HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/20/2016 GE ORT NL CITY COUNCIL MEETING �ngw A S H I N G T o N, U. S. A. 321 East 5t' Street December 20, 2016 REGULAR MEETING— 6:00 p.m. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public.Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS C. PUBLIC COMMENT— The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period.Individuals may speak for three(3)minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2)minutes. (Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). D. LATE ITEMS — To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. E. CONSENT AGENDA/Approve 1. City Council Minutes:December 6, 2016.......................................................................................................................E-1 2. Expenditure Report:From November 26, 2016 through December 9, 2016 in the amount of$1,608,908.07................E-6 3. Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Fire District#3 for Reserve Ladder Truck..................................................E-33 F. PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Municipal Code Update—NPDES Stormwater Permit—Required Low Impact Development/Close Public Hearing/ Conduct Second Reading/Adopt Ordinance..................................................................................................................F-1 G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 2016 Budget Amendment#3/Conduct Second Reading/Adopt Ordinance..................................................................G-1 H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. City of Port Angeles Legislative Agenda/Approve Resolution......................................................................................H-1 Mayor to determine time of break/Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. December 20, 2016 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page- 1 L OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Acceptance of$2.2 Million Grant from the State of Washington for Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project/Approve.....I-1 2. Landfill Cell Stabilization,Project SW02-12/Final Acceptance ..................................................................................1-10 3. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Fire Department Staffing l Approve ..........................................................I-12 4. Salary Survey for Non-Represented Staff/Staff recommends postponing discussion until full Council can participate 5. City Financial Auditor Position/Staff recommends postponing discussion until full Council can participate J. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Vertigo Marketing/Approve....................................................J-1 K. COUNCIL REPORTS L. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. November Building Report..............................................................................................................................................L-1 M. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT— The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three(3)minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2)minutes. (Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). ADJOURNMENT— PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions,which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Mayor to determine time of break/Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. December 20, 2016 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page-2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Street Fund #102 Funding HIistory Funding for street maintenance and repairs in the City of Port Angeles has, historically, been a combination of funding sources. Funding from sources such as the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax(MVFT) is collected by the State and a portion is shared with cities and counties. The more recent history of the motor vehicle fuel tax is shown below: EFIAINIIIH���������� 07/01/2016-present 0.494 0.184 0.678 09/01/2015-06/30/2016 0.445 0.184 0.629 01/01/2015-07/31/2015 0375 0.1,94 0.559 01/01/2014-12/31/2014 0.37'50.194 0.559 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 0.375 0.184 0.559 01/01/2012-12/31/2012 0.375 0.184 0.559 01/01/2011-12/31./2011 0.375 0.184 0.559 07/01/2016-present 0.494 0.244 0.,738 08/01/2015-06/30/2016 0.445 0.244 0.689 01/02/2015-07/31/2015 0.375 0.2" 0.619 01/01/2014-12/31/2014 0.375 0.244 0.619 01/01/2013-1,2/31/2013 0.375 0.244 0.619 01/01/2012-12/31/2012 0.375 0.244 0.619 01/01/2011-12/31/2011 0.375 0.244 0.619 As you can see, the"gas" tax has remained relatively stable in the rate per gallon until the increase in state rate per gallon in mid-2015 and mid-2016. There are two(2)ways to generate more motor vehicle excise tax: (1)sell more gallons of fuel, and/or(2) raise the gas tax. The City Council approved a change in funding of the Street Fund beginning January 1, 2001. Beginning on that date,the City eliminated the portion of property tax that was directed to the Street Fund and replaced it with a General Fund Subsidy as shown below: 2010 482,299 295,000 $777,2" 2011 482,2" 316,000 $798299 2012 482,2" 400,000 $892,299 2013 0 922,000 $922,000 2014 0 996,600 $996,600 2015 0 996,600 $996,600 2016 Amend.42 0 996,000 $996,000 2017 Budget 0 871,000 $871,000 As noted above,General Fund support for the Street Fund increased once the General Fund replaced the property tax with a General Fund subsidy except for the recently adopted 2017 budget. (over) Perhaps the biggest change has,been the reduction of state-shared revenues from tax related to motor vehicle fuels. As alternate fuel or electric vehicles become more common and as fuel efficiency increased due to federal requirements less gas and diesel fuel is being sold in the state and,therefore,there is less motor vehicle fuel tax to share between the state and cities and counties. As you can see,for 2017,we project that the City will still not collect as much tax revenue as we did in 20071 Motor Veh. Fuel Tax $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 s2sil $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 mM "0 C 'Z5 V, A comprehensive look at Street Fund#102 revenues since 2010 shows the following: G.F. 295,0W 3161M 400,000 922 9966011 996,000 . Motor VeK Fuel Tax"' 41 a 1891 194 S 2 994 410 4�4 X480 439 ....................... ....... �t�lleve�nuii 516 S� W'W1 474,0��...R.?620 1 "" Investment Interest 1 8 111272 25 7 4,113 Soo M ............. . ..... 0?,, ,,, '''''' 5 ISuoe. hexamae " 1x501 141624 140352 1 19 44 909 1000 0 sped 4 432 99 0, we. 0 w.ww0 0 Intedund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 waaw� ..........­'_�............ Street Vacation Fess 0 0 0 0 0 M1750 0 0 .............. .................. ............................ ....... ........................ Transfer 101 $0 $3795 $0 $0 i $399 ............ $ tniA $IA87,422 ivsi'A $1,0 2 $1,997X2 �07,900 $1,517,SW TotalStreet t � L Notm, (1) General Fund No"Tax Subi assumes that o#suport prowl by the Gimi Fund h pug for by prWrty tax (2) Motor Vdi Fuels Tax Inchildes aff sub-companews of"ratedfindiq to am from the tax an matior vel fuel (3) Imerdejowtmen tW Revenue is revenue alimost exchisively flora the Stormwater Fundfor work pedarmed by the Street Fund far the Swrowl Fund. (4) Other Revenue in Mies aft other minar rel recelioed in the Street Fund#102, (5) Sam Fund proserty tax was a portion of the regular Ofty4vied pril w that was*ectel rece"ng drel in the Street Fund. It win not a sepatift pv"tool it was merely a pardon of the City's regular property tax*dkoted to Stmt PW#102 (61 N hote#und$&*a Ow9e In M was for Geni Fund al000don wW was later midinded. (7) N Street Vlocall Fee was for s&W right-of way ftomqkrill to plc Mel COW as part of their campus dein' rat and thefiall received represented the Pit market value for the land. (81 The ma*'Trol in"in 2003 was ftom REET @$300,000+SoN Waste Fund ON @,$125;000. If Council authorized a sales tax-based Transportation Benefit District @ 0.2%, is estimated to generate approximately$650,000 per year. Using the 2017 budget, the additional $640,000 would increase the funding for streets by 42.8%. if you have any questions, please contact Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson at 360-417-4601 or bolson@cityofpa.us. (over) CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 6, 2016 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 3:49 p.m. PRESENT: Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins, and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmembers Gase and Merideth. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen, C. Fulton, N. West, A. Fountain and H. Greenwood. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor,Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, and RCW 42.30.140(4) to discuss collective bargaining with an employee organization,for approximately 30 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 3:50 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 4:30 p.m.No action was taken. WORKSESSION: The Council retuned to open session at 4:36 p.m.in order to hold a worksession on Stormwater Permit Requirements. City Manager Dan McKeen and Community & Economic Development Director Nathan West provided opening remarks. Jonathan Boehme, Civil Engineer, and Rebecca Dugopolski, Engineer with Herrera, the City's Stormwater Consultant,conducted a PowerPoint presentation on Low Impact Development(LID)Code Review. Councilmember Merideth joined the meeting at 4:42 p.m. The worksession concluded at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Gase. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C.Delikat,K.Dubuc,C.Fulton,B. Smith, B.Olson,N.West,J.Boehme,K.Neal,A.Fountain, and H. Greenwood. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Whetham to: Excuse Councilmember Gase from the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Whetham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 12/20/2016 E - 1 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—December 6, 2016 PUBLIC COMMENT: John Proctor,2123 West Fourth Street, spoke about the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers Club and its work on the Kids Fishing Derby. Phil Lusk,232 West Second Street,asked Council to be aware of Bonneville Power's wholesale power rates and how they might allow for lower utility costs to customers. Ed Chadd,307 West Sixth Street,spoke about climate change.He read from a resolution passed by the Clallam County Commissioners and then asked Council to think about ways the City can proactively get involved in climate change action. Dale Wilson,East Fourth Street,invited the Council to the PAPA(Peninsula Area Public Access)Open House at 215 Lincoln Street on December 13,2016. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember— Councilmember Bruch asked that Council look at the climate change resolution passed by Clallam County. CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes:November 15, 2016 2. Expenditure Report:From November 5, 2016 through November 25, 2016 in the amount of$2,241,585.17 3. Extension of Member Appointments to Board of Ethics Pool 4. Ranney Well Performance Testing,Project WA-13-023,Agreement with Layne Christensen,Inc./ Contract Extension 5. Public Assistance Grant Agreement to Secure FEMA Funding for Storm Repairs 6. Amendments to Ordinance(3562)Levying 2016 Property Tax for Collection in 2017 and Resolutions 11- 16 and 12-16 Motion carried 5-1,with Collins opposed. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council that they could contact the appropriate director if they had questions. He asked if there was a consensus among Council to bring forward a climate change resolution similar to that of Clallam County. Council agreed by consensus to discuss a possible climate change resolution in January. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2017 Budget Ordinance Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 6:29 p.m. Mike Doherty,617 South B Street,said there was an urgency for the City to adopt a climate action plan partly because of the need to do so when applying for State trust funds, infrastructure funds, and grants. Mr. Doherty hopes that Council has money in the budget to monitor actions in Canada of petroleum projects that are being permitted and will be sending loaded tankers into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.He urged Council to seek for additional protection measures in case of oil spills and bunkering of ships. Mayor Downie closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3566 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2017 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,2017. Page 2 of 5 12/20/2016 E - 2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—December 6, 2016 It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Adopt the ordinance as read. Motion carried 4-2,with Councilmembers Whetham and Merideth opposed. 2. Municipal Code Update—NPDES Stormwater Permit—Required Low Impact Development(LID) Public Works and Utilities Director Craig Fulton opened the discussion and told Council that as part of the ordinance changes, staff would be changing a lot of its internal processes and provide implementation tools and infeasibility criteria to make it easier for citizens and developers. Director West noted two corrections to the memo,where references to Title 16.04 and 17.08 should read Title 16 and Title 17. He read a correction found on Page F47, noting that exemptions and variances were incorporated into the ordinance in Title 13 but should actually be in the ordinance in Title 17. Jonathan Boehme, Civil Engineer, conducted a presentation on LID Code Review that included background on the NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit, proposed revisions to the ordinances, and proposed implementation tools. Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. John Ralston,P.O.Box 898,thanked staff for keeping him informed of the public meetings on stormwater and for incorporating some of his suggestions into the ordinances. He said the Department of Ecology should be constantly questioned and said it can be difficult when DOE groups many different cities under the same requirements.Mr. Ralston said that DOE should help with funding for capital projects related to stormwater, for equipment to clean sidewalks and streets, and for the costs of education.He would like to see the City be proactive in educating the public.Mr.Ralston said he believes Herrera and the City are underestimating development costs that will be incurred by developers due to the stormwater requirements. Tracy Gudgel,301 East 6t1 Street, Engineer with Zenovic&Associates and incoming President of Home Builders Association, said the big problem with LID is that it's infeasible in almost all areas of Port Angeles.He hopes staff will work with people to work through these issues. Mr.Gudgel said LID is much more costly to the developer, and that the City should allocate money to improve existing stormwater infrastructure. Bruce Emery, 727 East 8t1i Street, of Green Crow Properties, said he understands that the City is mandated to make changes, and that staff has done a great job pulling together a compromise with an ordinance that still meets requirements.In reviewing the ordinance,Mr.Emery said he couldn't find any suggestions for improving it based on the requirements that staff are up against.However,he said it creates a big challenge for the development community because it adds to costs but also shackles the new owner with requirements to monitor and maintain systems which are prone to failure.He said there will also be extensive costs to the City for enforcement and monitoring.Mr.Emery said he has no problem with sound regulation,but that it's getting to the point of diminished return for effort. Ed Chadd,307 West 611 Street,said the presentation by staff was excellent.Mr.Chadd said he coordinates the County's Streamkeepers Program and said that Port Angeles is an incredible place that could be even better. He said there are topographical challenges to development,but the ordinances build in infeasibility. He said the existing infrastructure is problematic because it puts water off of hard surfaces and directly into creeks. Dennis Yachovich,21 Rustic Fields,of Green Crow Properties,said he would like everyone to have a beautiful home to live in. He reminded Council that Port Angeles is a City, and yet it's the hardest and most expensive place within the county to build. He said that although it is currently a good market, it could get to the point when no one will be able to afford to develop.Mr.Yachovich said he doesn't think anyone can quantify a benefit from these mandates.He asked why the City is implementing something that can't be measured,yet downgrading the quality of life for citizens for something that probably won't work. Mike Doherty, 617 South B, it's a great time for the City to get with the banking community to get foreclosed or abandoned homes back on the market for affordable housing.He complimented Jonathon Boehme for his very good, common sense approach in his presentation. Mr. Doherty hopes the City will look at the mill's capacity and existing infrastructure as a possible future solution to stormwater runoff. Page 3 of 5 12/20/2016 E - 3 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—December 6, 2016 At 7:49 p.m.Mayor Downie continued the public hearing to December 20,2016. Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the Ordinances making changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code by: • amending Chapters 11.08, 11.12, 11.13, and 11.14 relating to streets and sidewalks • amending Chapters 13.63 and 17.94 relating to stormwater-utility regulations • amending street standards and off street parking by making changes to Chapter 14.01 and 14.40 • amending development standards by making changes to Chapter 15.20 • amending short plat subdivision regulations by making changes to Title 16,Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 • and amending and updating zoning regulations by making changes to Title 17 ORDINANCE NOS. Mayor Downie continued the public hearing to December 20,2016. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 8:12 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 8:24 p.m. The Mayor tabled Item JI, Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Vertigo Marketing, to the December 20,2016 meeting. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson requested that Council postpone the second and final reading of the 2016 Budget Amendment#3 until December 20,2016. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Employee Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual Update—Facility Security,Access&Use Policy Human Resources Manager Abbigail Fountain said that as part of 2016 work plan and per the City Manager's direction, a small work group was appointed to look at security within City Hall. She said the group made recommendation and now Council is being asked to approve the policies which will be incorporated into the Employee Personnel Policy&Procedures Manual.Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Approve the Facility Security,Access&Use Policy and update the Employee Personnel Policy&Procedures Manual, and allow the City Manager to make any minor modification,if necessary. Motion carried 5-1,with Whetham opposed. 2. Clallam PUD Right of Way Agreement Renewal Director Fulton outlined terms of the renewal agreement. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Merideth to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to renew the Telecommunications Right-Of-Way License with the Clallam County Public Utility District for an additional five-year term, and to make minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary. Motion carried 6-0. Council agreed by consensus to postpone the discussions of Item 14, Salary Survey for Non-Represented Staff, and Item I5, City Financial Auditor Position. 3. Animal Control Officer Council discussed the possibility of funding an animal control officer and how that might affect funding to the Humane Society.Police Chief Brian Smith said the Police Department handles 500 calls for service a year regarding animals. Council agreed by consensus to take a comprehensive look at the City's approach to code enforcement, including animal control,during an April or May worksession. Page 4 of 5 12/20/2016 E - 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—December 6, 2016 Shalay VanCleve was invited to speak.She said her group,Pet Posse,has reunited over 800 animals with their owners. Ms.VanCleve said Pet Posse supports the idea of an animal control officer and she said the group has equipment and would be happy to assist the City. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Bruch suggested there be a City newsletter that lets people know what's going on in the City and possibly send it out with utility bills. She said she would not be at the December 201 meeting. Councilmember Collins attended the Farmer's Market on Saturday.He said the Feiro Marine Life Center Board is moving forward with its capital project and it needs the City to decide if it can move forward with the plan.He said he would not be at the worksession next Tuesday. No other reports were given. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Michael Cyr, 929 East Ninth Street, said that when he worked for the City Light Department it was pretty dysfunctional. He now works for Clallam PUD and he believes the City has good leadership and that the department is in the process of healing. Dale Wilson, Fourth Street, said there is a severe homeless problem in the community and encouraged Council to come up with a creative way to save 33 homes from going to the landfill. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Merideth to: Adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. Patrick Downie,Mayor Jennifer Veneklasen,City Clerk Page 5 of 5 12/20/2016 E - 5 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC RAYONIER SANIKAN 001-0000-239.96-00 90.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-0000-237.00-00 11.50 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-0000-237.10-00 75.51 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-0000-237.30-00 221.69 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS EVENT CANCELLED RENTAL RE 001-0000-239.93-00 135.00 ROOM DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.93-00 50.00 ROOM DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.93-00 150.00 CLUBHOUSE DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 CAMPFIRE CLUBHOUSE DEPOSI 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 VERN BURTON DEPOSIT REFUN 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00 CAMPFIRE CLUBHOUSE DEPOSI 001-0000-239.10-00 (50.00) SYMBOLARTS, LLC POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-0000-237.00-00 (37.38) Division Total: $996.32 Department Total: $996.32 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF MEMBERSHIPS 001-1160-511.49-01 300.00 COMM SIGNAL PERFECTION, LTD EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 001-1160-511.31-60 147.14 EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 001-1160-511.31-60 1,261.40 Mayor&Council Division Total: $1,708.54 Legislative Department Total: $1,708.54 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-1210-513.42-10 21.81 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-1210-513.42-10 1.39 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-1210-513.42-10 2.87 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-1210-513.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-1210-513.42-10 15.58 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-1210-513.42-10 14.16 City Manager Division Total: $57.99 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-1220-516.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-1220-516.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-1220-516.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-1220-516.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-1220-516.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-1220-516.42-10 2.83 Page 1 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 6 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-1220-516.31-01 940.98 SOUND PUBLISHING INC SUPPLIES 001-1220-516.44-10 327.70 Human Resources Division Total: $1,280.29 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-1230-514.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-1230-514.42-10 0.14 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-1230-514.42-10 0.29 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-1230-514.42-10 0.22 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-1230-514.42-10 1.56 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-1230-514.42-10 1.42 City Clerk Division Total: $5.81 City Manager Department Total: $1,344.09 ADVANCED TRAVEL AWC Leg Committee-Olson 001-2010-514.43-10 104.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-2010-514.42-10 15.24 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-2010-514.42-10 1.32 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-2010-514.42-10 1.82 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-2010-514.42-10 1.25 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-2010-514.42-10 10.67 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-2010-514.42-10 9.84 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 001-2010-514.31-01 146.98 Finance Administration Division Total: $291.12 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA Adv Govt Acct-Goodwo 001-2023-514.43-10 203.18 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-2023-514.42-10 19.63 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-2023-514.42-10 1.25 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-2023-514.42-10 2.59 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-2023-514.42-10 1.96 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-2023-514.42-10 14.02 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-2023-514.42-10 12.74 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 001-2023-514.31-01 14.01 Accounting Division Total: $269.38 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-2025-514.42-10 28.35 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-2025-514.42-10 1.81 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-2025-514.42-10 3.74 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-2025-514.42-10 2.84 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-2025-514.42-10 20.26 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-2025-514.42-10 18.40 Page 2 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 7 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount ELAVON, INC-WIRE 3rd Party Cr Card l=ees 001-2025-514.41-50 13,225.69 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 001-2025-514.31-60 357.71 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Office Supplies 001-2025-514.31-01 (0.39) Customer Service Division Total: $13,658.41 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-514.31-01 127.03 Reprographics Division Total: $127.03 CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER Stormwater Assessment 001-2099-519.49-90 1.96 General Unspecified Division Total: $1.96 Finance Department Total: $14,347.90 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-3010-515.42-10 21.81 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-3010-515.42-10 1.39 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-3010-515.42-10 2.87 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-3010-515.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-3010-515.42-10 15.58 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-3010-515.42-10 14.16 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ST.CT&LOCAL CT RULES 001-3010-515.31-01 147.15 WESTLAW LEGAL RESEARCH 001-3010-515.31-01 557.71 Attorney Office Division Total: $762.85 CLALLAM CNTY COMMISSIONER'S SUPPLIES 001-3012-598.51-23 66,666.63 OFFICE Jail Contributions Division Total: $66,666.63 Attorney Department Total: $67,429.48 ADVANCED TRAVEL Strait ERN Steering Group 001-4010-558.43-10 19.20 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-4010-558.41-50 65.06 ELECTRICAL CABLES &WIRES 001-4010-558.41-50 88.88 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-4010-558.42-10 17.45 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-4010-558.42-10 1.11 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-4010-558.42-10 2.30 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-4010-558.42-10 1.75 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-4010-558.42-10 12.47 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-4010-558.42-10 11.33 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE PROJECT CONSULTANT RFQ TR 001-4010-558.44-10 830.70 EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-4010-558.41-50 516.34 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-4010-558.41-50 544.25 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 69.52 Page 3 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 8 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 67.94 Planning Division Total: $2,248.30 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-4020-524.42-10 6.54 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-4020-524.42-10 0.42 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-4020-524.42-10 0.86 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-4020-524.42-10 0.66 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-4020-524.42-10 4.67 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-4020-524.42-10 4.25 Building Division Total: $17.40 ADVANCED TRAVEL Western PA Harbor Mtg-Wes 001-4071-558.43-10 122.10 EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-4071-558.41-50 313.99 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-4071-558.41-50 439.58 IMAGINE IT FRAMED SUPPLIES 001-4071-558.49-91 2,249.83 KOKOPELLI GRILL SUPPLIES 001-4071-558.49-91 1,000.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4071-558.44-10 605.00 VERTIGO MARKETING SUPPLIES 001-4071-558.41-50 14,037.70 Economic Development Division Total: $18,768.20 Community Development Department Total: $21,033.90 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-5010-521.42-10 34.89 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-5010-521.42-10 2.22 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-5010-521.42-10 4.60 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-5010-521.42-10 3.49 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-5010-521.42-10 24.93 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-5010-521.42-10 22.65 11-20 A/C 20622000177908 001-5010-521.42-10 199.03 QUILL CORPORATION COMPUTERS,DP &WORD PROC. 001-5010-521.31-01 248.76 WA ASSN OF SHERIFFS& POLICE HUMAN SERVICES 001-5010-521.43-10 300.00 Police Administration Division Total: $840.57 ADVANCED TRAVEL Homicide Investigation-Ar 001-5021-521.43-10 473.71 MRT Investigation-Sexton 001-5021-521.43-10 51.60 MRT Investigation-Martin 001-5021-521.43-10 55.50 Court Hearing-Martin 001-5021-521.43-10 82.20 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-5021-521.42-10 21.81 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-5021-521.42-10 1.39 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-5021-521.42-10 2.87 Page 4 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 9 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 360457153557103 001-5021-521.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 360457668408503 001-5021-521.42-10 15.58 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5021-521.42-10 14.16 LINCOLN STREET STATION EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5021-521.42-10 11.22 EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5021-521.42-10 16.33 Investigation Division Total: $748.55 A WQRKSAFE SERVICE, INC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 001-5022-521.41-50 52.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 360457041119903 001-5022-521.42-10 61.06 11-14 A/C 360457083155803 001-5022-521.42-10 3.89 11-14 A/C 360457096834303 001-5022-521.42-10 8.04 11-14 A/C 360457153557103 001-5022-521.42-10 6.11 11-14 A/C 360457668408503 001-5022-521.42-10 43.63 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5022-521.42-10 39.63 GALLS POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5022-521.20-80 1,050.40 POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5022-521.20-80 97.55 CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 71.49 POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5022-521.20-80 1,559.28 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-5022-521.31-01 65.04 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 9.62 POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 29.13 Patrol Division Total: $3,096.87 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-5026-521.31-11 210.84 SYMBOLARTS, LLC POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5026-521.31-11 482.38 Reserves &Volunteers Division Total: $693.22 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 360457041119903 001-5029-521.42-10 21.81 11-14 A/C 360457083155803 001-5029-521.42-10 1.39 11-14 A/C 360457096834303 001-5029-521.42-10 2.87 11-14 A/C 360457153557103 001-5029-521.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 360457668408503 001-5029-521.42-10 15.58 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5029-521.42-10 14.16 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 001-5029-521.31-01 41.61 Records Division Total: $99.60 Police Department Total: $5,478.81 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 360457041119903 001-6010-522.42-10 30.53 11-14 A/C 360457041119903 001-6010-522.42-11 8.72 Page 5 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 10 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-6010-522.42-10 1.95 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-6010-522.42-11 0.56 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6010-522.42-10 4.02 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6010-522.42-11 1.15 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-6010-522.42-10 3.06 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-6010-522.42-11 0.87 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6010-522.42-10 21.81 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6010-522.42-11 6.23 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-6010-522.42-10 19.82 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-6010-522.42-11 5.66 Fire Administration Division Total: $104.38 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-6020-522.42-10 28.35 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-6020-522.42-10 1.81 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6020-522.42-10 3.74 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-6020-522.42-10 2.84 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6020-522.42-10 20.26 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-6020-522.42-10 18.40 ISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE- DENTQ 001-6020-522.20-80 264.05 REIMBURSEMENT Fire Suppression Division Total: $339.45 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-6021-522.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-6021-522.42-10 0.14 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6021-522.42-10 0.29 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.22 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6021-522.42-10 1.56 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6021-522.42-10 1.42 Fire Volunteers Division Total: $5.81 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-6030-522.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-6030-522.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6030-522.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-6030-522.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6030-522.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6030-522.42-10 2.83 Fire Prevention Division Total: $11.61 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-6040-522.42-10 4.36 Page 6 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 11 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 3604570831558E 001-6040-522.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6040-522.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-6040-522.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6040-522.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-6040-522.42-10 2.83 HOWELL, WILLIAM H JR ARCH ITECTURAL&ENGINEERING 001-6040-522.43-10 1,400.00 Fire Training Division Total: $1,411.61 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.48-10 28.10 SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.48-10 41.60 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 001-6050-522.41-50 68.50 Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $138.20 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-6060-525.42-10 19.63 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-6060-525.42-10 1.25 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-6060-525.42-10 2.59 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-6060-525.42-10 1.96 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-6060-525.42-10 14.02 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6060-525.42-10 12.74 Emergency Management Division Total: $52.19 Fire Department Total: $2,063.25 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-7010-532.42-10 67.60 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-7010-532.42-10 4.31 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-7010-532.42-10 8.91 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-7010-532.42-10 6.77 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-7010-532.42-10 48.30 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-7010-532.42-10 43.88 FRONTIER PRECISION, INC. HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-7010-532.31-01 991.60 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 001-7010-532.41-50 1,258.02 WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF PE LICENSE#0051001 RENEW 001-7010-532.49-01 116.00 Public Works Admin. Division Total: $2,545.39 Public Works& Utilities Department Total: $2,545.39 ASM SIGNS FLAGS,POLES,BANNERS,ACCES 001-8010-574.41-50 726.28 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-8010-574.42-10 6.54 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-8010-574.42-10 0.42 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-8010-574.42-10 0.86 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-8010-574.42-10 0.66 Page 7 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 12 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-8010-574.42-10 4.67 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-8010-574.42-10 4.25 Parks Administration Division Total: $743.68 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-02 A/C 36041707869055 001-8012-555.42-10 39.67 11-05 A/C 36045298618195 001-8012-555.42-10 51.61 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-8012-555.42-10 6.54 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-8012-555.42-10 0.42 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-8012-555.42-10 0.86 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-8012-555.42-10 0.66 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-8012-555.42-10 4.67 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-8012-555.42-10 4.25 KELLER, JANQLYN MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 001-8012-555.41-50 100.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8012-555.31-01 433.60 Senior Center Division Total: $642.28 AUTOMATIC WILBERT VAULT CO CEMETERY SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 2,524.00 INC CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-8050-536.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-8050-536.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 001-8050-536.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 001-8050-536.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 001-8050-536.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 001-8050-536.42-10 2.83 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Qct 001-8050-536.49-50 4.77 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS C1 -SELL SACK PROPERTY T 001-8050-343.60-12 723.00 Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $3,263.38 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS, LLC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 757.72 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 35.88 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 8.99 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 17.96 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 26.36 CASCADE MOBILE DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 001-8080-576.48-10 1,565.03 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 23.85 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 45.53 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 001-8080-576.42-10 21.81 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 001-8080-576.42-10 1.39 Page 8 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 13 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 360457096834303 001-8080-576.42-10 2.87 11-14 A/C 360457153557103 001-8080-576.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 360457668408503 001-8080-576.42-10 15.58 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8080-576.42-10 14.16 DAVE'S HEATING& COOLING SVC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 001-8080-576.31-20 23.85 EL ERS FLAG AND BANNER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 365.99 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 14.16 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 73.12 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 524.66 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 11.86 NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 40.11 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 87.84 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 25.34 SUPPLYWORKS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 112.19 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 001-8080-576.31-01 287.95 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 51.37 WASHINGTON (AGRICUL), STATE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.49-01 33.00 OF Parks Facilities Division Total: $4,190.75 Parks& Recreation Department Total: $8,840.09 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8112-555.31-20 23.91 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 001-8112-555.31-20 115.55 HI-TECH ELECTRONICS INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001-8112-555.48-10 220.00 Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $359.46 BUILDERS HARDWARE &SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 63.37 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 585.36 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-02 A/C 360417532878403 001-8131-518.42-10 48.35 11-05 A/C 360452395426803 001-8131-518.42-10 99.00 11-14 A/C 360457041119903 001-8131-518.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 360457083155803 001-8131-518.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 360457096834303 001-8131-518.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 360457668408503 001-8131-518.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8131-518.42-10 2.84 SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 001-8131-518.42-10 57.46 Page 9 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 14 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount DAVE'S HEATING& COOLING SVC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 001-8131-518.31-20 47.70 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 001-8131-518.48-10 419.51 ELERS FLAG AND BANNER SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 365.99 HI-TECH ELECTRONICS INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001-8131-518.48-10 440.00 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 106.43 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 90.87 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 7.78 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 12.16 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 16.21 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 13.64 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 13.47 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 23.84 Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $2,422.76 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-8155-575.42-10 2.18 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-8155-575.42-10 0.14 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-8155-575.42-10 0.29 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 001-8155-575.42-10 0.22 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-8155-575.42-10 1.56 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-8155-575.42-10 1.42 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS CHRISTMAS FAIR BOOTH FEE 001-8155-347.30-18 100.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8155-575.44-10 117.00 Facility Rentals Division Total: $222.81 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $3,005.03 CAPTAIN T'S SPORTING &ATHLETIC EQUIP 001-8221-574.31-01 546.34 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 001-8221-574.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-8221-574.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-8221-574.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8221-574.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-8221-574.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 001-8221-574.42-10 2.83 DRAKE'S PIZZA&SUBS SUPPLIES 001-8221-574.31-01 127.21 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8221-574.31-01 32.52 SUPPLIES 001-8221-574.31-01 32.52 Sports Programs Division Total: $750.20 Recreation Activities Department Total: $750.20 Page 10 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 15 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount General Fund Fund Total: $129,543.00 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 101-1430-557.50-83 4,369.41 COMM STORY PEOPLE OF CLALLAM COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 101-1430-557.41-50 1,500.00 COUNTY, THE VERTIGO MARKETING SUPPLIES 101-1430-557.41-50 8,759.99 Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $14,629.40 Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $14,629.40 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Total: $14,629.40 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 102-0000-237.10-00 23.25 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102-0000-237.00-00 (1,467.04) Division Total: ($1,443.79) Department Total: ($1,443.79) A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 102-7230-542.41-50 85.09 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 102-7230-542.41-50 85.09 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 102-7230-542.42-10 10.90 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 102-7230-542.42-10 0.70 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 102-7230-542.42-10 1.44 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 102-7230-542.42-10 1.09 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 102-7230-542.42-10 7.79 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 102-7230-542.42-10 7.08 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 102-7230-542.43-10 219.50 ASSN, INC HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102-7230-542.35-01 25.63 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE CDL REIMBURSEMENT-CODY 102-7230-542.49-90 102.00 REIMBURSEMENT NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102-7230-542.31-25 18,931.80 PORT ANGELES POWER AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-01 23.81 EQUIPMENT HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 57.44 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-01 8.66 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 10.52 Street Division Total: $19,578.54 Public Works-Street Department Total: $19,578.54 Street Fund Total: $18,134.75 ESE EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 107-0000-237.00-00 (31.50) Division Total: ($31.50) Page 11 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 16 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Department Total ($31.50) ADVANCED TRAVEL APCO Emerging Tech f=orum- 107-5160-528.43-11 411.82 NWS User Group Mtg-Brooks 107-5160-528.43-11 357.82 NWS User Group Mtg-Fredri 107-5160-528.43-10 382.39 CISM Training-Homan 107-5160-528.43-10 78.20 CISM Training-Jung 107-5160-528.43-10 37.00 CISM Training-Newman 107-5160-528.43-10 37.00 CISM Training-Sheats 107-5160-528.43-10 37.00 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING &APPAREL 107-5160-528.20-80 52.55 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 360457041119903 107-5160-528.42-10 58.88 11-14 A/C 360457083155803 107-5160-528.42-10 3.75 11-14 A/C 360457096834303 107-5160-528.42-10 7.76 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 107-5160-528.42-10 5.89 11-14 A/C 360457668408503 107-5160-528.42-10 42.07 11-16 A/C 206T359336570B 107-5160-528.42-10 38.22 ESE EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 107-5160-528.48-10 406.50 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 107-5160-528.31-01 236.54 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC HUMAN SERVICES 107-5160-594.65-10 1,280.00 Pencom Division Total: $3,473.39 Pencom Department Total: $3,473.39 Pencom Fund Total: $3,441.89 ANGELES ELECTRIC INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 310-5950-594.65-10 7,730.54 Homeland Security Division Total: $7,730.54 Public Safety Projects Department Total: $7,730.54 2 GRADE, LLC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 310-7930-595.65-10 267,370.39 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES ENGINEERING SERVICES 310-7930-595.65-10 365.00 INC SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 310-7930-595.65-10 2,841.30 GF-Street Projects Division Total: $270,576.69 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $270,576.69 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS, LLC PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 310-8985-594.65-10 15,609.60 Misc Parks Projects Division Total: $15,609.60 Capital Proj-Parks& Rec Department Total: $15,609.60 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $293,916.83 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 292.68 Page 12 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 17 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Qct 401-0000-237.00-00 41.52 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 221.68 INNOVATIVE UTILITY PRODUCTS EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 401-0000-237.00-00 (75.44) MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 38.10 OVERPAID-1815 MARINE IRR 401-0000-122.10-99 143.69 OVERPAID-3717 PARK KNOLL 401-0000-122.10-99 1.11 OVERPAYMENT-1323 SPACE 11 401-0000-122.10-99 62.14 OVERPAYMENT-2112 W 7TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 263.95 OVERPAYMENT-927 GEORGIANA 401-0000-122.10-99 31.17 FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 10.30 FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 11.88 FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 13.44 FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 17.15 FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 82.75 FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 247.43 MANUAL CHECK 401-0000-122.10-99 18.71 MANUAL CHECK 401-0000-122.10-99 42.82 Division Total: $1,465.08 Department Total: $1,465.08 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 401-7111-533.42-10 6.54 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 401-7111-533.42-10 0.42 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 401-7111-533.42-10 0.86 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 401-7111-533.42-10 0.66 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 401-7111-533.42-10 4.67 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 401-7111-533.42-10 4.25 Engineering-Electric Division Total: $17.40 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 401-7120-533.42-10 6.54 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 401-7120-533.42-10 0.42 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 401-7120-533.42-10 0.86 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 401-7120-533.42-10 0.66 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 401-7120-533.42-10 4.67 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 401-7120-533.42-10 4.25 Power Systems Division Total: $17.40 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.41-50 176.19 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.41-50 176.19 Page 13 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 18 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 1,712.72 ANIXTER, INC ELECTRICAL CABLES &WIRES 401-7180-533.34-02 1,074.79 ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 33,816.24 BUILDERS HARDWARE &SUPPLY FARE COLLECTION EQUIP&SUP 401-7180-533.34-02 351.22 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 14.63 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 401-7180-533.42-10 52.34 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 401-7180-533.42-10 3.34 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 401-7180-533.42-10 6.90 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 401-7180-533.42-10 5.24 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 401-7180-533.42-10 37.40 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 401-7180-533.42-10 33.97 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 1,756.00 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Qct 401-7180-533.49-50 60,832.81 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 27.90 INNOVATIVE UTILITY PRODUCTS EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 973.46 MATCO TOOLS ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 908.29 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS APPRAISAL FEE REIMBURSEME 401-7180-533.41-50 1,800.00 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER JOB AD- LINEMAN 401-7180-533.44-10 110.00 ASSN OLYMPIC LAUNDRY& DRY LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 88.60 CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 89.83 PORT OF PORT ANGELES Lease Fees 401-7180-533.45-30 4,100.00 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.41-50 241.52 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.48-10 164.55 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 860.15 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 1,050.94 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 95.93 Page 14 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 19 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SNAP-ON TOOLS-CHUGGER ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 173.44 DEANE SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 20.88 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 18.04 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 14.09 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 30.32 THURAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 93.21 TYNDALE COMPANY FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 398.15 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 (115.07) FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 161.84 Electric Operations Division Total: $112,027.56 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $112,062.36 Electric Utility Fund Total: $113,527.44 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 402-0000-237.00-00 3.05 FOWLER COMPANY, H D PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 2,614.61 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 78.07 PARKSON CORPORATION WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 402-0000-237.00-00 (286.08) Division Total: $2,409.65 Department Total: $2,409.65 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-05 A/C 36045245874798 402-7380-534.42-10 118.55 11-05 A/C 36045252309788 402-7380-534.42-10 148.49 11-10 A/C 36021002409558 402-7380-534.42-10 357.88 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 402-7380-534.42-10 19.63 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 402-7380-534.42-10 1.25 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 402-7380-534.42-10 2.59 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 402-7380-534.42-10 1.96 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 402-7380-534.42-10 14.02 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 402-7380-534.42-10 12.74 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 402-7380-534.43-10 219.50 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 402-7380-534.49-50 20,325.86 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERV I 402-7380-534.41-50 1,110.00 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 108.23 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 340.11 HEARTLINE NURSERY STOCK&SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 88.89 Page 15 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 20 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount HEARTLINE SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 402-7380-534.31-20 88.89 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 1,078.28 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 402-7380-534.31-20 88.89 HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 3,705.44 CONSULTANTS CONSULTING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 7,637.72 CONSULTING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 2,479.29 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 131.13 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 25.46 PARKSON CORPORATION WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 402-7380-534.31-20 3,691.80 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC NAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.31-20 44.93 PORE ATTY AT LAW,THOMAS M CONSULTING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 630.00 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.47-10 30.01 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.47-10 106.70 SPECTRA LABORATORIES-KITSAP TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 14.70 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.31-01 94.44 SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 150.00 USA BLUEBOOK CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP&SUPP 402-7380-534.35-01 1,007.20 FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.35-01 43.59 HOSES,ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.35-01 61.50 PUMPS&ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.35-01 783.38 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 504.00 HEALTH Water Division Total: $45,697.05 Public Works-Water Department Total: $45,697.05 Water Utility Fund Total: $48,106.70 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 403-0000-237.00-00 118.94 Division Total: $118.94 Department Total: $118.94 ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 403-7480-535.48-10 773.98 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER ROOFING MATERIALS 403-7480-535.31-20 10.20 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-05 A/C 36045299118348 403-7480-535.42-10 99.00 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 403-7480-535.42-10 17.45 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 403-7480-535.42-10 1.11 Page 16 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 21 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 403-7480-535.42-10 2.30 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.75 11-14 A/C 3604575170121 B 403-7480-535.42-10 103.51 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 403-7480-535.42-10 12.47 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 98.86 11-16 A/C 20673255850905 403-7480-535.42-10 54.40 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 403-7480-535.42-10 11.32 11-161 A/C 20673295449125 403-7480-535.42-10 54.40 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 403-7480-535.43-10 219.50 ASSN, INC CONTRACT HARDWARE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-20 1,147.08 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Qct 403-7480-535.49-50 13,921.08 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM 403-7480-535.31-05 6,332.29 FAMILY SHOE STORE SHOES AND BOOTS 403-7480-535.31-01 150.00 GLASS SERVICES CO INC EXTERNAL LABOR 403-7480-535.48-10 1,904.54 N.B. JAEGER COMPANY, LLC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 102.98 HACH COMPANY LABORATORY EQUIP&ACCESS 403-7480-535.31-20 135.58 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 403-7480-535.31-20 184.38 HEARTLINE ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 403-7480-535.31-20 17.89 HUBER TECHNOLOGY, INC. HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-20 72.63 LEGACY TELECOMMUNICATIONS, EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 403-7480-535.48-10 849.86 INC MASCO PETROLEUM, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 571.37 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 1,602.37 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 251.95 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 185.29 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 64.01 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 (11.70) SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 42.11 THURMAN SUPPLY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.31-01 14.07 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 57.46 ULINE, INC MATERIAL HNDLING&STOR EQP 403-7480-535.35-01 2,174.42 WWCPA SECRETARY-TREASURER MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.49-90 15.00 Wastewater Division Total: $31,244.91 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $31,244.91 Page 17 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 22 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Wastewater Utility Fund Total: $31,363.85 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-0000-237.00-00 165.29 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-0000-237.10-00 231.02 Division Total: $396.31 Department Total: $396.31 ALL WEATHER HEATING & ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-537.48-10 3,837.36 COOLING CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-537.49-90 6,843.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-7538-537.49-50 10,414.79 PEN PRINT INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 404-7538-537.31-01 74.99 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 404-7538-537.41-10 231.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7538-537.31-01 152.39 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 404-7538-537.41-51 284,695.43 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-537.41-51 1,313.35 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-537.45-30 5,367.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-582.75-10 34,333.57 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-592.83-10 28,445.15 SW-Transfer Station Division Total: $375,708.31 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7580-537.41-50 85.08 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7580-537.41-50 85.08 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 404-7580-537.42-10 17.44 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 404-7580-537.42-10 1.12 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 404-7580-537.42-10 2.30 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 404-7580-537.42-10 1.74 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 404-7580-537.42-10 12.46 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 404-7580-537.42-10 11.32 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 404-7580-537.43-10 219.50 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-7580-537.49-50 13,767.14 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 43.29 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7580-537.41-51 55,755.47 Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $70,001.94 C&J EXCAVATING INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 404-7585-537.48-10 32,218.96 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7585-537.49-90 3,450.00 Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $35,668.96 Page 18 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 23 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $481,379.21 Solid Waste Utility Fund Total: $481,775.52 ALDERGRQVE CONSTRUCTION INC RQADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 406-7412-538.48-10 975.60 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 406-7412-538.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 406-7412-538.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 406-7412-538.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 406-7412-538.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 406-7412-538.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 406-7412-538.42-10 2.83 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Qct 406-7412-538.49-50 524.79 HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES 406-7412-538.41-50 2,781.06 CONSULTANTS QUARRY, THE PORT ANGELES, LLC ROAD/NWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 406-7412-538.31-20 46.35 ROAD/NWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 406-7412-538.31-20 34.76 Stormwater Division Total: $4,374.17 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $4,374.17 Stormwater Utility Fund Total: $4,374.17 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING &APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 298.06 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 409-6025-526.42-10 26.17 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 409-6025-526.42-10 1.67 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 409-6025-526.42-10 3.45 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 409-6025-526.42-10 2.62 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 409-6025-526.42-10 18.70 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 409-6025-526.42-10 16.99 CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medic 1 Advisory 409-6025-526.41-50 720.00 SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 2,542.78 Medic I Division Total: $3,630.44 Fire Department Total $3,630.44 Medic I Utility Fund Total: $3,630.44 CASCADIA LAW GROUP MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 413-7481-535.41-50 1,842.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 413-7481-535.41-50 1,631.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 413-7481-535.41-50 34,925.82 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 413-7481-535.41-50 29,564.87 Wastewater Remediation Division Total: $67,964.44 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $67,964.44 Page 19 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 24 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Harbor Clean Up Fund Total: $67,964.44 AEE-ASSOC OF ENERGY MEMBERSHIPS 421-7121-533.49-01 195.00 ENGINEERS AIR FLO HEATING COMPANY INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 ALL WEATHER HEATING & CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 COOLING CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,000.