HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/16/2016 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
August 16, 2016,
Mayor Downic called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members flresent: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilinembers Bruch, Collins,Gase, Merideth and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk, Vencklasen.,C.Delikat,K. Dubuc,C.Fulton,B.
Smith,B. Olson. N. West., S. C=izosa,and Cr, King,
Councilmernber Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Kelsey Redlin Kitner,317 West 131 Street,thanked Council and Parks&Recreation Director Corey Delikat for the
positive changes at Georgianna Park. She spoke about her daughter Quinn's legacy and her work to make area parks
accessible to all.
Muazzez Eren, 1103 East 13'h Street,gifted the Mayor a gavel.
Scott Kennedy, 136 Old Black Diamond Road,thanked the Councilmembers who he said consistently supported
water fluoridation as a community health benefit.
Torn 1-ocke,267 Pike Place,Sequim,spoke in favor of water fluoridation.
Dale Wilson, P.0, Box 817,spoke against water fluoridation.
Manager or Councilmember-
Counciltnember Collins asked that the Council re-look at the Fluoride Alternatives Ad-hoe Committee's
recommendation for a school dental health care assessment prograrn and invite Port Angeles Schools Superintendent
Marc Jackson to a Council meeting to speak about it.
Councilmember Case asked that Council have the City Manager reach out to the County Health Department for
advice on the best method of talking to the public as part of an education process.Deputy Mayor Kidd further spoke
about the need for an education campaign,
Couneilmember Bruch requested an update on how the City will address the Climate Change Report.
Clerk Vencklasen read a statement from Marie Wiggins withdrawing her ethics complaint against Councilmenibers
Bruch, Collins,Merideth and Whetham. In light of Ms. Wiggins' withdrawal,]tern 13 was removed front the agenda.
It was moved by G ase and seconded by Brach to approve the Consent Agenda to include-,
I. City Council Minutes:August 2, 2016
2. Expenditure Report: From Juky 23, 2016 lo.4ugust.i, 2016 in the amount of$4,094,477.19
1001% 3. Proposed Medic I Ambulance Transport Rate A4jus trac n t/See Public 1lea ring
Motion carried 7-0.
1. 2016 Budget Amendment#2
Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson said that the City anticipates a third and fourth budget amendment before the
end of the year, Budget Officer Sarina Carrizosa was available to answer questions related to the material presented.
Council discussion followed.
Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending tile 2016 budget and funds.
Mayor Dovarie continued the matter to the September 6, 2016 meeting.
L Electric Utility 2016 Resource,Plan
Public Works& Utilities Director Craig Fulton said that Council held a discussion and public hearing at the last
meeting regarding the State requirement for developing all electric resource plan.He said the City had not received
any additional comments since the public hearing.
Mayor Downie invited the public to comment on the resolution. There being no public comment.Mayor DoWnie
read the resolution by title,entitled,
A RESOLul-ION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,approving the 2016 Electric Utility
Resource Plan.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Case to:
Adopt the resolution as read.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Clallam County Economic Development Corporation Contract
Community &Economic Development Director Nathan West said that on February 2,2016„Council discussed the
Clallam County Economic Development Corporation contract and voted 4 to 3 to request that staff draft a contract
with the EDC in the amount of 10,000 from the restricted economic development account special project funds.
Randy Johnson.,, 123 Henry Boyd Road,Chairman of the EDC Board,addressed Council and spoke about the
organization's work to help businesses.He said there are now,over 100 private businesses who have contributed
their own money to the EDC. He spoke about success stories at Lincoln Welding and Kokopelli (irill.Fle thanked
Council for considering EDC's request for support. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to:
Approve and Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached Economic Development Corporation Contract and
make minor modifications as necessary.
Council discussion continued.
Motion carried 5-2,with Councilmembers Whetham and Merideth opposed.
Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 7:11 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:21 p.m.
2. Council Rules of Procedure
Manager McKeen noted that Council had held three work sessions that,at least in part,were dedicated to looking at
the Council Rules of Procedure.He noted that the Council packet included three versions of the Rules of Procedure.
Council discussion followed.
At the request of Councilmernber Collins,the Mayor polled Councilmembers as to their preferred'version:
Deputy Mayor Kidd,Mayor Downie,Councilmen bers Bruch, Merideth.Case and Collins supported version 3.
Councilmember Whetham supported version I
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Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to:
Adopt version 3 of the Council Rules of Procedure as presented.
