HomeMy WebLinkAbout001174 Original Contract 0City of Port Angeles
Record # 001174
City of Port Angeles
Public Works & Utilities D€pt
321 E. 5$ Street
Poit Angel€s WA 98362
Fax 3604524972
Contract Tide: Pencom and Citv IT Uebert HVAC & UPS Eouioment Maintenance Service Number: SVC-2016-32
THIS CONTRACT is entered into the date last below written between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGION
("CITY") AND EnErson Network Power ("CONSULTANT).
The Consultant shall perform the work as described in Attachment'A" (Atbcfiment "A" may include Consultanfs
Proposal, Scope of Work, Statement of work, Plans, Specificatbns, and any other related ContEct Documents)
which is attached |Ereto and by this reference is incorporated herein.
Force Account - Time and rnaterial, not to exceed: $_
Force Account - Tin€ and actual eipenses incuned, not to exceed: $_
Force Account - Unit prices set forth in the Consultanfs bid or quote. not to exceed: $_
Firm Fxed Price set forth in Cont-actor bid or quote in the amount of: g?11p89.00
The Consultant shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment, in acrordance
with and as described in tie Attadlment 'A".
The Consultant shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of any sort
whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materlals and for constructing and completing
the work provided for in this contract and every part thereof; except those indicated to be furnished by the
City of Port Angeles in Athchment A.
B. The Consultant shall maintain time and expense records, which may be requested by the City. The Consultant
shall submit invoic€s to the City for payment for work performed. All invoices must reference the CiVs service
number. Invoices shall be in a format acceptable to the City.
C. The City shall pay all invoices from the @nsultant within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed invoice.
D. All records and accounb pertaining to this Contract are to be kept a\railable for inspections by representatives
of the City for a period of three (3) years after final payment. Copies shall be made availabh to the City upon
svc-2016-32 Page I Rev. 08/04.120 I 6
All work under this Contract is to be completed as indicated (cfieck one):
X A'l work under this Crntract is to be completed by this date; D€aember 31, 2017.
n Al work under this Contract is to be completed 20 days from the Notice to Proceed. No work is
to be performed prior to wrifren Notice to Proceed by the City. (See attachment A for specific
scfiedule for work).
! The performane period under this ConE-act commeflces
calendar days after notice to
proceed and ends ()o( davs thereafter or after contrad award).
A, The City shall pay the Consultant for the work performed under tfiis contract (check one):
E. If during the aourse of the Contract, the work rendered does not meet the requirements set forth in the
Crntract, the Consultant shall conect or modify the required work to comply with the requirements of this
Contract. The City shall have the right to withhold payment for such work until it meets the requirements of the
Contract Documents.
A. Safety. Consultant shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work site and shall
comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and local regulations, ordinances and codes. Consultant
shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all
necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and the public and shall post danger sEns waming against
known or unusual hazards.
B. Warranty. Consultant shall be liable for any cosb, losses, expenses or damages including consequential
damages suffered by the Gty resufting from defecG in the ConsultanYs work including, but not limited to. @st of
materials and labor expended by the City in making emergency repaiB and cost of engineering, inspection and
supervision by the City. The Consultant shall hold the City harmless from any and all claims which may be made
against the City as a result of any defective work and the Consultant shall defend any such claims at its own
expense. Where materials or procedures are not specified in the Contract Document, the City will rely on the
professional judgment of the Consultant to make appropriate selections.
C. Nondiscrimination/Affirmative Action. Consultant agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant
for employment or any other persons in the performance of this Contract because of race. creed, color, national
origin, marital status, sex, age or handicap, or other circumstances as may be defined by federal, state or local
law or ordinan@, except for a bona fide occupational qualification. Consultant agrees to post in conspicuous
places, available to employees and applicants for employment, nouces to be provided by Contractor setting forth
the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause.
E. Employment. Any and all employees of the Consultant, while engaged in the performance of any work or
services required by the @nsultant under this Contract shall be considered employees of the Consultant only and
not of the City. Any and all claims that may arise under the Workers Compensation Act on behalf of said
employees, while so engaged, and all claims made by a third party as consequence of any negligent act or
omission on the part of the Consultanfs employees, while so engaged on any of the work or services provided or
rendered herein, shall not be the obligauon of the City.
