HomeMy WebLinkAbout3561 ORDINANCE NO
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
Chapter 13.06 of the Pert Angeles Municipal Code as follows relating
to industrial wastewater pretreatment.
Section 1. Ordinance 3397 and Chapter 13.06 of the Port Angeles ?'Municipal Code
are hereby amended by amending the following sections to read as follows:
' I
13.0&0 11 Definitions.
13.06.012 Abbreviations. Administration.
13,06.030 Discharge prohibitions. Fats, oil and grease (FODG).
13.06.032 New construction.
13.06.033 Existing construction.
13.06.034 Grease removal systeffiinterceptor maintenance.
13.06.035 Grease renisystem ceptor additives.
13.06.036 Solids interceptor.
13.06.037 Grease fe -: _' systeem tercept r sizing.
13.06.038 Flow controls.
13.06.039 Record keeping.
13.06.040 Limitations on wastewater strength..
13.06.041 National Categorical Pretreatment Standards. State Pretreatment Standards.
13.06.043 Right of revision.
13.06.044 Dilution.
13.06.045 Local limits.
13.06.050,Accidental discharge/slug discharge control plans.
13,06.051 Hauled wastewater.
13.06.06O Pretreatment facilities.
13.06.061 Additional pretreatment measures.
13.06,080, Wastewater discharge permits.
13.06.100 Reporting requirements.
13 M.110 Analytical requirements.
13,016.111 Sample collection.
13.06.1 20 Conipliance monitoring.
13,06.130 Confidential information.
13,,06,140 Publication of users in, significant nonconipliance.
13.06,1 0 Administrative ent'orcenient remedies.
13,.W 160 Judicial enforcement remedies.
1X1.066.1 0 Supplemental enforcement action.
13,06.180 Affinnative defenses.
IM6,181 Bypass.
13.06.190, Pretreatment charges and fees.
13.06.011 Definitions.
Unless a provision explicitly states othenvise, the following terms and phrases, as used in
this chapter, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
A) "Act"- The Clean Water Act(33 US.0 1251 et seq.), as amended.
B), "AcMilive" - Any material put into, a grease ren+wml systeminterceptor (GRSC�T)i or any
drain lines or appurtenances discharging to aGRSGTf intended in any way to modify the
operation of the GRSGI.
C) "AKARP- All known available and reasonable treatment technology,
D) "Aj.�phcable Pi-elli-ccitmentS'taa (it-d�°" - For any specified pollutant, the City's prohibitive
discharge standard, the Citys specific limitations on discharge, the State of Washington
pretreatment standards, or the National Categorical Pietreatment Standards (when
effective), whichever standard is most stringent.
E) "Authorized or duy authorized representative ofthe user"
1) If the user is a corporation:
a) The president, secretary, treasurer, or a vice-president of the corporation in charge: of a
principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-
making functions for the corporation; or
b) The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided
the manager is authorized to make management decisions, which govern the operation of
the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital
investment recommendations, and initiate and direct other comprehensive measures to
assure long-term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; can
ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and
accurate information for control mechanism requirements; and where authority to sign
documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate
2) If the user is a partnership or sole proprietorship: a general partner or proprietor,
3) If the user is a Federal, State, or local governmental facility: a director or highest official
appointed or designated to oversee the operation and performance ofthe activities of the
regulated facility, or their designee.
4) 'The individuals described in paragraphs 1. through 3., above, may designate another
authorized representative if the authorization is in writing, the authorization specifies the
individual or position responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the
discharge originates or, having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the
company, and the written authorization is submitted to the City.
F) "A utomatic grease removal&ys�eni �,4 9A'Ln1erc , nor G "-A(A�S_`Gl that has provision
to automatically remove separated FO and/or settled solids from the tank and collect them
for disposal,
G) "Biochemical o)ygen dawn and or BOZY - The quantity of oxygen utilized in the
biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedures for five days
at.20 degrees centigrade, usually expressed as a concentration (e.g., nag/1).
H) "Best Management Practices or BMIS,O - means schedules of activities, prohibitions of
practices, maintenance procedures, and other managernent practices to implement the
prohibitions listed in section 13.06.033.A. and B. I'40 Cl'R 403.5(a)(1)and(b)]. BMPs also
include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control plant site
runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw materials storage,.
1) "Categorical Pretreatment,5tandard or Any regulation containing
pollutant discharge limits promulgated by EPA in accordance with Sections 307(b)and (c)
of the Act (33 U.S.C. Section 1317) which apply to a specific category of users and which
appear in 40 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter N, Parts 405-471.
J "Categorical Industrial User An industrial user subject to a Ocategorical P-pretreatn'lent
Sstandard or Categorical 9standard.
K) "Qy"-City of Port Angeles, Washington.
L) "(,oinj)osi1e sanij)le"- A composite of several samples taken throughout the period of a day
when a regulated discharge is occurring. Several brands of electric samplers, some with a
reffigerated sample collection area, may be used. Approvable composite samplers may
either use a flow paced or time paced algorithm.
M) "Dai1j, limit or daily maxintum hinit" - The maximum allowable discharge of a pollutant
over a calendar day or equivalent representative 24-hour period.
N) "Director"- 'The City of Port Angeles" public Works and Utilities Director. 'flee term also
means a duly authorized representative of the Director, Whenever in this chapter the
Director is given authority to establish limits,extend or shorten time,make a determination
or finding, or male other decisions, lie shall do so within the bounds of applicable local,
state, and federal law and in accordance wwith 'BM s.
. ka rsti i=
P)Q�_",Di:schargear"- any non-residential user who, by any means,discharges an effluent
into a.T'OT'S".
Q)P _'Environmental Protection Agency" - The U.S. l nvirom ental Protection Agency,
or, where appropriate, the Regional Water Management ement Division Director, the regional
Administrator, or other duly authorized official.
R)Qj_"Existing source"- Any source of discharge subject to C.cate erical Sstandards,that
t dines not meet the definition of "new source.""
S)Rj_"Fats, oils, used grease (170G)" - The terra fats, mils, and grease shall mean these
components of wastewater amenable to measurement by the methods described in
"Standard Methods for the Examination of eater— "ater and r
wastewWastewater," latest approved edition, or other methods approved by 40 CFR
136,. For the purposes of this chapter, the term fats, oils and grease shall include polar
(animal-based and plant-base dt_ �*"M, '°y, ��� �and other components extracted from
wastewater by these methods, excluding the non-polar(petrolcum-based) fraction.
"Fos od service establishment (FS' )" - Any establishment, commercial or
noncommercial primarily engaged in the preparing, serving, or otherwise making
available for consumption foodstuffs in or,can a receptacle that requires washing more than
two days per week and that discharges to the TA T '.
U) "Grab s°amj.al'e"-A sample which is taken from a wvastestream without,regard to the
flow in the ww°astestrea,m and over a period of time not to exceed 15 minutes.
-V) "" laezvit reu"° art "�t: atr�r"""
Any relatively large in-ground or above-ground tank,generally, but not always,of precast
concrete, with internal plumbing and baffling intended to act as a ." (tel or GI to
serve one or more fixtures and, that is remotely located.
"Gi-ease " rote rcepl r ( I)" - any device designed for, and
intended for, separating, collecting, and removing waterborne FOG and settleable solids
prior to discharging to the P T . This includes any AGRSQL
X)W.' " tot- - Any
relatively small appurtenance, generally, but not always, of cast iron or fabricated steel,
with internal configuration and internal or external flow control, intended to function as a
C&SGI or L All tfap-sty h dro-mechanical grease - vftl r 4, e interecptors
must be PDI or IAPNIO approved.
2�L4�--"Indireet clic-charge" - The discharge or the introduction of pollutants into, the
l' "l W from any non-domestic source regulated under Section 07(b) (e) or(d)ofthe ,"pct.
"Industrial user or user"'--A source of indirect discharge". Any non-domestic source
regulated under Section 307(b) c o 'd of the Act.. Any non-domestic source which has
4 r
the potential to discharge wastewater to the POTW which could:pose a hazard to City staff
or the POT -, pass throe h the POTW untreated or inadequately treated; interfere with :,
o eration of the PCT ' or the use and re-use of reclaimed water or sludge; or cause the
City to violate any terms or limits of its NPDES permit.
Z) "Industrial waste" - Solid, liquid or gaseous waste resulting from any industrial,
manufacturing, trade or business Process or from the development, recovery or processing
of natural resources.
AA) "Instantaneous maximum discharge lim t"or "instantaneous limit" -The maximum
concentration of a pollutant allowed to be discharged at any time, determined from the
analysis of a discrete sample. Where a user is rewired to take a grab sample for purposes
of determining compliance with local limits, this standard is the same as the daily
maximum standard. For pollutants for which users are required to take composite samples,
(or for metals if no permit has been issued) the instantaneous limit shall be twice the daily
BB) "'Interference"- A discharge which causes (either by itself or in combination with'
other discharges) a violation of the City's NPDES permit or prevents the intended sewage
sludge use or disposal by inhibiting or disrupting the POTW,W, including its collection
systems, pump stations, and wastewater and sludge treatment processes. An example is a
discharge from a user which causes a blockage resulting in a discharge at a point not 'I
authorized under the City"s NPDES permit.
CC) "Local limits" - Effluent limitation developed for users by the director to
specifically protect the POTW from the potential of pass through, interference, vapor
toxicity, explosions, sewer corrosion,and contaminations ofbiosolids. Such limits shall be
based on the POTW's site-specific flow and loading capacities, receivingwater
p l�
considerations, and reasonable treatment expectations for non-domestic wastewater,
DD) "May"- is permissive (see "shall").
Fl "Medical waste" - Isolation wastes, infectious agents, human blood and blood I,
products, pathological wastes, sharps, body parts, contaminated bedding, surgical wastes,
potentially otentiall contaminated laboratory wastes,and dialysis wastes.
