HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication 1/5/2017 (2)D I crrY (;F PORT ANGELES CITY CLEFIK EGEIVE JAN 5 2017I}ORTANGBLES AppLrcATroN ron ArponuMENTTo BolRD, coltltmsrox oR coMMrrrEE Boerd, Commission or Committee which you are seekingL)r11 d VrSd Applicent Nrme ead Generd Informetion t: [f)ol Filst ks1llt,t €$& sl IIoDe SEeit Addr€ss An ].. City Statc 3@q 57 - qll ?/bbo 1o<l (o tL{ Hoephm Wort pbooe Ccll phooe r J A!-cpho {ev. E-mail addrcss D!& of Birtt (to bc coDpleted oDly by rpplicEtrtr for public Srfety Advtrory Boerd for purpeces of crhltr.l history check to emure coEplir[c€ with Port Aryeler Mudcipd Code 2r.6.020) Cert'fication and Locetion Informrtion (circtc one) AtD yDu c@loycd by thr City of Pott ADgEtcs? Ar! ,,ou I sitiz.a of tb Udtrd Starrs? Ar" ,,qr a RrgirsEd vot€r'? Arc you a City rcsiicaP Do pu hold my pmftssiooal lic€osos, rrgistntio[s or certificates in any 6eld? @ No No No No @ lfso, how Do 1ou own/managc a iu thc Citfn Yes Ifr,plarli* I crl \' ol G-,WASHINGTON, U.S.A. MI dA Zrp Ycs €DGqd @ Are you qphiu: auzre of any cmflict of itcrcst uihich mighr arise e by your scrvicc on a City Board or Conmissiod If so, plcae 5u + /ne 5 Work or hfessiond Experienoe - Lisr oost r€c€nt €xperi€dc€ first, or strach a rpsume Ltrv-rbet( Tide re,,l "lce,l o Bricfjob desciptioo + ac- Eqloyer Eryloycr of VC n ooo(M,ry) ro 0 /b FroB (M,ry)@/n of k t,n Title ob,..e4 arke,hn O cnwn{r,t_sLtn Bricfjob descriptioa l^\l{A,J J,ri,or. At,CEO A tr^2,oo 3 Froln (M/l') To (M/Y) o(^n FrE lol,tr Dr."t Tid€ ro( il' 'iv,lps Briefjob description EdUCedOU - Ust oost rcc€ol cxpqicoc€ 6rst L n n .A,unrcefYn Degrec eamod/Iv1ajor area of surdy o d""h,n B,A m IC Itae IDsdnrtioD/I-ocation Dcgrcc carned,tv{ajor area of study Graduatcd? Y No Instiu.rtioo/Location Degree earocdrlvlajor arca ofsurdy Graduarcd? Chrrfteblc, Socid end Civlc Activifies eud Memberships - List mnjor activitics you bave panisipcrod i! driug the last five ycars all EL-<.O^ofl^. t c + Orgldzedoollocad,oE Bdcf dcecripim of yoru prrticipatiou # ofmenbers + Sc {t]'rY(V. A ff.a.t ,an< l/ ,.+*i" Gu rrevn Pnrao4,.n !P1 OrgEiz.tio,DA.etrd,or Bricf dacrbtio of yqE pdtioip.tiou iloand, [0n^6* Grorp's pwposcr'objective # of @Dbcls 2 Gmup's pr:rpose/objectivc Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Cotnrnission'.) l1r "J -q)e (u J l,lro t" tn our background expeflencc do 1'ou thi d irel vou ln s gon his l]oard'.) u c7\r<,;Lgr) eli ktta.oa whar rur understandi ng I o/<.,"^ irx*,--\) z Please feel free to add any additional cornrnenls you rrish ro make re!6rding )'orrr applicalion. "UIfr *t::'i.fr "ii''"#,,''f,IHHT;H"'oL_.,LuL.l , /r/,," Applicant S Dalc Submit completed forms to:Ol FlcE oFT E Ct rt Cl.r.:Rr,i JE\\tFF.R vE\[lir--\sr.]\. Crr\ Cr,t:Rti 360-4 I 7-,1634 or jvenella?cit1 oljra.us CilY of Port Angeles f2l E. 56 st.""r P() Box I150 Pon Angeles. WA 9836: ln compliance wirh the Americans with Disabilities Act, ifyou net'd sp€cial accorrlrodations because of a physical limitation. pleese coniact thc CiO Manager's OfIice at 417.4500 so appropriate trrangenrents cao be made. ft,.L,tn.o 9-rt-,t'