viewpoint, (Ity Pier, Francis Street Ha nes
Viewpoint, Bawl & Paddle, I larlaorwieww, and l:stuar .
5, Shane Papli Bal!field
7. r *n,.
8. mn
°— Gam,ie P
— —filo metal detectors may be used for coin recovery n ell r —r ice;or within 3010
feet ofany building located within a park.
12.04.190 G041 Feeever- • �Ij I
D. Permitted °l"ools and Methods
IN. I Only blunted ice picks, lord; shank screwdrivers not over tern inches in length,
1 blunted awwls„ or a knife not over six inches in length may be used to retrieve coins,
13, .22.The recovery of coins shall be achieved through penetration of the soil with a
permitted tool. The opening for extraction of the coin shall not he larger than two inches in
N4 eta! ether-than eo i
f E. Recovering Metal Other Than Coins
All metal recovered while searching for coins shall be picked up by the permittee, and deposited
in the proper refuse containers,
12.0&030 - Ilse regulations.
The fdllowving regulations shall apply to the use of the. Vern Murton Memorial Community
Center and the Dort Angeles Senior SeFviees and Community Center:
A. The: hours of operations shall be from :0O a.m, to 2:00 a.m.
B. The sale or use of liquor, including beer and wine, shall be permitted at activities
allowed in the Fern Murton Memorial Community Center and the Po:>rt. Angeles senior
Sei-vieeq and Community Center, provided that the applicant for the permit to use the
facility shall furnish proof that all peri-nits,required.by the Washington Mate Liquor Control
Board have been obtained and that the provisions outlined in PAMC 12.08.050.A.–..-F.
have been complied with.
C. All applicable Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations shall be
complied with.
D. The Parks and & Recreation Director shall recommend such other regulations as
are necessary for use of the facility, A,hich regulations shall be adopted by the City Council.
E. The above use regulations may be modified only by special permission of the City
f Manager with the right of appeal to the City Council,
1108,040 - Permit—Applications.
A. An applicant for a permit to use the facility shall dile an application with the
Parks oa*d & Recreation Director or, his designee at least 15 days prior tca the
date sought for use of"the facility,or at least 30 days prior to the date sought for the use of
the facility if special arrangements such as floor covering, seating, or other such
arrangements are required, unless the Director waives such notice requirements in
circumstances that he deems appropriate, and shall provide the following information:
1. Sponsor of'the activity;
2. Mature of the event.„
. Date of the event;
. Expected attendance;
. All other such information,as may be required by the . ' Parks aiid
"c recreation Director,
13, The 4e - of Parks & recreation Director or his desnee shall review the
application Ior sufficiency and consistency with the terms, and conditions of this chapter,
the rules adopted pursuant to the authority of this chapter, and all other applicable Federal,
State, and City laws, codes, and regulations. f
C. The Director shall determine whether a permit for the ;.activity requested shall be
issued. In appropriate circumstances, the Director may issue a permit for an activity that
varies from the terms and conditions of this chapter,provided that the public health,public
1 safety, public property and public peace are adequately protected. The Director may place
such terms and conditions on the permit as lie deerns necessary and appropriate for tile
proper administration and enforcement of this chapter.
D. The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Parks, Recreation fffl4 &
Beautification Commission, by filing an appeal with the Director within ten days of his
12.08.050 - Pennit—ISSUance prerequisites.,
AAfter approval of the permit application, and before issuance of the permit, the
applicant shall deposit with the City a cash deposit or a surety bond, an amount calculated
to pay costs or charges for cleanup and/or damage, but in no event to exceed S 1,000.00.
This bond or deposit shall be used to pay costs or charges, incurred to repair damages to the
City facility,or to clean up the facility after its, use if the same is not done by the applicant
within a reasonable time, as determined by the Dwifeetofef Parks a-Rd, & Recreation
Director. This bond or other deposit, or a portion thereof, shall be returned to the applicant
when the City is satisfied that any darnages incurred during the use of the facility by tile
applicant have been repaired and that the facility has been cleaned to the same condition
as, when delivered to the applicant, This bond or other deposit may be used by the City for
repair or,clean up if such is not done by the applicant. The requirement for deposit or bond
may be waived if the applicant is ,a, non-profit, governmental., or regulatory agency in the
discretion of the Direeters e Parks a*4-& Recreation Director.