The Consultant shall omply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to the
work done under this Contract. Any violation of the provisions of this paragGph shall be considered a violation of
a material provision of this Contract and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension of the
Contract by the City, in whole or in part, and may result in ineligibility for further work for the City.
A. This Contract shall terminate upon satsfactory completion of the work described in Attachment 'A" and final
payment by the city.
B. The City may terminate the Conuact and take possession of the premises and all materials tiereon and finish
the !'rork by whatever methods it may deem expedient, by giving 10 days written notice to the hntrador, upon
the occurrence of any one or more of the events hereafter specified.
1. The Consultant makes a geneEl assignment for the benefit of its creditors.
2. A receiver is appointed as a result of the insolvency of the consultanL
3. The Consultant persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails to complete the work required herein.
4. Consultant fails to make prompt payment to subconsulbnts for material or labor,
5. ConsulEnt persistently disregads federal, state or local regulations and ordinances,
6, Consultant persistently disregards instuctions of the ConEact Administrator, or otherwise
suffintialty violates the terms of this Contrad.
7. The Crty determines that sufficient operating funds are not available to fund completion of the wort
syc-2016-32 Page 2 Rev. 08/M/20 I 6
contracted for.
C. In the event this @ntract is terminated by the City, @lsultant shall not be entided to receive any Further
amounts due under this Contract untilthe work specified in Attachment'A' is sausfactorily completdr as
scheduled, up to tlle date of termination. At such time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this
Contract exceeds the oeense incurred by the City in finishing the work, and all damages susfained by the City or
which may b€ sustained by reason of such refusal, neglect, failure or discontinuance of employment, such excess
shall be paid by the Crty to the Contractor. If the City's o<pense and damages exceed the unpaid balance,
Consultant and his surety shall be jointly and severally liable therefore to the City and shall pay such difference to
the City. Such expense and damages shall include all legal costs incuned by the gty to protect the rights and
interests of the City under the @ntract, provided srch legal costs shall be reasonable.
A. On payment to the Crnsultant by the City ofall compensauon due under this Contract all finished or
unfinished documents and material prepared by the Consultant with funds paid by the City under this Contract
shall be@rne ttle property of the City and shall be foMarded to the City upon its request, I
B. Any records. reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or asserfibled by
the Consultant under this Contract will be kept confidential by the Consultant and shall not be made available to
any individual or organization by the Consultant without prior written approval of the City or by court order.
Any claim by the onsultant against the City for damages, expenses, costs or extras arising out of the
performance of this C,onb?ct must be made in writing to the City within thirty days after the dirovery of such
damagg expense or loss, and in no event later than the tirE of approval by the City for final payment.
Consultant upon making application for final payment, shall be deemed to have waived iE right to daim for any
other damages for which application has not been made, unless such claim for final payment indudes notice of
additional claim and tully describes such claim.
The Director of the Public wo*s and Utilities Depaftment or his/her designee shall represent the City under this
Contract aM shall oversee and approve all work to be performed, coordinate communications, and review and
approve all invoices, under this @ntract.
A, The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteeB
harmless from any and all claims. injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in
connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole
negligence of the City.
B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the
event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property causd by or resuhing
from the concurrent negligence of the Consulbnt and the City, its officeB, officials, employees, ard volunteers.
the Consultanfs liability hereunder shall be only b the o(ent of the Consultanfs negligence. It is further
specmcally and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constihrtes the Consultant's waiver
of immunity under Industrial Insurance, TrUe 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of thb indernnification. This waiver
has been mutually negott'ated by the partr'es, The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or
terminatbn of this Contract.
The Consultant shall maintain insurance as set forth in AtEchment B.
'This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The
venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Oallam County, Washington.
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When a special "brand or equal" is named it shall be construed solely for the purpose of indkating the sEndards
of quality, performance. or use desired. Brands of equal quality, performance, and use shall be considercd,
provided Consultant specifies the brand and model and submits descriptive literature when available. Any bid
@ntaining a brand whidr is not of equal quality, performance, or use specified must be repr€sented as an
alternate and not as an equal, and failure to do so shall be suffrcient reason to disregard the bid.
