HomeMy WebLinkAbout3569 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending street
standards and off street parking by making changes to Chapter 1.4.01 and
14.40 of the port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Ordinance 2768 as amended,and Chapter 14.01 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to street,standards are hereby amended to read as follows:
14M.115 - Street. Standards for lots without City street access.
Prior to issuance ofcertificates Of Occupancy or final inspection approval for building permits
for lots or parcels without established City street access, street access improvements shall be
accomplished in accordance with this section.
A. NO CURRENTACCESS TO LOTS (five or more dwelling units per block). Where there
is no current street access, the street that will provide access to, and front, the lots or
parcels beim developed shall be improved to the minimum City street improvement
standards, as set forth in Chapter 16.08 l'AMC;. Preferred access improvements shall be
permeable pavement road and sidewalk to Urbain Services Standards and Guidelines it
feasible These requirements apply in the following,circumstances:
I. The development consists of fine dwelling units or more within an area fronting on City
street right-ol=way 510 feet in length or less;
2. The lots or parcels being developed are under common ownership or are part of the same
development scheme as determined by the City Planning Director and are being,developed
within a period of 24 months or less.
B. NO CURRENT ACCESS TO LOTS(less than live dwelling units per block). Where there
is no current street access, the street that will provide access to, and front, the lots or
parcels being developed shall be improved as permeable pavement road and sidewalk to
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines if fusible. Otherwise access improvements
shall be a gravel access road to the standard approved by the City Engineer,. These
requirements apply in the following circumstances:
1. The development consists of four dwelling units or less;
2. A consent and non-protest "D Local Improvement District agreement is entered into to
provide full street improvements, as set forth in 16.08 PAMC, for the block within which
the development occurs,
C. CURRENT GRAVELACCESS, Where there is currently City maintained gravel or
bituminous surfacing access as of the effective date of this ordinance as shown oil Exhibit
A,a consent and non-protest 1AP Local Improvement District agreement shall be entered
into to provide full street improvements,as set forth in Chapter 16.08 PANIC,for the block
within which the development occurs.
there is no current gravel access for a single lot being developed for a single farnily
residence independent of any other development, a consent and non-protest LID
agreement shall be entered into to provide gfev-e4 access road to the standard approved by
the City Engineer for the block within which the development occurs. Preferred access
improvements shall be Permeable navement road and sidewalk to City Standards, i
feasible. Otherwiserovide gravel access per City Standards.
Section 2. Ordinance 3161 as amended,and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to off street parking are hereby amended to read as follows:
14.40.020 - Definitions.
A. The following terms shall have the designated meanings for the purposes of this Chapter,
unless the context indicates otherwise:
I. "Standard-car parking space" means 4-5-4144.5 square feet of parking lot area, eight feet
six inches by 4407 feet minimum in size, having adequate access to a public street. No
pail of any street right-of-way shall be considered part of any standard-car parking space,
2. "Loading space" means a space located adjacent to a building, and large enough in area
so that any truck or other vehicle loading or unloading at such building will not proJect
into a street right-of-way.
3. "Floor area" means the leasable or habitable floor area or space in a dwelling or building,
excluding bathrooms, toilet compartments, halls, closets, or corridors 44 inches in width
or less, and equipment and machinery rooms not used directly in the manufacture,
production, storage or sale of goods or services maintenance and cleaning supply rooms
of 50 square feet or less.
4. "parking lot activity" means a non-permanent activity Occurring in a parking lot, using
spaces otherwise allocated for parking for purposes other than parking by clientele of the
primary use of the property,
5. "Shall" means the statement is mandatory and ministerial, and tile action so stated is
required to be done without discretion by decision-makers.
6. "Should" means the statement ought to be done, but the action so stated is not required to
be done by decision-makers who may use discretion where exceptions are warranted.
7 "Transportation demand management assessment" means an analysis of public access to
a specific site for land use activities permitted under the Port Angeles Municipal Code and
a City approved plan (including multi-niodal services, public infrastructure
improvements, and parking) that is sufficient to mitigate significant adverse impacts 0111
surrounding private properties and public transportation facilities, consistent with the
City's Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. "I'lie assessment
may be done by the applicant, or by an expert transportation professional when the
applicant prefers or when determined to be necessary by the Community Development
B. All other terms used in this chapter shall have the meaning given to them by Ordinance
1709,as now enacted,or hereafter amended, unless the context indicates otherwise.
14A0.030 - Parking space requirements—Generally.
For all land uses there shall be established and maintained permanent off-street parking spaces,
either oil the zoning lot of the use, or, if the affected property owners and the Director of
Community and Economic Development Difeete agree through the execution of an
appropriate agreement and easement in a forth acceptable to the City Attorney and if
appropriate identification signage is provided, within 200 feet, of the property boundaries
(excluding public streets and alleys)of the zoning lot. The required number of parking spaces
shall be determined as follows:
A. The number of required spaces shall be determined either by reference to the number of
required parking spaces per Table A 14.40-1 or by using one of tile alternate methods in
subsection C. of this section.
