HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/06/2016 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 6, 2016 CAIJJQ ORDER SPECIA1, MEETING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 3:49 p.m. PRESENT: Members Present. Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins, and Whetham. Members, Absent: Councilmernbers Gase and Merideth. Staft'Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk, Veneklasen, C. Fulton, N. West, A. Fountain and IT. Greenwood. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input frorn Attorney Bloor,Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority of RCW 42.30.1 10(l)(i) for the purpose ol'discussing potential litigation with legal counsel,and RCW 42,30.140(4) to discuss collective bargaining with an employee organization,for approximately 30 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 3:50 p.m. RETURNTO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 4:30 p.m. No action was taken. WOR KSESSION: The Council retuned to open session at 436 p.m. in order to hold a work'session on Stormwater Permit Requirements. City Manager Dan McKeen and Community & Economic Development Director Nathan West provided opening remarks. Jonathan Boehnic, Civil Engineer,and Rebecca Dugopolski, Engineer with Herrera, the City's Stormwater Consultant, conducted a PowerPoint presentation on Low Impact Development(LID)Code Review. Councilmember Merideth joined the meeting at 4:42 p.m. The work.session concluded at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROU,CAIA,: Members Present:Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,MeTideth and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Gase. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C.Delikat,K.Dubuc,C. Fulton,B. Smith, B. Olson,N. West,L Boehme,K. Neal,A. Fountain,and 1-1. Greenwood, It was moved by Collins and seconded by Whetham to: Excuse Council member Gase from the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Whetham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. , PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEI:E"YING —December Ea,2016 PUBLIC COMMENT: John Proctor,2123 West Fourth Street,spoke about the Olympic Peninsula Fly fishers Club and its work on the Kids F'ishing Derby. Phil Lusk,232 West Second Street,asked Council to be aware of Bonneville Power's wholesale power rates and how they might allow for lower utility costs to customers. Ed Chadd,307 West Sixth Street,spoke about climate change.Ile read from a resolution passed by the Clallarn County Commissioners and then asked Council to think about ways the City can proactively get involved in climate change action. Date Wilson,East Fourth Street,invited the Council to the PAPA(Penirtsula Area Public Access)Open House at 215 Lincoln Street on December 13,2(116, LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ONTHIS OR FLTFURE AGENDAS as determined by Cityani er or Councilinember— Councilmenther Bruch asked that Council took at the climate change resolution passed by Clallam County. COHSE NTAGENDA: It was moved by Whetharn and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I. City Council Minutes: November 15, 2016 2. Expenditure Report: F)i,om November 5, 2016 through November 25, 2016 in,the amount of$2,241,585.17 3. Extension of Member Appointments to Board of Ethics Pool 4Ranney Well performance Testing,Project WA-13-023,Agreement with Layne Christensen, Inc. Contract Fxtension 5. Public Assistance Grant Agreement tea Secure FEMA Funding for Storni Repairs 6. Amendments to Ordinance(3562)Levying 2016 Property Tax for Collection in 2017 and Resolutions I I- 16 and 12-16 Motion carried 5-1,with Collins opposed. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council that they could contact the appropriate director if they had questions. Ile asked if there was a consensus among Council to bring forward a climate change resolution similar to that of Clallani County. Council agreed by consensus to discuss a possible Climate change resolution in January. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2017 Budget Ordinance Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 6:29 p.m. Mike Doherty,617 South B Street,said there,was an urgency for the City to adopt a climate action plan partly because of the need to do so when applying for State trust funds, infrastructure funds, and grants. Mr. Doherty hopes that Council has money in the budget to monitor actions in Canada of petroleum projects that are being permitted and will be sending loaded tankers into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.He urged Council to seek for additional protection measures in case of oil spills and bunkering of ships. Mayor Downie closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m.Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3566 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2017 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,20 17. Page 2 of5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING —December 6, 2016 It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Adopt the ordinance as read. Motion carried 4-2,with Councilmembers Whetham and Merideth opposed. 2. Municipal Code Update—NPDES Stormwater Permit—Required Low Impact Development(LID) Public Works and Utilities Director Craig Fulton opened the discussion and told Council that as part of the ordinance changes, staff would be changing a lot of its internal processes and provide implementation tools and infeasibility criteria to make it easier for citizens and developers. Director West noted two corrections to the memo,where references to Title 16.04 and 17.08 should read Title 16 and Title 17. He read a correction found on Page F47, noting that exemptions and variances were incorporated into the ordinance in Title 13 but should actually be in the ordinance in Title 17. Jonathan Boehme, Civil Engineer, conducted a presentation on LID Code Review that included background on the NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit, proposed revisions to the ordinances, and proposed implementation tools. Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. John Ralston,P.O.Box 898,thanked staff for keeping him informed of the public meetings on stormwater and for incorporating some of his suggestions into the ordinances. He said the Department of Ecology should be constantly questioned and said it can be difficult when DOE groups many different cities under the same requirements.Mr. Ralston said that DOE should help with funding for capital projects related to stormwater,for equipment to clean sidewalks and streets,and for the costs of education.He would like to see the City be proactive in educating the public.Mr.Ralston said he believes Herrera and the City are underestimating development costs that will be incurred by developers due to the stormwater requirements. Tracy Gudgel,301 East 61'Street,Engineer with Zenovic&Associates and incoming President of Home Builders Association,said the big problem with LID is that it's infeasible in almost all areas of Port Angeles. He hopes staff will work with people to work through these issues. Mr. Gudgel said LID is much more costly to the developer,and that the City should allocate money to improve existing stormwater infrastructure. Bruce Emery, 727 East 8' Street, of Green Crow Properties, said he understands that the City is mandated to make changes, and that staff has done a great job pulling together a compromise with an ordinance that still meets requirements. In reviewing the ordinance,Mr.Emery said he couldn't find any suggestions for improving it based on the requirements that staff are up against.However,he said it creates a big challenge for the development community because it adds to costs but also shackles the new owner with requirements to monitor and maintain systems which are prone to failure.He said there will also be extensive costs to the City for enforcement and monitoring.Mr. Emery said he has no problem with sound regulation,but that it's getting to the point of diminished return for effort. Ed Chadd,307 West 6`h Street,said the presentation by staff was excellent.Mr.Chadd said he coordinates the County's Streanikeepers Program and said that Port Angeles is an incredible place that could be even better. He said there are topographical challenges to development,but the ordinances build in infeasibility.He said the existing infrastructure is problematic because it puts water off of hard surfaces and directly into creeks. Dennis Yachovich,21 Rustic Fields,of Green Crow Properties,said he would like everyone to have a beautiful home to live in. He reminded Council that Port Angeles is a City, and yet it's the hardest and most expensive place within the county to build.He said that although it is currently a good market,it could get to the point when no one will be able to afford to develop.Mr.Yachovich said he doesn't think anyone can quantify a benefit from these mandates.He asked why the City is implementing something that can't be measured,yet downgrading the quality of life for citizens for something that probably won't work. Mike Doherty, 617 South B, it's a great time for the City to get with the banking community to get foreclosed or abandoned homes back on the market for affordable housing.He complimented Jonathon Boehme for his very good, common sense approach in his presentation. Mr. Doherty hopes the City will look at the mill's capacity and existing infrastructure as a possible future solution to stormwater runoff. Page 3 of 5 PORI'ANGEL ES CFIN(70UNCII,MEETING —December 6, 24116 At 7:49 p.m.Mayor Downie continued the public hearing to December 20,2016. Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the Ordinances making changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code by: • amending Chapters 11.08, 11.17, 11.13,and 11.14 relating to streets and sidewalks • amending Chapters 13.63 and 17.94 relating to stormwater-utility regulations • amending street standards and off street parking by making changes to Chapter 14.01 and 14.40 • amending development standards by making changes to Chapter 15.20 • amending short plat subdivision regulations by making changes to Title 16,Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 • and amending and updating zoning regulations by making changes to Title 17 ORDINANCE NOS. Mayor Downie continued the public hearing to December 20,2016. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 8:12 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 8:24 p.m. The Mayor tabled Item J 1, Aniendinent to the, Prolessional Services Agreement with Vertigo IvIark-cling, to the December 20,2016 meeting. ORDINANCES NOTREQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson requested that Council postpone the second and final reading of the 2016 Budget Amendment#3 until December 20,2016. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Employee Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual Update—Facility Security,Access&Use Policy Human Resources Manager Abbigail Fountain said that as part of 2016 work plan and per the City Manager's direction, a small work group was appointed to look at security within City Hall. Site said the group made recommendation and now Council is being asked to approve the,policies which will be incorporated into the Employee Personnel Policy, Procedures Manual.Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Brach to: Approve the Facility Security,Access&Use Policy and update the Employee Personnel Policy&Procedures Manual, and allow the City Manager to make any minor modification,if necessary. Motion carried 5-1,with Whetham opposed. 2. Clallam PUD Right of Way Agreement Renewal Director Fulton outlined terms of the renewal agreement. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Merideth to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to renew the Telecommunications Right-Of-Way License with the Clallam County Public Utility District for an additional five-year term,and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6-0. Council agreed by consensus to postpone the discussions of Item 14,Sahvy Swi,exyfior Aron-Represented Staff, and Item 15, Ci0j,P"inancial Auditor Position, 3. Animal Control Officer Council discussed the possibility of funding an animal control officer and how that might affect funding to the Humane Society. Police Chief Brian Smith said the Police Department handles 500 calls for service a year regarding animals. Council agreed by consensus to take a comprehensive look at the City's approach to code enforcement, including animal control,during an April or May worksession, Page 4 of 5 PORT"ANGELES CITY COUNCIL,MEETING—December 6, 2016 Shalay VanCleve was invited to speak.She said her group,Pet Posse,has reunited over 800 animals with their owners. Ms.VanCleve said Pet Posse supports the idea of an animal control officer and she said the group has equipment and would be happy to assist the City. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councitmember Bruch suggested there be a City newsletter that lets people know what's going on in the City and possibly send it out with utility bills. Site said she would not be at the December 20'meeting. Councilmember Collins attended the Farmer's Market on Saturday.He said the Feiro Marine Life Center Board is moving forward with its capital project and it needs the City to decide if it can move forward with the plan. He said he would not be at the worksession next Tuesday. No other reports were given. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Michael Cyr, 929 East Ninth Street, said that when lie worked for the City Light Department it was pretty dysfunctional. He now works for Clallain PUD and he believes the City has good leadership and that the department is in the process of healing. Dale Wilson, Fourth Street, said there is a severe homeless problem in the community and encouraged Council to come up with a creative way to save 33 homes from going to the landfill. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Merideth to: Adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. PatrA Downie,Mayor Jennifer Nfeneklasen,City Clerk Page 5 of 5