All goodt services, work, or materials purchased herein are subject inspection and to approrral by the City. Any
reFdion of goods, services, wor& or materials resulting because of nonconformity to the terms and specifications
of this order, whether held by the City or returned, will be at Consulbnfs rbk and expense.
Neither the City noI the Consultant shall assign, transfer, or encumber any rights, drlties or interest accruirE from
this @ntract without the o(press prior written consent of the other.
The Consultant is and shall be at all times during the term of this @ntract an independent Contractor and not
an employee of the City.
This Contract, together with the attachmenb and/or addenda, represents the entire and integrated Contract
between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written
or oral. This Contract may be ameMed, modified or added to only by written instrument prop€rty signed by both
partie hereto.
At the Ume of subcontract o(eclluon, the Consultant shall verify that each of iE first tier subconsultants
meets the following bidder responsibility criteria:
- At the gme of subcontract bid submittal, have a certificate of registratjon in compliance with chapter 18.27
- Have a cunent state unified business identifier number;
- If applicable, have:
1) Industrial insurance coverage for the subconsultantt employees workirE in Washington as requircd ln
Title 51 RCW;
2) An employment seqtrity departsnent number as required in Tih 50 RCW; and
3) A state ocise tax registration number as required in Tile 82 RCW;
4) An electical contrdctor licer}se, if required by Chapter f9.28 RCW;
5) An elevator contsact license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW.
- Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.05.010 or 39.f2.065(3).
This Contract is subject to Chapters 39.1? aN 49.28 RCW, arnendmenb thereto and regulat ons issued
thereunder. relating to prevailang wages, benefits ard ouler requiremenb. WorkeB shall receive no less than tfie
prevailing rate of wage, Bidders shall o(amine and be familiar with such requirements. No claim for additbnal
compensation will be allowed which is based upon a lack of knowhdge or a misunderstanding oF any such
requirements by the Bidder or a failure to indude in Elidder's price adequate increases in sudr wages during the
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The Consultant shall include the language of this section in each of its first tier subconsultants, and shall require
each of its subconsultants to include substanually the same language of this section in each of its subcontracts,
adjusting only as necessary the terrE used for the contracting parties. The requiremenE of this section apply to
all subcontracbrs regardl€ss of tier.
peformance of this Conbact. The Contractor is advised to consult the W.rshington State Department of Labor
and hdustries to determine the previiling wages that must be paid.
This public woIts project !s beirE done in Clallam County. Washingto{r State wage determinations for Chllam
County Journeymen and Apprentices can be found at:
https : //fortress.wa. goy/lni/waoelookup/prvwaoelookuo.asox
https : //fortress.wa.oov/ln i/waoelookup/AoorenticewaoeLookuo.asox
The applicable wage deterrninations to use have an effective date on the cotrtract execution date.
A copy of the applicable wage rates is available for viewir€ at the Poft Angeles Public Works and Utilities
contracts office. In additjon, this agency will mail a hard copy of the applicable wage rates upon requesL
For a contract award under S2,500, and in accordance with RCW 39.12.040(2), the contractor or sukontractor is
authorized to submit a cornbined Statement Of Intent To Pay Prevailing Wages & Affidavit Of Wages direcUy to
the City of Port Angeles at final invoicing. Submission shall be nude on the form developed by th! Washington
State Department of Labor and Industries ard available from the City of Port Angeles Public Works and tnilities
In cas€ any dispute ariss as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for a specific trade, craft or occupation
and swh dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties in interest, including labor and management represenbtives,
the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor ana Industrles, and his
decision shall be flnal, conclusive. and binding on all parties involved in the dispute.
IN WIINESS WHEREOF, the parties have orecuted this contract as of the date of the hst signature amxed
By DerekBricker*--
printed Name: Derek Bricker Printed Name O&-exrt
'l'ifle. Contracts Administrator 'llue
ga1s. 12t28/2016 Date ttlsltb
Addrcss. 610 Executive Campus Drive
City . Westenille APPROVED AS TO FORM:
Tax ID #: 43-1798453
Phone Number: (614) 811-2709
SVC.2OIG32 Page 5
Rev. 08i04/2016
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City of Port Angeles
Public Works and Utililies D€partment
The C-onsultant shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials. and equipment in order to accornplish the project
descriH below. Unless otherwise provided for in the Statement of Worl! the Consultant will be responsible for
obtainirE and paying for any and all permiB required for this work.
