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Agenda Packet 02/21/2017
P,ORT , N ELLS CITY COUNCIL MEETING Ana° 321 East 5th Street ��. W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. February 21, 2017 SPECIAL MEETING— 5:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING— 6:00 p.m. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public.Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:00 P.M. —Executive Session under authority ofRCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel, and RCW 42.30.110(1)(c), to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price.However,final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Presentation of the"Weave Our Community Together"Project 2. Recognition of the Outstanding Service of Byron Olson to the City of Port Angeles C. PUBLIC COMMENT— The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period.Individuals may speak for three(3)minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2)minutes. (Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). D. LATE ITEMS— To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. E. CONSENT AGENDA/Approve 1. City Council Minutes:February 7, 2017.........................................................................................................................E-1 2. Expenditure Report:From January 28, 2017 to February 10, 2017 in the amount of$2,342,916.31 ............................E-6 3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointments..........................................................................................................E-24 4. United Way Contract for Health and Human Services Funding......................................................................................E-44 5. Clallam County Board of Health Appointment Request.................................................................................................E-52 6. Police Vehicle Replacement............................................................................................................................................E-53 7. Resolution of Support for County-wide Planning Policies..............................................................................................E-54 8. Letter of Support for Option#7 of Highway 101 Elwha River Bridge Replacement......................................................E-59 9. Downtown Sidewalk&Tree Well Repairs,Project TRO 1-16/Final Acceptance..........................................................E-63 Mayor to determine time of break/Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. February 21, 2017 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page- 1 F. PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter)......................................................................................None G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS..........................................................................None H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS.......................................................................None I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................................................................None J. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. IT Equipment Acquisition—iSeries SunGard Systems Upgrade/HA Redundancy Replacement...................................J-1 2. Annual Authorization for Software/Hardware Maintenance Renewals ..........................................................................J-3 3. IT Server Replacements...................................................................................................................................................J-9 K. COUNCIL REPORTS L. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Petition to Revert to Second Class City/ Verbal Update 2. Elwha Water Facilities/ Verbal Update 3. 2017 Work Plan...............................................................................................................................................................L-1 M. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT— The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three(3)minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2)minutes. (Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). ADJOURNMENT— PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions,which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Mayor to determine time of break/Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. February 21, 2017 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page-2 City Council Meeting February 21,2017 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET Address Are you a City of Port Angeles resident or business owner? Yes or No TopicPrint Name Clearly or No6a tLJ.-'.-/'Tr^ri,[ Wo,br"a lo lL( 6eta;.*n V"fr.^d.o'vu K ^el^ ,)(- L. C'L @Yes or Yes or No a- Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Page 2 Yes or No Yes or No City Council Meeting February 21,2017 sroJ $:l't7^ PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET '-f,5 Are you a City of Port Angeles resident or business owner? Yes or No TopicAddressPrint Name Clearly Snndunrq}+u3lz4 5 paaruAM ({"} - N"'Rachul}e Ye5 or No J\J G-or NoALe nlrc*il @y'o, r.ro' )01-lnt ?aLle,nfq ?avta fVtbsu"'Yes or No ile,t'tWr-l< Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No L/ Page 3 tL Presentation to the City of Port Angeles, WA Weaving our community together - February 21,2017 Mr. Mayor, Council Members, City Manager McKeen, City Employees, Residents and Visitors: We are here this evening to present the City or Port Angeles with this textile entitled "Weaving our Community Togethe/'. The project debuted at the Port Angeles 4th of July celebration in 2016, traveled to the Clallam County Fair, was a part of the Port Angeles Downtown Association Arts and Draughts event and completed in our store, Cabled Fiber and Yarn. More than 170 people (including 54 children) contributed to the completion of this amazing project which is over 17 feet long. People from all walks of life, both young and old, locals and visitors, members of the local weaving and spinning associations and artists all added to the eclectic charm of this piece with their enthusiasm and willingness to try something different and make a contribution. We had parents holding their children operating the foot treddle while their child wove with the stick shuttle. We had people returning with their friends and family to add their own energy to the project. A Generational photo was taken as a family with a Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Father, and child all wove their lives into the fabric. This textile represents all the beauty of our community, its bright and shiny, finely woven, flawed and mended, richly textured and with homespun character. During its construction we experienced wind and rain, sun and clouds, warm and cold weather and even some equipment malfunctions, all while sharing the joy of creation. The fibers for the project were donated by people in our community. We believe that this project reflects our community taking a step toward working for a common goal ... one piece at a time...., Weaving our Community Together for the future. Thank you for allowing us the time to present this to the City of Port Angeles for all to enjoy. MarySue French and Beth Witters and members of the community We had people from other countries, people on their honeymoon, visitors celebrating holidays, 4-H members, home school students, and members of the city council adding stripes to the project. I ,1 lrrt*''r rr',{18{P"ryili;#++q.r.1ii'}'|iq.rX F l . .*',E d ffi t I To: Port Angeles City Council February 27,2017 From: Eloise Kailin, Chair OurWater Our Choice PAC RE: Petition for Change of Govemment, certified approved by CountyAuditor and waiting since last May for a ballot title. This petition to change form of government was drawn , signed and submited to the eleAoral process because City Council on a 4 to 3 vote refused to follow the choice of voters not to be medicated with fluoride. A citizen initiative on the fluoridation issue was precluded . The City in year 2006 saw fit to challenge fluoridation called for by two citizen signed initiatives bdorc action by voters .and the Supreme Court upheld dismissal of both. The boast that rights to initiative and referendum improves the voice of the citizen is a weak one at best. For local, as opposed to State measures,it can be exercised only for measures the government approves unless the citizens are prepared to pay for and wait out a long legal bat0e. But another pathway for citizen action involves changing form of city govemment because, as we saw when Sequim reorganized, the entire Sequim City Council was re elected.Our attomey has provided you with the pertinent laws . Effective control of our own healthcare and democratic government depends heavily on the councilpeople who are elected'. Meanwhile,i n the past year we have learned that there are additional merits to the older form of govemment which served us well for decades and which the peition would restore. Citizens who want to control costs of govemment are sheltered by provisions of the older legislation. They ae given more rights to speak to you. On Nov. 5, 2013 The City of Port Orchard voted on a change from the old form.of govemment (RCW 35) to the newer one (RCW 35A) which we have in PA. Resu]t A SMASHING DEFEAT over 68%o NAY to our current form in PA. Why such a strong response? See Voter pamphlet "Rebuttal to the Argrrment Fot'' :':This measure motes a much larser sovemment. reduces acc ountabilitv to the ole and I attach page 10 from Port Orchard Utility GAP Study on water and sewer charges. Notethese are costs for TWO months. Compare to Port Angeles! If passed by PA,one of the citizen benefits is that ALL committees must have provision for public corlment, of which the most important is probably the Utility Committee in PA, which entirely lacks such provision. We look forward to a ballot title proposal. further isolates citizets from our elected officials.'l r*rE* FrgE re,6 pue F.4.el ralr D 9Ed.6re]o paloo a{u rJ a|qlnDds t os a.gJo srtt .tv aq1 Zt a @ a9 a ile $@*\aiet u 6 u t rc uE lq )o Eg atg-g$ Atqet4q t6sat)pe.q leu suo9s€hbtala.nl a,l8eafi aq l5;UE6z .4luuo1 :u6uqof lJ.yl ,4uaN aal tutoS :uotewNlk FN ut$)a&lEt13 tq paeded @lnqa! poe guaunalv u@ qqtue @u$pa4 64 leua lq p€fsarppe aq teu suo,se/}b )aqH )seefl arp m! a4te@oa )aEz p4 pue s^eo trg *quaft Altuua) itauuJa^@ @.Nalnla )q suazqo :u!!o pal uEJa&P4a 19 pa/edatd quaunarv ,o^l aro aa6ue'lc IqM qt?aq Frueuu ,oredns. s,aic at{ pue xtls ,.y3 enolpa ino eeer{ slruooS pue $o^Ey\l lsed q?nu, e sapurord arnssau, srq-L leQgo papapr,n ue 4nlqsqns pug lelrilo pap€p ue lno mort{ oi no,{ 6ur)lse are leql lueuua^oo jo uJol |l3uno3_]oi(?W larm aql qlrh sLr€goJd clpads $lsls J3 au arnseeu srql roj aagtaw@ a\! roJ luourn&v as q lsBnqau ' p^r.ro ip"rtu,^pooq aq l ro0 jlualrua oO ,o uetd ie6eueul1l3unoo q a6uelp ol uosear ourtFduo. ou s a.,aq-L isu@euEpxa ou pue 'sla/$sue ou 'ued ou s?q r5unoc A,c 3qt aluauuadx3 a rsu.dxa qll l{lA e rr - ol 6ul lrl\ nol arv aaJlqru s.peq O lJod )is!, ol 5u!rl,v\ no,( arv 'arnsEaul psuqurm sql arrordde ol aglsuodsa]l $ ! sav\sue For0yv\ -tusurura 06 Ao lno ol ibssnBarnq p relel]a.rlou€ sppe ra6Eu"u Illc V suazqF ol etqEluno3oe 6uraq ueqt laqa siaqureur lrJri@ ua]\3s 3!B lo rnol u.Io4lioddns r€ure6 ol |ecqlpd ,,{l3su4u aq qnor\ leoaJEur llo V Zqlau3q oq A apqseouoc_ 6ulaq sr lEq A ssoueqtr asaq ro, suosee, ,o 'sua{Jeq 9so3 clr€ds oulsopsrp lounoo €r, yro\[tv\ qono]q] papporuer 6uEq sl a.,nsea, $l+ IqTs suolleuetdx3 ro] t.t3unoo aq pe$e 3 eq suaB'3 s€oN.s uazqs J.l{o puE 'aueualuleru p?or 'anpd ro, srelpp renal s€^sel qsqr\ 'saal rarE/v\ ulots pu? sal?, i3/v\as pue l3lE$ J3qqq u! ,o,^ uro! auo3 !,i\ ^auouJ srq-t a8elced 6ue.r3 !s pue saal EuamJ€r 'g,J3uaq tuqes ur ro,tuur pepqa u? upql arour ,lqe.Etrsuo3 lso3 lI/tr rs6Eueur 6b v {3unor aln 6uEn ura,\o6 o@9! cqooo',oL uotendod saqp ueau! ro aal{ Ipo uo6urqseM ut lus(Ilsldm! o] srEtpp uqmuJ % PunorB rsoc pF6 prrs lep!]o 9€pelaun u" q a!.rclane siq$"4 'ro/(eur rol eqo ol tq6u lno /(ell{t s€)E srnssalu enssl oal sql AoI rqr5 rno pue sn ol qceduir ro slEap qsoc rurcads 6u olri lnoqU,{ luauruJa,lo6 to uetd no a6ueq. oi p€lse 6uEq ar,3iv\ 3ln|nJ s,preqro yod r.|llrrr qquiec luoo aJnseall arB lsulE6v p.urn6rv 'l.|9 Fqua oNsal316A s,seq 6u!o6uo',t .,.1 6uq e uo neo6 |t]Un@ rtlauladur pFo ! sqsFE llauou p're) A', noltir6EiffioE@E t5irxs''i,au'iel e ouraeq u,or uatj3q e plnor q A puo! 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P|aq aq pFor uog.ep Preds E Pa\ordde st anssau plteq eql, pouure^oo JO Ueld E6"uPuHOUnOtr e ol.lolEurlounoc e uoJ, uooeauefuo s,413 3qt a6ueq. o5te p|nor ! -oN uoRlsodot lo P^od.,V 'uolrcap ala io slpp Oe u!q!r\ t|Bnsn s! qlq.ri por.l4ral .re Etns3r uo{p.le 3r.ll (l3rtr\ 3 pale eq pForr uou?ruissep s.I}3 al{ u! a6uEr.p aq1 .r.qeFFal ele$ aI+ ^q I ol pauPr6.tssadxe $a*\od .so'n ,(po sE.t IlP $Ep pso3es E sBaeqa 'e4s sI ro sqpre6a, orsuo3 |esotJo sreBa! u AUoqrnB tuov\as Peolq sa.t &. 