B. After approval of a permit application, and before issuance of the permit, tile
appl icant for any use that is either sponsored by a corporate entity or is a special event with
significant potential liability, exposure as determined by the City shall furnish to the City
evidence of liability coverage in an aniount and form satisfactory to the Risk Manager,
narning the City as an additional insured,
C. As deemed necessary and appropriate, the rr-eetei- e Parks aiid & Recreation
Director may require that the applicant execute a hold han,nless in favor ofthe City for any
and all claims arising out of' the permitted use, except for claims caused by tile sole
negligence of the City.
D. Within 418 hour-s of the e Prior to the event, the applicant must meet with a
representative of the Parks ati4 & Recreation Department for a thorough review of tile
facilities, available equipment, security Procedures,,and the issuance of keys.
E. The Dir-eetef () Parks affd & Recreation Director may place other conditions and
requirements, upon the use of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center or the Port
Angeles Senior Serwiees and Community Center as are deemed necessary and appropriate
to assure the safety and security ofthe public and the facility.
F. After approval of the permit application, and before issuance of the permit, the
applicant shall present written confirmation of conformance with any other condition or
requirement placed upon the proposed activity,
12.08.060 .. lee schedule,
The r=te Parks and & Recreation Director shall prepare a schedule of fees for the
use of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center and the Port Angeles Senior iees
and Community Center, which shall be subject to adoption by ordinance of the City
12.08,070 - Perrn it--Re vocation.
Any permit issued Pursuant to the terms of this,chapter may be revoked in accordance with
IZ 11 A
the provisions, of Chapter 5.04.se.—i-e-tis — ..150 thi;a�igh 5.04.220.
12,08.080 - Pennit—Assignment.
No permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be assigned.
12.08.090 - Right of inspection,
The Director-of Parks ofid, & Recreation Director, his designee,or any peace officer of the
State shall have the right to enter and inspect any activity at the Vern Burton Memorial
Community Center and the Port Angeles Senior Ser-vieeq, and Community Center at any
12.08.1 0 - 'Femporary alterations.
Any applicant for a permit may make application for, and may receive approval for,
temporary alterations to the Vern Burton Memorial Cotrimunity Center and the Port
Angeles Senior SeFYiOeS and Community Center; provided that all such alterations shall be
immediately removed from the structure at the conclusion of the activity, and the structure
shall be returned to the condition existing before the alteration.
1108,110 - Prohibited activities,
It is unlawful for any user or other person to commit any of the following offenses on the
prernises of,or in connection with the use of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center
and the Port Angeles Senior Sefviees and Community Center:
A. Interference with any individual or group engaged in lawful use of the Vern Burton
Memorial Community Center and the Port Angeles Senior Serviees and Community
B, Soliciting, interfering with, accosting other people for selling, begging, immoral
acts.,or other similar purposes is not permitted in any park or attendant facility;
C. Willfully marking, marring, defacing, disfiguring, injuring, tampering with or
displacing, removing,burning,cutting,carving,digging up,or damaging any City property
and attendant facilities or any plants,, trees or shrubs, or attaching any rope, wire or other
contrivance to a tree, plant, shrub,or structure.
12.08,115 - Scheduling of permitted activities,
The sehedtiIi-.-I "'e-livities, permitted PHF5UffHt t0this ehapter shall be inaeeefdanee With
feqeir-eniefits.t Scheduling is done on a first-come, first served basis, A
damage deposit is required to hold the facility for there uested dates and times.
event. theFe shall be no eaHeellation
s seheduled,
by the apf)FOVEII
B. Events that aFe antitail, open to the eemmunity.,
City without appr-eval of the event
. ,
Events ,
and are by en y4ia . 9*1
to "ifle Months In Ad—we, of he
,. pFavided,
eetiferetiee and eo--- e even, date, I. lie
Fe lentio" event displaees a pFivate event up to 120 days befoFe the event
.,, , EI similal
vate ..
will attempt Fet
V--+I event.,
1). NeheWtiling hi , -.— ReeFeatiert,f
yflipie s t �H 6
Afigeles Chamber-ofComnAefee an updated sehedi-1-4-Heti vi ties I --eduled
+unction 3. Ordinance 22119 and Chapter 12.101,of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended by amending the following sections to read as followw°s:.