General Scope: Pen6m and Otv IT Liebert HVAC & UPS Equipment
Location: 321 E I SEeet. Port Anodes WA, 98362
Slte Point of Contact: Bob Pettv at 360-461{371.
Work Hours and Schedule: The consultant will be allowed to work frcm 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mondav thmugh
Fridav. Work outside of these houB may be r€quested from and is at the discretion of the Site Point of Contact,
Permits: None.
Work Requlr€ments:
,.O Prorect Descriptron
HVAC and UPS pre\rentative maintenance and emergency rcsponse.
2.O standard Specifications
Division 1 of the washington State Department of Transportation's 20L6 Sbndard Spea'fiatrbns for
R@d, Bridge and Nunicipl &nstuction relerrd to herein as the Standard Specifrcations and the W of
Port An9el6 Urfun krulces Sbndards and Guidelins (cunent edition).
3.O Drawings:
The following listed drawings are part of this contract: None.
4.O Description of Work
MainEin four (4) HVAC Units and three (3) UPS Units induding emergency response per attaded
proposal for service (Attachment C).
svc-2016-32 Page 6 Rev. 08/042016
City of Port Angeles
Public Works and Utilities O€partment
The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract, insurance agEinst chims for injuries
to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance ofthe work
hereunder by the Consuhrant. their agents, representawes, employees or subconsulbnB.
No Limitation
Consuftanfs maintenance of insuftrnc€, its scope of coveGge and limib as required herein shall mt be construed
to limit the liability of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's
recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity.
Minimum Scope of InsuEnc€
Crnsultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below:
1. AutonEbil€ Liability insurance covering all owned, nonowned, hircd and leased vehicles. Covemge shall
be written on Insurance Services Otrice (ISO) form CA 00 0l or a substitute form providing equivalent
liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to pro/ide contractual liability coverage.
2. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover
liability arising from premises, operdtions, independent contractors, productstornpleted operations. stop
gap liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The
commercial GeneGl Uability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project
Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85 or an equiyalent endorsement, There shall be no endorsement or
modification of the Commercial General Liability Insurance for liability arising from exdosion, collapse or
underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contracto/s Commercial
General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Addluonal
Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20
37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providirE equivalent coverage.
3. workers' Cornoensation coveftUe as required by ttle Industrial Insurance laws of the State of
-Minimum Amounts of InsuEnce
Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits:
1. Automobih Liabilfy insurance witt a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property
damage of $1,000,000 per accident.
2. commerclal General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,ffi0,000 each
occurence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 prcducts-completed operations aggregate
Other Insurance Provislon
The @nsultanfs Automobile Uability and Commercial General Liirbility insurance policies are to contain, or be
endorsed to contain Slat they shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or
svc-2016-32 Rw.0&04/2016
Page 7
insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultanfs insumnce and shall not
contribute wifi it.
Acceptability of Insurers
Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: VII.
E, Verillcation of Coverage
Consulhnt shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including
but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the
C-ontractor before commencement of the work.
The Consultant shall have sole responsibility for determining the insurance coverage and limits required, if any, to
be obtained by subconsultants, which determination shall be made in accordance with reasonable and prudent
business practices.
G,Notice of Canc€llatlon
The Consultant shall provide the City and all Additional Insureds for this work with written notice of any policy
cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such notke,
H, Failure to Maintain Insurance
Failure on the part of the Consultant to mainbin the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of
contract, upon which the City may, after giving five business days nouce to the Consultant to correct the breach,
immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insuran@ and pay any and all
premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole
discretion of the City, offset against tunds due the Contractor from the City.
svc-2016-32 Page 8 Rev. 08/04/2016
Bid ProposalCity of Port Angpl€s
Public Works and Utilities Department
svc-2016-32 Page 9 Rw. 08/04/20 I 6
Proposal for Service
Emercon i,letwork Power I Liebert Services
Sep 27, 2016
C'ty Of tuLt ArEeles
32'l East 5' St
PonAngeles, WA, 98362
Network Power
Proposal for Service
City q Port Ang€b!
