HomeMy WebLinkAbout3571 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
short plat subdivision regulations by making changes to Title 16,
Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Ordinance 2222 as amended, and Title 16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
relating to short plat subdivisions are hereby amended by amending Chapter 16.04 to read as
16.04.020 - Preliminary short plat—Design standards.
All preliminary short plats shall conform to the following design standards:
A. Right-cif-wqy access.
L Each lot shall abut on a dedicated, improved and maintained City street that connects
directly to an existing improved street and that meets current street improvement standards as set
forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PANIC 18.08.040 and
18.08.130, with the following exceptions.
a. Streets may be established interior to sites within the Industrial Heavy (IFI) zone without
dedication as a public street. In all other respects, such streets must be developed and maintained
to meet current street improvement standards. A note shall be placed on the final recording mylar
that such street(s) shall be maintained to the above standards by the property owner(s).
b. An exception from the right-of-way access requirements in this section shall be allowed
for a single residential or commercial lot within a proposed short plat,provided that the following
conditions are met:
i. The single lot contains an existing habitable dwelling that abuts and is accessible by
emergency vehicles over an existing 20-foot-wide all-weather street that does not meet City
standards, and
ii. 1. all other lots in the short subdivision shall meet the right-of-way access standards of
this section; or
2, all lots abut an improved private street that is otherwise built to City access standard
but may not be a dedicated street.
2. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students
who walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW 58.17.060 and RCW 58,17.110,
B. Lot clesign,
I The minimum area shall be equal to or greater than that required by the Zoning Code as
now enacted or hereafter amended.
2. The minimum depth shall be the total distance between the required front and rear yard
setbacks plus 15 feet.
3. The minimum lot width is the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the
front setback line, provided the average horizontal distance between side lot Braes must also meet
or exceed the minimum lot width required, and shall be as required by the Zoning Code as now
enacted or hereafter amended.
4. 'File front lot line shall be the boundary of a lot whieh that abuts a street. On a panhandle
lot,the front lot line and setbacks shall be determined during the short subdivision process, or, it'
not determined during short subdivision review, shall be determined by the Community and
Economic Development Director.
5. a. Panhandle lots may be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient frontage width to
provide each new lot with tile minimum lot width as required by Title 17 for the underlying zone,
b. Each such panhandle lot shall rneet the following criteria:
i. The panhandle shall have a rnmunurn width of 20 feet and shall serve no more than one
ii. The required lot area width and depth shall not include any portion of the panhandle.
iii.Dead-end access streets and/or driveways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided
with as turn-around w4+k*that has a rnininiurn 80-foot diameter (without parkingl,r a miniMUol
90-foot diameter with narkine)-asphaltic concrete or oermeable pavement street or an alternative
approved by the City consistent with the Urban Set-vices Ordinance, the Port Angeles Urban'
Services Standards and Guidelines MaqqgL and tile International* I`ire Code, except that an all-
weather gravel surface section may be approved for tLIM-arounds weh that are anticipated to be
temporary due to the future extension of tile roadway.
*"Uniforrn Fire Code" updated to ""International Fire Code"
C. NatutwIftalut-es. The lots and lot arrangement shall be such that no foreseeable difficulties
will be created, due to topography and other natural conditions, for the securing of building
permits to build on all lots in compliance with the Zoning Code and the Environmentally Sensitive
Areas Protection Ordinances, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and all other applicable
D. Large lots. Where property is subdivided into lots whieh that are of sufficient size to be
reSUbdivided, the lots and streets shall be arranged so as to permit later resubdivision in
conformance with the Zoning Code, as now enacted or hereafter amended, the Subdivision
Regulations Ordinance, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and this chapter.
16,04,090 - Preliminary short plat—Requirements for approval.
Prior to acting on the preliminary short plat, the Community and Economic Development
Director shall review the application for preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short.
plat, and any information received pursuant to Sections 16.04.050 through 16,04.080, to
determine the compliance of the preliminary short plat with the following requirements:
j A. Necessary ssary drainage wayst of-storm drains and/or stormwater flow cotitr�tmgnt and
LAD BMPs/f«acilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision as set forth in the
! Comprehensive Flan tl e 1'taat oma xeles 1_laban cervices 4ttandards and Guidelines Manual, and
Urban Services Ordinance development standards. l-ll approaches and facilities shall be
it orated whe�,e feasible to rtinimiae stortrtwate,r runoff and im mervious surface cover
and to maximize retention of native vegetation.