11101,1140 - Use regulations,
The following regulations shall apply to the use of the City Hall Council Chambers and
lobby area:
A. I'he hours of operation shall. be, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., unless by special.
permission ofthe tew�e Parks affd-& recreation Director„
13. 'The sale or use of liquor, including beer and/or wine, shall not be permitted;
C. All applicable federal,state and local lawns,codes and regulations shall be complied
D. Permit applicants shall be responsible for the following:
I, Preventing damage to the building or its contents,
2, preventing access to any other parts of tile City Flail/Vern Burton Memorial
Community tenter complex,
� I
1 Cleaning the used areas before leaving,
Locking the building upon leaving, and
. Deporting any damage that needs re-pair so that it may be repaired by City
personnel. The cost of repair shall be paid by user, which costs shall be deducted
from the darnage deposit,
E. The D4Parks fm4 & Recreation Director may recorntnend such other
regulations as are necessary for use of the facility, which regulations nlay be adopted by
t the City Council by resolution.
12.10.050 - permit application.
A. An, applicant for a permit to use the facility shall fate all application with tlwe
DrfttOf 0'Parks mi4 & Recreation Director or his designee at least: seven days prior to
the date sought for use ofthe facility, or at least 30 days prior to the date sought for use of
the facility if special arrangements such as floor cowering, seating, food or beverage
service, or other such arrangements are required, unless the Director off. r''^ d}
R waives such notice requirements in circumstances that he deems appropriate.
The application shall provide the lollowwing information:
1. Sponsor of the activity;
2. Nature of the event,;
3. Date and hours of tlue event;
4. Expected attendance;, and,
. All other such information as may be required by the DiFeetef o Paas
Recreation Director..
B. The DiFeeteF e Parks affd & Recreation Director or his designee shall determine
whether a permit for the activity requested shall be issued, In appropriate circumstances,
the Director of P°fks aiid r ^ Mr,a+ion may place such terms and conditions on tyre permit as
he deems necessary and appropriate for the proper administration and enforcement of this
1 .10.060 - permit issuance prerequisites.
A. after approval of the permit application„ and before issuance of the permit, the
applicant shall deposit with the City a cash deposit or surety bond, in an amount,calculated
to pay costs or charges for cleanup and/or damage, but in no event to exceed $1,000.00.
This bond or deposit shall be used to pay costs or charges incurred to repair damages to the
City facility, or to clean up the facility after its use if"the same is not done by the applicant
within a reasonable tirne, as determined by the Direetef, 0rµ pars and & recreation
Director. This bond or other deposit,or a portion thereof; shall be returned to the applicant
wvhen the City is satisfied that any damages incurred during the use of the facility by the
applicant have been repaired and that the facility has been cleaned to the same condition
as when delivered to the applicant. This bond or other deposit may be used by the City for
repair or clean-up, if such is not done by the applicant. The requirement for deposit or bond
may be waived if the applicant is a non-profit, governmental or regulatory agency, in tile
discretion of the i stem Parks a*d & Recreation Director.
B. After appaoval of a permit application, and before issuance of the permit, the
applicant for any use that is either sponsored by a corporate entity or is a special event with
significant potential liability exposure as determined by the City shall furnish to the City
proof of liability coverage in an amount and form satisfactory to the Risk Manager, naming
the City as ,in additional insured.
C. As deemed necessary and appropriate, the Difeetef e Parks affd & Recreation
Director,may require that the applicant execute a hold harmless in favor of the City for any
and all claims arising out of the pen-nitted use, except for claims caused by the sole
negligence of the City.
D, Within 48 heafs ef the e Prior to the event, the applicant must meet with a
representative of the Parks, apA & Recreation Department for a thorough review of tile
facilities, available equipment, security procedures,and the issuance of keys.