3po leuBq3uou e daoxa 'Al3 ssep Puo.es E 6uru.ia 06 s,y\el aqq ol ,qlurls fue aJe ,q3 apoo Jeuetpuou e 6urure^o6 s^Ael aa leJeuad ul MCu v9€ astl u! qrol las s,set el{ rapon 6uqeredo pue & peura 06 lro apor,aueqruou B se pellssepar .q PFo,!^ &C eq pe oddE q ! oN uorysodord, /1^3B vgs aBr! ur sAno apqr rot pqcEu3 sa"l a\0 ro Mcu 9€ €pI u. Ilqrq las $a!. apo.oou ro, sr\etaqr Iq rawa par3 06 are uo$urqseM ur saq'C lualu]3 06lo uqd sr pue uoasJ$ssep s.4I3 e\q \qoq a6ueqr pnorc i 'oN uollsodord ro aoessed lu€uruE 06 p usd lo^ee|olnoo e J€pun pe?iueEo s| pt e l9l. ssep puo!3s p sE peqrssep {$la!nc sl prepro lrod ,o &c aq-[ (rAetiq peq.u.sacl se preq.ro pod lo nD aq )o! teurogv 4C aql lq p3.redad |u€ualcls ,{rolEuedrl s:,{ o p uetd rc^euHEuno. a{ lopusqe Pue pet,l]la/\o6 }o ued re6eua]llloun@ ar.il tdops pue MOU Z0 VSe r4deqC rap'Jn 6u4aado llo apoc Eleqruou B ol A!. ss€p puo36 E uo! &rC aqr p uc'qe3glsspp aL0 a6rJeq! prPq3ro lod p ^!3 ata leqs aBtI toleS te!.!go peqcro uod Jo rl!3 6ql u!qluYr luaruulo^oE ro uald rsOBuBru-l!3unoc e ldoPE pue Il!c apo3 r3leqcuou B ol ,tlc aql lo uollBs$lsselc oql a6ueqc ol uollezuor{$v ! 'oN uolllsodojd oNl pJ?:.l3ro l.rod lo ,l:3 : I Gumulative Report - Official Kitsap County, Washington - General Election - November 05, 2013 Page 6 of 19 Total Number of Voters : 76,154 of 153,736 = 49.54o/o 11126t2013 08:22 A Precincts Reporting 200 of 209 = 95.69 clty olPon Orch.d Couhcll Po.ltlon G, Voto Fo|l Fr6d J. Chang Wrlt.-lm Cirl Voto!: Over Votca: UnderVotea: 2,386 71.42% 0 0.00% 955 28.58% 2,715 97.02% 71 2_gA% 2.315 97.020/. 71 2.9AoA 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2,386 7 t.42./" 0 0.00% 955 28.58% Candldato Poll3 N/A Total Clly ol Port Orch.rd Council At-Lergo, Vote For 1 Je(y Childs E c Gonnason Wito-lns 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1,710 81.53% 1,042 37.38% 31 1_110h 1,71€ 61.53% 1.042 X7 .38% 31 1.11% CartVotet: UndoaVolei: 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2,7a9 0 552 83.48% 0.00% 1652% 2,789 83.a8% 0 0.00% 552 16.52% Clly olPonOrchard Ptopo.ltlon No. l, VoL For I No OverVol,.a: UnderVot !r 3,141 94.01% 1 0.03% 199 5.S5% 0 0.00% 0 0.000,6 s86 31.30% 2.1s5 68.61% HTIIEI} 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 94.01% 0.03% 5.860/6 3,14t 1 100 Clty ot Poullbo ilayor, Votc For I Bocky Erlckson Wrlte-lns 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2.197 94.5A% 126 5_42% 2,197 94.58% 126 512% Ca$t Vot6!: Uider Volet: 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2,121 0 5dl E2.260/o 0.00% 11.74% 2,923 62.20./d 0 0.00% 501 17 .14% CiV o, Poulabo Councll Po.ltlon 5, Vota For 1 Ed Storn Wrho-lns 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2.041 06.59% 72.3.41% 2,Mt 96.sS% 72 3.11% C.tt Volss: Undo.Vot€a, . 0 0.0e6 0 o.oo%0 0.00t6 2,113 74.42% 0 0.00% 711 25.1A% 2,113 71.82% 0 0.00% 711 25.14% I I 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Pmv I 986 31.38% 2,1s5 68.61% 9l2s/zots Comparable 2015 Water Bills Typical Residence -Bimonthly Water so s20 s4o s6o s80 s1@ st2o s14o s150 s180 All communities increased rates for 2015 Katsap PUD GagHarbor Port Ordra.d Poulsbo Eremerton W6tSound UD Poulsbo Kitsap Co. 6igHarbor Bremerton West Sound llD Port Orchard 6 KISa Comparable 2015 Sewer Bills All communities except Port Orchard increased rates for 2015 o KI&,{ 10 Typical Reridence - Bimonthly Sewet :so 520 s4o s60 sso s1@ suo s140 s16o s18o : : David Mabrey Vision 218/17 I speak for the children, who's vision is the most honest and pure. I speak for the differently abled who have an amazing vision to show those who can see it. I speak for the homeless, the addicted, the poor, for their vision is elusive. I also speak with the Millennials, the LGBQT, the angry and ignored, regular people of all color and faith, and everybody else. What they see is a simple vision that can be encompassed within a simple mission statement. Working for all people towards a better communaty We give you a few simple tasks as you engage on your Strategic planning meetings. Take note of the strategic planning of the largest employer in Clallam County, Olympic Medical Center. I have included several examples via links of their Strategic Plan and how it has evolved and grown. What is most obvious is who they serve and what they are working for; People. People make our community. Business is important to a community but it is people who define it, shape it, build it. One last thing is; leave your personal agendas at home and concentrate on what the community needs. We are not topics, we have needs and we need a council with the courage to see that. o Mission Statement o Core Values o Vision o Goals I challenge you to do better. David Mabrey vision 218177 Olvmoic Medical Stratesic Plan 20t7 - 2019 http://www. olym picme dical.org/pdfs/OM C:%2OStrategic%2OPlan%2020t7 - 2019.pdf 2016 - 2018 http://www. olym picmed ica l. org/pdf s/OM C%2OStrate gic%2OPlano6202076' 018%20hq.pdf 2015 - 2017 http://www.olympicmedical.org/pdfs/Strategic%20Plano/o2O2O15-2O17-web.pdf 2A70 - 2072 http://www.olympicmedical.org/pdfsAtrategic%2OPlan%2O2OtO-2O12-vWeb.pdf David Mabrey Navy Dock 218177 Now that the Navy has secured a permit to start driving pylons for their new station dock, lfeel this is your last chance to hold them accountable and also for us to hold you accountable. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/construction/naw-portangeles _2016iha_dea.pdf Envi ronmental Asseggment Paer and Support Facilities for TPS d t SCG AIRSTATSFO Port Angcles November 2015 (2gEp.ges) Sect. 2.5 Design Measures, Current Practices, and Best Management Practices Current Practices r ln-water construction would observe the Tidal Reference Area 10 in-water work window (July 16 through February 15). . The use of bubble curtains to minimize the noise from pile driving would be considered. . Temporary barriers (silt curtains) may be installed to control the spread of silt from pile driving, though their efficacy would be strongly influenced by wind, current, and wave conditions at the site. I feel that our city council has not sufficiently addressed public concerns towards this project. Some would say they kept quiet because of the money coming in, 1.e.. new construction, navy patrons, etc.. The Navy has the authority to do what they want, they have done their homework and legal due diligence. They may feel they're being good stewards by following the rules. Sissi Bruch brought up the suggestion of sending the Navy a letter, at minimum, holding them accountable for finding the most current technology available to mitigate the environmental harm to our harbor and all its residents. All of this is too little too late. What should have happened was an aggressive approach towards stewardship by our council, by holding the Navy accountable. Concerned individuals and environmental groups voiced their concerns loudly, however, the silence from council was heard most clearly. David Mabrey Navy Dock 218lt7 I have included an article with corresponding links to others detailing a new system for pile driving that is cutting edge and creates an acoustic barrier preventing harm to wildlife, developed at the University of Washington. I would encourage you to read them and the Environmental Assessment. Many will remember what you didn't do. Maybe there is still time to write that letter. Marlne Construction fechnologies: Creating an acoustic barrler to save marine wildlife Story by Clare LaFond MARCH 27,2014 http://depts.washington.edu/uwc4c/news-events/marine-construction- technologies-creating-an-acoustic-barrier-to-save-marine-wildlife/ Creatlng An Acoustic Barrier to Save Marlne Wildlife BY: Conrado Tapado JANUARY 6,2075 http://depts.washington.edu/uwc4c/news-events/creating-an-acoustic-barrier- to-save-marine-wildlife/ ?hrrrsdrv. J:rluarv 29 2015 New pile driving design about to make waves By Ann Briggs http://wsdotblog.blogspot.coml20T5/O1^lnew-pile-driving-design-about-to- make.html Field testing ot the ner double-wall pile design. (Photo coirrtesy ofthe LJniversity ot Washington) r:l I { David Mabrey Navy Dock 2/81t7 New construction research is poised to make big waves both here and far abroad. We've been working in partneBhip with the University of Washington (UW) to find ways to reduce the noise created by unden rater pile driving that will not only benefit and protect marine wildlife in the Puget Sound, but may also change marine construction practices around the globe. Piles are long poles or tubes driven into the seabed to provide the foundation support for ferry terminals, docks, bridges and other structures. The noise created by hammering the piles into the seabed floor is easily carried underwater and can harm, and even kill, sensitive marine wildlife. As a result of those impacts, strict regulations on marine construction projects make them expensive and drallenging to complete. Our team of researchers, and environmental, construction and ferry engineers has worked with scientists to study the detrimental effects of undenvater pile driving on marine environments for years. In 2008, the team invited both the construction industry and the academic fields to come up with a quieter pile design solution. department submitted a winning proposal for a new pile design technology. With our research-funding support, UW engineers and graduate students studied the mechanics of why pile driving is so loud, how the sound is transmitted undenrrater and how to reduce that sound. With this knowledge, they created a double-wall pile design that confines the installation noise within the pile itself. Mechanical Engineering PhD Candidate Tim Dardis reviews the labricated double-wall pile for lield terting at Com men(em ent Bay in Odober. (Photo coj,tesy oI the University ol Washington) With ongoing development ofthis innovative project, interest has spread and multiple agencies have now joined us, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, with monitoring assistance from the National Marine Fisheries Service. This summer, full-scale field testing of this new design will be conducted in coordination with the Port of Tacoma at Commencement Bay. We anxiously await the test results, which have the potential to reduce marine construction costs and protect the environment, notjust in Washington state, but in waterways around the world. .l I For more information on this project and other research benefits, contact WSDOT Research Director \ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 7, 2017 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C.Fulton,and N.West. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor,Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 50 minutes.The Executive Session convened at 5:01 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:55 p.m.No action was taken. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C.Delikat,K.Dubuc,C.Fulton,B. Smith, T.Agesson, and N.West. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Gase led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS,PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS The Life Saving Recognition for Communications Officer Chelsea Jensen was postponed to a future meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: North Metzler,225 West 1011 Street,member of the Port Angeles Salmon Club for 20 years, spoke about the negative impact that a decrease in available fishing days has on the community. Mr. Metzler asked that Council adopt the proposed resolution. Mike Constant, 253346 Highway 101, spoke about the safety issues that occur in short fishing seasons and asked Council to pass the resolution. Mark Thomas, 1743 Freshwater Bay Road said that hotels, restaurants and stores used to thrive when people came from all over for fishing derbies. Mr. Thomas said he is concerned with the decline in fishing days available and he asked Council to adopt the proposed resolution. 02/21/2017 E - 1 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—February 7, 2017 Rocky Owens,34 Juniper Estates in Sequim,spoke in favor of a longer fishing season with days spread over a longer period of time. He spoke about the option to bring fish caught in Canada waters back into the US. Ralph Burba,473 West Silverhorn Road in Sequim, said the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife should not be allowed to take fish away from citizens and give them to commercial entities. He spoke in favor of the proposed resolution. Jim Lamont, 763 Diamond Vista Drive, said the short halibut season is as much about safety concerns as it is economics.He further spoke about the economic benefit communities receive from recreational fishing. Bill Jensen, 426 Rhodes Road, said he has been fishing in Port Angeles for more than 50 years and that it has been mismanaged for a long time.Mr.Jensen said he appreciates Council trying to make change for the better. David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana Street, said action is what transforms hope and resolve into change. Robert Beausoleil, 1007 South Albert, provided Council with a handout that included a historical overview of the treaty with Makah Tribe,and background on how halibut catch limits are determined.He said it will take a lot of work to have any impact on Washington State,but that he supports the resolution as an initial step. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember- At the request of Deputy Mayor Kidd, Council agreed by consensus to add a discussion of the Elwha River Bridge Replacement to the February 21"agenda. The Mayor noted that due to the weather conditions,and in an effort to expedite the meetings so that everyone could get home safely,he recommended moving items H1,I1,JI and J4 to the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: At the request of Councilmember Bruch,Mayor Downie pulled Item 10 from the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes:January 17, 2017 and January 30, 2017 2. Expenditure Report:From January 7, 2017 to January 27, 2017 in the amount of$5,216,665.64 3. Department of Ecology Site Rental Agreements 4. 2016 Tree Trimming,Contract SVC 16-09/Final Acceptance 5. Green Alley LID Contract,Project TR-16-16/Final Acceptance 6. Amendment No. I to Professional Services Agreement with Sargent Engineers for Bridge Inspection 7. Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission Annual Agreement 8. Resolution in support of the Port Angeles School District Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy(RESOLUTION 04-17) 9. Lodging Tax Event Grants Awards 10. PULLED FROM CONSENT: Change Order #5 to the Environmental Services Agreement for the Harbor Cleanup Process 11. CSO Phase II Settlement Agreement Motion carried 7-0. ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENT: Change Order#5 to the Environmental Services Agreement for the Harbor Cleanup Process It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Collins to: Approve. Motion carried 6-0,with Bruch recused. Page 2 of 5 02/21/2017 E - 2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—February 7, 2017 RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Resolution in Support of the Port Angeles School District Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy l Item moved to the Consent Agenda as number 8 2. Resolution in Support of Recreational Fishing Deputy Mayor Kidd introduced the item, saying that she brought the resolution forward in cooperation with Councilmember Whetham and many members of the community because there is an economic and safety crisis in Port Angeles due to the reduction of halibut fishing to 3 non-consecutive days. She said they are asking for an extension of the fishing season and that they would like to present the resolution to other legislative bodies and organizations around the Peninsula. Councilmember Whetham said he is looking to the City of Port Angeles to be a leader and to use political pressure to make something happen.He said he appreciates outreach from the fishermen and businesses in the community on the matter. He is concerned about safety of the fishing community and possible loss of life. Councilmember Whetham asked for Council's blessing for he and Deputy Mayor Kidd to speak as ambassadors supporting the resolution on behalf of the City. Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO.05-17 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington, in support of the recreational fishing industry as vitally important to the economic health and well-being of the City of Port Angeles, and Clallam and Jefferson Counties. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to Table the item to the next meeting. Motion failed 2-5,with Bruch and Collins in favor. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Whetham to: Approve the resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, in support of the recreational fishing industry as vitally important to the economic health and well-being of the City of Port Angeles, and Clallam and Jefferson Counties. Motion carried 7-0.Councilmember Bruch abstained. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 7:14 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:25 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Lodging Tax Event Grants Awards l Item moved to the Consent Agenda as item number 9. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. Change Order #5 to the Environmental Services Agreement for the Harbor Cleanup Process l Item moved to the Consent Agenda as item number 10 2. 2017 Pavement Repair,Various Locations,Contract CON-2017-03 Public Works&Utilities Director Craig Fulton said several streets have been partially closed due to the failure of the asphalt and the underlying base after the recent winter freeze and thaw. He said staff is executing a pavement repair contract using 2016 funds that were available,moving quickly to repair streets and make them passable again. Council discussion followed. Page 3 of 5 02/21/2017 E - 3 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—February 7, 2017 It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Gase to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract for 2017 Pavement Repair, Project No. CON-2017-03 with Lakeside Industries, Inc., for the bid amount of$162,740.00, including applicable taxes, and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. 3. Prof.Services Agreement with Zenovic&Associates,WSDOT Pedestrian&Bicycle Safety Grant Community&Economic Development Director Nathan West said an RFQ was conducted for the project and applicants were scored based on qualifications. He offered a point of clarification, saying that following inclusion of the contract in the Council packet,WSDOT has requested the City use a different form. Staff is still working with WSDOT on clarification for that form, so staff recommends that the recommendation be changed to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract consistent with the terms as indicated in the memorandum,not to exceed $229,000.Director West said staff would provide a completed WSDOT form contract on a future agenda once the City Manager has executed the document. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract consistent with the terms as indicated in the memorandum, not to exceed$229,000. Motion carried 7-0. 4. CSO Phase II Settlement Agreement l Item moved to the Consent Agenda as item number 11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Collins attended the Farmers Market on Saturday with Councilmember Merideth. He said the most critical issue he heard was in regards to how the community is addressing homelessness. Councilmember Whetham thanked the City staff that keeps roads open,lights on,water on and sewer working. Deputy Mayor Kidd thanked City staff for taking care of streets during the recent snowstorms. Councilmember Merideth attended the Saturday's Farmers Market.He said in the future that the City will need to address the homelessness issue. Councilmember Bruch suggested having Town Hall meetings. Mayor Downie reported on the joint meeting with the Port of Port Angeles and said he enjoyed the opportunity and felt it was important to reach goals together. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council they can get ahold of staff with questions. He reminded Council of upcoming Strategic Planning workshops on February 24 and March 10. Manager McKeen noted the Association of Washington Cities Legislative Conference is coming up and Councilmembers attending had packets in their mailbox relating to the conference. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Marolee Smith, P.O. Box 2498, spoke in favor of opening Town Hall meetings as a tool for Council and to get the community involved. Gordon Taylor,2103 West Eighth Street, said he is very interested in the continuation of the Olympic Discover Trail. Page 4 of 5 02/21/2017 E - 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—February 7, 2017 David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana Street, spoke about climate change and tools for achieving natural disaster-resilient communities. Dale Wilson, 1714 West Fourth Street, said Port Angeles has a homeless problem. He said 33 homes are about to be sent to the landfill and he encouraged the City to find a creative solution to use the homes. Mike Doherty,617 South B Street,said the City needs a climate action plan,in part due to Governor Inslee's executive order and to receive State funding. He offered ideas for working with banks to create starter housing. He suggested looking into a Federal fund that is sometimes available for street repairs. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Gase to: Adjourn. Motion carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m. Patrick Downie,Mayor Jennifer Veneklasen,City Clerk Page 5 of 5 02/21/2017 E - 5 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CHIEF SUPPLY INC Supplies 001-0000-237.00-00 (2.99) ISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS C8-SELL BACK TO THE CI 001-0000-237.30-00 31.08 WA STATE PATROL JANUARY FINGERPRINT FEES 001-0000-229.50-00 252.00 WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF JANUARY 2017 CPLS ISSUED 001-0000-229.60-00 705.00 Division Total: $985.09 Department Total: $985.09 CLEAR IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY ART OBJECTS 001-1160-511.31-01 38.00 Mayor&Council Division Total: $38.00 Legislative Department Total: $38.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC BADGES& OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-1210-513.31-01 14.96 EMBOSSING/ENGRAVING 001-1210-513.31-01 4.63 OFFICE MECH AIDS,SM MACH 001-1210-513.31-01 32.12 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-1210-513.31-01 8.57 OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 001-1210-513.31-01 11.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-1210-513.31-01 121.95 City Manager Division Total: $193.23 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.41-50 850.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.44-10 161.16 WAPRO MEMBERSHIPS 001-1230-514.49-01 25.00 City Clerk Division Total: $1,036.16 City Manager Department Total: $1,229.39 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 001-2023-514.31-01 384.82 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-514.31-01 70.73 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 001-2023-514.31-01 224.51 Accounting Division Total: $680.06 ELAVON, INC-WIRE 3rd Party Cr Card Fees 001-2025-514.41-50 17,068.64 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Clock of Cust Sery-T Ow 001-2025-514.31-01 16.26 Hand warmers for meter re 001-2025-514.31-01 4.21 Customer Service Division Total: $17,089.11 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 001-2080-514.31-01 162.60 PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-2080-514.45-30 1,351.99 Reprographics Division Total: $1,514.59 Finance Department Total: $19,283.76 LEGAL FILES SOFTWARE, INC MANAGEMENT SERVICES 001-3010-515.48-02 1,572.00 Attorney Office Division Total: $1,572.00 Page 1 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 6 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Attorney Department Total: $1,572.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 67.94 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 41.92 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 44.24 Planning Division Total: $154.10 VOANG, VIHN SAY SUPPLIES 001-4071-558.49-91 6,994.00 Economic Development Division Total: $6,994.00 Community Development Department Total: $7,148.10 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 01-20 A/C 20622000177908 001-5010-521.42-10 199.03 01-23 A/C 20670319798355 001-5010-521.42-10 64.75 01-23 A/C 20674119188735 001-5010-521.42-10 57.46 GALLS POLICE EQUIPMENT&SUPPLY 001-5010-521.31-11 34.58 BADGES& OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5010-521.31-01 347.12 BADGES& OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5010-521.31-01 119.42 PENINSULA AWARDS &TROPHIES BADGES& OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5010-521.31-01 14.67 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 001-5010-521.31-01 39.01 VERIZON WIRELESS 01-28 A/C 842085938-00001 001-5010-521.42-10 48.00 VIVID LEARNING SYSTEMS-WA DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 001-5010-521.49-01 2,018.41 Police Administration Division Total: $2,942.45 PORT ANGELES POLICE Food/Drink 001-5021-521.43-10 35.90 DEPARTMENT PRORIDER INC FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 001-5021-521.44-30 500.