B. If applicable, Sections 14.4 .080 through 14.41:).110 shall then be used to determine
whether the number of spaces required by subsection A. of this section is modified.
C. If Table A 14.40-1 of subsection A. of this section is not used to determined the number
of required parking spaces, one of the following alternate methods of determining the
required pat-king for a particular development shall be used:
1. Determine the number of parking spaces required by a par-king plan!Eansport�Won demand
assessment that received anoroval by the Director of Community and Economic
I)evelgpment appFeved 10j, the Planning GerAmissien based on (lie
d—mg-4he peak hot I M*
dar-a�ien efparldfig ase ., I.-M.-H-eve- any feduetie'.. i --etipant �,ehiel
due, to! a S -epafed per Section
nt pr
14.404)" 050; or
2. Prepare a transportation demand management assessment that meets the approval of the
Planning Gem miss ioffDirector of Community and Econojpjc Develo went per Section
14.40.050; or
3. Obtain Planning Commission Director of Community and Economic Development
approval of a parking variance per Section 14.40.130.
D. If the following criteria are satisfied, then the parking requirements of Table A of
subsection A. above may be reduced accordingly.
1. Parking requirements may be reduced in direct ratio for each percentage point of access
provided by nonsingle occupant vehicle.
2. Parking requirements may be reduced by ten percent if a bus stop or other mass transit
facility is located within 500 feet of the project site.
3. Parking requirements may be reduced in direct ratio for each percentage point of parking
provided by cooperative parking agreement per Section 14.40.080.
4. Parking requirements ma y be reduced by twenty-five percent to allow for incoEporation
of LID facilities into the parking lot design.
E. The parking area shall comply with landscaping requirements for parking lots in
accordance with Title 17 PANIC.
14.40.050 - Transportation demand management assessment.
A. As part of any land use review and/or building permit application with the City of Port
Angeles, a transportation demand management assessment, which analyzes the off-street
parking needs of the new development or the expansion of use in the existing building,
may be conducted and shall require the approval of the Planning CommissionDirector of
Community and Economic Development, if parking for the use and/or building is not
provided per Section 14.40.030.A. Table A or-Seetion 14.40.03O.C.1,
B. Business and property owners within 300 feet of the subject site shall be notified of the
transportation demand management assessment. A public comment period of 15 days
shall be provided.
14.40.060 - Mixed uses.
In the case of a mixture of uses on one zoning lot or in one building,the total requirements
for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses
computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as
providing required parking facilities of any other use, except as may be provided in
Section 14.40.070 of this,chapter.
14.40.070 - Cooperative parking agreements.
Parking facilities may be cooperatively used by different land uses, when the times of the use
of such parking spaces by each use are not simultaneous. A cooperative parking agreement
signed by all parties who share the parking facilities and approved by the Director of
Community and Economic Development Difeete shall be required that binds the parking
facilities and the parties until the agreement is dissolved by all parties and approved by the
Director of Community and Economic Development Difeete .
14.40.080 - Parking space requirement modification—New uses in new structures.
For any new use in a new building or structure,the required number of parking spaces shall be
determined by the requirements of Sections 14.40.030 through 14.40,070.
(Ord. 3161 § I (part), 4/30/2004; Ord. 2228 § If, 8/31/1982; Ord. 2028 § 3, 6/17/1980; Ord.
1588 § It, 6/15/1966)
14.40.090 - Parking space requirement modification—New uses in existing structures.
A change of use in a building or structure that exists as of Apri 125,2004,that does not change
these elassifieation the occupancy classification of the existing building or structure may Occur
without provision of additional off-street parking spaces unless the floor area of the building
or structure is increased.
14.40.120 - Improvement of parking spaces,
A. Any parking spaces provided to comply with the terins of this chapter,other than for single
family detached residences, shall be improved in accordance with the following
I. 'rhey shall meet the requirements of the clearing,grading, rifling and drainage regulations
set forth in Chapter 15,28 PAMC.
1 They shall be graded and paved with a hard-surface pavement of permeable pavement
with a structurally adequate base, portland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete with a
structurally adequate base, or other hard-surface pavement acceptable to the Director of
Public Works and Utilities. Pervious concrete shall be the preferred surface, if feasible.