"" ""- non-categorical industrial or commercial user of,
FF �Iarxar industrial user T1,1 A
the POTW that does not qualify as a significant industrial user, but that operates facilities
I) Have some discharges of wastewater that could cause detectably elevated concentrations I'I
of metals or toxics in the pretreatment quarterly analysis; or
2) Flaw"e a discharge of small quantities of dangerous waste to the POTW which have been
excluded from regulation under Chapter 173-303 WAC, or its successors, through the
domestic sewage exclusion, or
3) Have a potential to discharge or spill chemicals to the POTW.
GG) "Monthly average"- The arithmetic mean of the effluent samples collected during
a calendar month or specified 30-day period. `here the control authority has taken a
sample during the period, it must be included in the monthly average if provided in time,
However, where composite samples are required, grab samples taken for process control
or by the control authority are not to be included in a monthly average.
HH) Monthly average limit" - The limit to be applied to the monthly average to
determine compliance with the requirernents of this chapter (see section 13.06.045 for
11) "NaTural outlet"- Any outlet, including storm sewer overflows, into a watercourse, pond,
ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water.
JJ) "Nei4,source"-
1) Any building, structure, facility,or installation from which there is (or may be) a discharge
of pollutants, the construction of which commenced after the publication of proposed
pretreatment standards under Section 307(c), or its successors, of the Act which will be
applicable to such source if such standards are thereafter promulgated in accordance with !
that section, provided that:
a) The building, structure, facility, or installation is constructed at a site at which no other
source is located; or
b) The building, structure, facility, or installation totally replaces the process or production.
equipment that causes the discharge of pollutants at an existing source; or
c) The production or wastewater generating processes of the building, structure, facility, or
installation are substantially independent of an existing source at the same site. In
determining whether these are substantially independent, factors such as the extent to
which the new facility is integrated with the existing plant, and the extent to which the new
facility is engaged in the same general type of activity as the existing source, should be
2) Construction on a site at which an existing source is located results in a modification rather
than a new source if'the construction does not create new building, structure, facility, or
installation meeting the criteria of subsection (1)(b) or (c) above but other-wise alters,
replaces,or adds to existing process or production equipment.
3) Construction of a new source has commenced if the owner or operator has:
,a) Begun, or caused to begin, as,part of a continuous onsite construction program:
(i) Any placement, assembly, or installation of facilities or equipment; or
(ii) Significant site preparation work including clearing, excavation, or removal of existing
buildings, structures, or facilities which is necessary for the placement, assembly, or
installation of new source facilities or equipment; or
b) Entered into a binding contractual obligation for the purchase of facilities or equipment
which are intended to be used in its operation within a reasonable time. Options to purchase
or contracts that can be terminated or modified without substantial loss, and contracts for
feasibility, engineering, and design studies do not constitute a contractual obligation under
this paragraph.
KK) "Non-FSE FOG discharger (NFD) Any establishment, such as a church,
synagogue, worship hall, banquet facility, or meeting space, with a con.imercial-style
kitchen that is used for preparing, serving, or otherwise making available for consLIMpti
foodstuffs in or on a receptacle that requires washing two days a week or less and that
discharges to the POTW.
LL) "Non-significant industrial user (MV11)" - A
commercial user of the POTW that does not uali u ficant industrial user or minor
industrial user, and that operates facilities that:
I) Have no discharges of wastewater that could cause detect&y elevated gpncentrations of
metals or toxics in the pretreatment guarterly analysisd
�2) Have no discharge,of dangerous waste to the POTW which have been excluded from
regulation under Chapter 1,73-303 W
exclusion; and
3) Have little or no potential to dischar.,-, cars ill chernicals to the IIOTW
176)MM)"WDES"-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System P permit program as
administered by the USEPA or State.
NN)_"0 and M"- Operation and maintenance.
00) "Occasional ''ser~'"—A person who does not normally discharge to the POTW, but
from time-to-time has a need to discharge hauled waste. Occasional users are required to
obtain a discharge
-permit from the director, inn accordance withS'ections_13.06.08(ffi
L 1
throti2h 13,06.080 H) of this Chapter.
Industrial User, Minor Industrial User,
Septic Waste Hauler, yet requiring,some kind of Best Dana cement Practices to carr v out
the ourposes of this Charter.
_QQ)_"Other wastes" - Decayed wood, sawdust, shavings, bark, Hine, refuse, ashes,
garbage, offal, oil, tar, chemicals and all other substances except sewage and industrial
00)B.R 'Tass through"- A discharge that exits the POTW into waters of the United States
in quantities or concentrations which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or
discharges from other sources, is a cause of a violation of any requirement, of the tCityl'i
NP'D,ES permit, including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation.
P-P),S Verson" - Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firin, company,
corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, governmental entity, or any
other legal entity; or their legal representatives,agents, or assigns. This definition includes
all Federal, State, and local governmental entities.
QQ) '"pH" - A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, expressed in standard
RLRAJU) 'TOTfV (Public owned treatment ivorks)" - A treatment works, as defined by
Section 212 of the Act(33 U.S.C. Section 129,2), that is owned by the City. This definition
includes any devices or systems used in the collection, storage, treatment, recycling,, and
reclamation of sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature and any conveyances that
convey wastewater to a treatment plant.
W) � "Pollutant" - Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash,
sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions,, medical wastes, chemical wastes, biological
materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar
dirt, municipal,agricultural and industrial wastes,and certain characteristics of wastewater
(e.g., pH, temperature, TSS,turbidity,color, BOD,carbonaceous oxygen demand, toxicity,
or odor).
T-T)WWj—"Prely-eatment" - The reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of
poll ut,,ult,,,, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to, or,
in lieu of, introducing Such pollutants into the Pam, This reduction or alteration can be
obtained by physical, chemical, or biological processes; by process changes; or by other
means, except by diluting the concentration of the pollutants unless allowed by an
applicable pretreatment standard.
XX) "Se tae" -.--Hauled domestic waste from residential and cornmercial onsite se iiu
systems. and food service establishment grease interceptors.
U44)yyjLSevvage"- Water-carried human wastes or a combination of water-carriedwastes
from residence,business buildings,institutions and industrial establishments, together with
such ground,, surface, storm or other waters as may be present.
VV)ZZ_h_"Sewer" - Any pipe, conduit, ditch or other device used to collect and transport
sewage or storm water from the generating source.
W-W4bull"- Is mandatory.
– !n cant industrial user (S/(�)" - Except as provided in paragraph (3) below, a
significant industrial user is:
1) A user subject to categorical pretreatment standards; or
2) A user that:
a) Discharges an average of 25,0001 &Td or more of process wastewater to the PO'I"W
(excluding sanitary, noncontact cooling, and boiler blowdown wastew"ater);
b) Contributes a process wastestrearn which makes up five percent or more of the average dry
weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the POTW treatment ptarit; or
c) Is designated as such by the City on the basis that it has a reasonable potential for adversely
affecting the P,Of TWs operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement.
3) Upon a finding that a user meeting the criteria in paragraph (2) above has no reasonable
potential for adversely affecting the Po,rw,s operation or for violating any pretreatment
standard or requirement, the City may at any time, on its own initiative or in response to a
petition received from a user, and in accordance with procedures in 40 CFR 4018(f) (6),
or its successors, determine that such user should not be considered a significant industrial
YY)Cf C "Slugload"or "slug clischarge Any discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature,
including but not limited to an accidental spill or a 11011-CLIstoinary batch discharge, which
has a reasonable potential to cause interference or pass through,,or in ally other way violate
the POTW's regulations, local limits, or permit conditions. This includes discharges at as
flow rate or concentration that could cause a violation of the prohibited discharge standards
of section 13,06.030 of this chapter.
ZZ)DDI) ",51orni iiwfer" - Any flow occurring during or 1`611 in any form. of natural
precipitation, and resulting from such precipitation, including suowt'n
AAA FEE) "Suventled solids" - The total suspended matter that floats on the surface
of, or is suspended in, water, wastewater, or other liquid, and that is removable by
laboratory filtering.
M43)EFLf-j"Toxic pallid arms Those substances, and any other pollutant or combination of
pollutants listed as toxic in regulations promulgated by the Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency under Section 307, or its successors,of the Clean Water
CCC)Gr1 "Q
_ 1,7sel"-An exceptional incident in which a discharger unintentionally and
temporarily is in a state of noncompliance Nvith the standards set forth in this chapter due
to factors beyond the reasonable control of the discharger, and excluding noncompliance
to the extent caused by operational error,.. improperly designed treatment facilities,
inadequate treatment facilities, lack of' preventive maintenance, or careless or improper
operation thereof.
DDD HI-111) "User or industrial user" - A source of indirect discharge. Any non-
domestic source regulated under Section 307(b) (c) or (d) of the Act. Aijynon domestic
source which has the potential to discharee wastewater to the POTW which could- p�ose a
the POTW; pass throughthe l"OTW untreated or inadA gLate-j
hazard to City staff ot _V -Y
treated, interfere with operation of the POM or the use and re-use of reclaimed water or
ge; or cause the City to violate an terms or limits of its NPDES permit..
II1) 11,lastelValer"- Industrial waste,or sewage or any other waste inchid.ing,that which
may be combined with any ground water, surface water or storm water, that may be
discharged to the Pam.
13.016.012 Abbreviations.
A. AG"GI - Automatic grease femoval-,y-steminterceptor,
B. BOD - Biochemical oxygen demand.
C. BMP - Best Management Practice.
D. CFR - Code of Federal Regulations,
ECIU - Categorical Industrial User,
F. DOE - Department of Neology.
G. EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
14. FSE - Food Service Establishment.
1. FOG - Fats, oils and greases.
J. gpd - gallons per day,
K. (A - Grease femova. systeffljnjerceptor.
L. mg/l - milligrams per liter.
. MIU - Minor industrial unser.
N, loll* -Non-FSE FOG discharger.
0. 1' P,DES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
P. PO7TW - Publicly owned treatment works.
Q RCR. - Resource Conservation and Recovery pct.
R. SfU - Significant industrial user,
S. TSS - Total suspended solids,
T. USC - United States Code.
13.06.,020 Administration.