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 421-7121-533.42-10 4.36 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 421-7121-533.42-10 0.28 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 421-7121-533.42-10 0.58 11-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 421-7121-533.42-10 0.44 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 421-7121-533.42-10 3.12 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 421-7121-533.42-10 2.83 GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 99.99 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 660.00 MATHEWS GLASS CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 463.17 MISC CITY CONSERVATION CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 REBATES PENINSULA HEAT INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 Conservation Division Total: $8,029.77 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $8,029.77 Conservation Fund Total: $8,029.77 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 451-7188-594.65-10 26.06 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 451-7188-594.65-10 107.21 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 451-7188-594.65-10 49.73 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 451-7188-594.65-10 17.24 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 451-7188-594.65-10 19.38 Electric Projects Division Total: $219.62 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $219.62 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total $219.62 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS CONSULTING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 10,983.01 Wastewater Projects Division Total: $10,983.01 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $10,983.01 Page 20 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 25 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Wastewater Utility CIP Fund Total: $10,983.01 ANCHOR QEA, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 454.7588.594.65.10 520.00 Solid Waste Coll Projects Division Total: $520.00 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $520.00 Solid Waste Utility CIP Fund Total: $520.00 LANE POWELL CONSULTING SERVICES 463-7489-594.65-10 151.20 CSO Capital Division Total: $151.20 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $151.20 CSO Capital Fund Total: $151.20 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 4,520.40 PRODUCTS, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 6,322.15 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 3,065.39 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 4,755.21 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 NOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 63.61 NOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 78.20 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 30.37 BELTS AND BELTING 501-0000-141.40-00 91.66 KAMAN FLUID POWER, LLC NOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 569.20 NOSES,ALL KINDS 501-0000-141.40-00 51.50 LACAL EQUIPMENT, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 (293.99) AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 (2.50) MASCO PETROLEUM, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 125.20 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 691.02 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 (27.37) AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 (46.39) NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 3.48 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 83.77 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 32.57 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 109.53 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 18.73 AUTO &TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 12.24 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 7.61 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 37.23 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 55.64 OWEN EQUIPMENT AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 498.11 Page 21 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 26 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PENINSULA LUBRICANTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 50.28 PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 66.77 Division Total: $20,969.62 Department Total: $20,969.62 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.41-50 102.68 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.41-50 102.68 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 63.64 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 63.64 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 63.64 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 107.35 PRODUCTS, INC BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 30.93 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 23.18 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 234.52 CENTRAL WELDING SUPPLY RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.31-01 228.90 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111998 501-7630-548.42-10 15.27 11-14 A/C 36045708315588 501-7630-548.42-10 0.97 11-14 A/C 36045709683438 501-7630-548.42-10 2.01 11-14 A/C 36045715355718 501-7630-548.42-10 1.53 11-14 A/C 36045766840858 501-7630-548.42-10 10.91 11-16 A/C 20673593365708 501-7630-548.42-10 9.91 COASTAL WEAR PRODUCTS, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 146.34 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 501-7630-548.43-10 219.50 ASSN, INC COPY CAT GRAPHICS AUTO &TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 130.08 DWAYNE LANE'S FLEET HQ POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 501-7630-594.64-10 29,581.43 FERRELLGAS INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-12 949.29 HEARTLINE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 251.38 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 116.53 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 119.19 KIMBALL MIDWEST AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 117.57 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 183.72 LACAL EQUIPMENT, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 3,793.84 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 32.16 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 842.74 Page 22 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 27 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 104.06 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 104.06 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 55.41 MATCO TOOLS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 97.48 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 55.15 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 194.64 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 838.97 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 91.78 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-594.64-10 261.36 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-594.64-10 598.59 N C MACHINERY CO AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 55.02 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 7.54 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 40.00 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 31.70 O°REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 52.62 PENINSULA LUBRICANTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 79.21 PEWAG, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,671.16 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 128.92 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.50 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.50 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.50 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-594.64-10 70.73 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-594.64-10 416.26 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 59.95 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 52.03 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 208.13 RUDY°S AUTOMOTIVE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 57.83 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 171.70 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 369.91 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 333.87 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 11.69 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 31.09 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 64.42 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 29.25 Page 23 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 28 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 109.87 WILDER TOYOTA INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 249.32 Equipment Services Division Total: $44,469.75 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $44,469.75 Equipment Services Fund Total: $65,439.37 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE-WIRES Excise Tax Returns-Oct 502-0000-237.00-00 140.86 Division Total: $140.86 Department Total: $140.86 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 108.66 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 116.84 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 124.85 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 138.86 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 162.22 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 180.55 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 180.55 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 181.84 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 195.83 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 195.83 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 195.83 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 226.64 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 244.97 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 275.64 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 292.74 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 310.95 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 395.44 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 663.41 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-14 A/C 36045704111995 502-2081-518.42-10 19.63 11-14 A/C 36045708315585 502-2081-518.42-10 1.25 11-14 A/C 36045709683435 502-2081-518.42-10 2.59 11-14 A/C 36045715355715 502-2081-518.42-10 1.96 11-14 A/C 36045766840855 502-2081-518.42-10 14.02 11-16 A/C 20673593365705 502-2081-518.42-10 12.74 DUNN, RICKY J DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.41-50 100.00 DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.41-50 833.00 HELPSYSTEMS COMPUTERS,DP &WORD PROC. 502-2081-518.48-02 1,390.78 Page 24 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 29 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR CQMPUTERS,DP &WORD PRQC. 502-2081-518.48-02 2,829.24 QUEST SOFTWARE INC DATA PRQC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 2,842.25 Information Technologies Division Total: $12,239.11 Finance Department Total: $12,239.11 Information Technology Fund Total: $12,379.97 REDACTED Disability Board-November 503-1631-517.46-35 7.98 Disability Board-November 503-1631-517.46-35 65.47 Disability Board-November 503-1631-517.46-35 98.80 Disability Board-November 503-1631-517.46-35 147.30 Disability Board-November 503-1631-517.46-35 558.37 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 115.40 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 121.80 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 121.80 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 121.80 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 503-1631-517.46-35 532.80 Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $3,150.32 MISC CLAIM SETTLEMENTS IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 1,297.33 WILLIAMS, KASTNER& GIBBS PLLC CONSULTING SERVICES 503-1671-517.41-50 573.30 Comp Liability Division Total: $1,870.63 Self Insurance Department Total: $5,020.95 Self-Insurance Fund Total: $5,020.95 REDACTED Disability Board-November 602-6221-517.46-35 8,560.00 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 602-6221-517.46-35 104.90 Page 25 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 30 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount REDACTED REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 602-6221-517.46-35 104.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE-NOV 602-6221-517.46-35 104.90 Fireman's Pension Division Total: $8,874.70 Fireman's Pension Department Total: $8,874.70 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $8,874.70 AFLAC PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-11 173.08 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-12 866.10 CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-90 794.00 EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-30 505.00 EMPOWER-P/R WIRE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-20 16,993.44 EVERGREEN FINANCIAL Case#Y07-665 920-0000-231.56-30 1,583.09 SERVICES, INC FEDERAL PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 3.52 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 69,568.92 FICA/MEDICARE PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 88.96 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 110.12 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 71,060.94 GUARANTEED EDUCATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-95 122.00 TUITION ICMA-P/R WIRES PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-10 16,735.47 LEOFF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-21 26,611.81 OFFICE OF SUPPORT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-20 276.92 ENFORCEMENT PERS PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-10 1,370.90 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-11 13,006.62 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 100.60 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 124.50 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 60,839.23 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-10 1,936.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-10 1,934.00 UNITED WAY(PAYROLL) PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-10 478.83 VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-20 22.00 WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-20 1,575.00 TRUST Division Total: $286,881.05 Department Total: $286,881.05 Page 26 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 31 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 26, 2016 and Dec 9, 2016 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Payroll Clearing Fund Total: $286,881.05 Total for Checks Dated Between Nov 26,2016 and Dec 9,2016 $1,608,908.07 Page 27 of 27 Dec 15, 2016 10:12:20 AM 12/20/2016 E - 32 A, N-GELES°fly »i� W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 To: City Council FROM: KEN DUBUC,FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: Agreement with Clallam County Fire District#3 for Reserve Ladder Truck Summary: An inspection by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) determined that the City fire insurance rating should be downgraded from a 4 to a 5. To prevent the negative financial impact of such a move, the Fire Department has implemented a seven part plan to address the issues. One element of that plan is the implementation of an Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Fire District 43 (Sequim) enabling the availability of a reserve ladder truck Funding: There is no direct financial impact related to this Agreement, however the City will compensate the District for fuel and personnel costs in the event that the apparatus is required. Recommendation: City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Fire District 43. Background/Analysis: As the result of a recent inspection, the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) informed the City of Port Angeles that our fire insurance rating would likely be downgraded from a 4 to a 5. The consequences of this downgrade would be increased insurance premiums for the majority of the citizens and businesses in the City as of January 1, 2017. In order to prevent the negative financial impact of this downgrade, the Fire Chief met with Council and proposed a seven part plan to address the issues indicated by WSRB. WSRB agreed that if these seven items were addressed prior to January 1, 2017, the planned insurance rating downgrade would not take effect. One part of that plan was the implementation of an Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Fire District 43 (Sequim) that would enable the City to have access to a reserve fire ladder truck. The District would be responsible for providing trained operators for the vehicle, and the District would agree to house the vehicle at their Carlsborg station so that it was readily available. 12/20/2016 E - 33 This Interlocal Agreement has been reviewed by both the District and City Legal Departments and has been approved by the District Board of Fire Commissioners. Funding Overview: There is no direct financial impact related to this Agreement, however the City will compensate the District for fuel and personnel costs in the event that the apparatus is required. 12/20/2016 E - 34 AGREEMENT between CLALLAM COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT#3 and CITY OF PORT ANGELES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2016 by and between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as the "City")and Clallam County Fire District#3 (hereinafter referred to as the"District"). AUTHORITY: This Agreement is made under the authority conferred to the parties by Chapter 39.34 RCW and shall be recorded or posted as required. WHEREAS, the City and District have agreed to enable a reserve fire ladder truck from the District be made available to the City if the City fire ladder truck is to be out of commission for an extended period of time; WHEREAS, the City and District agree that enabling the City to have access to this reserve fire ladder truck will achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of emergency services;and WHEREAS, the City and the District agree that the District will retain full responsibility for maintenance,repair and storage of the vehicle;and WHEREAS,the City will fully compensate the District for all costs incurred by use of the fire ladder truck by the City, to include fuel, maintenance, repair, qualified operator personnel and daily compensation per the State Mobilization Rate;and WHEREAS,the City will benefit from this agreement by making the vehicle available for use by the City in the event that the City fire ladder truck is out of commission for an extended period of time;and WHEREAS,the District will benefit from this agreement through a mutual aid agreement with the City to ensure that the City fire ladder truck will be made available for deployment to the District in the event that the District has an immediate need;and NOW,THEREFORE, THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND CLALLAM COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #3 agree as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is to enable the City of Port Angeles to have access to a reserve fire ladder truck owned and operated by Clallam County 12/20/2016 E - 35 Fire District #3. This fire ladder truck would normally be housed at the District shop located in Carlsborg.This agreement would enable the City to have access to the reserve fire ladder truck in the case that the City fire ladder truck is out of commission for an extended period of time. 2. Notice. The City shall provide the District with as much advance notice as is reasonably possible when the City fire ladder truck is out of service. 3. Operation. The District shall be responsible for the provision of a trained driver/operator for the vehicle in the event that the vehicle is needed by the City. 4. Maintenance. The District shall be responsible for all maintenance, repair and storage costs associated with the ownership of the fire ladder truck and agrees to keep it in a good working condition to serve as reserve apparatus. 5. Compensation. In the event that the City makes use of the reserve fire ladder truck, the City will fully compensate the District for fuel, maintenance, repair, qualified operator personnel and daily compensation per the State Mobilization Rate. 6. Priority of Use. In the event of the need for simultaneous use of the ladder truck arises, priority shall be given to emergency uses directly related to threats to life, safety and property. In the event of conflicting emergency uses the District shall have the sole discretion to determine the priority of use. 7. Insurance. Each party shall carry public liability insurance or participate In a self- insurance risk pool, in amounts and with companies satisfactory to the other party, insuring against any claims for personal injuries and third party property damage arising out of the use,control, operation,or maintenance of the ladder truck. Each Party shall furnish proof of such insurance to the other Party. 8. Liability. The District shall not be liable to the City for any liability arising from providing or refusing to provide the ladder truck when requested under this Agreement and the City hereby forever releases or discharges the District, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers and/or agents from any claim related to this Agreement or providing the ladder truck hereunder. 9. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement with 30 days advance written notice delivered to the other party. 10. Miscellaneous. 12/20/2016 E - 36 a "I'llis, Agreement (toes not esjal)Iish as separate legal entity, joint board, or administrative section tsar (lie purpose of'acquiring, managing, or disposing of' property, or any other financial obligation allowed under the Act. b, Unless the Parties otherwise agree, there shall be no lead agency responsible for the administration ofthis Agreement. This Agreement shall be administered jointly by the chiel'officers (,)I'tlle respective Parties, c This Agreement does not, provide lbrJointly, owned property. d "Phis agreement is entered into for the. benefit of' the parties to this agreement only and shall confer no bcnetits, direct or implied, oil any third persons. Neither this Agreement not, the perfionnance or lack ol'perforniance of*tile District under this Agreement shall create or be construed as creating an exception to the Public Duty Dc')ctrine. c This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. K tile parties are unable to settle any dispute, ditTerence. or claim arising fi-oin the parties' pcd6rinance of this Agreement, the exclusive means ofresolving that dispute, ditTcrericc, or claim, shall only be by filing wait exclLISiVely under the venue, rules. and Jurisdiction of the Clallani County, Superior Court, Clallam County. Washington. unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In anY claiin or laWSUil, arising Crom the parties' perf'ormance cat' this Agreement, each party shall pay all its own legal costs and attorneys' fecs incurred in deflending or bringing such claim or lawsun, In addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however. nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the parties' right to indemnification under this Agreement. f This Agreement shall not lie assig gnal le by the ity With(All tile CXl)rCSS written consent ol'the District. 11. Complete Agreement. This agreement is the full arid conifflete understanding ot' the parties ,in(] there are no other agreements. either verbal or written, which WOUld alter tile ICIIIIS Of'thiS (100111MIL CITY OF PORT ANGELES C,I AI,I,A\vl C`0 L,"NTY DISIRICT 4 3. 13 v: Bv� Patrick Downie Jal4ellarnfat I Mayor 12/20/2016 E - 37 BY: Attest: ("i, M chaelr yP, Conli�Xsioner Jennifer f Nrrkerncklasen City ..........m._ l3 r. Steven Chinn, IIIissic,ne°r Approved as to fiorm: Attest: � W By: _ By: ...... 3lcaor Ben Andrews. �Sccret. ...� �'`illinr�� E. �� �_k.. � �;, 1.")r�,trie;t.. ary° City Attorney 12/20/2016 E - 38 F' , OuT NGELES All ,`— W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. w F CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 To: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON,P.E.,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS&UTILITIES NATHAN A.WEST,DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: Adoption of Municipal Code Update–NPDES Stormwater Permit-Required Low Impact Development Summary: The City is required to update its codes by December 31, 2016, to reflect the requirements of the 2013 Department of Ecology Phase 11 NPDES Permit. At the December 6, 2016 City Council meeting, a public hearing was opened, comments were received, and a first reading of the ordinances was conducted. Under the City's NPDES Permit, the code update is required to be fully implemented by December 31, 2016. Funding: Additional staff time is needed to implement the new permit requirements. Staff will monitor the additional time needed during 2017 and report back to Council during the next scheduled Stormwater Cost of Service Analysis discussion. Stormwater fee adjustments (PAMC 3.70.110)will be brought to Council in 2017 for consideration. Recommendation: 1) Continue the Public Hearing from the December 6, 2016 City Council meeting, 2) Conduct the second reading of the ordinances to update: -PANIC Title 11 - Streets and Sidewalks -PANIC Title 13 - Stormwater Utility Regulations, ExceptionsNariances -PANIC Title 14 - Street Standards and Off-Street Parking -PANIC Title 15 -Environment -PANIC Title 16 - Short Plat Subdivisions -PANIC Title 17 -Zoning Regulations, 3) Adopt the PANIC updates. Background/Analysis: Since 2007, the City has been subject to a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination(NPDES) Municipal Stormwater Phase II Permit(the Permit) issued by Department of Ecology(DOE). In 2013, DOE issued a revised version of the Permit. The primary change made in the new Permit is 12/20/2016 F - 1 December 20,2016 City Council Re: Stormwater Low Impact Development Code Amendments Page 2 to make low impact development the preferred and commonly-used approach to site development. The other major impact of the new permit is the reduction of the threshold from one (1) acre (43,560 sq. ft.), to 7000 sq. ft. for land disturbance, or 2000 sq. ft. for new or replaced hard surfaces. The City is required to update its codes by December 31, 2016, to reflect the requirements of the new Permit. To meet that deadline, the City completed a comprehensive review of the pertinent chapters of Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) and prepared code amendments for City Council consideration. In addition to complying with the Permit, the proposed amendments incorporate changes, both to code and to administrative procedure, to take advantage of the regulatory flexibility allowed by law. The flexibility is intended to make it easier and more feasible for citizens and developers to comply with the storm water permit requirements. After a presentation at the December 6, 2016 City Council meeting, a public hearing was opened and comments were received. A first reading of the ordinances to update was conducted. Staff will conduct a short discussion providing responses to Council and public comments received. Funding Overview: Additional staff time is needed to implement the new permit requirements. Staff will monitor the additional time needed during 2017 and report back to Council during the next scheduled Stormwater Cost of Service Analysis discussion. Stormwater fee adjustments (PAMC 3.70.110)will be brought to Council in 2017. 12/20/2016 F - 2 Stormwater LID Ordinance Update Comment Code Section Response Recommend 24'remain,this is the width of two standard lanes,transitions are excluded and can be made as wide as needed Commercial Driveway max width of 24'too narrow? 11.08.140 A to accommodate design vehicle Change Residential Driveway max width,18'to 20'to match standard garage 11.08.140 B Recommend revise residential driveway width to 20',which match's a standard garage width. How does the 2.5'offset from sidewalk to tree affect downtown? 11.12.130 H Code allows other width approvals for cases that do not allow a 2.5'offset such the Central Business District. As site specific infiltration data is received,staff will place on a GIS map and will share data with developers.Locations with Map of infiltration rates 13.63 existing site specific infiltration data may not be required to perform additional soils testing. Utility discount for retaining stormwater onsite 13.63 Adjustments to fees and utility rates will be addressed in future discussions and COSA in 2017. A worksheet will be created for projects less than 3000 sq-ft of hard surface,which will allow a homeowner or developer to determine infiltration feasibility.Projects greater than 3000 sq-ft of new hard surface can use a qualified septic designer,soil scientist,geologist,or engineer to determine feasibility. Projects greater than 5000 sq-ft which are seeking an exemption Who can determine infiltration rates,only engineer? 13.63 from site coverage require an engineer. Engineering and Community and Economic Development(CED)staff will be involved in providing findings for the Director of Exceptions and Variances,does this have engineering review? 13.63.045 CED to make a determination on exceptions and variances. Inspection fee statement repeated in 13.63.410 13.63.190 H Strike duplicate statement in 13.63.190 H A maintenance bond is a guarantee to reserve 10%value of the stormwater facility cost,this is only applicable on larger projects with flow control and treatment facilities.A longer bond period is needed with an increase of vegetation in stormwater facilities. This is important to ensure the facility functions as designed and protect the City from accepting maintenance costs of a failing facility.This places responsibility of proper initial function on the developer and also protects new homeowners that buy a home with this infrastructure.This also provides adequate time for the City to evaluate a features effectiveness.Many jurisdictions(including Port Orchard,Gig Harbor and Poulsbo)have a 2 yr.bond length.Typical Why increase maintenance bond from 1 yr.to 2yr.? 13.63.260 D WSDOT plant establishment is 3 years. Spell out local improvement district references to avoid confusion between low impact 14.01.115 D development 16.04.140 H Recommend spelling out Local Improvement District Section 14.40 is a part of code that would benefit from a more comprehensive review of code at a later time.Staff only Add parking maximums Table 14.40-1 wanted to make minor adjustments to parking minimums so they are similar to national standards. Both item 1 and 2 should remain,item 1 references an existing transportation demand assessment,and item 2 references a Transportation demand assessment is repeated in item 1 and 2 14.40.030 C 1,2 new assessment. 15.20.080 D2 Street tree replacement,change wording from"may be"to"shall" 15.28.090 H1 Recommend revise to"replacement trees or fee-in-lieu shall be required" Recommend removing suggested edits and revert back to existing site coverage definition.This will create a new incentive Revise site/lot coverage 17.08.095 H where pervious pavements and green roofs will not be counted toward site coverage. This is a minimum width,larger sidewalks may be applicable in some areas.Six foot sidewalks alongside a curb remain.Five 17.22.230 foot width is specified when a landscape strip separates the curb from sidewalk. Recommend 5'sidewalk to allow more space Do not change sidewalk minimum from 6'to 5'or increase landscape strip from 4'to 5'in- 17.23.230 for planting strip and stormwater management.5'is consistent with existing guidance in Urban Service Standards.Also meets order to maintain walkability 17.25.230 permit goal of reducing hard surface. Trees provide significant benefit to stormwater,and result in lower stormwater temperatures discharging from paved parking lot surfaces.The permit requires the City look for ways to promote vegetation.Added flexibility to offset this requirement has Why increase trees in parking lot from one tree to two trees per 6 parking spaces? 17.31.090 been included in code to allow trees to meet buffer vegetation requirements and be located in LID facilities. 12/20/2016 F-3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington making changes to Streets and Sidewalks by amending Chapters 11.08, 11.12, 11.13,and 11.14 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2166 as amended, and the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 11.08 to read as follows: 11.08.010 - Definitions. All definitions of terms in Title 11 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and the following definitions apply to the provisions of this chapter, unless the context shall indicate otherwise: A. "Applicant" means any person making application for a permit for construction or excavation work,pursuant to the terms of this chapter. B. "City" means the City of Port Angeles. C. "City Council" or "Council" means the City Council of the City. D. "City Engineer" means the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles. E. "Construction" or "excavation" means the act of opening, excavating, or in any manner disturbing or breaking the surface^r f,,,,,natio,, ofanyro,-,Y,.,,,o„*pa-Vement of the _ground; the establishment or alteration of any established grade or street; and the maintenance or removal of a sidewalk or crosswalk, pavement, sewers, water mains, street lighting or appurtenances thereto, and the planting or removal of street trees. F. "Easement" means any easement granted to the City for access to or for public utilities. G. "Person" means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, service provider or non service provider as defined under Chapter 11.14, or organization of any kind. H. "Permittee" means any person holding a permit from the City of Port Angeles for the performance of any construction or excavation work within a right-of-way of the City. L "Right-of-way" means: 1. A dedicated or owned right-of-way or easement of the City within the boundaries which may be located a street, highway, sidewalk, alley, avenue or other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic or a utility structure or appurtenance or approved street tree or landscaping. A right-of-way or easement is included within the definition of"right-of- way" whether such right-of-way or easement is currently used or not; or 1 12/20/2016 F - 4 2. Land acquired or dedicated for a street,highway, sidewalk, alley, avenue or other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or a utility structure or appurtenance and easements for which, under City ordinances and other applicable laws, the City has authority to grant use permits, master permits, franchises, licenses or leases for use thereof or has regulatory authority thereover, and which may be more specifically defined in the master permit, license or lease granting any right to or use thereof. J. "Permit, use permit, right-of-way use permit, or right-of-way construction permit" refer to the legal authorization, in addition to a master permit, to enter and use a specified portion of the City's rights-of-way for the purpose of installing, repairing, or removing identified facilities. K. "Street Tree"means all native or planted trees in the public right of way of 1.5 inch caliper diameter or larger, measured 5 inches above the base. -KL. "Work" means any construction or excavation within a right-of-way of the City. "Work" does not include routine maintenance or new service connection drops to customers,unless such maintenance or service connection drops are new pole attachments or disturb the other joint pole users or the roadbed or in any substantial manner obstruct the flow of traffic. 11.08.130 - Additional specifications—Sidewalks. Where there is an existing cement concrete curb, any sidewalk installed or repaired in that location shall be constructed e4y with cement concrete permeable pavement, or any equally satisfactory material approved by the City Engineer. 11.08.140 - Additional specifications—Driveways. Driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications: A. The maximum single driveway width for commercial or multi-family properties let 4,,,,tage of 75 feet o shall not exceed 2424 feet at the curb, excluding transitions. B. 30 feet at the ew-b, e�ielttdiiig . The maximum single driveway width for single- family residential properties shall not exceed 20 feet at the curb, excluding transitions. C. The minimum single driveway width shall be X10 feet at the curb, excluding transitions. D. Where two or more adjoining driveways are provided for the same property, a full curb height safety island of not less than 15 feet, at the curb,must be provided. The safety island can be vegetated with grass or landscaping, or planted with trees. If the safety island must be paved,permeable pavement should be used if feasible. E. No driveway apron shall extend into the street further than the face of the curb. 2 12/20/2016 F - 5 F. No driveway shall be located within 25 feet, including transitions, of a regular crosswalk area at an intersection or any other designated crosswalk area. G. No driveway shall be located within ten feet, including transitions, of a side lot line. H. No driveway may be located so as to conflict with power poles, street lights, fire hydrants, established street tree, or other above-ground public facilities. L Two-track driveway designs are allowed and encouraged on private property. 11.08.160 - Additional specifications—Driveways—Materials. A. All residential driveways shall be constructed of one of the following: 1. Pervious concrete [preferred] per American Concrete Institute (ACI) 522.1-13, 2. Class 3000 cement concrete, not less than six inches thick; 3. Porous asphalt as specified on a project-by-project basis by the project's design professional and approved by the City En_ig neer. Exposed aggregate work or special surface treatment shall not be allowed in public right- of-way. Driveways shall be constructed in conformance with the standard specifications adopted by this chapter. B. All commercial or industrial driveways shall be constructed in accordance with specifications provided by the City Engineer. C. All driveways shall slope upward from the gutter at not less than one-quarter inch to one foot. Curb height at a depressed driveway shall be one-half inch. 11.08.270 - Watercourses, sewers and drains—Protection. A. The permittee shall provide for the flow of all watercourses, sewers or drains which are involved in the work, and shall replace the same in as good condition as it found them or shall make such provisions for them as the City Engineer may direct. B. The permittee shall not obstruct the gutter of any street, but shall use all proper measures to provide for the free passage of surface water. C. The permittee shall make provisions to take care of all surplus water, muck, silt, or other runoff pumped or resulting from the work, and shall be responsible for any damages resulting from his failure to so provide. D. The permittee shall manage stormwater impacts associated with construction activities as described in Volume 11 of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014). 3 12/20/2016 F - 6 11.08.310 - Surface restoration. A. Permittee shall compact the backfill to the top of the trench, and shall then notify the City Engineer that the excavation and backfill work is complete. Pavement shall be patched in accordance with the patching requirements specified in Chapter 3 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual. B. The permanent restoration of the streets shall be made by the City, after the permittee has completed his work. C. The permittee may be required to place a temporary surface over openings made in paved traffic lanes. When such temporary surface is required, the fill above the bottom of the paving slab shall be made with suitable material,in accordance with section 11.08.300, and this fill shall then be topped with a minimum of at least one-inch bituminous mixture, which is suitable to maintain the opening in good condition until permanent restoration can be made. The crown of such temporary restoration shall not exceed one inch above the adjoining pavement. The permittee shall exercise special care in making such temporary restorations, and must maintain such restoration in a safe traveling condition until such time as a permanent restoration can be made. Asphalt which is used shall be in accordance with specifications of the City Engineer. D. If, in the judgment of the City Engineer, it is not expedient or necessary to replace the pavement over any cut or excavation made in the street, upon completion of the work allowed under such permit, by reason of the looseness of the earth or weather conditions, he may direct the permittee to lay a temporary pavement of wood, asphalt, or other suitable material designated by him over such cut or excavation, to remain until such time as repair of the original pavement may be properly made. E. Acceptance or approval of any work by the City Engineer shall not prevent the City from asserting a claim against the permittee for incomplete or defective work, if it is discovered within 12 months from the completion of the work. The City Engineer's presence during the performance of any excavation work shall not relieve the permittee of its responsibilities hereunder. 11.08.350 -Noise, dust, and debris restrictions. A. Each permittee shall conduct and carry out the excavation work in such manner as to avoid unnecessary inconvenience and annoyance to the general public and occupants of neighboring property. The permittee shall take appropriate measures to reduce to the fullest extent practicable in the performance of the excavation work noise, dust, and unsightly debris. The permittee shall manage stormwater impacts associated with construction activities as described in Volume 11 of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014). B. Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., the permittee shall not use, except with the express written permission of the City Engineer, any tool, appliance or equipment producing noise of sufficient volume to disturb the sleep or repose of occupants in the neighboring property. 4 12/20/2016 F - 7 Section 2. Ordinance 2166 as amended, and the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 11.12 to read as follows: 11.12.130 - Obstructions—Standards. Each obstruction proposed to be placed upon a sidewalk, street or planting strip of the City shall comply, at a minimum, with the following standards: A. The location of the obstruction shall be consistent with the paramount right of the public to use the street, sidewalk or planting strip for transportation purposes. B. The location of the obstruction, and/or the obstruction itself, shall be adequately lighted for night visibility, if the obstruction area is not lighted and pedestrians are present at night. C. The location of the obstruction shall not constitute a traffic hazard either by itself, or by its effect upon the visibility of persons using the street or sidewalk. D. If locations for the particular type of obstruction are required by the existence of other structures, obstructions, ordinances or other regulations, the obstruction shall be located where so required. E. The obstruction shall not be permitted for longer than the period necessary for accomplishing the proposed purpose for such obstruction. F. All other State and local ordinances will be applicable and shall be complied with. G. The applicant must demonstrate that it is necessary to use the public street, sidewalk or planting strip, and that there is no other means available to accomplish the desired purpose, except by the use of the public right-of-way, street or planting strip. H. No one shall plant in any public right-of-way any street tree the Beets of which the roots cause injury to the sewers, water mains, sidewalks or pavements, the height of which interferes with overhead utility wires or which breed disease dangerous to other trees or to the public health. or No one shall allow to remain in any public right-of-way any Plante street tree which has become dead or is in such condition as to be hazardous to the public use of the street and/or sidewalk, and any such trees now existing in any such planting strip or abutting street area shall be removed or properly pruned at the expense of the abutting property owner as may be directed by the City. No new tree shall be planted within two and a half(2.5')feet of any sidewalk or pavement, except as may be otherwise approved. L No flowers, shrubs or trees shall be allowed to overhang or prevent the free use of the sidewalk or roadway, or street maintenance activity or utility use of the street except that trees may extend over the sidewalk when kept trimmed to a height of seven feet above same, and 15 feet above arterials and 14 feet above all other roadways. Trees so placed shall also be trimmed so as to remain below power lines if present. 5 12/20/2016 F - 8 Section 3. Ordinance 2166 as amended, and the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PANIC 11.13 to read as follows: 11.13.050 - Street treesGeneral requirements. A. For new development, redevelopment and land divisions in all zones, street tree requirements are as follows: 1. All trees planted in the right-of-way shall be selected from the list of City approved street trees. The List of Approved Street Trees is established in the Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guideline Manual. 2. A Street Tree Planting Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Forester as part of any development permit application. All proposed trees shall be shown on the plan with the species indicated. 3. Street trees shall be planted within the public right-of-way in accordance with the details provided in the current Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. 4. The owner shall install the street tree(s)specified on the landscape plan prior to the issuance of final project approval or issuance of certificate of occupancy. Street tree plantings may be delayed between May 1 and October 1. In this case,the owner shall provide an assurance acceptable to the City for any required tree planting. The assurance must be provided prior to approval and acceptance and/or the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 5. Trees planted in rigid cells are encouraged and preferred in urban areas where feasible. B. Street tree requirements in previously developed area. In addition to the above requirements, the following also apply; 1. Approval by the Community Forester and the Public Works and Utilities Department shall be required to plant, remove or prune trees in the public right-of-way. Approval shall include but not be limited to: a. A right-of-way use permit per Chapter 11.12 PAMC; b. A utility locate; c. A review of planting site, plant type, plant quality and planting or pruning techniques proposed. 2. When street trees(s) are removed, trees greater than 6 inches in diameter at breast height (4.5 ft above ground level) shall be replaced at a ratio of 2 new trees per removed tree, all trees less than 6 inches in diameter shall be replaced at a ratio of 1 new tree per removed tree. 6 12/20/2016 F - 9 3-2. Where new street trees cannot be planted due to portions of rights-of-way having been previously paved or otherwise rendered unsuitable to plant trees, a fee-in-lieu of planting is may be required. Such fee shall be determined by the Community Forrester per City Policy and deposited into the Community Forestry Fund. C. Street tree maintenance. 1. The Community Forester shall have the right to either conduct or authorize any trimming, pruning,maintenance and/or removal activities for all street trees and trees located on City property as may be necessary for public safety or in support of the goals of a"Community Forestry Plan". 2. Street tree maintenance shall be in compliance with standards for tree care as outlined in the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. 3. Minor tree pruning may be performed by the owner of property adjoining the right-of-way in which a street tree is located with prior approval from the Community Forester. 4. Major pruning or removal of large or significant street trees requires prior approval by the Community Forester. A request to conduct major pruning or tree removal shall first be referred to the Community Forester for a recommendation. Major pruning is defined in the Urban Services and Standards Guidelines. 5. For major pruning or removal of a large or significant street tree, the applicant must demonstrate that major tree pruning or removal is necessary for one or more of the following reasons: a. The tree, or a portion of the tree proposed for removal is deemed a hazard tree by certified arborist or Community Forester; b. The tree, or a portion of the tree proposed for removal, is dead; c. The tree, or a portion of the tree proposed for removal is diseased or infested with an invasive insect pest and no remedial treatment is available; d. That the retention of the tree will have a material, adverse and unavoidable impact on the use of the property. 6. A maintenance responsibility notation indicating that the required street tree maintenance is the responsibility of the adjoining property owners shall be placed on all final plats. D. Removal of stumps. All stumps of street trees shall be removed so that the top of the stump shall not project above the surface of the ground. E. Abuse or mutilation of trees prohibited. 1. It is unlawful for any person to intentionally damage, carve or otherwise injure any street tree and may be considered abuse or mutilation of a tree and may require remedial action under Section 8.30 PAMC. 2. Pruning of street trees that does not meet the best management practice for pruning standards as established in the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual may be considered abuse or mutilation of a tree and may require remedial action under Section 8.30 PAMC. 7 12/20/2016 F - 10 3. Exemptions. The following conditions are exempt from the requirements of this chapter: a. Work required as a result of emergencies involving,but not limited to: windstorms, floods, freezes, or other natural disasters. Other requirements of this chapter may be waived by the Community Forester when deemed appropriate. b. Work required to maintain and protect public safety, public utilities, and infrastructure when deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works and Utilities (Director) or his/her designee. c. Other requirements as recommended by the Community Forester: (i) Appeals. An applicant may appeal in writing to the Public Works and Utilities Department Director any decision made by Community Forester within 30 days of the decision being rendered. The applicant may appeal the decision in writing to the City Manager within 30 days of the decision being rendered by the Public Works and Utilities Director. Section 4. Ordinance 2166 as amended, and the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 11.14 to read as follows: 11.14.100 - Administrative provisions. A. Right-of-way license. A right-of-way license shall be required of any person who occupies or desires to construct, install, control or otherwise locate telecommunications facilities in, under, over or across any rights-of-way of the City, which facilities are not used to provide telecommunications service for hire, sale or resale to the general public or are used for the sole purpose of providing a private telecommunications system. A right-of-way license is not required for persons already holding master permits for the same telecommunications facilities. 1. Right-of-way license application. Any person who desires a right-of-way license pursuant to this chapter shall file an application with the City, which shall include the following information: (a) The identity of the applicant and the persons who exercise working control over the applicant.Publicly traded entities may provide copies of the pertinent portions of their most recent sworn filing(s)with the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission that evidence any working control ownership interests, to comply with this requirement. (b) A description of the telecommunications services that are or will be offered or provided by the applicant over its telecommunications facilities. Only general, non-proprietary information need be provided. 8 12/20/2016 F - 11 (c) Whether the applicant intends to provide cable service, open video service or other video programming service, and sufficient information to determine whether such service is subject to the City's cable franchising requirements. Only general, non-proprietary information need be provided. (d) A network map of existing and proposed facilities to be located within the City, all in sufficient detail to identify: (i) The location and route requested for the applicant's proposed facilities, including any environmentally sensitive areas that may be subject to City's State Environmental Protection Act(SEPA) ordinance. (ii) The specific trees, structures, improvements, stormwater facilities/BMPs facilities and obstructions, if any, that the applicant proposes to temporarily or permanently remove or relocate; and (iii) To the extent known at the time of application, the location(s) where there are or will be interconnections of telecommunications facilities by the applicant. 2. Map format/media. The Director shall have the discretion to prescribe the format and/or media of said maps, consistent with City ordinances and policies. To the extent compatible with the City's electronic mapping software, the applicant shall provide said maps in a computer readable electronic format, together with the following information: (a) A description of the transmission medium that will be used by the applicant to offer or provide such private telecommunications services. (b) A description of the City's existing available facilities, such as utility poles, conduits, vaults, etc., that the applicant proposes to use to provide such private telecommunications services in accordance with applicable City regulations and requirements. (c) If the applicant is proposing to install overhead facilities, evidence that surplus space is available for locating its private telecommunications facilities on existing utility poles along the proposed route. (d) If the applicant is proposing an underground installation in existing ducts or conduits within the rights-of-way, evidence that surplus space is available for locating its private telecommunications facilities in such existing ducts or conduits along the proposed route. (e) A preliminary construction schedule and completion date. (f) Information establishing that the applicant has obtained all other governmental approvals, permits and facilities leases, to construct the facilities. (g) All deposits or charges and application fees required pursuant to this chapter. 3. Determination by the City. Within 90 days after receiving a complete application under PAMC 11.14.100A, the Director shall issue a written determination granting or denying the right-of-way license in whole or in part. If the right-of-way license is denied,the written determination shall include the reasons for denial. The decision to grant or deny an application for a right-of-way license shall be based upon the following standards: (a) Whether the applicant's private telecommunications system which will occupy the right- of-way has received all requisite licenses, certificates and authorizations from the Federal 9 12/20/2016 F - 12 Communications Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, or any other federal or state agency having jurisdiction. (b) Whether the application demonstrates that adequate technical,financial and legal resources are available to perform the requirements of this ordinance. (c) The damage or disruption, if any, of public or private facilities, improvements, service, travel or landscaping if the right-of-way license is granted. (d) The public interest in minimizing the cost and disruption of construction within the rights- of-way. (e) The effect,if any, on public health, safety and welfare if the right-of-way license is granted. (f) The availability of alternate routes and/or locations for the proposed facilities. (g) Applicable federal and state telecommunications laws, regulations and policies. 4. Agreement. No right-of-way license shall be deemed to have been granted hereunder until the applicant and the City have executed a written agreement setting forth the particular terms and provisions under which the grantee has been granted the right to occupy and use rights-of-way of the City. 5. Term of right-of-way license.Unless otherwise specified in a right-of-way license, a right- of-way license granted hereunder shall be valid for a term of five years, subject to renewal as provided in this chapter. 6. Nonexclusive grant. No right-of-way license granted under this chapter shall confer any exclusive right, privilege, license or franchise to occupy or use the rights-of-way of the City for delivery of telecommunications services or any other purposes. 7. Rights granted. No right-of-way license granted under this chapter shall convey any right, title or interest in the rights-of-way, but shall be deemed a right-of-way license only to use and occupy the rights-of-way for the limited purposes and term stated in the right-of-way license. Further, no right-of-way license shall be construed as any warranty of title. 8. Specified route. A right-of-way license granted under this chapter shall be limited to a grant of specific rights-of-way and defined portions thereof. 9. Amendment of right-of-way license. A new application shall be required of any person who desires to extend or locate its private telecommunications facilities in rights-of-way of the City, which are not included in a right-of-way license previously granted under this chapter. If ordered by the City to locate or relocate its private telecommunications facilities in rights-of-way not included in a previously granted right-of-way license, the City shall grant an amendment to the right-of-way license without further application. 10. Renewal of right-of-way license. A grantee that desires to renew its right-of-way license under this chapter for an additional term shall, not more than 180 days nor less than 90 days before expiration of the current right-of-way license, file an application with the City for renewal which shall include the following: (a) The information required pursuant to PAMC 11.14.100A. (b) Any information required pursuant to the right-of-way license agreement between the City and the grantee. 10 12/20/2016 F - 13 (c) All deposits or charges and application fees required pursuant to this chapter. 11. Renewal determination. Within 90 days after receiving a complete application for renewal, the Director shall issue a written determination granting or denying the renewal application in whole or in part. If the renewal application is denied, the written determination shall include the reasons for denial. The decision to grant or deny an application for the renewal of a right-of-way license shall, in addition to the standards set forth in PAMC 11.14.100.A.3., be based upon the following standards: (a) The continuing capacity of the rights-of-way to accommodate the applicant's existing facilities. (b) The applicant's compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the right-of-way license. (c) Applicable federal, state and local telecommunications laws, rules and policies. 12. Obligation to cure as a condition of renewal.No right-of-way license shall be renewed until any ongoing violations or defaults in the grantee's performance under the right-of-way license, or of the requirements of this chapter, have been cured, or a plan detailing the corrective action to be taken by the grantee has been approved by the City. B. Master permit. A master permit shall be required of any service provider who desires to construct, install, control or otherwise locate telecommunications facilities in, under, over or across, any right-of-way of the City, and to provide telecommunications service for hire, sale or resale to the general public; provided, however, that a right-of-way license in accordance with PAMC 11.14.100.A.may,with the approval of the Director,be substituted for a master permit for de minimis (i.e., significantly less than city-wide or route specific) uses of rights-of-way made in conjunction with a telecommunications system located entirely upon publicly or privately owned property. 1. Master permit application. Any person that desires a master permit pursuant to this chapter shall file an application with the City which shall include: (a) The identity of the applicant and the persons who exercise working control over the applicant.Publicly traded entities may provide copies of the pertinent portions of their most recent sworn filing(s)with the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission that evidence any working control ownership interests, to comply with this requirement. (b) A description of the telecommunications services that are or will be offered or provided by the applicant over its telecommunications facilities. Only general, non-proprietary information need be provided. (c) Whether the applicant intends to provide cable service, open video service or other video programming service, and sufficient information to determine whether such service is subject to the City's cable franchising requirements. Only general, non-proprietary information need be provided. (d) At the time of the application, a network map of existing and proposed facilities to be located within the City, all in sufficient detail to identify: (i) The location and route requested for applicant's proposed facilities, including any environmentally sensitive areas that may be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance. 11 12/20/2016 F - 14 (ii) The specific trees, structures, improvements, stormwater facilities/BMPs facilities and obstructions, if any, that the applicant proposes to temporarily or permanently remove or relocate; and (iii) To the extent known at the time of application, the names of other telecommunications carriers, operators or providers to which there will be an interconnection of telecommunications facilities by the applicant. (e) An accurate map showing the location of any existing telecommunications facilities in the City that applicant intends to use or lease to the extent not previously provided. (f) The area or areas of the City that the applicant desires to serve and the initial schedule, if any, for build-out to the master area. (g) All deposits or charges and application fees required pursuant to this chapter. 2. Determination by the City. Within 120 days after receiving a complete application under PAMC hereof, the City shall issue a written determination granting or denying the application in whole or in part unless the applicant agrees to a longer period or the master permit sought requires action of the Council and such action cannot reasonably be obtained within 120 days. If the application is denied, the City's decision shall be supported by substantial evidence contained in the written determination, which shall include the reasons for denial.Prior to granting or denying a master permit under this chapter, the Council shall conduct a public hearing and make a decision based upon the standards set forth below. The Council shall not approve any master permit hereunder until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting following the public hearing. Said standards are: (a) Whether the applicant's telecommunications system which will occupy the right-of-way has received all requisite licenses, certificates and authorizations from the Federal Communications Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, or any other federal or state agency having jurisdiction. (b) To the extent allowed under applicable law or if the applicant is a provider of cable television service, whether the applicant's application demonstrates adequate technical, financial and legal resources are available. (c) The damage or disruption, if any, of public or private facilities, improvements, service, travel or landscaping if the master permit license is granted. (d) The public interest in minimizing the cost and disruption of construction within the rights- of-way. (e) The effect, if any, on public health, safety and welfare if the master permit license is granted. (f) The availability of alternate routes and/or locations for the proposed facilities. (g) Applicable federal and state telecommunications laws, regulations and policies. 3. Agreement and ordinance. No master permit shall be deemed to have been granted hereunder until the applicant and the City have executed a written agreement, as adopted by ordinance, which ordinance shall set forth the particular terms and provisions under 12 12/20/2016 F - 15 which the service provider has been granted the right to occupy and use rights-of-way of the City. 4. Term of master permit grant. Unless otherwise specified in a master permit agreement, a master permit granted hereunder shall be valid for a term of ten years subject to renewal as provided in this chapter. 5. Nonexclusive grant.No master permit granted under this chapter shall confer any exclusive right or privilege to occupy or use the rights-of-way of the City for delivery of telecommunications services or any other purposes. 6. Rights granted.No master permit granted under this chapter shall convey any right, title or interest in the rights-of-way, but shall be deemed a master permit only to use and occupy the rights-of-way for the limited purposes and term stated in the master permit. Further,no master permit shall be construed as any warranty of title. 7. Amendment of master permit grant. A new master permit application and grant shall be required of any person who desires to extend its master permit territory or to locate its telecommunications facilities in rights-of-way of the City which are not included in a master permit previously granted under this chapter. If ordered by the City to locate or relocate its telecommunications facilities in rights-of-way not included in a previously granted master permit, the grantee shall be granted a master permit amendment without further application. 8. Renewal of master permit. A service provider that desires to renew its master permit under this chapter for an additional term shall, not more than 180 days nor less than 120 days before expiration of the current master permit, file an application with the City for renewal of its master permit, which application shall include the following: (a) The information required pursuant to PAMC 11.14.100.A. (b) Any information required pursuant to the master permit agreement between the City and the grantee. (c) All deposits or charges and application fees required pursuant to this chapter. 9. Renewal determination. Within 120 days after receiving a complete application for renewal, the City shall issue a written determination granting or denying the renewal application in whole or in part. If the renewal application is denied,the City's decision shall be supported by substantial evidence contained in the determination, which shall include the reasons for denial. Prior to granting or denying renewal of a master permit under this chapter, the Council shall conduct a public hearing and make a decision based upon the standards set forth in PAMC, and the following additional standards: (a) The continuing capacity of the rights-of-way to accommodate the applicant's existing facilities. (b) The applicant's compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the master permit agreement. (c) Applicable federal, state and local telecommunications laws, rules and policies. 13 12/20/2016 F - 16 10. Obligation to cure as a condition of renewal. No master permit shall be renewed until any ongoing violations or defaults in the service provider's performance of the master permit agreement, or of the requirements of this chapter, have been cured, or a plan detailing the corrective action to be taken by the service provider has been approved by the City. 11. Expedited processing of use permits. A master permit may contain a procedure for expedited processing of a use permit based on reasonable necessity arising from hardship or emergency. C. Facilities lease. The Council may, in its sole discretion, approve facilities leases for the location of telecommunications facilities and other facilities upon City property, as that term is defined in this chapter or upon right-of-way as permitted under RCW 35.21.860(1)(e). Neither this section nor any other provision of this chapter shall be construed to create an entitlement or vested right in any person or entity. 