321 Esst 5rh st
Port Angebs, WA, 98362
TtEnk you tor yorr irterest in Emerson lttlork furv er, Li*ert Servbes. We are
pleased to subd the follot^/ ing proposd tor your rcliew and consUeralio.l-
As ttte rate o{ change and conplexty h you data c€nte. irc.eases, Ene.son l€twork
Pow er is the dedicated panner that you need to heh y(rJ schbve your goab.
J€ff Bender
Phone: 360-417-4809
Bn ail : lE!trdrEosEglntllrr
Please corplete all required fields on tho sbnature page aDd attach your Rlrchase
Order to assist limely order proc6shg. Should yolJ have any questions regarding the
groposal, feel free to co.{act me d irect, at +1 206 763 5000. I bok fo'w ard to your
resporEe and the o pportun ity to wo* tcgether to irprove yow data center investment.
3415 South 'll6Or Strest,
Suite 103
Tul0Yla, WA 981 68
PtpitE +'t 206 763 5000
FAX + I 206 763 6700
AIL Joseph.Set terberg@ Emerson.co m
Order 002365849
Proposal for ServiceEMERSON
Network P0wrr
Sep 27, 2016
Liaba.t t,PS , Pow.r / Brttory Sarvic.s
Slandard shmarlca Contrdg :
Sll. ,: I I 536, Port Arg.lG Pollc.
T.g I Dtrcriptlor IoOl,
APM 30
Ws re tis Orbinal Equ DrEnt iilanufacturer ard th€ sxpsts on Liob€rt equiprrd w fi access !c updd€s end
chang6, krErv ledge ot erEinserirE specific€tixts, cul.rErl bsu€s ard ho* b fir th6m crrsc{y.
Our facbry haiEd scviqa fqce b tw ba lfle s2e ot the nett l{gBst corpetlor w lfi ovs 650 cusbme. erE hee.s a.|d
firH tstnicians h the Lhlsd Stat6 alo.E; wryw here h lie US 0le .n 6t kEwledgeabte erlginssrs and technicerE
avaaa de, w I cover you.
Annual Pfl
Cove rage Typc
(Coysrag. Drter)
($t?5t23'l 6) - (12t3 1 DO 1 7 |
@r?5r?,1q - (23112017)
(9 l6t2o 1 6) - {12t31 tz0 1 7 |
ESSENTALprzsrmlq - (213't t2o17l
Am ouna
$22if..@ Po
tzfs8.N TT
$2.6S8.00 ,f
02,68S.00 Pc
1745516 NRB4O CCSA FA6O 90
(1 1 I 15t2016) - (2n 1rA 17)
{11t15D016) - (12fi 1m 17')
$3.860.00 > |
s545.oo J'I
1715517 NRB4OCCSAFA6090
1743970 APltil$goPERl PH NRMBoC,IC2MooLR
APM 30
(11115t2O161- 11 1m17)
l11t15t2016) - 11 1tn17)
1735392 NRA4OCCSAFA654T 2
APM 15
(9t?3m1q - (2fi1rn17)
{9t28m1q - (%1nu7l
$2,14S.00 Fc
$ns.oo FL
Tota I price not indrding bx
Pat'me nt Terms:
usD $21.606.00
Net 30 Days
Network Pow€t
Proposal for Service
os.86o.m lf
gsls.oo ff
1743971APM159oPER|PHNRMB0C,{C2RAoOLR 1
scoPE oF t/toRK
Guaranteed +hour on.site emergency
response, 7 daplweek, 24 hours/day,
within 150 miles of a Liebert Services'
Service city.
lncludes 1 -SOGLEBERT Customer
Response Center.
lncludes 100% parts coverage (excluding
circuit breakers).
lncludes access to Liebert Customer
Services Network On-Line lnternet
lncludes one Annual Preventive
Maintenance visit scheduled by the
customer between 8am-5pm, ltrbnday-
Friday (excluding national holidays).
Performed by Liebert factory trained
Customer Engineers.
lncludes 100% labor and travel coverage
7 days/week, 24 hours/day, within the 48
contiguas states and Hawaii.
Subject to all Terms & Conditions as
noted in the Liebert Services Terms &
Proposal for Service
Network Power
Full P,€vg lva tl,ehtterErra sg1/dce
Perfcm a corpHe vistal hspection of he equhrnent, hcludhg suFassenblbs, t^iring harnesses,
contads, cables and najor compments.