Except,as otherwise provided herein,the Director shall administer, implement, and enforce
the provisions of this chapter. any powers granted to or duties imposed upon the Director
may be delegated by the Director toother Citi personnel. The te
(140F)City of bort Angeles City will evaluate all f
industrial users ( lUs) who wish to discharge into the City of Port ngeles' POT °'. DOT-,
The City will issue all industrial wastewater discharge permits and perform enforcement
actions against those SlUs that are in violation of their discharge pernnit or this chapter.
13.06.030 Discharge prohibitions.
"lane folloxving dnschr w_t wlwrcr l �lwn c,
A. No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the PO'I W any pollutant oi-
wvastewvater that causes pass through or interference, These general prohibitions apply to
all users of the POTW whether or not they are subject to categorical Ppretreat:ment
tandards or any other National, State, or local pretreatment standards or requirements.
B. No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the PC.TW the following pollutants,
substances, or wastewater:
1. Pollutants that either alone or by interaction may create a tare or explosive hazard in the
PO"I""w ", a public nuisance or hazard to life, or prevent entry into the sewers for their
maintenance and repair or are in any way injurious to the operation of the system or
operating personnel. This includes waste streams with a closed-cup flashpoint of less than
140 degrees 1~' (60 degrees C) using the test methods specified in 40 CFR 261.21, or its
2. Any soluble waste or wastes hawing a Iall lower than 5.0 or higher than I O7,0 or having aloe
other corrosive property that reasonably could be hazardous to structures, equipment, or
I ;
personnel of the City,such as,,but not limited to,battery or plating acids,and wastes,copper-
oppersulfate, chromium salts and compounds, or salt brine.
3. Solid or viscous substances in amounts that may cause obstruction to the flow in the sewer
or other interference with the operation of the system. In no case shall solids greater than
one-quarter inch (0.64 cm) in any dimension be discharged,
4. Pollutants, including oxygen-demanding pollutants (B, D, etc.), released in a discharge at
a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration that, either singly or by interaction with other
pollutants, will cause interference with the POTW.
51. Wastewater having a temperature that will interfere with the biological activity in the
system, has detrimental effects on the collection system, or prevents entry into the sewer.
In no case shall wastewater be discharged that causes the wastewater temperature at the
treatment plant to exceed 104 degrees F (40 Q.
6. Petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin, in amounts
- h or inter6crence,
that will cause pass thi.oug
7. Pollutants that result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the POT W in
a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems.
8. Trucked or hauled pollutants, except at discharge points designated by the Director in
accordance with section 13.06.051 of this chapter.
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C. The following classes of discharge are, prohibited unless approved by the Director because
of extraordinary circumstances, such as lack of' direct discharge alternatives due to
combined sewer service or need to augment sewage flows due to septic conditions:
I. Noncontact cooling water in significant volumes.
2. Storniwater, or other direct inflow sources.
I Wastewaters significantly affecting,system hydraulic loading that do not require treatment
or would not be afforded a significant degree of treatment by the system.
4, New discharges of stormwater, Surface water, ground water, artesian well water, roof
runoff, subsurface drainage, condensate, deionized water, noncontact cooling water, and:,
unpolluted wastewater, unless specifically authorized by the Director.
5. Sludges, screenings, or other residues frorn the pretreatment ol"indUstrial wastes, unless
specifically authorized by the Director.
6. Medical wastes,except as specifically authorized by the Director in a wastewater discharge
Pollutants substances, or wastewater vrohibited by this section shall not be processed or
stored in such a manner that an unintended discharge to bg ,i,,
�initary sewer or the starni
sewer could occur.
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applielable State-Or4ed_11 _11-lations-.
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ff 20 pefeea4 of the lower explesive limit based on an explosw gnieteffeadimg,
j. Pollutants, substa�tiee,,,, or- w-astewater-proW t,edb , thigse�.,tion ,,ihalibepfeee,,s,.de
fed in sueh t aii unintended disehaf
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—JA __etW7
13.06.031 Fats, oil and grease (FOG').
A. No user shall discharge more,than 100 mg/l off ts, oils or greases into the sewer system at
any instant. The City may sample and inspect grease traps of commercial establishments
to ensure they are being maintained to reduce buildup of grease in the sewer system. The
City recognizes that preventative measures are necessary to control], discharges containing
FOG that might cause wastewater treatment plant interference. The City may require
cornmercial establishments to initiate Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control and
maintain grease interceptors or traps.
13, All FSEs and NFDs shall have an adequate grease feffievaI,Yys�jntercq
ptgr installed and
exercise proper kitchen best management practices to ensure that excess concentrations of
FOG are not discharged to the POTW. The property owner shall maintain all grease
interceptors or traps in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
C. In the event that the City cleans a sewer main blocked by FOG originating from a
commercial establishment,the commercial establishnient shall reimburse the City for those
13.06.012 New construction.
APrior to construction of new FSE or NFD, a building permit shall be obtained from the
appropriate jurisdiction. Plan submittals shall include kitchen fixture plan views and
kitchen waste plans showing all potential grease discharging lines, all CASGIs, and
connecting piping. The application shall be routed to the Director or his designee for review
and approval prior to connecting new construction to the POTW.
B. All new single occupancy food service establishment buildings shall be constructed with
properly sized grease temjnjcr�eptors. All kitchen drains and any other drains
that may carry grease-laden waste shall be connected to a(4RSGL A dishwasher shall not
be connected to tra"ty4-ehydro-mechanical, grease reru . I '�effijjj terce�rs. If a trap-
sty 4ellydro-mechanical CiRSQ1 is installed, the kitchen may not have a garbage
disposal/garbage grinder/macerator or similar unit connected to it.
C. All new construction, multiple occupancy, and food service establishment buildings, shall
include a separate waste line for all leasable spaces that discharge to a common 2,000
gallon or larger interceptor. This waste line shall be permanently marked to identify it as
required by the Director. When a space is leased, sold, or rented to a I'SE or NF'D, all
kitchen drains and any other drains that may carry grease-laden waste shall be connected
to this waste line; no domestic sewage may be connected to this line. The property owner
shall be responsible for proper maintenance of this interceptor in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter.
D. All new single occupancy nen FSF F06-4+se�Nf buildings shall install a properly
sized C&SQ1. intei-eeptof sPf4eGravity are recommended, but tfep-A�4ejl
-1 ydro-
mechanical CAZ-SGIs are permissible. All kitchen drains and any other drains that may carry
grease-laden waste shall be connected to this C4kSGl (except the dishwasher if a trap-
sty4ehydro-mechanical CAZSGI is installed). If a trap stylehydro-mechanical C4SGI is
installed, the kitchen may not have:a garbage disposal/garbage grinder/macerator or similar
unit installed.
E. Any F'SE or NFD undertaking a substantialremodel will be considered to be new
construction for the purposes of this chapter.
13.06.033 E\isting construction,
A. Every person owning or operating an FSE without a functional GRJSGI shall be required to
install a functional U?,SGI. The type of GRSQ1 required will be determined by the
Director, taking, into account cost, available space and gradient, and any other pertinent
information. Where feasible, all kitchen drains and any other drains that may carry grease-
laden waste shall be connected to the G"GI. Dishwashers shall not be connected to trap-
st*hydro-niechanical grease . I affiinterceptors. If a tial-,4ylehy&o-rnechanical
GRSGI is installed,the kitchen may not have agarbage disposal/garbage grinder/macerator
or similar unit installed.
B,. Any existing NFD without a functional (AkSGI may be required to install one. The type of
GRSGI required will be determined by the Director, taking into account cost, available
space and gradient, whether the User is in a grease impact area, and any other pertinent
hil"ormation. Where feasible, all kitchen drains and any other drains that maty carry grease-
laden waste shall be connected to this(W,,SGI (except the dishwasher if a tfap-styll-ehydro-
mechanical Gl is installed). If a trap st*hydro-mechanicalC444.411 is installed, the
kitchen may not have a garbage disposal/garbage grinder/macerator or similar unit
13.06.034 Grease removal systef" or maintenance.
A. All grease r ; va minterceptors shall be maintained to ensure proper operation. At
a minimum, intefeeptof-4y4egrgvity 64SGIs shall be cleaned at. least once every 90 days
and tfap sty4ehydro-mechanical GRSCjIs cleaned at least once per week. These required ,
frequencies may be extended with the approval of the Director. Grease reval
syste aintercepLo s must be cleaned whenever the combined thickness of the floating
greases and settled solids is equal to, or greater than, 25 percent of the total I iquid depth in
B. When cleaned, an intereepti)r~ ` wait AGI must be completely pumped out, all
solids removed, solidified grease:scraped frorn the interior and the structure and all internal
plumbing inspected for darriage and corrosion. Thegravity GRSQ] shall be refilled with fl
water prior to being placed back into operation. If repairs are required, they shall be
performed within seven days.
C. When cleaned,a trap must have surface grease and oil removed, settled solids removed, all
sides scraped, removable parts removed and cleaned, be inspected fbr damage and
corrosion, and be: properly reassembled. If repairs are required, they shall be performed
within seven days,
D. Tile mater-W-gEg�ase and solids that is-are removed in the process,of cleaning aGR-Sr'QI shall
not be discharged back into the GI, any part of the POTW, any private sewer, any
drainage piping, or storm sewer system. All matefialsgrease and solids removed shall be
handled and disposed of in accordance with Federal, State, County and Local laws, rules II
and regulations. Treated water inside a hydro-mechanical GI may be tete orarily rernoved
Burin g cleaninp
and returned into the hydro-mechanical GI following cgmplgLe 2q[e�inin�1�
E. In addition to the maintenance required above, automatic grease fen
systeniinterceptors shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines,
f, l
13.06.035 Grease a!=a vals,y..Sta interceptor additives.
No additive may be introduced to the plumbing system that would reduce the effectiveness
of the CASGL
13.06.0 36 Solids interceptor.