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5021-521.31-01 36.57 VERIZON WIRELESS 01-28 A/C 842085938-00001 001-5021-521.42-10 144.00 Investigation Division Total: $716.47 ADVANCED TRAVEL Simunition Re-cert-Stam 001-5022-521.43-10 462.60 GALLS CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 83.46 KING CNTY OFFICE OF FINANCIAL DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 001-5022-521.49-01 220.00 MGMT LINCOLN STREET STATION EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5022-521.42-10 22.54 EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5022-521.42-10 21.31 PORT ANGELES POLICE Bridge Toll 001-5022-521.43-10 6.00 DEPARTMENT Ferry to Seattle 001-5022-521.43-10 12.55 PRORIDER INC FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 001-5022-521.31-01 457.54 FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 001-5022-521.44-30 400.00 Page 2 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 7 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 001-5022-521.31-01 87.74 VERIZON WIRELESS 01-28 A/C 842085938-00001 001-5022-521.42-10 665.53 Patrol Division Total: $2,439.27 GALLS BADGES& OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5026-521.31-01 882.23 PORT ANGELES POLICE Uniform 001-5026-521.31-11 95.90 DEPARTMENT AARP Safe Driver 001-5026-521.43-10 24.95 Thumb Drive 001-5026-521.31-80 16.22 PRORIDER INC FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 001-5026-521.44-30 500.00 Reserves &Volunteers Division Total: $1,519.30 LINCOLN STREET STATION EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5029-521.42-10 22.33 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 001-5029-521.31-01 19.10 Records Division Total: $41.43 Police Department Total: $7,658.92 CENTURYLINK 01-23 A/C 20673006754638 001-6010-522.42-13 91.88 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Uniform Maintenance- K D 001-6010-522.20-80 12.14 Fire Administration Division Total: $104.02 CHIEF SUPPLY INC Supplies 001-6020-522.31-14 38.58 GALLS CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 62.84 MOBILE MUSIC UNLIMITED SOUND SYSTEMS &ACCESSORY 001-6020-522.31-01 417.32 SEAWESTERN INC CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 59.19 CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 296.85 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-6020-522.31-01 53.65 TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING, MEMBERSHIPS 001-6020-522.43-10 2,278.75 LLC VERIZON WIRELESS 01-15 A/C 442043914-00001 001-6020-522.42-10 120.17 Fire Suppression Division Total: $3,327.35 TARGETSOLUTIONS LEARNING, MEMBERSHIPS 001-6021-522.43-10 2,278.75 LLC Fire Volunteers Division Total: $2,278.75 VERIZON WIRELESS 01-15 A/C 442043914-00001 001-6040-522.42-10 56.35 Fire Training Division Total: $56.35 M & P GARAGE DOORS BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-6050-522.48-10 181.52 OLYMPIC PARTY& CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 24.53 SUPPLIES OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-6050-522.31-01 17.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-6050-522.31-01 (7.59) Page 3 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 8 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SUNSET DC7-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-20 10.72 SUPPLYWORKS SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 57.67 SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 115.79 SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 (43.03) JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-20 73.85 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC; SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-20 (4.34) SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-20 33.54 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 001-6050-522.31-01 8.65 Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $468.91 GLOBALSTAR USA 01-16 A/C; 1.50018853 001-6060-525.42-10 95.61 Emergency Management Division Total: $95.61 Fire Department Total: $6,330.99 QUILL CORPORATION COPY PAPER 001-7010-532.31-01 338.85 Public Works Admin. Division Total: $338.85 Public Works& Utilities Department Total: $338.85 NATIONAL REC& PARK ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 001-8010-574.49-01 800.00 WA WILDLIFE & RECREATION MEMBERSHIPS 001-8010-574.49-01 250.00 COALITION Parks Administration Division Total: $1,050.00 BLAKE SAND& GRAVEL, INC; ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001-8050-536.31-20 732.22 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS SELL BACK GRAVE LOTS 001-8050-343.60-12 1,446.00 C1 -SELL BACK TO THE CI 001-8050-343.60-12 723.00 C2-SELL BACK TO THE CI 001-8050-343.60-14 800.00 C3-SELL BACK TO THE CI 001-8050-343.60-14 525.00 C4-SELL BACK TO THE CI 001-8050-343.60-16 370.00 OLYMPIC; STATIONERS INC; SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-01 234.85 PORT ANGELES POWER SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.35-01 2,285.07 EQUIPMENT QUIRING MONUMENTS INC; HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 125.00 HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 125.00 HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 125.00 HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 359.00 Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $7,850.14 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 27.60 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 25.38 Page 4 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 9 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 14.32 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 14.70 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 182.52 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH Twinrix 001-8080-576.49-90 114.00 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 001-8080-576.43-10 228.25 ASSN, INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Turf weed management- E 001-8080-576.43-10 19.51 PORT ANGELES POWER Auger Sit 001-8080-576.31-20 (34.68) EQUIPMENT AGRICULTURAL EQUIP&IMPLEM 001-8080-576.35-01 1,861.10 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 486.60 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.35-01 2,763.09 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 21.67 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 53.08 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-30 15.18 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 35.67 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 39.95 SUPPLYWORKS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 1,690.86 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 334.60 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 9.72 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 1,130.53 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 44.42 Parks Facilities Division Total: $9,078.07 Parks& Recreation Department Total: $17,978.21 HI-TECH ELECTRONICS INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001-8112-555.48-10 600.00 Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $600.00 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.35-01 180.42 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 54.79 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 137.23 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 68.96 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 140.99 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 001-8131-518.31-20 22.22 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.35-01 242.36 HI-TECH ELECTRONICS INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001-8131-518.48-10 600.00 LIEBERT SERVICES Preventative Maintenance 001-8131-518.48-10 2,203.80 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 001-8131-518.31-20 1,073.29 Page 5 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 10 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SUPPLYWORKS SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-01 54.64 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 65.91 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 17.80 Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $4,862.41 ASM SIGNS SUPPLIES 001-8155-575.41-50 58.27 FLAGS,POLES,BANNERS,ACCES 001-8155-575.41-50 726.28 Facility Rentals Division Total: $784.55 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $6,246.96 ANDERSEN, BRIAN L REFEREE FEES FOR MEN'S BA 001-8221-574.41-50 96.00 AT&T MOBILITY 01-22 A/C 994753890 001-8221-574.42-10 12.78 CAPTAIN T'S SPORTING &ATHLETIC EQUIP 001-8221-574.31-01 1,168.12 EDGAR, KELSEY REFEREE FEES FOR MEN'S BA 001-8221-574.41-50 696.00 HANSEN°S TROPHY SPORTING &ATHLETIC EQUIP 001-8221-574.31-01 985.36 HENSEN, JAMES C REFEREE FEES FOR MEN'S BA 001-8221-574.41-50 408.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Supplies 001-8221-574.31-01 65.04 SUPPLIES 001-8221-574.31-01 100.20 Sports Programs Division Total: $3,531.50 Recreation Activities Department Total: $3,531.50 General Fund Fund Total: $72,341.77 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 102-7230-542.41-50 103.05 ALL WEATHER HEATING & SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 75.45 COOLING FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 163.28 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE CDL REIMBURSEMENT TEST- 102-7230-542.49-90 250.00 REIMBURSEMENT CDL REIMBURSEMENT:LICENSE 102-7230-542.49-90 113.00 CDL REIMBURSEMENT-TANKER 102-7230-542.49-90 45.00 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 55.46 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 40.47 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 15.52 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 56.62 SHOTWELL CORP,JONATHAN MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 102-7230-542.47-10 32.52 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 102-7230-542.31-01 16.74 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 40.01 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 19.74 Street Division Total: $1,026.86 Page 6 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 11 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Public Works-Street Department Total: $1,026.86 Street Fund Total: $1,026.86 ADVANCED TRAVEL Advisory Committee Mtg-Ho 107-5160-528.43-11 303.03 Advisory Committee Mtg-Ro 107-5160-528.43-11 320.20 WCIA Full Board Mtg-Rombe 107-5160-528.43-10 267.21 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING &APPAREL 107-5160-528.20-80 269.83 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE SUMMER CONFERENCE- PLACE 107-5160-528.43-11 301.00 REIMBURSEMENT SUMMER CONFERENCE- PLACE 107-5160-528.43-11 301.00 SUMMER CONFERENCE- ROMBE 107-5160-528.43-11 301.00 MISC CINE-TIME VENDORS M RIFE REGISTRATION 107-5160-528.43-11 285.00 ROMBERG REGISTRATION 107-5160-528.43-11 285.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC HUMAN SERVICES 107-5160-528.43-11 850.00 HUMAN SERVICES 107-5160-528.43-11 850.00 HUMAN SERVICES 107-5160-528.43-11 850.00 VOIANCE LANGUAGE SERVICES, Services 107-5160-528.42-11 2.31 LLC Services 107-5160-528.42-11 1.81 Services 107-5160-528.42-11 0.27 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 107-5160-528.42-11 0.35 WAPRO MEMBERSHIPS 107-5160-528.49-01 25.00 Pencom Division Total: $5,213.01 Pencom Department Total: $5,213.01 Pencom Fund Total: $5,213.01 US BANK-DEBT SVC WIRES FINANCIAL SERVICES 217-2448-592.83-10 23,957.50 2015 LTGO Refunding Division Total: $23,957.50 Debt Service Department Total: $23,957.50 2015 LTGO Refunding Fund Total: $23,957.50 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS, LLC PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 310.8985.594.65.10 46,246.21 Misc Parks Projects Division Total: $46,246.21 Capital Proj-Parks& Rec Department Total: $46,246.21 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $46,246.21 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-0000-141.42-00 819.37 JACO ANALYTICAL LABORATORY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-0000-237.00-00 (16.63) INC MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 31.52 Page 7 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 12 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 50.19 FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 72.18 FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 73.77 FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 194.13 FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 262.50 FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 330.74 FINAL PILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 476.20 FINAL REFUND-514 W 11TH 401-0000-122.10-99 113.15 UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 OVERPAYMENT-HAROLD LANDRY 401-0000-122.10-99 499.53 Division Total: $3,281.65 Department Total: $3,281.65 ADVANCED TRAVEL WPAG Monthly Mtg-Shere 401-7120-533.43-10 32.00 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER MEMBERSHIPS 401-7120-533.49-01 17,089.65 ASSN PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Wheeling Charges 401-7120-533.33-50 7,716.93 Power Systems Division Total: $24,838.58 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.41-50 194.18 BHC CONSULTANTS, LLC ENGINEERING SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 225.