Check all rnechanical conrBctbns br tbhhess and hat discolofation, rEkirE correcticls where
Clean any breign rratsrbl ard dust from inErnal cornpartmerts.
Perform a status dleck ofahrm cicuits. (f Applicable).
Calibrdion of he equirnEnt b meet manuhctuq's specificatims (if applicabb).
Op€rational deckout of tlE sy$em to hclude tansfers ard proper $atus indbatims'
lnstall or peform EruinerirE Field CharEe f'{otices (FCN) as rEcessary.
Retum unit to operatircnal service with rprrnal bad then ,neasure and veriry dbplay indications.
Nobl: PEver ive Xlahtenance usually requires a shutdolvn to ensure elec{rlcal conn ctioar
Addendum for LIFEn Services
1. One sbrup vbit within tlE 48 contigr.ous staEs by a hctory fained Liebert Orstoner Engheer
either dwirg rnanaged equiprnent startLp or afbr lhe managed equpnEnt has been inshled ard
cabling t€rminated. Msit b be scheduled at he custorner's convenbnce. (8x5 l\Ionday-FrirJay,
excluding rEtional fplidays).
2. SiteAcceddDe TeS of the LIFE'" S€nice to \alidate p€rformarre and e\€nt rEognlion3. 24x7 conthuous rernote rnonitoring of e\renb ard paranEtric data frcm rnanaged equprnent.4. Quarterly event and dats analysis report that identifies recent trBnds and changps tc recorded data
that rEy impact perbrnErEe or availability of the rnanaged equiprnent. This report will be emailed b
the custorner's prirnary contet.5. Contading the cust mer by phorE on critical events orcorditiorE tfEt rnay imprct availability. Please
note critical events are preddined by Liebert Service for he managed equiprEnt.
5.1 . Dispatdr field service engheer if required and if rnanaged equpment is under nnintenance
contract Yvith Lbbert Services.
6. Technicd phone support (8x5 Mcndayfriday, e)cludng ndional holdays) for the LIFE'" Se ,ices,
e\€nts/alarm(s), pl(resses, coumunbdion issues, and report darificdion7. Full parts, labor, and travel coverage on communication card(s) dJring the LlFElu servbe conlmct
Gene'al Cu <.om q Re?oaCfftrt'es
1 . Pro\ide all suffcient ard rde^iant inbrmalion required to canplde site sunEy.2. Pro\id€ a primaty site cort-t polson r€sporBible for recd\,ing notifcation of criticd e\€nts or conditiorE,
requesb br on-site senice access, reports, ard althorizdion ofsenic€ charEes.3. Pro\ide altemati\e sitecontd if applicdle for reca'ring notification of crilicd e\€nts or conditiorE and dso
requests for on-site acc€ss.
4. A lalid ernail address to erEure redpt of quafterly er€nt and dala andysb report.
tletnor* /lnfslflt€t-Basd h mnu d cati d, Regu'rwnenis
1. A prirary site ndu/o.k contd peGon shal be Fo\ided btr assignhg lP addr€sses and inslalldion of n€{u/ork
drops2. Connecti\ity 10 ihe l@al area nd,rrcrk br e&h pi6e of rnanaged eqdpme.i (nd!rcft drop)3. A\ailability of netu,olk port : TCP port 80
h*lladon Proce{/itrc
1. lf requirod csnmuricdion card(s) iVare odered and serl to the crEtomer site,2. Custcrner csnpldes Cust(rner Suney indbding appropriate lP address€s, primary and alterndi,E contat
3. Uebert Serrices corrmbsiorB ccrnmunbdion card(s) per sit€ suney.4. Lieberl S€nices perbnns sle meptarro t61.
Addlional l,lot6:. Managed eqJipm$t mearE UPS singe module un .. Cornmwicdion car6 mears t nity card.
