HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/17/2017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles,Washington
January 17, 2017
Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:15 p.m.
Members Present:Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Collins,Gase,Merideth and Whethani.
Members Absent at the time of Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Bruch.
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C. Fulton,and B. Olson.
Councilmember Bruch entered the meeting at 5:17 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Kidd entered the meeting at 5:18 p.m.
Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson and Public Works&Utilities Director Craig Fulton conducted a presentation
on the Street Fund. The presentation included an overview of operating budget services provided,revenue sources,
general fund vs.non-general fund support to streets,and expenditures,They spoke about the Transportation
Improvement Plan and concerns for the Street Fund going forward. The presentation concluded with a look at
potential funding options including transfer of additional funding from the General Fund or adoption of a
Transportation Benefit District.
Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Merideth and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,E.Boone,K.Dubuc,C.Fulton,B. Smith,
B. Olson,and A.Brekke
Councilmember Bruch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
David Mabrey, 1014 Georgianna Street,spoke about his Facebook Page"Inclusive Park and Rec PX',He spoke
against the purchase of a new bun warmer for the Vern Burton Community Kitchen.
Eric Moan,271 Guy Kelly Road,asked if Port Angeles was still interested in becoming an official Coast Guard
City.Deputy Mayor Kidd said she is a member of an ad hoe committee working on getting that designation,and
asked that Mr.Moan give her a call.
Michael Cyr,925 East Ninth Street,thanked Council for consideration of IBEW Collective Bargaining contract.
Robert Crittenden,201 Childers Lane in Carlsborg,warned of a radioactive plume coming in from the BC Coast that
he,says is resulting in radioactive salmon.He said he is worried the fish will contaminate the freshwater system,and
he urged the Health Department to measure and monitor.
1. Port Angeles School District Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy/Prop.No. 1
Mayor Downie said Council would take comments for 30 minutes, 15 minutes for those who'd like to speak in favor
of Proposition No. 1,and 15 minutes for those who would like to speak against Proposition No. 1.
Jeff Bohman,3753 South Canyon Circle,urged the City to demonstrate leadership in the fundamental values that he
said the Port Angeles community has long represented by supporting the levy.He said the City needs to help lead.
Steve Methner, 1042 Strait View Drive, spoke in favor of supporting the levy. He said it was not a new tax,but a
replacement levy that is a renewal of a tax that citizens already pay.He spoke about all of the areas that the levy
dollars support within the school district.He read a list of those government bodies,organizations and businesses
that have made formal declarations of support for the levy. He asked the Council to take a position of leadership.
Sandy Long, 809 Masters Road,said she is the newest member of Port Angeles School District Board of Directors,
and was an educator for 40 years. She said that she is very excited about what site's seen in the schools,and asked
the Council to support the district and the levy in effort to take care of children and families.
David Mabrey, 1014 Georgianna Street,spoke in favor of the levy and said it is the resident's responsibility to step
up and support the levy.
Sharon Fritschler, 121 West Bluff Drive,said she has been a teacher since 1983. She urged Council to support the
levy and said that everyone in the community deserves the highest quality of life possible and that children are part
of the City's citizenry.
Mayor Downie called for anyone who would like to speak against the measure.As there was no public comment
against the measure,he concluded public comment.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Kidd to:
As a City Council,direct staff to prepare a resolution in support of the levy.
Councilmember Collins suggested a friendly amendment to the motion be added: that the Council is urging the
passage of the Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy and that support will be formalized in the
resolution when it comes to Council in February.
The maker of the motion accepted the amendment.
Motion carried 7-0.
Manazer or Councilmember-
1. At the request of Deputy Mayor Kidd,Council agreed by consensus to direct staff to prepare a resolution
requesting that the Fish&Wildlife Department increase the time available for halibut fishing. Council
further agreed to consider the resolution at its February 71'meeting.
2. Manager McKeen noted a late item, Conti-act Modification for JFater Main Repairs,would be added as
Item J 1.