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 12-14 A/C 3604574717777B 401-7180-533.42-10 135.10 01-14 A/C 3604574717777B 401-7180-533.42-10 135.05 DIRECTV TELEVISION EQUIP &ACESS 401-7180-533.42-10 74.99 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 884.51 JACO ANALYTICAL LABORATORY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.48-10 214.63 INC MISC CLAIM SETTLEMENTS Settlement 401-7180-533.49-90 (1,677.80) Settlement 401-7180-533.49-90 1,677.80 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY& DRY LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 96.03 CLEANERS OLYMPIC PARTY& CUSTODIAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 112.70 SUPPLIES OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 72.63 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 754.46 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 754.46 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.31-20 60.42 PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT Gas 401-7180-533.32-10 10.00 Page 8 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 13 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT Supplies 401-7180-533.31-01 3.94 Supplies 401-7180-533.34-02 7.48 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Henry Boyd Rd 401-7180-533.41-50 488.04 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 16.38 TYNDALE COMPANY FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 262.26 Uniform 401-7180-533.31-01 (87.42) FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 139.73 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 154.91 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 301.14 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 220.93 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 268.94 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 401-7180-533.49-90 30.80 CTR WESTERN SYSTEMS, INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 72.51 ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 154.60 Electric Operations Division Total: $5,758.40 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $30,596.98 Electric Utility Fund Total: $33,878.63 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-0000-141.40-00 1,172.08 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 2,052.61 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-0000-141.40-00 650.14 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 931.03 Division Total: $4,805.86 Department Total: $4,805.86 ALL WEATHER HEATING & SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 75.44 COOLING AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENG MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 275.00 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 402-7380-534.31-20 40.14 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 72.56 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 01-23 A/C 20674112553158 402-7380-534.42-10 64.57 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 46.00 GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 402-7380-534.43-10 300.00 COLLEGE HOLCOMB &COMPANY, D ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 1,091.59 KAASM, LLC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 402-7380-534.48-02 650.40 LEITZ FARMS, INC FEED,BEDDING,VIT-ANIMALS 402-7380-534.31-20 140.92 Page 9 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 14 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC CITY CONSERVATION CITY REBATE 402-7380-534.49-90 50.00 REBATES CITY REBATE 402-7380-534.49-90 50.00 CITY REBATE 402-7380-534.49-90 50.00 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 402-7380-534.31-01 37.00 REIMBURSEMENT MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 402-7380-534.31-01 37.00 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 402-7380-534.31-01 37.00 MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 402-7380-534.31-01 74.00 MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 402-7380-534.31-01 74.00 MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 402-7380-534.31-01 74.00 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 1.42 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 107.85 PORE ATTY AT LAW,THOMAS M CONSULTING SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 105.00 PORT ANGELES POWER Diesel 402-7380-534.31-20 8.66 EQUIPMENT PUMPS&ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.35-01 645.19 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 136.49 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 402-7380-534.31-20 31.97 SUPPLYWORKS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 65.54 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 86.62 PAPER& PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 402-7380-534.31-01 51.92 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 41.54 THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 35.95 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 402-7380-534.49-90 30.80 CTR WWCCPPGROUP MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 20.00 Water Division Total: $4,608.57 Public Works-Water Department Total: $4,608.57 Water Utility Fund Total: $9,414.43 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 25.84 FLOW TECHNOLOGIES INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 403-7480-535.48-10 14,448.68 MASCO PETROLEUM, INC Diesel 403-7480-535.32-11 1,159.88 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 1,185.75 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 843.40 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE HEAT TRACE THERMOSTAT 403-7480-535.31-20 85.92 REIMBURSEMENT NAPA AUTO PARTS CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 403-7480-535.31-01 21.64 Page 10 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 15 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount OFFICE DEPOT COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 180.97 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Priorty Mail- D. Freed 403-7480-535.42-10 6.45 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.47-10 293.46 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 403-7480-535.47-10 241.55 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 20.25 SUPPLYWORKS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 65.54 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 86.62 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING &APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 29.76 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 21.27 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 24.23 UNIT PROCESS COMPANY PUMPS&ACCESSORIES 403-7480-535.31-20 382.54 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 403-7480-535.49-90 30.80 CTR Wastewater Division Total: $19,154.55 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $19,154.55 Wastewater Utility Fund Total: $19,154.55 CLALLAM CNTY SOLID WASTE Solid Waste Charges 404-7538-537.49-90 524.35 DEPT Solid Waste Charges 404-7538-537.49-90 660.99 Solid Waste Charges 404-7538-537.49-90 1,617.45 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 404-7538-537.31-01 78.59 WORC-WA ORGANIC RECYCLING MEMBERSHIPS 404-7538-537.49-01 125.00 CNCL SW-Transfer Station Division Total: $3,006.38 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7580-537.41-50 103.04 ALL WEATHER HEATING & SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-20 75.45 COOLING SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 404-7580-537.31-01 150.00 Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $328.49 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 404-7585-537.41-50 249.80 THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE AND TUBING 404-7585-537.31-20 370.49 Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $620.29 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $3,955.16 Solid Waste Utility Fund Total: $3,955.16 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER Supplies 406-7412-538.35-01 128.97 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH Testing 406-7412-538.41-50 468.00 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL CLOTHING &APPAREL 406-7412-538.31-01 38.20 Page 11 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 16 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount FOSTER PEPPER PLLC Stormwater 406-7412-538.41-50 1,500.00 LEITZ FARMS, INC CHEM RAW MATERIALS MFG 406-7412-538.31-20 173.35 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 406-7412-538.49-90 30.80 CTR Stormwater Division Total: $2,339.32 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $2,339.32 Stormwater Utility Fund Total: $2,339.32 SOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 6.99 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 6.99 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 399.70 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 402.38 GALLS Uniform 409-6025-526.20-80 126.49 CLOTHING &APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 161.51 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL FIRST AID& SAFETY EQUIP. 409-6025-526.31-08 80.00 OLYMPIC OXYGEN STEAM & HOT WATER BOILERS 409-6025-526.31-13 22.55 VERIZON WIRELESS 01-15 A/C 442043914-00001 409-6025-526.42-10 451.27 Medic I Division Total: $1,657.88 Fire Department Total: $1,657.88 Medic I Utility Fund Total: $1,657.88 INTEGRAL CONSULTING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 413-7481-535.41-50 48,803.55 Wastewater Remediation Division Total: $48,803.55 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $48,803.55 Harbor Clean Up Fund Total: $48,803.55 ALPHA BUILDER CORPORATION CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 3,799.97 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 421-7121-533.49-86 83.38 CLEARESULT CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 9,362.05 Lamps/Showerheads 421-7121-533.49-86 7,523.45 Washers/Dryers 421-7121-533.49-86 1,042.84 DAVE'S HEATING& COOLING SVC Utility Rebate 421-7121-533.49-86 3,414.60 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,600.00 GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 54.00 KANDU ENTERPRISE Utility Rebate 421-7121-533.49-86 2,368.80 MATHEWS GLASS CO INC Utility Rebate 421-7121-533.49-86 150.09 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 599.88 PENINSULA HEAT INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 Page 12 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 17 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PENINSULA NEAT INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 421-7121-533.44-10 625.00 Conservation Division Total: $33,024.06 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $33,024.06 Conservation Fund Total: $33,024.06 CHRISTENSON ELECTRIC INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 451-7188-594.65-10 23,848.00 Electric Projects Division Total: $23,848.00 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $23,848.00 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $23,848.00 MAGNUS PACIFIC CORPORATION Release Retainage 454-0000-223.40-00 644,807.93 Division Total: $644,807.93 Department Total: $644,807.93 Solid Waste Utility CIP Fund Total: $644,807.93 ADVANCED TRAVEL CSCR Phase II Mediation-Be 463-7489-594.65-10 55.50 CSCR Phase II Mediation-BI 463-7489-594.65-10 92.50 CSCR Phase II Mediation-Fu 463-7489-594.65-10 37.00 BROWN AND CALDWELL CONSULTING SERVICES 463-7489-594.65-10 1,696.27 LANE POWELL CSCR Phase II 463-7489-594.65-10 340.20 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 463-7489-582.78-10 213,155.79 ECOLOGY FINANCIAL SERVICES 463-7489-592.83-10 122,649.36 CSO Capital Division Total: $338,026.62 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $338,026.62 CSO Capital Fund Total: $338,026.62 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 4,601.47 PRODUCTS, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 7,214.97 AUTOZONE STORES, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 61.79 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 26.02 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 8.11 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 16.26 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 9.79 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 16.26 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 9.22 MASCO PETROLEUM, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 698.19 N C MACHINERY CCD AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 846.60 Page 13 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 18 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 (40.11) AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 170.76 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 16.09 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 94.70 PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 105.95 SEATTLE AUTOMOTIVE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 322.27 DISTRIBUTING VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 137.15 Division Total: $14,315.49 Department Total: $14,315.49 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.41-50 120.64 ANGELES COLLISION REPAIR EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 178.86 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 48.17 