Nelwork Pow€r
Proposalfor Service
Guaranteed +hour on-site emergeflcy
response, 7 daysAiveek, 24 hours/day,
wit$n 150 miles of a Liebert Services'
Service city.
lncludes 1 -800-L IEBERT Customer
Response Center.
lncludes 100% labor and travd coverage
7 daysAnteek, 24 hours/day, within the zA
contiguous states and Hawaii.
lncludes 1 00% parts coverage (excluding
air filters and proactive full bank
capacitor replacem€nt, and fan
lncludes access to Liebert Customer
Services Network On-Line lnternet
lncludes battery recycling as required,
with docum entat ion meeting EPA
lnternal Batery Covercge - lncludes
parts, labor and battery jars as required -
up to 10% of the battery string per year
(not accumulated over contract term)-
Performed by Level I Liebert factory
trained Customer Engineers.
lncludes one Annual Preventive
Maintenance Service and one Semi-
AIrnua I Preventative Maintenance
SeMce visit on the UPS and internal
battery cabinet scheduled by the
customer between 8am-5pm, [&ndaY-
Friday (excluding national holidays).
Subiect to all Terms & Conditions as
noted in the Liebert Services Terms &
Conditions or tre tems of a Master
Agreement between the parties, if any,
shall a
WS Full Preventive Maintenance Service
Semi-Annual Sqvlce
Perfdm a ternperdure check on all breakers, @nrEctions and assochted controls. Repair and/or ]eport
all high tenperatlre areas.
Perfdm a conplde vi$al hspedion of he equpment, hcludhg $b-assenblies, wiring hanessss'
contads, cableg and rna!)r cornpments.
Check air filErs for cleanliness. (if applicable)
Chec* rec*iEr and inverter srubber boads for discobration.
Recoad all \oltage dld cunerl nEter readhgs on the rnodule contol cabirEt 6 ttE sy$em corlrol
Annual Servie hchrdes the Abore, Phrs:
Checkall nuts, bofts, screr,rc, and oonrEctors fur tbhhess and heat discoloration.
Check fuses on the DC capacitor deck br conthuity (if applicable).
Proposal for ServiceEMERSON
Networl Power
with cust)nBr appro\al, perbrm operationaltest of the sysbm includhg unit tansfer and battery
Calibrate and record all ebctronics to s)6tem specifications.
Check or perbrm Ergineerirp Fbld Charge Mtices (FCN) as necess.rry.
Recod phase-tophase hput voltage and cuEnts.
Review system perforrnance uiith cusbrner tl addrBss any qrestbns and to schedule any repairs.
Check poraer capacitcrs for s\,!elling or leaking oil. (if applicable)
Cieck br DC capacittr vent caps that ha\,e exruded more than 1/8.. (if applicable)
Measure ard record tErnrcnic trap filter cunerts. (if applicable)
lntemal Battsy Full Preventive Malrrte,,anee seruice (ADticabb to ttikvA iyffi,ls ontvt-
Semi-Annual Sqvice
Notel: cudonBr should check alr filters month ly for cbanliness and replace as n6 cessary.
Note2: Pr€ventlve Maintgnance usually requires a shutdown toensurc e lectical conneciionintegrity.
NotE3: Al batLry checks ars recorded throtrgfir the LDI reporting sysb rn Onlyvisual batbryinsp€ction and total batteryvoltagEs ae to be recordsd oh $e UpS g+orm. rire fufi uatery'mainbnan@ lnsp.ction will b6 conducbd through LDl.
Note4: Above malnbnance does not include S!,sbm Control Cablnet, FovuEr Tle, Breaker
Cabincts, Load Bus Sync or ill alntenanco BlDass Cablnets.
Network Powe,
Proposal for Service
inspect the appearance ard cleanliness ofth€ battery and he batbry room. Clean norrnal cell bp dirtaccumulatbn (to be dorE onv with batery off lhe).
[ileasure ard recad the tctal batbry float voltage and charghg @nent
ldeasure and record he overall AC rbple cunent.
ltleasure ard record tre overall AC rippb vottage.
Msually inspect the prs and cor,ers for cracks and leakage.
Msually inspect for evidence of conosion.
ltileasure and rBcdd the ambient temperatJre.
Verifu he conditbn of ttre ventilaton equi:ment, I applic€ble.
Verify he integity cf the battery racucabinet.
lvleasurc and reccd 100% d the cell temperatires.
[reasure ard record the fuat voltage of all cells.
and record all internal impedance readings.