CONSENT AGENDA: At the request of Councilmember Whetham,Mayor Downie pulled Item 6, the Civic
Field Home Run Fence,from the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes:danuai)�3, 2017
2. Expenditure Report: From December 24, 2016 to January 6, 2017 in the amount qf$1,731,015.05
3. Resolution(##01-1.7)Ratifying a Declaration of Emergency for Water Main Break at Ninth and Race Streets
4. Professional Services Agreement with NTI-2017 Surveying and Geotechnical Engineering Services
5. Streanikeepers Water Quality Monitoring Inter-Local Agreement 2017—2021
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Motion carried 7-0.
Pulled from the Consent Agenda:Civic Field Home Run Fence Purchase
Council discussed the item.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to:
Approve the purchase [of Civic Field home run fence].
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Climate Change Resolution
Planning Manager Allyson Brekke said that on December 6,2016,Council directed staff to bring back a climate
change resolution for consideration. She said the proposed resolution language was pulled from that adopted by
Council in the Comprehensive Plan update in June. Council discussion followed.
Councilmember Bruch requested that the three"should"references in the resolution be changed to"will".Council
discussion followed.
Mayor Downie read the resolution
A resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,adopting climate change planning policy
for the City of Port Angeles.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Merideth to:
Approve the resolution as written.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Agenda for January 30"Joint Meeting with the Port of Port Angeles
Manager McKeen introduced the proposed agenda.He reminded Council that staff was directed to work with the
Port to schedule a joint meeting.He outlined the collective agenda items proposed for the Monday,January 30'
meeting with the Port of Port Angeles Board of Commissioners.Council discussion followed.
Council agreed by consensus to approve the joint agenda with the 3 principle items to be:
1. Joint Harbor Cleanup Goals
2. Airport Master Plan—update form the Port
3. Collective Goals and Aspirations
1. Contract modification—Water Main Repairs
Director Fulton outlined why a contract modification was necessary for work near the intersection of Ninth and Race
Streets. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Collins to:
Approve and authorize the City manager to sign a change order to the Interwest Construction emergency contract
(force account)in the amount of S25,000 and to make minor modifications to the agreement,as necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
Councilmember Bruch said that January 17"has been declared the National Day of Racial Healing. She said that
Port Angeles is an inclusive and loving community.
Deputy Mayor Kidd helped welcome and host guests from Port Angeles Sister City,Mutsu Japan. She said they
were an impressive group that love their host families and the way they are treated when they're in Port Angeles.
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She said PIRA(Peninsula International Relations,Association)has positively impacted thousands of Port Angeles
and Japanese students' lives over the years.
Councilmember Gase attended the annual retreat for the Chamber Board of Directors. He said the quality of
volunteers and board members is to be commended and there are great plans in the works for the coming years.
Councilmember Whetham attended the Saturday Farmers Market as the Council representative.He spoke with a
Farmers Market Board Member who let him know the City charges$100 in rent that could be used for additional
advertising to draw in more people.
Councilmember Collins said he is just returning from three weeks in Pennsylvania,and that he has signed up for the
farmer's Market in March and December.He encouraged Council to participate in the Fish on the Fence fundraiser
coming up in about a month.
Mayor Downie thanked Deputy Mayor Kidd for chairing the prior Council meeting in his absence and for hosting
the Mutsu group.He attended John Halberg's celebration of life that was attended by more than 300 people at the
Queen of Angeles church.
No other reports were given.
Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council they could get ahold of
the appropriate staff with any questions.
Council discussed Item 4, the Vern Burton Coninzunity Center Kitchen Equipment, from the Information section of
the agenda.
Mon Frothingham, 1320 West Fifth Street,said she appreciated the conversation about halibut and the importance of
tourism to the local community. She spoke about her concerns of Navy encroachment through a number of projects
on the Peninsula.
David Mabrey, 1014 Georgianna,said the manager of Swain's is willing to let the Fishing Derby borrow its hot dog
bun warmer.Mr.Mabrey said the issue of the bun wanner that Council has spent so much time discussing isn't
really an issue.
Dale Wilson,Fourth Street,informed Council that PAPA's interview of Santa Clause was viewed by more than
17,000 people and seen from Alaska to Zimbabwe.He updated Council on PAPA's work and its importance in
preparing for a Cascadia event.
It was moved by Kidd and Gase to:
Adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried 7-0.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 8:42 p.m.
P, trick Downie,Mayor Jehmfer Vneklasen,City Clerk
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