E. The Direr-o Parks a+vA & Recreation Director may place other conditions and
requirements upon the use of City [-tall as deemed necessary and appropriate to assure the
safety and security of tile public and the facility,
F. After approval of the permit application, and before issuance of the permit, the
applicant shall present written confirmation of conformance with any other condition or
requirement placed upon,the proposed activity,
12.10.070 - Fee schedule.
The DiFeetor e 'Parks aiid & Recreation Director shall prepare a schedule of fees for the
use of the City Hal i Council Chambers and lobby area. This schedule shall be set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
12.10.100 - Right of inspection.
`The meter-o Parks end& Recreation Director,, his designee, or any peace officer of tile
State shall have the,right to anter and inspect the activity at any time.
12.10.110 - Prohibited activities,
It is unlawful for any user or other person to commit any of the following offenses oil the
premises of, or in connection with the use of the City Hall:
A. Interference with any individual or group in lawful use of the City Hall;
B. Soliciting, interfering with,or accosting other people for selling, begging, immoral
acts or other similar purposes;
C. Willfully marking, marring, defacing, disfiguring, injuring, tampering with, or
damaging any City property.
Section 4. Ordinance 2169 and Chapter 12.12 of the: Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended by amending the fol lowing sections to read as fol lows:
• 12.12.010 -Applicability and purpose of provisions.
• 12.12.02,0 - Permitted activities.
12,12.030 - Conditionally permitted activities.
1112.040 - Pert-nit application and Processing.
12.12.050 - Damage deposit, insurance, and fire and police certifications,
• 12.12.060 - Revocation of permit.
• 12.11070 -No assignment o pennits.
12.12.080 - right of inspection.
• 12.12.090 - Temporary alterations,to facilities.
• 12.12.100 - Hours of operation,
12.124 10 Regulation offloati-t-I .-e-ilities at City Pier-and Watef44at'
12.12.110-Regulation of'City flier boat moor;IM
12.120 Regulatione(Ppen-anew
—f* age at the City Pier and Watef4*�W
12.12.4-344-120 - Prohibited activities,
12.12,.4-34-130 - Concessions.
[2.12.010 - Applicability and purpose of provisions.
These facilities are provided by the City for the use of the citizens of Port $glee
for social, passive recreational, edLiCational,,and cultural activities. Only those activities
which are consistent with the provision of the facility for these u!poses should he
allowed at the City Pier and waterfront park areas.
This chapter shall apply to the use of the City Pier an followin Wwaterfront -1212jLrk,
11 +-A m the feet of 6ineeln Sfi-t-et ti-H. the City ,)
"FlIef4Angeles locations:
A. City Pier- Located at the foot olf"Ill,incoln Street in the City of Port Angeles. including,
Hollywood Beach.
13, West End Park- Located at the foot of Railroad Avenue and Oak Street in the Cit
of Port an glen. This faeilky i-S ofevided by the C-,ity for- -�he use of the eitizen" of
P614 ARReleS f;9F segial, passive Feefeational, edtieatioHal, affd eultur-al
only these fletivities which al-e eonsisfetit wifli the fqre�,isi H 4 the F664P�-�
kthese �w .
C w Esplanade Located along Marine Drive and West Boathaven Thrive.
Q.t Valley CreekEstuary- located at Cherry atreet and Marine Drive.
l2.1 .020 - Permitted activities.
A. The following activities are permitted '°i. City Pier and at Wwaterfiront P-parks,
44e44y if they are sponsored,operated and/or promoted by a civic, charitable, or nonprofit
organization or corporation:
I. Boat races;
I Fishing derbies;
I Music concerts and performances;
4. Dallies;
Art shows; t
Via. Car and boat shows;
7. Dances;
Scuba and slain diving meets;
9, Ghristtiias l loliday celebrations and events;
10. Church, civic and service group activities;
1.1. Drama events.
B. A permit shall be granted in accordance with (lie procedures of section 12.12.040,
of this chapter,
C. recreational beach fires at Holl wood Beach, `~fail & Paddle Park,and Harborviewv
Park are allowed in the event that there are no Cognty Total Bum Bans in effect.