If a garbage disposal/garbage grinder/macerator or similar unit is installed in a kitchen, it
must discharge to the GI through a solids interceptor plumbed immediately after the
garbage disposal/garbage grinder/macerator or similar unit. The solids interceptor shall be
maintained in proper operating condition at all times.
13.06.0 37 Grease arm �t intereeptor sizing,.
Trap style g Grease removal system,interca t rs shall be sized in accordance with the
standards in the currently adopted Plumbing Code.
13.06.038 Flow controls..
All tip-4yle grease removal-system at r eptcrrs shall have an internal or external flow
control installed to ensure that 'wastewater flow through the trap dues not exceed the
manufacturer's design flow rating, This flow control shall be maintained in operating,
condition at all times.
J 1 .06..039 Record la.ecpinf,.
Users subject to this chapter shall document all cleaning and maintenance activities
t performed on their I.These records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years
and be available for inspection and copying by the Director or his representative. This
period shall be autoniaticallyr extended for the duration of any litigation concerning the user
or the I'O"I"W, or where the user has been specifically notified of a longer retention period
rewired by the Director,
1 .06.040 Limitations on wastewater strength.
No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the POTW ally of the following
discharges unless approved otherwise in writing by theDirector:
A. A standard five-day biochemical oxygen demand greater than 400 milligrams per liter or
50 pounds in any one load, whichever is less,
11, Wastes containing more than 400 milligrams per liter of suspended solids or 50 pounds in
,any one load, wwFhichever,is less.
C. A daily average flow of 50,000 gallons or more, or a flow greater than five percent of the
flow carried by the treatment facility receiving the waste, whichever is less.
13.06.041 National Categorical Pretreatment Standards.
nic categorical pretreatment standards found at 40 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter N, Parts 1
405-471, and its, successors, are incorporated herein by this reference.
A. Where a categorical pretreatment standard is expressed only in terms of either the mass or:;
the concentration of a pollutant in wastewater, the Director may impose equivalent
concentration or mass limits in accordance with section 13.06.041(D)and (E) (see 40 CFR
B, When categorical Standardsstandards are expressed in terms of
a mass of pollutant that may be discharged per unit of production, the Director may either
impose limits based on mass or equivalent effluent concentrations, The user must supply
appropriate actual or projected long, term production rates for the unit of production
specified in order to facilitate this process, (See 40 CFR 403,6(c)(2)),
C. The Director may permit wastewater subject to a categorical pretreatment standard to be
mixed with other wastewaters prior to treatment. In such cases, the user shall identify all
categorical wastestreams and provide sufficient information on each non-categorical
wastestrearn to determine whether it should be considered dilute for each pollutant. Absent
information showing that non-categorical wastes,treams contain the pollutant in question at
levels above that of the supply water, such was,testreams shall be considered dilute. In such
situations, the Director shall apply the combined wastestrearn formula as found at 40 CFR
403.6(e), and its successors, to determine appropriate limits,,
1). When a categorical pretreatment standard is expressed only in terms of pollutant
concentrations, an industrial user may request that the City convert the limits to equivalent
mass limits.
1. The City may establish equivalent mass limits if the industrial user meets all of the
conditions set forth below. To be eligible for equivalent mass limits, the industrial user
must submit information with its permit application or permit modification request that:
a. Shows it has a pretreatment system that has consistently met all applicable P-Pretreatment
Standards and maintained compliance without using dilution..
b�. Describes, the water conserving practices and technologies it employs, or will employ, to I
substantially reduce water use during the term of its permit.
c. Includes the facility's actual average daily flow rate for all waste strearns from continuous
effluent flow metering.
d. Determines an appropriate unit of production, and provides the present and long-term
average production rates for this unit of production.
e. Shows that long term average flow and production are representative of current operating
f Shows that its daily flow rates, production levels, or pollutant levels do not vary so much
that equivalent mass limits would be inappropriate.
& Shows the daily and monthly average pollutant allocations currently provided based on the
proposed unit of production.
2, An industrial user subject to equivalent mass limits must:
a. Maintain and effectively operate control and treatment technologies adequate to achieve
compliance with the equivalent mass limits.
b. Continue to record the facility's flow by continuous effluent flow monitoring.,
c. Continue to record the facility's production rates.
d. Notify the Director if production rates are expected to vary by more than 20 percent from
the baseline production rates submitted according to paragraph 13.06,041(f))(1)(d). The
Director may reassess and revise equivalent limits as necessary to reflect changed
e. Continue to employ the same or comparable water conservation methods and technologies
as those implemented pursuant to section 13,06.041(D)(1)(b) so long as it discharges under
an equivalent mass limit.
1 Equivalent mass limits:
a. Shall not exceed the product of the actual average daily flow from regulated process(es) of
the user and the applicable concentration-based daily maximum and monthly average
standards (and the appropriate unit conversion factor).
b. May be reassessed and the permit revised upon notification of a revised production rate,as
necessary to reflect changed conditions at the facility; and
c. May be retained in subsequent permits if the user's production basis and other information
submitted in 13.06.041(l))(1) is verified in their reapplication. The user must also be in
compliance with section 13.06.1 81 regarding the prohibition of bypass.
E. The Director may convert the mass limits of the categorical pretreatment standards of 40
CFR Parts 414 (organic chemicals), 419 (petroleum refining), and 455 (pesticide
formulating, packaging and repackaging) to concentration limits in permits for such users.
In such cases, the Director will document the basis and the determination that dilution is
not being substituted for treatment in the permit fact sheet.
F The Director is obliged under federal regulations to make the documentation of how any
equivalent limits were derived (concentration to mass limits or vice versa) publicly
G. Once incorporated into its permit, the user must comply with the equivalent limits in lieu
of the GeategoricalSstandards from which they were derived.
H. The same production and flow estimates shall be used in calculating equivalent limits for
the monthly (or multiple day average) and the maximum day.
1. Users subject to permits with equivalent mass or concentration limits calculated from a
production based standard shall notify the Director if production will significantly change'
This notification is required within two business days after the user has a reasonable basis
to know thatproduction will significantly change in the next calendar month. Users who
fail to notify the Director of such anticipated changes must meet the more stringent of the
equivalent limits or the user's prior limits.
13.06.042 State Pretreatment Standards.
The current version of the Washington State pretreatment standards and requirements,
located at Chapter 173-216 WAC, and all subsequent amendments to those standards and
requirements, are incorporated herein by this reference. All waste materials discharged
from a commercial or industrial operation into the POTW must satisfy the provisions of
Chapter 173-216 WAC. The following are required for discharges to a POTW:
A. Any person who constructs or modifies or proposes to, construct or modify wastewater
treatment facilities must first comply with the regulations for submission of plans and
reports for construction of wastewater facilities, chapter 1.73-240 WAC. Until the City is
delegated the authority to review and approve such plans under RC W 90.48.110, sources
of non-domestic discharges, shall request approval for such plans through the Department
of Ecology. To ensure conformance with this requirement, proof of the approval of such
plans and one copy of each approved plan shall be provided to the Director before
commencing any such construction or modification.
B. Non-sigpificant Industrial Users discharging only domestic wastewater, or wastewater that
the Director has determined is similar in character and strength to normal domestic
wastewater with no potential to adversely affect the POTW, shall not be required to obtain
a discharge permit. (WAC 173-21.,6-0,50(.I.(d)h
Users shall apply te the Dir-eetef fbf a pefmit at least 60 days prior- to the intended discharge
of any pollutants other- then demestie wastewa+er- of ;Aestewatet: that the Dir-eetaf has
detefmined ig sipailaf ifi ehafaetef afld str-ength to nofmal domestie wastewatef with
potential to adversely affeet the POTW. (1"G 173 216 050(1)),
C. All,,.Significant..and Minor Industrial Users must apply for and obtain a discharge permit
prior to discharging any pollutants to the POTW. Significant Industrial Users(SlUs) shall ':
submit a complete permit application to the Director at least 90 days prior to the intended
discharge. Minor Industrial Users (MIUs) shall submit a complete permit application to
the Director at least 60 days prior to the intended discharge.
All significant industrial usefs must apply for and obtain a permit prior to discharge.
D�. All users shall apply all known, available, and reasonable methods to prevent and control
waste discharges to the waters of the state (AKART). (WAC 173-216-050(3)).
E Discharge restrictions of Chapter 173-303 WAC (Dangerous Waste) shall apply to all
users. (Prohibited discharge standards have been merged with Federal prohibitions in
section 13.06.030).
F, Claims of confidentiality shall be submitted according to WAC 173-216-080. Information
which may not be held confidential includes the: Name and address of applicant,
description of proposal,the proposed receiving water, receiving water quality,and effluent
data. Claims shall be reviewed based on the standards of WAC 173-216-080, Chapter 42.
56 RCW, Chapter 173-03 WAC, and RCW 43.2 IA.160.
G. Persons applying for a new permit or a permit renewal or modification which allows a new
or increased pollutant loading shall publish notice for each application in the format
provided by the City. Such notices shall fulfill the requirements of WAC 173-216-090.
These requirements include publishing:
L The name and address of the applicant and facility/activity to be permitted,
2, A brief description of the activities or operations which result in the discharge.
3. Whether any tentative determination which has been reached with respect to allowing the
4. The address and phone number of the office of the Director where persons can obtain
additional. information..
5� The dates of the comment period (which shall be at least 30 calendar days).
6. How and where to submit comments or have any other input into the permitting process,
including requesting a public hearing.
H. The Director shall require persons applying for a new penanit or a permit renewal or
modification which allows a new or increased pollutant loading to mail notice to persons
who have expressed an interest in being notified, to state agencies and local governments
with a regulatory interest, and shall post the notice on the premises, If the Director
determines that there is sufficient public interest, the City shall hold a public meeting
following the rules of WAC 173-216-100.