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 1,410.49 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 87.11 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 73.01 PRODUCTS, INC AUTOZONE STORES, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 108.39 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 5.14 GLASS ACTION, INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 58.54 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 70.46 HEARTLINE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 95.34 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 119.19 KIMBALL MIDWEST AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 172.97 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 213.03 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 26.02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 39.04 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 109.05 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 495.02 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,980.08 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 27.84 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 247.51 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 113.83 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 113.83 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 20.47 Page 14 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 19 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 20.20 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 501-7630-548.34-02 95.72 MATCO TOOLS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 51.63 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 183.06 MT PLEASANT AUTO BODY AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 867.37 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 2,185.34 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.31 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8.99 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 41.79 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 27.19 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 287.73 OWEN EQUIPMENT AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 255.08 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 233.87 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 157.23 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 44.66 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 15.11 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 18.95 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 15.18 PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 85.93 RUDY°S AUTOMOTIVE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 33.33 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 85.86 SIX ROBBLEES° INC AUTO &TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 81.50 SNAP-ON TOOLS-CHUGGER AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 32.25 DEANE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 84.82 STRAIT ALIGNMENT& BRAKE EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 93.17 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 71.49 THURMAN SUPPLY AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 17.65 WILDER TOYOTA INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 11.22 Equipment Services Division Total: $11,044.66 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $11,044.66 Equipment Services Fund Total: $25,360.15 I.T. XCHANGE CORP SNIPPING AND HANDLING 502-0000-237.00-00 (80.93) Division Total: ($80.93) Department Total ($80.93) CENTURYLINK-QWEST 01-05 A/C 36045238778178 502-2081-518.42-10 48.30 Page 15 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 20 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 01-20 A/C 206T217227465B 502-2081-518.42-10 57.46 01-23 A/C 206T302306084B 502-2081-518.42-10 465.36 01-23 A/C 206T310164584B 502-2081-518.42-10 488.34 01-23 A/C 2067418577331 B 502-2081-518.42-10 57.46 01-23 A/C 79513296 502-2081-518.42-10 29.10 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42-10 348.08 I.T. XCHANGE CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 502-2081-518.48-10 1,024.38 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 502-2081-518.48-10 20.02 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 15.79 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 23.78 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 25.88 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 32.50 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 45.38 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 45.58 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 53.34 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 67.73 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 74.09 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 77.66 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 108.29 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 147.42 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 166.32 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 171.76 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 174.30 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 294.80 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 303.73 OFFICE MACHINES &ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 335.03 PRESIDIO NETWORKED COMPUTERS,DP &WORD PROC. 502-2081-518.48-02 4,131.56 SOLUTIONS SUGA SUGA CONFERENCE REG 502-2081-518.43-10 410.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 01-22 A/C 571136182-00001 502-2081-518.42-10 592.29 01-25 A/C 671402094-00001 502-2081-518.42-10 3,205.75 Information Technologies Division Total: $13,041.48 NORTHPOINT CONSULTING INC 16 NRS PROJECT& DESIGN W 502-2082-594.65-10 2,640.00 PRESIDIO NETWORKED Cable 502-2082-594.65-10 69.50 SOLUTIONS COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 502-2082-594.65-10 11,118.94 Page 16 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 21 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PRESIDIO NETWORKED COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 502-2082-594.65-10 12,087.45 SOLUTIONS COMPUTERS,DP &WORD PROC. 502-2082-594.64-10 (7,044.15) COMPUTERS,DP &WORD PROC. 502-2082-594.65-10 180,267.11 DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2082-594.65-10 901.23 DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2082-594.65-10 19,411.33 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 502-2082-594.65-10 1.08 IT Capital Projects Division Total: $219,452.49 Finance Department Total: $232,493.97 Information Technology Fund Total: $232,413.04 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST L1 Med/Vis Premiums 503-1631-517.46-34 6,231.66 Life Insurance 503-1631-517.46-32 1,701.22 LTD 503-1631-517.46-31 4,755.85 Med/Den/Vis Premiums 503-1631-517.46-30 242,947.61 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT CONSULTING SERVICES 503-1631-517.46-33 85,828.35 CONSULTING SERVICES 503-1631-517.46-34 5,763.60 Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $347,228.29 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR& 4th Quarter 503-1661-517.49-50 100,212.15 INDUSTRIES DEPT OF LABOR& INDUSTRIES 4th Quarter 503-1661-517.49-50 5,794.02 Worker's Compensation Division Total: $106,006.17 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 192.95 IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 1,100.00 IN HOUSE LIABILTY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 209.35 Comp Liability Division Total: $1,502.30 Self Insurance Department Total: $454,736.76 Self-Insurance Fund Total: $454,736.76 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Retiree Premiums 602-6221-517.46-35 2,428.92 Fireman's Pension Division Total: $2,428.92 Fireman's Pension Department Total: $2,428.92 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $2,428.92 AFLAC PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-11 1,192.31 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-12 1,263.66 AFSCME LOCAL 1619 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 3.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 3.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 282.00 Page 17 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 22 City of Port Angeles °gym City Council Expenditure Report Between Jan 28, 2017 and Feb 10, 2017 Vendor Description Account Number Amount BROWN & BROWN OF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-40 1,870.20 WASHINGTON CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE Case# 14-14948 920-0000-231.56-90 794.00 EMPOWER-P/R WIRE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-20 20,614.14 FEDERAL PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 6.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 81,983.10 FICA/MEDICARE PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 102.38 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 114.78 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 76,789.08 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-30 1,749.71 GUARANTEED EDUCATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-95 122.00 TUITION IBEW LOCAL 997 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-20 (60.49) PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-20 1,457.78 ICMA-P/R WIRES PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-10 19,109.92 LEOFF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-21 26,986.89 OFFICE OF SUPPORT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-20 276.92 ENFORCEMENT PERS PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-10 1,522.37 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-11 14,275.89 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 115.76 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 129.78 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 63,742.92 POLICE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-10 421.00 UNITED WAY(PAYROLL) PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-10 547.50 WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 16.18 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 16.18 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 4,834.00 Division Total: $320,281.96 Department Total: $320,281.96 Payroll Clearing Fund Total: $320,281.96 Total for Checks Dated Between Jan 28,2017 and Feb 10,2017 $2,342,916.31 Page 18 of 18 Feb 15, 2017 8:55:55 AM 02/21/2017 E - 23 OR.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 TO: City Council FROM: NATHAN WEST,DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: 2017-2018 Lodging Tax Committee Appointments Summary: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) appointments expire at the end of February each year. In order to continue the implementation of Lodging Tax related efforts in 2017, the City needs to maintain active Committee participation. Funding: N/A. Recommendation: Appoint seven (7)representatives to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for terms ending February 28, 2018. Background/Analysis: At this time all positions need to be filled. In accordance with the Port Angeles Municipal Code, terms of the positions for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) are for one year expiring February 28th of each year. Membership is structured to have specific representatives for collectors, recipients and citizens-at-large. City staff advertised for open positions on the Committee. One collector vacancy remains, with one additional position to be appointed by the Port Angeles Forward Committee. Remaining positions have been advertised as open until filled. Maintaining an active committee is important to ensure review of measurable performance on Lodging Tax related contracts and expenditures. The Committee strives to meet at least quarterly to receive updates on current tourism related trends and activities. The Committee reviews, comments and makes recommendations to the City Council on activities and/or facilities to be funded by lodging excise tax revenues. The Committee is composed of nine members. 02/21/2017 E - 24 Staff recommends that Council approve the recommended appointments to the Committee for terms ending February 28, 2018 as indicated on Page 2 of this memorandum. Additional appointments are anticipated as applications are received. Voting Members: • One City Councilmember • Two members who are representatives of businesses required to collect lodging excise tax • Two members who are persons involved in activities to be funded by lodging tax revenue Non-voting Members: • Three citizen-at-large members who neither represent businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax nor are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by the lodging excise tax • One member who is a representative of Port Angeles Forward Committee Recommendations for filling the vacant positions are as follows: Councilmember (1) Cherie Kidd Lodging Tax Collector(2) Robert Utz—Red Lion Hotel Vacant Lodging Tax Recipient(2) Ryan Malane—Black Ball Ferry Line Vicki Heckman—Dungeness Line Citizen-at-Large (3)Non-voting Dave Shargel Brooke Nelson Holly Dempsey PA Forward Representative (3)Non-voting Vacant Funding Overview: N/A Attached: Applications for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 02/21/2017 E - 25 r f • ► JAN s 017 "AI w:n DlY APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT To BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: C Applicant Name and General Information q11,4e, - First Ml Last Home Strut Address City State Zip Home phone Work phone Cell phone wr , .4 E-mail address Da e ot Birtho e completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with fort Angeles Municipal Code 2.26,020) Certification and.Location Information (circle one) Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes o Are you a citizen of the United States? No Are you a Registered Voter? �° Yes,,,, No Are you a City resident`. Yes 23 If so,how long Do you own/manage a business in the City? 