Notification to the Fire Marshal and Parks & Recreation Director is re aired dor to the
recreational beach fire. Recreational beach fires are allowed in designated areas provided
the following are adhered to:
I. "T"he i.le sire shall not exceed three fcet in diarrneter and two feet in hei ry lnt.
2. The burn pile shall not be located within 25 feet of a structure or
combustible materials unless contained in a barbecue .pit.
3. The fire shall be constantly attended by a person who has approved fire
extinguishing equipment.....,,,readily available. Aftyproved fire e tin uishin
equipment includes buckets shovels garden hoses, or a fire extinguisher with a.
minimum 4 A ratiu.
� f
1112.040 - Permit application and processing.
A, An application for a permit shall be filed with the DiFftt r 01 Parks and
Recreation Director at least, 30 days prior to the date sought for the use of the facility, l"he
application shall provide the following inforuiaat on;
I. Sponsor of the activity, sponsor's local address;
2. Proof that the sponsor is an organization eligible to receive a permit;
3. The nature of the event and its estimated length;
4. ',"he date of the event;
S.. The expected attendance;
to be made,as Ei result ofthe event,the method efobwining the ,
HOW and to whem+4t-wm" ;
• Any other information required by the Director D-.wa. . �. ,� Q
13. If the activity for which a permit is sought is one of those permitted by section
12,11020, the Parks and & Recreation Director is satisfied the applicant is eligible to
receive a permit, and the activity will comply with all of the other terms and conditions of
this Chapter, the Director may Issue the permit.
C. If'the activityfor which a permit is sou��
,lat is not one of those permitted under
section 12.12.020 and the Parks and ,& Recreation Director is satisfied the applicant is
eligible to receive a permit,the Rpffeation Director shall refer the application to
the Parks, Recreation Beautification Commission.
D. The Parks, Recreation Beautification Commission shall review tlae request,
and shall determine whether the activity is one which is consistent with the purpose of this
chapter, and shall make a recommendation upon whether to issue such permit to the City
Council, A representative of the Commission, mefierablv the Chair or Co-Chair will
resent to the Council their recornrnendation at the subse cent City Council meeting.
The City Council shall review the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation and&
Beautification Commission upon the same criteria used by the Commission. The City
Council shall determine, by motion, whether a permit shall be issued.
F. The permit shall be acted upon by the City within 20 days of the date of application.
111.2.050 - Damage deposit, insurance, and fire and police certifications,
j after the approval of"a permit application, and before issuance of the permits,the applicant
A. Deposit with the City a cash deposit or surety bond, in an amount determined by
the Parks eAdd Recreation Dlirector, but iia no eN,efit Cess Shan $35 r° e more than
500.00, depending upon the event size and the applicant"s ability to pays, to be used to pay
costs and charges for cleanup or for repair of damages incurred by the City as a result of'
the event.
The deposit or any portion thereol'unused shall be returned to the applicant when the City
is satisfied that the facility has been returned to the same condition as it was in prior to the
commencement of the activity;
B, Provide evidence that the applicant has in full force and effect, ag neral,-Iiability
insurance policy in an amount of[lot less,than $4W22,,Q1C�,000.00 bodily injury per person
and $1,000,000.00 property damage, for any personal injIury or property darnage arising
out of, or in any way caused by,the applicant's use of the facility. The City may require:an
event to Vurchase a hi&her limit of insurance,deending.on the risk, factor of the events;
C. Execute an agreement to save and hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from,and
defend the City against any and all claims and actions for personal injury or property
damage arising out of, or in any way caused by the applicant's use,of the facility;
D. Provide, when requested by the Parks a+K4 & Recreation Director, a written
confirmation from the Chiel"of Police and the lire Chief of the City that the applicant has
agreed to or otherwise contracted for all necessary crowd, traffic, assembly, and other
requirements of the Police and Fire Departments.
11 12.08�O - Right of inspection.
The Parks and& Recreation Director, of-his designee, or any peace officerT shall have the
right to inspect any activity at the Comer= d - waterfront P-parks amity.