L Pen-nit terms shall include, wherever applicable, the requirement to apply all known,
available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment,
J. All required monitoring data shall be analyzed by a laboratory registered or, accredited
under the provisions of Chapter 173-50 WAC, except for flow, temperature, settleable
solids, conductivity,pH,turbidity,and internal process control parameters. However, if the
laboratory analyzing samples for conductivity, p1l, and turbidity must otherwise be
accredited, it shall be accredited for these, parameters as well.
13.0 i.0 Right of revision.
The City reserves the right to amend this chapter to provide for more stringent limitations
or requirements on discharges to the POTW where deemed necessary to comply with the
objectives set forth in section 13.06.01 0 of this chapter,
13.06.044 Dilution.
No,user shall increase the use of process water, or in any way attempt to dilute a discharge,
as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treaftnent to achieve compliance with a
discharge limit, unless expressly authorized by an applicable pretreatment standard or
requirement, The Director may impose rnass limitations on users where deemed
appropriate to safeguard against the use of dilution to meet applicable pretreatment
standards or, requirements, or in other cases when the imposition of mass limitations is
13.1)6.080 Wastewater discharge permits.
A. Industrial user surveys. To satisfy this requirement, all non-domestic users ofthe POS TW
must periodically complete an industrial user survey forni, Users shall Fully disclose the
information requested and sign tile completed form in accordance with section
13.06.080(B). Proper completion of survey requirements rements is a condition of initial and :
continued discharge to the POTW. Users failing to fully Comply With Survey requirements
within 30 days shall be subject to all enforcement measures authorized under this chapter,
including termination of service. rhe Director is authorized to prepare several fortris, for
this purpose and to require completion of the particular form which the Director determines
appropriate to provide the information needed to categorize each user. The, Director is
authorized to categ,o�rize each user, provide written notice of a user's categorization and
what it means, and revise this categorization at any time.
B. Al�plieation sig!natories and cen,ifieations.
1. All survey forras, wastewater discharge permit applications, and user reports must be
signed by an authorized representative of the user and contain the certification statement
in section 13.06.100(f).
2. Users shall submit a new authorization if the designation of an authorized representative is
no longer,accurate. 'This includes when a different individual or position has responsibility
for the overall operation of tile facility, or overall responsibility for environmental matters
for the: company, The user must submit the new authorization prior to or with any reports
to lie signed by the new authorized representative.
C. ffasfeivater dischar�qe permil requirement.
1 0) Usef eategofized by the Difeetef as a idusifial user shall discharge
waste,water- inta the Pn,-rII7 W:41--+ -r;—+ dII
ptartmen4 of Fee logy(DOE-)and(2)obtai n F`
g 'fieant i-- ial usef that has filed a tinieb, ap
4 --*:1
ngnln, -r+1 notified:
,,eet. this ehapter may
ther-wi by DfIr
11. Kit-Az7ity—.
21. Tile Director shall require all significant and minor industrial, users to obtain wastewater
discharge permits.
32. Occasional users are persons who do not normally discharge to the City POIV, but from
time-to-time have a need to discharge hauled waste, Occasional users are required to obtain
a discharge a-ulf,110-firZatiOR permit from the Director. Discharge autherizationa p�rLnit
applications and decisions shall be accomplished in accordance with sections 13.06.080(F)
through 13.06,080(li) of this chapter,
43. Other users shall implement Best Management Practices as necessary to carry out the
purposes of this chapter. For example, a wastewater discharge permit may be required
solely for flow equalization or grease control.
4. Non-significant industrial users dischargeonly domestic wastewater, or wastewater that
the Director has determined is similar in character and strength to normal domestic
wastewater with no potential to adverselyaffect the PO'I"W. Non-significant industrial
users are not required to obtain a discharge Mraiit.
5. Any failure to complete the required Survey form,to apply for and obtain a required permit,
or to comply with the terms and conditions of a wastewater discharge permit shall be
deemed violations of this chapter and subject the wastewater discharge permittee to the
sanctions set out in sections 13.06.1 50 through 13.06.170 of this, chapter. Obtaining a
wastewater discharge permit does, not relieve a permittee of its obligation to comply with
alfFederal and State pretreatment standards or requirements or with any other requirements
offederal, State, and local law.
D. Wastewater discharge permitting: exisling connections. Any user required to obtain a
wastewater discharge permit who was discharging wastewater into the POT W prior to the
effective date of this chapter and who wishes to continue such discharges shall, within 30
days after the effective date, apply to the Director for a wastewater discharge permit in
accordance with section 13,06,080(F) of this chapter, and shall not cause or allow
discharges to the POTW to continue longer than 60 days after the effective date of this
chapter except in accordance with a wastewater discharge permit issued by the Director.
E Wasteivaler discharge pertnitting.® Neiv connections. Persons wishing to establish a new
discharge of non-dornestic, wastewater to the P01 I W must first complete a survey form.
Any user identified by the Director through the survey as needing a permit Must file a!
perrnit application. ACom let e applications for wastewater discharge permit,-,,, in
accordance with section 13.06.080(F) of this chapter, must be filed at least 90 days-prior
to the desired date of dise4virgedischarge in accordance with section 13.06.042(C),and the
discharge perinit obtained prior to commencing discharge.
E Wastewater t1ischarge perfil application contents.
I. All users required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit must apply using the form
provided by the Director. Users must supply the Director the following information as pail
of the permit application ifrelevant to the users operation.
a. Identifying information.
i. The name and physical address of the facility, the names of the operator/facility manager
and owner, and the name and address of the point of contact;
ii. A description of activities, facilities, and plant production processes on the premises.
K A list of any environmental control permits held by or for the facility,
c. A description of operations and facilities including:
i. A brief description of the operations, average rate of production, and industrial
classification (SIC or NAICS codes,) of the operation(s) conducted on site.
ii. The number and type of employees, and proposed or actual hours of operation.
iii. The type, amount, rate of production, and process used for each product produced.,
iv. The type and amount of raw materials, used (average and maxiniurn rates),
v. The raw materials and chemicals to be routinely stored at the facility (including products,
in rail cars and tank trucks located on site).
vi. The types of wastes generated on a routine and periodic basis.
vii. The threes and durations when wastes will be discharged.
viii. A schematic process diagram showing each process step, waste stream, treatment step,
internal recycle, and point of"discharge to the PCS W. This diagram should identify which
streams are subject to ea,4„gef ictal s a ff,aaf4cretreuak'�naent standard (P`�p o
te� ori l r
P�,_" S)s.
ix. Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewers,
floor drains, and appurtenances by size, location and elevation, and all points r t'dischar e.
x. The sampling locations and provisions for monitoring discharges.
xi. Whether,plans for wastewater facilities Linder Chapter 173-240 WAC have been developed,
and their approval status(Engineering Report, Plans.and Specifications, and an Operations
and Maintenance Manual),
d. Flow data. The average daily hand maximum daily ffor SIDS only) flow, in gallons per day,
to the P'OTW fl;orm each waste stream, Inorumation shall be complete enough to allow use
of" the combined waste stream formula per section 1 .0� .tt41(C:`)(and 40 CFR 403.6(e))
where applicable.
1 e. Pollutant data.
i. The categorical pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process.
ii. The results of sampling and analysis identifying the mature and concentration, (and mass
where required by the standard or the Director), of regulated pollutants in the discharge
from each regulated process.
iii. The estimated peak instantaneous, daily maxir-rau:bn, and long-term average discharge
concentrations (and mass) based on the sampling results.
E Sampling data to show samples are:
i, representative of daily operations.
ii. Palen just downstream Bona pretreatment facilities if such exist, orjust dowvnstrearn of the
regulated processes) if no pretreatment exists.
iii. Collected as required by section 13.016.111 ofthis chapter.
iv. analyzed according to suction 13.0 .11 t1 of this chapter.
g. Information confirming B Ps. Where standards specify a BMP or pollution prevention
alternative, the user must include the information sufficient to document that the BMPs or,
the applicable standards are (or will be) implemented.
h. Any rc uest for a monitoring waiver or a renewal of an approved monitoring wvaiver for
a, pollutant neither present; nor expected to, be present in the discharge must i ) ry
� y q (' ' pp l�
include new
sampling showing continued absence of the pollutant in the raw wastewater and satisfying
section 13.06.1 OO(D).
i, Any other information deemed necessary by the Director to evaluate the situation and
prelaare a discharge permit.
2 Incomplete or inaccurate applications will not be processed and will be returned to the user
for revision. The City shall be held harrmless for delays caused, by returned applications. [
G, [Vaslewater discharge pernrif decisions, The Director will evaluate the data furnished by
the user and may require additional information. Within 45 days of receipt of a complete
permit application, the Director will determine whether to issue an individual wastewater' ,
discharge permit. The Director may deny any application for an individual. wastewater
discharge permit, if he or she determines that the discharge does not meet applicable
pretreatment standards and requirements or when the discharge would cause tile PW to
violate the NPDES permit,.
R Wasteivater discharge permit duration, The Director may issue as wastewater discharge
peitfor a period of up to five years from its effective date, Each wastewater discharge
permit will indicate its expiration date.
1, fflastevvaler discharge perinit contents. Wastewater discharge permits will include
conditions the Director deems reasonably necessary to carry out the goals of the :i
pretreatment program (section 13.06.010), federal and state regulations, and the
requirements of this chapter,
I, Wastewater discharge permits will contain.
a. The permit issuance date, expiration date, and effective date.
b. A statement that the wastewater discharge Permit is nontransferable except in accordance
with section 13.06,080(L,) of this chapter, and provisions for furnishing tile new owner or
operator with a copy of the existing wastewater discharge permit.
c. Effluent limits, including Best Management Practices, based on applicable pretreatment
standards and requirements to apply A KART. (See section 13.f16.042(1)).
d, The pollutants to be monitored and specific monitoring requirements, This includes the
sampling location(s), sampling frequencies, and sample types consistent with Federal,
State, and local law. (See section 13.06,042(J)),
e. Requirements to submit certain reports (as reflected in section 13,06,100), provide various
notifications, keep records, and implement Best Management Practices.
f. The process to be used to request a waiver from monitoring for a pollutant neither present ,
nor expected to be present in the discharge in accordance with section 13.06.1 OO(D)(2),, or
a specific waived pollutant in the case of an individual permit.
g, A statement of applicable civil and criminal penalties for violation of pretreatment
standards and requirements, and any applicable compliance schedule. Such schedule may
not extend the time for compliance beyond that required by applicable Federal, State, or
local law.
h. Requirements to control slug discharges, including to develop,update,and implement slug
discharge control plans in accordance with section 13.06.050 where the Director
detenrlines such plans are important to preventing accidental, unanticipated, or non-routine
i. Any monitoring which has been conditionally waived by the Director according to section
13.06.100(1))(2) but which automatically applies at any time the requirements of the
conditional waiver are not met.