B. The provision of streets and rights-of-way must be adequate to serve the short subdivision
and comply with Sections 16.04,070 and 16,04.140 of this chapter and as set forth in the
Comprehensive Plan, Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and
Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to P MC 18.08,040 and 18.0:18.140.
C. Water supply, and fire protection facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision
and comply with `section 16.04,140 of this chapter and as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan,
Urban 'services Ordinance,, and the Urban `services Standards and Guidelines promulgated
consistent with and 1)ttrsuant to PANIC 18,08,040 and 18.08,140,
anitary sewer facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision and comply with
16.04.140 of this chapter, and as set forth in the comprehensive Plan, [.urban Services
Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and
pursuant to PAMC l 8.08.040 and 18.08,140,or a septic tank system must have been approved by
the Clallam County Department of Health.
P. The short subdivision lot arrangement mast comply with the policies of the
Comprehensive Playa and further the attainment of the goals, policies, and objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan.
F. The proposed short subdivision must be compatible with existing and planned
development of the Surrounding area.
G, The proposed lots must comply with the requirements of Ordinance 1709,as now enacted
or hereafter amended, and Section 16.04.070 of this chapter,
16,04.140 - Final short plat-Arnprovements----Required,
The following minimum improvements shall be made or installed for each lotcreated by the
short subdivision, before final short plat approval:
A. Watennains and other appurtenances necessary to provide adequate potable water supply
and fire protection as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan,the Urban Services Ordinance and the
Urban `services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent Nvith and pursuant to PANIC
18,08.040 and 18.08,130.
B. Sanitary sewer or approved septic tank and drain field site,
C. Power, telephone, and all other necessary utilities,
D. Appropriate dedications or easements if required,
1 . Minimum street improvement crass-section standard as set forth in tlae Comprehensive
Plan,the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines:
1. /rail-Irovements to local access.streets:
a. In the RS-9 and RS-I I zones, local access streets that front or will provide access from
the nearest fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved to a minimum of`
20-foot wide; erraaeable .averme;aat envious concrete or orcaaas as halt [preferrgdh or asphaltic
concrete street with no on-street parking, drainage swales (ditches) as needed, and one four-fsaot
wide ervicael5c�rncrete referred <ar eeraaerat concrete sidewalk (eight-foot wide path when an
adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian traffic, which path shall be separated from the street by a
ditch. All dead-end City streets in excess of 150 feet in length shall be ermeable pavement
ervious concrete or porous asphalt [preferred])or asphaltic concrete paved and provided with a
turn-around consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance, the fort Angeles�. Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines Manual, and the International" Fire Code,
"Uniform fire Code" updated to "'International Fire Code"
b. In the RAS-7 ;cone, local access streets that front or will provide access from the nearest
fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved to a minimum of 20-foot wide
ermeable avernnent er°viocrs corncrete c.ar° cnrous as halt rfirc�red or
asphaltic concrete street
with one three-foot wide;, shoulder, and one fives-foot wide shoulder for pedestrian traffic. All
dead-end City streets in excess of 1501 feet, in length shall be ngrilicable pavement ('pervious
concrete or 12orous asphalt halt referred or asphaltic concrete paye&and provided with a turn-
around consistent with tlae Urban Services Ordinance,the Port An eles Urban Services Standards
and Guidelines Manual, and the International* Fire Code.
*"Uniforrm fire Code" updated to "International fire Code"
2. Improvements to artawial.streets°.,
a. In the RS-9 and R. -I I zones,arterial streets that front or will provide access to tyre lots or
parcels being developed shall be improved to the minimum of 20-24-foot wide .erm�al
avement ervious concrete or porous as halt referred or asphaltic concrete street with no on-
street parking, drainage sw"ales (ditches) as needed, and one four-Root wide pervious concrete
(preferred)or cement concrete sidewalk or other acceptable hard surface(eight-foot wide surface
when on an adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian traffic, which path shall be separated from the
street by a ditch,
b. In the RS-7 zone, arterial streets that front or will provide access to the lots or parcels
being developed shall be improved to the minimum City arterial street improvement standards.
L:"XC"1 PTR)/` : 'file Public Works and Utilities Department shall require the minimarm
standard to be increased to match the immediately adjoining City street when tine immediately
adjoining City street is more fully developed than tine minimum standard. This exception shall
riot apply to short plats when the City, finds that there will be an economic and physical hardship
in relocating public utilities and there will be no increase in the number of lots within a subject
short plat.