1. Lease application. Any person that desires to solicit the City's approval of a facilities lease for telecommunications facilities pursuant to this chapter shall file a lease application with the City, which shall include the following: (a) The identity of the applicant. (b) A description of the telecommunications facilities or other equipment proposed to be located upon City property. (c) A description of the City property upon which the applicant proposes to locate telecommunications facilities or other equipment. (d) Demonstration of compliance with Title 17 PAMC, Zoning, if applicable. (e) Preliminary plans and specifications in sufficient detail to identify: (i) The location(s) of existing telecommunications facilities or other equipment upon the City property, whether publicly or privately owned. (ii) The location and source of electric and other utilities required for the installation and operation of the proposed facilities. (f) Accurate scale conceptual drawings and diagrams of sufficient specificity to analyze the aesthetic impacts of the proposed telecommunications facilities or other equipment. (g) An accurate map showing the location of any existing telecommunications facilities in the City that applicant intends to use or lease. (h) All deposits or charges and application fees required pursuant to this chapter. 2. Determination by the City. Within 120 days after receiving a complete application under PAMC 11.14.100.C., the City shall issue a written determination granting or denying the application in whole or in part. If the lease application is denied, the written determination shall include the reasons for denial. The decision to grant or deny an application for a facilities lease shall be based upon the following standards: (a) Whether the applicant's facilities, which will occupy the City property, have received all requisite licenses, certificates and authorizations from the Federal Communications Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, or any other federal or state agency having jurisdiction. 14 12/20/2016 F - 17 (b) Whether the applicant's application demonstrates that adequate technical, financial and legal resources are available. (c) The damage or disruption, if any, of public or private facilities, improvements, service, travel or landscaping if the lease is granted. (d) The public interest in minimizing the cost and disruption of construction upon City property and within the rights-of-way. (e) The effect, if any, on public health, safety and welfare if the lease requested is approved. (f) The availability of alternate locations for the proposed facilities. (g) The potential for radio frequency and other interference with existing public and private telecommunications or other facilities located upon the City property. (h) The potential for radio frequency and other interference or impacts upon residential, commercial and other uses located within the vicinity of the City property. (i) Applicable federal and state telecommunications laws, regulations and policies. 3. Agreement. No facilities lease shall be deemed to have been granted hereunder until the applicant and the City have executed a written agreement setting forth the particular terms and provisions under which the lessee has been granted the right to occupy and use the City property. 4. Term of facilities lease. Unless otherwise specified in a lease agreement, a facilities lease granted hereunder shall be valid for a term of one year, subject to annual renewal as provided in this chapter. 5. Nonexclusive lease.No facilities lease granted under this chapter shall confer any exclusive right, privilege, license, master permit or franchise to occupy or use City property for delivery of telecommunications services or any other purposes. 6. Rights granted. No facilities lease granted under this chapter shall convey any right, title or interest in the City property,but shall be deemed a facilities lease only to use and occupy the City property for the limited purposes and term stated in the lease agreement. Further, no facilities lease shall be construed as any warranty of title. 7. Interference with other users. No facilities lease shall be granted under this chapter unless it contains a provision, which is substantially similar to the following: "The City may have previously entered into leases with other tenants for their equipment and antennae facilities. Lessee acknowledges that the City may also be leasing the City property for the purposes of transmitting and receiving telecommunications signals from the City property. The City, however, is not in any way responsible or liable for any interference with lessee's use of the City property which may be caused by the use and operation of any other tenant's equipment, even if caused by new technology. In the event that any other tenant's activities interfere with the lessee's use of the City property, and the lessee cannot resolve this interference with the other tenants,the lessee may,upon 30 days' notice to the City,terminate this lease and restore the City property to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. The lessee shall cooperate with all other tenants to identify the causes of and work towards the resolution of any electronic interference 15 12/20/2016 F - 18 problem. In addition, the lessee agrees to eliminate any radio or television interference caused to City-owned facilities or surrounding residences at lessee's own expense and without installation of extra filters on City-owned equipment. Lessee further agrees to accept such interference as may be received from City-operated telecommunications or other facilities located upon the City property subject to this lease." 8. Ownership and removal of improvements. No facilities lease shall be granted under this chapter unless it contains a provision, which states that all buildings, landscaping and all other improvements, except telecommunications equipment, shall become the property of the City upon expiration or termination of the lease. In the event that telecommunications facilities or other equipment are left upon City property after expiration or termination of the lease, they shall become the property of the City if not removed by the lessee upon 30 days'written notice from the City. In the event that the City requires removal of such improvements, such removal shall be accomplished at the sole expense of the lessee and completed within 90 days after receiving notice from the City requiring removal of the improvements, or removal will be accomplished by the City at lessee's expense. 9. Cancellation of lease by lessee. (a) All facilities leases are contingent upon the prospective lessee obtaining all necessary permits, approvals and licenses for the proposed facilities. In the event that the prospective lessee is unable to obtain all such permits, approvals and licenses, it may cancel its lease, and obtain a pro rata refund of any rents paid,without further obligation by giving 30 days' written notice to the City. (b) In the event that the holder of a facilities lease determines that the City property is unsuitable for its intended purpose, the lessee shall have the right to cancel the lease upon 120 days'written notice to the City. However, no prepaid rent shall be refundable. 10. Amendment of facilities lease. Except as provided within an existing lease agreement, a new lease application and lease agreement shall be required of any telecommunications carrier or other entity that desires to expand, modify or relocate its telecommunications facilities or other equipment located upon City property. If ordered by the City to locate or relocate its telecommunications facilities or other equipment on the City property, the City shall grant a lease amendment without further application. 11. Renewal application. A lessee that desires to renew its facilities lease under this chapter shall,not more than 120 days nor less than 60 days before expiration of the current facilities lease, file an application with the City for renewal of its facilities lease which shall include the following: (a) The information required pursuant to PAMC 11.14.100.C.; (b) Any information required pursuant to the facilities lease agreement between the City and the lessee; (c) All deposits or charges and application fees required pursuant to this chapter. 12. Renewal determination. Within 60 days after receiving a complete application for renewal, the City shall issue a written determination granting or denying the renewal application in 16 12/20/2016 F - 19 whole or in part. If the renewal application is denied, the written determination shall include the reasons for denial. The decision to grant or deny an application for the renewal of a facilities lease shall, in addition to the standards set forth in PAMC 11.14.100.C.2., be based upon the following additional standards: (a) The continuing capacity of the City property to accommodate the applicant's existing facilities. (b) The applicant's compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the lease agreement. (c) Applicable federal, state and local telecommunications laws, rules and policies. 13. Obligation to cure as a condition of renewal. No facilities lease shall be renewed until any ongoing violations or defaults in the lessee's performance of the lease agreement, or of the requirements of this chapter, have been cured, or a plan detailing the corrective action to be taken by the lessee has been approved by the City. 14. There shall be no appeal of the City's determination under PAMC 11.14.100.C. D. Appeal of City determination. Any person aggrieved by the granting or denying of a right- of-way license, master permit, use permit or the renewals thereof pursuant to this chapter shall have the right to appeal to the Council as follows: 1. All appeals filed pursuant to this subsection must be filed in writing with the Director within ten working days of the date of the decision appealed from. 2. All appeals filed pursuant to this subsection shall specify the alleged error of law or fact, or new evidence which could not have been reasonably available at the time of the Director's decision, which shall constitute the basis of the appeal. 3. Upon receipt of a timely written notice of appeal, the Director shall advise the Council of the pendency of the appeal and request that a date for considering the appeal be established. 4. The Council shall have the option of directing that the appeal be heard before a hearing examiner who shall forward a recommendation to the Council,which shall take final action on the appeal. Referral to a hearing examiner may be made by motion approved by a majority of the Council members present at the time of voting; 5. All relevant evidence shall be received during the hearing on the appeal. 6. Unless substantial relevant information is presented which was not considered by the Director, such decision shall be accorded substantial weight, but may be reversed or modified by the Council if, after considering all of the evidence in light of the applicable goals, policies and provisions of this chapter, the Council determines that a mistake has been made. Where substantial new relevant information which was not considered in the making of the decision appealed from has been presented, the Council shall make its decision only upon the basis of the facts presented at the hearing of the appeal, or may elect to remand the matter for reconsideration by the Director in light of the additional information. 7. For all appeals decided pursuant to this subsection,the City shall provide a record that shall consist of written findings and conclusions. 17 12/20/2016 F - 20 8. A service provider adversely affected by the final action of the City denying a master permit, or by an unreasonable failure to act on a master permit according to the procedures established by the City, may commence an action within 30 days of the decision or the expiration of any reconsideration period,whichever is later,with a court having jurisdiction over such action. Any action against the City for denial of a master permit or unreasonable failure to act on a master permit shall be limited to injunctive relief. 9. No action to obtain judicial review shall be commenced unless all rights of appeal provided by this Subsection are fully exhausted. The cost of transcription of all records ordered certified by the court for such review shall be borne by the party seeking such review. A copy of each transcript prepared by such party shall be submitted to the City for confirmation of its accuracy. Section 5- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 6- Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance,or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 7 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five(5)days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December, 2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney 18 12/20/2016 F - 21 ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 12016 By Summary 19 12/20/2016 F - 22 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 13.63 and 17.94 relating to stormwater-utility regulations of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 3367 as amended, and Chapter 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to stormwater-utility regulations are hereby amended as follows: • 13.63.010 - Purpose. • 13.63.020 - Incorporated by reference. • 13.63.030 - Applicability. • 13.63.040 - Definitions. • 13.63.045–Exceptions, Variances, and Adjustments • 13.63.050 - Stormwater utility established. • 13.63.060 - Jurisdiction. • 13.63.070 - Operation and management. • 13.63.080 - Transfer of property. • 13.63.090 - Monthly charge. • 13.63.100 - Rate adjustment. • 13.63.110 - Billing and payment. • 13.63.120 - Remedies for failure to pay stormwater service fees. • 13.63.130 -Non-stormwater, illegal discharges and dumping prohibited. • 13.63.140 - Illicit connections and uses. • 13.63.150 - Stormwater discharge into sanitary sewer system prohibited. • 13.63.160 -Unpolluted stormwater discharge shall have approved outlet. • 3.63.170 Review by Depa--meat of Go a E,,,,,,,mie Deyei,,pmen� • 13.63.180 - Stormwater discharge permits. • 13.63.190 - Stormwater design and construction requirements. • 13.63.200 - Professional Engineer—When required. • 13.63.2 10 - Off-site analysis. • 13.63.220 - Geotechnical analysis. • 13.63.230 - Soils analysis. • 13.63.240 -Permit modifications. • 13.63.250 - Erosion and sedimentation control. • 13.63.260 - Property owner responsible for stormwater system maintenance. 1 12/20/2016 F - 23 • 13.63.270 - Maintenance covenant required for privately maintained drainage facilities. • 13.63.280 - City inspections of privately maintained stormwater facilities. • 13.63.290 - City acceptance of new stormwater facilities. • 13.63.300 - City acceptance of existing stormwater facilities. • 13.63.3 10 - Easements, tracts and covenants. • 13.63.320 - Extensions—When required. • 13.63.330 - Extensions—Application. • 13.63.340 - Extensions—Preparation of plans and specifications. • 13.63.350 - Extensions—Inspection—Fee—Deposit required. • 13.63.360 - Construction of main extensions. • 13.63.370 - Acceptance of main extensions. • 13.63.380 - Extensions—Construction drawings. • 13.63.390 - Main extensions deeded to City. • 13.63.400 -Violations of this chapter. • 13.63.410 - Inspection. • 13.63.420 - Inspection procedures. • 13.63.430 - Test procedures. • 13.63.440 - Stop work orders. • 13.63.450 - Cumulative civil penalty. • 13.63.460 - Aiding or abetting. • 13.63.470 - Order to maintain or repair. • 13.63.480 -Notice of violation—Assessment of penalty. • 13.63.490 - Appeal and disposition. • 13.63.500 - Liability for costs of investigation. • 13.63.5 10 - Collection of civil penalty. • 13.63.520 - Compromise settlement and disposition of suits. • 13.63.530 - Hazards. 13.63.020 - Incorporated by reference. The City hereby incorporates the following documents into this chapter: A. The City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines adopted pursuant to Chapter 18.08 PAMC. B. Chapters 2 3, and 4, Voltime and Appendices 1-C, 1-D and 1-E, Volume I; Chapters 3 and 4, Volume II;; the entirety of Volume III;; the entirety of Volume IV, and the entirety of Volume V of the Department of Ecology's 20052014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington(SWMMWW [20141), or the most recent update. C. Appendix I of the City of Port Angeles' Western Washington Phase 11 Municipal Stormwater Permit, issued in August 2012, effective August 2013, and revised in JanuarX 2014; or the most recent update. 2 12/20/2016 F - 24 D. 20052012 Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound published by Washington State University and the Puget Sound Partnership, or the most recent update. All of these documents are on file within the office of the City Engineer and can be viewed upon request. 13.63.040 - Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this chapter: A. AKART-All known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment. B. Arterial - PRINCIPAL ARTERIALS: Principal arterials provide service for principal traffic movements within the City. They serve centers of activity; intra-area travel between Port Angeles and other large communities and between principal trip generators. Principal arterials serve the longest trips and carry the principal portion of trips entering and leaving the overall area. Typically they are the highest traffic volume corridors in the City. The design year ADT is approximately 5,000 to 30,000 vehicles per day or more. They frequently carry important intra-urban as well as intercity bus routes. The spacing of principal arterials usually varies from about one mile in highly developed business areas to five miles or more in rural areas. Service to abutting land should be subordinate to the provisions of travel service to principal traffic movements; this service should be incidental to the primary functional responsibility of the street. Desirably it is located on community and neighborhood boundaries or adjacent to but not through principal shopping centers,parks, and other homogeneous areas. MINOR ARTERIALS: Minor arterials interconnect with and augment the principal arterial system. Minor arterials connect principal arterials to collector arterials and small generators. They provide medium size trip generators, such as less intensive commercial development, high schools and some junior high/grade schools, warehousing areas, active parks and ballfields, and other land uses with similar trip generation potential. They distribute travel to smaller geographic areas and communities than those identified with the principal arterial system. They provide service for trips of moderate length of a somewhat lower level of travel mobility than principal arterials. The design year ADT is approximately 2,500 to 15,000. COLLECTOR ARTERIALS: Collector arterials provide both land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas. It differs from the arterial system in that facilities on the collector system may penetrate residential neighborhoods, distributing trips from the arterials through the areas to their ultimate destinations. The collector also collects traffic from local streets in residential neighborhoods and channels it onto minor and principal arterials. The collector arterial street may also carry local bus routes. 3 12/20/2016 F - 25 C. Best Management Practices (BMPs) - mean schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and structural and/or managerial practices, that when used singly or in combination, to prevent or reduce the release dise�ar-ge of pollutants and other adverse impacts to waters of Washington State (as per the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW 2014 site FEffieff�, spillage of leaks, sitidge of wate disposal, of dfaiflage fieffi faw ffiatefials stefage. D. Certified Eerosion and S-sediment Ceontrol Llead (CESCL) - means an individual who has current certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by the Washington State Department of Ecology (see BMP C160 in the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2GG52014)). A CESCL is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The CESCL must have the skills to assess site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater and, the effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges(as per the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW[20141). Gei4ifieatioa eentfol eotffse. Go e listings .,,-e provided online at Eeology's web site. E. Clean Water Act - means the federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC Section 1251 et seq.), and any subsequent amendments thereto. F. Commercial/multiple property - means all property zoned or used for multi-family, commercial, retail,public, government, non-profit and all other non-residential uses. G. Compost-amended soil — establishment of a minimum soil quality and depth to regain stormwater functions in the post development landscape, provide increased treatment of pollutants and sediments that result from development and habitation, and minimize the need for some landscaping chemicals. FSH.Director -means the City of Port Angeles Director of Public Works and Utilities or his or her designee. 14I. Effective impervious surface - those impervious surfaces that are connected via sheet flow or discrete conveyance to a drainage system. Impervious surfaces on residential devel„rmo„� are considered ineffective if. the runoff is dispersed through at least 4-None hundred feet of native vegetation in accordance with BMP T5 30 - "Full Dispersion," as described in Chapter 5 of Volume V of the Department of Ecology's Sto Y,w ate->va.,,,agef,o„* >va.,,,,,.,1 f r SWMMWW (-2 2014), 2) residential roof runoff is infiltrated in accordance with Downspout Full Infiltration Systems, per BMP 5.10A in Volume III of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014), or 3) approved continuous runoff modeling methods indicate that the entire runoff file is infiltrated (as per the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW [20141). J. Feasibility - Low impact development best management practices (BMP) are required where feasible. A BMP is determined feasible when infeasibility criteria are not triggered as defined in the Department of Ecology SWMMWW and City of Port Angeles Urban Service Standards and Guidelines Chapter 5 Appendix D. 4 12/20/2016 F - 26 IK. Ground water - means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the surface of the land or below a surface water body. L. Hard Surface—An impervious surface, a permeable pavement, or a vegetated roof. JM. Hazardous materials - means any material, including any substance, waste, or combination thereof, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to, a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety, property or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. KN.Highway- a main public road connecting towns and cities. LO. Hyperchlorinated -means water that contains more than ten mg/liter chlorine. MP.Illicit discharge - means any direct or indirect non-stormwater discharge to the City's stormwater system, except as expressly allowed by this chapter. NCS.Illicit connection-means any man-made conveyance that is connected to a municipal separate storm sewer without a permit, excluding roof drains and other similar type connections. Examples include sanitary sewer connections, floor drains, channels, pipelines, conduits, inlets, or outlets that are connected directly to the municipal separate storm sewer system. R. Impaired capacity system— The flow volume or rate is greater than what a facility(e.g.,pipe, pond, vault, swale, ditch, drywell, etc.) is designed to safely contain, receive, convey, reduce pollutants from, or infiltrate to meet a specific performance standard. System capacity shall be evaluated using a qualitative analysis and/or a quantitative analysis that shall include continuous runoff modeling of the 25-year recurrence interval flow. A system is considered to be impaired when it is not able to convey the 25-year recurrence interval flow without surcharging. SS. Impervious surface- a non-vegetated hard surface area that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A hafd non- vegetated surface area which that causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater. Open, uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces for purposes of determining whether the thresholds for application of minimum requirements are exceeded. Open, uncovered retention/detention facilities shall be considered impervious surfaces for purposes of runoff modeling as per the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW [20141). PIT. Land disturbing activity-Any activity that results in movement of earth, or a change in the existing soil cover (both vegetative and non-vegetative) and/or the existing soil topography. Land disturbing activities include, but are not limited to clearing, grading, filling, and excavation. Compaction that is associated with stabilization of structures and road construction shall also be considered a land disturbing activity. Vegetation maintenance practices are not considered land-disturbing activity. 5 12/20/2016 F - 27 OT J.Maintenance - Repair and maintenance includes activities conducted on currently serviceable structures, facilities, and equipment that involves no expansion or use beyond that previously existing and results in no significant adverse hydrologic impact. It includes those usual activities taken to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation in the use of structures and systems. Those usual activities may include replacement of dysfunctional facilities, including cases where environmental permits require replacing an existing structure with a different type structure, as long as the functioning characteristics of the original structure are not changed. One example is the replacement of a collapsed, fish blocking, round culvert with a new box culvert under the same span, or width, of roadway. See also Road Maintenance exemptions in Section 1 of the NPDES Appendix included in this chapter. RV.Municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4)-means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems,municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains): owned or operated by the City of Port Angeles: 1. Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater; 2. Which is not part of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). "POTW" means any device or system used in treatment of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature which is publicly owned; and 3. Which is not a combined sewer. "Combined sewer" means a system that collects sanitary sewage and stormwater in a single sewer system. -9W.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit - means a permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) (or by the Washington Department of Ecology under authority delegated pursuant to 33 USC Section 1342(b)) that authorizes the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States, whether the permit is applicable on an individual, group, or general area-wide basis. 4X Native vegetation - Vegetation comprised of plant species, other than noxious weeds, that are indigenous to the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest and which reasonably could have been expected to naturally occur on the site. Examples include trees such as Douglas Fir, western hemlock, western red cedar, alder, big-leaf maple, and vine maple; shrubs such as willow, elderberry, salmonberry, and salal; and herbaceous plants such as sword fern, foam flower, and fireweed. UY.New development - Land disturbing activities, including Class IV - general forest practices that are conversions from timber land to other uses; structural development, including construction or installation of a building or other structure; creation of impervious surfaces; and subdivision, short subdivision and binding site plans, as defined and applied in Chapter 58.17 RCW. Projects meeting the definition of redevelopment shall not be considered new development. Z. Non-impaired capacity system—The flow volume or rate that a facility(e. pipe,pond,vault, swale, ditch, d=ell, etc.) is designed to safely contain, receive, convey, reduce pollutants from, or infiltrate to meet a specific performance standard. System capacity shall be evaluated using a qualitative analysis and/or a quantitative analysis which shall include continuous runoff modeling of the 25-year recurrence interval flow. System capacity is considered to be non- impaired if it conveys a 25-year recurrence interval flow without surcharging. 6 12/20/2016 F - 28 VAA. Non-stormwater discharge - means any discharge to the storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. BB. Permeable pavement - Pervious concrete, porous asphalt, permeable pavers or other forms of pervious or porous paving material intended to allow passage of water through the pavement section. It often includes an aggregate base that provides structural support and acts as a stormwater reservoir. -WCC. Person-means any individual, association, organization,partnership, firm, corporation or other entity recognized by law and acting as either the owner of a premises or as the owner's agent. XDD. Pollutant - means anything which causes or contributes to pollution. Pollutants may include,but are not limited to: paints, varnishes, and solvents; oil and other automotive fluids; nonhazardous liquid and solid wastes and yard wastes;refuse,rubbish, garbage, litter, or other discarded or abandoned objects and accumulations, so that same may cause or contribute to pollution; floatables (objects or substances which float);pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; hazardous substances and wastes; sewage, fecal coliform and pathogens; dissolved and particulate metals; animal wastes; wastes and residues that result from constructing a building or structure; and noxious or offensive matter of any kind. -EE. Pollution-generating impervious surface (PGIS) - Those impervious surfaces considered to be a significant source of pollutants in stormwater runoff. Such surfaces include those which are subject to: vehicular use; industrial activities (as further defined in the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW [20141), or storage of erodible or leachable materials, wastes, or chemicals, and which receive direct rainfall or the run- on or blow-in of rainfall;_. Erodible of itieltide erodible soils that afe steek-piled, ttffee-,�er-ed pr-eeess wastes, mafwfe, fei4ilii�er-s, eil� s4sanees, ashes kit dust and garbage d"mpsteneakege-.-mMetal roofs ., a also eensider-ed to be PGIS unless they are coated with an inert,non-leachable material(e.g.,baked-on enamel coating)-, or roofs that are subject to venting significant amounts of dusts,mists, or fumes from manufacturing, commercial, or other indoor activities (as per the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW [20141). 4om and not subjeet to drainage f+om r-oads for- motor- vehieles, feneed fire !a-Res, an ZFF. Pollution-generating pervious surfaces (PGPS) - Any non-impervious surface subject to vehicular use, industrial activities (as further defined in the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW [20141); or storage of erodible or leachable materials, wastes or chemicals, and that receive direct rainfall or run-on or blow-in of rainfall, use of pesticides and fertilizers or loss of soil. Typical PGPS include permeable pavement subject to vehicular use, lawns; and 7 12/20/2016 F - 29 landscaped areas, including golf courses; parks, cemeteries, and sports fields (natural and artificial turf) (as per the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW [20141). A AGG.Pre-developed condition- The native vegetation and soils that existed at a site prior to the influence of Euro-American settlement. The pre-developed condition shall be assumed to be a forested land cover unless reasonable, historic information is provided that indicates the site was prairie prior to settlement. BBHH. Premises -means any building, lot,parcel of land, or portion of land,whether improved or unimproved, including adjacent sidewalks and parking strips. £GII. Project site - That portion of a property, properties, or right-of-way subject to land disturbing activities, new impervious surfaces, or replaced impervious surfaces. JJ. Rain garden - A non-engineered shallow, landscaped depression, with compost-amended native soils and adapted plants. The depression is designed to pond and temporarily store stormwater runoff from adjacent areas, and to allow stormwater to pass through the amended soil profile. DDKK.Receiving waters - Bodies of water or surface water systems to which surface runoff is discharged via a point source of stormwater or via sheet flow. €LELL. Redevelopment - On a site that is already substantially developed (i.e., has 35 percent or more of existing impervious surface coverage),the creation or addition of impervious surfaces; the expansion of a building footprint or addition or replacement of a structure; structural development including construction, installation or expansion of a building or other structure; replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity; and land disturbing activities. FFMM.Replaced impervious surface -For structures, the removal and replacement of any exterior impervious surfaces or foundation. For other impervious surfaces, the removal down to bare soil or base course and replacement. GNN. Single family property-means all property used for single family residential uses. MH00. Site - The area defined by the legal boundaries of a parcel or parcels of land that is (are) subject to new development or redevelopment. For road projects, the length of the project site and the right-of-way boundaries define the site. 14PP. Source control BMP - A structure or operation that is intended to prevent pollutants from coming into contact with stormwater through physical separation of areas or careful management of activities that are sources of pollutants. The Department of Ecology's SWMMWW(-2 2014) separates source control BMPs into two types. Structural source control BMPs are physical, structural, or mechanical devices, or facilities that are intended to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater. Operational BMPs are nonstructural practices that prevent or reduce pollutants from entering stormwater.For further examples or details,refer to the ' Volume IV of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2GG52014). JJQQ. Stormwater - means runoff during and following precipitation and snowmelt events, including surface runoff and drainage. 8 12/20/2016 F - 30 SRR. Stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) - means a document which describes the best management practices and activities to be implemented by a person to identify sources of pollution or contamination at a premises and the actions to eliminate or reduce pollutant discharges to stormwater, stormwater conveyance systems, and/or receiving waters to the maximum extent practicable. LLSS. Stormwater system - means all natural and manmade systems which function together or independently to collect, store, purify, discharge and convey stormwater. Included are all stormwater facilities as well as natural systems such as streams and creeks and all natural systems which convey, store, infiltrate or divert stormwater. TT.Threshold discharge area-An onsite area draining to a single natural discharge location or multiple natural discharge locations that combine within one-quarter mile downstream (as determined by the shortest flowpath). The examples in Figure 2.1 below illustrate this definition. The purpose of this definition is to clarify how the thresholds of the stormwater requirements are applied to project sites with multiple discharge points. NNUU.Wetland - Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non- wetland areas to mitigate the conversion of wetlands. 13.63.045—Exceptions, Variances and Adjustments. Exceptions, variances and adjustments to the Stormwater Development Minimum Requirements may be granted by the Director of Community and Economic Development. See Section 17.94.190 of this Code. 13.63.100 - Rate adjustment. A. Stormwater rebates may be issued for des retrofit, new development or redevelopment projects that meet the following conditions: 1. Overall project with less than 5,000 square feet of new or replaced hard surfaces, and implements two or more of the following_: ,ais4w aaee is less than^Ne ^^re a. Permeable pavement b. Compost amended soils per BMP T5.13 in all disturbed area not covered by ne improvements c. Rain _gardens 9 12/20/2016 F - 31 a. Roof d&A%spout eentfols as deser-ibed in Chapter- 3, Volume M of the most r-eeefit edition of b. Installation of BN4Ps or- LID teel+ni"es to fnitigate for- wea e"al to at least ten 5.05.03 of the Gity's Urban Ser-viees Standafds and Guide! e. Amend the soil as r-eeofm�neaded in BN4P T5.13 in the DOE fnafmal in all dis4wbed afeas not. eover-o.a b „tom 2-3. LID facilities and -4best management practices (BMPs) listed in 1 above must be designed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2 )14)DOE Ma*tial. 3. Developf eat Teel+ iea Guid,nee M.,,,, a for- Puget S., Stormwater rebates as available funding allows include the following a. Permeable pavement- $1 per square foot towards materials, up to a maximum rebate of $1,000 per household or business b. Compost amended soils—voucher for 10 cubic yards of Garden Glorompost c. Rain gardens—Rebate for materials to install a rain garden, up to a maximum rebate of $1,000, per household or business. 5. BMPs and LID faeilities must be maintained by the pr-oper-ty ov�qier- and eentiatte to fitneti as they wer-e designed. B. Stormwater rebates may be issued for retrofit, new development, or redevelopment project that meet the following conditions: 1. Overall project is less than the Minimum Requirement 45 threshold (see Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Service Standards and Guidelines) or is a retrofit project that implements a rain garden. 2. Rain gardens must be designed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014) 3. Stormwater rebates as available funding allows include a rebate for materials to install a rain garden, up to a maximum rebate of$1,000,per household or business. C-9. A property owner may request a rate adjustment to the monthly charge set forth in PAMC 13.63.100, only if the property contains no impe s hard surfaces or if the property owner disagrees with the City's calculations of the rate, or the amount of4+npef4etts hard surface area used by the City in calculating the rate,under PAMC 13.63.100C. A request for an adjustment shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Public Works and Utilities. If the property contains no impefvieus hard surfaces, the rate shall be adjusted to zero. If the City's calculations or amount of iwiper- hard surfaces under PAMC 13.63.100.C. is incorrect,the rate shall be adjusted accordingly. Approved adjustments will be applied prospectively except that reimbursement for overcharges paid by the property owner will be made by the City for the year during which the adjustment is requested and for the prior year. 10 12/20/2016 F - 32 DG.Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Director of Public Works and Utilities relating to a request for a rate adjustment authorized by PAMC 13.63.110 may appeal the Director's decision to the City Manager within 30 days of the date of the Director's decision. The City Manager's decision shall be final. 13.63.130 -Non-stormwater, illegal discharges and dumping prohibited. A. Except as provided in subsections B. and C. below, no person shall throw, drain or otherwise discharge, cause or allow others under it's control to throw, drain or otherwise discharge into the stormwater system any materials other than stormwater. B. The following discharges into the stormwater system are prohibited, unless the stated conditions are met: 1. Discharges from potable water sources, including waterline flushing, hyperchlorinated waterline flushing, fire hydrant system flushing and pipeline hydrostatic test water. Planned discharges shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 ppm or less, pH adjusted, if necessary (to meet water quality standards), and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent resuspension of sediments in the MS4. 2. Discharges from lawn watering and other irrigation runoff shall be minimized. 3. Dechlorinated swimming pool, spa and hot tub discharges. The discharges shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 ppm or less, pH adjusted and re-oxygenized, if necessary, and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent resuspension of sediments in the MS4 and the property owner has obtained a stormwater discharge permit from the City. Discharges shall be thermally controlled to prevent an increase in temperature of the receiving water. Swimming pool cleaning waste water and filter backwash shall not be discharged to the MS4. 4. Street and sidewalk wash water,water used to control dust, and routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. To avoid washing pollutants into the MS4, Permittee must minimize the amount of street wash and dust control water used. At active construction sites, street sweeping must be performed prior to washing the street. 5. Other non-stormwater discharges. The discharges shall be in compliance with the requirements of the stormwater pollution prevention plan reviewed by the City, which addresses such discharges. 6. Any discharges from a construction site. Discharges must be in conformance with the stormwater pollution prevention plan(SWPPP)reviewed by the permittee. 7. Combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges. This discharge must be in conformance with a current National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit, approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology. C. The following categories of non stormwater discharges are specifically allowed: 1. Diverted stream flows. 2. Rising ground waters. 11 12/20/2016 F - 33 3. Uncontaminated ground water infiltration(as defined at 40 CFR 35 2005(20)). 4. Uncontaminated pumped ground water. 5. Foundation drains. 6. Air conditioning condensation. 7. Irrigation water from agricultural sources that is commingled with urban stormwater. 8. Springs. 9. Uncontaminated Wwater from crawl space pumps. 10. Footing drains. 11. Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands. 12. Non-stormwater discharges covered by another NPDES or state waste discharge permit. 13. Discharges from emergency fire fighting activities in accordance with the City of Port Angeles' Stormwater NPDES Permit Section S2 Authorized Discharges. The City's Stormwater NPDES Permit is available to view in the office of the City Engineer. 13.63.160 -Unpolluted stormwater discharge shall have approved outlet. A. Stormwater shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as ,,e sewer-or storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the Director. B. Storm drainage from hard-surfaced or graded areas, such as parking lots, service station yards, and storage yards, shall enter the public storm sewer system or other outlet approved by the Director and as required by this chapter and as such facilities are available. Such storm drainage shall not be connected to or allowed to enter a sanitary sewer, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Director based on lack of feasible alternatives or other appropriate factors. 13.63.170 Review by Depa44meat of Gow.,:ntmity and Eeenomie Development. At+y proposed site devel ities shall be r-eviewed by�he Gity of Port A-ageles Pepa4meii of Gomm-Itfi* Development to detefmiae the pe 4-. 13.63.180 - Stormwater permitting disc a-Fge pem+it . Stormwater discharge permits, issued by the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works and Utilities, shall be required for any of the following activities if they drain into a City stormwater facility: A. Draining water from a chlorinated water source such as a swimming pool or hot tub. B. Car washing which is not permitted as a commercial or industrial use,and which drains directly or indirectly to the City's stormwater system. C. Building and sidewalk washing 12 12/20/2016 F - 34 GD.All new development or redevelopment which does not require a building permit or clearing and grading permit, but which discharges stormwater either directly or indirectly to the City's stormwater system. Building and clearing and grading permits shall Mply all standards and requirements established in the City's Urban Service Standards and Guidelines Manual, by City ordinances,and the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW(2014). Stormwater inspection and storm drain connections fees shall be charged on the building�permit or clearing and grading permit. 13.63.190 - Stormwater design and construction requirements. A. All site development activities shall comply with the standards, specifications and requirements contained in the City of Port Angeles'Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. B. For all site developments that, is4- b oneaer-e or-more, the City adopts and requires the use of the minimum requirements, thresholds and definitions defined in Appendix 1 of the City of Port Angeles' Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. C. For all site developments that, is4- b one^^re^r more or-,A4ie require a stormwater treatment, flow control, or on-site stormwater management low;,,, aet development(LID) BMP/facility, the City adopts and requires the use of Chapters 2 3 and 4,, Velft e1,and Appendices 1-C, 1- D and 1-E,Volume I, Chapters 3 and 4,Volume II„the entirety of Volume III„the entirety of Volume IVB and the entirety of Volume V of the Department of Ecology's 20052014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW [20141), or most recent update. D. Low impact development (LID) facilities are encouraged to improve water quality and aesthetics, as well as to reduce the size and cost of flow control and treatment facilities. LID facilities proposed in any site development shall be designed in accordance with the 2nn�w T,,, pet Development Teel+nieal Guid nee M.,,,, a f Puget c,,,,,, a Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014) and shall take into account site and soil conditions, access and long term maintenance. E. Stormwater site plans and permanent stormwater control plans in accordance with Chapters 3 and 4 of Volume I of the Department of Ecology's 2005 ct,,,-.,,w ate-Management M.,,,,,.,l Weste W.,shingto (SWMMWW [20141) are required and will be reviewed by the City for all site development activities that disturb one acre or more. F. Adjustments to th e"tr-emeats may be granted by the City provided that aAT44ea finding of faet is pr-epa-r-edA4ieh addresses the following issues- 13 12/20/2016 F - 35 must eensider-and d.,etiment „with. ,44e findings off et the f ll.,.t ing z. Thwcrrreat eet) use of the site, 2. H&A, the applieation of the mi i . kir-emeat(s) r-estfiets the proposed use of the site eompafed to the r-estfietions that e�Eisted prior- to the adoption of the mini �fneats; ffffd 3. The possible remaining uses of the site if th- E)t gr- ted; and 4. The uses of the site that would ha--ve been allowed prior- to the adoption of th- addition, ,,�; , must fneet o o ,, the - the state b. The e�Eeeptioa is the least possible e�Eeeptioa that eould be granted to eemply with the ifiten of the mifli mefits. 14. The Goiffleil shall establish fees for- stom+water- related Lqspeetioa fees shall be detailed ;„ the PAW A Tf-' 370.rr0. F. Beneficial use of roof runoff harvested for non-potable uses is allowed as expressly permitted and conditioned by the Director. 13.63.200 - Professional Engineer—When required. Site development activities shall require the submittal of documents prepared by a qualified professional engineer or under the direction of a licensed engineer when one of the following conditions exists: A. Any land use or building or development on real propertyy.4ieh ,ais4ff s one aer-e or- g-eate that involves the construction of structural source control BMPs or drainage conveyance systems; B. Any land use or building or development on real property v4iie-h that requires a flow control; or treatment or LID facility; C. Any land use of building development on real property that involves engineering calculations as part of a Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP); D. Any improvements within the boundaries of the City of Port Angeles right-of-way for which the City will ultimately assume responsibility for maintenance; or 14 12/20/2016 F - 36 Any site development activity that the Director deems to be in the public's best interest to require that certain site development activity permit application submittal documents be prepared by a professional eivil licensed engineer. 13.63.210 - Off-site analysis. All site development activities that discharge stormwater off site which adds 10,000 square feet ,ais4wb one ^^re or more of new or replaced impervious surface, or that convert three-quarters of an acre of pervious surfaces to lawn or landscaped areas, or that convert 2.5 acres or more forested area to pasture shall include, along with other required submittal documents, an off site 69 site drainage analysis as described in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual. The off site ewe analysis shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer and based on a field investigation of the development's off site ewe contributing and receiving drainage areas. 13.63.220 - Geotechnical analysis. All site development activities where grading or the construction of retention facilities, detention facilities, dispersion facilities, infiltration BMPs/facilities or other stormwater facilities are proposed on slopes greater than 15 percent,within 200 feet of slopes steeper than 30 percent,near a landslide area, near an environmentally sensitive area, or where the Director deems that the proposed construction poses a potential hazard due to its proximity to a slope, shall,when required by the Director,include a geotechnical analysis,prepared by a qualified engineer. The geotechnical analysis shall address the effects of groundwater interception and infiltration, seepage, potential slip planes and changes in soil bearing strength. 13.63.230 - Soils analysis. All site development activities where infiltration BMPs/facilities (including infiltration basins, trenches,ponds, bioretention,permeable pavement, rain gardens, and downspout infiltration BMPs) are proposed or where the soils underlying the proposed project have not been mapped, or where existing soils maps of the project site are inconsistent, or where the Director deems that existing soils maps of the project site are not of sufficient resolution to allow proper engineering analysis, shall include a soils investigation report, by a qualified professional. Exemptions may be granted for rain garden retrofit projects. 13.63.260 - Property owner responsible for stormwater system maintenance. A. Any person or persons holding title to a property for which stormwater facilities and BMP's have been required by the City of Port Angeles shall be responsible for the continual operation, maintenance and repair of the stormwater facilities and BMP's in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. B. For privately maintained stormwater facilities, the maintenance requirements specified in the Alashiiigteii State Department of Ecology's �a'.�� SWMMWW (2014), Chapter 4, Volume V, shall be eaf6r-eed .,,.., required of the owner(s) of the subject property served by the stormwater facility. 15 12/20/2016 F - 37 13.63.270 - Maintenance covenant required for privately maintained drainage facilities. A. Prior to the beneficial use of a project constructed under a City building permit or a stormwater discharge permit, the owner shall record a maintenance covenant which guarantees the City of Port Angeles that the stormwater facilities shall be properly operated, maintained and inspected. The restrictions set forth in such covenant shall be included in any instrument of conveyance of the subject property and shall be recorded with the Clallam County Auditor. B. Maintenance covenants shall remain in force for the life of the development, or until the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the subject stormwater facilities is accepted by the City of Port Angeles. C. Maintenance covenants shall include the maintenance standards specified by the Department of Ecology's 2005 Sto Y,.t ate- M.,,,.,,.oment M.,,,, a f Westef Al., hingto SWMMWW (2014), Chapter 4,Volume V,a list of maintenance activities and proposed inspection intervals for each element of the private stormwater system, and a guarantee that any maintenance necessary for any element of the stormwater system will be performed to the standards specified by the Department of Ecology's 2005 ct,,,-.,,w ate-Management M.,,,, a f Wesco, Washington SWMMWW (2014), Chapter 4, Volume V and within the following schedule: 1. Within one year for wet pool facilities and retention/detention ponds; 2. Within six months for typical maintenance; 3. Within nine months for maintenance requiring re-vegetation; 4. Within two years for maintenance that requires capital construction of less than $25,000. 00. D. After satisfactory completion of a stormwater treatment and/or flow control facility meeting Minimum Requirements 46 and/or 47 or final plat approval, a stormwater facility maintenance bond or other surety acceptable to the City must be posted that warrants the satisfactory performance and maintenance of the stormwater facility for a period of two years. If the City assumes maintenance of the facility, the stormwater facility maintenance bond shall be posted for a period of two years from the date the City assumes maintenance responsibilities. 13.63.280 - City inspections of privately maintained stormwater facilities. A. The City is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any property,public or private, for the purpose of operating or maintaining the storm and surface water facilities, or to inspect or investigate any condition relating to the stormwater utility;provided, that the City shall first obtain permission to enter from the owner or person responsible for such premises. If entry is refused, the City shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry. Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever it appears to the City that conditions exist requiring immediate action to protect the public health or safety, the City is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any property, public or private, for the purpose of inspecting, investigating or correcting such emergency condition. B. Alternatively, a private property owner can choose to hire, at the owner's expense, a qualified third party contractor to conduct stormwater system and facility inspections and submit the inspection results to the City. The contractor shall require pre-approval from the City_ 16 12/20/2016 F - 38 13.63.320 - Extensions—When required. A storm drain main extension may be required whenever there is the potential to service more than one residence or customer is r,-,,vide,a sefvi e and either the property to be served does not abut a storm drain main or the existing storm drain main is not adequate to provide the necessary service. Main extensions shall be extended to the far side (upstream) property line of the premises being served. 13.63.410 - Inspection. A. Routine Inspections. The Director or his designee shall have access to any site for which a site development activity permit has been issued pursuant to section 13.63.270 during regular business hours for the purpose of on-site review and to insure compliance with the terms of such permit. The applicant for any such permit shall agree in writing, as a condition of issuance thereof, that such access shall be permitted for such purposes. B. Inspection for cause. Whenever there is cause to believe that a violation of this title has been or is being committed, the director or his designee is authorized to inspect the project, and any part thereof reasonably related to the violation, during regular business hours, and at any other time reasonable in the circumstances. The applicant for any site development activity permit under this chapter shall, as a condition of issuance of such permit, agree in writing that such access to the project site, which inhibits the collection of information relevant to enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, shall be grounds for issuance of a stop work order by the Director or his designee. C. The Council shall establish fees for stormwater related inspections. Inspection fees shall be detailed in the PAMC 3.70.110. Section2. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Chapter 17.94 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to stormwater-utility regulations are hereby amended by adding a new Section 17.94.190, to PAMC as follows: • 17.94.010 - Foregoing regulations subject to this chapter. • 17.94.020 - Lot area not to be reduced, exceptions. • 17.94.030 -Use of lots or parcels containing more than minimum required lot area. • 17.94.040 - Measurement of front and side yards. • 17.94.060 - Yard requirements for property abutting half-streets or streets designated by an official control. • 17.94.070 - Exception to yard requirement. • 17.94.080 - Yard and unobstructed space regulations. • 17.94.090 -Vision clearance. • 17.94.100 - Driveways. 17 12/20/2016 F - 39 - 17.94.120 -Permitted intrusions into required yards. • 17.94.130 - Lot coverage exemptions. • 17.94.135 - Site coverage exemptions. • 17.94.140 - Walls and fences. - 17.94.150 - Storage of merchandise or vehicles in yards and rights-of-way. • 17.94.155 -Use of residential streets. - 17.94.170 - Exception to height requirement. - 17.94.180 - Minor deviations. • 17.94.190—Exceptions, Variances and Adjustments 17.94.190—Exceptions, Variances and Adjustments A. Exceptions/variances (exceptions) to the Stormwater Development Minimum Requirements may be granted by the Director of Community and Economic Development following legal public notice of an application for an exception or variance,legal public notice of the Director's decision on the application, and written findings of fact that documents the Director's determination to grant an exception. The Director may grant an exception to stormwater development Minimum Requirements if such application imposes a severe and unexpected economic hardship. To determine whether the application imposes a severe and unexpected economic hardship on the project applicant, the applicant must provide written documentation considering the following; 1. The current(pre-project)use of the site, and 2. How the aplication of the Minimum Requirement(s) restricts the proposed use of the site compared to the restrictions that existed prior to the adoption of the Minimum Requirements, and 3. The possible remaining uses of the site if the exception were not granted; and 4. The uses of the site that would have been allowed prior to the adoption of the Minimum Requirements; and 5. A comparison of the estimated amount and percentage of value loss as a result of the Minimum Requirements versus the estimated amount and percentage of value loss as a result of requirements that existed prior to adoption of the Minimum Requirements; and 6. The feasibility for the owner to alter the project to aply the Minimum Requirements. B. The Director shall consider and document with findings of fact the applicant's request. In addition the Director shall determine and document the exception meets the following criteria: the exception will not increase risk to the public health and welfare, nor be injurious to other properties in the vicinity and/or downstream, and to the quality of waters of the state; and the exception is the least possible exception that could be granted to comply with the intent of the stormwater development Minimum Requirements. 18 12/20/2016 F - 40 C. Adjustments to the Minimum Requirements may be granted by the Director provided that a written finding of fact is prepared, that addresses the following 1. The adjustment provides substantially equivalent environmental protection. 2. Based on sound engineering practices,the objectives of safety,function, environmental protection and facility maintenance, are met. Section 3- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4- Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances,is not affected. Section 5-Effective Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December 2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 12016 By Summary 19 12/20/2016 F - 41 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending street standards and off street parking by making changes to Chapter 14.01 and 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2768 as amended, and Chapter 14.01 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to street standards are hereby amended to read as follows: 14.01.115 - Street Standards for lots without City street access. Prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy or final inspection approval for building permits for lots or parcels without established City street access, street access improvements shall be accomplished in accordance with this section. A. NO CURRENT ACCESS TO LOTS (five or more dwelling units per block). Where there is no current street access, the street that will provide access to, and front, the lots or parcels being developed shall be improved to the minimum City street improvement standards, as set forth in Chapter 16.08 PAMG. Preferred access improvements shall be permeable pavement road and sidewalk to Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, if feasible. These requirements apply in the following circumstances: 1. The development consists of five dwelling units or more within an area fronting on City street right-of-way 500 feet in length or less; 2. The lots or parcels being developed are under common ownership or are part of the same development scheme as determined by the City Planning Director and are being developed within a period of 24 months or less. B. NO CURRENT ACCESS TO LOTS (less than five dwelling units per block).Where there is no current street access, the street that will provide access to, and front, the lots or parcels being developed shall be improved as permeable pavement road and sidewalk to Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, if feasible. Otherwise, access improvements shall be a gravel access road to the standard approved by the City Engineer,. These requirements apply in the following circumstances: 1. The development consists of four dwelling units or less; 1 12/20/2016 F - 42 2. A consent and non-protest AFB Local Improvement District agreement is entered into to provide full street improvements, as set forth in 16.08 PAMC, for the block within which the development occurs. C. CURRENT GRAVEL ACCESS. Where there is currently City maintained gravel or bituminous surfacing access as of the effective date of this ordinance as shown on Exhibit A, a consent and non-protest AFB Local Improvement District agreement shall be entered into to provide full street improvements,as set forth in Chapter 16.08 PAMC,for the block within which the development occurs. D. NO CURRENT GRAVEL ACCESS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES. Where there is no current gravel access for a single lot being developed for a single family residence independent of any other development, a consent and non-protest LID agreement shall be entered into to provide gel access road to the standard approved by the City Engineer for the block within which the development occurs. Preferred access improvements shall be permeable pavement road and sidewalk to City Standards, if feasible. Otherwise,provide gravel access per City Standards. Section 2. Ordinance 3161 as amended, and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to off street parking are hereby amended to read as follows: 14.40.020 - Definitions. A. The following terms shall have the designated meanings for the purposes of this Chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise: 1. "Standard-car parking space" means 4-5-3144.5 square feet of parking lot area, eight feet six inches by X17 feet minimum in size, having adequate access to a public street. No part of any street right-of-way shall be considered part of any standard-car parking space. 2. "Loading space" means a space located adjacent to a building, and large enough in area so that any truck or other vehicle loading or unloading at such building will not project into a street right-of-way. 3. "Floor area" means the leasable or habitable floor area or space in a dwelling or building, excluding bathrooms, toilet compartments, halls, closets, or corridors 44 inches in width or less, and equipment and machinery rooms not used directly in the manufacture, production, storage or sale of goods or services maintenance and cleaning supply rooms of 50 square feet or less. 4. "Parking lot activity" means a non-permanent activity occurring in a parking lot, using spaces otherwise allocated for parking for purposes other than parking by clientele of the primary use of the property. 5. "Shall" means the statement is mandatory and ministerial, and the action so stated is required to be done without discretion by decision-makers. 2 12/20/2016 F - 43 6. "Should" means the statement ought to be done, but the action so stated is not required to be done by decision-makers who may use discretion where exceptions are warranted. 7. "Transportation demand management assessment" means an analysis of public access to a specific site for land use activities permitted under the Port Angeles Municipal Code and a City approved plan (including multi-modal services, public infrastructure improvements, and parking) that is sufficient to mitigate significant adverse impacts on surrounding private properties and public transportation facilities, consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. The assessment may be done by the applicant or by an expert transportation professional when the applicant prefers or when determined to be necessary by the Community Development Director. B. All other terms used in this chapter shall have the meaning given to them by Ordinance 1709, as now enacted, or hereafter amended, unless the context indicates otherwise. 14.40.030 - Parking space requirements—Generally. For all land uses there shall be established and maintained permanent off-street parking spaces, either on the zoning lot of the use, or, if the affected property owners and the Director of Community and Economic Development mor agree through the execution of an appropriate agreement and easement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and if appropriate identification signage is provided, within 200 feet of the property boundaries (excluding public streets and alleys) of the zoning lot. The required number of parking spaces shall be determined as follows: A. The number of required spaces shall be determined either by reference to the number of required parking spaces per Table -A 14.40-1 or by using one of the alternate methods in subsection C. of this section. B. If applicable, Sections 14.40.080 through 14.40.110 shall then be used to determine whether the number of spaces required by subsection A. of this section is modified. C. If Table -A 14.40-1 of subsection A. of this section is not used to determined the number of required parking spaces, one of the following alternate methods of determining the required parking for a particular development shall be used: 1. Determine the number of parking spaces required by a ra,�transportation demand assessment that received approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development approved by the Plat, iag Commission based o the „ ,,, e- of ompleyees and eustomer-s on site dtffiag the peak hotffs of operation taking into e0asider-ation per Section; or 2. Prepare a transportation demand management assessment that meets the approval of the P'.,,,, iag Gomm ssio Director of Community and Economic Development per Section 14.40.050; or 3 12/20/2016 F - 44 3. Obtain Plat+n ag Commission Director of Community and Economic Development approval of a parking variance per Section 14.40.130. D. If the following criteria are satisfied, then the parking requirements of Table A of subsection A. above may be reduced accordingly. 