J. Reapplication requirements.
1 Wastewater discharge permits may contain, but need not be limited to, tile following
a. Pretreatment facilities and measures required by section 13.0 .0 1 of this chapter.
b,, Limits on the average and/or maxinium rate of discharge, time of discharge, and/or
requirements for flow regulation and equalization.
c. Requirements to install pretreatment technology, pollution controls, or to construct
appropriate containment devices to reduce,, eliminate, or prevent the introduction of
pollutants into the treatment works, ground, or stormwater.
d. Requirements to develop and implement of waste minimization plans to reduce the arnount
of pollutants discharged to the POTW,
e. Requirements to pay charges or fees for discharge to the POTW including high strength
f. Requirements to install and maintain inspection and sampling facilities and equipment,
including flow measurement devices.
g. Notice that compliance with the wastewater discharge permit does not relieve the permittee
of responsibility for compliance with all, applicable Federal and State pretreatment
standards, including those which become effective during the term of tile wastewater
discharge permit,.
h, Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Director to ensure compliance with this
chapter, and State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations.
J. Permit issuance process,
1. Pub�lic nofice. Users shall follow the procedures for public notice found in section
13.06.042(G) and (11). The Director shall consider and respond to public input, as
appropriate prior to issuance of a permit.
1 Perinif appeals, The Director shall provide public notice of the issuance of a wastewater
discharge permit. Tile notice will be published in a newspaper of general circulation that
provides nleaningftil public notice within the jurisdictions serviced by tile POTW. Any
person, including the User, may petition the Director to reconsider the terms of' a
wastewater discharge permit within 30 days of notice of its issuance.
a. Failure tO submial
t a titnely petition for review shall be deemed to be a waiver of' the
administrative ael.
b�. In its petition,the appealing part),must indicate the wastewater discharge permit provisions
objected tothe reasons for this, objection; and the alternative condition, with rationale to
support alternative conditions, if any, it seeks to place in the wastewater discharge permit.
c. Tile effectiveness of the wastewater discharge permit shall not be stayed pending the
d. If the Director fails to act within 30 days, a request for reconsideration shall be deemed to
be denied. Decisions not to reconsider a wastewater discharge permit, not to issue a
wastewater discharge permit., or not to modify a wastewater discharge permit shall be
considered final administrative actions for purposes of judicial review,
e. Aggrieved parties seeking judicial review of the final administrative wastewater discharge
permit decision must do so by filing a complaint with Superior Court of Clallam County
within 30 days..
K. Wastewater discharge pernfil rr ods icatio ..
I. "IIhe Director may modify a wastewater discharge permit for good cause, including, but not
limited to, the hallowing reasons:
a. To incorporate any new or revised Federal, State, or local pretreatment standards of,j
requirements including new or revised local limits,
K To address new or changed operations, processes, production rates, waste streams, or I
changes in water volume or character..
c. To reflect conditions at the P' ,T'W requiring an authorized discharge to be reduced or
curtailed. Such requirements may be either temporary or permanent.
d. Based on information indicating that a permitted discharge poses a threat to the Pam or
staff, the receiving waters, or to violate a prohibition of this chapter..
e. To address violations of any terms or conditions of the wastewater discharge pennnit.
f°. To address misrepresentations or failure to foully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater
discharge permit application or in any required report.
g. To incorporate revisions based on a variance from categorical pretreatment standards
approved pursuant to 40 CFR 403.13.
in. To correct typographical or other errors in the wastewater discharge permit.
i. To refect a transfer of the facility ownership or operation to a new owner or operator as
required under section 1.3.,0 .flg (L).
L. Wastewater ater cf`fawc,i a ge permit tra n.yer. wastewater discharge permits may be transfi rrcd
to a new owner or operator only if the permittee gives, at least 30 days advance notice to
the Director and the Director approves the wastewater discharge permit transfer. Failure to Il
provide advance notice ofwa transfer renders the wastewater discharge permit void as of the
date of facility transfer. 'Tine notice to the Director must include a written certification by�
the new owner or operator which:
1.. States that the new owner and/or operator will not change the facility's operations and
processes unless in compliance with this chapter.
. Identifies the specific date on which the transfer is to occurs.
I Acknowledges full responsibility for complying with the existing wastewater discharge
M. `asteivater discharge perTrait revocation. The Director may revoke a wastewater discharge
permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, instances when a user has:
1, Failed to notify the Director of significant changes to the wastewater prior to the changed
2. Failed to provide prior notification to the Director of changed conditions pursuant to
section 13.06.1 OO(E) of this chapter.
I Misrepresented or failed to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge
permit application.
4, Falsified selfmonitoring reports or tampered with monitoring equipment.
5. Refused to allow the Director timely access to the facility premises and records.
6. Failed to meet effluent limitations or per-mit conditions.
7. Failed to pay applicable fines or sewer charges,
8,. Failed to meet compliance schedule deadline dates.
9. Failed to complete a wastewater survey or wastewater discharge permit application.
10. Failed to provide advance notice of the transfer of business ownership.,
11. Violated any pretreatment standard. or requirement, or any terms of the wastewater
discharge permit or this chapter.
12. Ceased operations.
13. Transferred business ownership.
14, Wastewater discharge permits issued to a user are void upon the issuance of a new
wastewater discharge permit to that user.
N. TVastewater tlischai-ge permit reis,�.aiance. User with ail expiring wastewater discharge
permit shall apply for wastewater discharge permit reissuance by submitting a complete
permit application, in accordance with section 13.06,0801(F) of this chapter, a minimum of
90 days,prior to the expiration of the user's existing wastewater discharge permit.
O. Rexulaflon qfivaste receivedftoin otherjurh&ictions.
1, Prior to accepting wastewater for treatment from another municipality, or from a user
located outside the municipal corporate boundaries of the City, the City shall enter into an
inter-municipal agreement with the contributing municipality (County, Special Purpose
District, or other government entity recognized under State Law). Such agreement shall
affix responsibilities in an enforceable manner to ensure that the pretreatment program is
fully and equitably administered in all contributing jurisdictions. Any such agreement or
modification to such an agreement shall be reviewed by the City's legal counsel and shall
be submitted,together with the opinion that it is legally sufficient, to the approval authority
(Department of Ecology) and processed as a minor program modification.
2. Prior to entering into an agreement required by paragraph I. above, the Director shall
request the following information from the contributing municipality:
a. A description of the quality and volume of wastewater discharged to the POTW by the
contributing municipality;
b. An inventory of all users located within the contributing municipality that are discharging
to the POTW; and
c, Such other information as the Director may deem necessary,.
I An interlocal agreement, as required by paragraph I., above, shall contain the following
a. Requirements for contributing municipalities to adopt a sewer use chapter that establishes
pretreatment Standards and Requirements as stringent as in this chapter, I.'he chapter
provisions and limits shall be revised to conform within nine months to any future revisions
of the City's chapter.
b. Requirements for the contributing municipality to submit a revised user inventory on at
least an annual basis, and reinforce requirements to obtain a permit prior to discharge.
c. A clear division of responsibilities, for implementing each pretreatment related activity
under this chapter or in the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit. Such (asks include reinforcing prohibitions, locating Users, issuing
wastewater discharge permits, conducting inspections, sampling, evaluating compliance,
initiating enforcement, and reporting compliance. Any activities that will be conducted
jointly by the contributing municipality and the Director must also be identified,
d. Requirements fbr the contributing Municipality to provide the Director access to all
information that the contributing municipality obtains as part of its pretreatment activities,
e. 'The nature, quality (e.g. conventional and toxic Pollutant concentrations), and volume
(peak and average flow rates) the contributing municipality is allowed to discharge to the
City. How and where compliance will be measured, how fees for service and surcharges
will be established, and how additional loading capacity, if needed, will be negotiated.
f. Provisions ensuring that the Director may enter and inspect users' facilities located within
the contributing municipality's jurisdictional boundaries to confirm that the pretreatment
program is being properly administered and that users are properly categorized, etc.
g. Provisions for addressing any breach of the terms of the inter-municipal agreement.
13.06.1100 Reporting requirements.
A. B(iseline monitoring reporls. When a Qf— kafd�cat
Qatego!".1eal -WIE �clqrical pretreatment
... ..................
standard (PSE,S or PSNS) for an industry category is published, users that perform that
process are subject to the Cittegi)44,eal-S4andafkageizoricaI pretreatment standard and users
that either currently discharge or are scheduled to discharge wastewater from the process
to the POTW, must submit a "'baseline monitoring report" to the Dli rector. This report must
contain the itil"orniation listed in the paragraph below. The report is due within 180 days
after the effective date of a, Gategefieal Standafdcategorical pretreatment standard, unless
the final administrative decision on a category, determination comes later.
Users that wish to begin discharging wastewater to the 1110 "W from operations Subject to
Categefieal Staadafdcate orical pretreatment s undards after EPA has published
standards (called New Sources), shall also submit a "baseline monitoring reportto the
Director containing the inforniation listed in paragraph below. However, for new sources,
the report must be provided at least 90 days before desiring to discharge. New sources shall
describe the method of pretreatment they intend to use to meet applicable Gategofieftl
Stafida-fdcategorical pretreatment standards. Because monitoring data will not be available
for proposed facilities, new sources instead must provide estimates of the anticipated flow
rates and quatitity of pollutants to be discharged.