1' .12.f)90 -Temporary alterations to facilities,
The applicant for a permit may make application for, and may upon approval of the
application, rnake temporary alterations to the City Pier and Wwaterfront P-parks 4t&4y.
All such alterations shall be immediately removed at the conclusion of the activity,and the
structure shall be returned to the condition existing before the alterations.
12.12.100 - Hours of operation.
The City Pier and W waterfront Rparks shall be open for foot traffic 24 hours daily;
provided, however, that the City Pier parking lot and restrooms shall be closed at 11 A0
p-ni-. dusk and shall be opened at 8:00 am., unless the !'arks & Recreation Director, 411 at
his discretion, schedules an earlier opening, particularly in the summer months.
12.11110—Regulation of City Pier boat moora e.
A, Transient Moorae-e Facilities
L No boat or other vessel, other than recreational boats, shall use the transient
moorage facilities at the City Pier affd-Wqtef& - & All operators of vessels,
mooring overnight are required to, self-register and i)ay a mooraggfee,as set forth
in Chapter 3.70 PANIC.
2. No boat shall moor at the City Pier for a period of longer than 10 consecutive
B. North Pier Moorac Are
I bN' ffle(ehanieai failure advieFse weather- eonditions, or- othef
efflemeneie-,-e Commercial ships, boats and vessel-scruise ships or recreational
craft over feet in tenL
ah. ma v be Permitted to moor on tile north side of tile
12emianent City Pier dock. %jthin±!j!t4ffftnyfed Geast Guafd gea M the
City Pief and WAteFf+()Hf PaFk if Ap—q—ited afea
guard, and if im-ioF arfangements haye been made thfeueh the __r-d and the
'The fees fior such moorage shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.,70 PANIC
2. No boat shall moor at the City Pier for a period offon ger that) 10 consecutive
11 A D
4e"nd Waterfi
A, No beat of athef�,essel,ether-then feeFeational boats, Shall use the fleming flioofage
-les at the (-At� 'VateFfi:o��lj opefaters ."t-s-s-e-4s
afe Fequir-ed t
-520.1-fifid pay it mea age fee as set Ch-111-1 31.7-11 PAINIG'.
M �of 4), PieF alld r-f+oflt-Pffk-.
A. NklheH neeessitated by mlee —RiFe, adverse weathef eenditiefi;, of
othef e Commer-eial ,;!lips, boats and vessels, 8F
i,eer-eational "Ver feet ifi leiigth, may be pefmitted to meef within th-e
desigmted Coast GuaFd moofage ai-ea at the Git�, PieF aii.4 AVF.+—G,--*
11 1 P'RFk W that
gnated area is tiet im use by ftfA' and if P iefits have
beeH made thi:ough the Coast GtiaFd and the Gity, on .--nard- side of the
i9effAane- lt C-AtRj�±deek.
B. The fees Cof stieh mear-age shall be as- set forth in GhapteF 4,70 PAN
12.12.4-30-12f1- Prohibited activities.
It is unlawful for any person to commit the following offenses on tile premises or in
connection with the use of the City Pier an -W waterfront R parkL44&ky
� ; provided that
subsections G. D, and E 44. of this section shall not apply to concessionaires acting by and
under to written agreement approved by the Parks fmd & Recreation Director,
APossessing and/or consuming intoxicating lkfuof"�, rugs or narcotics;
B. Possessim-, and/or consurning intoxicating alcohol without an Alcohol Use Permit;
P,C. Interference with any individual or group engaged in the lawful use of the facilities;
GI . Exposing or offering for sale any articles,things,or stationing in a stand any articles
or obJects for transportation, sale or display without a peMit;
D- ;. The distribution, leaving, throwing,, tacking, or pasting of any signs, handouts,
pasters or advertisements or inscriptions for the advertising of any goods, materials,
meetings, people or other similar purposes upon any portion of the City Pier af+d-AV-
waterfront R parks;
E-F. Soliciting, interfering with, accosting other people for selling, begging, immoral
acts, or any other similar purposes;
F-Cr. Willful marking, marring, defacing, disfiguring, injuring, tampering with, or
displacing, moving, burning, Cutting, carving, digging up, or, damaging any portion of the
waterfront parks City Pier and 'Wateffient Nwk;
G-14. The use of amp�lified-sound facilities in a manner which disturbs surrounding
business areas.
