HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/24/2016 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT WHY ARE WE HERE TO DAY? WSRB Washington Survey and Rating Bureau WSRB • Not-for-profit institution • Property underwriting for the insurance industry • Provide accurate, timely, relevant information about risk WSRB • Evaluate communities for fire protection/suppression capabilities • Look at water supply, dispatch, Fire Department •Assign protection class grade of 1 through 10 WSRB Protection class rating is used to set fire insurance premiums. Approximately 90% of insurance companies providing insurance in Port Angeles utilize this rating WSRB • Evaluation completed late 2 0 15 • Preliminary rating of "5" • Previous evaluation in 2001 • Rating was "4" WSRB • Met with WSRB in Seattle • Provided additional information, clarification • Rating was adjusted from 4.52 to 4.38 WSRB Change from 4 to 5 will lead to increased fire insurance rates from 90% of insurance companies Increases vary depending upon the company Typical: • Commercial average 10% increase - One local very small retail business: $178 more annually • Residential average 5% increase - $35/year on a $600 policy WSRB Potential Imp act Over 9100 residential units in the City If we assume 75% are insured by companies that utilize the WSRB rating An annual premium increase of $35, would result in a total impact of $240,000 WSRB Potential Imp act Over 1400 commercial occupancies in the City If we assume 75% are insured by companies that utilize the WSRB rating An annual premium increase of $100, would result in a total impact of over $100,000 WSRB Potential Impact These are preliminary estimates We will need to additional work to refine the estimates There is no return on increased rates WHY HAS THE CITY RATING CHANGED? • Call volume/workload • Staffing • Pumper capacity • Officers • Reserve ladder truck • Prevention certifications/programs • After hours refueling CALL VOLUME/WORKLOAD • Call volume in 2001 - 2956 • Call volume in 2015 - 4464 rJ 1 % increase Number of Calls 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Workload -Calls Per Career Firefighter/Yr 1600 1 ,490 1400 1200 1000 873 800 773 600 430 400 206 200 0 ABERDEEN DISTRICT 3 MT.VERNON MUKILTEO PORT ANGELES HOW DO CALL VOLUME AND WORKLOAD AFFECT THE RATING ? Training Hours 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TRAINING IMpACr • We have hundreds of hours of mandated training per year • Call volume precludes our ability to train • We are almost completely unable to train as a team • Training equates directly to safety, effectiveness and efficiency Number of Inspections 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 PREVENTION JMpACr • Fire prevention efforts are a critical component of an effective fire safety program •Added benefit of getting firefighters into all structures so they are familiar with construction, exiting, fuel load, occupancy STAFFING Have not added staff since 19 9 1 2 5 years Call volume increase over Z 4 0 % IN 2015 THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AVERAGED 4 . 5 PERSONNEL ON DUTY PER DAY WSRB Provided a seven-part plan for how to address the issues and maintain rating of "4" Plan was reviewed and reply received in April Will retain rating of "4" if ALL elements of plan are implemented no later than January 1, 2017 WHAT IS THE SEVEN PART PLAN? Adopt 5 man minimum manning Add 1500 GPM quick attack pumper Reclassify Training Officer to Assistant Chief Additional Prevention training Additional Prevention programs • Interlocal agreement with CCFD#3 • After hours fuel support letter 5 MAN MINIMUM MANNING •Would involve a significant Departmental response matrix change • Two first out medic units • Would double transport capability overnight • Officer remains behind with quick attack pumper 5 MAN MINIMUM MANNING • Use existing staffing, accomplish through overtime • Increases average daily staffing from 4.5 to 5.5 Short term fix only, significant impact on personnel QUICK ATTACK PUMPER • Would meet WSRB requirement for additional GPM delivery • Would enable officer to make initial attack alone • Would enable new wildland capability • Would enable increased life span for full size engines • Considering 8 year life, could save $750,000 over 24 years //////// /OODOO .. 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