Provide a detaihd lrf,i$en report mting any deficiencies and @necti\€ action needed, t*en andorplanned.
Annual Seryica h1cfud€,s tt,f Ahota., Phrs:
Re-tighten allbatbry conrEctions b the battery rnarufacturer,s specificatbns, offline only.
CorrgElive Mahr,E'ner1E,e Psftmed as Reouied
Refubish oell connections as deerned recessary by he detailed inspedion report
order l&mb.r: O023858,49
Purchase fuer fiEl be tssbn€d l,o:
Ernerson Net\ ork turv er, Lbb€rt Sbrvices, hq-
610 E(ecutive Csmpus D
Weste.vtle OH 43082
PbvllE rl reniltaEe addre6s:
Emerson Network Rtt ea. Llobeat Services, hc
PO tux 7O4U
Gbago, L 60673
f PO /VOf attached, pbase specify reason
E Accounts PayaHe Email
BilirE Cootact Person:Phonei
Fax ttEmail:
Bl,To Oomparry NanE:
Federal T6x lD #
Tax Bempt tr Yes (Attach tax exenlt certificate)
Bil-To Cty. STZh:
Pho n€:Ste Servb€/tT Ontact Pe6on:-
For€qrjtment not cunent, Ur|d*a ssvlc€ Agfsnert orfor 6qulEn.n forvilbhtho sdany fies e(plEd h elc6a d ttity(s) dqs, p.[. rgq'JlEd lo bring
eiuiiirit Ort tomen,fiturE,r sFcti:diq"6.re llE reporciUfu, dr |e A,rrererd bllsblc atthoItned iletH])re,ent emaidbisrEo vlil or SelvEe.all.
Ati pibhg tBvetid or{y ro. Sery te c;er{E sEt.d rid b !iti{ to ah5.!6 athB Prcp(.rlb ftDdli€d naty uq. Tr!! Ptopo.alis vald for46 dry3 rtqn ltE
oi['J ir"j-a"i53a-ua"* d'.6ri; ;? * eceptgrda rnr erfrc, Bqe(;xp€rN man]osa la asen( loth€ T6{yE ard cordllors or thb Propcsal
.rld mre3 Ei I .ry oro, Ekn d Sr.rt ordo;q orirr 6cu'n6nt or c;mfii:rirn fmm Brrysr,s irEoGiderl dh ty pro/isbn d th66Tefii end
C".rat't i, ,.s;dtdja tt odq .r tiflhg d ttp.(dt.rEp d luch dclmBrt orcoflml,*ebrr th€se letrB etd CoodIbG 3hal p|seit
SEnature of thb agreemert antlprizG Seller to i.rvdce for Services rE {bo€d her€h end b dike ths povid€d glrchase
orier numbet. I a purctrase order nunber b rpl used, theo ttc 8uy€r author?es a.ld guarantees Seller the pay rBnt of st ch
irwcices by auttDdy o{ the signature beb .
lllank you for you, hJsir€6s.
Roposed ay:Accepted By:
Network Po\rer
Proposal for Service
Fl* 411798i153
Ernerson Netwo* to\,ver, Liebert S€rva6, c/o JOSEPH SETTERBERG
Emal &s€ph.SetE berg @ Ernerson.co m
Fa<: + 1 206 763 6700
Plear. conpbb tlt folhing tnbmati,on (All fbl6 .ro tEquiGO:
Purchase Order tbmber: ---- Purchase ord€r attached: tr Y€s tr t$
hvoice Dlve.y iiHtDd: tr Web Biltrc (Att&h kEtructiorE) tr tvlai tr Ofler.....-..-..__--
Bll-To AddrBs:
hat4 SaoloV. zt *anta
JOSEPH SETTERBERG OAIC &ryer Signsture Required
Prirted f'lame Irt,e
Fr{- r, fi-lt @
i!'EErF rllll' a
r. q.rr ft ifiltir I
,{ ilrrDrr trl' I
EFr..t -rEE!' !
on,i tllnllir 0
E.n l! llt ,r
.* t lrFillrn r
4l-a tinF tn r
ss rirlrtirrnir ,,
sNoll-icNoS cNV sr HfJ- sfcr/1Hf s
ranod tlroMtaN
a)r^ras roJ lPSodoJd