Councilinember Bruch noted the arnendinents:
• On Page 1-73 adding the line at the end of the first paragraph"subject to the Council's right to overrule
such a decision"
• On Page 1-81 adding"nor use profanity"to the first sentence
• Oil Page 1-82 adding to the fourth paragraph"city residents and business owners"
The maker of the motion and the seconder agreed to the suggested changes.
Motion carried as amended,6-1 with Whetham opposed.
1. Authorization to Purchase Fire Engine and Related Equipment
Fire Chief Ken Dubuc said that a recent evaluation by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau(WSRB)
identified that the Fire Department lacks sufficient pumping capacity. The Department determined that the purchase
of a"inini purnpeC would ineet the needs of WSRB while also providing a newwildland firefighting capability and
a new level of operational flexibility that would allow for the initial deployment of a second medic unit for response
to emergency medical incidents. Council discussion followed.
It"vas moved by Gase and seconded by Whetham to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with 14ME Inc., for the purchase of a new inini-pumper and to
authorize the purchase of related equipment required to outfit tile vehicle.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Green Alley LID Contract Award
Councilmember Merideth recused himself due to the fact that his employer may be providing product for the
project.Councilmember Merideth exited the Chambers.
Director Fulton outlined the alley project and its benefits to the stormwater system,noting that it was possible in
large part because of the Department of Ecology Water Qua lity Grant.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Gase,to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to,sign a contract for the Green LID Alley ProjectTR 16-16,with 2 Grade
Excavation and Development, LLC of Port Angeles,WA in the total bid amount of$549,838.50, including
applicable taxes,and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary.
Council discussion continued.
Motion carried 5-1,with Whetham opposed.
Councitmember Merideth returned to the Chambers.
3. Purchase Approval for Storage Area Network(SAN)Replacements
CFO O7ls,on said the proposal will allow the City to upgrade mid replace the City's primary disaster recovery
equipment that is used to provide data storage to multiple servers and desktops within the City.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to:
Authorize the City manager to approve the necessary purchase/maintenance agreements to purchase the
upgrade/replacement of the city's primary and backup storage area network hardware/software and technical
services. Total costs not to exceed 5487,897.13.
Motion carried 7-0.
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CouncilmenibeT Collins said that while on vacation was able to tour the Penn State University Bus Research and
Testing Center,the only facility in the country that tests buses for the federal transportation adininistration,He said
fie was able to bring back good information for Clallam Transit.
Councilmernber Gase said he was able to do a ride-along with a PAPD Officer. He spoke about his attendance at tile
Unity of Effort celebration put on by Security Services Nortim,est.Ile showed a short video ofPAPD officers
participating in the Bucket Brigade Challenge during the celebration.
Councilmember Merideth spoke about the final youth baseball tournament of the season and noted players are now
on to football
Councilmember Bruch attended the Farmers Market with Mayor Downie. She said they heard from people thanking
them for the fluoride decision.
Mayor Downie reported that he enjoyed his time at the Farmers Market.He said the American Slfiril cruise ship will
be back in Port Angeles several times over the next few months. He walked along with Sergeant Jason Viada during
his downtown foot patrol,and also attended the VIMO Dental Chnic open house.
No other reports were given.
Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet.He said that at a previous meeting Council
requested an update oil the Rayonier Property.He said staff recently met with representatives from Rayonier and
that they will be presenting a written report in tile near future.
Manager McKeen asked for further clarification on Council's intent regarding community oral health education,and
asked if there was a consensus to move forward.Ungthy Council discussion followed.
Council agreed by consensus to form a subcommittee that would work with Dr. Chris Frank, the Clallam County
Public Health Officer, on a notification to citizens.
Manager McKeen reiterated that he understood the purpose ofthe subcommittee was to draft a letter(or something
similar)that is part of public education on the fact that the City has taken fluoride out of the water and that also talks
about oral health. Councilmembers Bruch and Case volunteered to work with the Public Health Officer and bring
something back to Council for consideration.
Marilyn Harbaugh,312 West Fifth Street,said that not all Port Angeles citizens received utility bills, and so she
encouraged Council to find another way to communicate with citizens during any outreach campaign.
Eloise Kailin,Sequim,spoke in regards to Councilinember Collins' comments relating to fluoride at the August 2nd
Council meeting.
Dale Wilson,P.O. Box 817,said there was no need for a protracted education campaign on fluoride,and he
suggested that more attention should be given to heroin overdoses than to the fluoride issue.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 9:1 1 p.m.
J'q 1
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P46ick Downie,Mayor 4— I.
i f4� sell,City Clerk
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