All parking spaces shall be clearly and permanently striped in conformance with Public
Works parking lot design standards. Wheel stops shall be installed where necessary to
prevent encroachment upon public rights-of-way and adjacent trees, landscaped areas, or
low impact development facilities. The Director of Public Works and 1Jti lities may allow
for an exception to hard-surface pavement for developments in the Industrial Heavy Zone,
provided that adverse impacts to stormwater drainage, surrounding properties, and public
infrastructure are mitigated to the extent the Director deems reasonably necessary and
3. They shall be accessible,at all times, from street,alley or driveway intended to serve such
off-street parking.
4. Improvements of parking spaces shall meet the Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
13. The City may grant permission for temporary occupancy of a building or structure even
though the parking spaces required by subsection A. of this section have not been fully
completed, provided that an improvement bond acceptable as to form and amount by the
City Engineer and the City Attorney is posted in the amount of the estimated value of the
construction of the parking facilities. Before granting such temporary occupancy, the
Director of Public Works and Utilities must determine that construction of the parking
facilities prior to occupancy of the building would not represent sound construction
practice, due to weather conditions, availability of materials and/or difficult site
conditions, and the acceptance of such bond is therefore appropriate. Improvement bonds
may be accepted for a period not to exceed 12 months, During the period before final
completion of the improvements, the parking facilities 1-n-ovided shall at least be graded
and graveled and be maintained in a good condition.
C. Uses requiring six or fewer spaces may occupy a building or zoning lot for up to 12 months
before compliance with subsection A.2. of this section, provided the parking facilities
shall at least be graded and graveled and be maintained in a good condition. At the end of
the 12-month period,the parking facilities must be in compliance with subsection A.2. of
this section, or a bond must have been provided and accepted in accordance Xvith
subsection B. of this section,
14A0.130 - Parking space requirements—'Variances.
A. A variance from the parking space requirements of this chapter, as specifically provided
by sections 14,40.030 through 14.40.070, may be granted on written request to-; the
Director of Community and Economic Development fid aftef a publie heafing by,the PO
Angeles Planning Commission. The Planning Gewtw4ssDirector may impose such
conditions upon the variance as it deems necessary to comply with the purpose of this
chapter and to mitigate the effects of increased impervious surfaces.No variance shall be
granted by the Plaflning Gomi,nission Director unless the 43,omniission Director finds that.:
I. The variance is not detrimental to surrounding properties;
2. 'File parking provided is sufficient to triect the parking needed by the Uses(s);
I The variance will not create increased congestion or traffic hazards along adjacent streets
and alleys; and
4. I"'he variance is consistent with the intent of this chapter, tile zone in which the site is
located, and the Comprehensive Plan.
B. Sueh publit; hear-ing shall be eendoeted in aeeefdaHee wit -----A�—S 4)r a publie
on the Zening Ofdinanee of the Gity of PeFt Ange
BG.The determination of the Planning Commission Director may be appealed to the G-"
Getmeil Hearing Examiner per Section 2.18.065.
14.40.170 - Revocation of permit—Appeals.
A. An occupancy permit issued pursuant to the teens of this chapter shall be revocable by
the City Manager, or his designee, for violation ofany of the provisions of this chapter.
Notice of the revocation of such permit shall be given in writing, by ordinary mail,
directed to the address of tile permit holder as shown on the permit application.
B. Upon revocation,the permit holder shall have a right of appeal to the ``; � ' Hearin
Examiner per section 2.18.065. The holder" shall, within ten days of the notice of
revocation,give notice to the City Clerk, in writing,the permit holder's intention to appeal
the revocation to the City r il--l-learin g Examiner, The Clerk shall glace the permit
holder's appeal on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Gity g
Examiner meeting,, and forthwith inform the permit holder, in writing, the date, time and
location of the meeting.
C. The(-4; " Hearing Examiner shall hold a public hearing,at which the permit holder
may present testimony as to his compliance with the terms of this chapter..
D. Thene—PrHearinp,Examiner shall mase written findings of fact, as to the basis of
any decision which it makes. The City Gotme4-_Hearing Examiner may sustain the
revocation of"the pert-nit, reinstate the permit with conditions, reinstate the permit after a
time certain, or immediately reinstate the permit.
14,40.180 - 1.)ecisiorrs cr1'City r-the " Director of Department of
Community and Economic Development--Appeals,
A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of City staff of the i,-, ` l.)irector
of Community and Economic Develo rent tray appeal the decision to the Cy " € rei-1
Hearing Examiner per Section 2,18.065,
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the D Developme C"i"ityC"lc:rrk in
writing within 14 days following the date of the Director's decision.
C. The City +uneil Hearing Examiner shall conduct an open record hearing on the appeal
of the City staff's Director of Community and Economic Development's decision Of a
anni "
NN44h PAMG' M02. . The Goww4s l-le rin; l xaminer's decision shall be final unless
appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with PAMC 18.02.130.