The Baseline Monitoring Report shall include the following information:
I. All infortatio ')(1)(a through 13.06.080(17)(])(g).
-n ,n required in section 1 3.06.080(F
2. Additional conditions for existing sources measuring pollutants:
a. Users shall take a minimum of one representative sample to compile the data for the
Baseline Monitoring Report.
b, Users shall take samples immediately downstream from pretreatment facilities if such exist,
or immediately downstream from the regulated process if no pretreatment exists, If the user:
mixes other wastewaters with the regulated wastewater prior to,pretreatment, the user must
provide the flows and concentrations necessary to apply the combined wastestrearn formula
of section 13.06.041(C) and 40 CFR 403.6(e), Where the user wants an alternate
concentration or mass limit, and it is allowed by federal rules at 40 CFR 403.6(c), the user
shall propose the adjusted limit and provide supporting data to the City,
c. Sampling and analysis shall be performed in accordance with section 13.06.11 fl(Analylical
Requirements), and section 13.06.111 (Sample Collection).
d, The Director,may allow the report to use only historical data if the data is good enough to
allow the evaluation of whether(and which) industrial pretreatment measures are needed.
e. The baseline report shall indicate the time, date,place of sampling and methods of analysis.
The user shall certify that the sampling and analysis presented is representative o4'normal
work cycles and expected pollutant discharges to the POTW.
3. Compliance certrfication. The user shall furnish to the Director, upon request, a statement,
reviewed by the user's authorized representative and certified by a qualified professional,
indicating whether pretreatment standards, are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not
whether additional operation and maintenance(O&M)and/or additional pretreatment steps 1
,are required to meet the pretreatment standards and requirements, A qualified professional
could be someone that has comprehensive experience and training with the equipment,
manufacturers representative, or a professional engineer.
4. Compliance schetlule, While New sources must install the treatment required to meet the
pretreatment standards prior to operation, existing sources may be granted a compliance
schedule where they must provide additional pretreatment and/or O&M to meet the
pretreatment standards. In such cases,the user shall propose the shortest schedule by which
they can provide the additional pretreatment and/or O&M. The completion date which the,
user proposes in this schedule may not be later than the compliance date established for the
applicable pretreatment standard. Any compliance schedule authorized pursuant to this
section must also meet the requirements set out in section 13.0 .1 OO(B) of this chapter.
5. Signature and report certification, All baseline monitoring reports must be certified in
accordance with section 13.06.100(1,) of this chapter and signed by an authorized
representative as def used by section 13.06.011(E).
B. Comj)liance schedule progress reports. The Following conditions shall apply to compliance ,
schedules proposed by operators of existing sources according to section 13.06.1 OO(A)(4)
of this chapter and incorporated into permits:
1. The schedule shall establish dates for the commencement and completion of major events
leading to the construction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the user
to meet the applicable pretreatment standards (such events include, but are not limited to,
hiring an engineer,, completing preliminary and final plans, executing contracts for major
components, commencing and completing construction, and beginning and conducting
routine operation);
2. No increment referred to above shall exceed nine months;
3. The user shall submit a progress report to the Director no later than 14 days following each
date in the schedule and the final date of compliance including, as a minimum, whether or :
not it complied with the increment of progress,the reason for any delay,and, if appropriate,
the steps being taken by the user to return to the established schedule; and
4. In no: event shall more than nine months, elapse between such progress reports to the
C. Rejwrts on voinpliance ivith Cate,,gorical Pretrealnieni Stantlard Deatiline. Both existing
sources and new sources must submit a report on whether compliance has been initially
achieved. For existing sources, the report is due 90 days,after the date applicable categorical
standafdtate,orical pretreatment standards give as the final compliance date. For a new
source,the report is due 90 days after starting to discharge to (lie P:O:TIAI, In both cases, the
report must contain the information described in sections 13.06.080(F) (1)(c) through
13,06.080(F)(1)(f), For existing sources, it must also contain the compliance certification
of 13.06.100(A)(3) and, if needed, the compliance schedule described in 13.0:6.1 OO(A)(4).
Users subject to equivalent mass or concentration limits, as allowed by section 13.06.041,
must include a reasonable measure of their long-term production rate. Other users subject
to standards based on a, unit of`production (or other measure of operation) must include
their actual production during the sampling period. All compliance reports must be signed
and certified in,accordance with section 13.06.1 00(f.)(1) of this chapter,
D. Perio(lic comlWance rej)orts,
I. Significant and Minor industrial users (SII,Js and MfUs), must:
a. Report at least twice a year, in June and December, unless other months are specified.
b. Report the, flows and concentrations of regulated pollutants in all discharges subjcct to
pretreatment standards,
c. Report average (and maximum for Ellis only hdaily flows for the reporting period and
identify where flow estimates are used.
d. Include the documentation needed to show compliance with applicable BMPs,, pollution
prevention alternatives, maintenance, treatment, or record keeping requirements.
2. The Director may authorize an eat egefieal-industrial user (CILJ) to forego sampling of a
pollutant regulated by a0�+----Ial-pretreatment standard when it is not present in raw
,,vastewater provided:
a. The GIU submits a request for the waiver with their permit application, or reapplication
(see section 13.06.080(F)(1)(h)).
b. The GIU analyzes a sarnple(or samples)representative ofall wastewater from all processes ,
before any treatment and includes all results, with the request.
AOIN, c. 'I'lie GILD demonstrates through source water and untreated process water sample results
that the pollutant never exceeds intake water levels. (Pollutants simply reduced by
treatment to,background levels are ineligible for the waiver.) i
d. The QU shows, where non-detectable sample results are returned in ( ) cur (3), that they
used the method from 40 CFR Part 136 with the lowest detection level.
e. The duly authorized representative of` the GJU signs the request using the certification ,
statement of section 13.06.1,00(L)(I).
f The QU includes, in routine monitoring reports, the statement in section 13.016.1 010(L)(2),
certifying that there has been no increase in the pollutant in its waste stream due to activities
of the user,
& The GIU reports and immediately resumes the monitoring which would otherwise have
been required upon discovering that a waived pollutant is present or expected to be present
based on changes to the user's operations.
The Director will document the reasons supporting the waiver in the permit fact sheet, and
J eep any information submitted by the user and the Fact sheet lbr three years after the
waiver expires. Monitoring, waivers are valid after being incorporated in a user"s permit,.
The waiver is in effect while the permit is effective, up to five years. The Director may
cancel a monitoring waiver at any time for any good reason.
3. 'rhe Director may reduce the minimum periodic compliance reporting frequency for ClUs
fironi twice a year (section 13.06.100(D)(1)) to once a year where the GIli:
a. Discharges wastewater subject to eaAegerieal. standard retreatrucrerrt standards at a rate less
Pharr one gallon per every 10,000 gallons of POTW design maximum monthly average flow
capacity (per the fC4yiPort AnNPDES permit). The CAU Must measure its discharge
using a continuous(or totalizing) effluent flow meter. If the QLJ discharges in batches,the
Director will deten-nine eligibility by dividing total flows in all batches which contain any
proportion subject to catep-orical -�rleal Teguh#ion pretreatment 8 standards by the
number of days, the QU is in full operation in a given calendar month.
b. Discharges less than 5,000 gallons of wastewater subject to categorical pretreatment
standards on the maximum day (including for batch dischargers),
c. Discharges categorical wastewater with less than one pound of BOD per each 10,000 :
pounds of POTW loading capacity. POT W loading capacity is the design maximurn '
monthly average BOD loading capacity per the Cit�y"s NPDES, permit(or if not included in
the permit, in approved City plans).
& Discharges less than 0.01 percent of the maximum allowable headworks loading for any
pollutant regulated by both an applicable ee4egeHeal-cats gori cat pretreatment stan4afd
standard and a local limit in section 13.06.045 of this chapter.
e. Has not been in significant non-compliance as defined in this chapter during the prior two
f flas daily flow rates, production levels, or pollutant levels that are consistent enough the
Director believes will allow representative data at the decreasing 'reporting interval.,
4. Users most sign and certify all periodic compliance reports in accordance with section
13.06 1 00�(L)(I) of this chapter.
5Users must take wastewater sawn ples that are representative of their range of discharge
conditions and of any discharge not disclosed in their permit application. usersUsers must
properly operate, clean, and maintain sampling and flow metering facilities and devices
and ensure they function properly. The Director shall not allow user claims that sampling !
results are unrepresentative due to a user's failure to meet this requirement.
6. Users subject to the reporting requirements in this section must report any additional
monitoring which might detennine compliance with permit requirements. This includes
any additional monitoring of regulated pollutant at their respective effluent monitoring
locations using procedures prescribed in section 13�.06.100(K) of this chareports,
eIn such
cases, the results of this monitoring shall be included in periodic monitoring
7, Users that send electronic (digital)documents to the City to satisfy the requirements of this
section must meet, all state and federal electronic signature requirements: Electronic data
shall be in the format required by the Director. The Director may also require reporting in
both digital and traditional format,
E. Reports (.Y'changed conditions, Each user must notify the Director of any significant
changes to the user"s operations,or system that might alter the nature, quality, or volume of
its wastewater. This notification must be made at least 30 days before the change. In such
I. The Director may require the user to submit information as needed tut evaluate the changed
condition. The Director may also require a new or revised wastewater discharge permit
application under section 13.016.0O(E) of this chapter, and/or
1 The Director may issue, reissue, or modify a wastewater discharge permit applying the
procedures of_section 13.06,080(J) of this chapter in response to a user's notice under this
F. Reports f..�fpotentialproblems.
I Any user that has any unusual discharge that could cause problems to the POTW must
immediately notify the Director by telephone of the incident. Problems to the PW that
require reporting under this section include violating pretreatment prohibitions, treatment
standards, or other requirements of section 13.06.0401 of this chapter such as vapor toxicity
and explosivity limits, Such discharges may include spills, slug loads, accidental
discharges, or other discharges of a non-routine, episodic nature. This notification shall
include the location of the discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume, if known,
and corrective actions taken by the user to control and curtail the discharge,
2. Within five calendar days following such discharge,the user shall submit a detailed written
report describing the cause(s) of the discharge and the measures to be taken by the user to
prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any
expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to
the POTW, natural resources, or any other damage to person or property; nor shall such
notification relieve the user of any fines,penalties, or other liability which may be imposed
pursuant to this chapter.