1. Parking requirements may be reduced in direct ratio for each percentage point of access provided by nonsingle occupant vehicle. 2. Parking requirements may be reduced by ten percent if a bus stop or other mass transit facility is located within 500 feet of the project site. 3. Parking requirements may be reduced in direct ratio for each percentage point of parking provided by cooperative parking agreement per Section 14.40.080. 4. Parking requirements may be reduced b.. twenty-fivepercent to allow for incorporation of LID facilities into the parking lot design. E. The parking area shall comply with landscaping requirements for parking lots in accordance with Title 17 PAMC. 14.40.050 - Transportation demand management assessment. A. As part of any land use review and/or building permit application with the City of Port Angeles, a transportation demand management assessment, which analyzes the off-street parking needs of the new development or the expansion of use in the existing building, may be conducted and shall require the approval of the P'.,,,, iag G,,,,,,, iFsi,,, Director of Community and Economic Development, if parking for the use and/or building is not provided per Section 14.40.030�. Table A or- Seetie~ 14.40.030.G.I. B. Business and property owners within 300 feet of the subject site shall be notified of the transportation demand management assessment. A public comment period of 15 days shall be provided. 14.40.060 - Mixed uses. In the case of a mixture of uses on one zoning lot or in one building,the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities of any other use, except as may be provided in Section 14.40.070 of this chapter. 14.40.070 - Cooperative parking agreements. Parking facilities may be cooperatively used by different land uses, when the times of the use of such parking spaces by each use are not simultaneous. A cooperative parking agreement signed by all parties who share the parking facilities and approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development mer shall be required that binds the parking 4 12/20/2016 F - 45 facilities and the parties until the agreement is dissolved by all parties and approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development Dir-eetor. 14.40.080 -Parking space requirement modification—New uses in new structures. For any new use in a new building or structure, the required number of parking spaces shall be determined by the requirements of Sections 14.40.030 through 14.40.070. (Ord. 3161 § 1 (part), 4/30/2004; Ord. 2228 § 11, 8/31/1982; Ord. 2028 § 3, 6/17/1980; Ord. 1588 § 11, 6/15/1966) 14.40.090 -Parking space requirement modification—New uses in existing structures. A change of use in a building or structure that exists as of April 25, 2004, that does not change dhes-e elassi foe do the occupancy classification of the existing building or structure may occur without provision of additional off-street parking spaces unless the floor area of the building or structure is increased. 14.40.120 - Improvement of parking spaces. A. Any parking spaces provided to comply with the terms of this chapter, other than for single family detached residences, shall be improved in accordance with the following requirements: 1. They shall meet the requirements of the clearing, grading, filling and drainage regulations set forth in Chapter 15.28 PAMC. 2. They shall be graded and paved with a hard-surface pavement of permeable pavement with a structurally adequate base, portland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete with a structurally adequate base, or other hard-surface pavement acceptable to the Director of Public Works and Utilities. Pervious concrete shall be the preferred surface, if feasible. All parking spaces shall be clearly and permanently striped in conformance with Public Works parking lot design standards. Wheel stops shall be installed where necessary to prevent encroachment upon public rights-of-way and adjacent trees, landscaped areas, or low impact development facilities. The Director of Public Works and Utilities may allow for an exception to hard-surface pavement for developments in the Industrial Heavy Zone, provided that adverse impacts to stormwater drainage, surrounding properties, and public infrastructure are mitigated to the extent the Director deems reasonably necessary and appropriate. 3. They shall be accessible, at all times,from street, alley or driveway intended to serve such off-street parking. 4. Improvements of parking spaces shall meet the Americans with Disabilities Act standards. B. The City may grant permission for temporary occupancy of a building or structure even though the parking spaces required by subsection A. of this section have not been fully completed,provided that an improvement bond acceptable as to form and amount by the 5 12/20/2016 F - 46 City Engineer and the City Attorney is posted in the amount of the estimated value of the construction of the parking facilities. Before granting such temporary occupancy, the Director of Public Works and Utilities must determine that construction of the parking facilities prior to occupancy of the building would not represent sound construction practice, due to weather conditions, availability of materials and/or difficult site conditions, and the acceptance of such bond is therefore appropriate. Improvement bonds may be accepted for a period not to exceed 12 months. During the period before final completion of the improvements, the parking facilities provided shall at least be graded and graveled and be maintained in a good condition. C. Uses requiring six or fewer spaces may occupy a building or zoning lot for up to 12 months before compliance with subsection A.2. of this section, provided the parking facilities shall at least be graded and graveled and be maintained in a good condition. At the end of the 12-month period, the parking facilities must be in compliance with subsection A.2. of this section, or a bond must have been provided and accepted in accordance with subsection B. of this section. 14.40.130 - Parking space requirements—Variances. A. A variance from the parking space requirements of this chapter, as specifically provided by sections 14.40.030 through 14.40.070, may be granted on written request to; the Director of Community and Economic Developmenian after-^r„ lie hemi...' y die P-64 The Director may impose such conditions upon the variance as it deems necessary to comply with the purpose of this chapter and to mitigate the effects of increased impervious surfaces. No variance shall be granted by the P'.,,,, iag G,,,,A:nissio Director unless the GOFAfflissio Director finds that-_ 1. The variance is not detrimental to surrounding properties; 2. The parking provided is sufficient to meet the parking needed by the uses(s); 3. The variance will not create increased congestion or traffic hazards along adjacent streets and alleys; and 4. The variance is consistent with the intent of this chapter, the zone in which the site is located, and the Comprehensive Plan. hea-r-ing on the Zoning Or-dina-nee of the Gity of Por-t Angel BE. The determination of the Director may be appealed to the Gotmeil Hearing Examiner per Section 2.18.065. 14.40.170 - Revocation of permit—Appeals. A. An occupancy permit issued pursuant to the terms of this chapter shall be revocable by the City Manager, or his designee, for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. Notice of the revocation of such permit shall be given in writing, by ordinary mail, directed to the address of the permit holder as shown on the permit application. 6 12/20/2016 F - 47 B. Upon revocation,the permit holder shall have a right of appeal to the City G,,,,, ei Hearing Examiner per Section 2.18.065. The holder shall, within ten days of the notice of revocation, give notice to the City Clerk, in writing,the permit holder's intention to appeal the revocation to the Hearing Examiner. The Clerk shall place the permit holder's appeal on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Gity G,,,,,,,,:' Hearing Examiner meeting, and forthwith inform the permit holder, in writing, the date, time and location of the meeting. C. The Hearing Examiner shall hold a public hearing,at which the permit holder may present testimony as to his compliance with the terms of this chapter. D. The Gity G,,,,,,,,:' Hearing Examiner shall make written findings of fact, as to the basis of any decision which it makes. The Gity G,,,, ei4 Hearing Examiner may sustain the revocation of the permit, reinstate the permit with conditions, reinstate the permit after a time certain, or immediately reinstate the permit. 14.40.180 - Decisions of Gity�yagog- of Department of Community and Economic Development—Appeals. A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of Gity staff or-the D'.,,,,,:,,,. G,,,,,missio Director of Community and Economic Development may appeal the decision to the Gity Getl*eil Hearing Examiner per Section 2.18.065. B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Dep r*mefi* of G„mn+tt ity Deve'opmen City Clerk in writing within 14 days following the date of the Director's decision. C. The Hearing Examiner shall conduct an open record hearing on the appeal of the Director of Community and Economic Development's decision or- a with PAW W ,Q02. The l's Hearing Examiner's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with PAMC 18.02.130. 14.40.190 -Violation. Any person, firm, or corporation, in charge of premises which violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed, continued, or permitted. Each such offense shall be punishable by a maximum civil fine of $500.00. PARKING REQUIREMENT TABLE " 14.40-1" LAND USE PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENT Automobile Services 7 12/20/2016 F - 48 Automobile service and repair Three parking spaces plus one for each mechanical bay shops Automobile sales dealerships Two per employee Gas stations with convenience One parking space for each employee with a minimum of ' six parking spaces. Drive aisles must accommodate two stores cars per pump. Commercial Activities Banks, professional and One parking space for each 400 square feet of floor area business offices Bowling alleys Two and one half(2.5) parking spaces (minimum)to four (4) parking spaces (maximum) for each alley Furniture/appliance stores One parking space for each 600 square feet of floor area and laundries Night clubs and lounges One parking space for each 50 square feet of floor area Retail stores One parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area Skating rinks and other commercial recreational One parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area places Theaters One parking space for each three seats Music, dance, art, and other Eight parking spaces for each classroom academies Food Service Activities Food/grocery stores One parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area Restaurants, taverns, and any One parking space for each 125 square feet of floor area other establishments for the of the building sale and consumption of food, 8 12/20/2016 F - 49 alcoholic beverages, or refreshments Food and beverage One parking space for each employee and three per drive- establishments that do not have on-site seating up window Personal Services Barber, beauty shops, tanning p^^^f peF area salons, physical therapy, and oar=h 400 feet- One parking space for each 250 similar services square feet of floor area with a minimum of four parking spaces Two parking spaces plus one unloading space for those Day care centers centers serving 12 or fewer children; One parking space per employee plus two parking spaces for unloading for centers of more than 12 children Laundromats One parking space per washing machine Medical Services Medical and dental offices a, epeiai d„ ,, �+ +,+,„R . s .,Yir=e picevid One parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area with a minimum of four parking spaces As d-t-Ae.-FAiRed by the plaRRiRg G„Y..,Y..,issi„R One space per Hospitals each 2 staff member at the largest shift, plus one space for every ten beds. Research, dental,x-ray One parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area laboratories Residential and Lodging Uses Residential dwelling units Two parking spaces per dwelling unit 9 12/20/2016 F - 50 Rooming and lodging uses One parking space for each sleeping unit Nursing and convalescent homes, assisted living One parking space for each three beds facilities, adult family homes, group homes, sanitariums Public and Institutional Uses Libraries *One parking space for each 400 feet of floor area Museums One parking space for each 300 feet of floor area Schools: As d-t-Ae.FAiRed by the plaRRiRg One space for Junior colleges and technical every educator, plus one space for every 5 students, plus schools one space for every two administrative employees Elementary schools Middle schools One parking space for each classroom Preschools Three parking spaces for each classroom Senior high schools Ten parking spaces for each classroom Six parking spaces for each classroom Social clubs, lodges, fraternal One parking space for each 50 square feet of floor area of organizations w/o fixed the building seating Areas of assembly without d-eate.-Y. iRed by the WaRRiRg G„Y..,Y..,issieROne space for fixed seating shall every 30 square feet of assembly area seatiRg Churches, stadiums, sports areas, and other such places One parking space for each three fixed seats of assembly with fixed seating Senior centers One parking space for every 135 square feet of floor area Industrial Uses 10 12/20/2016 F - 51 Manufacturing uses One parking space for each three employees with a minimum of ten spaces Trucking and transportation Minimum of ten spaces terminals Wholesale stores, One parking space for each two employees with a warehouses, storage buildings minimum of teR five parking spaces Public and Quasi-Public Recreation Uses Parks and playgrounds D As determined by the aRRiRg Gemmissi ,R Director of Community and Economic Development Public and private golf As; d-eate.-Y. iRed by the NaRRiRg G9w,w,;.-4 ~ Four spaces for every green on premises, plus one space for every courses three tee boxes at driving range if present. Swimming pools Ten parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of pool surface area Unspecified Uses If a use is not otherwise specifically mentioned in this section, the requirements for off- street parking facilities shall be the same as the requirements for the most similar use listed herein as determined by the Director of the Department of Community Development. Mixed Uses In the case of a mixture of uses on one lot or in one building, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Cooperative and Shared Parking Provisions Parking facilities may be cooperatively used by different land uses when the times of the uses are not simultaneous. Parking facilities may be shared when the times are not simultaneous through a parking agreement with the property owners and when the parking is located no further than 500 feet from the property requiring the parking. 11 12/20/2016 F - 52 Section 2- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction ofthe scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3-Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance,or its application to any person or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum.This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December,2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 12016 By Summary 12 12/20/2016 F - 53 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending development standards by making changes to Chapter 15.20, 15.24,and 15.28 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to environment. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2656 as amended, and Chapter 15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to environment are hereby amended by amending Chapter 15 to read as follows: 15.20.070 - Development standards. A. Streams. All areas falling within the corridors identified in the following subsection are subject to the requirements of this chapter. 1. Stream corridors. This subsection defines corridor dimensions for different classes of streams and their tributaries as rated pursuant to WAC 222-16-020 and -030. All areas falling within a corridor are subject to review under this chapter unless excluded by the Director of Community and Economic Development. Dimensions are measured from the seasonal high water mark or elevation of the stream or watercourse as follows: Type 1 250 feet Type 2 250 feet Type 3 150 feet Type 4 100 feet Type 5 none Should the stream be located within a ravine, the greater dimension of either the stream corridor, or the ravine corridor, will be used to define areas subject to the requirements of this chapter. 2. Stream buffers. Any development or construction adjacent to a stream shall preserve a buffer which is wide enough to maintain the natural hydraulic and fish and wildlife habitat functions 1 12/20/2016 F - 54 of that stream. The following buffers of undisturbed native vegetation shall be provided for different classes of streams and their tributaries as rated pursuant to WAC 222-16-020 and - 030. Dimensions are measured from the ordinary high water mark or elevation of the stream or watercourse, or from the top of the bank or dike: Type 1 100 feet Type 2 100 feet .... .... .... Type 3 75 feet.... Type 4 50 feet Type 5 none 3. Stream corridors and buffers shall be increased to include streamside wetlands which provide overflow storage for stormwaters, feed water back to the stream during low flows or provide shelter and food for fish. 4. Additional buffers. The Director of Community and Economic Development may require either additional native vegetation or increased buffer sizes when environmental information indicates the necessity for additional vegetation or greater buffers in order to achieve the purposes of this chapter. In cases where additional buffers are not feasible, the Director of Community and Economic Development may require the applicant to undertake alternative on-site or off-site mitigation measures, including but not limited to a financial contribution to projects or programs which seek to improve environmental quality within the same watershed. B. Locally unique featureRavines, marine bluffs and beaches and associated coastal drift processes. All areas falling within the corridors identified in the following subsection are subject to the requirements of this chapter. 1. Locally unique feature corridors: The following corridors, as measured from the top of ravines,the top and toe of marine bluffs, and beaches, define areas subject to the requirements of this chapter, unless excluded by the Director of Community and Economic Development: Ravines 200 feet; Marine Bluffs 200 feet; Beaches and Associated Coastal Drift Shoreline Management Jurisdiction Processes 2 12/20/2016 F - 55 Should locally unique feature corridors also overlay stream corridors, the criteria of this section will be used. Ravines 25 feet Marine Bluffs 50 feet Beaches and Associated Coastal D Per the City's Shoreline Master Program as adopted by PAMC Processes 15.08.040 2. Buffers. The following buffers of undisturbed vegetation shall be established from the top of ravines; the top and toe of marine bluffs and ravines: 3. Undisturbed buffers adjoining both marine bluffs and beaches shall be sufficient to assure that natural coastal drift processes will remain unimpaired. 4. Buffer reduction. The buffer may be reduced when expert verification and environmental information demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and Economic Development that the proposed construction method will: a. Not adversely impact the stability of ravine sidewalls and bluffs; b. Not increase erosion and mass movement potential of ravine sidewalls and bluffs; c. Use construction techniques which minimize disruption of the existing topography and vegetation; and d. Include measures to overcome any geological, soils and hydrological constraints of the site. 5. Additional buffers. The Director of Community and Economic Development may require either additional native vegetation or increased buffer sizes when environmental information indicates the necessity for additional vegetation or greater buffers in order to achieve the purposes of this chapter. In cases where additional buffers are not feasible, the Director of Community and Economic Development may require the applicant to undertake alternative on-site or off-site mitigation measures, including but not limited to a substitute fee per subsection 15.20.080 L2.c., for projects or programs which seek to improve environmental quality within the same watershed. 6. Viewshed enhancement. In ravine and marine bluff buffers, the Director of Community and Economic Development may approve alterations in vegetation coverage for the purposes of viewshed enhancement, so long as such alterations will not: a. Increase geological hazards such as erosion potential, landslide potential, or seismic hazard potential. b. Adversely affect significant fish and wildlife habitat areas. 3 12/20/2016 F - 56 c. Remove with appropriate and/or acceptable pruning practicesbyrg more than 25% of the live crown of a tree i*over any five-year period. Pruning shall be in support of maintaining tree health and vigor and shall be in accordance with ANSI A300. Tree topping is not an acceptable pruning practice. d. Include felling, topping, or removal of trees. The landowner shall replace any trees that are felled or topped with new trees at a ratio of two trees for each tree felled or topped (2:1) within one year in accordance with an approved restoration plan. Tree species that are native and indigenous to the site and a minimum caliper of two inches shall be used. Any street trees that are felled or topped shall be replaced in accordance to PAMC 11.13.050. C. Geological hazard (erosion, landslide, seismic) areas. Areas containing or adjacent to geological hazard areas shall be altered only when the Director of Community and Economic Development concludes, based on environmental information, the following: L For landslide hazard areas: a. That the land clearing, grading or filling activities will adhere to the best management practices. b. That the vegetation in erosion hazard areas will be preserved or replaced. 2. There will be no increase in surface water discharge or sedimentation to adjacent properties; a. There will be no decrease in slope stability on adjacent properties; and b. Either: i. There is no hazard as proven by evidence of no landslide activity in the past in the vicinity of the proposed development and a quantitative analysis of slope stability indicates no significant risk to the development proposal and adjacent properties; ii. The landslide hazard area can be modified or the development proposal can be designed so that the landslide hazard is eliminated or mitigated so that the site is as safe as a site without a landslide hazard; or iii. The alteration is so minor as not to pose a threat to slope stability. 3. For seismic hazard areas: a. There is no actual hazard based on a lack of seismic activity in the past in the area of the development proposal, and a quantitative analysis of potential for seismic activity indicates no significant risk to the development proposal; or b. The development proposal can be designed so that it will minimize any risk of harm from seismic activity to public health, safety or welfare on or off the site. c. Construction on artificial fills is certified by a civil engineer with geotechnical expertise as safe from earthquake damage as a similar development not located on artificial fill. This requirement may be waived for actions involving minor changes, alterations or additions to developed properties, provided that such activities do not jeopardize public health, safety or welfare on or off the site. 4 12/20/2016 F - 57 4. Geological hazard area setbacks: In the event that it is determined that a geological hazard area is unstable and cannot be safely developed and must remain as permanent open space, setbacks from hazard areas shall be required as necessary to mitigate erosion, landslide, and seismic hazards, or as otherwise necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of a development and/or the users of a site and shall be determined by qualified professionals as prescribed in PAMC 15.20.060(B)(4). D. Priority species and species of concern habitat areas. To protect the habitat of species which are designated by the State to be priority species or species of concern and thereby maintain and increase their populations, priority species and species of concern habitat areas shall be subject to the following: 1. When a development proposal contains a priority species or species of concern habitat, the applicant shall submit a habitat management plan. The need for a habitat management plan should be determined during State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)review of the proposal. The habitat management plan should identify how the impacts from the proposed project will be mitigated. Possible mitigation measures should include, but are not limited to: (a) establishment of buffer zones; (b) preservation of critically important plants and trees, (c) limitation of access to habitat area, (d)scheduling construction activities to avoid interference with wildlife and fisheries rearing, resting, nesting or spawning activities; (e) using best available technology to avoid or reduce impacts; (f) using drainage and erosion control measures to prevent siltation of aquatic areas; and (g)reducing the size, scope, configuration or density of the project. 2. Buffer: To retain adequate natural habitat for priority species, buffers shall be established on a case-by-case basis as described in a habitat management plan. 3. Uses and activities allowed within a priority species or species of concern habitat area as identified by a habitat management plan shall be limited to low intensity land uses which will not adversely affect or degrade the habitat and which will not be a threat to the critical ecological processes such as feeding, breeding, nesting and resting. E. Frequently flooded areas. Development in frequently flooded areas which are not subject to the standards of other environmentally sensitive areas, including wetlands,will be directed by Chapter 15.12 "Flood Hazard Areas" of the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code. F. Limited density transfer. The calculation of potential dwelling units in residential development proposals and allowable floor area in nonresidential development proposals shall be determined by the ratio of developable area to undisturbable environmentally sensitive area of the development site except as otherwise provided for wetlands in the City's Wetlands Protection Ordinance,Chapter 15.24 PAMC. The following formula for density and floor area calculations is designed to provide compensation for the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas, flexibility in design, and consistent treatment of different types of development proposals. L Formulas. The maximum number of dwelling units (DU) for a site which contains undisturbable environmentally sensitive areas is equal to: [(Developable Area) divided by (Minimum Lot Area/DU)] + [(Undisturbable Area) divided by(Minimum Lot Area/DU) (Development Factor)] =Maximum Number of Dwelling Units. 5 12/20/2016 F - 58 The maximum amount of non-residential floor area for a site which contains undisturbable environmentally sensitive areas is equal to: [(Maximum Permitted Floor Area/Lot Area)(Developable Area)] + [(Maximum Permitted Floor Area/Lot Area) (Undisturbable Area) (Development Factor)] = Maximum Amount of Floor Area. Environmentally sensitive areas which are to be disturbed shall receive full credit towards calculating the number of dwelling units or floor area. 2. Development factor. As used in the preceding subsection, the development factor is a number to be used in calculating the number of dwelling units or the maximum allowable floor area for a site which contains undisturbable environmentally sensitive areas. The development factor is derived from the following table: Undisturbable Sensitive Area Development as Percentage of Site Factor 110 .30 1120 .27 30 .24 31-40 .21 4150 .18 5160 .15 6170 .12 80 .09 8190 .06 9199 .03 6 12/20/2016 F - 59 15.20.080 - Development exceptions. Exceptions to the development restrictions and standards set forth in sections 15.20.050 and 15.20.070 may be permitted by application to the Director of Community and Economic Development pursuant to the provisions of this section. A. Reasonable use development exceptions in stream and locally unique feature corridors. I. Development proposals. An applicant may propose a reasonable use development exception pursuant to the following decision criteria: a. The proposal is limited to the minimum necessary to fulfill reasonable use of the property, and there is no other reasonable alternative; b. The proposal is compatible in design, scale, and use with other development or potential development in the immediate vicinity of the subject property in the same zone classification and with similar site constraints; c. The proposal utilizes to the maximum extent possible the best available construction, design, and development techniques which result in the least adverse impact on the environmentally sensitive area or areas; d. The proposal incorporates all other development standards of section 15.20.070; and e. The proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter. f. When the functions and values of the environmentally sensitive area will be disrupted, the applicant has prepared a mitigation plan per subsection L3. 2. Minor additions to and modifications of existing structures. Existing structures or improvements that do not meet the requirements of this chapter may be remodeled, reconstructed or replaced provided that the new construction does not further disturb an environmentally sensitive area. 3. Previously altered environmentally sensitive areas. If any portion of an environmentally sensitive area has been altered from its natural state, the applicant may propose to develop within the altered area pursuant to the following decision criteria: a. The environmentally sensitive area was lawfully altered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any state and federal laws at the time the alteration occurred; b. The previous alteration has significantly disrupted the natural functions and values of the environmentally sensitive area; c. The new alteration does not further disrupt the natural functions and values of the environmentally sensitive area; d. The proposal utilizes to the maximum extent possible the best available construction, design and development techniques which result in the least adverse impact on the environmentally sensitive area; e. The proposal incorporates all other development standards of section 15.20.070; and f. The proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter. 4. Vegetation management practices may allow the following: 7 12/20/2016 F - 60 a. Nondestructive pruning and trimming of vegetation for maintenance purposes. Tree topping is considered a destructive trimming practice; b. Thinning of limbs of individual trees to provide for viewshed enhancement that will not harm tree health and vigor; or c. Removal of nonnative vegetation and replacement with native vegetation; provided that increased erosion, landslide, or other adverse impacts to the environmentally sensitive areas do not result. 5. If the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that a reasonable use exception may be granted, the applicant shall sign a waiver indemnifying the City from any liability due to damages that could result from location of the development in or near an environmentally sensitive area. 6. Alternatively, if the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that application of these standards would deny all reasonable economic use of the property, the City may take the property for public use with just compensation being made. B. Emergencies. The Director of Community and Economic Development may approve improvements or alterations that are necessary to respond to emergencies that threaten the health and safety,when he/she determines that no reasonable alternative exists and the benefit outweighs the loss. Emergencies shall be verified by qualified experts as prescribed in PAMC 15.20.060(B)(4). C. Drainage facilities. Streams and their buffers may be altered for use as a drainage facility provided that all requirements of the City of Port Angeles Stormwater Management Plan and all other local, state, and federal laws are satisfied, and so long as increased and multiple natural resource functions are achievable and the benefits outweigh any lost resource. The Director of Community and Economic Development may approve drainage facilities in a stream only where he/she determines that long-term impacts are minimal or where there are no practicable or reasonable alternatives and mitigation is provided. D. Trails and trail-related facilities. Public and private trails and trail-related facilities, such as picnic tables,benches,interpretive centers and signs, and viewing platforms shall be allowed, but use of impervious surface shall be minimized. Trails and trail-related facilities shall be avoided within stream channels. The Director of Community and Economic Development may approve such trails and facilities only when he/she determines that there is no practicable or reasonable upland alternative. Trail planning, construction and maintenance shall adhere to the following additional criteria: 1. Trails and related facilities shall, to the extent feasible, be placed on existing levies, road grades, utility corridors, or any other previously disturbed areas; 2. Trails and related facilities shall be planned to minimize removal of trees, shrubs, snags and important wildlife habitat_; When street tree(s) are removed, replacement trees, or a fee-in- lieu shall be required in accordance with PAMC 11.13.050. 3. Trail construction and maintenance shall follow the U.S. Forest Service "Trails Management Handbook" (FSH 2309.18, Rme 19October 2008) and "Standard Specifications for Construction of Trails" (EM-7720-10-23, Rme 1984 September 1996) as may be amended, or trail standards adopted by the City of Port Angeles; 8 12/20/2016 F - 61 4. Viewing platforms, interpretive centers, picnic areas, benches and access to them shall be designed and located to minimize disturbance; 5. Trails and related facilities shall provide water quality protection measures to assure that runoff from them does not directly discharge to wetlands or streams; 6. Within buffers, trails and trail-related facilities shall be aligned and constructed to minimize disturbance to stream functions and values;.. 7. In areas where impervious paths and trails are used,permeable pavement shall be used where feasible. All permeable trails must have a maintenance plan. E. Utilities. Every attempt shall be made to avoid locating utilities within streams. The Director of Community and Economic Development may approve utilities in streams only when he/she determines that there is no practicable or reasonable upland alternative. F. Stream crossings. Stream crossings, whether for access or utility purposes, shall be avoided to the extent possible; but when necessary due to the lack of feasible alternatives, crossing of streams shall follow all applicable local, state and federal laws and the following criteria: I. Bridges are required for streams which support salmonids, unless otherwise allowed by the Washington State Department of Fisheries; 2. All crossings using culverts shall use superspan or oversize culverts; 3. Any work within the stream channel shall be constructed and installed per the requirements of an applicable State hydraulics permit; 4. No work within the stream channel shall occur in salmonid spawning areas; 5. Bridge piers or abutments shall not be placed in either the floodway or between the ordinary high water marks unless no other feasible alternative placement exists; 6. Crossings shall not diminish flood-carrying capacity; 7. Crossings shall provide for maintenance of culverts, bridges and utilities; and 8. Crossings shall serve multiple properties whenever possible. G. Time limitation. A development exception automatically expires and is void if the applicant fails to file for a building permit or other necessary development permit within one year of the effective date of the development exception, unless either: 1. The applicant has received an extension for the development exception pursuant to subsection H. of this section; 2. The development exception approval provides for a greater time period. H. Time extension. The Director of Community and Economic Development may extend a development extension, not to exceed one year, i£ 1. Unforeseen circumstances or conditions necessitate the extension of the development exception; 2. Termination of the development exception would result in unreasonable hardship to the applicant, and the applicant is not responsible for the delay; and 9 12/20/2016 F - 62 3. The extension of the development exception will not cause adverse impacts to environmentally sensitive areas. L Mitigation. For any allowable development exception provided under this section, the following restoration and compensation mitigation measures to minimize and reduce impacts to environmentally sensitive areas shall be required, and a mitigation plan per subsection L3. of this section shall be completed and must be approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to development approval: 1. Restoration. Restoration is required when the functions and values of environmentally sensitive areas have been disrupted by alteration prior to development approval. 2. Compensation. Compensation is required from developers for all approved alterations to environmentally sensitive areas. Compensation required for specific development standards shall include, but is not limited to, the following: a. Streams. i. The applicant shall maintain or improve stream channel dimensions, including depth, length, and gradient; restore or improve native vegetation and fish and wildlife habitat; and create an equivalent or improved channel bed, biofiltration and meandering. ii. The Director of Community and Economic Development may postpone or limit development, require bonds pursuant to section 15.20.100, or use other appropriate techniques to ensure the success of the mitigation plan. The decision of the Director of Community and Economic Development to postpone or limit development may be appealed per section 15.20.110. b. Beaches and coastal drift processes. i. The applicant shall restore, enhance, or create the beach and associated coastal drift processes per the City's Shoreline Master Program as adopted by PAMC. ii. The Director of Community and Economic Development may postpone or limit development, require bonds pursuant to section 15.20.100, or use other appropriate techniques to ensure the success of the mitigation plan. The decision of the Director of Community and Economic Development to postpone or limit development may be appealed per section 15.20.110. c. Substitute fees. In cases where the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and Economic Development that a suitable compensation site does not exist, the Director of Community and Economic Development may allow the applicant to make a financial contribution to an established environmental project or program. The project or program must improve environmental quality within the Port Angeles Regional watershed. The amount of the fee must be equal to the cost of mitigating the impact of stream or shoreline alteration and must be approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development. 3. Mitigation plans. All restoration and compensation required for development exceptions shall follow a mitigation plan prepared by qualified professional experts as prescribed in PAMC 15.20.060(b)(4) containing the following components: a. Baseline information. Quantitative data shall be collected and analyzed for both the impacted environmentally sensitive area and the proposed mitigation site,if different from the impacted environmentally sensitive area,following procedures approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development; 10 12/20/2016 F - 63 b. Environmental goals and objectives. Goals and objectives describing the purposes of the mitigation measures shall be provided, including a description of site selection criteria, identification of target evaluation species and resource functions; c. Performance standards. Specific criteria for fulfilling environmental goals and objectives, and for beginning remedial action or contingency measures shall be provided, including water quality standards, species richness and diversity targets, habitat diversity indices, or other ecological, geological or hydrological criteria. d. Detailed construction plan. Written specifications and descriptions of mitigation techniques shall be provided, including the proposed construction sequence, accompanied by detailed site diagrams and blueprints that are an integral requirement of any development proposal. e. Monitoring program. A program outlining the approach for assessing a completed project shall be provided, including descriptions or proposed experimental and control site survey or sampling techniques. A protocol shall be included outlining how the monitoring data will be evaluated by agencies that are tracking the progress of the mitigation project. A report shall be submitted at least twice yearly documenting milestones, successes, problems and contingency actions of the restoration or compensation project. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require that the applicant monitor the compensation or restoration project for a minimum of two years. f. Contingency plan. A plan shall be provided fully identifying potential courses of action and any corrective measures to be taken when monitoring or evaluation indicates project performance standards are not being met. g. Performance and maintenance securities. Securities ensuring fulfillment of the mitigation project,monitoring program and any contingency measures shall be posted pursuant to section 15.20.100. 4. Final Approval. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall grant final approval of a completed restoration or compensation project if the final report of the project mitigation plan satisfactorily documents that the area has achieved all requirements of this section. 15.24.050 - Regulated activities and allowed activities. A. Regulated activities. A permit shall be obtained from local government prior to undertaking the following activities in a regulated wetland or its buffer, unless authorized by subsection B. below: 1. The removal, excavation, grading, or dredging of soil, sand, gravel, minerals, organic matter, or material of any kind; 2. The dumping, discharging, or filling with any material; 3. The draining, flooding, or disturbing of the water level or water table. 4. The driving of pilings; 5. The placing of obstructions; 6. The construction, reconstruction, demolition, or expansion of any structure; 11 12/20/2016 F - 64 7. The destruction or alteration of wetlands vegetation through clearing, harvesting, shading, intentional burning, or planting of vegetation that would alter the character of a regulated wetland,provided that these activities are not part of a forest practice governed under Chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules; or 8. Activities that result in a significant change of water temperature, a significant change of physical or chemical characteristics of wetlands water sources, including quantity, or the introduction of pollutants. Stormwater discharges from stormwater facilities or structures may be allowed when they are in accordance with City of Port Angeles' stormwater plan. In accordance with Appendix I-D of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014), -Tthe discharge shall not significantly increase or decrease the rate of flow and/or hydroperiod, nor decrease the water quality of the wetland. Pre-treatment of surface water discharge through biofiltration or other best management practices (BMPs) shall be required. Bioretention cells and swales, and conversion of existing_ drainage ditches to bioretention cells and swales within the outer 25 percent of a wetland buffer may be allowed if designed in accordance with Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014). 9. Road/street repair and construction. Any private or public road or street repair, maintenance, expansion or construction may be permitted, subject to the following standards: a. No other reasonable or practicable alternative exists and the road or street crossing serves multiple properties whenever possible; b. Publicly owned or maintained road or street crossings should provide for other purposes, such as utility crossings,pedestrian or bicycle easements, viewing points, etc; and c. The road or street repair and construction are the minimum necessary to provide safe roads and streets. d. Mitigation shall be performed in accordance with specific project mitigation plan requirements. 10. Land divisions and land use permits. All proposed divisions of land and land uses (including but not limited to the following: short plats, subdivisions, planned residential developments, binding site plans, conditional use permits, clearing, grading, and filling permits) which include regulated wetlands, shall comply with the following procedures and development standards: a. Regulated wetlands, except the area with permanent open water, and wetland buffers may be included in the calculation of minimum lot area for proposed lots provided that other standards, including subdivision (c)below, are met. b Land division approvals shall be conditioned to require that regulated wetlands and regulated wetland buffers be dedicated as open space tracts, or as an easement or covenant encumbering the wetland and wetland buffer. Such dedication, easement or covenant shall be recorded together with the land division and represented on the final plat, short plat or binding site plan, and title. c. In order to implement the goals and policies of this title, to accommodate innovation, creativity,and design flexibility,and to achieve a level of environmental protection that would not be possible by typical lot-by-lot development, the use of the clustered development or 12 12/20/2016 F - 65 similar innovative site planning is strongly encouraged for projects with regulated wetlands on the site. d. After preliminary approval and prior to final land division approval or other land use permit approval,the department may require that the common boundary between a regulated wetland or associated buffer and the adjacent land be identified using permanent signs and/or fencing. In lieu of signs and/or fencing, alternative methods of wetland and buffer identification may be approved when such methods are determined by the department to provide adequate protection to the wetland and buffer. 11. Trails and trail-related facilities. Construction of public and private trails and trail-related facilities, such as benches and viewing platforms may be allowed in wetlands or wetland buffers pursuant to the following guidelines: a. Trails and related facilities shall, to the extent feasible, be placed on existing road grades, utility corridors, or any other previously disturbed areas. b. Trails and related facilities shall be planned to minimize removal of trees, soil disturbance and existing hyrdological characteristics, shrubs, snags and important wildlife habitat. c. Viewing platforms and benches,and access to them,shall be designed and located to minimize disturbance of wildlife habitat and/or critical characteristics of the affected wetland. d. Trails and related facilities shall generally be located outside required buffers. Where trails are permitted within buffers they shall be located in the outer portion of the buffer and a minimum of 30 feet from the wetland edge, except where wetland crossings or viewing areas have been approved. e. Trails shall generally be limited to pedestrian use unless other more intensive uses, such as dike or horse trails, have been specifically allowed and mitigation has been provided. Trail width shall not exceed five feet unless there is a demonstrated need, subject to review and approval by the department. Trails shall be constructed with pervious materials unless otherwise approved by the department. 12. Parks. Development of public park and recreation facilities may be permitted provided that the following standards are followed: No alteration of wetlands or wetland buffers is allowed except for such uses which are allowed below. For example enhancement of wetlands and development of trails may be allowed in wetlands and wetland buffers subject to special use requirements and approval of a wetland mitigation plan. B. Allowed activities. The following uses shall be allowed within a wetland or wetland buffer to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other ordinance or law and provided they are conducted using best management practices, except where such activities result in the conversion of a regulated wetland or wetland buffer to a use to which it was not previously subjected, and provided further that forest practices and conversions shall be governed by Chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules: 1. Conservation or preservation of soil, water vegetation, fish, shellfish, and other wildlife that does not include changing the structure or functions of the existing wetland; 13 12/20/2016 F - 66 2. Outdoor recreational activities, including but not limited to fishing, birdwatching, hiking, boating, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, and bicycling; 3. The harvesting of wild crops in a manner that is not injurious to natural reproduction of such crops and provided the harvesting does not require tilling of soil, planting of crops, or alteration of the wetland by changing existing topography,water conditions, or water sources; 4. Existing and ongoing agricultural activities, including farming, horticulture, aquaculture, irrigation, ranching or grazing of animals. Activities on areas lying fallow as part of a conventional rotational cycle are part of an ongoing operation. Activities which bring an area into agricultural use are not part of an ongoing operation. An operation ceases to be ongoing when the area on which it was conducted has been converted to another use or has laid idle so long that modifications to the hydrological regime are necessary to resume operations; 5. The maintenance (but not construction) of drainage ditches; 6. Education, scientific research, and use of nature trails; 7. Navigation aids and boundary markers; 8. Boat mooring buoys; 9. Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals, such as surveys, soil logs, percolation tests, and other related activities. In every case, wetland impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be immediately restored; and 10. The following uses are allowed within wetlands and/or wetland buffers provided that written notice at least ten days prior to the commencement of such work has been given to the Director of Community and Economic Development,and provided that wetland impacts are minimized and that disturbed areas are immediately restored: a. Normal maintenance, repair, or operation of existing serviceable structures, facilities, or improved areas. Maintenance and repair does not include any modification that changes the character, scope, or size of the original structure, facility, or improved area and does not include the construction of a maintenance road; and b. Minor modification of existing serviceable structures within a buffer zone where modification does not adversely impact wetland functions. C. Special permit uses. Any activity other than those specified in subsection B. may not be conducted in wetlands or wetland buffers except upon issuance of a wetland permit by the Director of Community and Economic Development. 15.24.070 - Standards for permit decisions. A. A permit shall only be granted if the permit, as conditioned, is consistent with the provisions of this chapter. Additionally,permits shall only be granted i£ 1. A proposed action avoids adverse impacts to regulated wetlands, its functions, or their buffers or takes affirmative and appropriate measures to minimize and compensate for unavoidable impacts; 2. The proposed activity results in no net loss of wetland area and function; or 3. Denial of a permit would cause an extraordinary hardship on the applicant. 14 12/20/2016 F - 67 B. Wetlands permits shall not be effective and no activity thereunder shall be allowed during the time provided to file a permit appeal. C. Wetland buffers: 1. Standard buffer zone widths:Wetland buffer zones shall be required for all regulated activities adjacent to regulated wetlands. Any wetland created, restored, or enhanced as compensation for approved wetland alterations shall also include the standard buffer required for the category of the created,restored, or enhanced wetland. All buffers shall be measured from the wetland boundary as surveyed in the field,pursuant to the applicable definitions in 15.24.020. The width of the wetland buffer zone shall be determined according to wetland category and the intensity of the proposed land use, as follows: a. Category 1: High intensity 300 feet Low intensity 200 feet b. Category II: High intensity 200 feet Low intensity 100 feet c. Category III: High intensity 100 feet Low intensity 50 feet d. Category IV: High intensity 50 feet Low intensity 25 feet 2. Increased wetland buffers zone width: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require increased standard buffer zone widths on a case-by-case basis when a larger buffer is necessary to protect wetlands functions and values, based on local conditions. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation showing that it is reasonably related to protection of the functions and values of the regulated wetland. Such determination shall be attached as a permit condition and shall demonstrate that: a. A larger buffer is necessary to maintain viable populations of existing species; or b. The wetland is used by species proposed or listed by the Federal Government or the State as endangered, threatened,rare,monitor, or sensitive, critical or outstanding potential habitat for those species, or has unusual nesting or resting sites, such as heron rookeries or raptor nesting trees; or c. The adjacent land is susceptible to severe erosion, and erosion control measures will not effectively prevent adverse wetland impacts; or d. The adjacent land has minimal vegetative cover or slopes greater than 15 percent. 15 12/20/2016 F - 68 3. Reduction of standard wetland buffer zone width: The Director of Community and Economic Development may reduce the standard wetland buffer zone widths on a case-by-case basis where it can be demonstrated that: a. The adjacent land is extensively vegetated and has less than 15 percent slopes and that no direct or indirect, short-term or long-term, adverse impacts to regulated wetlands, as determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development, will result from a regulated activity. The Director of Community and Economic Development may require long- term monitoring of the project and subsequent corrective actions if adverse impacts to regulated wetlands are discovered; or b. The project includes a buffer enhancement plan using native vegetation which substantiates that an enhanced buffer will improve the functional attributes of the buffer to provide additional protection for wetlands functions and values. An enhanced buffer shall not result in greater than a 25 percent reduction in the buffer width, and the reduced buffer shall not be less than 25 feet. 4. Standard wetland buffer width averaging: Standard wetland buffer zones may be modified by averaging buffer widths. Wetland buffer width averaging shall be allowed only where the applicant demonstrates all of the following: a. That averaging is necessary to avoid an extraordinary hardship to the applicant caused by circumstances peculiar to the property; b. That the wetland contains variations in sensitivity due to existing physical characteristics; c. That low intensity land uses would be located adjacent to areas where buffer width is reduced, and that such low intensity land uses are guaranteed in perpetuity by covenant, deed restriction, easement, or other legally binding mechanism; d. That width averaging will not adversely impact the wetland functional values; and e. That the total area contained within the wetland buffer after averaging is no less than that contained within the standard buffer prior to averaging. In no instance shall the buffer width be reduced by more than 50 percent of the standard buffer or be less than 25 feet. 5. When applicable the order of sequence for buffer reductions shall be as follows: a. Use of buffer averaging maintaining 100 percent of the buffer area under the standard buffer requirement: b. Reduction of the overall buffer area by no more than 25 percent of the area required under the standard buffer requirement; c. Enhancement of existing degraded buffer area and replanting of the disturbed buffer area; d. Use of LID BMPs and/or linfiltration of stormwater where soils permit where feasible; e. Retention of existing native vegetation on other portions of the site in order to offset habitat loss from buffer reduction. 6. Except as otherwise specified, wetland buffer zones shall be retained in their undisturbed natural condition except where the buffer can be enhanced to improve its functional attributes. Buffers that are in their natural condition should not be altered and should remain in their natural condition and be enhanced whenever possible. Any buffer enhancement and/or limited 16 12/20/2016 F - 69 view clearing activity must be reviewed and approved by the department. No refuse shall be placed in the buffer. Where buffers have been altered or disturbance has occurred during construction and ecological functions and values have been lost, restoration is required to replace lost functions and values. 7. Permitted uses in a wetland buffer zone: In addition to those activities allowed in regulated wetlands in this section,the following activities are allowed in wetland buffers without having to meet the protection standards, or requirements for wetland studies or mitigation set forth in this section, provided that impacts to buffers are minimized and that disturbed areas are immediately restored. a. In association with a single family residence only, the establishment and expansion of lawns, landscaping, orchards, gardens, and fences,provided that: i. Lawns, landscaping, orchards, and gardens shall be are only allowed within the outer 25 percent of the buffer width where no reasonable altem tive i .,vail-Ablee other area within a property is available to accommodate these land uses. Native vegetation shall be protected within wetland buffers to the maximum extent practicable.No structure other than fences nor any impervious surface shall be included in the above. No pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers may be used in wetland buffers; and ii. Fences shall be designed to allow the unimpeded passage of surface water beneath them. b. Activities having minimal adverse impacts on buffers and no adverse impacts on regulated wetlands may be allowed. These include low intensity,passive recreational activities such as aetivities. Tr-ails within buffer-s shall be designed to mini s to the wedand, and- wildlife viewing and hiking. c. Within the buffers of Category III and IV wetlands only, vegetation-lined swales and LID BMPs designed for stormwater management or conveyance when topographic restraints determine there are no other upland alternative location. Swales, LID BMPs, and any stormwater discharges from the swales/BMPs ire must also protect wetland functions in accordance with Appendix I-D of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014). 8. Building and impervious surface setback lines: A building or impervious surface setback line of 15 feet is required from the edge of any wetland buffer. Minor structural intrusions into the area of the building setback may be allowed if the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that such intrusions will not negatively impact the wetland. The setback shall be identified on a site plan which is filed as an attachment to the notice on title required by subsection 15.24.060.C.6. D. Avoiding wetland impacts: 1. Regulated activities shall not be authorized in a regulated wetland except where it can be demonstrated that the impact is both unavoidable and necessary or that all reasonable economic uses are denied. 17 12/20/2016 F - 70 2. With respect to Category I wetlands, an applicant must demonstrate that denial of the permit would impose an extraordinary hardship on the part of the applicant brought about by circumstances peculiar to the subject property. 3. With respect to Category II and III wetlands, the following provisions shall apply: a. For water-dependent activities, unavoidable and necessary impacts can be demonstrated where there are no practicable alternatives which would not involve a wetland or which would not have less adverse impact on a wetland, and would not have other significant adverse environmental consequences. b. Where nonwater-dependent activities are proposed, it shall be presumed that adverse impacts are avoidable. This presumption may be rebutted upon a demonstration that: i. The basic project purpose cannot reasonably be accomplished utilizing one or more other sites in the general region that would avoid, or result in less, adverse impact on a regulated wetland; and ii. A reduction in the size, scope, configuration, or density of the project as proposed and all alternative designs of the project as proposed that would avoid, or result in less, adverse impact on a regulated wetland or its buffer will not accomplish the basic purpose of the project; and iii. In cases where the applicant has rejected alternatives to the project as proposed due to constraints such as zoning,deficiencies of infrastructure,or parcel size,the applicant has made reasonable attempts to remove or accommodate such constraints. 4. With respect to Category IV wetlands, unavoidable and necessary impacts can be demonstrated where the proposed activity is the only reasonable alternative which will accomplish the applicant's objectives. E. Reasonable use exception: 1. If an applicant for a development proposal demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and Economic Development that application of these standards would deny all reasonable economic use of the property, development as conditioned may be allowed if the applicant also demonstrates all of the following to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and Economic Development: a. That the proposed project is water-dependent or requires access to the wetland as a central element of its basic function, or is not water-dependent but has no practicable alternative, pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.D.; b. That no reasonable use with less impact on the wetland and its buffer is possible (e.g., agriculture, aquaculture, transfer or sale of development rights or credits, sale of open space easements, etc.); c. That there is no feasible on-site alternative to the proposed activities, including reduction in density, phasing of project implementation, change in timing of activities, revision of road and lot layout, and/or related site planning considerations, that would allow a reasonable economic use with less adverse impacts to wetlands and wetland buffers; 18 12/20/2016 F - 71 d. That the proposed activities will result in minimum feasible alteration or impairment to the wetland's functional characteristics and its existing contours, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrological conditions; e. That disturbance of wetlands has been minimized by locating any necessary alteration in wetland buffers to the extent possible; f. That the proposed activities will not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered, threatened, rare, sensitive, or monitor species as listed by the Federal government or the State of Washington; g. That the proposed activities will not cause significant degradation of groundwater or surface water quality; h. That the proposed activities comply with all State, local, and Federal laws, including those related to sediment control, pollution control, floodplain restrictions, and on-site wastewater disposal; i. That any and all alterations to wetlands and wetland buffers will be mitigated as provided in subsection 15.24.070.H.7.; j. That there will be no damage to nearby public or private property and no threat to the health or safety of people on or off the property; and k. That the inability to derive reasonable economic use of the property is not the result of actions by the applicant in segregating or dividing the property and creating the undevelopable condition after the original effective date of this chapter. 2. If the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that alteration of a wetland and/or wetland buffer is necessary and unavoidable, the Director of Community and Economic Development shall set forth in writing in the file he maintains regarding a permit application his findings with respect to each of the items listed in this subsection. 3. Alternatively, if the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that application of these standards would deny all reasonable economic use of the property, the City may take the property for public use with just compensation being made. F. Minimizing wetlands impacts: 1. After it has been determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.D. that losses of wetland are necessary and unavoidable or that all reasonable economic use has been denied, the applicant shall take deliberate measures to minimize wetland impacts. 2. Minimizing impacts to wetlands shall include but is not limited to: a. Limiting the degree or magnitude of the regulated activity; b. Limiting the implementation of the regulated activity; c. Using appropriate and best available technology; d. Taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; e. Sensitive site design and siting of facilities and construction staging areas away from regulated wetlands and their buffers; 19 12/20/2016 F - 72 f. Involving resource agencies early in site planning; and g. Providing protective measures and best management practices, such as siltation curtains, hay bales, and other siltation prevention measures; scheduling the regulated activity to avoid interference with wildlife and fisheries rearing, resting, nesting, or spawning activities. G. Limited density transfer: For development proposals on lands containing wetland buffers, the Director of Community and Economic Development shall determine allowable dwelling units for residential development proposals based on the formulas below. The following formula for density calculations is designed to provide incentives for the preservation of wetlands and wetland buffers, flexibility in design, and consistent treatment of different types of development proposals. The formula shall apply to all properties within existing residential zones on which wetlands and wetland buffers are located. The maximum number of dwelling units (DU)for a lot or parcel which contains wetlands and wetland buffers shall be equal to: (Acres in Wetland Buffer)(DU/Acre)(Density Credit). The density credit figure is derived from the following table: Percentage of site in buffers Density Credit 110% 100% 11 w 20% 90% 2130% 80% 3140% 70% 4150% 60% 5160% 50% 70% 40% 7180% 30% 8190% 20% 9199% 10% 20 12/20/2016 F - 73 The density credit can only be transferred within the development proposal site. To the extent that application of the formula may result in lot sizes less than the minimum allowed by the underlying district, they are hereby authorized, provided that the resultant lot is of sufficient size for an on-site waste disposal system if no sanitary sewer system exists. Should the density credit allow average lot size to fall below the minimum standard allowed by underlying zoning,the applicant shall use planned residential development procedures for project review. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall not allow credit for density for the portions of the site occupied by wetlands. H. Acting on the application: 1. Special use permit conditions: a. Sensitive area tracts: As a condition of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, the permit holder may be required to create a separate sensitive area tract or tracts containing the areas determined to be wetland and/or wetland buffer in field investigations performed pursuant to subsection 15.24.040.C. Sensitive area tracts are legally created tracts containing wetlands and their buffers that shall remain undeveloped in perpetuity. Sensitive area tracts are an integral part of the lot in which they are created; are not intended for sale, lease or transfer; and shall be included in the area of the parent lot for purposes of subdivision method and minimum lot size. b. Protection of sensitive area tracts: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require, as a condition of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, that the sensitive area tract or tracts created pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.1. be protected by one of the following methods: i. The permit holder shall convey an irrevocable offer to dedicate to the City of Port Angeles or other public or non-profit entity specified by the Director of Community and Economic Development, an easement for the protection of native vegetation within a wetland and/or its buffer; or ii. The permit holder shall establish and record a permanent and irrevocable deed restriction on the property title of all lots containing a sensitive area tract or tracts created as a condition of this permit. Such deed restriction(s) shall prohibit in perpetuity the development, alteration, or disturbance of vegetation within the sensitive area tract except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City of Port Angeles, and any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity. c. The deed restriction shall also contain the following language: "Before beginning and during the course of any grading, building construction, or other development activity on a lot or development site subject to this deed restriction, the common boundary between the area subject to the deed restriction and the area of development activity must be fenced or otherwise marked to the satisfaction of the City of Port Angeles." d. Regardless of the legal method of protection chosen by the Director of Community and Economic Development, responsibility for maintaining sensitive area tracts shall be held by a homeowners association, adjacent lot owners, the permit applicant or designee, or other appropriate entity as approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development. 21 12/20/2016 F - 74 e. The following note shall appear on the face of all plats, short plats, PRDs, or other approved site plans containing separate sensitive area tracts, and shall be recorded on the title of record for all affected lots: "NOTE: All lots adjoining separate sensitive area tracts identified as Native Vegetation Protection Easements or protected by deed restriction, are responsible for maintenance and protection of the tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the separate tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed for other than natural reasons,unless the express written authorization of the City of Port Angeles has been received." f. The common boundary between a separate sensitive area tract and the adjacent land must be permanently identified. This identification shall include permanent wooden fence and/or metal signs on treated wood or metal posts. Signs shall be worded as follows: "Protection of this natural area is in your care. Alteration or disturbance is prohibited by law. Please call the Port Angeles Planning Department for more information." g. Sign locations and size specifications shall be approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require permanent fencing of the sensitive area tract or tracts. In lieu of fencing, alternative methods of wetland and buffer identification may be approved when such methods are determined by the department to provide adequate protection to the wetland buffer. h. Additional conditions: i. The location of the outer extent of the wetland buffer and the areas to be disturbed pursuant to an approved permit shall be marked in the field, and such field marking shall be approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to the commencement of permitted activities. Such field markings shall be maintained throughout the duration of the permit. ii. The Director of Community and Economic Development may attach such additional conditions to the granting of a special use permit as deemed necessary to assure the preservation and protection of affected wetlands and to assure compliance with the purposes and requirements of this chapter. 2. Bonding: a. Performance bonds: The Director of Community and Economic Development may require the applicant of a development proposal to post a cash performance bond or other security acceptable to the Director of Community and Economic Development in an amount and with surety and conditions sufficient to fulfill the requirements of subsection 15.24.070.H.6. and, in addition, to secure compliance with other conditions and limitations set forth in the permit. The amount and the conditions of the bond shall be consistent with the purposes of this chapter. In the event of a breach of any condition of any such bond, the City of Port Angeles may institute an action in a court of competent jurisdiction upon such bond and prosecute the same to judgment and execution. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall release the bond upon determining the following, provided that prior to such written release of the bond, the principal or surety cannot be terminated or canceled; 22 12/20/2016 F - 75 i. All activities, including any required compensatory mitigation, have been completed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit and the requirements of this chapter; ii. The posting by the applicant of a maintenance bond has occurred. b. Maintenance bonds: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require the holder of a development permit issued pursuant to this chapter to post a cash performance bond or other security acceptable to the Director of Community and Economic Development in an amount and with surety and conditions sufficient to guarantee that structures, improvements, and mitigation required by the permit or by this chapter perform satisfactorily for a minimum of two years after they have been completed. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall release the maintenance bond upon determining that performance standards established for evaluating the effectiveness and success of the structures, improvements, and/or compensatory mitigation have been satisfactorily met for the required period. For compensation projects, the performance standards shall be those contained in the mitigation plan developed and approved during the permit review process, pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.7. The maintenance bond applicable to a compensation project shall not be released until the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that performance standards established for evaluating the effect and success of the project have been met. 3. Other laws and regulations: No permit granted pursuant to this chapter shall remove an applicant's obligation to comply in all respects with the applicable provisions of any other federal, state, or local law or regulation, including but not limited to the acquisition of any other required permit or approval. 4. Suspension or revocation: In addition to other penalties provided for elsewhere, the Director of Community and Economic Development may suspend or revoke a permit if he/she finds that the applicant or permittee has not complied with any or all of the conditions or limitations set forth in the permit; has exceeded the scope of work set forth in the permit; or has failed to undertake the project in the manner set forth in the approved application. 5. Publication of notice: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall cause notice of his/her denial, issuance, conditional issuance, revocation, or suspension of a permit to be published in a daily newspaper having a broad circulation in the area wherein the wetland lies. Such notice shall be published within five working days of the decision or order and shall include at least the following: a. A brief description of the project, including location; b. The decision or order of the City with respect to the project; c. Notification that the permit file is open for public inspection during regular business hours, and the address where such file may be inspected; and d. A statement of the procedures regarding appeal or judicial review of the decision, if applicable. 6. Compensating for wetlands impacts: As a condition of any permit allowing alteration of wetlands and/or wetland buffers, or as an enforcement action pursuant to subsection 15.24.080.C., the Director of Community and Economic Development shall require that the applicant engage in the restoration, creation, or enhancement of wetlands and their buffers in 23 12/20/2016 F - 76 order to offset the impacts resulting from the applicant's or violator's actions. The applicant shall develop a plan which provides for land acquisition, construction, maintenance, and monitoring of replacement wetlands that recreate as nearly as possible the original wetlands in terms of acreage, function, geographic location and setting, and that are larger than the original wetlands. The overall goal of any compensatory project shall be no net loss of wetlands function and acreage and to strive for a new resource gain in wetlands over present conditions. Compensation shall be completed prior to wetland destruction, where possible. Compensatory mitigation shall follow an approved mitigation plan pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.7. and shall meet the following minimum performance standards: a. Given the uncertainties in scientific knowledge and the need for expertise and monitoring, wetland compensatory projects may be permitted only when the Director of Community and Economic Development finds that the compensation project is associated with an activity or development otherwise permitted and that the restored, created, or enhanced wetland will be as persistent as the wetland it replaces. Additionally, applicants shall: i. Demonstrate sufficient scientific expertise, supervisory capability, and financial resources to carry out the project; ii. Demonstrate the capability for monitoring the site and to make corrections during this period if the project fails to meet projected goals; and iii. Protect and manage or provide for the protection and management of the compensation area to avoid further development or degradation and to provide for long-term persistence of the compensation area. b. Wetlands restoration and creation: i. Any person who alters regulated wetlands shall restore or create equivalent areas or greater areas of wetlands than those altered in order to compensate for wetland losses. ii. Where feasible, restored or created wetlands shall be a higher category than the altered wetland. iii. Compensation areas shall be determined according to function, acreage, type, location, time factors, ability to be self-sustaining,and projected success. Wetland functions and values shall be calculated using the best professional judgment of a qualified wetland ecologist using the best available techniques. Multiple compensation projects may be proposed for one project in order to best achieve the goal of no net loss. iv. Acreage replacement ratio. The following ratios apply to creation or restoration which is in- kind, on-site, timed prior to or concurrent with alteration, and has a high probability of success. These ratios do not apply to remedial actions resulting from illegal alterations. The first number specifies the acreage of wetlands requiring replacement and the second specifies the acreage of wetlands altered. Category I 6:1 Category II or III 24 12/20/2016 F - 77 Forested 3:1 Scrub-shrub 2:1 ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... Emergent 1.5:1 Category IV 1.25:1 (A) Increased replacement ratio: The Director of Community and Economic Development may increase the ratios under the following circumstances: (1) Uncertainty as to the probable success of the proposed restoration or creation; (2) Significant period of time between destruction and replication of wetland functions; (3) Projected losses in functional value; or (4) Off-site compensation. (B) Decreased replacement ratio: The Director of Community and Economic Development may decrease these ratios based on findings of special studies coordinated with agencies with expertise which demonstrate that no net loss of wetland function or value is attained under the decreased ratio. (C) In all cases, a minimum acreage replacement ratio of 1:1 shall be required. c. Wetlands enhancement: i. Any applicant proposing to alter wetlands may propose to enhance existing significantly degraded wetlands in order to compensate for wetland losses. Applicants proposing to enhance wetlands shall identify how enhancement conforms to the overall goals and requirements of the local wetlands protection program and established regional goals. ii. A wetlands enhancement compensation project shall be determined pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.6., provided that enhancement for one function and value will not degrade another function or value and that acreage replacement ratios shall be doubled to recognize existing functional values and, provided further, that Category I wetlands shall not be enhanced. d. Wetland type: i. In-kind compensation shall be provided except where the applicant can demonstrate that: (A) The wetland system is already significantly degraded and out-of-kind replacement will result in a wetland with greater functional value; (B) Scientific problems, such as exotic vegetation and changes in watershed hydrology make implementation of in-kind compensation impossible; or 25 12/20/2016 F - 78 (C) Out-of-kind replacement will best meet identified regional goals (e.g., replacement of historically diminished wetland types). (D) Where out-of-kind replacement is accepted, greater acreage replacement ratios may be required to compensate for lost functional values. e. Location: i. On-site compensation shall be provided except where the applicant can demonstrate that: (A) The hydrology and ecosystem of the original wetland and those who benefit from the hydrology and ecosystem will not be substantially damaged by the on-site loss; and (B) On-site compensation is not scientifically feasible due to problems with hydrology, soils, waves, or other factors; or (C) Compensation is not practical due to potentially adverse impact from surrounding land uses; or (D) Existing functional values at the site of the proposed restoration are significantly greater than lost wetland functional values; or (E) That established regional goals for flood storage, flood conveyance, habitat or other wetland functions have been established and strongly justify location of compensatory measures at another site. ii. Off-site compensation shall occur within the same watershed as the wetland loss occurred; provided that Category IV wetlands may be replaced outside of the watershed when there is no reasonable alternative. iii. In selecting compensation sites, applicants shall pursue siting in the following order of preference: (A) Upland sites which were formerly wetlands; (B) Idled upland sites generally having bare ground or vegetative cover consisting primarily of exotic introduced species, weeds, or emergent vegetation; (C) Other disturbed upland. f. Timing: i. Where feasible, compensation projects shall be completed prior to activities that will disturb wetlands, and immediately after activities that will temporarily disturb wetlands. In all other cases, except for Category I wetlands, compensatory projects should be completed prior to use or occupancy of the activity or development which was conditioned upon such compensation. Construction of compensation projects shall be timed to reduce impacts to existing wildlife and flora. g. Cooperative restoration, creation, or enhancement projects: i. The Director of Community and Economic Development may encourage, facilitate, and approve cooperative projects wherein a single applicant or other organization with demonstrated capability may undertake a compensation project with funding from other applicants under the following circumstances: 26 12/20/2016 F - 79 (A) Restoration, creation, or enhancement at a particular site may be scientifically difficult or impossible; or (B) Creation of one or several larger wetlands may be preferable to many small wetlands. ii. Persons proposing cooperative compensation projects shall: (A) Submit a joint permit application; (B) Demonstrate compliance with all standards; (C) Demonstrate the organizational and fiscal capability to act cooperatively; and (D) Demonstrate that long-term management can and will be provided. 7. Non-compensatory enhancement: Non-compensatory enhancements are those wetland enhancement projects which are conducted solely to increase the functions and values of an existing wetland and which are not required to be conducted pursuant to the requirements of section 15.24.070(H)(6). There are two types of non-compensatory enhancement: a. Type 1 non-compensatory enhancement. Type 1 non-compensatory enhancement projects involve the filling, draining, or excavating of a regulated wetland. All applications for Type 1 non-compensatory enhancement projects shall be accompanied by an enhancement plan prepared in accordance with subsections (i)a) - b), below, which demonstrates that the proposed activities will result in an increase in wetland functions and values. i. The enhancement plan must be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development: ii. The enhancement plan must either be prepared by a qualified wetlands consultant or accepted in writing by the U.S. Fish and wildlife Service, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, or the Washington Department of Ecology. b. Type 2 non-compensatory enhancement. Type 2 non-compensatory enhancement projects involve wetland alterations that do not include the filling, draining, or excavation of a regulated wetland. Such projects might involve the removal of non-native plant species. All application for Type 2 non-compensatory enhancement projects shall be accompanied by an enhancement plan prepared in accordance with subsections (ii)a) - b), below, which demonstrates that the proposed activities will result in an increase in wetland functions and values. i. The enhancement plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development; ii. The enhancement plan must include a detailed description of the activity including the following information: (A) The goal of the enhancement project; (B) What plants, if any, will be removed or planted; (C) How the activity will be conducted, including the type(s) of tools or machinery to be used; and (D) The qualifications of the individual who will be conducting the enhancement activity. 27 12/20/2016 F - 80 iii. The enhancement plan must either be prepared by a qualified wetlands consultant or accepted in writing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, or the Washington department of Ecology. 8. Mitigation plans: All wetland restoration, creation, and/or enhancement projects required pursuant to this chapter, either as a permit condition or as the result of an enforcement action, shall follow a mitigation plan prepared by qualified wetland professionals approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development. The applicant or violator shall receive written approval of the mitigation plan by the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to commencement of any wetland restoration, creation, or enhancement activity. Unless the Director of Community and Economic Development, in consultation with qualified wetland professionals, determines, based on the size and nature of the development proposal, the nature of the impacted wetland, and the degree of cumulative impacts on the wetland from other development proposals, that the scope and specific requirements of the mitigation plan may be reduced from what is listed below, the mitigation plan shall contain at least the following components: a. Baseline information: A written assessment and accompanying maps of the: i. Impacted wetland including, at a minimum, wetland delineation; existing wetland acreage; vegetative, faunal, and hydrologic characteristics; soil and substrate conditions; topographic elevations; and ii. Compensation site, if different from the impacted wetland site, including, at a minimum, existing acreage;vegetative, faunal, and hydrologic conditions;relationship within watershed and to existing waterbodies; soil and substrate conditions; topographic elevations; existing and proposed adjacent site conditions; buffers; and ownership. b. Environmental goals and objectives: A written report shall be provided identifying goals and objectives and describing: i. The purposes of the compensation measures, including a description of site selection criteria; identification of compensation goals; identification of target evaluation species and resource functions; dates for beginning and completion; and a complete description of the structure and functional relationships sought in the new wetland. The goals and objectives shall be related to the functions and values of the original wetland, or if out-of-kind, the type of wetland to be emulated. ii. A review of the available literature and/or experience to date in restoring or creating the type of wetland proposed shall be provided. An analysis of the likelihood of success of the compensation project at duplicating the original wetland shall be provided based on the experiences of comparable projects, if any. An analysis of the likelihood of persistence of the created or restored wetland shall be provided based on such factors as surface and ground water supply and flow patterns; dynamics of the wetland ecosystem; sediment or pollutant influx and/or erosion,periodic flooding and drought, etc.;presence of invasive flora or fauna; potential human or animal disturbance; and previous comparable projects, if any. c. Performance standards: Specific criteria shall be provided for evaluating whether or not the goals and objectives of the project and for beginning remedial action or contingency measures. Such criteria may include water quality standards, survival rates of planted vegetation,species 28 12/20/2016 F - 81 abundance and diversity targets, habitat diversity indices, or other ecological, geological, or hydrological criteria. d. Detailed construction plans: Written specifications and descriptions of compensation techniques shall be provided, including the proposed construction sequence; grading and excavation details; erosion and sediment control features needed for wetland construction and long-term survival; a planting plan specifying plant species, quantities, locations, size, spacing, and density; source of plant materials, propagules, or seeds; water and nutrient requirements for planting; where appropriate, measures to protect plants from predation; specification of substrate stockpiling techniques and planting instructions; descriptions of water control structures and water-level maintenance practices needed to achieve the necessary hydrocycle/hydroperiod characteristics; etc. These written specifications shall be accompanied by detailed site diagrams, scaled cross-sectional drawings, topographic maps showing slope percentage and final grade elevations, and any other drawings appropriate to show construction techniques or anticipated final outcome. The plan shall provide for elevations which are appropriate for the desired habitat type(s) and which provide sufficient tidal prism and circulation data. e. Monitoring program: A program outlining the approach for monitoring construction of the compensation project and for assessing a completed project shall be provided. Monitoring may include, but is not limited to: i. Establishing vegetation plots to track changes in plant species composition and density over time; ii. Using photo stations to evaluate vegetation community response; iii. Sampling surface and subsurface waters to determine pollutant loading, and changes from the natural variability of background conditions (pH, nutrients, heavy metals); iv. Measuring base flow rates and storm water runoff to model and evaluate water quality predictions, if appropriate; v. Measuring sedimentation rates, if applicable; and vi. Sampling fish and wildlife populations to determine habitat utilization, species abundance, and diversity. A protocol shall be included outlining how the monitoring data will be evaluated by agencies that are tracking the progress of the compensation project. A monitoring report shall be submitted annually, at a minimum, documenting milestones, successes, problems, and contingency actions of the compensation project. The compensation project shall be monitored for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met, but not for a period less than five years. f. Contingency plan: Identification of potential courses of action, and any corrective measures to be taken when monitoring or evaluation indicates project performance standards are not being met. g. Permit conditions: Any compensation project prepared pursuant to this section and approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development shall become part of the application for the permit. 29 12/20/2016 F - 82 h. Performance bonds and demonstration of competence: A demonstration of financial resources, administrative, supervisory, and technical competence and scientific expertise of sufficient standard to successfully execute the compensation project shall be provided. A compensation project manager shall be named and the qualifications of each team member involved in preparing the mitigation plan and implementing and supervising the project shall be provided,including educational background and areas of expertise,training and experience with comparable projects. In addition,bonds ensuring fulfillment of the compensation project, monitoring program, and any contingency measure shall be posted pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H. in the amount of 120 percent of the expected cost of compensation. i. Regulatory authorities are encouraged to consult with and solicit comments of any Federal, State, regional, or local agency, including tribes, having any special expertise with respect to any environmental impact prior to approving a mitigation proposal which includes wetlands compensation. The compensation project proponents should provide sufficient information on plan design and implementation in order for such agencies to comment on the overall adequacy of the mitigation proposal. j. Compensatory mitigation is not required for regulated activities: i. For which a permit has been obtained that occur only in the buffer or expanded buffer and which have no adverse impacts to regulated wetlands; or ii. Which are allowed pursuant to subsection 15.24.050.B., provided such activities utilize best management practices to protect the functions and values of regulated wetlands. L Appeals: Any decision of the Director of Community and Economic Development in the administration of this chapter may be appealed in writing to the City Council within 14 days of the issuance of notice of the decision. The time period for considering the appeal shall not exceed 90 days. J. Modification of wetland permits: A wetland permit holder may request and the Director of Community and Economic Development may approve modification of a previously issued wetland permit. K. Resubmittal of denied permit applications: A wetland permit application which has been denied may be modified and resubmitted no earlier than 180 days following action on the original application.A permit application shall be considered a resubmittal if the site proposed for development was the subject of a wetland permit application within the previous 180 days. A new fee will be required for such resubmittal. 15.28.030 - Clearing and grading permit required. A. No person, corporation, or other legal entity shall make changes or cause changes to be made in the surface of any land by clearing, grading, filling, or drainage alteration in the City without having first obtained a valid clearing and grading permit from the City Engineer; except for those activities that are exempt as described in section 15.28.040. A clearing and grading permit is required prior to any of the following: 1. Any clearing,filling, excavation, or grading in an environmentally sensitive area,critical area, or critical area buffer. 30 12/20/2016 F - 83 2. Land disturbance of one aer-e 7,000 square feet or more. See the Urban Serviees Standa-r-d3 a-ad Gttideli*esSeetieti 6.02.1 for-sitts=.*d«re-aer-e. 3. Projects that result in 2,000 square feet or more of new plus replaced hard surfaces. 4-3.Fill and/or excavation of 100 cubic yards or more, even if the excavated material is used as fill on the same site. [Quantities of fill and excavation are calculated separately and then added together to determine the total quantity for the site.]* *Correction made to conform with Ordinance 3367. 54. Clearing or grading that will likely penetrate the groundwater table,including the construction of ponds and reservoirs. 6-5. An excavation which is more than five feet in depth or which creates a cut slope greater than five feet in depth or which creates a cut slope greater than five feet in height and steeper than two units horizontal in one unit vertical (2:1). 76. Any re-grading or paving on an area used for stormwater retention or detention or alteration of an existing drainage course. 8-7. Any proposal to remove a tree or reduce the live crown of any tree by more than 25%, in any five-year period, that is required to be preserved by City Code, plat condition, or other requirement. B. Permits are not transferable, unless approved in writing by the City Engineer. The transfer will only be approved when the new applicant has demonstrated that it can and has complied with the conditions of the permit. 15.28.040 -Permit exemptions. Written permit exemptions shall be issued by the City Engineer. The following shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter, provided that the exemptions set forth below may not apply in situations where properties include environmentally sensitive areas. An exemption from a clearing and grading permit does not exempt the person doing the work from meeting all applicable federal, state, and local codes, standards, guidelines, regulations, and permit requirements: A. Land clearing, grading, filling, sandbagging, diking, ditching, or similar work during or after periods of extreme weather or other emergency conditions which have created situations such as flooding or high fire danger that present an immediate danger to life or property; B. Land clearing necessitated by order of the City Council related to the abatement of a public nuisance, where the work is administered by the City; C. Work performed under the direction of the City Engineer within a public right-of-way or upon an easement, for the purpose of installing and maintaining water, stormwater, sanitary sewer, power, cable, or communication lines; D. Cemetery graves; E. Land disturbance that is less than etie-aaf-e-7,000 square feet except those sites meeting any of the conditions listed in 15.28.030 or where an adjacent area containing disturbed areas 31 12/20/2016 F - 84 under the same ownership or chain of ownership has been similarly exempted so that the combined area is etre-aefe-7000 square feet or more and final site stabilization is not complete; F. If a building permit is issued, no additional clearing, grading, or filling permit or associated fee will be required. However, the standards established in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual and by City ordinance shall be applied as a condition of said building permit; G. Forest practices regulated under RCW 76.09. (Activities involving conversion of land to uses other than commercial timber production are subject to clearing and grading regulations.) H. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations. L Mining, quarrying, excavation,processing, or stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate, or clay where established and provided by law provided such operations do not affect the lateral support of or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous property. J. Agricultural crop management of existing and ongoing farmed areas as defined per RCW 84.34.020. K. Routine landscape maintenance of existing landscaped areas on developed lots. L. Routine drainage maintenance of existing, constructed stormwater drainage facilities located outside of an environmentally sensitive or other protected area, including, but not limited to, detention/retention ponds, wet ponds, sediment ponds, constructed drainage swales, water quality treatment facilities, such as filtration systems and regional storm facilities that are necessary to preserve the water quality treatment and flow control functions of the facility. This exemption does not apply to any expansion or modification to existing excavated and constructed stormwater drainage facilities. M. Roadway repairs and overlays within a public street right-of-way for the purpose of maintaining the pavement, curbing, or sidewalk of existing paved roadways. 15.28.050 -Permit application. An application for a clearing and grading permit shall be submitted on a form provided by the City and identifying the property and owner. Other information may be required by the City Engineer to carry out the provisions of this chapter. 15.28.060 -Plans and specifications. Each application shall be accompanied by three sets of plans and specifications, including calculations. The City Engineer may require that the plans and specifications be prepared by an appropriate qualified professional who shall have his/her signature and stamp affixed to each set. The plans and specifications shall include the appropriate information as follows: A. An accurate plan of the entire site as it exists at the time of the application, which includes: 1. All property lines; 32 12/20/2016 F - 85 2. Contours over the entire site (five-foot contour intervals are standard, but other intervals may be required in specific circumstances); 3. The date, basis, and datum of the contours; 4. A graphic representation of existing vegetation on the site designated by its common names, the amount of bare ground, and the amount and type of impervious material (rock and artificial); 5. The location of all existing drainage facilities, natural and man-made; 6. The location and estimated capacity of any areas which impound surface water; 7. The location and estimated discharge of all visible springs; 8. The location of all structures, utilities, and their appurtenances, including structures and utilities on adjacent properties when such information is reasonably available; 9. Date,north arrow,and adequate scale as approved by the City Engineer on all maps and plans; 10. Identification of and mitigation measures for on-site areas which are subject to severe erosion, and off-site areas which are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion and/or sedimentation. B. The proposed work schedule, which details the following: 1. Sequence for clearing, grading, filling, drainage alteration, and other land-disturbing activities; 2. On-site soil or earth material storage locations and source of import materials, and location of the site where spoils will be disposed; 3. Schedule for installation and removal of all interim erosion and sediment control measures, including vegetative measures; 4. Schedule for construction of final improvements, if any; 5. Schedule for the installation of required permanent erosion and sediment control devices; 6. An outline of the methods to be used in clearing vegetation and in storing and disposing of the cleared vegetative matter. C. An accurate finished grading plan of the entire site as it would appear after the completion of work covered by the permit, showing the following: 1. The finished contours achieved by grading (at the same intervals as the existing contours); 2. The boundaries of all areas to remain undisturbed, and identification and the location of all other vegetation shown on the plan that will remain after the completion of work; 3. Drainage and related facilities to be constructed with and as a part of the proposed work; 4. Boundaries of all areas where surface water runoff will be retained, detained, or infiltrated; 5. The method for discharging surface water off-site, including the provisions required to control the velocity and direction of discharge to protect downstream properties; 6. The location of building setback lines, and approximate limits of cuts and fills, including but not limited to foundations, retaining walls, and driveways; 33 12/20/2016 F - 86 7. Location and dimensions of environmentally sensitive areas and buffer zones and other areas to be maintained or established; 8. The location and description of proposed erosion and sedimentation control devices or structures and schedule of maintenance; 9. Off-site grading shall be noted on the plans, and a dated letter of permission from the property owner of the land affected shall be provided and noted on the plans. D. Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 15.28.070 - Additional application information. The City Engineer may require the applicant to submit additional information when the submitted plans and specifications and associated information are not clear enough to allow for an adequate determination, or when special conditions are found to exist which require specific explanation. This additional information may include, but is not limited to, the following: A. Stormwater site plans, including all technical information and analysis, such as hydrologic and hydraulic computations of e�Teeted stormwater runoff for pre-develop�gdm,K4 and developed conditions; B. Engineering geology and soils reports as needed for hydrology, hydraulics, and erosion control design; C. Erosion and sediment control plan and supporting calculations; D. An engineer's cost estimate of the temporary drainage facilities and final erosion and sediment control when such information is necessary for bonding purposes; E. Inspection and maintenance agreement; F. Letters of permission: Off-site grading shall be supported by a dated letter of permission from the affected property owner(s); G. A copy of the Hydraulic Project Approval(HPA)issued by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, if an HPA is required. 15.28.090 - Standards. No land-disturbing activity subject to the control of this chapter shall be undertaken except in accordance with the following mandatory standards: A. Protection of property: Persons and entities conducting land-disturbing activities shall take all reasonable measures to protect all public and private property from damage caused by such activities. B. Vegetation protection: Vegetation that is to be retained shall be delineated on the site plan. C. Wetland buffers:No land-disturbing activity shall be permitted in an approved wetland buffer, except as otherwise allowed by applicable laws and permits. 34 12/20/2016 F - 87 D. Graded slopes and fills: The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control devices or structures. E. Ground cover: No land-disturbing activity shall be undertaken until installation of sufficient erosion and sediment control devices to retain the sediment generated by the activity within the boundaries of the tract during construction has been completed. Plantings or a permanent ground cover shall be provided immediately after completion of grading to sufficiently restrain erosion. F. Use of vegetative measures: Native plants shall be used for erosion and sediment control wherever feasible, rather than structural measures such as pipes, structures, or other devices. G. Critical areas: Construction within critical areas and critical area buffers shall be in compliance with Chapter 15.20 PAMC Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance and shall be subject to the review of the Director of Community and Economic Development. H. Removal of dead or diseased trees from environmentally sensitive areas or buffers is allowed provided that: 1. The applicant submits a report from a certified arborist, registered landscape architect, or professional forester or arborist that documents the hazard and provides a replanting schedule for the replacement of trees; 2. Tree cutting shall be limited to limbing and crown thinning, unless otherwise justified by a qualified professional. Where limbing or crown thinning is not sufficient to address the hazard, trees should be reduced in height to remove the hazard rather than cut at or near the base of the tree; 3. All cut vegetation (tree stems, branches, tops, etc.) shall be left within the environmentally sensitive area or buffer unless removal is warranted due to the potential for disease transmittal to other vegetation, or if the environmentally sensitive area is a steep slope or marine bluff. 4. The landowner shall replace any trees that are felled or topped with new trees at a ratio of two replacement trees for each tree felled or topped. (2:1)within one (1)year in accordance with an approved restoration plan. Tree species that are native and indigenous to the site with a minimum caliper of two inches shall be used for replacement., When street tree(s) are removed, replacement trees or a fee-in-lieu shall be required in accordance with PAMC 11.13.050. 5. If a tree to be removed provides critical habitat,such as an eagle perch,a qualified professional wildlife biologist shall be consulted to determine timing and methods or removal that will minimize impacts; and 6. Hazard trees determined to pose an imminent threat or danger to public health or safety, to public or private property, or serious environmental degradation may be removed or pruned by the landowner prior to receiving written approval from the City of Port Angeles provided that following such action, the landowner shall submit a clearing and grading permit application accompanied by a restoration plan that demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this title. 35 12/20/2016 F - 88 15.28.100 - Conditions. In granting any clearing and grading permit, the City Engineer may attach conditions reasonably necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation. Such conditions may include,but are not limited to, installing walls, swales, drains, retention facilities, or other structures, planting appropriate vegetation, installing erosion and sediment control measures or devices, furnishing necessary letters of permission and/or easements, and specifying method of performing the work. Such items must be identified on the approved grading, erosion, and sediment control or other required plans. In addition, the following shall be conditions of all permits: A. A construction stormwater pollution prevention plan(SWPPP)is required in conjunction with a clearing and grading permit for sites that result in 2,000 square feet or more of new plus replaced hard surface area, or which disturb 7,000 square feet or more of land,ais4wb one ^^re of !and or- more. A tempor-a-r-y erosion and sediment eent+e! plan (T-ESGP) is r-e"ir-ed i iwith a elea-r-ing and gfadiag pefmit for-sites that dis4wb less than one aer-e of!a-Rd. The SWPPP or- shall meet all requirements as set forth in Chapter 6 of the current edition of the City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014), including any amendments or revisions thereto. A small project SWPPP is required for sites that result in 2,000 square feet or more, but less than 5,000 square feet, of new plus replaced hard surface area and less than 1 acre of land disturbance. A large project SWPPP is required for sites that result in 5,000 square feet or more of new plus replaced hard surface area or one acre of greater of land disturbance. B. Notify the City at least 48 hours before commencing any land-disturbing activity. C. Notify the City of completion of any control measures within 48 hours after their completion. D. Obtain written permission from the City Engineer prior to modification of any approved plans. E. Install all control measures as identified in the approved plans. F. Maintain all road drainage systems, stormwater drainage systems,LID BMPs, erosion control measures, and other facilities identified in the plans. G. Repair siltation or erosion damage to adjoining surfaces and drainage ways resulting from land disturbing activities. H. Inspect, maintain, install, modify, and/or repair the erosion,eiistf.,,,,tie control meffstifes at 24 hotff period), and immediately make any neededrepair-s.-BMPs as needed to assure the continued performance of their intended function. Inspections on projects that disturb one or more acres shall be conducted by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead(CESCL) and a written record of said inspections shall be kept on site at all times. Project site disturbing less than one acre may have a CESCL or a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections. The CESCL or inspector shall be identified in writing to the City and shall be present on-site or on-call at all times. 36 12/20/2016 F - 89 L Allow the City to enter the site for the purpose of inspecting compliance with the plans or for performing any work necessary to bring the site into compliance with the plans. J. Keep an up-to-date, approved copy of the plans on the site. K. Ensure that all workmanship and materials are in accordance with City standards and the most recent edition of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 15.28.160 - Inspections. A. All projects which include clearing, grading, filling, or temporary drainage facilities shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer or his designee, who shall be granted reasonable right of entry to the work site by the permittee. When required by the City Engineer, special inspection of the grading operations and special testing shall be performed by qualified professionals employed by the permittee. Inspections in conjunction with hydraulic permits will be performed and enforced by the Washington State Department of Fisheries or Wildlife. B. Each site that has approved grading, erosion and sediment control or other required plans must be inspected as necessary to ensure that the sediment control measures are installed and effectively maintained in compliance with the approved plan and permit requirements. Where applicable, the permittee must obtain inspection by the City at the following stages: 1. Prior to any clearing, grading, filling, drainage installations or construction (if the permitted development site has a high potential for sediment transport as determined through plan review 24-. Following the installation of sediment control measures or practices and prior to any other land-disturbing activity; 3-2. Following the establishment of any tree protection zone(s) and prior to any other land disturbing activity; 43. During the construction of sediment basins o stormwater management structures and permanent stormwater facilities; 5. During construction to verify proper installation and maintenance of required erosion and sediment controls. 64. During rough grading, including hauling of imported or wasted materials; 7-5. Prior to the removal or modification of any sediment control measure or facility; and 86. Upon completion of final grading7 kincluding establishment of ground covers and planting, installation of all vegetative measures, and all other work in accordance with the approved plan or permit-1 and prior to final approval or occupancy to ensure proper installation of permanent stormwater facilities. A maintenance plan for the permanent stormwater facility must be completed. 37 12/20/2016 F - 90 C. The permittee may secure the services of an engineer, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, to inspect the construction of the facilities and provide the City with a fully documented certification that all construction is done in accordance with the provisions of the approved plan, applicable rules, regulations, permit conditions, and specifications. If inspection certification is provided to the City, then the normal inspections performed by the City for the permit may be waived. In these cases, the City shall be notified at the required inspection points and may make spot inspections. Temporary BMPs shall be removed following site stabilization. Section 2- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction ofthe scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3-Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance,or its application to any person or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum.This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December,2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 12016 By Summary 38 12/20/2016 F - 91 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending short plat subdivision regulations by making changes to Title 16, Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2222 as amended, and Title 16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to short plat subdivisions are hereby amended by amending Chapter 16.04 to read as follows: 16.04.070 -Preliminary short plat—Design standards. All preliminary short plats shall conform to the following design standards: A. Right-of-way access. 1. Each lot shall abut on a dedicated, improved and maintained City street that connects directly to an existing improved street and that meets current street improvement standards as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130, with the following exceptions: a. Streets may be established interior to sites within the Industrial Heavy(IH) zone without dedication as a public street. In all other respects, such streets must be developed and maintained to meet current street improvement standards. A note shall be placed on the final recording mylar that such street(s) shall be maintained to the above standards by the property owner(s). b. An exception from the right-of-way access requirements in this section shall be allowed for a single residential or commercial lot within a proposed short plat,provided that the following conditions are met: i. The single lot contains an existing habitable dwelling that abuts and is accessible by emergency vehicles over an existing 20-foot-wide all-weather street that does not meet City standards, and ii. 1. all other lots in the short subdivision shall meet the right-of-way access standards of this section; or 2. all lots abut an improved private street that is otherwise built to City access standard but may not be a dedicated street. 2. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW 58.17.060 and RCW 58.17.110. 1 12/20/2016 F - 92 B. Lot design. 1. The minimum area shall be equal to or greater than that required by the Zoning Code as now enacted or hereafter amended. 2. The minimum depth shall be the total distance between the required front and rear yard setbacks plus 15 feet. 3. The minimum lot width is the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the front setback line,provided the average horizontal distance between side lot lines must also meet or exceed the minimum lot width required, and shall be as required by the Zoning Code as now enacted or hereafter amended. 4. The front lot line shall be the boundary of a lot v4iieh that abuts a street. On a panhandle lot, the front lot line and setbacks shall be determined during the short subdivision process, or, if not determined during short subdivision review, shall be determined by the Community and Economic Development Director. 5. a. Panhandle lots may be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient frontage width to provide each new lot with the minimum lot width as required by Title 17 for the underlying zone. b. Each such panhandle lot shall meet the following criteria: i. The panhandle shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and shall serve no more than one lot. ii. The required lot area width and depth shall not include any portion of the panhandle. iii.Dead-end access streets and/or driveways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a turn-around=tom that has a minimum 80-foot diameter (without parking) or a minimum 90-foot diameter(with parking) asphaltic concrete or permeable pavement street or an alternative approved by the City consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance, the Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual, and the International* Fire Code, except that an all- weather gravel surface section may be approved for turn-arounds V�4ie that are anticipated to be temporary due to the future extension of the roadway. *"Uniform Fire Code" updated to "International Fire Code" C. Natural features. The lots and lot arrangement shall be such that no foreseeable difficulties will be created, due to topography and other natural conditions, for the securing of building permits to build on all lots in compliance with the Zoning Code and the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinances, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and all other applicable regulations. D. Large lots. Where property is subdivided into lots v�4ieh that are of sufficient size to be resubdivided, the lots and streets shall be arranged so as to permit later resubdivision in conformance with the Zoning Code, as now enacted or hereafter amended, the Subdivision Regulations Ordinance, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and this chapter. 16.04.090 -Preliminary short plat—Requirements for approval. 2 12/20/2016 F - 93 Prior to acting on the preliminary short plat, the Community and Economic Development Director shall review the application for preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short plat, and any information received pursuant to Sections 16.04.050 through 16.04.080, to determine the compliance of the preliminary short plat with the following requirements: A. Necessary drainage ways;ef�-storm drains; and/or stormwater flow control,treatment, and LID BMPs/facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual, and Urban Services Ordinance development standards. LID approaches and facilities shall be incorporated where feasible to minimize stormwater runoff and impervious surface coverages, and to maximize retention of native vegetation. B. The provision of streets and rights-of-way must be adequate to serve the short subdivision and comply with Sections 16.04.070 and 16.04.140 of this chapter and as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. C. Water supply and fire protection facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision and comply with Section 16.04.140 of this chapter and as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. D. Sanitary sewer facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision and comply with Section 16.04.140 of this chapter, and as set forth in the comprehensive Plan, Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130, or a septic tank system must have been approved by the Clallam County Department of Health. E. The short subdivision lot arrangement must comply with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and further the attainment of the goals, policies, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. F. The proposed short subdivision must be compatible with existing and planned development of the surrounding area. G. The proposed lots must comply with the requirements of Ordinance 1709, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and Section 16.04.070 of this chapter. 16.04.140 - Final short plat—Improvements—Required. The following minimum improvements shall be made or installed for each lot created by the short subdivision, before final short plat approval: A. Watermains and other appurtenances necessary to provide adequate potable water supply and fire protection as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. B. Sanitary sewer or approved septic tank and drain field site. 3 12/20/2016 F - 94 C. Power, telephone, and all other necessary utilities. D. Appropriate dedications or easements if required. E. Minimum street improvement cross-section standard as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines: I. bnproveinents to local access streets: a. In the RS-9 and RS-11 zones, local access streets that front or will provide access from the nearest fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved to a minimum of 20-foot wide permeable pavement (Pervious concrete or porous asphalt [preferred]) or asphaltic concrete street with no on-street parking, drainage swales (ditches) as needed, and one four-foot wide pervious concrete (Preferred) or cement concrete sidewalk (eight-foot wide path when an adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian traffic, which path shall be separated from the street by a ditch. All dead-end City streets in excess of 150 feet in length shall be permeable pavement (pervious concrete or porous asphalt[preferred]) or asphaltic concrete paved and provided with a turn-around consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance, the Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual, and the International* Fire Code. *"Uniform Fire Code" updated to "International Fire Code" b. In the RS-7 zone, local access streets that front or will provide access from the nearest fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved to a minimum of 20-foot wide permeable pavement(Pervious concrete or porous asphalt [preferred] or asphaltic concrete street with one three-foot wide shoulder, and one fives-foot wide shoulder for pedestrian traffic. All dead-end City streets in excess of 150 feet in length shall be permeable pavement (pervious concrete or porous asphalt [preferred] or asphaltic concrete pied and provided with a turn- around consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance,the Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual, and the International* Fire Code. *"Uniform Fire Code" updated to "International Fire Code" 2. bnproveinents to arterial streets: a. In the RS-9 and RS-11 zones, arterial streets that front or will provide access to the lots or parcels being developed shall be improved to the minimum of 20-24-foot wide permeable pavement(pervious concrete or porous asphalt[preferred] or asphaltic concrete street with no on- street parking, drainage swales (ditches) as needed, and one four-foot wide pervious concrete (preferred) or cement concrete sidewalk or other acceptable hard surface (eight-foot wide surface when on an adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian traffic, which path shall be separated from the street by a ditch. b. In the RS-7 zone, arterial streets that front or will provide access to the lots or parcels being developed shall be improved to the minimum City arterial street improvement standards. 3. EXCEPTION: The Public Works and Utilities Department shall require the minimum standard to be increased to match the immediately adjoining City street when the immediately adjoining City street is more fully developed than the minimum standard. This exception shall not apply to short plats when the City finds that there will be an economic and physical hardship in relocating public utilities and there will be no increase in the number of lots within a subject short plat. 4 12/20/2016 F - 95 F. Drainage ditches, arculverts, and/or stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities shall be provided to address existing and anticipated stormwater run-off occurring on the site and/or within the City rights-of-way and easements as set forth in the Urban Services Ordinance and Clearing and Grading Ordinance development standards. G. The subdivider shall provide a street profile acceptable to the Public Works and Utilities Department for the local access streets if the final street grade has not been previously established or accepted by the City. H. The subdivider shall execute an L.I.P. Local Improvement District consent and non- protest agreement or other agreement acceptable to the City for street and utilities improvements on the local access streets whenever required improvements are less than the City's full development standards, as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. L The subdivider shall provide all other public improvements as may be required and set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. J. When commercially zoned property is being short platted without any increase in the number of lots, the minimum improvements required by this section may be made or installed after short plat approval without the necessity of being bonded, provided that the final short plat shall be conditioned to provide that such improvements shall be made or installed as part of the building permit process, that vertical construction of the building shall not begin unless or until the International* Fire Code's fire hydrant requirement has been met, and that the property or development shall not be occupied until such improvements have been completed, provided further that said construction shall be noted on the final plat. K. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW 58.17.060 and RCW 58.17.110. Section 2. Ordinance 2222 as amended, and Title 16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to short plat subdivisions are hereby amended by amending Chapter 16.08 to read as follows: 16.08.030 - Definitions. A. Access street. A street with the main function of providing access to adjacent properties or for local traffic. B. Buffer strip. An area or strip of land located and planted with trees and shrubs to provide a screen between conflicting land uses. (Parks, playgrounds, vegetation within LID facilities, and the site of public buildings are sometimes used as a buffer.) 5 12/20/2016 F - 96 C. Collector arterial street. A street which provides for movement within the smaller areas which are often definable neighborhoods and may be bound by higher class (minor or principal) arterials. Collector arterials serve very little "through traffic" but serve a high portion of local traffic requiring direct access to abutting land uses. D. Cornrnission. The City of Port Angeles Planning Commission. E. Cornrnunity and Econoinic Developinent Depar^tinent or Depar^tinent. The City of Port Angeles Community and Economic Development Department. F. Coinpr^ehensive Plan. A Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Council in compliance with the Growth Management Act of 1990 and which indicates the general locations recommended for residential, commercial, and industrial land uses or zones and for streets, parks, public buildings, and other public improvements. The Comprehensive Plan includes all its Appendices and individual comprehensive service and facility plans such as the Capital Facilities Plan, the Comprehensive Water Plan and the Comprehensive Parks Plan. G. Council. Port Angeles City Council. H. Crosswalk--way. A right-of-way dedicated to public use, ten feet or more in width, which cuts across a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and properties. L Cul-de-sac- (court or dead end street). A short street having one end open to traffic and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turn-around. J. Dedication. The deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for public uses, reserving to the owner no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted. The intention to dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner by the presentment for filing of a final subdivision plat showing the dedication thereon.Acceptance of the dedication by the City shall be evidenced by the approval of such final subdivision plat. K. Desired urban design of the City. The land use pattern and street system as described by the Comprehensive Plan land use map and policies, the zoning map and regulations, the subdivision regulations, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. L. Easeinent. A grant by the property owner of the use of a strip of land by the public, a corporation, or persons for specific purposes. M. Final plat. The final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the County Auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this chapter. N. bnproveinents. Streets,with or without curb or gutter,sidewalks,crosswalk-ways,water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, street trees,power and other appropriate items. O. Lot. A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development. P. Lot front. Unless otherwise specified on a plat, the narrow width of a lot which abuts a public street shall be considered the front of said lot. 6 12/20/2016 F - 97 Q. Minor arterial street. A street which provides for movement within the large sub-parts prescribed by principal arterials. Minor arterials may also serve "through traffic" but provide much more direct service to abutting land uses than principal arterials. R. Owner. A person, firm, association, partnership, private corporation, public or quasi-public corporation, or any combination thereof. S. Panhandle lot. A lot which has its primary legal access from the street through a narrow strip of land called the panhandle. T. Planned Residential Development (PRD). A planned residential development is a site specific development which has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of Chapter 17.19 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. It may include a subdivision of land in which residential lots are designed in clusters of individual lots with park and open space areas between clusters and in which lots may be below the minimum lot widths and lot areas required by the Zoning Code. U. Preliininary plat. An approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the general layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, and other elements of the subdivision consistent with the requirements of this chapter. V. Principal arterial street. A street which provides for movement across and between large sub- parts of an urban region and serve predominantly"through trips" with minimum direct service to abutting land uses. W. Sketch. A drawing showing proposed lot-layout,building line setbacks and proposed locations and width of streets, width and area of each lot, sanitary and storm drainage. X. Street. A right-of-way, dedicated to public use,which provides vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent properties. Z. Subdivider-developer. A person who undertakes the subdividing or the resubdividing of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots or other divisions of land for the purpose,immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, including all changes in street or lot lines. Y. Subdivision. The division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or division for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership. 16.08.070 - Requirements for acceptance of plats. A. Data requiredfor approval of preliininary plat. The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of not less than 200 feet to one inch. Data required for the preliminary plat shall include the following information, unless otherwise specified by the City: 1. Location, width and purpose of all easements, existing and proposed. 