F. Drainage ditches., m 44ff--culverts and/'or stormwvater treatment and flow control
I3MPs/facilitles shall be provided to address existing and anticipated stormwater run-off'ot.curring
on the site and/or within the City rights-of-way and easements as set forth in the Urban Set-vices
Ordinance and Clearings and Grading Ordinance development standards.
G. The subdivider shall provide a street profile, acceptable to the Public Works and Utilities
Department,for the local access streets if the final street grade has not been previously established
or accepted by the City.
H- The subdivider shall execute an 1.40-. Local Improvement District; consent and non-
protest agreement or other agreement acceptable to the City for street and utilities improvements
on the local access streets whenever required improvements are less than the City's full
development standards, as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the [)than Services Ordinance,
and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to
PANIC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130.
1. The subdivider shall provide all other public improveanents as may be required and set
forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban, Services
Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC, 18,08.040 and
18.08.1 0.
J. When commercially zoned property is beim short platted without any increase in the
number of lots, the minimum improvements required by this section may be made or installed
after short plat approval without the necessity of being,, bonded, provided that the final short plat
shall be conditioned to provide that such improvements shall be made or installed as part of the
building; permit process, that vertical construction of the building shall not begin unless or until
the International` Fire Code's fare hydrant requirement has been met, and that the property or
development shall not be occupied until such improvements have been completed, provided
further that said construction shall be noted can the final plat.
K. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students
who only walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW` 58.17.060 and RCW
Section 2. Ordinance 2222 as amended, hand Title 16, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
relating to short plat subdivisions are hereby amended by amending Chapter 16.08 to read as
161.08.030 - Definitions.
A. Access street. A street with the main function of providing access to adjacent properties or for
local traffic.
I . Bifffer stra7.a. An area or strip of land located and planted with trees and shrubs to provide a
screen between conflicting land uses. (Parks, playgrounds, vegetation within LID facilities,
and the site of public buildings are sometimes used as a buffer.)
C. Collector-arterial street. A street which provides for movement within the smaller areas which
are often definable neighborhoods and may be bound by higher class (minor or principal)
arterials. Collector arterials serve very little "through traffic" but serve a high portion of local
traffic requiring direct access to abutting land USCS.
D. Commission, The City of Port Angeles Planning Commission,
E. Convnunit),,andEconomic Deitloj,�iiient.l)cpai-tni,ent or Departmetit, The City of Port Angeles
Community and Economic Development Department.
R Coinprehensive T'lan. A Comprehensive Plan adopted by tile Council in compliance with the
Growth Management Act of 1990 and which indicates the general locations reconimended for
residential, commercial, and industrial land uses or zones and for streets, parks, public
buildings, and other public improvements. The Comprehensive Plan includes all its
Appendices and individual comprehensive set-vice and facility plans such as the Capital
Facilities Plan,tile Comprehensive Water Plan and tile Comprehensive Parks Plan,
G Council. Port Angeles City, Council.
11. Crosswalk-ivaV A right-of-way dedicated to public use, ten feet or more in Nvidth, which cuts
across a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and properties.
1. Cul-tic-sac- (court or deadendstreet), A short street having one end open to traffic and being
permanently terminated by a vehicle turn-around.
JDetlication. The deliberate appropriation of land by an owner lor public uses, reserving to the
owner no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the
public uses to which the property has been devoted, The intention to dedicate shall be
evidenced by the owner by the presentment for filing of final subdivision plat showing the
dedication thereon.Acceptance of the dedication by the City,shall be evidenced by the approval
of such final subdivision plat.
K, Desir-ed urban desog i cry"the Cily� The land use pattern and street system as described by the
Comprehensive Plan land use map and policies, the zoning map and regulations, the
subdivision regulations, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines.
L. F!,aseinenl. A grant by the property owner of the use of a strip of land by tile public, a
corporation, or persons for specific purposes.
M. Final plelt. 'rhe final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record
with the County Auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this chapter.
N, Iniproveinents. Streets,with or without curb or gutter, sidewalks,crosswalk-ways,water mains,
sanitary and storm sewers, street trees, power and other appropriate items,
0. Lot. A portion of' a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of
ownership or for development.
P. Lot Rost. Unless otherwise specified oil a plat, the narrow width of a lot which abuts a public
street shall be considered the front of said lot.
Q. lVinor arterial street. A .street which provides for movement within the large sub-parts
prescribed by principal arterials, i7!'vlinor arterials may also serve "through traf"fic" but provide
much more direct service to abutting land uses than principal arterials.