12.12.440-130 - Concessions,
The Parks erffd & Recreation Director shall have the authority to enter into kvritten
agreements with concessionaires for profit-making activities, that are, consistent with the
purpose of the City Pierwaterfront R parks I.aeilits as set forth in PAMC 12.11010,
Section 5. Ordinance 2632 and Chapter 12.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended by repealing the following:
12.16.010 Applicability.
111 6A20 PeFmitted aetivities.
1116.030 U s e F e p�161 t i go rtis-
12.16.040 Pefmit Applieatiepi,,-.
1246.050 Pennit issuance prefeqt&4&m
1,2.16.060 Fee seliedule.
12.16.070 Permit 11 e-3--i--
12.,16.080 PeFmit --A-ssigof"en-
12.16* 90 Right of 4 nspeet .
2. 11 00 Temporary alt f W. n1s.
10 PFehib4ed-a(,4.ffi6eso.
1-2,16,010 Applieability.
This ehapter-shall apply terhie Us
'ine AA Gentef-,
e i+khe44)r4Angeles F
S�feet in the City, and te any use efthe sui:fetindiiig gFounds whenever said
errne -S
I.:, Chaptef. This Aft Genter
w4h the use of the 11U.— d jU
for use by the eifizens ef PeA,Nngeles fefseeial, and edueational aetivities wh a stfueture
lie Port Angeles Fi entef.
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the Fire Chiel'ofthe City that adequate pi,evisions has been made f6peempliarieewith all applieable
Fire Godes an-, 'r-
4 . eftlie permit,.
the applieam
pon the proposed astivi",.
12.16.060 Fee sehedule,
Aiiy permit issued par-sHant to the tefiris of this eliaptef may be Fevelied in aeeerdanee with the
f seetions 5.04.150 through 5.04.220.
1116.080 Permit Assigririient,
. .
The-Direeter-of Parks and
f l , any peaee offieer of die States
-Rd irispeef an aetivily at die Pert Angeles Fine Aft-C"'e-fl.t.-F --v
applieation fer, and may
. .w
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a4e,-1. the Pert Art eles F4ne Art
-e A alterations shall bg�
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later-"nee with any iridividual of group engaged in lawW use of the Peo Angeles, Fine
Art Gentef;
Selie4ing, «,. selling, T ...
other similar, ot permitted i.H, an), park or attendarit fae4it'11-1,
G. WiRfolly marking, marring, def�aeiag, disfitl-i-j" tampering with of displaeing,
1"eving, bur"itig, eut4ing' ea�viflg, digging tip oF damaging ariy park property, and attendant
T trees shrubs, '. I—e Of Other
n >
Flaw, Shrub,
Section 6- Corrections. The City, Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance
arc, authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not
__ ...... ........ _ .......... ........._............_ ._ ................... ...._....... .. _.......
limited to, the correction of die scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance nunibering,
section/subsection timbers and any references thereto.
Section 7 -Severability: If any provisions of this Ordii=cc, or its application
to any, Pei-son or circurnstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Orditiance or application
ofthe provis ions of the Ordinance to other Persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 8-Effective Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise of a Ix)wer specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall
take effect January L, 2017 after passage, and publication of an approved surnnixy
thercol-consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of'said
Council held on the_6 day of November,2016.
ZPPIPatriick Do ie, Mayor
I 'e,
William E. floor, City Attorney
T4-nnii'eJVencklasen, City Clerk
PUBIJSFIED:Mowfflt�C�l 20�b
By Summary
Summary of Ordinance adopted by
the Port Angeles City Council on November 15, 2016
Ordinance No. 3562
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying regular ad valorem property
taxes for collection in the fiscal year 2017, and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to
the Board of Clallam County Commissioners.
Ordinance No. 3563
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 2.32 and 2.48, of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3564
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 3.70 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3565
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending chapters 12.04, 12.10, 12.12
and repealing Chapter 12.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published: November 21, 2016