2. Name and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets on or adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 3. Approximate location and size of all utilities (water mains, sewers, etc.) on an adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 7 12/20/2016 F - 98 4. Contours,based on City adopted vertical datum, shall have intervals of not more than five feet for slopes of ten percent or more and not more than two feet for slopes of ten percent or less. 5. Locations of and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock, and ground water conditions, when required by the City Engineer. 6. Approximate locations of water courses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, natural retention areas, direction of drainage, culverts, houses, all non-residential land uses and all other significant features on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 7. Zoning on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision. 8. All highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the proposed subdivision. 9. A vicinity sketch showing relation of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area with regard to major improvements. 10. The legal description of the tract to be platted, title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, names and addresses of the owners, date, scale, north arrow. 11. The legal description of the proposed lots. 12. Ownership of unsubdivided land adjacent to the proposed subdivision and names of adjoining existing plats. 13. The required building setbacks and any existing buildings and/or major structures shall be shown for each proposed lot as well as their distances from property lines. 14. Identification of each lot and each block. 15. Approximate square footage and scaled dimensions of each lot. 16. Summary of site data,including total acreage, acreage in residential use, acreage in streets, and number of acres in parks and other non-residential land uses. 17. Environmental checklist with filing fee. 18. Shoreline and wetland permit applications and environmentally sensitive areas protection ordinance compliance (when required). 19. Affidavits of posting and publication. B. Subdivision iinproveinents required. All street and utility improvements must be designed to comply with the current WSDOT standards and as specified by the City Engineer and with the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. Plans and specifications for street and utility improvements must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginning of construction. Minimum improvements shall be as follows: C. Streets. 1. The entire right-of-way shall be cleared and grubbed of all objectionable materials. Trees approved by the City for preservation shall be identified. 8 12/20/2016 F - 99 2. Streets shall be graded and improved with paving, curbs and gutters, drainage and sidewalks according to the approved plans and roadway section. 3. Street lights shall be installed as specified by the City Engineer. 4. Street name signs shall be provided and installed by the City at cost to the developer. 5. Permanent monuments shall be installed and each lot shall be staked. D. Utilities. A water distribution system, storm drainage system, electrical distribution system and a sanitary sewage disposal system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. E. Parks. Parks and recreation shall be provided consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. F. Streetscape iinproveinents. 1. Street trees. Street trees shall be planted within a planting strip or within LID facilities in the right-of-way of arterial streets. Proposed locations and species to be used shall be submitted for review and approval by the City. The City can assist the subdivider in location of trees and species to use under varying conditions. Street trees are a protection against excessive heat and glare, enhance the attractiveness and value of abutting property, and reduce the amount of stormwater runoff. G. Required data for approval of final plat. The final plat shall be an 18-inch by 24-inch permanent reproducible, and shall be at a scale of not less than 200 feet to one inch. A reduced copy no larger than 11-inch by 17-inch shall be submitted with the final prints. For large subdivisions, the plat may be on several sheets, accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. The final plat shall be accompanied by a report containing accurate square footage and dimensions of each lot and block and the coordinates of each monument; a title report; and shall include a warranty that all assessments in favor of the City have been paid. The final plat and survey shall be based on the Washington Coordinate System, North Zone, as adopted by the City. The final plat shall show the following: 1. A minimum of two permanent plat control monuments with coordinates, to which all dimensions, bearings, azimuths and similar data on the plat shall be referred. 2. Permanent monuments at all corners. 3. Subdivision boundary lines, right-of-way lines, easements, lot lines with accurate dimensions, bearings or azimuths, radii, central angles, and lengths of all curves. 4. Name and right-of-way width of each street. Any street not dedicated to the public must be so marked on the face of the plat(RCW 58.17.165). 5. Location, dimensions and purpose of all easements. 6. Identification of each lot and block with addresses shown on the lots. 7. The required building setbacks and any existing buildings and/or major structures shall be shown for each proposed lot as well as their distances from property lines. 9 12/20/2016 F - 100 8. Purpose for which sites, other than residential, are dedicated to the public or reserved for future development. 9. The required building setbacks on each proposed lot. 10. Location and description of all monuments. 11. The title under which the subdivision is to be recorded, true north and grid north arrows, scale, and legend. 12. Legal description of the land to be platted; 13 The legal description of the proposed lots 14. Certification by registered land surveyor as to the accuracy of plat and survey. 15. Certificate by owner(s) containing the legal description of the land to be platted and dedicating roads, rights-of-way, easements and any sites for public purposes. 16. Certification of approval by: (a) the Planning Commission; (b) Director of Public Works and Utilities; (c) Health Department(when required); (d) City Council; (e) City Manager, City Clerk, Fire Chief, Community and Economic Development Director, and City Attorney. 17. Certification by the County Treasurer that all state and county taxes levied against the land to be subdivided have been paid in full. 18. Certification of filing by County Auditor. 19. If improvements are to be deferred rather than actually installed prior to final plat approval, the plat shall show a notation as follows: "No occupancy of dwelling units will be allowed until all roadway and utility improvements have been completed and approved by the City Engineer." Section 3- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors,references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances,is not affected. Section 5-Effective Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. 10 12/20/2016 F - 101 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December,2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 12016 By Summary 11 12/20/2016 F - 102 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending and updating zoning regulations by making changes to Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.08.015 - "B." A. Bed and breakfast. Bed and breakfast is a single-family residence located in a residential zone that contains one kitchen and shared dining area that provides lodging for guests and travelers for a period of up to 30 days serving primarily breakfast to people registered to use the facility for lodging or special events. Bed and breakfasts are outright permitted uses in all commercial zones, residential high density, and residential medium density zones but are a conditional use in residential single-family zones. B. Bioretention facility is an engineered facility that stores and treats stormwater by it through a specified soil profile, and either retains or detains the treated stormwater for flow attenuation. BC. Breezeway a roofed open-sided passageway connecting two buildings. GD. Building, accessory. (See "accessory building or use"). DE. Building, detached. A building surrounded by an unoccupied and unobstructed space which is on the same lot as the principal building and which provides for air and light from the ground to the sky. EF. Building, principal. The major building on a lot, the building which houses the major use of the land and the structures on a zoning lot. EG. Building, residential. A building arranged, designed, used, or intended to be used for residential occupancy by one or more families or lodgers. 46H. Building line. Front, side and rear building lines are the lines on each zoning lot that delineate the area within which construction of principal buildings is confined. HI. Business parking lot and/or structures. A commercial off-street parking lot or structure used exclusively for parking and/or storage of vehicles. 1 12/20/2016 F - 103 17.08.020 - "C." A. Carport. An accessory building or an accessory portion of the main building designed and used primarily for the shelter or storage of vehicles. It is not an enclosed structure and it does not contain a door which would allow vehicles to pass into the structure: it is open on two or more sides. B. Casino. An establishment for the purpose of providing unrestricted gambling opportunity as regulated by the Washington State Gambling Commission. Activities regulated under casinos do not include mini-casinos, enhanced card rooms, public card rooms, social card rooms, pull tabs, punch cards, fund raising events sponsored by nonprofit organizations, bingo, state run lottery games, turkey shoots, raffles, sports pools, or other amusement games. C. Child day-care. Child day-care is the provision of supplemental parental care and supervision for a non-related child or children, on a regular basis, for less than 24 hours a day, and under license by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. The term is not intended to include baby sitting services of a casual, non-recurring nature, or in the child's own home. Likewise, the term is not intended to include cooperative reciprocative child care by a group of parents in their respective homes. D. Child day-care center. A child day-care center provides for the care of 13 or more children. The child day-care center shall not be located in a private family residence unless the portion of the residence where the children have access is used exclusively for the children during the hours the center is in operation or is separate from the usual living quarters of the family. E. Commission the appointed Planning Commission. F. Common usable open space: Area within a Planned Industrial Development which is accessible and usable to all occupants of the development and the City, which is: 1. Land which is unoccupied by nonrecreational buildings,parking areas, or traffic circulation roads; or 2. Land which is dedicated to recreational buildings, structures or facilities; or 3. Land which is dedicated to an open space purpose of the Planned Industrial Development such as preservation of natural features. To be considered common usable open space for recreational purposes,the open space must be usable for specific or multi-purpose activities, be located on generally level land, be regularly shaped and contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. G. Conditional use permit.A limited permission to locate a particular use at a specific location, which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these regulations to such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the comprehensive plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest. H. Conditional use a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. 2 12/20/2016 F - 104 L Conforming building or structure a building that complies with all sections of these Zoning Regulations or any amendment thereto governing size, height, area, location on the lot, for the zone in which such building or structure is located. J. Conforming lot a lot that contains the required width, depth and square footage as specified in the zone in which the lot is situated. K. Conforming use a use that is listed as a permitted or conditional use in the zone in which the use is situated. L. Council the City Council. M. Club or lodge, private a non-profit association of persons who are bona fide members paying annual dues, which owns, hires, or leases a building or portion thereof, the use of such premises being restricted to members and their guests. 17.08.025 - "D." A. Density the ratio of the number of dwelling units per area of land, e.g., 7,000 square foot lots would allow for a maximum density of 6.22 dwelling units per acre. B. Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) means City of Port Angeles Community and Economic Development Department. C. Detached building a building separated a minimum of six feet from another building. D. Development any activity which would alter the elevation of the land, remove or destroy plant life, cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed, divide the land into two or more parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the land. E. District a portion of a planning area which is defined by the primary uses located in that portion of the planning area. F. Dormitory a residence hall providing sleeping rooms, with or without eating facilities. G. Duplex a residential building containing two single-family dwelling units separate from each other within the four walls of the building. H. Dwelling a building, or portion thereof, but not an automobile house trailer, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and multi-family dwellings,which dwellings are constructed in accordance with the International* Building Code or, in the case of single-family dwellings, are constructed as manufactured homes in accordance with the requirements set forth in PAMC 17.08.070.A., but not including hotels, motels or lodging houses. L Dwelling, multi-family a building or a portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units. J. Dwelling, single-family a building containing one dwelling unit only. K. Dwelling, two-family a building containing two dwelling units only. L. Dwelling unit one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family only. Complete single kitchen facilities, permanently installed, shall always be included for each dwelling unit. 3 12/20/2016 F - 105 17.08.045 - "H." A. Hard surface: An impervious surface, a permeable pavement, or a vegetated roof AB. Height the total distance in feet from average ground elevation at perimeter walls as determined by the final grade noted on the building plan approved by the City to the highest point of the structure. The final grade shall not exceed the pre-alteration grade as it existed prior to excavation. For the purposes of this title, a grade is established only when the City Building Inspector verifies the grade. The height restrictions in this title shall not apply to church spires, monuments, chimneys, antennas, water towers, elevator towers, mechanical equipment, and other similar rooftop appurtenances usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy or the provision of additional habitable space; provided that mechanical equipment rooms and screening are set back at least ten feet from the edge of the roof and do not exceed ten feet in height. Other architectural appurtenances such as ornamental cupolas parapets, and spires, not exceeding ten feet in height and diameter, are also exempt from height requirements. -9C. Home occupation is an occupation or business activity which results in a product or service, is conducted in whole or in part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly incidental and subordinate to the residential use of the property. GD. Hospital an institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary and emergency services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State law. PE. Hospital, mental (including treatment of alcoholics) an institution licensed by Washington State agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities, care, and treatment for cases of mental and nervous disorders and alcoholics. EF. Hospice a facility for the terminally ill. EG. Hostel a residential structure or commercial building where transient accommodations (daily or weekly) for the traveling public are provided and for which the accommodations contain no more than one shared kitchen facility and do not have individual sleeping rooms. Hostels are differentiated by housing type and/or owner occupancy as follows: 1. Owner occupied single-family residential hostels are allowed in the same zones as bed and breakfasts by approval of a special use permit. 2. Non-owner occupied commercial structure hostels are allowed by the same process and in the same zones as motels. FSH. House pets domestic animals such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, rodents, and reptiles, not including inherently dangerous species of animals,which sleep and are primarily housed in a dwelling unit together with their owners. 17.08.050 - "I." A. Incidental in addition to and not interfering with or otherwise detracting from a main object; usually in these Zoning Regulations referring to a use in addition to a permitted use. 4 12/20/2016 F - 106 B. Impervious surface a hard non-vegetated surface area that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A hftfd non-vegetated surface area A4ieh that causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or stormwater areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces that similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater. Vegetated roofs and minimal excavation foundations, subject to conformance with aplicable Department of Ecology BMPs, are not included in the total impervious area. 17.08.055 - "J." A. Junk yard an open area where waste or scrap materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled, including but not limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires, and bottles. A junk yard includes an auto wrecking yard but does not include uses established within enclosed buildings. 17.08.060 - "K." A. Kennel a place where four or more dogs or cats, four months old or older, or any combination of such dogs and cats, are kept, whether by the owners of the dogs and cats or by persons providing facilities and care,whether for compensation or not,provided that the number of dogs and cats counted shall not include house pets. B. Kitchen a room or space which is constructed or equipped to facilitate the washing, cooking, and storing of food; kitchen facilities include plumbing for sinks and electrical wiring for ovens and stoves. 17.08.065 - "L." A. Landfill,sanitary an area devoted to the disposal of refuse,including incineration,reduction, or dumping of ashes, garbage, combustible and non-combustible refuse, and industrial solid wastes. B. Legal building, structure, land use any building, structure or use of the land that complies with all zoning requirements. C. Legal nonconforming building or structure. A legally established building or structure which met the applicable zoning code requirements in effect at the time the building or structure was constructed, but which fails by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment of the Zoning Code,to conform to the present requirements of the zone in which it is located. 5 12/20/2016 F - 107 D. Level of service an established minimum capacity of public facilities or services that must be provided per unit of demand or other appropriate measure of need. E. Lot a lot is a zoning lot, except as the context shall indicate a lot of record, in which case a lot is a"lot, of record." F. Lot area the total area within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any primary access easements or panhandles. G. Lot, corner a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets. H. Lot, reverse corner a corner lot in which the rear property line coincides with the side property line of an abutting lot. L Lot, through a lot having two opposite lot lines abutting public streets which are usually more or less parallel to each other; not a corner lot. Both lot lines abutting streets shall be deemed front lot lines. J. Lot, zoning a single tract of land located within a single block, which at the time of filing for a building permit, is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot of record. K. Lot line, front that boundary of a lot which abuts a street. When two or more boundaries abut a street, the boundary with the narrowest width shall be considered the front lot line, unless otherwise specified on a plat. On a panhandle lot, the front lot line and setbacks shall be determined during the subdivision approval process, or, if not determined during subdivision review, shall be determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development. L. Lot line, rear that boundary of a lot which is most distant from and is most nearly parallel to the front lot line. M. Lot line, side any boundary of a lot which is not a front nor a rear lot line. 6 12/20/2016 F - 108 N. Lot coverage the amount or percent of the ground area of a lot on which buildings are located. This amount/percent shall include all buildings which are partially or totally enclosed and covered by an impervious roof, including any garages, carports, covered patios,and cantilevered portions of a building, and structures covered by an impervious roof even if not fully enclosed. Lot coverage does not include the first horizontal 30 inches of the roof overhang nor does it include uncovered decks and porches not higher than 30 inches from the ground. O. Lot of record a parcel of land that is registered as a lot or parcel of land in the records of the County Auditor. P. Lot width the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth at the front setback line, provided the average horizontal distance between side lot lines must also meet or exceed the minimum lot width required. Q. Low impact development (LID) facilities/BMPs are distributed stormwater management practices, integrated into a project design, that emphasize pre-disturbance hydrologic processes of infiltration, filtration, storage, evaporation and transpiration. LID facilities/BMPs include, but are not limited to: bioretention, rain gardens, permeable pavements,roof downspout controls, dispersion, soil quality and depth,minimal excavation foundations, vegetated roofs, and water re-use. QR. Low-powered, networked telecommunications facilities those facilities with maximum transmitter peak output power that do not exceed one watt and are less than 14 inches by 16 inches by eight inches with an antenna no greater than 30 inches. 17.08.070 - "M." A. Manufactured home factory built, single-family structures that meet the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act(42 U.S.C. § 5401), commonly known as the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Code, and that also meets the following requirements: 1. Consists of two or more fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long; 2. Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate federal agency indicating compliance with the construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as amended and as approved by the State of Washington; 3. Is placed on an on-grade permanent foundation or on footings and piers or on blocks in accordance with HUD's specifications for the specific home and has skirting installed so that no more than one foot of the skirting is visible above grade; 4. Has all transport appurtenances removed; 7 12/20/2016 F - 109 5. Is served by underground electrical power; and 6. Was originally constructed with and prior to occupancy has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of not less than 3:12 pitch. B. Marina. A system of piers, buoys, or floats that provide a centralized site for extended moorage for more than four vessels for a period of 48 hours or longer. For regulatory purposes,yacht club facilities and camp or resort moorage areas would also be reviewed as marinas. Boat launch facilities and the sales of supplies and services for small commercial and/or pleasure craft users may be associated with marinas. Where such amenities are included, the marina is considered a multi-use marina. C. Massage. The method, art or science of treating the human body for hygienic, remedial or relaxational purposes by rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping, rolling or manipulating the human body of another with the hands, or by any other agency or instrumentality. D. Massage parlor. Any premises where massages are given or furnished for, or in expectation of any fee, compensation or monetary consideration, except: 1. Facilities adjunct to athletic clubs,medical facilities,hotels,motels or beauty salons; and 2. Enterprises licensed by the state and operating as approved home occupations. E. Medical/dental building. A building or group of buildings designed for the use of physicians and dentists and others engaged professionally in such healing arts for humans as are recognized by the laws of the State of Washington. F. Mobile home. (See the definition for Trailer, house). G. Motel. An establishment consisting of a group of living or sleeping accommodations with bathroom,with or without kitchen facilities, located on a single zoning lot and designed for use by transient tourists. H. Motor freight terminal. A building or area in which freight brought by motor truck is assembled and/or stored for routing intrastate and interstate shipment by motor truck. 17.08.075 - "N." A. Neighborhood an area located within a district where people live, which is defined by the primary type and/or density of the residential units located in that particular area of the district. 8 12/20/2016 F - 110 B. Neighborhood density the neighborhood density is the number of dwelling units per acre allowed by zoning when streets, parks, electrical distribution substations, and other necessary supporting developments are included in the calculation. C. Nonconforming building or structure any building or structure=tom that does not conform with the lot area,yard,height,or lot coverage restrictions in these regulations, or is designed or intended for a use that does not conform to the use regulations for the zone in which it is located, either at the effective date of these regulations or as the result of subsequent amendments to these regulations. D. Nonconforming lot a legally established lot, the area, dimensions or location of which met the applicable zoning code requirements in effect at the time the lot was created, but which fails by reason of such adoption,revision or amendment of the Zoning Code, to conform to the present requirements of the zone in which it is located. E. Nonconforming use any use of land, building or structure which does not comply with all of these Zoning Regulations or of any amendment hereto governing use for the zoning district in which such use is situated. F. Noxious matter material capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction, or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals. G. Nursing home or convalescent home. Any home or residential facility licensed per 18.51 RCW that operates or maintains facilities providing convalescent or chronic care for a period in excess of 24 consecutive hours for three or more patients not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to properly care for themselves. Nothing in this definition shall be construed to include any "assisted living facility". 17.08.080 - "O." A. Off-street parking space an area of at least 81/2 feet in width and 4-8- 17 feet in length, or as otherwise provided in Chapter 14.40 PAMC situated on territory other than a public or private street, alley, highway or trafficway, and used only for the storage of vehicles. B. Open space natural areas of unique or major physical features such as shorelines, bluffs, beaches,lagoons,waterways,ravines, streams,rivers,lakes,wetlands,wildlife habitats, and 9 12/20/2016 F - 111 other environmentally sensitive areas deemed of significant importance to the community by the City; landscaped areas such as parks,playfields, golf courses, outdoor stadiums, and public landscaped areas such as those along boulevards and around public buildings; improved outdoor areas such as piers, playgrounds, plazas, promenades or trails, tennis courts, viewpoints, and other outdoor spaces open to the public. C. Owner any person with fee title or a long-term leasehold to any parcel of land within the City, who desires to develop, or construct, build, modify, erect, or use such parcel of land. 17.08.085 - "P." A. People with functional disabilities people with functional disabilities means: (1) a person who, because of a recognized chronic physical or mental condition or disease, is functionally disabled to the extent of. (a)needing care,supervision or monitoring to perform activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living, or(b)needing supports to ameliorate or compensate for the effects of the functional disabilities so as to lead as independent a life as possible, or (c) having a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities, or(d)having a record of such impairment; or(2)being regarded as having such an impairment,but such term does not include current, illegal use of, or active addiction to a controlled substance. B. Permeable pavement pervious concrete,porous asphalt,permeable pavers or other forms of pervious or porous paving material intended to allow passage of water through the pavement section. It often includes an aggregate base that provides structural support and acts as a stormwater reservoir. -9C. Person any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or other legal entity,private or public, whether for profit or not for profit. GD. Planned Industrial Development(PID)A PID is a site specific development which has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of chapter 17.31 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. -DE. Planning area a large geographical area of the City, which is defined by physical characteristics and boundaries. -EF. PRD Planned Residential Development. 10 12/20/2016 F - 112 EG. Professional offices effiees used as a place of business conducted by persons engaged in recognized professions, and others whose business activities consist chiefly of services to the person as distinguished from the handling of commodities. FSH. Public facilities public facilities include streets,roads,highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems,traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools. 17.08.087 - "Q." Quasi-public a characteristic of seemingly like but not actually being of a public entity, having the characteristics of being public such as open and available to all citizens without discrimination of any kind, benefitting the public, providing a nonprofit service or facility and receiving assistance from a governmental agency; quasi-public entities include but are not limited to nonprofit and other groups, such as the International Red Cross, YMCA, YWCA, and Serenity House, for which membership in the organization is not required to receive services or use the facilities. 17.08.090 - "R." A. Reclassification a change in zoning boundaries upon the zoning map which is an official part of these Zoning Regulations. B. Reconstruction the act of constructing again. C. Recreation facility or area, non-commercial a facility or area for recreation purposes, such as a swimming pool, park, tennis court, playground or other similar use operated and maintained by a nonprofit club or organization. D. Recreational purpose an express intent of a space design and development to service a particular healthful or aesthetic activity. E. Residence a building or structure, or portion thereof, which is designed for and used to provide a place of abode for human beings. The term "residence" includes the term "residential" as referring to the type, or intended use, of a building. F. Restoration. The act of putting back or bringing back into a former or original state. 11 12/20/2016 F - 113 G. Right-of-way. Land acquired or dedicated for purposes of a street,highway, sidewalk,alley, avenue, other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or easement or any combination of such uses for which the City has regulatory authority. H. Roof. A structure covering any portion of a building or structure, including the projections beyond the walls or supports. 17.08.095 - "S." A. Service station an establishment A4ieh that provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto,limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automobile accessories; automobile washing (not including auto laundry); waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repair (not including recapping); battery service, charging, and replacement (not including repair and rebuilding); radiator cleaning and flushing (not including steam cleaning and repair); installation of accessories; and the following operations if conducted wholly within a building: lubrication of motor vehicles, brake servicing, wheel balancing, tire testing, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, fan belts, wiring, water hoses, and similar parts. B. Setback the required minimum distance between any lot line and any structure or building. C. Shopping center a group of commercial establishments planned, constructed, and managed as a total entity, with customer and employee parking provided on-site,provision for goods delivery separated from customer access, aesthetic considerations and protection from the elements, and landscaping and signage in accordance with an approved plan. Shopping centers are further defined by size and the area their shoppers come from: 1. A community shopping center features a junior department store and contains approximately 150,000 square feet of gross leasable area and has a site area of ten to 25 acres. Its clientele draw is approximately a ten-minute drive from the center. 2. A neighborhood shopping center generally offers goods necessary to meet daily needs, occupies up to ten acres, has up to 100,000 square feet of gross leasable area, and draws its clientele from a five-minute driving radius from the center. D. Sign any letters, figures, design symbol, trademark, or device intended to attract attention to any activity, service, place, subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance, article, machine, or merchandise, and including display surfaces and supporting structures thereof. 12 12/20/2016 F - 114 E. Sign, advertising a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than upon the premises on which such sign is located or to which it is affixed. F. Sign, area the area of a sign shall be the sum of each display surface including both sides of a double-faced sign, as determined by circumscribing the exterior limits on the mass of each display erected on one sign structure with a circle, triangle, or quadrangle connecting all extreme points. Where a sign is composed of two or more individual letters mounted directly on a wall, the total display surface, including its background, shall be considered one sign for purposes of calculating sign area. The structure supporting a sign is not included in determining the area of the sign, unless the structure is designed in a way to form an integral part of the display. G. Single-family residence one detached dwelling on an individual lot for occupancy by one family. H. Site coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks,patios, and other impervious surfaces. L Special use permit a limited permission to locate a particular use at a particular location, which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the comprehensive plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest. J. Story the space between the floor and the ceiling above said floor. A basement shall be considered a story when more than half of the basement height is above the finished lot grade. K. Street a vehicular way that affords a primary means of access to abutting property. L. Street right-of-way line the boundary line between a street and abutting property. M. Structure anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which requires location on the ground or water, or is attached to something having location on or in the ground and is over 30 inches in height above the ground level,but not including fences or walls used as fences six feet or less in height. 13 12/20/2016 F - 115 N. Structural alteration any change, other than incidental repairs,which would prolong the life of the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns,beams, or girders. O. Subordinate less important than and secondary to a primary object, usually in these Zoning Regulations referring to an accessory use. P. Supermarket a grocery store on a site larger than one acre and with multiple retail departments such as drugs,photo, video, deli, flowers, seafood, bakery, etc. 17.08.110 - "V." A. Variance an adjustment in the application of the specific regulations to a particular parcel of property which property, because of special circumstances applicable to it, is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone. B. Vegetated roofs (also known as ecoroofs and green roofs) consist of thin lavers of engineered soil and vegetation constructed on top of conventional flat or sloped roofs. Section 2. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.10.050 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. C. Minimum setback: Front: 20 feet; Rear: 20 feet, except ten feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, interior: Seven feet, except three feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, abutting a street: 13 feet; Side, abutting an alley: ten feet; PROVIDED, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may be required when the property contains a bluff, ravine, stream, or similar feature. 14 12/20/2016 F - 116 D. Maximum lot coverage: 30 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. E. Maximum site coverage: 50 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is designed �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the most,-eeeat edit oW of the Sto m,w ate- Management M.,,,, a f Wesco,-., W.,shingto portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) *T-�Tvgr-aphiCa spelling efrvrcerreete i O-di ,,ee 3272. G. Maximum building height: 30 feet. H. Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every 7,000 square feet of lot area (6.22 units/gross acre), except that an "accessory residential unit" and conditionally approved duplexes shall be exempt from density limitations. L Conditional uses shall comply with the minimum standards in subsection 17.10.050.A., unless otherwise specified in Table "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, or as may be increased by the City Council to ensure that specific conditional uses are compatible with the RS-7 zone. Section 3. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.11 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.11.050 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 9,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: 75 feet. C. Minimum setback: Front: 25 feet; Rear: 25 feet, except ten feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, interior: Eight feet, except three feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, abutting a street: 18 feet; PROVIDED, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may be required when the property contains a bluff, ravine, stream, or similar feature. 15 12/20/2016 F - 117 D. Maximum lot coverage: 30 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. E. Maximum site coverage: 50 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is designed �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the most,-eeeat edit oW of the Sto m,w ate- Management M.,,,, a f Wesco,-., W.,shingto portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) *The wv^id "addition"" ", O-ding ee 3343 eerreeted by ee`aifierto "edition G. Maximum building height: 30 feet. H. Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every 9,000 square feet of lot area (4.84 units/gross acre) except that an "accessory residential unit" and conditionally approved duplexes shall be exempt from density limitations. L Conditional uses. Conditional uses shall comply with the minimum standards in subsection 17.11.050.A., unless otherwise specified in Table "A," or as may be increased by the City Council to ensure that specific conditional uses are compatible with the RS-9 zone. Section 4. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.12.050 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 11,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: 75 feet. C. Minimum setback: Front: 25 feet; Rear: 25 feet, except ten feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, interior: Eight feet, except three feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, abutting a street: 18 feet; PROVIDED, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may be required when the property contains a bluff, ravine, stream, or similar feature. D. Maximum lot coverage: 30 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. 16 12/20/2016 F - 118 E. Maximum site coverage: 50 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is designed sh,,.A,,, by a professional ekeensed i the State of �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the most,-eeeat edit oW of the Sto m,w ate- Management M.,,,, a f Wesco,-., W.,shiag4o portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) G. Maximum building height: 30 feet. H. Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every 11,000 square feet of lot area (3.96 units/gross acre) except that an "accessory residential unit" and conditionally approved duplexes shall be exempt from density limitations. L Conditional uses. conditional uses shall comply with the minimum standards in subsection 17.12.050.A., unless otherwise specified in Table "A," or as may be increased by the City Council to ensure that specific conditional uses are compatible with the RS-11 zone. Section 5. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.14 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.14.040 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area shall be 7,000 square feet. B. Density shall not exceed two dwelling units for the first 7,000 square feet of lot area, plus one unit for each additional 3,500 square feet of lot area. (Maximum 12.44 units/acre) C. Minimum setback: Front: 25 feet from front property line. Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than seven feet to any side lot line on the front two- thirds of the lot. Detached accessory buildings only on the rear one-third of the lot may be permitted to within three feet of the side lot line. On corner lots, the side yard abutting a street shall have a setback of 13 feet. Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within 25 feet of the rear property line. Detached accessory buildings are permitted not closer than ten feet to the rear property line or alley. D. Maximum lot coverage: 40 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. E. Maximum site coverage: 70 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. Exceptions to maximum lot and site coverage: 17 12/20/2016 F - 119 I. An additional ten percent coverage that enables development to achieve the allowed maximum density of the RMD zone per 17.14.040.B.; or 2. An additional ten percent coverage for development that is reserved as affordable housing. All applicants seeking bonus impervious surface for inclusion of affordable housing shall provide a mechanism to ensure that affordable housing remains affordable for the life of the project. Such mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney in conjunction with the Department of Community and Economic Development, and shall be recorded on the land title; in addition: 3. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is desi of s'�oA by � professional' � eer- keense i the State of �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the ffiest eeeiit ,,,beer* o f the Sto m,w ate- Management M.,,,, a f Wesco,-., W.,shingto portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) *The wv^id "audition" in O-ding ee 3343 eerreeted by ee` ifrerto "edition G. Maximum building height: 35 feet. 17.14.070 - Design and landscaping for apartments. A. All designated outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a vision-obscuring fence six feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be directed away from adjoining residential properties and public rights-of-way. C. Unused space that is over 24 square feet in area and results from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped. D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two tree.for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscapes requirements. ; t ; 13 es t4ee trees ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. E. All parking lots shall be screened by a three-foot to six-foot vision-obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property; except that parking lots with 18 12/20/2016 F - 120 less than 900 square feet of contiguous area shall be exempt from this landscaping requirement. F. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. G. At least 30 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mixture of ground cover, shrubs, and trees. Section 6. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.15.050 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. B. Density shall not exceed two dwelling units for the first 7,000 square feet of lot area plus one dwelling unit for each additional 1,000 square feet of lot area (maximum 38.56 units/acre). C. Minimum setback: Front: 25 feet from front lot line. Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than seven feet to any side lot line on the front two- thirds of the lot. Detached accessory buildings only, on the rear one-third of the lot may be permitted to within three feet of the side line. On corner lots, the side yard abutting a street shall have a setback of 13 feet unless more is required by Ordinance No. 1635. Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within 25 feet of the rear property line. Detached accessory buildings are permitted not closer than ten feet to the rear property line or alley. D. Maximum lot coverage: 45 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. E. Maximum site coverage: 75 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. Exceptions to maximum lot and site coverage: 1. An additional ten percent coverage that enables development to achieve the allowed maximum density of the RHD zone per 17.15.050.B.; or 2. An additional ten percent coverage for development that is reserved as affordable housing. All applicants seeking bonus impervious surface for inclusion of affordable housing shall provide a mechanism to ensure that affordable housing remains affordable for the life of the project. Such mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney in conjunction with the 19 12/20/2016 F - 121 Department of Community and Economic Development, and shall be recorded on the land title; in addition: 3. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is desi of s'�&A by � professional' � eer- keense i the State of �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the most,-eeeat edit oW of the Sto m,w ate- Management M.,,,, a f Wesco,-., W.,shingto portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) *The wv^id "audition" in O-ding ee 3343 eerreeted by ee` ifrerto "edition. G. Maximum building height- 35 feet. 17.15.060 - Off-street parking. Parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 17.15.070 - Signs permitted. A. Permitted uses: Signs not larger than ten square feet,lighted,but not flashing or intermittent. One per building. B. Conditional uses: Size and type as determined by Planning Commission. 17.15.080 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a vision- obscuring fence six feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining residential properties and public rights-of-way. C. Unused space that is over 24 square feet and results from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped. D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. rn�st+atie" 11 pafkiag spuees re -eek spuees reqtr-est-wo tfees-.J The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. 20 12/20/2016 F - 122 E. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. F. All parking lots shall be screened by a three-foot to six-foot vision-obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. G At least 30 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mixture of ground cover, shrubs, and trees. Section 7. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.19 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.19.050 - Standards. The following standards shall apply to all PRDs: A. All street and utility improvements shall be constructed to urban standards specified by the City of Port Angeles. Street widths may vary from widths required in the Subdivision Regulations. Interior streets shall be dedicated public streets. Streets intended to be dedicated to the City must meet minimum standards set forth in the City of Port Angeles Urban Standards and Guidelines manual. B. All PRDs shall devote at least 30 percent of the gross area of the site to common usable open space,half of which must be used for recreational purposes and none of which will be credited in the setback areas required along the exterior property lines of the PRD. LID facilities may count towards the common usable open space not required for recreational purposes. Street rights-of-way, driveways, parking lots and utility structures shall not be counted as part of the common usable open space. Common usable open space shall be maintained as an integral part of the site and may not be segregated as a separate parcel or parcels unless such parcels are to be owned by a homeowners association. Community recreation facilities and recreation structures shall be included in calculating the area devoted to common usable open space. C. All PRDs shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space, common recreation facilities, private roads, utilities, parking areas and other similar development within the boundaries of the PRD in form and manner acceptable to the City. D. Platting shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate the subdivision of land. Lots in a platted PRD may be sold to separate owners.No further subdivision of land within the PRD will be permitted unless a formal amendment to the PRD is approved. 21 12/20/2016 F - 123 E. Conditional use permits shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate conditional uses that may be allowed in the underlying zone(s). In addition to the conditional uses allowed in the underlying zone(s), neighborhood commercial and commercial recreational uses may be considered for conditional use permit(s) during the PRD approval process. No further conditional use permits except home occupations, will be permitted within the PRD unless a formal amendment to the PRD is approved. F. For any underlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated through the PRD overlay process, the criteria and development standards of that underlying land use process shall be met. Any subsequent land use decision made pursuant to an underlying land use regulatory process shall also require a formal amendment to the PRD. G. To encourage design flexibility, conservation of natural amenities, and innovations that result in a higher quality residential environment than traditional subdivisions, site planning and architectural review that address specific criteria are required of all development in the PRD. Where applicable, the design of PRDs shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible: 1. Preserve unique physical features of the site including, but not limited to, creeks, wetlands, ravines, bluffs, lakes or ponds, shorelines, and forest areas consistent with Section 15.20 and 15.24 PAMC; 2. Preserve scenic view corridors, both internal and external to the site; 3. Provide recreation facilities including, but not limited to, bicycle or pedestrian paths, children's play areas and playfields; and 4. The design of all open space areas and building structures shall be compatible with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed. H. All PRDs shall comply with the goals and policies of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. Section 8. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.20.200 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. C. Minimum setbacks for non-residential use: Front: 25 feet from property line. Rear: 25 feet from property line. Detached accessory buildings shall not be permitted closer than ten feet to the rear property line. 22 12/20/2016 F - 124 Side: Seven feet from the property line. Detached accessory buildings only on the rear one-third of the lot may be permitted to within three feet of the side line. On corner lots the side yard abutting the street shall have a building line setback of 13 feet. D. Maximum lot coverage: 45 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. E. Maximum site coverage: 75 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, pied driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is desi of s'�&A by � professional' � eer- keense i the State of �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the most,-eeeat edit oW of the Sto m,w ate- Management M.,,,, a f Wesco,-., W.,shingto portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) *The wv^id "audition" in O-di "ee 3343 eerreeted by ee i cyto "edition G. Maximum building height: 30 feet. 17.20.2 10 - Off-street parking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMC). 17.20.230 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a vision-obscuring fence six feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining property and public rights-of-way. C. A si-xfive-foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum€ewfive-foot landscape strip shall be required within the right-of-way adjacent to the front property line as well as adjoining arterial corridors. D. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to residential landscaping. In other words, such landscaping shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of three-foot to six-foot mature height interspersed with evergreen and/or deciduous and/or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear yard setback area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar manner. E. The unused space resulting from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures which is over 24 square feet shall be landscaped. F. All landscaping shall comply with the vision clearance requirements of section 17.94.090 PAMC. G. All non-residential structures shall be designed to be compatible with the residential environment. 23 12/20/2016 F - 125 H. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least One two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. ; t ; 13 es t4ee trees ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. L Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shallhave„e than eight. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. J. All parking lots shall be screened by three-foot to six-foot vision obscuring fence or vegetation on the sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. Section 9. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.21 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.21.200 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. Residential uses on the first floor shall comply with RHD rear setback requirements. B. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. C. Minimum setback:No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley or any property that has a residential zoning classification. D. Maximum lot coverage: 50 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. E. Maximum site coverage: 80 percent, subject to paragraph F. below. F. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is designed sh,,.A,,, by o f ssio a 'cense i the State of �a'.,�r to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual of the most,-eeent edit of * portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) 24 12/20/2016 F - 126 *The wv^id "audition" in !l,-di "ee 3343 eerreeted by ee i cyto „editiOf G. Maximum building height: 30 feet. 17.21.230 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas, except City mechanized refuse collection system containers,shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a sight-obscuring fence six feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining non- commercial property and public rights-of-way. C. A si-xfive-foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum feitrfive-foot landscape strip shall be required within the right-of-way adjacent to the front property line as well as adjoining arterial corridors. D. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to residential landscaping. In other words, such landscaping shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of three-foot to six-foot mature height interspersed with evergreen, deciduous and/or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear yard setback area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar manner. E. Unused space that is over 24 square feet and that results from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped. F. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least Offe two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscap ng requirements. rn�st+atie" 11 ' iag spuees re -eek spuees reqtr-est-wo tfees-.4 The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. G. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. H. All parking lots shall be screened by three-foot to six-foot vision-obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. 25 12/20/2016 F - 127 Section 10. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.22.200 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. Residential uses on the first floor shall comply with the RHD rear setback requirements. B. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. C. Minimum yard requirements:No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley that abuts any property that has a residential zoning classification. No loading structure or dock with access onto the alley shall be built within 15 feet of an alley. Driveway access onto an alley shall maintain a vision clearance triangle. The vision clearance triangle shall extend ten feet along the alley and 15 feet along the edge of the driveway, measured from the point of intersection of each side of the driveway and the alley right-of-way line. D. Maximum lot coverage: 50 percent. E. Maximum building height: 35 feet. 17.22.2 10 - Off-street parking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMC). 17.22.230 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas, except City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a sight-obscuring fence six feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining non- commercial property and public rights-of-way. C. A si*five-foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum€etiffive-foot landscape strip shall be required within the right-of-way adjacent to the front property line as well as adjoining arterial corridors. D. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to residential landscaping. In other words, such landscaping shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of three-foot to six-foot mature height interspersed with evergreen, deciduous and/or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear yard setback area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar manner. E. Unused space that is over 24 square feet and that results from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped. 26 12/20/2016 F - 128 F. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscapes requirements. ; t ; 13 es t4ee trees ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. G. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. H. All parking lots shall be screened by three-foot to six-foot vision-obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. Section 11. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.23 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.23.230 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas except sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a sight-obscuring fence six feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so as not to shine directly on adjoining non-commercial property. C. A si-xfive-foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum feitrfive-foot landscape strip shall be required within the right-of-way adjacent to the front property line as well as adjoining arterial corridors. D. A visual screen consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge that will reach a height of six feet within three years of the planting date. Such screen shall be maintained to a maximum height of six feet. Approved vehicle driveways to an alley and sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall be maintained. 27 12/20/2016 F - 129 E. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. ; t ; 13 es t4ee*reel ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. F. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. Section 12. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.24.200 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 3,500 square feet. Residential uses on the first floor shall comply with RHD rear setback requirements. B. Minimum lot width: 25 feet. C. Setbacks/building envelope distances: Side: None, except no structure shall be built within ten feet of any property that has a residential zoning classification. No side yard required when abutting a commercial, green belt, or industrial zoned lot; except that for ground floor residential structures a seven-foot side yard shall be required. Rear: None, except no loading structure or dock shall be built within 15 feet of any alley. Front: At least 50 percent of the front property line shall be abutted by a building; provided, however, that for the purposes of this section, a publicly accessible plaza, square, outdoor dining area, or similar area shall be considered a building. D. Maximum lot coverage: 100 percent�. 28 12/20/2016 F - 130 E. Maximum building height:45 feet Additional height may be approved through a conditional use permit process that considers the impacts upon existing views and solar protection, shadow impacts, and factors such as the height of the bluff south of First Street. F. Minimum building height: All new structures in the CBD shall have a minimum of two functional stories above adjoining street level. Section 13. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.25 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.25.200 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. Residential uses on the first floor shall comply with the RHD rear setback requirements. B. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. C. Setbacks: Front: No setback requirement. Rear: No structure shall be built within the rear 15 feet of a lot that abuts an alley or a residential district. Side: No structure shall be built within 15 feet of any property that has a residential zoning classification or an alley. No side yard shall be required when abutting another commercially zoned lot, except that for residential and mixed commercial/residential structures a seven-foot side yard shall be required. D. Maximum lot coverage: 60 percent. E. Maximum site coverage: 80 percent. FL-. Maximum building height: 35 feet. 17.25.2 10 - Off-street parking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMC.) 17.25.230 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas except sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a sight-obscuring fence six feet in height. 29 12/20/2016 F - 131 B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so as not to shine directly on adjoining non-commercial property. C. A si*five-foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum€oifffive-foot landscape strip shall be required within the right-of-way adjacent to the front property line as well as adjoining arterial corridors. D. A visual screen consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge that will reach a height of six feet within three years of the planting date. Such screen shall be maintained to a maximum height of six feet. Approved vehicle driveways to an alley and sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall be maintained. E. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two tree.for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. ; t ; 13 es t4ee trees ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. F. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. Section 14. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.30 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.30.050 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: None. C. Setbacks: 30 12/20/2016 F - 132 Front: 25 feet, except 35 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned property. Rear: 25 feet, except 35 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned property. Side: 15 feet, except 25 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned property. D. Maximum lot coverage: None. E. Maximum height: 35 feet. 17.30.060 - Off-street parking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMC). 17.30.080 -Design and landscaping. A. A minimum five-foot landscaping area shall be provided abutting public rights-of-way, except for approved curb cuts. B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so that it does not shine directly on adjoining non-industrially zoned property or on public rights-of-way. C. A ten-foot wide buffer zone must be maintained adjacent to all residentially or commercially zoned property, which buffer zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, auto parking, or structures, except security fences. A visual screen, consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall be provided in the buffer zone. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge of six feet mature height within three years of the planting date; except that approved vehicle driveway openings shall not be obstructed. Vegetation within LID facilities may count towards this requirement. LID features encouraged to be located as to help provide separation between industrial and residential commercial uses. D. Onet+ee Trees shall be provided for the parking lot such that the tree canopy covers at least 20 percent of the total parking lot area after a period of 5 years for-eae g-oup of tespa exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Section 15. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.31 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.31.050 - Standards. The following standards shall apply to all Planned Industrial Developments: 31 12/20/2016 F - 133 A. All street and utility improvements shall be constructed to standards specified by the City of Port Angeles. Street widths may vary from widths required in the Subdivision Regulations, and interior circulation streets may be either public or private. Streets intended to be public must meet the minimum standards set forth in the City of Port Angeles Urban Standards and Guidelines manual. B. All PIDs that include residential uses shall devote at least 30 percent of the gross area of the site to common usable open space,half of which must be used for recreational purposes and none of which will be credited in the setback areas required along the exterior property lines of the PID. LID facilities may count towards the common usable open space not required for recreational purposes. Street rights-of-way, driveways, parking lots, environmentally sensitive areas, and utility structures shall not be counted as part of the common usable open space. Common usable open space shall be maintained as an integral part of the site and may not be segregated as a separate parcel or parcels unless such parcels are to be owned by a homeowners association. Community recreation facilities and recreation structures shall be included in calculating the area devoted to common usable open space. C. All PIDs that include residential uses and provide common open spaces, recreation facilities, private roads, utilities, parking areas or other similar developments within the boundaries of the PID shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of those common amenities of the PID in form and manner acceptable to the City. D. Platting shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate the subdivision of land. Lots in a platted PID may be sold to separate owners according to the separate lots as shown in the recorded plat that is approved in connection therewith. Development of all lots within the platted PID shall be as shown in the approved PID.No further subdivision of land within the PID will be permitted unless a formal amendment to the PID is approved. E. Conditional use permits shall be required of all projects that involve or contemplate conditional uses that may be allowed in the underlying zone(s). No further conditional use permits, except home occupations, will be permitted within the PID unless a formal amendment to the PID is approved. F. For any underlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated through the PID overlay process, the criteria and development standards of that underlying land use regulatory process shall be met. Any subsequent land use decision made pursuant to an underlying land use regulatory process shall also require a formal amendment to the PID. G. To encourage design flexibility, conservation of natural amenities, and innovations that result in a higher quality environment than traditional development, site planning and architectural review that address the following criteria are required of all development in the PID. Where applicable, the design of a PID that includes residential uses shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible: 1. Preserve unique physical features of the site including,but not limited to, creeks, wetlands, ravines, bluffs, lakes or ponds, shorelines, and forest areas. 2. Preserve scenic view corridors, both internal and external to the site. 3. Provide recreation facilities including, but not limited to, bicycle or pedestrian paths, children's play areas and playfields. 32 12/20/2016 F - 134 4. The design of all open space areas and building structures shall be compatible with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed. H. All PIDs shall comply with the goals and policies of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. 17.31.090 - Design and landscaping. A. A minimum five-foot landscaping area shall be provided abutting public rights-of-way, except for approved curb cuts. B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so that it does not shine directly on adjoining non-industrially zoned property or on public rights-of-way. C. A ten-foot wide buffer zone must be maintained adjacent to all residential or commercial uses, that buffer zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, auto parking, or structures, except security fences. A visual screen, consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall be provided in the buffer zone. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge that will reach a height of six feet within three years of the planting date. Such screen shall be maintained to a maximum height of six feet. Approved vehicle driveways to an alley and sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall be maintained. LID features encouraged to be located as to help provide separation between industrial and residential commercial uses D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two tree.for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. rn�st+atie" 11 pafkiag spuees re -eek spuees requir-est-wo t ; 13 es t4ee trees ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. Section 16. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.32.050 - Area and dimensional requirements. A. Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet. B. Minimum lot width: None. 33 12/20/2016 F - 135 C. Setbacks: Front: 25 feet, except 35 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned property. Rear: 25 feet, except 35 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned property. Side: 15 feet, except 25 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned property. D. Maximum lot coverage: None. E. Maximum building height: 35 feet. 17.32.080 - Design and landscaping. A. A minimum five-foot landscaping area shall be provided abutting public rights-of-way, except for approved curb cuts. B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so that it does not shine directly on adjoining non-industrially zoned property or on public rights-of-way. C. A ten-foot wide buffer zone must be maintained adjacent to all residentially or commercially zoned property, which buffer zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, auto parking, or structures, except security fences. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. Approved vehicle driveways to an alley and sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall be maintained. LID features encouraged to be located to help provide separation between industrial and residential commercial uses. D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. rn�st+atie" 11 paFkiag spuees re -eek spuees reqtr-est-wo tfees-.4 The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. E. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. 34 12/20/2016 F - 136 Section 17. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.34 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.34.060 - Off-street parking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMC). A. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least offe two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. rn�st+atie" 11 pafkiag spuees re -eek spuees reqtr-est-wo tfees-.4 The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to 15.20.070.B.6 and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. B. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. Section 18. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.36.080 - Design and landscaping. A. A si-xfive-foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum€oifffive-foot landscape strip shall be required within the right-of-way adjacent to the front property line as well as adjoining arterial corridors. B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so that it does not shine directly on adjoining property or public right-of-way. C. A ten-foot wide buffer zone must be maintained from adjacent properties. This buffer zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, parking, or structures, except for fences. A visual screen, consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials shall be provided in the 35 12/20/2016 F - 137 yard abutting residentially zoned land. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. If landscaping is used,it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge that will reach a height of six feet within three years of the planting date. Such screen shall be maintained to a maximum height of six feet. Approved vehicle driveways to an alley and sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall be maintained. LID features encouraged to be located as to help provide separation between industrial and residential commercial uses D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least offe two trees for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscap ng requirements. rn�st+atie" 11 pafkiag spuees re -eek spaetsreqtr-et-wo tfees-.4 The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. E. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure are excluded from this requirement. Section 19. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.37 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.37.011 - Definitions. A. Mixed Commercial Overlay (MCO): A site specific development plan that has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of Chapter 17.37 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. B. Floor area ratio (FAR): The gross floor area of all buildings or structures on a lot divided by the total lot area. 36 12/20/2016 F - 138 management element but,Y, all, ; site's aest etj D. 4HP that impede infi4fation of r-ainfall into the tmder-lyiag soil profile. These stfffaees inelude but afe not lifnited to,eempaeted soil,asphal ter. 17.37.040 -Permitted modifications of land use regulations. The approval of an MCO may include modifications to the requirements and standards of the underlying land use regulations of the zone in which the project is located (see PAMC section 17.94.010 for parcels with more than one zone) subject to the limitations of this chapter; however no approval shall include a modification, variance, or waiver of the requirements of the Shoreline Master Program except as provided in Chapter 173-14 WAC. Modifications to the requirements of Title 15 PAMC (Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection)must meet the standards of that chapter. A. On-site parking requirements shall be consistent with Title 14 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Parking requirements shall be evaluated for the entire project rather than for individual uses or structures. Shared parking for a variety of campus land users will be considered in review of this requirement. B. A height bonus (height allowed over that permitted by the underlying zone) shall be limited to a maximum of 45 feet, or one additional story,whichever is the least under the following circumstances: L When below grade parking is created, the combined floor area of any floor above 35 feet is limited to 125 square feet times the number of underground parking spaces provided. 2. When open space elements are increased above the minimum required, a ratio of one square foot of bonus height floor area for each square foot of open space will be allowed. 3. Bonus height floor area may be increased by one square foot for each square foot of gr-eei} vegetated_ roof created by the project. C. Every structure shall be set back from exterior property lines per the underlying zone,except for structures exceeding 35 feet in height. Exterior setbacks for portions of a structure exceeding 35 feet in height shall be increased by two feet for each one-foot increase of building height over 35 feet. D. A detailed sign plan shall be submitted as part of the project master plan for approval. 1. All signs proposed in the MCO shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 14.36 PAMC, Sign Ordinance. 2. Sign design shall be coordinated throughout the development. 37 12/20/2016 F - 139 E. Parking areas and facilities,trash and refuse storage areas,ventilating mechanisms and other noise-generation or odor-generating equipment, fixtures, or facilities shall be located so as to minimize noise and odor impacts on the surrounding area. The Director may require measures such as landscaping, sound barriers, fences, mounding or berming, adjustments to parking location or setback standards, design modification, limits on hours of operation or other similar measures to mitigate impacts. F. Required landscaping shall be compatible with neighboring properties. Landscaping shall be required to reduce the potential for erosion or excessive stormwater runoff, to minimize coverage of the site by impervious surfaces, to screen parking, or to reduce noise or the appearance of bulk and scale. Specific requirements of the landscape plan are found in subsection 17.37.090.F. 1. An MCO shall retain a minimum 20 percent of the development as open space/landscaping. a. The open space counted toward this set-aside shall not include green vegetated roofs that are inaccessible to the general public,right-of-way landscaping including,tree lawns (street tree plantings), parkways, or landscaped traffic islands except where plans vacate these public areas. b. Inherently unbuildable areas such as wetlands, floodplains, or other environmentally sensitive areas and buffers may be included in open space requirements. Where such areas exist, limited density transfer calculations per subsection 15.24.070.G. PAMC may be applied. C. Open space areas may include stormwater detention areas or landscaped swales, or vegetated roofs that are accessible to the general public. 2. "Streetscaping" refers to urban roadway design and conditions as they impact the diverse range of street users and nearby residents. Streetscaping is an important component of the public realm, which helps define a community's aesthetic quality and identity. a. Streetscaping shall include shade trees planted between streets and sidewalks. Trees shall be chosen to maximize mature tree canopy and be planted at a spacing appropriate to the approved tree species. b. Landscape plans shall provide an adequate soil volume to support the mature trees in a sustainable healthy condition. Use of rigid cell systems are encouraged to provide adequate soil volume. C. Streetscaping shall be designed to provide easy pedestrian access between street parking and the sidewalk. 3. Traffic and parking impacts shall be minimized. Common parking and landscaped areas shall be maintained as an integral part of the site and may not be segregated as a separate parcel or parcels. 4. All MCOs shall be designed such that proposed structures blend into the character of the surrounding neighborhood. a. Loading areas. All loading areas shall be oriented and/or screened so as to be unobtrusive from the adjacent streets or properties. 38 12/20/2016 F - 140 b. Trash enclosures. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot-high privacy fence or masonry wall with gates. 5. All MCOs shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space, common recreation facilities, private roads, utilities, parking areas, and other similar development within the boundaries of the MCO in form and manner acceptable to the City. 6. Platting shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate the subdivision of land. Lots in a platted MCO may not be sold to separate owners. No further subdivision of land within the MCO will be permitted unless a formal amendment to the MCO is approved. 7. For any underlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated through the MCO overlay process, the criteria and development standards of that underlying land use process shall be met. Any subsequent land use decision made pursuant to an underlying land use regulatory process shall also require an amendment to the MCO. G. To encourage design flexibility, and innovations that result in a higher quality environment than traditional subdivisions, site planning and architectural review that address specific criteria are required of all development in the MCO. Where applicable,the design of MCOs shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible: 1. Provide amenities, including LID facilities, that complement the surrounding environment; 2. Provide a walkable, active and transit-oriented environment that may include bicycle or pedestrian paths,proximity to public transit, children's play areas and common open space areas; 3. The design of all open space areas and built structures shall be compatible with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed. H. Public art shall be included in all MCO proposals. A minimum value of one percent of the project value, to a maximum value of$50,000.00 is required of all MCO project proposals. L All MCOs shall comply with the goals and policies of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. Section 20. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.40.065 - Design and landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from public view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a sight-obscuring fence six feet in height; except sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection. 39 12/20/2016 F - 141 B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so as not to shine directly on adjoining non-commercial property. C. A visual screen consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. Such a screen shall be to a height of six feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge of at least six feet mature height within three years of the planting date, except that approved vehicle driveways to an alley shall not be obstructed; and except that sanitation receptacles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed. D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least one two tree.for each group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping requirements. ; t ; 13 es t4ee*reel ' The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to and 15.20.080.A.4 PAMC for appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques. Section 21. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.44.015 - Definitions. A. Floor area ratio (FAR): The gross floor area of all buildings or structures on a lot divided by the total lot area. r-ainfall into the tmder-lyiag soil pr-ofile. These stfffaees inelude but a-r-e not limited to BC_. Neighborhood density: The number of dwelling units per acre allowed by a zone or zones. C-D. Planned Low Impact Development (PLID): A site specific development that has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of Chapter 17.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. DR Townsite block: A block of 500-foot by 300-foot dimension or 3.44 acres as created by the original platting of the Townsite of Port Angeles. 40 12/20/2016 F - 142 E. Critical Root Zone(CRZ): Minimum area of protection around the trunk of a tree. The CRZ is based on the area that results from measuring, at diameter breast height(DBH) or 4.5 feet above the ground, 1.5 feet outwards from the trunk for every inch of trunk diameter. 17.44.025 -Performance standards. A. Conformance to the following criteria is required for all developments reviewed under the provisions of this chapter: M., T,, n r, n Minimum Maximum TABLE 17.44.025- Stmetufe Vegetated Impervious 1 v Re"eti Open Surface (T„�;� Spaced Areas2 Of>0-3-Q Urban Residential 6.22 Dwelling 6A°� 6A°� 35% See Table 17.44.025-2 Units per Acre Urban Residential >6.22 0 0 20/0 o See Table Dwelling 17.44.025-2 17.44.025-2 Units per Acre See Table Multi-Family�3 4 4 0 �e 20% 17.44.025-2 Table 17.44 025 Notes. edition. 41 12/20/2016 F - 143 4 A I I site soils dis4ffbed dwing eenstmetion shall be rehabilitated to the speeifieations of the most. needed for-a detention pond sefviag a staffdafd development. 6 1—fifilarr-Ation rates are as fneastffed in the field at the proposed PLID le teel+ni"es r-eee ended in the Stom+waterz Management Mafmal for- Westefff Washington and the i-7 Vegetated open space includes native,undisturbed areas,or rehabilitation of previously disturbed areas. Vegetated open space may integrate passive recreation facilities. Active recreation areas shall not count towards vegetated open space total. 24 Impervious areas soil pro as defined in Section 17.^�z17.08. 34 Multi-family projects are those projects containing more than two dwelling units attached in a single structure, regardless of ownership mechanism. 444 Multi-family and commercial projects must use per-vious permeable pavement for at least 20 percent of all paved surfaces, where feasible. Table 17.44.025-2 Residential Density Allowed and Maximum Percent Impervious Areas Based on Density Minimum Dwelling Maximum% Total Zone Units per Maximum Dwelling Impervious Acre Units per Acre* Surface RS-11 2 DU per Acre 3.96 DU per Acre 25% RS-9 3.96 DU per Acre 4.84 DU per Acre 30% RS-7 4.48 DU per Acre 6.22 DU per Acre 35% RMD 6.22 DU per Acre 12.44 DU per Acre 40% RHD 12.44 DU per Acre 38.56 DU per Acre 50% 42 12/20/2016 F - 144 * Does not include density bonus per Section 17.44.100 B. Additional requirements: 1. All projects with Type A (outwash) soils shall infiltrate 100-percent of runoff. 2. All PLID projects shall provide a maintenance plan/program for the low impact development stormwater facilities and techniques that have been approved by the City and meets the stormwater requirements for new development and redevelopment projects in Chapter 5 and 6 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manualmv3�c�ir2ir�� of the ct9m+vat2r�imig232it Mimimi for- r esc2£ Washingtoff- 17.44.050 - Design and development standards. The following design objectives are included in the PLID standards: A. Lot size. Minimize area of site disturbance. The minimum lot size of the underlying zone may be modified to achieve the goals in section 17.44.0 10 PAMC. B. Lot width. Minimize street length. The minimum lot width of the underlying zone district may be modified to achieve the goals in section 17.44.0 10 PAMC. C. Building height. Minimize building footprint. Building height may exceed the standard in the underlying zone to a maximum of+ffi twenty percent; provided that the project design protects adjacent uses both inside and outside of the PLID from adverse impacts on privacy, light, air and significant public views. D. Building setbacks. Minimize impervious surfaces. The zoning setbacks may be modified to achieve the goals in section 17.44.010 PAMC. E. Site coverage. Minimize impervious surfaces. The total impervious area (TIA) of the site shall be limited to those allowed in Table 17.44.025-2. Additional coverage of the site shall be with pervious materials only. Any impervious area that is isolated by a minimum of 100 feet of native vegetation and is drained using approved dispersion techniques through the native vegetation area shall not be considered in the limit. F. The following standards shall apply to all PLIDs: 1. All street and utility improvements shall be constructed to standards specified by the City of Port Angeles. Private street widths may vary from widths required in the Subdivision Regulations, and interior streets may be either public or private. Streets intended to be dedicated to the City must meet minimum standards set forth in the City of Port Angeles Urban Standards and Guidelines manual. 2. All PLIDs shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of stormwater management facilities, common open space, common recreation facilities, private roads, 43 12/20/2016 F - 145 utilities,parking areas and other similar development within the boundaries of the PLID in a form and manner acceptable to the City. 3. PLIDs that are not accompanied by a concurrent subdivision or short subdivision approval, shall record an easement or covenant against the land title to ensure that the low impact development features are protected. 4. Platting shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate the subdivision of land. Lots in a platted PLID may be sold to separate owners.No further subdivision of land within the PLID will be permitted unless a formal amendment to the PLID is approved. 5. Conditional use permits shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate conditional uses that may be allowed in the underlying zone(s). In addition to the conditional uses allowed in the underlying zone(s), small scale commercial uses allowed in the Commercial Neighborhood(CN)zone and serving nearby residences may be considered for conditional use permit(s) during the PLID approval process. No further conditional use permits except home occupations, will be permitted within the PLID unless a formal amendment to the PLID is approved. 6. For any underlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated through the PLID overlay process, the criteria and development standards of that underlying land use process shall be met. Any subsequent land use decision made pursuant to an underlying land use regulatory process shall also require a formal amendment to the PLID. 7. To encourage design flexibility, conservation of natural amenities and innovations that result in a higher quality residential environment than traditional subdivisions, comprehensive site planning is required of all development in the PLID. Where applicable, the design of PLIDs shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible: a. Preserve unique physical features of the site including, but not limited to, creeks, wetlands, ravines, bluffs, lakes or ponds, shorelines, and forest areas consistent with section 15.20 and 15.24 PAMC; b. Preserve scenic view corridors,both internal and external to the site to the greatest extent possible; c. The design of all open space areas and building structures shall be compatible with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed. 8. All PLIDs shall comply with the goals and policies of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. 9. The location of all streets, buildings,parking areas,pedestrian,bicycle and vehicular ways, and utility easements shall be designed to promote public safety, compatibility of uses, minimize effective impervious surface, preserve forested open space, and complement predevelopment site characteristics such as topography, soils, hydrology, and other natural features. 10. All PLIDs shall comply with the stormwater requirements for new development and redevelopment projects in Chapter 5 and 6 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual. 44 12/20/2016 F - 146 17.44.060 - Site assessment. Low impact development site design is intended to mimic the predevelopment hydrologic conditions on the site. The development eoate�it shall be established by an initial site assessment asisteat with the 0 oats of seeti,,, 17.4 4 ,tin PAW.W Site assessment and feasibility of LID BMPs shall be determined per Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual. inf6ftoation neeessafy to design st+ategies that preserve natufal r-esotffees, pr-esefve a-r-ea s most. pr-e development natufal I+ydr-ologie eenditions on the site. The assessment will r-estilt tio a ------ of maps ideatif�,iag st-Feams, !a-kes, wedaods, buffer-s, steep slopes, and other- haza-r-d a-r-eas, sigaifieant wildlife habitat a-r-eas, and pefmeable soils off-eFing the best available infilt-Fation potential. Maps eao be eembined as ha-r-d eopies or- as GIS layer-s to delineate the best a-r-eas to leeate development. Those a-r-eas designated most appropriate fer-development,V�4ieh will e0fitain and vegetation dis4wbaoee, buffer- er-itieal a-r-eas, and take a&antage of a site's flatufal stom+water- apabilities. Designated development a-r-ea botmdar-ies shall be delineated on site plans and ideatified on the site dtffiag site ffid eensti-aetion. Areas outside of the designated development a-r-ea envelope sih-al-11 be.46elsmfgaated pr-oteeted native gr-o�A4t ar-eas or-reserve a-r-eas. Sites located in close proximity to the marine bluff, steep slopes, or landslide hazard areas may be considered inappropriate for PLID due to conditions whereby the use of infiltration of stormwater may result in unstable soil conditions. 17.44.080 -Native soil protection and amendment. A. The duff layer and native topsoils shall be retained in an undisturbed state to the maximum extent practicable. Any duff ayeor-topsoil removed,a,,,-ing ,.,-.,, iag shall be steep-pile a on material shall be reapplied to other-poi4ioas of the site v�4er-e feasible-. B. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 17.44.080.C., areas that have been cleared and graded or subject to prior disturbance shall be ameade meet the post-construction soil quality and depth requirements in the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014), or most recent update. Prior- ,ais4w>,., ee shall ; „hide soil eempaetionor-removal of some o A of�he "9 layer-or-ti*der-lyiog topsoil. The ameodmeot shall take piffee bet-weeo May 1 and Oetober- 1. Replaeed topsoil shall be . . - of eight ineh depth, tittless th soil tooistufe holding eapaeity native to the site. Replaeed topsoil shall ha--ve a i i - . eenteat of ten per-eent dr-y weight and a pI4 bet-ween 5.5 and 7.0. The intent 0 45 12/20/2016 F - 147 C. This section does not apply to areas within the dr-ipliae Critical Root Zone (CRZ) of trees proposed for retention, or that, at project completion, are covered by an impervious surface, incorporated into a drainage facility or engineered as structural fill or slope. Mulch shall be applied to any area within the CRZ or dripline of trees where the duff layer and organic matter are removed. 17.44.120 - Circulation and access. A. Circulation and access provisions shall be appropriate to the scale of the project and to anticipated traffic characteristics, and consistent with the requirements of City of Port Angeles road standards. Deviations from the City of Port Angeles Public Works standards may be granted subject to the following criteria: 1. Approval by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities and Fire Departments; 2. A -vegetated bioretention facility shall be provided within the right-of-way or in islands created by loop roadways. If a bioretention facility is not feasible, other LID facilities may be considered. B. Loop roadways are encouraged to minimize impervious surfaces, facilitate emergency vehicle access, and provide vegetated areas to help manage stormwater. 17.44.130 -Parking. Parking space requirements shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 14.40. If parking cannot be accommodated on site, common parking areas must be incorporated on approved privately maintained easement areas using pe-..ions suff ,ing fnater- permeable pavement where feasible. 17.44.140 - Alternative surfacing methods. Alternative surfacing including, but not limited to: paving blocks, bark or wood mulch, turf block, pe eats-ceaer-ete,per-ei asphalt,plastic or other material grid systems,and other similar approved materials are encouraged and may be approved for appropriate applications. Alternative surfacing methods may be approved for parking areas, emergency parking areas, private roads, fire lanes, road shoulders, bike paths, walkways, patios, driveways, and easement service roads where appropriate unless site constraints make use of such materials detrimental to water quality. Utilization of alternative surfacing methods shall be subject to review and approval by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department and Fire Marshal for compliance with other applicable regulations and development standards. Suff ees that eemply with this seeti,,, shall no 46 12/20/2016 F - 148 17.44.150 - Drainage and land alteration. A. Land alteration may commence when in compliance with City of Port Angeles site development regulations. B. Drainage plans and improvements shall be in compliance with City of Port Angeles drainage standards and NPDES permit requirements. 1 n n 1 tin Site .,n pt pla T . assessment 0 The site de *- . for- a PLIP begitis w4h a-a iii dep�h stite assess fit. The site assessmefft. shall be a eemponeat of the pr-ojeet s4mittal. The site assessment shall ifielude, at a Mifliffi,&M, t� followifig- a-r-eas and easements, and the leeation of all proposed lot lines, lease a-r-eas, a-Rd easements, .moo"ccs, drainage swaleS, and eoatotffs asp 1 Up to to ,moo ent slopes, t-wo feet atot s 2. Ove-to pe ent to loss than 20 pe ent slopes five feet atot s 3. 20 per-eent or-greater-slopes, ten feet eoatotffs. Spot elevations shall be at 25 feet . i. U-nder-lying soils on the site titilizing soil pits and soil grain analysis tO assess ififilt-FatiOH ea-pability eii site. The ffeEttteiiey a-ad distfibt4ieii of soil pits shall be adeEttiate to difeet. plaeemeat of the r-oads and stmetufes away 4om soils that ean most effeetively infilt-Fate steffnwatef- 2. Washington,ti*der-lyitig soils that provide eppefPd-aities for-storage a-ad paftial itifi4fatieli. 3. Depth to gr-otmdwater, as defined in Chapter- 15.20 PAW, • b. A sufvey of all tfees over- 12 inehes in tp&nk diafneter-fneastffed at fotff feet above the gr- 47 12/20/2016 F - 149 a. A mapping of the e�iteat of the wooded afeas with sffFvey of per-4 wooded area. reasonable dist nee ., „d the * „tom E. A sufvey of wildlife habitat by a"alified biologist. showing wedand and buffer-botmdafies eensisteat with the r-e"ir-efneats of Chapter- 15.20 PAW A iT(` an 15.24 PAW,W i f present. G. Peed hai�afd afeas off of aE�aeefft to the site, if pfesefftif pfesefA- (cr-d. 3293, 8,131120ri7} 17.44.180 - Application materials required. The application for a PLID shall contain the following: A. The name, location, and legal description of the proposed development, together with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the recorded owners of the land and of the applicant and, if applicable, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any land surveyor, architect, planner, designer, or engineer responsible for the preparation of the plan, and of any authorized representative of the applicant. B. A narrative explaining the proposed use or uses of the land and building, including the proposed number of dwelling units by type, such as single-family detached, row housing, or apartments and information on any special features, conditions of which cannot be adequately shown on drawings and an explanation of covenants, continuous maintenance provisions, and/or homeowners association for the project. The narrative shall include information explaining how the proposed development will, through the improved utilization of open space, natural topography, transitional housing densities, and integrated circulation systems, create a residential environment of higher quality than that normally achieved by traditional development of a subdivision and how the proposed development will be compatible with adjacent, existing, and future developments. C. A survey of the property containing the information required in section 17.44.160.A. through H,plus: 48 12/20/2016 F - 150 1. Existing buildings or structures; 2. Existing streets, utility easements, rights-of-way; 3. Existing land uses. D. Preliminary site plans showing the following: 1. Location and dimensions of proposed buildings, building setbacks, open space, recreation areas,parking areas, and circulation patterns; 2. Landscape areas and landscape areas used for stormwater management. E. Detailed site statistics including but not limited to: 1. Total site area in both acres and square feet; 2. Site coverage expressed in square feet and percentage of- a. £a. Total footprint area of buildings for: i. Residential structures; ii. Non-residential structures. b. Roadway and sidewalk paved surfaces area; C. Parking lot and other impervious areas; d. Any areas paved with permeable paving systems; 3. Total area in lots and area of individual lots; 4. Number of residential units proposed; 5. Total number of lots being created; 6. Density of site expressed as residential units per acre. F. Landscape plan including a tree planting plan and a tree protection plan for existing vegetation. G. A preliminary plat, if applicable, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 PAMC. H. If a developer elects to obtain additional density credits for environmentally sensitive areas, the site plan application shall contain specific information relating to the additional density credit criteria of section 15.20.070 and 15.24.070. L A preliminary utilities plan, including fire hydrant locations. J. A Small Project Stormwater Plan or Large Project Stormwater Plan that meets chapter 5 the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, site development standards and NPDES permit requirements. K. An off-street parking plan and circulation plan showing: 1. All means of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress to and from the site; 2. Number and location of off-street parking spaces; 49 12/20/2016 F - 151 3. Size and location of driveways, streets, sidewalks, trails, and parking spaces; 4. Any new traffic control devices required for the safety of the project must be shown. L. Mailing labels of property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project pursuant to section 17.96.140 PAMC. 17.44.190 - Supplemental information. A. A complete State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) checklist. B. A traffic study prepared by an engineer licensed in Washington State, if required by the Public Works and Utilities Department at the preapplication conference. The traffic study does not need to be submitted with the application if an environmental impact statement is being prepared for the project and a traffic study will be completed for the EIS. This does not preclude the possibility that a traffic study may be required at a later stage in the process. C. The proposed method of providing long-term maintenance of improvements or facilities, including roads and sidewalks, drainage, on-site fire protection improvements, water and sanitation systems, and community or public open space. The purpose is to identify the method of maintenance, not to require detailed agreements. Maintenance criteria for stormwater treatment and flow control facilities and LID BMPs shall be per Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual. D. If the maintenance is to be provided privately, the developer shall indicate the organization to be established to provide the maintenance, and the method and approximate amount of funding required. E. Draft instruments for permanent preservation of protected native growth areas and maintenance of low impact development d-r-aitiage facilities. 17.44.240 - Final approval of PLID. Application for final approval of a PLID shall be submitted to City Council within two years of the preliminary development plan approval; provided that for phased PLID's each phase shall have an additional one-year period for final approval; and provided further that an applicant may apply to the Planning Commission, and the Commission may approve, one or more one-year extensions as the Commission may deem appropriate. The site must be under one ownership prior to final approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. The application for final approval must be made by the owners of the entire site and shall include the following: A. A title report showing record ownership of the parcel or parcels upon which the PLID is to be developed. B. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of stormwater management facilities, common open space, recreation facilities, and recreation structures. If development is to be done in phases, each phase must meet this requirement. 50 12/20/2016 F - 152 C. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of environmentally sensitive areas and their buffers. If development is to be done in phases, each phase must meet this requirement. D. Final development plans that shall be in compliance with the approved preliminary development plans. E. Final corrected plans("as-builts")that are stamped, signed,and dated by a licensed en_ig neer registered in the state of Washington that accuratelypresent the stormwater infrastructure installed including bioretention facilities, permeable pavement, vegetated roofs, rainwater harvesting systems, and/or newly planted or retained trees for which a flow reduction credit was received. F11. The final plat, if applicable,pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapter 16.08 PAMC. GE. Development schedule. HFA. If bonding is proposed, the bond or other form of security acceptable to the City in an amount equal to 150 percent of the approved engineering estimate for the required improvements to complete the project or submitted phase, as required by the City. 114. Covenants, conditions and restrictions and/or homeowners' association agreement. R. Mailing labels of property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project pursuant to section 17.96.140 PAMC. Section 22. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.45 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.45.090 - Application procedure. The application for an IOZ shall contain the following: A. The name, location, and legal description of the proposed development, together with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the recorded owners of the land and of the applicant and, if applicable, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any land surveyor, architect, planner, designer, or engineer responsible for the preparation of the plan, and of any authorized representative of the applicant. B. A narrative explaining the proposed use or uses of the land and building, including the proposed number of dwelling units by type, such as single-family detached, row housing, and apartments; documentation of smart growth practices, infill, utilization of existing infrastructure, walkability, and orientation to transit; inclusion of attainable housing and mechanisms for perpetuity; information on any special features, conditions of which cannot 51 12/20/2016 F - 153 be adequately shown on drawings; and an explanation of covenants, continuous maintenance provisions, and/or homeowners association for the project. C. A survey of the property showing existing features,including contours at five-foot intervals, buildings, structures, streets, utility easements, rights-of-way, environmentally sensitive areas, and existing land uses. D. Preliminary site plans showing existing and proposed contours at five-foot intervals, location and dimensions of buildings, open space, recreation areas, parking areas, circulation, landscape areas, subdivision platting and general arrangement. E. Detailed site statistics including but not limited to: 1. Total site area in both acres and square feet; 2. Site coverage expressed in square feet and percentage of, a. Total footprint area of buildings for: i. Residential structures; ii. Non-residential structures; b. Roadway and sidewalk paved surfaces; C. Parking lot areas; d. Any areas paved with permeable paving systems; 3. Total area in lots; 4. Landscape plan showing: a. Common open space area, including any LID facilities (must be five percent of site); b. Detailed specifications of trees and landscaping on site; 5. Number and location of off-street parking; 6. Number of residential units proposed and approximate square footage; 7. Total number of lots being created; 8. Density of site expressed as residential units per acre. F. A preliminary plat, if applicable, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 PAMC. G. If a developer elects to obtain additional density credits, the site plan application shall contain specific information relating to the additional density credit criteria of sections 15.20.070 and 15.24.070. H. Preliminary elevation and perspective drawings of project structures. L A preliminary utilities plan, including fire hydrant locations. J. A preliminary storm drainage plan with calculation of impervious areas. 52 12/20/2016 F - 154 K. An off-street parking plan and circulation plan showing all means of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress to and from the site; and size and location of driveways, streets, sidewalks, trails and parking spaces. Any new traffic control devices required for the safety of the project must be shown. L. Mailing labels of property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project pursuant to section 17.96.140 PAMC. Section 23. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Sections of Chapter 17.94 of the Port Angeles Municipal Codes are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.94.100 - Driveways. Width, location, and number of curb-cuts for driveways per lot shall be deteFmiaed by s*.,, da--ds ' as specified in the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual. 17.94.130 - Lot coverage exemptions. The following shall be exempt from the maximum lot coverage requirements of any zone: A. Sidewalks, driveways, and uncovered off-street parking spaces. B. The first 30 inches of eaves. C. Uncovered swimming pools and hot tubs. D. Uncovered, unenclosed decks and platforms not more than 30 inches above grade. E. Systems that allow the infiltration of stormwater into the underlying soils, such as permeable pavement and bioretention facilities, are not counted against lot coverage calculations. F. A professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington is required to perform infiltration assessment for sites which add 5,000 square feet or more of new or replaced hard surface area. 4- On site infi4ation methods shall be evaltiated individually by the P41ie Alef-ks an applying this e�Eemptioawill be required to provide an operations a-Rd maintena-flee plan fer-- 53 12/20/2016 F - 155 All applicants seeking exemptions under this subsection are required to provide nditions f r use „fro,-..ions s stet s an participate in a pre-application project review meeting with City staff. 17.94.135 - Site coverage exemptions. The following shall be e�ief"t fFofn the fna�Eim,&ffl site ee Fefnefits of any zone- Systems that are not hard surfaces and allow the infiltration of stormwater into the underlying soils, such as bioretention facilities, are exempt from the maximum site coverage,,.,',,�requirements of any zone. On site iNfi'*ratio„ ffiethods be r-e"irzed to provide an oper-ations and fnaintenanee plan for-appr-o All applicants seeking exemptions under this subsection are required to provide participate in a pre-application review meeting with City staff. A professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington is required to perform infiltration assessment for sites which add 5,000 square feet or more of new or replaced hard surface area. Section 24- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 25 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 26 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. 54 12/20/2016 F - 156 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December,2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 12016 By Summary 55 12/20/2016 F - 157 0R.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: BYRON W.OLSON,CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER SARINA CARRIZOSA,BUDGET OFFICER SUBJECT: 2016 Budget Amendment#3 Summary: The 2016 Budget is being amended for the third and final time to adjust several funds to reflect changes in revenues and expenditures that have occurred during the final months of the year. As this budget amendment includes new revenues, as well as an authorization to use funds from reserves, the ordinance must be approved by a super-majority of the entire Council or at least five (5) affirmative votes. Funding: The 2016 budget amendment 43 is set at $119,411,186 and is balanced with the planned use of$11,272,111 from reserves. Recommendation: It is recommended the Council: 1) Conduct the 2nd reading of the 2016 Budget Amendment 43 ordinance and move to adopt. Background/Analysis: The 3rd Amendment will "clean-up" a variety of changes to City revenues and expenditures, including carrying over capital projects to 2017, increasing expenditures to allow for higher than anticipated costs, the inclusion of State increases to Workers compensation, and other miscellaneous budgetary changes. Most of these increased expenditures have already been approved by Council, and the majority of these increases will be funded using existing reserves. Since the first reading of the third amendment on November 15th there have been a few changes to the amendment mostly due to costs incurred resulting from employee retirements and payouts. The additional changes are listed below for your reference: 12/20/2016 G - 1 City Council Memo—2016 Budget Amendment#3 December 20,2016 ll:1agc 12 Description 001.5010.521.1011 50,000 Police OT 001.5021.521.1011 22,000 Police OT 001.5022.521.1011 105,000 Police OT 001.5010.521.1001 40,000 Employee retirement 001.5022.521.1001 45,000 Employee retirement 001.7010.532.1001 85,000 Employee retirement/severance General Fund 347,000 107.5160.528.4311 10,000 Increase based on reimbursement revenue received for training 107.5160.528.4150 10,000 Regional Communications Director costs-approved by Advisory Board PenCom 20,000 409.6025.526.1001 95,000 Personnel costs Medic 1 95,000 452.7388.594.6510 1,000 WTO 114-Marine Drive Water Main Water Capital Fund 1,000 602.6221.517.4635 15,000 Additional pension increase Firemen's Pension 15,000 Total Changes to Amendment $ $ 478,000 With this Amendment, the projected year-end unassigned fund balance of the General Fund is estimated to be $4,908,237 or 23.54%. Since many of the individual actions require funding to come from reserves (money unspent at the end of the fiscal year automatically rolls into reserves/fund balance), approval of the ordinance will require a super majority of the entire Council, or five (5) affirmative votes. Attached is a detailed list of proposed budget changes, the budget amendment ordinance, along with Exhibit A which lists total revenues and expenditures by fund for the 2016 Budget Amendment 42 and proposed Amendment 43. Tonight's meeting will include a second reading and adoption of the budget amendment 43 ordinance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at your convenience. Funding Overview: The 2016 Budget Amendment 43 is set at $119,411,186 and is balanced with the planned use of $11,272,111 from reserves. Attachments: Detailed list of proposed budget changes 2016 Budget Ordinance—Amendment 43 Exhibit A 12/20/2016 G - 2 Council Legal Advice 26,400 001.1160.511.4150 Council legal advice-Ethics Workers comp increase-Council 2,000 001.1160.511.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-City Manager's Office 600 001.1210.513.2010 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Human Resources 800 001.1220.518.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-City Clerk 900 001.1230.514.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Finance Admin. 1,000 001.2010.514.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Accounting (400)001.2023.514.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Customer Service 3,100 001.2025.514.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Legal 600 001.3010.515.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Planning 500 001.4010.558.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Building 2,600 001.4020.524.2040 Workers Comp Change Retirement Payout-Police Admin 40,000 001.5010.521.1001 Retirement payout Overtime increase-Police Admin. 50,000 001.5010.521.1011 Overtime increase Workers comp increase-Police Admin (100)001.5010.521.2040 Workers Comp Change Overtime increase-Police Investigation 22,000 001.5021.521.1011 Overtime increase Workers comp increase-Police Investigation 25,200 001.5021.521.2040 Workers Comp Change Retirement Payout-Police Patrol 45,000 001.5022.521.1001 Retirement payout Overtime increase-Police Patrol 105,000 001.5022.521.1011 Overtime increase Workers comp increase-Police Patrol 103,500 001.5022.521.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Police Records 43,500 001.5029.521.2040 Workers Comp Change Police vehicle-Stonegarden Grant (38,000) 001.5022.333.9706 Move to Equipment Services Workers comp increase-Fire Admin 800 001.6010.522.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Fire Suppression 4,800 001.6020.522.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp increase-Fire Training 4,200 001.6040.522.2040 Workers Comp Change Tronsferfor radio system project-FDO314 3,800 001.6012.597.5991 Radio system transfer to Capital account Retirement/Severance Payout 85,000 001.7010.532.1001 Retirement payout Workers Comp increase-Public Works Engineering/Admin. 11,600 001.7010.532.2040 Workers Comp change Remove tronsferfor Downtown Sidewalks-TRO116 (97,000)001.7012.597.5991 Council directed transfer removal PEG Access support funds received from Wave 4,000 001.7032.343.2000 PAPA agreement Peg Access support funds to PAPA 4,000 001.7032.532.4150 PAPA agreement Cable Franchise Contract with Buske Group 21,100 001.7032.532.4150 Contract services Workers Comp increase-Parks Admin 1,100 001.8010.574.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp increase-Senior Center 400 001.8012.555.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp increase-Cemetery 2,600 001.8050.536.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp increase-Parks Maintenance 8,000 001.8080.576.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp increase-Parks Facilities 4,500 001.8131.518.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp increase-Parks Sports Programs 1,300 001.8221.574.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp increase-Parks Facility Rentals (700)001.8155.575.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL GENERAL FUND (34,000) 527,700 Workers Comp change (87,300) 102.7230.542.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL STREET FUND (87,300) Transfer to Capital for Downtown Sidewalk repair-TRO116 18,000 105.7840.597.5991 Transfer for capital project TOTAL REET#1 FUND 18,000 Transfer to Capital for Downtown Sidewalk repair-TRO116 119,500 160.7841.597.5991 Transfer for capital project TOTAL REET#2 FUND 119,500 Workers Comp Change 8,300 107.5160.528.2040 Workers Comp Change Reimbursement receivedfor training 10,000 107.5160.528.4311 Training reimbursement Regional Communications Director Costs 10,000 107.5160.528.4150 Approved by PenCom Advisory Board Radio Study 73,400 107.5160.528.4150 Project carried over.Approved by Council TOTAL PENCOM FUND 101,700 City Match Change of account (84,000) 172.2310.559.5201 Account change Reduce CDBG expense (682,714) 172.2310.559.5201 Change in Grant Reduce CDBG revenue (150,000) 172.2310.333.1422 Change in Grant TOTAL PA HOUSING FUND (150,000) (682,714) Unreceived grantfor CLO416 (150,000)401.7180.533.4150 Unreceived Grant Unreceived grantfor CLO516 (300,000)401.7180.533.4150 Unrecieved Grant Transfer to Conservation (300,000)401.7180.597.5993 Discontinued transfer Tronsferfrom restricted reserves-land purchase 350,000 401.9998.597.5881 Land Purchase Workers comp change-Electric Engineering 600 401.7111.533.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp change-Power Systems 500 401.7120.533.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers comp change-Electric Operations 3,000 401.7180.533.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL ELECTRIC FUND (395,900) Workers Comp Change 65,300 402.7380.534.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL WATER FUND 65,300 Workers Comp Change 28,400 403.7480.535.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL WASTEWATER FUND 28,400 Workers Comp Change-Collections 16,400 404.7580.537.2040 Workers Comp Change Workers Comp Change-Transfer Station 1,800 404.7538.537.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL SOLID WASTE FUND 18,200 Workers Comp Change 3,000 406.7412.538.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL STORMWATER FUND 3,000 Personnecl costs 95,000 409.6025.526.1001 Personnel Costs Workers Comp Change 41,700 409.6025.526.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL MEDIC 1 FUND 136,700 12/20/2016 G - 3 LED lights rebate correction-PK0314 (14,000)421.7121.597.5991 Rebate correction Workers Comp Change 4,700 421.7121.533.2040 Workers Comp Change Discontinue to transfer from Electric Fund (300,000) 421.7121.397.1093 Discontinue transfer TOTAL CONSERVATION FUND (300,000) (9,300) Police vehicle-Stonegarden Grant 38,000 501.7630.333.9706 Stonegarden Grant Light Ops vehicle - (75,000)501.7630.594.6410 Moving into 2017 Parks-Bucket Truck - (84,000)501.7630.594.6410 Moving into 2017 Emergency repair to fuel pump station - 13,900 501.7630.594.6410 Emergency repair Revenues to match expenditures-overstated revenues (5,600) 501.7630.348.3010 Accounting transaction Electric Bucket Truck 265,300 501.7630.594.6410 Approved in 2015. Parks 3/4 Ton 2WD truck (9,000)501.7630.594.6410 Council Approved Parks Bucket lift on Iton Flatbed truck 14,000 501.7630.594.6410 Council Approved Workers Comp Change 7,300 501.7630.548.2040 Workers Comp Change TOTAL EQUIPMENT SERVICES FUND 32,400 132,500 Records Management Scanning-IT0214 29,000 502.2082.594.6510 Council approved Move to 2018-IT1016 (7,500)502.2082.594.6510 Move to 2018 Cityworks-move to 2017-IT0516 (22,500)502.2082.594.6510 Move to 2017 Data Storage(SAN&Backup)-IT0814 400,000 502.2082.594.6510 Project approved by Council Socrota software-IT1616 (15,000)502.2082.594.6510 Expensed WIFI for City Hall-IT1316 5,000 502.2082.594.6510 Increased project costs Workers Comp Change 1,000 502.2081.518.2040 Workers comp Change TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 390,000 Workers Comp Premiums 320,000 - 503.1661.365.9012 Workers comp Premium L&I Payments 8,000 503.1661.517.1001 L&I Payments Workers Comp Claims 13,000 503.1661.517.4140 Workers comp claims Contract Services for Insurance (21,000)503.1661.517.4150 Contract services Taxes and Assessments 368,000 503.1661.517.4950 Taxes and assessments Workers Comp/Medical expenses and legal fees (48,000)503.1661.517.4992 Workers comp Change TOTAL SELF INSURANCE FUND 320,000 320,000 FEMA Port Security Grant for WAPS-PDO114 18,300 310.5950.331.9705 Grant for WAPS Remove due to incorrect account-PK0314 (453,000) 310.8985.333.1562 Incorrect account Civic Field Lighting grant increase-PK0314 45,300 310.8985.334.0270 Grant for Civic Field Transfer from REET for Downtown sidewalks-TRO116 119,500 310.7961.397.1091 Transfer from REET Remove General Fund Transfer-TRO116 (97,000) 310.7961.397.1091 General Fund Transfer removal Race Street Design-TR0209 (408,500) 310.7930.331.2020 Move to 2017 Race Street Design-TR0209 (472,300)310.7930.595.6510 Move to 2017 LED lights rebate-PK0314 30,200 310.8985.369.9000 Rebate LED lights rebate correction-PK0314 (14,000) 310.8985.397.1091 Rebate correction Fire Dept radio system-FD0314 3,800 310.5950.594.6510 Radio system Transfer received from Fire Department-FD0314 3,800 310.5950.397.1091 Transfer for project Project moved forward from 2017-GG0116 25,000 310.8985.594.6510 Move from 2017 into 2016 Proximity Access Control-move to 2017-GG1113 (60,000)310.8985.594.6510 Move to 2017 Revolving fund carry forward-FDO415 (17,500)310.5950.594.6510 Carry Forward Revolving fund carry forward-FDO615 (5,000)310.5950.594.6510 Carry Forward Ediz Hook Dock repairs-PK0409 (240,000)310.7930.595.6510 Move to 2017 Hill St.Development-TR0114 (150,000)310.7930.595.6510 Move to 2017 Downtown Sidewalks tronsferfrom REET-TRO116 18,000 310.7961.397.1091 Transfer from REET Downtown sidewalks increased costs-TRO116 22,500 310.7961.595.6510 Increased project costs Waterfront development-Increased costs-TR0203 77,500 310.7961.595.6510 Increased project costs Peabody Creek culvert-Move to 2017-TRO414 (100,000)310.7930.595.6510 Move to 2017 LID Green Alley project-TR1616 35,000 310.7930.595.6510 Increased project costs Ediz Hook Dock repairs move to 2017-PK0409 (213,300) 310.7930.333.9736 Move to 2017 Hill St.Development-TR0114 (200,000) 310.7930.333.2010 Move to 2017 Increased grant funds-LID Green Alley Project-TR1616 35,000 310.7930.334.0310 Increased grant. TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (1,115,700) (881,000) Insurance Reimbursements 694,700 413.7481.369.4000 Insurance reimbursement TOTAL HARBOR CLEAN-UP FUND 694,700 Purchase land for Electric Buliding-CLO314 350,000 451.7188.594.6510 Council approved land purchase Transfer from restricted funds for land purchase 350,000 451.9998.397.1081 Council approved land purchase TOTAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL FUND 350,000 350,000 E.Street Station-WT0109 (195,000)452.7388.594.6510 Move to 2017 WT0114-Marine Drive Water Main 1,000 452.7388.594.6510 WT0114-Marine Drive Water Main Marine Drive Channel Bridge-WWO315 (30,000)452.7388.594.6510 Move to 2017 TOTAL WATER CAPITAL FUND (224,000) Ediz Hook sewer repair-WWO114-Move to 2017 (175,000)453.7488.594.6510 Move to 2017 Marine Drive Sewer-WW0116-Move to 2017 (222,000)453.7488.594.6510 Move to 2017 Marine Drive Channel Bridge-WW0315-Move to 2017 (90,000)453.7488.594.6510 Move to 2017 CSO 6&7-Move to 2017-WW0316 (160,000)453.7488.594.6510 Move to 2017 5th St.Sewer repair-WWO515 (45,000)453.7488.594.6510 In house repair In-line grinder-WW1015 (110,000)453.7488.594.6510 Move to 2017 TOTAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL FUND (802,000) H St.Outfall-DR0213 (350,000)456.7688.594.6510 Move to 2017 Francis St.Outfall-DR0215 (35,000)456.7688.594.6510 Move to 2017 TOTAL STORMWATER CAPITAL FUND (385,000) Increased Expenses-Fireman's Pension 40,600 602.6221.517.4635 Pension increase TOTAL FIREMAN'S PENSION FUND 40,600 12/20/2016 G - 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2016 budget and funds. WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2016, was adopted, approved and confirmed on December 1, 2015, in Ordinance 3544, in the manner provided by law. WHEREAS, the first 2016 budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed by Ordinance No 3552 by Council on April 19, 2016. WHEREAS, the second 2016 budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3556 by Council on September 6 , 2016. WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when the 2016 budget was adopted or when the 1st budget, or 2nd budget amendment Ordinances were passed. WHEREAS, the facts constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to: Unanticipated additional revenue; Unanticipated reduced revenue; Unanticipated additional expenditures primarily for changes in planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council; WHEREAS, these facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016. -1- 12/20/2016 G - 5 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an emergency exists. Section 2. The 2016 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance 3544, and amended by Ordinances 3552 and 3556, is now amended as shown in the attached Exhibit A. Section 3. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the day of December, 2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary -2- 12/20/2016 G - 6 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 Budget Amendment#2 Ordinance Exhibit A Funds 2016 Budget-Amendment#2 2016 Budget-Amendment#3 Fund IDiv. -Name/Description Beginning Revenue I Expenditures Ending Beginningi Revenuel Expendituresi Ending Balance Est.1 I I Balance Est. Balance I I I Balance GENERAL FUND(Note:Divisional totals for reference only) Fund Balance: 4,910,849 4,586,849 5,777,237 4,908,237 001. 1160 City Council 44,400 72,400 44,400 100,800 001. 1210 City Manager 182,300 316,600 182,300 317,200 001. 1211 Customer Commitment 2,400 4,000 2,400 4,000 001. 1220 Human Resources 126,300 185,300 126,300 186,100 001. 1230 City Clerk 128,300 259,400 128,300 260,300 001. 1289 Records Management 0 150,000 0 148,900 001. 1390 Community Service 0 35,200 0 35,200 001. 2001 Finance-Revenue 13,001,500 0 13,001,500 0 001. 2010 Finance Administration 312,500 699,100 312,500 700,100 001. 2023 Accounting 637,100 881,700 623,300 867,500 001. 2025 Customer Service 1,005,800 1,022,800 1,005,800 1,025,900 001. 2080 Reprographics 38,900 54,700 38,900 54,700 001. 2091 Non-Departmental 0 40,200 0 40,200 001. 2099 General Unspecified 0 46,000 0 46,000 001. 3010 CityAttorney 270,800 494,300 270,800 494,900 001. 3012 Jail Contributions 0 800,000 0 800,000 001. 3021 Prosecution 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 001. 4010 Planning 414,700 620,200 414,700 620,700 001. 4020 Building 385,300 218,400 385,300 221,000 001. 4030 Code Compliance 0 0 0 0 001. 4062 Cultural Resources 0 10,000 0 10,000 001. 4071 Economic Development 60,000 118,000 60,000 118,000 001. 5010 Police Administration 0 392,800 0 482,700 001. 5012 PenCom/Capital Transfers 243,800 339,400 243,800 339,400 001. 5021 Police Investigation 500 986,300 500 1,033,500 001. 5022 Police Patrol 378,400 2,962,700 340,400 3,216,200 001. 5026 Police Reserves&Volunteers 0 9,200 0 9,200 001. 5029 Police Records 20,200 442,250 20,200 485,750 001. 5050 Police Facilities Maintenance 5,600 91000 5,600 91000 001. 6010 Fire Administration 124,200 348,000 124,200 348,800 001. 6012 PenCom/Medic l Support 0 540,400 0 544,200 001. 6020 Fire Suppression 0 1,495,900 0 1,517,300 001. 6021 Fire Volunteers 8,800 56,200 8,800 56,200 001. 6022 Special Operations 0 3,500 0 3,500 001. 6030 Fire Prevention 4,800 12,100 4,800 12,100 001. 6040 Fire Training 7,000 137,100 7,000 141,300 001. 6050 Fire Facilities Maintenance 0 47,000 0 47,000 001. 6060 Fire Emergency Management 0 3,100 0 3,100 001. 7010 Public Works Administration 1,730,800 2,874,050 1,730,800 2,970,650 001. 7012 Public Works CIP 0 169,600 0 72,600 001. 7032 Public Works Telecommunications 110,500 181,500 114,500 206,600 001. 8010 Parks Administration 37,700 284,900 11,700 281,000 001. 8012 Senior Center 41,700 145,800 41,700 146,200 001. 8050 Ocean View Cemetery 148,900 164,400 148,900 167,000 001. 8080 Park Facilities 20,000 1,623,200 20,000 1,631,200 001. 8090 Marine Life Center 0 16,900 0 16,900 001. 8112 Senior Center Facilities 0 41,500 0 41,500 001. 8131 Central Services Facilities 330,600 734,100 330,600 738,600 001. 8155 Facility Rentals 56,000 88,200 56,000 87,500 001. 8221 Sports Programs 163,300 176,500 163,300 177,800 001. 18224 1 Youth/Family Programs 30,000 1 83,200 1 0 0 001 TOTAL General Fund 4,910,849 20,085,500 1 20,409,500 4,586,849 5,777,237 19,981,700 20,850,700 4,908,237 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 101 Lodging Excise Tax Fund 290,521 520,500 520,500 290,521 462,236 520,500 520,500 462,236 102 Street Fund 344,148 1,645,200 1,954,500 34,848 757,477 1,645,200 1,867,200 535,477 105 Real Estate Excise Tax-1(REET-1)Fund 194,929 151,000 73,400 272,529 406,561 151,000 91,400 466,161 107 PenCom Fund 721,744 2,713,850 2,690,000 745,594 492,153 2,713,850 2,791,700 414,303 156 Esther Webster(Fine Arts Center)Operations 22,721 0 0 22,721 0 0 0 0 160 Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REET-2)Fund 120,475 151,000 158,500 112,975 359,633 151,000 278,000 232,633 172 Port Angeles Housing Rehab.Fund 249,481 295,000 914,714 (370,233) 284,310 145,000 148,000 281,310 TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 1,944,019 5,476,550 6,311,614 1,108,955 2,762,370 5,326,550 1 5,696,800 2,392,120 12/20/2016 G - 7 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 Budget Amendment#2 Ordinance Exhibit A Funds 2016 Budget-Amendment#2 2016 Budget-Amendment#3 Fund Div. Name/Description Beginning Revenue I Expenditures Ending Beginningi Revenuel Expendituresi Ending Balance Est.1 I I Balance Est. Balance I I I Balance DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 212 2005 GO Bond--Refunding Fund(Library) 28,953 0 0 28,953 0 0 0 0 214 2005 LTGO Bond Fund(W.U.G.A.) 8,163 0 0 8,163 0 0 0 0 215 2006 LTGO Bond(Prop.Acquisition)Fund 659,563 60,000 87,000 632,563 653,421 60,000 87,000 626,421 216 2014 LTGO Bond(Landfill Bluff Stabilization)Fund 105,956 344,700 344,000 106,656 159,225 344,700 344,000 159,925 217 2015 LTGO Bond-Refunding(W.U.G.A.) 0 224,100 222,400 1,700 9,525 224,100 222,400 11,225 TOTAL Debt Service Funds 802,635 628,800 653,400 778,035 822,171 628,800 653,400 797,571 ENTERPRISE/UTILITY FUNDS 401 Electric Utility Fund 4,652,689 32,290,850 31,869,300 5,074,239 6,219,714 32,290,850 31,483,500 7,027,064 402 Water Utility Fund 9,501,640 6,057,030 7,374,370 8,184,300 10,091,553 6,057,030 7,556,670 8,591,913 403 Wastewater Utility Fund 607,155 6,541,745 6,540,025 608,875 257,142 6,541,745 6,568,425 230,462 404 Solid Waste Utility Fund 1,820,457 10,380,800 10,588,293 1,612,964 5,703,285 10,380,800 10,606,493 5,477,592 406 Stormwater Utility Fund 833,388 1,777,800 1,968,258 642,930 570,620 1,777,800 1,971,258 377,162 409 Medic 1 Utility Fund 221,458 1,773,400 1,870,550 124,308 306,627 1,773,400 2,007,250 72,777 413 Harbor Clean-up Fund 669,935 406,000 1,435,600 (359,665) 627,852 1,100,700 1,435,600 292,952 421 1 Conservation Fund 1,458,269 1,204,000 1,245,200 1,417,069 1,435,449 904,000 1,235,900 1,103,549 TOTAL Enterprise/Utility Funds 19,764,991 60,431,625 62,891,596 17,305,020 25,212,242 60,826,325 62,865,096 23,173,471 ENTERPRISE/INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501 1 Equipment Services 4,369,947 1,702,400 1,525,100 4,547,247 4,168,336 1,734,800 1,657,600 4,245,536 502 1 Information Technology 1,602,635 1,720,500 2,062,590 1,260,545 1,229,326 1,720,500 2,452,590 497,236 503 Self-Insurance 975,622 5,466,000 5,466,000 975,622 1,087,464 5,786,000 5,786,000 1,087,464 TOTAL Internal Service Funds 6,948,204 8,888,900 9,053,690 6,783,414 6,485,126 9,241,300 9,896,190 5,830,236 FIDUCIARY FUNDS 602 1 1 Firemen's Pension Fund 169,505 23,700 62,600 130,605 478,460 23,700 103,200 398,960 TOTAL Fiduciary Funds 169,505 23,700 62,600 130,605 478,460 23,700 103,200 398,960 PERMANENT FUNDS 601 Cemetery Endowment Fund 387,071 2,500 0 389,571 390,960 2,500 0 393,460 656 Esther Webster(Fine Arts Center)Trust Fund 859,343 0 0 859,343 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Permanent Funds 1,246,414 2,500 0 1,248,914 390,960 2,500 0 393,460 CAPITAL FUNDS 310 Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 2,119,377 2,703,600 2,852,800 1,970,177 1,481,798 1,995,600 1,971,800 1,505,598 316 Governmental Park Improvement Fund 197,425 4,600 0 202,025 203,580 4,600 0 208,180 451 Electric Capital Fund 3,322,437 1,400,000 296,200 4,426,237 2,847,344 1,750,000 646,200 3,951,144 452 Water Capital Fund 2,731,621 1,136,000 225,000 3,642,621 2,126,314 1,136,000 1,000 3,261,314 453 Wastewater Capital Fund 3,657,736 495,000 1,052,000 3,100,736 3,339,770 495,000 250,000 3,584,770 454 Solid Waste Capital Fund 13,185,724 350,000 5,375,500 8,160,224 6,348,158 350,000 5,375,500 1,322,658 456 Stormwater Capital Fund 424,096 237,000 435,000 226,096 1,041,111 237,000 50,000 1,228,111 463 1 1 Combined Sewer Overflow Capital Fund 7,750,493 6,140,000 11,051,300 2,839,193 7,047,271 6,140,000 11,051,300 2,135,971 TOTAL Capital Funds 33,388,909 12,466,200 21,287,800 24,567,309 24,435,347 12,108,200 19,345,800 17,197,747 SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS 69,175,526 108,003,775 1120,670,200 56,509,101 66,363,913 1108,139,075 119,411,186 55,091,802 Reserves-Designated Reserves Used 12,666,425 1 1 11,272,111 TOTAL CITYWIDE ALL FUNDS 69,175,526 120,670,200 1120,670,200 56,509,101 66,363,913 1119,411,186 119,411,186 55,091,802 12/20/2016 G - 8 0R.