R. Owner, A person, firm,, association„ partnership, private corporation, public or quasi-public
corporation, or any combination thereof,
A lot which has its primary legal access from the street through a narrow strip
S. Pura6araraclle� Prat. p•'' y ��,' � l
of land called the panhandle.
"C. Planned Reshlential l:evelnlarneia (PRD), A planned residential development is a site specific
development which has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of Chapter
17.19 of the fort Angeles Municipal Code. It may include a subdivision of land in which
residential lots are designed in clusters of individual lots with park and open space areas
between clusters and in,�s"hich lots may be below the minimum lot widths and lot areas required
by the Zoning Code.
U. Preliminary plat, An approximate drawing of` a proposed subdivision showing the general
layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, and other elements of the subdivision consistent with
the requirements ofthis chapter.
V. Princ°ilrcxl arterial street. A street which provides for movement across and between large sub-
parts of ail urban region and serve predominantly"through trips" with minimum direct service
to abutting land uses,
Sketch. A drawing showing proposed lot-layout, building line setbacks and proposed locations
and width of streets, width and area of each lot, sanitary and stoma drainage,
X. "Street. A right-of-way,dedicated to public use,which provides vehicular and pedestrian access
to adjacent properties.
Z. "Sub(ivider-elev lolaer. A person who Undertakes the Subdividing or the resubdis iding of a lot,
tract or parcel of land into two or more lots or other divisions of land fear the purpose,immediate
or future,of transfer of ownership or development, including all changes in street or lot lines,
Y. Subelivision, The division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or
division for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership,
16.48.474 - Requirements for acceptance of plats,
A. Data requirerl16r rxlrl;aroval ofln-elirninmylrlat. The preliminary plat shall he at a scale;of neat
less than 2014 feet to one inch. Data required for the preliminary plat shall include the following
inforrrration, unless otherwise specified by the City:
1. Location, width and purpose of all easements, existing and proposed,
2, Name and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets can or adjacent to the
proposed subdivision.
3. Approximate location and sire of all utilities (water mains, sewers, etc.) on ail adjacent to the
proposed subdivision.
4. Contours,based on City adopted vertical datum,shall have intervals of not more than five feet
for slopes of ten percent or more and not more than two feet for slopes often percent or fess.
S. Locations of and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock, and ground water
conditions, when required by the City Engineer,
6. Approximate locations of water courses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, natural
retention areas, direction of drainage, culverts, houses, all non-residential land uses and all other
significant features on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
. Zoning on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
8. All highways or other nnaior improvements planned by public authorities fear future
construction can or near the proposed subdivision.
9. A vicinity sketch showing relation of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area with
regard to major improvements.
10. The legal description of the tract to be platted, title under which the proposed subdivision is to
be recorded, names and addresses of the owners, date, scale, north arrow.
11. The legal description ofthe proposed lots.
12. Ownership of unsubdivided land adjacent to the proposed subdivision and names of adjoining
existing plats.
13. the required building setbacks and any existing buildings and/or major structures shall be
shown for each proposed lot,as well as their distances from property lines.
14. Identification of each lot and each block.
15. Approximate square footage and scaled dimensions of each lett.
16. SUITImary of site data, including total acreage,acreage in residential use,acreage in streets,and
number of acres in parks and other non-residential land uses.
17. Environmental checklist with filing fee.
18. Shoreline and wetland permit applications and environmentally sensitive areas protection
ordinance compliance (where required).
19. Affidavits of posting and publication.
B. Subtfivi ion intpr•crtpement.s required All street and utility improvements must be designed to
comply with the current WSDOT standards and as specified by the Cite Engineer and with the
Comprehensive Elan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban `services Standards and
Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PANIC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. Plans
and specifications for street and utility improvements must be approved by the City 1;ngincer prior
to the beginning of construction. Minimum improvements shall be as follows:
C. qtr eets.
1. The entire right-of-way shall be cleared and grubbed of all objectionable materials. Trees
approved by the City for preservation shall be identified.
2. Streets shall 1.a
a graded and improved with paving,
Curbs and utters drainageca
rd sidewalks
according to the approved plans and roadway section.
3. Street lights shall be installed as specified by the City Engineer,
4. Street name signs shall be provided and installed by the City at cost to the developer.
5. permanent monuments shall be installed and each lot shall be stoked.
D. Utilities. A water distribution system,storm drainage system,electrical distribution systema and
a sanitary, sewage disposal system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the
Comprehensive flan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and
Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to p'AMC 18.08.040 and 1&0&130.