14.40.190 - 'violation,
Any person, firer, or corporation, in charge ofpremiscs which violate any of the provisions of
this chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion
thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed,
continued, or permitted. Each such offense shall be punishable by a maximum civil titre of
Automobile Services
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alcoholic beverages,or
Food and beverage
One parking space for each employee and three per drive-
establishments that do not
up window
have on-site seating
personal Services
Barber, beauty shops,tanning
salons, physical there One parkin;space for each 250
py,and s uare feet of floor area with a minimum of four Parkin
similar services
. ...
Two parking spaces plus one unloading space for those
Day care centers centers serving 12 or fewer children;One parking space
per employee plus two parking spaces for unloading for
centers of more than 12 children
Laundromats One parking space per washing machine
Medical Services
two additional parking spar- 1 fGF each
Medical and dental offices
One parking
space for each 200 square feet of floor area with a
minimum of four parking spaces
As deteFMiAed by the Planning Giammissi.. ..._ One space per
Hospitals each 2 staff"member at the lamest shiftplus ones ace
for every ten beds.
One parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area
Residential and Lodging Uses
Residential dwelling units Two parking spaces per dwelling unit
Rooming and lodging uses One parking space for each sleeping unit
Nursing and convalescent
homes, assisted living
facilities,adult family homes, ;
One parking space for each three beds
group homes,.sanitariums
Public and Institutional Uses
Libraries *One parking space for each 400 feet of floor area
Museums One parking space for each 300,feet of floor area
Schools: As deteFFAinednes ace for
Junior colleges and technical every educator, plus ones ace for every 5 studentsplus
schools one space for every two administrative employees
Elementary schools
Middle schools One parking space for each classroom
Preschools Three parking spaces for each classroom
Senior high schools Ten parking spaces for each classroom
Six parking spaces for each classroom
Social clubs, lodges,fraternal
One parking space for each 50 square feet of floor area of
organizations w/o fixed
seating the building
Areas of assembly without 1A'
fixed seating shallne space for
eve 30 square feet of assembly area
Churches, stadiums, sports
areas, and other such places One parking space for each three fixed seats
of assembly with fixed seating
Senior centers One parking space for every 135 square feet of floor area
Industrial Uses
One parking space for each three employees with a
Manufacturing uses
minimum of ten spaces
Trucking and transportation
Minimum of ten spaces
.... ......
Wholesale stores, One parking space for each two employees with a
warehouses,storage buildings minimum ofte-Rfive parking spaces
Public and Quasi-Public Recreation Uses
As determined by the Director of
Parks and playgrounds
Community and Economic Development
'AS detprmine
Four spaces
Public and private golf
01 by the Planning Gemmissiao-
for every green on premises, plus one space for every
three tee boxes at driving range if present.
Ten parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of pool
Swimming pools
surface area
Unspecified Uses
If a use is not otherwise specifically mentioned in this section,the requirements for off-
street parking facilities shall be the same as the requirements for the most similar use
listed herein as determined by the Director of the Department of Community
Mixed Uses
In the case of a mixture of uses on one lot or in one building,the total requirements for
off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses
computed separately.
Cooperative and Shared Parking Provisions
Parking facilities maybe cooperatively used by different land uses when the times of the
uses are not simultaneous. Parking facilities may be shared when the times are not
simultaneous through a parking agreement with the property owners and when the
parking is locatedno further than 500 feet from the property requiring the parking.
Section 2- Corrections. The City Clerk arta the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to inake necessary corrections to this ordinance including„, but not
limited to,ther tion ofthe scrivener's�clerical errors,defer enema,ordir-ranee rlum .egg,
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3-SeverAb City. If any provisions of this Ordinance,or its application to any
person or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of
the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4- Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a powerspecifically
delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum.This ordinance shall
take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary
thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of fort Angeles at a regular meeting of
said C"'ounci l held on the J�_. day of Deeember,2016. '�w -Vel
f trick DoN�nie, Mayor.
am E. Bloor, City ttorney
.ennit r Veneklasen, City Clerk
By Summary
Summary of Ordinances adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on December 20, 2016
Ordinance No. 3567
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, makes changes to Streets and
Sidewalks by amending Chapters 11.08, 11.12, 11.13 and 11.14 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Ordinance No. 3568
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends Chapters 13.63 and 17.94
relating to stormwater-utility regulations of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3569
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends street standards and off
street parking by making changes to Chapter 14.01 and 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Ordinance No. 3570
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends development standards by
making changes to Chapter 15.20, 15.24, and 15.28 Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to
Ordinance No. 3571
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends short plat subdivision
regulations by making changes to Title 16, Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3572
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends and updates zoning
regulations by making changes to Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3573
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the 2016 budget and funds.
These ordinances are not subject to referendum and shall be in force and take effect 5 days after
publication according to law. The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the
City Clerk's office, on the City's website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request.
Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published by summary: December 28, 2016