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: DAN MCKEEN,CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Adopting 2017 Legislative Priorities Summary: Staff is seeking adoption by the City Council of the 2017 Legislative Priorities. The 2017 Legislative Priorities listing includes the Association of Washington legislative priorities combined with the specific legislative priorities for the City of Port Angeles. Recommendation: City Council to adopt the 2017 Legislative Priorities and direct the City Manager to transmit the City of Port Angeles' 2017 Legislative Priorities to our State Senator and State Representatives prior to the start of the 2017 Legislative Session. Financial Information: There is no direct costs associated with adoption of the 2017 Legislative Priorities. Background/Analysis: The City of Port Angeles is a member of the Association of Washington Cities (AWC). AWC is an organization that represents the interests of the cities of Washington before the State Legislature and the various state agencies. AWC, on an annual basis, adopts a Legislative Action Agenda that identifies priority issues and concerns affecting Washington's cities and towns. AWC develops the Legislative Action Agenda based on work performed the AWC Legislative Priorities Committee. The Committee is composed of elected city officials from across the state along with staff members from a number of cities (Byron Olson is a member of this committee). In addition, the Committee is augmented by lobbyists representing various cities and AWC staff. The proposed 2017 Legislative Priorities listing combines the AWC-developed priorities combined with specific City of Port Angeles requests to the legislature. The current proposed 2017 Legislative Priorities does not include the City's position on items such as the proposed trans-Canada pipeline, and other similar matters as the City has not had adequate time or information to develop any recommendations for consideration by Council. 12/20/2016 H - 1 The proposed resolution that adopts the 2017 Legislative Priorities also directs the City Manager to prepare analysis and reports for the City Council to allow Council to consider whether or not to take a position on a specific matter as the issue may arise. Impact: The 2017 Legislative Priorities also will allow the City of Port Angeles to work cooperatively with our local government neighbors on the Olympic Peninsula on matters of mutual concern that can affect the greater Olympic Peninsula region. Funding Overview: There are no costs associated with the adoption of the 2017 Legislative Priorities. 12/20/2016 H - 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2017 Legislative Priorities for the City of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, the need for the City of Port Angeles to identify its needs on behalf of the City and its residents before the Washington State Legislature is of vital importance; and WHEREAS, it is incumbent on the City of Port Angeles to work together with other towns and cities in the State of Washington to bring forward mutual concerns to the Washington State Legislature through actions lead by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC); and WHEREAS,it is incumbent on the City of Port Angeles to work together with the other local government agencies on the Olympic Peninsula to join together to bring greater support to local matters of mutual concern before the Washington State Legislature; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles must remain vigilant to any and all actions that may be considered by the Washington State Legislature and the potential positive or negative impact on Port Angeles, its residents and the greater Olympic Peninsula region; and WHEREAS,it is incumbent that staff provide periodic briefings and reports to the City Council regarding legislative actions being considered by the Washington State Legislature and make recommendations for the City Council to support or oppose actions under consideration by the Washington State Legislature. 1 12/20/2016 H - 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles does hereby authorize the City Manager to transmit the 2017 Legislative Priorities to the State Senator Kevin Van De Wege and State Representatives Steve Tharinger and Mike Chapman. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles further directs the City Manager to transmit the City of Port Angeles 2017 Legislative Priorities to the Association of Washington Cities and our neighboring local government jurisdictions on the Olympic Peninsula. Section 3. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizes and directs the City Manager to monitor proposed legislative activity under consideration by the Washington State Legislature and provide periodic reports to the City Council regarding the status of proposed legislation, the impact of the proposed legislation, and the potential need for the City of Port Angeles to take a position in support or opposition of the proposed legislation. Section 4. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles further directs the City Manager to work in a cooperative manner with the other local government jurisdictions on the greater Olympic Peninsula to identify and advance items of mutual concern and need to the City Council of Port Angeles for endorsement prior to seeking legislative change. Section 5. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles further directs the City Manager that as issues may arise such as the trans-Canada pipeline, and other similar issues or matters of concern that the City Manager shall prepare a report or analysis for consideration by the City Council. 2 12/20/2016 H - 4 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of December, 2016. Patrick Downie, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney 3 12/20/2016 H - 5 HOMELESSNESS, HOUSING & HUMANSERVICES r r Enhance efforts to increase affordable housing, decrease homelessness,and improve a strained behavioral / health system - Urban and rural cities throughout the state are grappling with increasing homeless populations,lack of affordable housing,and a poorly-funded mental health and substance abuse system. Cities are struggling to solve these issues with limited resources.Together with the state,counties,and nonprofit partners,we support efforts to develop new strategies that address the issues plaguing our human service,homeless,and affordable housing systems. During the 2016 Update of the Comprehensive Plan this was an issue of highest priority. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ASKS THE LEGISLATURE TO: 1. Make the document recording fee permanent and increase the fee to expand investments in homelessness assistance. 2. Invest another$200 million in the Housing Trust Fund,the preeminent tool in the state to fund affordable housing construction. 3. Create new local options to generate revenue for homelessness services and for affordable housing construction. 4. Ensure full authority to allow the state to maximize federal Medicaid resources and provide additional resources for mental health and chemical dependency services. 5. Enable a B&O tax credit for municipal transfer stations for issues related to solid waste disposal from nuisance abatement and low income housing rehabilitation. 6. Provide supplemental support to rural and low-income cities to aid in providing mental health and chemical dependency services. CAI"TY-S"T"A"T"E PARTNERSHIP Preserve the city-state budget partnership Over the last few biennium,the state has balanced its budget at the expense of cities. While we understand the fiscal challenges the Legislature faces,we cannot accept that sweeping critical funds from their intended uses is in the best interest of our state. The City of Port Angeles and Association of Washington Cities(AWC)supports the Legislature in securing sufficient revenue to fund state programs and obligations,and therefore unilaterally eliminating or significantly reducing state funding to cities is not acceptable. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ASKS THE LEGISLATURE TO: 1. Maintain the city-state shared revenue partnership for funding key services. 2. Provide adequate and sustainable funding for the Criminal Justice Training Commission to maintain high-quality statewide3. Continue the current funding from local liquor revenue distributions to the Municipal Research and Services Center(MRSC),which provides vital support for local government l/�� ���@IIIOInm�uuuuW performance. 4. Fund the Department of Ecology(DoE)to allow DoE to respond in a timely manner to either approve or deny requests made to DoE for rulings or,if DoE does not respond within the specified timeframe to allow the request from the local government to be considered approved. �j 07 wa I 6 , //i /r ter, iii rrii , /",,;;,,`'„ �/ ✓,����r ru I �r I t II i r 9a� «a' / J r' /../ ! r„ ✓i /i,,,..rig � „� r r r� ,i./ � /. , � rr� ,,,.,.,:/./ r ,. LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE Revitalize key infrastructure assistance programs that support job creation, community health and safety, and quality of life. City infrastructure systems are a critical part of a larger network that serves and benefits the entire state. Diversion from programs that support basic local infrastructure means that communities cannot affordably maintain and secure new infrastructure. Increasingly stringent stormwater regulations are stifling important commercial economic development due to their high costs,with minimal improvement to water quality for States waterways. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ASKS THE LEGISLATURE TO: 1. Provide stable and reliable infrastructure assistance to help cities overcome the financial challenges of building and repairing local systems that support economic development and benefit the entire state. 2. Commit to a proactive state partnership in key programs like the Public Works Trust Fund. If current programs are not sustainable,they need to be reformed. 3. Review of Wasthington State Department of Ecology application of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II and the application of Western Washington Stormwater Manual to ensure recognition of unique community characteristics. Stormwater regulations must cite concrete and tangible metrics showing water quality improvements prior to implementing broad brushed regulations with minimal environmental improvement impacts. 4. Increase the voter-approved sales tax limit to 4/10 of one percent and remove the 10 year re-authorization limit for transportation benefit districts.Rural cities need additional options for voters to consider since the existing tax base does not provide an adequate means to address rapidly deteriorating street infrastructure. 5. Provide adequate funding to replace the US 101 Elwha River Bridge.This is a vital transportation link for the City of Port Angeles and the entire Olympic Peninsula.Having adequate and reliable highway systems including a structurally safe bridge over the Elwha River is imperative to allow goods,services,residents,and tourists to have safe access to the Olympic Peninsula. LOCAL AUTHORITY Respect city authority to respond to local needs With the recent recession behind us,cities are looking for stable revenue to provide essential services to our growing population,such as public safety and infrastructure. City officials are elected and must have the authority to solve local challenges. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ASKS THE LEGISLATURE TO: 1. Respect cities'local authority for revenue,taxes,licensing,and regulation. 2. Allow cities to increase the property tax to an extent that accounts for inflation and population growth. 3. Restore liquor revolving account revenues with 60%of the revenues targeted to criminal justice/public safety needs;including mental health and chemical dependency needs. PUBLIC RECORDS Modernize the Public Records Act(PRA)so that cities can continue to provide open and transparent government services to our residents Every day,local government officials ensure transparency in government and serve as stewards of public resources by effectively implementing the PRA. However,advances in technology and the increased volume and complexity of records requests are undermining the PRA.This act must be updated to reflect 21st century realities in order to fulfill its original purpose,provide government transparency, and make wise use of taxpayer dollars. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ASKS THE LEGISLATURE TO: 1. Permit cities to charge for providing complex digital data and electronic copies of public records,similar to charges for making a paper copy. 2. Develop an alternative dispute resolution system that serves government agencies and requestors to quickly resolve disagreements without costly litigation. 3. Designate technical and funding assistance by restoring funding to grant programs that help local governments. 4. Provide a mechanism for dealing with problem requestors,often times inmates,who abuse the system and put a strain on limited resources that could be better used to assist legitimate requestors. 5. Define in State law what constitutes an"identifiable"record or set of records for purposes of Public Records Requests so that requests for"any and all"records would not be considered a legitimate request. 6. Establish a cost recovery mechanism for processing things such as electronic records requests. 0R.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: BYRON OLSON,CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CRAIG FULTON,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS&UTILITIES SUBJECT: Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology to Accept $2,200,000 in funding support from the State of Washington for Post-Closure Expenses at the City of Port Angeles Landfill and Transfer Station. Summary: Staff is seeking Council approval to authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology to accept the $2,200,000 in funding assistance from the State for post-closure expenses at the City's landfill Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology to accept the $2,200,000 in funding assistance from the State of Washington for the City of Port Angeles Landfill post-closure expenses and to make any modifications to the Agreement as may be necessary. Financial Information: The City will receive $2, 200,000 in funding assistance from the State that when combined with existing resources and reserves will fully fund the post-closure requirements for the City of Port Angeles landfill. Background/Analysis: As part of the project to remedy the issues at the Port Angeles Landfill, the City of Port Angeles is required to develop and receive approval of a new post- closure plan that establishes the post-closure management and funding requirements for the landfill until it achieves what is considered a"stable state." State and federal requirements mandate that the owner of a closed landfill have a plan in place that includes secured funding to pay for the on-going maintenance of the landfill until it reaches a stable state—a period that could extend to 20-30+years. The requirement for secured funding grew out of the number of privately-owned landfills that were left bankrupt after post-closure that required governments across the country to assume the financial obligation to pay for the on- going maintenance of numerous landfills. 12/20/2016 1 - 1 The estimates for the post-closure expenses were developed by City Staff as part of the post- closure plan that was included as part of the overall project costs for the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project. For the City of Port Angeles, the estimated cost of post-closure for the next 30 years is projected to be $ 7,305,955. When we calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) of the total 30-year cost in "today's dollars"we need a total of$ 6,075,528. The City has the following resources available for post-closure: • Existing post-closure resources on-hand $ 3,403,059 • Funding from Washington State $ 2,200,000 • Total Funding Available $ 5,603,059 • NPV Funding Required $ 6,075,528 • Additional funding from Solid Waste Reserves $ 472,469 The existing City of Port Angeles post-closure funds were from the original post-closure account created in 2003 when the landfill was closed in 2007. The funds were provided by rates charged by the Landfill to customers (City of Port Angeles collection customers + depositors of waste at the Landfill/Transfer Station). With the substantial increase in business at the Transfer Station over the last few years, Solid Waste reserves can accommodate the transfer of the estimated $472,469 to complete the funding of the post-closure account without any adverse impact on operations or our reserve funding level within the Solid Waste fund. Impact: Without the funding assistance from the State for post-closure expenses, the City would have had to increase the tipping fees to provide for debt service to pay back the loan/bonds required to allow for pre-funding of the post-closure account in compliance with State regulations. Funding Overview: State funding assistance precluded the need to borrow the $2,200,000 to fund the deficit in the post-closure account. Repayment of that loan/bonds that the City would have had to issue without the State Funding assistance would have increased annual operating costs by an estimated $300,000 - $400,000 per year. Those additional costs would be paid by significant increases in tipping fees that would have lasted a minimum of 20 years. 12/20/2016 1 - 2 110r DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY State of Washington IAA No. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (IAA) BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES THIS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT ("Agreement" or "IAA") is made and entered into by and between the state of Washington, Department of Ecology, hereinafter referred to as "ECOLOGY," and the City of Port Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY,"pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 39.34 RCW. THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT is for the CITY to establish a post-closure plan and finance assurance reserve account, mandated under State solid waste regulations, due to the removal and relocation of solid waste refuse from the closed Port Angeles Landfill located at 3501 West 18th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98363, which was due to exigent vulnerabilities of the waste refuse to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. WHEREAS,the CITY discovered bluff migration,due to marine erosion,had exposed solid waste refuse from the closed Port Angeles Municipal Landfill to the Strait of Juan de Fuca in June 2011, at which time the CITY became obligated to stabilize,remove and relocate solid waste refuse, and comply with all State of Washington landfill closure requirements. WHEREAS, the CITY has completed the work necessary to stabilize, remove and relocate solid waste refuse,and has completed closure of the Port Angeles Municipal Landfill in accordance with state solid waste regulations. WHEREAS,the CITY now seeks to modify its solid waste permit for the Port Angeles Municipal Landfill to address all State of Washington landfill post-closure requirements. WHEREAS, Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2380,passed by the House of Representatives and Senate and signed into law by the Governor, at Section 3021, provides an appropriation of $2,200,000 from the State Building Construction Account for the Port Angeles Municipal Landfill 12/20/2016 1 - 3 Project for the establishment of a post-closure account to satisfy the requirements of WAC 173- 351-600. AND WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes that it has full responsibility for all post-closure obligations including maintaining the required post-closure account under WAC 173-351-600. THEREFORE,IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 1) STATEMENT OF WORK The CITY will: • Task 1: Complete a Post-Closure Plan approved by the jurisdictional health department as satisfying the post-closure planning requirements of WAC 173-304-407 and WAC 173- 304-460 and WAC 173-351-500. • Task 2: Establish a post-closure reserve account with the funds provided under this agreement, or supplement a previously-established post-closure account with the funds, to meet the requirements of WAC 173-351-600 for the Port Angeles Municipal Landfill. • Task 3: Pay from the post-closure reserve account expenses incurred by the CITY in conducting post-closure activities described in the approved Post-Closure Plan. The CITY will provide ECOLOGY annual accounting of expenditures from the account. • Task 4: With prior approval by ECOLOGY,pay from the post-closure reserve account extraordinary expenses that may arise during the post-closure phase of the Port Angeles Municipal Landfill, but which were not anticipated and described in the approved Post- Closure Plan. • Task 5: Meet the requirements of WAC 173-351-600(5)(f)(i)by ensuring that the financial assurance account is audited according to the audit schedule of the Office of State Auditor, and filing a certification of audit completion and summary findings with the jurisdictional health department and provide a copy to ECOLOGY. 2) COMPENSATION Compensation for the work provided in accordance with this IAA has been established under the terms of RCW 39.34.130 and RCW 39.26.180(3). The parties have determined that the limit of compensation under this agreement for accomplishing the work herein is $2,200,000. The parties acknowledge that the CITY's costs to fully carry out its post-closure obligations may exceed the limit of compensation under this agreement. ECOLOGY will transfer the funds provided under this IAA to the CITY after the CITY provides ECOLOGY with documentation that the CITY has an approved Post-Closure Plan (Task 1) and established a post-closure account (Task 2) to receive the appropriated funds. The CITY will provide ECOLOGY with documentation that the funds provided under this Agreement were deposited into the post-closure account. Whenever the CITY no longer needs any of the funds provided under this agreement for these above tasks, the CITY will promptly return the remaining funds to ECOLOGY. 12/20/2016 1 - 4 3) PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance for this IAA will commence on November 30, 2016 or the date of final signature, whichever occurs later. The CITY will complete Tasks 1 and 2 prior to January 15, 2017. The period of performance for Tasks 3 and 4 will occur when the CITY has expended the funds provided in accordance with the terms of this agreement,or on November 1,2026,whichever occurs first. Amendments extending the period of performance, if any, shall be at the sole discretion of ECOLOGY. 4) BILLING AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE Payment request shall be submitted on state form, Invoice Voucher A19-IA. Invoice shall describe and document to ECOLOGY's satisfaction a description of the work performed, the progress of the work, and related costs. Invoice voucher shall reference the Agreement (IAA) number and clearly identify those items that relate to performance under this Agreement. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days of submission of a properly completed invoice (form A19- IA)with supportive documentation. The CITY will send the required documentation to: State of Washington Department of Ecology Attn: Tami Ramsey Waste 2 Resources Program SWRO P.O. Box 47775 Olympia, WA 98504-7777 5) ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 6) ASSIGNMENT The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunder,is not assignable or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other party,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7) ASSURANCES Parties to this Agreement agree that all activity pursuant to this contract will be in accordance with all the applicable current federal, state and local laws, rules, and regulations. 12/20/2016 1 - 5 8) CONFORMANCE If any provision of this Agreement violates any statute or rule of law of the state of Washington, it is considered modified to conform to that statute or rule of law. 9) DISPUTES Parties to this Agreement shall employ every effort to resolve a dispute themselves without resorting to litigation. In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement that cannot be resolved among the parties, it shall be determined by a Dispute Board in the following manner. Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The members so appointed shall jointly appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall review the facts, agreement terms, and applicable statutes and rules, and then make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto, unless restricted by law. The cost of resolution will be borne by each party paying its own cost. As an alternative to this process, if state agencies, either of the parties may request intervention by the Governor, as provided by RCW 43.17.330, in which event the Governor's process will control. The parties may mutually agree to a different dispute resolution process. 10)FUNDING AVAILABILITY ECOLOGY's ability to make payment is contingent on availability of funding. In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date and prior to completion or expiration date of this Agreement, ECOLOGY, at its sole discretion,may elect to terminate the agreement,in whole or part,for convenience or to renegotiate the agreement subject to new funding limitations and conditions. ECOLOGY may also elect to suspend performance of the agreement until ECOLOGY determines the funding insufficiency is resolved. ECOLOGY may exercise any of these options with no notification restrictions. 11)GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 12)INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. 13)ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a. Applicable federal and state of Washington statutes,regulations, and rules. b. Mutually agreed upon written amendments to this Agreement. 12/20/2016 1 - 6 c. This Agreement. d. Any other provisions of this Agreement, including materials incorporated by reference. 14)RECORDS MAINTENANCE The parties to this Agreement shall each maintain books,records, documents and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the performance of the service(s) described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review or audit by personnel of both parties, other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor,and federal officials so authorized by law. All books,records,documents,and other material relevant to this Agreement will be retained for six years after expiration of this Agreement and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Records and other documents, in any medium, furnished by one party to this Agreement to the other party, will remain the property of the furnishing party, unless otherwise agreed. The receiving party will not disclose or make available this material to any third parties without first giving notice to the furnishing party and giving it a reasonable opportunity to respond. Each party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third parties subject to state public disclosure laws. 15)RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Each party of this Agreement hereby assumes responsibility for claims and/or damages to persons and/or property resulting from any act or omissions on the part of itself, its employees, its officers, and its agents. Neither party will be considered the agent of the other party to this Agreement. 16)RIGHTS IN DATA Unless otherwise provided, data which originates from this Agreement shall be "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by state of Washington, ECOLOGY. Data shall include, but not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to copyright,patent,register, and the ability to transfer these rights. 17)SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. 18)SUBCONTRACTORS CITY agrees to take complete responsibility for all actions of any Subcontractor used under this Agreement for the performance. When federal funding is involved there will be additional subcontractor requirements and reporting. 12/20/2016 1 - 7 Prior to performance, all subcontractor who will be performing services under this Agreement must be identified,including their name,the nature of services to be performed,address,telephone, WA State Department of Revenue Registration Tax number (UBI), federal tax identification number (TIN), and anticipated dollar value of each subcontract. Provide such information to ECOLOGY's agreement manager. 19)TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If for any cause, either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions,the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within fifteen(15)business days. If failure or violation is not corrected, this Agreement may be terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. 20)TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty(30) calendar day prior written notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. 21)WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in a written amendment to this Agreement signed by an authorized representative of the parties. 22)AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT The representative for each of the parties shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement. The ECOLOGY Representative is: The CITY Representative is: Name: Peter Lyon Name: Craig Fulton Address: W2R Program- SWRO Address: Director, Public Works and PO Box 47775 Utilities Department Olympia, WA 98504-7775 PO Box 1150 Phone: (360)407-6381 Port Angeles, WA 98362-1150 Email: plyo461@ecy.wa.gov Phone: (360)417-4800 Fax: (360)407-6305 Email: cfulton@cityofpa.us 23)ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise,regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 12/20/2016 1 - 8 The signatories to this Agreement represent that they have the authority to bind their respective organizations to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties below, having read this Contract in its entirety, including all attachments, do agree in each and every particular and have thus set their hands hereunto. State of Washington City of Port Angeles Department of Ecology By: By: Signature Date Signature Date Print Name: Print Name: Title: Title: Approved as to form: Attorney General's Office 12/20/2016 1 - 9 F' ' OuT NGELES All ,`— W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. w F CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 To: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON,P.E.,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS&UTILITIES SUBJECT: Final Acceptance of Landfill Cell Stabilization,Project SW0212 Summary: Magnus Pacific Corporation has completed construction of the Landfill Cell Stabilization, Project SW0212. All claims and change orders have been resolved, and the final invoice has been received and processed. The final contract price is $13,979,436.12 including taxes. Funding: No additional funds are required. Recommendation: Accept the Landfill Cell Stabilization project construction contract and authorize release of the retainage upon receipt of all required clearances. Back2round/Analysis: The Landfill Cell Stabilization Project was necessary to protect the Strait of Juan de Fuca from the threat of solid waste being deposited onto the beach by ongoing bluff erosion. The primary goal of the project was to relocate all of the solid waste from the East Cell of the 304 landfill to the re-opened 351 landfill, which is a lined cell about 16 acres in size located on the southern portion of the landfill site. The final total amount relocated was 380,173 cubic yards (cy) of solid waste. In addition, about 200,000 cy of dirt was relocated on site in order to construct the new landfill covers, embankments, and the beach nourishment stockpile. Other major project elements are installation of new landfill cover systems, temporary erosion and sediment control, construction of a mechanically reinforced earth wall system to protect the valley cell, modifications at the ends of the existing seawall, modifications to the access road at Dry Creek,planting native vegetation, and installation of in-stream habitat structures. In addition, restoration/improvements of the landfill gas, leachate, and stormwater systems were accomplished. During refuse excavation within the 304 landfill, the contractor encountered asbestos containing materials (ACM) in excess of the quantity included in the contract documents. During the first construction season, between August 20 and October 11, 2014, the contractor removed 7,283 cy of 12/20/2016 1 - 10 ACM from the 304 landfill and transported it to the 351 landfill for final disposal, in conformance with current regulatory requirements. During the 2015 construction season, 553 cy of ACM was relocated, for a total amount of 7,836 cy. The additional costs of the ACM were paid in Change Order 7, issued unilaterally January 29, 2014 for $1,034,524 and then confirmed at the conclusion of the project in a $300,000 Settlement Agreement(Change Order 12). City Council authorized approval of this Settlement Agreement on February 2, 2016. The Settlement Agreement was comprehensive and resolved all outstanding claims and issues. Magnus Pacific Corporation was awarded the contract in the amount of$13,086,625.62 including applicable taxes, with project construction beginning on May 27, 2014. A contingency amount of $1,962,994 was also budgeted to accommodate unforeseeable circumstances, design changes, and change orders. Design changes during construction are normal for any project and are often required to account for unforeseen conditions encountered at the time of construction or in response to a request for information submitted by the contractor. The original contract budget estimate, including contingency for this contract, was $15,049,619.26. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete. The final contract amount, adjusted for quantity variance and change orders, is $13,979,436.12 including taxes. The following table is a summary of project construction costs. Totals shown include applicable taxes. Original Change Unit Cost Cost Quantity Variance Variance Contract Orders ty Final Cost Amount (1-13) Variations over under (C.O. 14) Contract Budget $13,086,625.62 $1,512,548.11 -$619,737.61 $13,979,436,.12 6.8% - 7.1% Funding Overview: Bids were requested for this contract, with five bids being received and opened on April 30, 2014. Magnus Pacific Corporation was the low responsible bidder in the amount of$11,373,280.22 for the Base Bid. In addition to the Base Bid, bids were obtained for an Alternate A that would enable the Project to remove all of the refuse from the eastern 304 cell, approximately an additional 150,000 cubic yards. The long-term cost advantages to the City of awarding Alternative A were compelling, and Alternate A was included in the award, for a total amount of$13,086,625.62. A contingency amount of$1,962,994 was also budgeted to accommodate unforeseeable circumstances, design changes, and change orders. The total contract estimate, including contingency for this contract, was $15,049,619.26. The final contract amount is 6.8% in excess of the original contract amount, but is 7.1% less than the total budgeted amount. Funds for this project are from municipal bonds obtained for the purpose. Financial assistance was provided by the State of Washington in the amount of$3,999,100 in 2014 to reimburse construction costs. An additional $2,200,000 was allocated in 2016 to offset project costs by assisting with required landfill post-closure reserve funds. 12/20/2016 1 - 11 A, N-GELES°fly »i� W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 To: City Council FROM: KEN DUBUC,FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Fire Department Staffing Summary: An inspection by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) has determined that, for a number of reasons, the City of Port Angeles fire insurance rating should be downgraded from a 4 to a 5. In order to prevent the negative financial impact of such a move, the Fire Department has implemented a seven part plan to address the WSRB issues. One element of that plan is the assurance that a minimum of five personnel will be on duty in the Fire Department daily, beginning on January 1, 2017. Per the MOU, if this plan is not sustainable, it will be suspended as of July 1, 2017. Funding: In the short term, there will likely be considerable overtime costs associated with this operational change. The potential overtime increase has been estimated and is included in the 2017 budget. For the long term, at the March 28, 2017 Council Work Session, staff will bring forward a proposed plan to generate revenue that will include several funding options. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the enclosed MOU with IAFF Local 4656 to enable 5 person minimum staffing in the Fire Department commencing on January 1, 2017. Background/Analysis: In late 2015, following an inspection by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB), the City of Port Angeles was notified that our fire insurance rating would likely be downgraded from a 4 to a 5. The consequences of this downgrade would be increased insurance premiums for the majority of the citizens and businesses in the City as of January 1, 2017. In May of 2016, the Fire Chief met with Council and proposed a seven part plan to address the issues indicated by WSRB. WSRB agreed that if these seven items were addressed prior to January 1, 2017, the planned insurance rating downgrade would not take effect. 12/20/2016 1 - 12 The seven part plan consists of- 1) £1) Increase initial attack fire pumping capacity by 1500 gallons per minute (New 1500 GPM pumper on order) 2) Certify Department personnel as Fire Inspectors and obtain certification for Fire Marshal (Largely completed, all personnel have completed training) 3) Institute fire protection system inspection verification program (Completed) 4) Provide an MOU for after-hours apparatus refueling (Completed) 5) Provide an MOU for the use of a reserve ladder truck (Completed,will be ready for approval at December 20 Council Meeting) 6) Add a Chief Officer to the Department (Completed by re-classification of existing Training Officer) 7) Institute 5 person minimum staffing for the Department The Fire Department and the bargaining unit(IAFF Local 4656)have reached an agreement on the language for 5 person minimum staffing in order to address item 47 from the above plan. Per this MOU, the Department will begin minimum 5 person staffing on January 1, 2017, however both parties recognize that accomplishing this standard with the use of existing personnel is neither safe nor sustainable for the long term. As stated in the MOU, in order to ensure that 5 person minimum staffing continues, both parties understand that the Fire Department will need to add personnel resources. The lack of adequate personnel resources was identified as one of the most significant WSRB findings. WSRB essentially acknowledged that a fire department with the call volume of the Port Angeles Fire Department could not adequately meet mandated training, safety and prevention requirements with the limited personnel resources on hand. The Fire Department has not added personnel resources for over 25 years. During that period, call volume (workload)has increased over 240%. The Fire Department recognizes that the addition of needed personnel resources is costly and that ultimately it will be a cost borne by the citizens. Unfortunately, unless those resources are added, most City citizens and businesses will face insurance cost increases which would likely be significantly greater than any governmental increase, and for which they will receive no added benefit or value. 12/20/2016 1 - 13 For the short term, the Fire Department will be able to achieve 5 person minimum staffing with the use of existing personnel resources, however this is not sustainable since it will be an increased burden on our personnel and it will likely come with considerable overtime expense. The increase in overtime has been projected and has been added to the 2017 operating budget. For the long term, at the March 28, 2017, Council Work Session, staff will bring forward a proposed plan with several options for revenue generation. That plan will look at possible adjustments to the Medic 1 fee as well as other potential funding sources. The Fire Department is working closely with the Finance Department on this plan. Funding Overview: In the short term, there will likely be considerable overtime costs associated with this operational change. The potential overtime increase has been estimated and is included in the 2017 budget. For the long term, at the March 28, 2017, Council Work Session, staff will bring forward a proposed plan to generate revenue that will include several funding options. 12/20/2016 1 - 14 Memorandum of Understanding Between IAFF Local#656, Port Angeles Professional Firefighters And City of Port Angeles Section C -Minimum Manning The Fire Department shall maintain at all times a minimum manning of five personnel from the bargaining unit, with two being Firefighter/Paramedics and one shift officer. Application of MOU The City and the Union agree that implementation of 5 man minimum is in the best interest of both parties. The parties further agree that maintaining 5 man minimum, with our current Department staffing levels is not sustainable nor safe for our employees beyond the short term. Our Department has initiated a plan to fund and add additional staff in the first half of 2017 to support continued 5 man minimum. Unfortunately, the funding mechanism and number of additional staff positions is not known at the time of this agreement. The parties agree that good faith efforts will be made to hire additional staff to support 5 man minimum prior to July 1, 2017. As a benchmark, to continue 5 man minimum beyond July 12017, a minimum of two new personnel will need to be hired with the intent to increase each shifts' full staffing to a total of 7 personnel. If addition of the minimum defined personnel cannot be achieved prior to July 1, 2017, the parties agree to suspend 5 man minimum and revert to previously agreed manning/staffing language. If 5 man minimum is maintained, the labor contract will be revised to eliminate conflicting contract language referring to "Manning"vs. "Staffing". For the City: For the Union: Date: 12/20/2016 1 - 15 NGELES „ W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. u,u ammuuuxmmmooiW CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 20, 2016 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A.WEST,DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Vertigo Marketing for Tourism Promotion Services Summary: On November 1, 2016 City Council approved Lodging Tax Committee recommendations for 2017. Allocations included Vertigo Marketing's Lodging Tax Application to be funded at $258,814. A contract amendment is required to incorporate the 2017 Scope of Work. Funding: The funds for the 2017 marketing contract are derived from the City Lodging Tax Fund. The Lodging Tax Committee has recommended and City Council has approved a budget of $258,814 for the contract. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Vertigo Marketing incorporating the 2017 Scope of Work and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. On August 23, 2016 City staff opened the opportunity for submission of Lodging Tax Fund applications for capital and non-event tourism related promotion. Applications were considered by the Lodging Tax Committee on October 20, 2016 and forwarded to City Council on October 25, 2016. A total of eleven (11) applications were received and following Lodging Tax Committee review City Council approved allocation of funding for the applications including the Vertigo Marketing proposal on November 1, 2016. Vertigo's current contract resulted from a competitive request for proposal process conducted in late 2015. The Vertigo proposal and negotiated contract incorporate services of multiple local professionals including roles in social media,photography and marketing assistance. 12/20/2016 J - 1 In 2016 Vertigo took a comprehensive approach to tourism marketing for Port Angeles with a large number of high quality tools that have built a solid foundation for the enhancement of local tourism. 2016 is expected to be the City of Port Angeles's best year on record for tourism. To date each month of the year has seen increases over 2015. For 2017 a new scope of work has been developed along with a contract amendment establishing the new 2017 budget allocation and some minor clarifications to the contract. Exhibit A details the proposed scope of work and deliverables. Included for 2016 will be a continuation of website improvements/promotions, social media outreach,photography, bicycle tourism promotion, and cross promotion for visitation from Victoria. Staff recommends that City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Vertigo Marketing incorporating the 2017 Scope of Work and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. Funding Overview: The funds for the 2016 marketing contract are derived from the City Lodging Tax Fund. The fund consists of revenues generated from a 4% tax on all charges at hotels, motels, and similar lodging establishments. On November 1, 2016 Council approved the Lodging Tax Fund allocations incorporating a$258,814 budget for 2017 marketing. The marketing budget can be sustained based on historic and projected revenues. Attachment Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Vertigo Marketing 12/20/2016 J - 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR TOURIST PROMOTION SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND VERTIGO MARKETING, LLC THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this day of 2016, by and between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "City") and VERTIGO MARKETING, LLC, (hereinafter called "Contractor"). SECTION 1 The City entered into the existing AGREEMENT with the Contractor on December 3, 2015 (the AGREEMENT). SECTION 2 The AGREEMENT is amended as follows: L PERFORMANCE BY CONTRACTOR Sections 1(A) through 1(C) of the AGREEMENT are amended by: Adding a new Scope of Work for 2017 Tourism Advertising and Marketing Services. The additional tasks,budget, and completion dates are outlined in Exhibit A attached to this Amendment. Section 1(D) of the AGREEMENT, as applicable to 2017, is amended to read as follows: In 2017,Vertigo Marketing agrees not to charge the City for travel expenses to and from Port Angeles, Washington for up to eight (8) visits. If more than eight (8) visits occur in 2017,the City agrees to reimburse Vertigo Marketing representatives according to the per diem guidelines set forth by Washington State for lodging and dining. Mileage will be reimbursed according to the federal guidelines. Section 1(E)(4) of the AGREEMENT is amended to read in its entirety: The Contractor shall submit to City information needed to comply with the reporting requirements of RCW 67.28.1816. The information shall be submitted to the City by December 31 of each year. - 1 - 12/20/2016 J - 3 Section 1(E)(9) of the AGREEMENT is amended to read in its entirety: By March 31 of each year, the Contractor shall identify additional performance measures that can be used to determine the efficacy and benefits of its tourism promotion activities. The Contractor shall report on these additional performance measures in the fourth quarter of each year. It DURATION OF CONTRACT Section 2 of the AGREEMENT is amended to read in its entirety: The performance of the Contractor shall commence on the 2nd day of December 2015, and shall terminate on December 31, 2017. III. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT BY CITY Section 3 of the AGREEMENT is amended to read in its entirety: Compensation for Tourist Promotion Activities. From December 2, 2015 through December 31, 2016, the City shall reimburse Contractor for expenses the Contractor incurs to promote tourism within the City, but in any event not to exceed one hundred ninety-nine thousand eight hundred sixty-three ($199,863) Dollars. From January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017, the City shall reimburse Contractor for expenses the Contractor incurs to promote tourism within the City, but in any event not to exceed two hundred fifty-eight thousand eight hundred fourteen($258,814) Dollars. As to expenses incurred by the Contractor that are eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement, Contractor shall submit monthly invoices to the City and City will pay Contractor monthly within 30 days after receipt and approval by the City Manager or designee of said invoices. However, the City will not reimburse the Contractor for late fees incurred by it. If any advertising fees require payment in advance (Facebook, Google Adwords, etc.), the Contractor may invoice the City for those charges at any time after those charges have been advanced. Copies of receipts will be provided by the City. IV. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Section 5(C) of the AGREEMENT is amended by replacing the first sentence with the following: In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to December 31, 2017, a final payment shall be made to the Contractor, which, when added to any payments - 2 - 12/20/2016 J - 4 previously made, shall reimburse the Contractor for costs actually incurred as of the date of termination. SECTION 3 RATIFICATION As amended herein, the AGREEMENT is confirmed and ratified. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment to the AGREEMENT as of the date and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES VERTIGO MARKETING, LLC By: By: Title: Title: ATTEST: VERTIGO MARKETING, LLC By: Jennifer, Veneklasen, City Clerk Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney H:Aa AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\2016 Agnnts&Contracts\Ainendinent No 1 to Vertigo Tourist Promotion PSA.docx - 3 - 12/20/2016 1 - 5 Exihibit A (2017 Scope of Work) I VertiE Tgo SCOPE OF WORK: 2017 TOURISM ADVERTISING AND MARKETING SERVICES I Fina/costs are based on approved client budget and treated as "do not exceed". Per contract, 0hc /&sns for the following goods and services can be reallocated to cover unanticipated needs upon mutual agrccnncn1bc1w/ccnNsrtiJoMarkztingand1hcCityofPor1'4ngc/cc A~ IMAIRIKIIET11114G, SIERVICIES: $21,500 A. To iindUude the foUUowwiing services aind dell iwenabUes: ° Media Buying: Identify advertising opportunities with various pub|ica1ions, negotiate favorable ad ra1os, identify insertion dates based on editorial calendar, define ad spocs, upload ads ° Art & Creative Direction: Develop creative that aligns and enhances current marketing efforts ° Production: Non-creative production services ° Ad Design: Creative services for print advertising campaigns ° Digital Ad Design: Creative services for digital advertising campaigns ° Copy writing: Develop copy for marketing co||a1ora|, print and digital advertising ° Quarterly Reports: Provide quarterly KPI data in report form ° Email Marketing Campaign: Quarterly Email B|as1 (4x) includes email campaign development, software and list management, graphic design and copy writing 113. Teamm 1114emmbens assigined to this Task: ° Lynno11o. Tnev C. CommpUetion date: Throughout 20l7 113~ C0111 III ATIERAIII / F)IIR 111114 T 111114 G,: $22,000 A. To iindUude the foUUowwiing services aind deUiwenabUes: ° Roll-fold Rack Brochure: l6^ x 9^ (flat) brochure printed onl00# gloss book. Printed in four (process) colors plus flood gloss AQ on both sides of sheet (4+fAQ/4+fAQ), full bleed. Trimmod, roll folded to finish size of4^ x 9^ Boxed. Quantity: 40.000 ° 16 Page + Cover "Handbook": One (l) 18^ x 5^ (flat) cover printed on 100# Ou|| Covor. Printed in four (process) colors plus flood soft touch aqueous coating on front of cover, four (process) colors only on back of cover (4+fs1AQ/4). Trimmod, scored in one position. Four (4) 18^ x 5^ (flat) interior sheets printed on 100# Ou|| Book. Printed in four (process) colors on both sides of sheet (4/4), full bleed. Trimmed. All sheets ga1horod, co||a1od, folded in half, saddle-stitched and three knife 1rinnnnod to create 16 page + cover handbook, finish size of 9^ x 5^ Boxed. Quantity: 20.000 ° Design: Creative services for both brochure and handbook 113. Teamm 1114emmbens assigined to this Task: ° Trov C. CommpUetioin date. Spring 20l7 C~ 11PIR: $7,500 A. To indUude the foUUowwiing services aind deUiwenabUes: ° Press Release Writing: (up to 3) ° Pitching Story Ideas ° Responding toWriters with Content & Photos ° Online Distribution toAPWire ° Sgt Up and Manage Meltwater Software II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette C, Cornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 I11 III 111,,,, 114 IIE 11)1 A, To 'iincllude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • Strategy: Update master editorial calendar for 2017, develop and align SEO-cial social strategies to assist with SEO efforts for the website, identify trending hashtags, review and analyze past posts to improve the campaign • Management & Implementation: Manage and direct the "on-the-ground" social media subcontractor, copy writing, graphic design, art direction of photography, schedule posts, seek out missing photography, ongoing coordination and communication with event producers for events and happenings • Monitoring • Reporting II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette, social media sub-contractor C, Cornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 IIE WIEBS11TEII IR III II $26,7; A, To 'iincllude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • Hosting & Maintenance • Domain Name Renewals: www.VisitPortAngeles.com • SSL Certificate Renewals: www.VisitPortAngeles.com • Security/Hackalert Scanning • Paid Plug-in Renewals • Ongoing Updates for Listings • Event Calendar • Content • SEO • Adding Graphics/Photos • Reporting: Quarterly KPI report II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette, various service providers C, Cornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 IF II II A, To 'iincllude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • Management • Software Subscription • Device Rental • Updates • Edits • Reporting II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Trev 0, Oornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 G,„ 11411EIRCIII'°MIS III III IIS II 111 IIIA IIS IIS T III IIS A, To 'iincllude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • T-Shirts: Branded merchandise for give-aways • Stickers: VisitPortAngeles.com II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Trev 0, Oornpllet'iion dater Spring 2017 III°i IIIAIII°iOTO & VIIIII)IIEO: 7 ,000 A, To 'iincllude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • New photography and videography rights for print and digital usage • Usage & rights renewals with 2016 photographers and videographers for their images • Event photography II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette, various local sub-contractors 0, Oornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 III IF 111 114 A 114 C III A III,,,, $8,622 A, To 'iincllude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • Accounting • Memberships II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette, Trev 0, Oornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 II II IIS IIS II IIK II II III III IIS A, AAA 2,321,000 impressions $3,850 II , AAA 2,321,000 impressions $3,850 0, Seattlle IMet August Nat'iioinall 1Parks 'issue 279,000 impressions $3,259 Ifs, Allasllka Air 2,693,000 impressions $3,220 15, Allasllka Air 2,693,000 impressions $3,220 I Washington State Visitor Guide Annual1 938,000 impressions $6,7116 G OIPV113 Co ops 629,000 impressions $2,400 1H Washiingtoin Wiine Guide Annual1 330,000 impressions $2,895 II, Visit Seattlle Suurnurneur/Fallll 990,000 impressions $4,1168 J Sunset Aipur'iill Turavell 1PlIainneur 'iissue 885,000 impressions $2,240 IIS, Sunset Seipteurnllbeur Turavell 1PlIainneur 'issue 885,000 impressions $2,240 IL.,, I114V Oolho Aininuall 420,000 impressions $2,6.3.3 1114 15 per'iience A,courn impressions TBD $5,750 IN. VisitSeattUe ong impressions TBD $2,000 0. Paid DigitaU Media (IFace�lboo�lk/UiiistagiirammxGoogUe, etc impressions TBD $13,500 IPUmmmmediateUmmages 12,157,500 impressions $5,592 ° NOTE: Impression data comes from media kits provided by each publication or provider 111 114 0 113 111111 IIE / IIEVIENIT(S) 11PIR01140T110114: $14,500 A. To iincUude the foUUowwiing services aind deUiwenabUes: ° Bus wrap: Includes full, 55' bus wrap for mobile advertising platform as the Lefties travel around the West Coast League. When the bus isn't on the road it will be available for Charter along the |'5corridor aswell as being parked in highly visible locations in Ki1sap. Tunnvva1or and Lacey ° Promo package: Includes broadcast video and radio spots ° Social media events ° Victoria "Bike to the Park Day": P|ayors, coaches and fans ride their bikes to the ballparks in both Port Angeles and Victoria during their 3'gannoseries 10 receive discounted tickets ° Omeann Catcher Balloon Program for Wounded VVarriors, Sgniors, Special Needs, etc: Visi1Por1Ango|oszonn/Loftios Co-op 30' x15' banner that travels to major events such as Lollapalooza, 5oafair, Olympia and Portland as they tour their way throughout the Northwest. Includes marketing services charges 113. Teamm 1114emmbems assigined to this Task: ° Lynno11o. Tnev, Matt Acker with the Port Angeles Lefties, various local sub-contractors C. CommpUetion date: Throughout 2017 114 CROSS 11PIR01140T110114: $3,750 A. To iincUude the foUUowwiing services aind deUiwenabUes: ° Outfield Sign: 5.5' x 10' Victoria Harbourca1s outfield sign with Visi1Por1Ango|oszonn artwork ° Rotating sponsor logo on HarbourCats website ° Social Media shout outs from Harbourcats on Facgbook and Twitter 113. Teamm 1114emmbens assigined to this Task: ° Lynno11o. Tnev, Victoria HarbourCa1sand sub-contractors C. CommpUetioin date: Summer 2017 114~ 11311�CYCIII IIE TOUIRIIS114 IMATC111 CHING FUIIN!111��) W11TIll i VICTORIA, 113C $10,000 A. To iincUude the foUUowwiing services aind dell iwenabUes: ° TBO: To be negotiated and defined bo1vvoon the City of Victoria and City of Port Angeles. Discussions with Mayor Helps and Mayor Downie and their 1oanns have included: a. Create bi-national bike trail or scenic bikeway that links Victoria and Port Angeles via the Blackball Ferry with signage and markers b. Create a bike trail that participants can have their "bicycle passport" stamped at various locations, landmarks or participating businesses. If they connp|o10 their journey by having their book stamped at all of the places along the trail they would then receive a branded bicycle jersey to mark the feat c. Create a new organization that the 2 communities co-sponsor by matching funds with a new |ogo, nnarko1ing, vvobsi1o. digital & social cannpaigns, print collateral (brochures & nnaps), merchandise, etc. that we could then advertise to the media, (i.e. Juan de Fuca Bikeway, Pacific Northwest Bike Trail were a few names that were tossed out) d. Partner with Blackball Ferry to create a 2-3 day team event in both cities. Make it a long race that requires multiple-person teams e. Share email database and/or purchase email list from OPVB for an email marketing campaign (as long as we marketed it as a single, shared-interest group). Tourism Victoria said that if we were able to organize/brand our group they would be willing to share their database with us • NOTE: Any unused funds to be returned to Reserve or carried over into 2018 budget per City direction II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette, Trev, Mayor Lisa Helps (City of Victoria), Mayor Patrick Downie (City of Port Angeles), Paul Nursey, President& CEO of Tourism Victoria, Rob Ringma, Director of Sales, Leisure, Cruise and Sport Tourism, Nathan West (City of Port Angeles), George Bergner, Port Angeles Likes Bikes, PA Forward C, Cornpllet'iion dater Throughout 2017 V1111f11EO & 11PIll TIII°MOT III IR II S A, To 'iindlude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • Develop creative concept for two video spots (:60 each): Approximately 2-5 days of shooting time. Drone shots included. • Develop storyboard for two :60 video spots: (one active and one passive) • Script writing • Music or Voice Over • Photographer to shoot stills: While we are in these amazing locations with models • Creative direction at the shoot • Production Management: Includes location scouting, specific shot list details, photography direction, models, styling and outfitters for any outdoor equipment, assistance on shooting days • Post Production Edit: Two :60 and two :30 spots. Includes professional audio (if applicable) or music, final editing to audio with effects and graphics, the :60 will be edited into a :30 version for social media purposes, etc. • Visit Port Angeles/City of PA will own exclusive rights to all footage and photography from this project: Videographer and photographer can use for their own promotion purposes, but cannot sell without prior permission from the City of Port Angeles II , Teaurn II14eurnllbeurs assigned to this Task., • Lynnette, Trev, videographer(s) & photographer(s), sub-contractors, models, assistants C, Cornpllet'iion dater Spring 2017 IIIA II II III TWATIER IIIA IIS III" IIS IIS A, To 'iindlude the follllow'iing services and dell'iiverallblles: • Full Monitoring Suite • Premium Social Coverage (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, 23 million blogs) • Analytics & Dashboards • Full Media Contact Database with unlimited press distribution • NOTE: Meltwater is the global leader in online media intelligence. Their product suite allows clients to monitor, distribute, publicize and analyze business critical information posted online, in both mainstream media and social media, as well as build media contact lists to assist with press outreach 113 Teairn I'leirnbeirs assigined to this Task: - Lynnette C CoirnplIetion date., Throughout 2017 Q IIESTIII IIS ATIIEIIf;) TAXES: $4,659 A Washington State Tax., - WA State taxes: 1.8% of $258,814 113 Teairn I'leirnbeirs assigined to this Task., - Lynnette, Trev, Washington Department of Revenue C CoirnplIetion date., Throughout 2017 • NOTE: Taxes have been estimated. Actual amount to be paid is identified in a monthly statement provided to (and paid by) Vertigo Marketing from the Washington Department of Revenue. At year end, any shortage/overage will be deducted/applied to Reserve funds. IIIb oAlly xiii cosIIIIr 01111F�" 20117 CA11141111PAIIIG1114: $258,1814 e IIN— Lynnette Braillard, Co-Founder Trev Naranche, Co-Founder Vertigo Marketing Vertigo Marketing DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MONTHY PERMIT REPORT NOVEMBER 2016 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 2016 YTD 2015 YTD RESIDENTIAL-NEW MODULAR/MAN_UF_ACT - 1 1 - 2 2 Value $3,500 $143,234 $146,734 $43,000 SING_LE_FA_ML_Y I _ ... 3 _... - 1.....-. _ _2_ _ .-...2 _ .-.....1_ _ _ _5 -..... - 2-.....- _ _2_ _ _ _3 _ _ _,1_ _ 22 31 Value $461,420 $144,695 $363,772 $382,780 $123,627 $740,741 $277,300 $316,895 $590,761 $147,614 $3,549,605 $4,426,251 MULTI-FAMILY Value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ACCESSO_RIE_S _ 1 _ - 2 -, _ 2 _ -,2 1 2 3 13 15 Value $15,300 $60,000 $34,620 $19,255 $72,000 $28,629 $62,000 1 $291,804 $399,118 COMMERCIAL-NEW ....._....._ RETAIL _ _- _._. ._._._.... _. ..... Value $30,000 30,000 HOTEUMOTEL Value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....._....._ OFFICE _ _.. _.'._....._1...._..... Value $284,035 284,035 DRINKING/DINING 1 1 Value $20,000 20,000 AUTO/SERVICE .....-. ..-.....- Value - - - - - - - - - - - - INDUSTRIAL_ _ 1 1 _ ,1 3 2 ....._._ ..._..._�.. ._._._._ ._. ,.._..._ __ ._._.._._ ._.._._.._ ._.._. Value $54,838 $25,000 $250,000 329,838 $4,485,000 PUBLIC-NEW SCHOOLS/HOSPS/GOVT _--1 ,1 2 5 Value $290000 $63,000 353,000 $38,301,951 CHURCHES Value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RECREATION Value - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - REPAIR 8 ALT. RESIDENTIAL _ -35 _ - _43_ _ _46 _ _ _33_ _ _50 _ 42_ _ _ _36 _ _ 50_ _ _ _48_ _ _ 43_ _ _ _32 _ 458 383 ....._._ . Value $146,509 $331,916 $363,271 $295,037 $389,494 $400,461 $628,878 $421,381 $405,085 $366,362 $179,800 $3,928,194 $2,707,283 CO_MM_ERCIAL _ - 8 _ - _7_ _ _10 _ _ _21_ _ _ 5_ _ _33_ _ _ _18 _ _ 10_ _ _ _11 _ _ 12_ _ _ _6 _ 121 131 Value $277,060 $593,000 $703,728 $952,571 $216,560 $453,433 $783,843 $192,713 $872,325 $248,757 $66,800 $5,360,790 $6,381,443 PUBLIC .....-. Value - - - - - - - - - - - - DEMOLITION/MOVE 1 _ 1 - -,2 2 _ 2- - _ 1 2 11 6 ._._._._ ._.._._..s_..._ __.... _._.._ _ Value $10,000 $800 $21,000 $25,000 $1,500 $10,000 $5,000 $73,300 $18,693 TOTALS BUILDING PERMITS 46 52 60 58 62 56 65 66 65 64 41 635 575 ....._....._....._....._....._....._....._.... ....._....._....._..... ...._....._....._....._.... ....._....._....._..... ....._....._....._....._.... ....._....._....._..... ....._....._....._....._..._....._....._...._..... ....._....._....._....._..._....._....._....._..... ....._....._...._....._..._....._....._....._..... ....._....._....._..... _ CONSTRUCTION VALUE $884,989 $950,216 $1,272,494 $1,646,000 $1,319,089 $977,521 $2,592,835 $921,523 $1,792,539 $1,302,880 $707,214 $14,367,300 $56,762,739 BUILDING PERMITS FEE $11,882 $16,298 $21,230 $25,374 $24,358 $16,695 $34,982 $13,820 $23,954 $24,417 $12,821 $225,831 $472,317 `CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 4 5 7 2 7 7 4 7 3 9 6 61 46 icy applications for new or relocated businesses. 12/20/2016 L - 1