E. arks. Parks and recreation shall be provided consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the
Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated
consistent with and pursuant to PAMC l 8.08, 40 and 18,08.1 0.
F. Str^eethscaln,— i*niprovelnenls.
1. Street lr?ees, Street trees shall be planted within a planting strip or within LID facilities in the
right-of*way of arterial streets, proposed locations and species to be used shall be submitted for
review and approval by the City. The City can assist the subdivider in location of trees and species
to use tinder varying conditions. Street trees are a protection against excessive heat and glare,
enhance the attractiveness and value of abutting property, and reduce the amount of storinwater
G. Required data rr approved cad firacri krlrxl. The final plat shall be an 18-inch by 24-inch
permanent reproducible, and shall be at a scale of not less than 200 feet to one inch. A reduced
copy no larger than ll-inch by I7-inch shall be submitted with the final prints. For large
subdivisions,,the plat may be on several sheets„ accompanier)by an index sheet showing the,entire
subdivision. The final plat shall be accompanied by a report containing, accurate square footage
and dimensions of each lot and block, and the coordinates of each monument; a title report, and
shall include a warranty that all assessments in favor of the City have been paid.
The final plat and survey shall be based on the Washington Coordinate System, North Zone, as
adopted by the City. The final plat shall show the following:
1. A minimum of two permanent plat control monuments with coordinates, to which all
dimensions, bearings, azimuths and similar data on the plat shall be referred..
2. Permanent monuments at all corners"
2. Subdivision boundary lines, right-of-way livres, easements, lot lines with accurate dimensions,
bearings or azimuths, radii,central angles, and lengths of all curves.
4. Name and right-of-way Nvidth of"each street. Any street not dedicated to the public must be so
marked on the face ofthe plat(RC "` 58.12.165).
5. Location, dimensions and purpose of all easements.
6. Identification of each lot and block with addresses shown on the lots.
7. The required building setbacks and any existing buildings and/or major structures shall be
shown for each proposed lot as well as their distances from property lines"
8. Purpose flor which sites,other than residential,are dedicated to the Public or reserved for future
9. 'rhe required building setbacks on each proposed lot,
10. Location and description ofall monuments,
11. The title Linder which the subdivision is to be recorded, true north and grid north arrows, scale,
and legend.
12, Legal description of the land to be platted;
13 'rhe legal description of the proposed lots
14. Certification by registered land surveyor as to the accuracy of plat and survey.
15. Certificate by owner(s)containing the legal description of the land to be platted and dedicating
roads, rights-of-way, easements and any sites for public purposes.
16. Certification of approval by: (a)the Planning Commission; (b) Director of`Public Works and
Utilities; (c) Health Department (when required); (d) City Council; (e) City Manager. City Clerk,
Fire Chief, Community and Economic Development Director, and City Attorney,
17. Certification by the County'Treasurer that all state and county taxes levied against the land to
be subdivided have been paid in ftill.
18. Certification of filing by County Auditor,
19. If improvements are to be deferred rather than actually installed prior to final plat approval,
the plat shall show a notation as follows: "No occupancy of"dwelling units Will be allowed until
all roadway and utility improvements have been completed and approved by the City Engineer,"
Section 3- C Corrections. The Cit)
y Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of the scrivener's/clerieal errors,references,ordinance numt:c-ring,section/subsection
numbers and any references thereto.
Section 4-Severallifli!j. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or circunistarices,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application ofthe provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not afrected.
Section 5-Effective Date, This Ordinance,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED try the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles at a regular i-neetingof said Council
held on the day of December,2016.
atrick ownte, Mayor
""' M
William E. Bloor, City ttarney
knnit'4Veneklasen, City Clerk
C' 2P), 2016
By Summary
Summary of Ordinances adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on December 20, 2016
Ordinance No. 3567
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, makes changes to Streets and
Sidewalks by amending Chapters 11.08, 11.12, 11.13 and 11.14 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Ordinance No. 3568
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends Chapters 13.63 and 17.94
relating to stormwater-utility regulations of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3569
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends street standards and off
street parking by making changes to Chapter 14.01 and 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Ordinance No. 3570
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends development standards by
making changes to Chapter 15.20, 15.24, and 15.28 Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to
Ordinance No. 3571
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends short plat subdivision
regulations by making changes to Title 16, Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3572
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends and updates zoning
regulations by making changes to Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3573
An ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the 2016 budget and funds.
These ordinances are not subject to referendum and shall be in force and take effect 5 days after
publication according to law. The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the
City Clerk's office, on the City's website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request.
Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published by summary: December 28, 2016