3. Regardless of whether the user has been required to submit a slug discharge control plan
(per section 13.06.050), all users shall post notice in a prominent location advising
employeeswho to call at the POT W to inform the director afa potential problern discharge
(13.06.100(F)(1)). Users shall ensure that all employees who may cause or witness such a
discharge are advised of the emergency notification procedures.
4. All users must immediately notify the Director of any changes at their facility that might
increase their potential for a slug discharge. This includes increasing the volume of
materials stored or located on site which, if discharged to the POTW, would cause
problems. Users required to prepare a slug discharge control plan under section 13.06.050
shall also modify their plans to include the new conditions prior to, or immediately after,
making such changes.
G, Repoi,tsftom unperinitted users. All users not required to obtaina wastewater discharge
perrnit or generalpermit shall provide appropriate reports to the Director as the Director
may require. This includes periodically completing and signing industrial questionnaire
disclosure forms.
H, Notice of violationlrepeal sanr cling and rej)orting. If sampling performed by a user
indicates a violation, the user must notify the Director within 24 hours ol"becoming aware
of the violation. The user shall also repeat the sarnpling and analysis and submit the reAlltS
of the repeat analysis to the Director within 30 days after becoming aware of the violation.
The: Director may waive the repeat sampling requirement where the City has sampled the
effluent for the pollutant in question prior to the user obtaining sampling results.
1. Notification oll'the discharge ol"hazardous ivaste.
I Any user who discharges any substance which, if otherwise disposed of, would be a
ha7itrdous waste under,40 CF'R part 261 or Chapter 173-303 WAC must also comply with
the following requirements:
a. Notify the Director, the EPA Regional Waste Management Division Director, and
Washington State flazardous, Waste and Toxics Reduction Pers,onnel, in writing, of the
discharge. Maintain a copy of this notification and include, it in all subsequent permit
applications or re-applications under this chapter.
b. Include the following information in the notification:
L The name of the hazardous waste as found in 40 CFR Part 261,
ii. The EPA hazardous waste number,
iii. 'rhe type of discharge (continuous, batch, or other).
c. If the discharge totals more than 220 pounds in any month, also provide:
i. The 'hazardous constituents contained in the wastes,
ii. An estimate of the mass and concentration of hazardous constituents in the wastestream
discharged during that calendar month, and
iii. An estimate of the mass of constituents in the wastestream expected to be discharged
during the following 12 months.
d. This notice shall be repeated for new or increased discharges of substances subject to this
reporting requirement.
e. All notifications MUSt take place prior to discharging a substance for which these reporting
requirements apply. If this is not possible, the notice inust be provided as soon after
discharge as practical and describe why prior notice was not possible.
f, Users must provide notifications under this paragraph only once to EPA and the State t1or
each hazardous waste discharged. I lowever,all of the information of these notices shall be
repeated in each new permit application submitted under this Chapter.
g. I his requirement does not relieve the user from requirements to provide ether notit-icationS,
such as of changed conditions under section 13,06,100(E) of this chapter, or applicable
permit conditions, permit application requirements, and prohibitions,
li. 'Fhe notification requirements in this section do not apply to pollutants for which routine
monitoring and reporting is required in a pen-nit under this chapter.
2. Users must report all discharges of more than 33 pounds in a 30-day period of substances
which, if otherwise disposed of, would be hazardous wastes, Users must also report any
discharge:of acutely hazardous wastes as specified in 40 CZ 261.30(d)and 261.33(e), and
their successors. Subsequent months during which the User discharges more of a hazardous
waste for which notice has already been provided do not require another notification to
FTA or the State, but must be reported to the Director.
3. If new regulations under RCRA describe additional hazardous characteristics or substances
as a hazardous waste,the user must provide notifications as described by 13.06.100 within
90 days of the effective date of such regulations.
4For any notification made under this section, the user shall certify that it has a program in
place to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous wastes generated to the degree it has
determined to be economically practical and shall describe that program and reductions
obtained through its implementation.
5 'Fbis, provision does not create a right to discharge any substance not otherwise permitted
to be discharged by this chapter, a permit issued thereunder, or any applicable Federal or
State law.
J. Date qfreceipl ofeports, The Director will credit written reports as having been submitted
on the date of thepostmark when mailed through the United States Postal Service. Reports I
delivered in any other manner will be credited as having been submitted on the business
day received.
K. Record keeping, Users subject to reporting requirements of this chapter shall retain the I
below records for all monitoring required by this chapter and for any additional monitoring
which could be used to satisfy minimum monitoring,requirements, Users must make these
records available for inspection and copying at the location of the discharge. Users must
similarly maintain documentation associated with any Best Management Practices required
under authority of section 13,06. 45, Monitoring records shall include at least:
1. 1 1 he time, date, and place of sampling.
1 The sampling and preservation methods used,
. The person taping the sample and persons with control of the sample prior to analysis.
4, The person performing the analyses and the date the analysis was completed..
5. The analytical techniques or methods used.
fi. 'The results of analysis.
"l. Users shall retain quality control and quality assurance information provided by the
laboratory and submit this information in routine reporting. This information also has value
in the event that the sample data is called into question. For analytes for which Washington
State requires use of a certified/accredited laboratory, users must maintain, the scope of
accreditation for laboratories performing any analyses for thein.
. Users shall maintain the above records for at least four years, atter permit expiration, or
until any litigation concerning the user or the City is complete, or for longer periods when
the user has been specifically notified of a longer retention period by the Director.
L. Certicationsfatements,
1. The following certification statement must be signed by an authorized representative as
defined by section 13.86,011 and included when submitting:
a. A permit (re-)application in accordance wvith section 13.06�.00(F);
b. A baseline monitoring report under section 13.0�6.100( .)
c. A report on compliance with the categorical pretreatment standard deadlines under section
13.0 .1 GO(C),
d. A periodic compliance resort required by section 13.06,1 OO(DI-4); or
e. An initial request to forego sampling of a pollutant based on section 13.06,1 OO( )(2)(e).
°"I certify under penalty,of law that this document and all attachments wwwereprepared under
my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. used oil my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible dor
gathering; the information, the information submitted is, to the best ofmy knowledge and,
belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
E submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knoww"ing violations."
2. Certification ofpollt lants not present, Users that have an approved monitoring waiver
based on section 1 .06.1.1 00D)(2) must also include the following certification statement
in each report. This statement certifies that there has been no increase in the pollutant in its
wwastestream due to activities of"the user:
"'Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing
compliance with the ppretreatment Sstandard for 40 CFR [specify
applicable National Pretreatment Standard part(s)], 1 certify that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, there has been no increase in the level of _ [list
pollutants)] in the wastewaters due to the activities at the facility since filing of the last
periodic report under section 13.86.1 t1ft,""
4 Sample collection.
Users must ensure all samples they collect to satisfy sampling requirements under this
chapter are representative of the range of conditions occurring during the reporting period.
User's must also ensure that, when specified, samples are collected during the specific
Users must use properly cleaned sample containers appropriate for the sample analysis and
l '
sample collection and preservation protocols specified in 40 CFR fart 136 and appropriate
EPA guidance.
B. Users must obtain samples for oil and grease, temperature, pH, cyanide, total phenols,
sulfides, and volatile organic compounds using grab collection techniques.
C For certain pollutants, users may composite multiple grab samples taken over a -hour
period. Users may composite grab samples for cyanide, total phenols, and sulfides either
l �
in the laboratory or in the field, and may composite grab samples for volatile organics and
oil and grease in the laboratory prior to analysis.
1 D. For all other pollutants, users must employ 24-hour flow-proportional composite samplers
J unless the Director authorizes or requires an alternative sample collection method.
E. The Director may authorize composite samples for parameters unaffected by the
m i i �cedures as appropriate.
� co posn t p rom
F. The Director may require grab samples either in lieu of or in additionto composite
sampling to show compliance with instantaneous discharge limits.
G. In all cases, users must tale care to ensure the samples are representative of their
wastewater discharges.
R Users sampling to complete baseline monitoring and 0-day compliance reports required
by section 13.06,100, must satisfy some specific requirements. These reports require at
least four grab samples for pH, cyanide, total phenols, oil and grease, sulfide and volatile
organic compounds, Users may composite samples prior to analysis if allowed in
13.06.111(C). Where historical sampling data exist,the Director may also authorize f:-ewer
1. For periodic monitoring reports, (section, 1 .06.100(D)), the Director may specify the
number of grab samples necessary to assess and -ssure compliance with applicable
pretreatment standards and requirements.
.l, In cases where a user fails to sample for one or more required parameters within 30 days
of the required timeframe, the C"itnymay collect and analyze a wastewater sample from the
user's discharge for the re_uireda�rameter s The City may add the costs for sam lin
and analysis 'stafftime, materials, and anal ) to the user's sewer hill.
Section 2 -Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance ar-,
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance includingbut not limited to, tho
correction of the scrivener's errors/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering,'
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3 --Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance,or its application to any person
or circumstances,, are held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance, or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affiected.
Section 4 — Effective Tete, This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to th
City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days aftt r
publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of Poi t Angeles at a regular meeting of said COUnc 1
held on the I" day of November 201, ,
Patrick DM;,nie, Mayor
- 1
eriiferiliIIurn E. BI or,
�"iter Attorney
By Summary
Summary of Ordinance adopted by
the Port Angeles City Council on November 1, 2016
Ordinance No. 3560
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends Chapter 3.70.110 F. of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to industrial wastewater pretreatment fees.
Ordinance No. 3561
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amends Chapter 13.06 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code relating to industrial wastewater pretreatment.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published: November 30, 2016