'Ves No N � � any field. � �Yes 110 ... , Do you hold any professional licenses registrations or certaficates inn ? � .�.If so,please list: I---------- 02/21/2017 E - 26 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,please explain: —--------- /Zd Work or Pro, e sional Experience-List most recent experience first,or attach a resume S" Employer (M/Y) To(M/Y) /V on 9ricfjA'descripA- Employer` Title Fro d(MJY) P To -e` Brief j description "VX" C" fmpl6ye,r Title Fr(Yrn(M/Y) To(*Yf v �Z Briefjobr&'ription Education - List most recent experience first t//- i�s No 1A;tinnionLca' tiot7 Degree earned/N4jor area of study Yes rNo 'I h Institution/Location Degree earn6d/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree eamed/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships -List major activities you have participated in during the last five years ICA Organi7aiiordLocation Group's purpose/objective #of members Brief description of your participation: 'IQ Organization/Location ft of members Brief description of your participation: 2 02/21/2017 E - 27 Questions Why are you interested in serving,on t s particular Board or Commission`? z ........... What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this?Board? What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Cormnission? ............... -------...... Please feel free to add any additional onunents you wish to make regarding your a plication. V Applidant!Sighature D e Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VENEKLASEN,CITY CLERK 360-417-4634 or jveneklaCa)cityofpa.us City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5s"Street Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. 3 02/21/2017 E - 28 QR NGELES, TA APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT T TCI! BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seems p7i:ohraut� ttt: L- lel i, l APIP ficant Name and General Information m._ first Q Ml last I I Home Soret Address l� A City State zip ?) � - Home phone Work phone Cell phone co 0 f e vy-CAM C E-mail Date of Porth (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one.) Axe you employed by the City of part les? "Yes GN Are your a citLzm of the United Staters? 'Yeas No Are you a Registered Voter leo Are you a City resident? ( No Pfso,how long � Do you own/manage a business in the City? Y�e No Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or ocrtificates in any field! "Yes If so,please list: ) 02/21/2017 E - 29 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which aright arise by your service on a City Board or Commission: if so,plefte explain: Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience Wit,or attach a resume L VP EmployerTitle rn(Mrd To Briefrjob description 1art ~~ I Tele Frain 0 Employer Brief job description Employer Title From(M/Y) To Briefjob description EdUC860rr-List most recent experience first Degree ajor area cif study G ted` en Institution/Location Degree eamedfMajor area of study Graduated?' Yes leo InstitutionfLocation Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable,Social and Civic Activities arab Memberships -list major activities you have participated in during the last five years OrganiZatiOull.ocation Group's purposelobjective ##of members Brief description of your participation: ��.1 t�' c 4� Y t� yv^ f q✓' Organization/Location Group's purpoWobjective ##of=mbers Brief description of your participation: � ,Y1"I 6eY, 2 02/21/2017 E - 30 Questions Why are YOU interested in serving on this partictr►tar Board or Ctatraraaission"a _try,- • . . ._... .. Wl. t In "(otrr'back raatarrd r expea ien e do err C�ak vrkld rrella veru in s rvi rsr aamr dais Board" 1..�- IL .rr tktY k What is wcattr tckatlerstaradhrrg oft he- -csprarriol`�t67part artrl<rr° t�oard tro (�rrrr ra7� rrr`.' Pit' c: �)1;d ;.. �"� . b r Lo4 Please feel I"ret'to add any additional cornniettts you wish to ni ake regarding,�oa tapplicatmorr. pplieamt tai aRtar- Darter.. ll Submit completed forms to- OFFICE OF TIJE CI IiA CITRK ,�t�:��trr•;Ix�w:*;asa�t,+�,�a-:^�,�"t r�r ["t,I:att 360-417-4634 or jvemiekla er;c'tlN roljaa.t.rs City'of Port f ngQles, 321 E S"' Street PO Box 1150 PortAngeles- WA 98362 In eurripl'mance with the Aincricans, with Disabilities ,'hrc:t, i1`you need q)ecial a comrmcsdartcrrns 1)eci m se of az physical limitation. please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.E 500 sma appropriate arrangements can be made. 02/21/2017 E - 31 Y.mf a .a • PRT NGLE WASHINGTON, U, S, A. 2017 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT To BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: T /4 C Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last 4` d' AotlorC Home Street Address City State Zip Home Flrone Work phone Cell phone V( adetern C2 ArJ4 ,nad. E-mail address Date of Birth (to he completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one) Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes Are you a citizen of the U ni ted States? No Are you a Registered Voter? >efNo Are you a City resident'? yes If so,how total; Do you own/ananal e a business in the City? No Do you IvId any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? iia If so,please list: l 02/21/2017 E - 32 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,please explain: -U Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first,or attach a resume elz- Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) e- Brief job description JV R-- I Employer Title From(M/Y) TO(M/Y) Brief job description Employer Title From(M[Y) To(M/Y) Brief job description Education - List most recent experience first N -0- t Q-Ygc,) No Institution/Location Degree camed/Major area of study Graduated? Y(za—NA— Institution/Location Degree earned/Majorarea of study Graduated'? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships - List major actiN,itiesvou have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective 4 of members Brief description of your participation: Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members Brief description of your participation: 2 02/21/2017 E - 33 Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? What in your background or experience do you think ould help you in serving on this Board`? --t ire o-tg:o What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Commission'? Please feel free to add ariv additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. Z- Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF` HE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VFNFKI,ASFN,CITY CI,P,RK, 3)604 1.74634 or*venekla��icityofpa.Lis City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5"' Street Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical Innitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be aiade. 3 02/21/2017 E - 34 PORTANGELES � ' JAN 201Y / WASH I N GTO N, U. S. A. 011Y 01- 1`U13f-ANG E �-S C;T`✓ CL RK APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: 6 FTC- co Applicant Name and General Information r First MI Last Home Street Address City State Zip Lj Home phone Work phone Cell phone a U 1 d (-t) E-mail address Date of Birt (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one) Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes -� Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes� No Are you a Registered Voter? (Yes No Are you a City resident? Yes, No If so,how long �` �.�.� € G,t y- Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes N Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? Yes O) If so,please list: 1 02/21/2017 E - 35 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,please explain: Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first,or attach a resume LP ^ t C. i YJ'C( Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) 1A o (- � � (�(/e j v ry i/VT I/V Brief job descriptio Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) Brief job description Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) Brief job description Education- List most recent experience first Yes No Institution/Locaation Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated? l/ 1"' �_ / } ( r✓i� t d s Yes 0 Inssstitution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated? 7-6 ��` Yes No) Institution/Location Degree ear'ned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships - List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members n Brief description of your participation: C-.. �� g f"t�✓� t i z , P f Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members 17/(41 T� Brief description of your participation: l O /l_../ r�./ a�✓�r���1�/t >G'y�d f �C'✓?!'c // ��v �_. *<�'o � 1 "j C./�'ACf) 6(i1 02/21/2017 V E -/36 Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? Y, 0 cA '51 '2- QV is' rl TI-i V- 1 tot, (�lr 6 141-1-,M)W" y 7k, J C t-- C% 41- 0A ro o What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board? tA f v : c, 7 1,n\ n f n I c lvr!� Ott L 1cs j 4116 i V( What is your understanding of the responsibilities o this particular Board or Commission? r CAC,),q L)(,-,. o (j c ::4-o /p,ir o ,--n O:tc r-rA,. G9 c c V Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. ff y Ll Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VENEKLASEN,CITY CLERK 360-417-4634 orjvenekla@cityofpa.us City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5" Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. 3 02/21/2017 E - 37 DocuSlgn Envelope ID:97C8B3AD-99CA;-4A5 -, 436-3C9383B6A514 �i M b�ACrF=1 � J FEB 1 5 2M7 ` 'T PORTANIGELES t i1 war As H o N G TO N, U. S. A. �kIT..���.i'T `. I FRK"J aE �.: w APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT To BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE Beard,Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:. Lodging Tax Advisory Applicant lame and General Information Brooke E Nelsen First M t Last Home Strut Address 234 Hancock Ave City Port Angeles State WA Gip 98362 Home phone Work phone 360-452-3333 Cell phone brook enelsonLdolypen.com E-mail address Date of Birth (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safe",Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one) Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes No X Are you a citizen of the United States`' X Yes No Are you a Registered Voter? XYes No Are you a City resident? X Yes No If so,how long Since 2005 Do you on/manage a business in the City? X Yes No Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? X Yes No If so,please list:p Licensed Real Estate professional 1. 02/21/2017 E - 38 DocuSign Envelope ID:97C863AD-99CA-4A52-A436-3C9383B6A514 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,please explain: No ................ ....................... Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first,or attach a resume Self Realtor 12/2005-Current Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) Brief job description Employer Title From(M[Y) To(M/'Y) Brief job description Employer 'Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) .................. Brief job description Education -List most recent experience first Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated? --Yes---,,No-. Institution/Location Degree eame&Major area of study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study m mm Graduated? Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships-List major activities you have participated in during the last five years YMCA Board Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members Brief description of your participation: .......... Regional Chamber of Commerce Board Member .................. Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members Brief description of your participation: ........... .......... 02/21/2017 E - 39 DocuSign Envelope ID.97C8B3AD-99CA-4452-A436-3C9383B6A514 Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? Serving on the Port Angeles City Council from 2010-2014 has equipped me a foundation of ............ experience that I believe has prepared me well to serve on this advisory committee. ........... What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board? Being self ernployed,and understanding the economic drivers for our community. ......... .......... ................ ...... .............--- ........... What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Cortunission? Lodging tax dollars have a specific criteria for spending and reinvestiment into our community. The advisory board liars are being spentoi-yKhcx ev should he snenL10-=xi.MjzC.thg return of investiment, .......................... , ............ ............. Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. ......................... ................ t h4 ............... ............. —----- ......... DocuSigned by: 2/13/2017 ........... ipture Date Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VENEKLASEN,CITY CLERK 360417-4634 or jvenekla@zcityofpa.us City of Port Angeles 321 E 5"'Street Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. 3 02/21/2017 E 40 l l ,u v YY''jj W y' FS I PQRAI 9GELE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT Tl ENT TO BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE n y seem appointment: Board, �° ,omrton or Committee to which on are Applicant Name and. General Information First SII Last I forne Street Address �M ku City State Zip Monne phone Work phone c Ww _ ..._�..w E-mail adclre ss Efate of March. (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal r.. history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one) ,re you employed by the,City of port Angeles`? Yes 0' .arc:,you a citizen of the United States? y es No Are you a registered Voter? ryyci No Are you a City resident? Y No If so,how Do you own/manage a business in the City'! Yes o„�„ Iyo you hold any professional licenses„registrations or certificates in any field`:? Yes If so,please list: ..W ..... 1 02/21/2017 E - 41 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your set-vice on a City,Board or Commission? If so,please explain: Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a restime er 'Title Front(M/Y) To(M/Y) Briefjo Eniplo imiy) �,Ucr [l�iiejob d4—�i�tlion Employer Title From(M/Y) 'To(M/"`w") Brief job description Education- List most recent experience first jl Institution/Location e ee earnned l faor area of study Graduated? Intstitution-11.,o—c.it-i-o-n�—' TDe gree ea edJl lafcar an ca�f stud Oraduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earnedJMajor area of study ---4.`71,raTuated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships-List major activities you have participated in, during the last five years t Ct i Occ, V111-pose/o J cc Ifiv c #of'I ernt rgarlizatio, /Locatio Group S p N h, �t M fsi Brief description of your participation:,,, /A V IAOiAJ14,PAIIP Y. AN- � anlZation I ation Group's purpoft ve 4, f members r,g �O '.1 Brief description of' Poor participation 4 'i AU ALI w. f 2 02/21/2017 E 42 Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular board or Commission? kL.. What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving can this Board"? What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Commission'? f le s�ee1 .re( d it na comments you wish o ma e re�kard =your application. P pplicant7-7 ignat l.7 ate Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VENEKLASEN,CITY CLERK 360-4174634 or.pvencklai r cityo laa.us City of Poet Angeles 321 E. 51h Street Port Angeles, CdA 98362. In compliance with the.Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. 3 02/21/2017 E - 43 0R.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 TO: City Council FROM: DAN MCKEEN,CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 2017-2018 United Way Contract for Health & Human Services Funding Summary: Health and Human Services funding administered through the United Way of Clallam County is budgeted at $23,175 in 2017 and $11,587 in 2018. Agency allocations through United Way are unchanged from 2016, however the amount allocated to each agency has been prorated to reflect the overall decrease in funding. Funding: Health& Human Services funding comes from the General Fund and was approved as part of the 2017 budget. Funding for the 2018 allocations will be included in the 2018 budget. Recommendation: Approve the 2017 and 2018 Health and Human Service funding allocations as presented, and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with United Way of Clallam County for 2017 and 2018. Background/Analysis: Health and Human Services funding administered through the United Way of Clallam County is budgeted at$23,175 in 2017 and $11,587 in 2018. Based on Council's Priority Setting process, City funding to United Way is projected to be eliminated by 2019 using a phased-out approach that began in 2016. Agency allocations through United Way are unchanged from 2016, however the amount allocated to each agency has been prorated to reflect the overall decrease in funding. The United Way of Clallam County has provided Exhibit A which outlines proposed allocations to agencies in 2017 and 2018. Funding Overview: Health & Human Services funding comes from the General Fund and was approved as part of the 2017 budget. Funding for the 2018 allocations will be included as part of the 2018 budget. 02/21/2017 E - 44 CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is entered into as of the date of the last signature affixed below between the City of Port Angeles, Washington,hereinafter referred to as "City,"and United Way of Clallarn County, Washington, hereinafter referred to as "United Way." In consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be, made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: I. As a code city operating under Title 35A RCW, the City has the legal authority, as set forth in RCW 35A.1.1.020, to exercise broad powers in the rendering of local social, recreational, and educational services, hereinafter referred to as "human services."' 2. It is in the public interest for City funds to be expended for human services. 3. United Way is willing and able to administer such human services on the City's behalf. 4. Scope of Services. United Way shall provide the following services: A. Analyze proposals received and develop recommendations for allocation of the City's annual human services budget appropriation; B. Ensure the distribution of funds as set forth in the attached Exhibit A in accordance with City policy, legal guides, and sound fiscal policy. If a recipient is unable to use or accept funds as set forth in attached Exhibit A, United Way in its discretion shall distribute the funds to other recipients listed in Exhibit A; C. Redistribute, in its discretion, any unused or returned funds from 2015-2016 to recipients listed in Exhibit A; D. Maintain separate accounting and auditable fiscal records for City funds; E. Provide a year-end report to City regarding provision of services; and 02/21/2017 E - 45 F. Monitor use of funds to assure that terms are carried out and desired outcomes achieved. 5. Duration of Contract. This two-year Agreement shall be in effect for all services performed by United Way that arise from or relate to the City's 2017 and 2018 budget and is dependent upon the City's budget. 6. Comnensation and Method of Payment. A. The City shall compensate United Way for the services rendered as specified in Section I of this Contract at the rate of two percent of the funds distributed. B. The funds shall be transferred from the City to United Way on a bi- annual basis and shall be distributed by United Way to the recipient programs on a bi- annual basis. Any accrued interest shall be retained by United Way for subsequent distribution to City-funded human services. 7. Recordkeeping and Reporting. United Way will provide quarterly financial reports reflecting activities funded with City appropriations and semi-annual reports showing the success in meeting established objectives. Each quarterly report will be due within sixty (60) days of the end of the quarter. Each semi-annual report will he due with the 2nd and 4th quarter reports. 8. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. United Way shall protect, defend, indemnify and save the City harmless from and against any and all claims,damages,losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services, materials or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. 9. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract,the non-breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until it has given written notice of such material breach to the 2 02/21/2017 E - 46 breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof,and if at the end of such time,the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. C. The rights stated above are in addition to and not in lieu of all other rights and remedies which State law offers for breach or default. 10. Non-Discrimination. United Way shall perform its obligations under this Contract in a manner which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons,without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. United Way shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions,from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. United Way shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 11. Independent Contractor. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. United Way is not an agent of the City. United Way, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct performance of the details of the services to be provided. If money for human services is distributed under 3 02/21/2017 E - 47 this Agreement to another agency, that other agency shall be all independent contractor and not an of of tile City. 12. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES UNITED WAY By: By: Patrick Downie, Mayor Title: Date: Date: ATTEST: ATTEST: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk Title: APPROVED AS TO FOR-M: Williarn E. Bloor, City Attorney 4 02/21/2017 E - 48 W E m - (p a L N@ f0 @ C N c w L Gp E o a w@ o 0 oc c dE ,d oEN @ a > a L 3a fEdE= WO a s 8 c wop m.no a-mo@ oOR m°Qdoo > EoN o c d a y E m'= N y c`2 a Z c @ cc oo Y y N m'a an d 2 o Z cm.Jo`v'7 o y E U @ @ >a -J a a0 > N 0 > a�.� m lri E w L o.�MO o@ E m y @ C L ° J N j m o 2 E U @ m U a E m U E _ O U@ E N J@ a c O♦V7.r C@-.@O d `U°l m- p@ Eo a VNEU U o- �aN.@ Y > G N LL@ >Nc@@_VNE c J>@.Y O EC @c@O@ Y N OaEC O aocoNNCm �@ p aToE Eo m a > ° N N p@ET -O2O O E@N@ ow y U a 3 y O U d N @ a J j.@. an d O Q O aw E w m L V7-G G c �.=a J a 0E L U U Y T C °Y @ IN�- N N U w > .. @- J L-� U @ O °.- N G.- .O N N fN/l y m m m N US m N @ N O G N N'� N J @ m ° m m o o @ G N a N N a L N Z N `m @ N J > ws C N"C G O � L oa-o@ ° a'� ?`a d ° @a J . Emc c�Eoo moc ° m- v �'o m aci m w o E E'� E a@i aZi o aai o o m a d n a m e `m c m m N Y.2-o cn a a E u- c a.;°2.n m@ E u)a LL G p U@ 65> m U m Y a o C N d N N O T N@ E @ E o .a m o O _E'c_To _ .°o yd' E owL° m acid@O' T E oQm `mLn mad Y�ooE oQo `om a U �m G C=E O @ N a U Y O N c@@- N E Gf/1 N E _a GO @@ E O 21 p@ "T' @ N J U p@ C U O.0 N T N@ L C 82 E@ U Nd a J m° d@ aG N N\ E pa �Y o� dE —a.�a@"- c @ o m E y N ° Q E o a o a�o y c ° E a y m.m v LL m a U N > Q. N>. U N m C E m J @ O- G -p U N a G ° m C a C@ c E C J a L J >.G p G o f b � aNi o m > a@i w N y 0 p d o a a-@o E ° m m @ E E 'a,2 0 o'o c m N E co O a O O N N Y @ T@ O N L G@ O N y N L N G U N O OI w m Q N V~ @ o N@ T@ O N o N E'@C > C N a o a N N o N@ w ^N C Y J 'o m o.v7 a O m p m"� N m a@i aai c o d m o a N >> E m E a m a c y m y Lo. o.�_ c@ o-Lo �- > y- @ m@ m w N m _ N N O N N 'O @ >' Y O O@ N O a 0@@ N @ U o m G N E N y-O.0 @ N N G J y a w0-0 E.0 @ cG N N N U@ a N m aLi E a> m o p o ai� m V a o.o a c .Z o° U N °C o c ao y d� y w o a 6 m c a p m a u N�o N Q m m a .3 N i,m a a� @ Y m a a�v+� p o a N N E N m E o C G C) O -G @ O L. p U N J y = N UI w6 a O E-G @ > -G N-O N O@ f0(n J@ ° O J U'.% O`� "C c a O J J J J N u- a: $ u- 3.S S LL�° � > o a @ @ LL U E 0 > N @ A O a` E 0 c a m rn rn N v °o °o 0 O a` mm o o m E N ID N c �, m E @ O Od C Y N d i a 7 (� GO > 2 L N C U N C O T y a"- o C > @@ N V ° O N O C E @ C M N U L N D T U o 2 O N O E V NID U D A > O C O. _ N a cn a_ r N c ° n ° ° N o y o.o N o ° U ° N�`oc to ° °r o as moa p c c °EE N U `mN <° T co. L E m N y m m LL o 76 m.QE o ) o 3 y o s o ° y -o E ry N"y O _ ° Q E o E Q N c c m a o o — r E Q O U' "N o N m LL c N 'O D C -° N > .E U V d E d 4. O Q d C m@NQ am OOCN °' s° M ma. L LL o C JLLy@.G o m m E N N a c E2 ID c N U m m�a :N N O m ° -o° m E v r o. y w-oo v m rn o ¢ o a Q ¢a a s ° —° o m d a @ ° ° @ y ¢ m a�Q-d0d iia ..0 ii ii E U U o o-o M a=a-' O N W m aci Y a N @ N Z @ N N @ ca`� N c a a o T.-m@ a� E 0 a m @ C o N y.� y N C N cO U x a a) E U @ G E a) N~ @ LL 0 N O N c J . -G UI @ CO U@@ o- @ > O > E `O @ - E >- L6 cc c. y U o E.n '> °�._ `o O N g_ N'C N a @ N 1= N N N N N N N a O y N m N @ -0@ O_ OJ @@`r mO) T_ 6ON cGNG N aN@@O OaL a.N a a= N oU o E 6 w yN w Niii cN. 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(o W m N W N =U 6 U N N @ m E yO c j6 2 mai >' m o i6 .o Eti a U C O O N >�.� N O O a1 O C E N a N U N N X O O a) u Q N 3 E o 0 o O o Cy yj O G� 0 0 `o C U U@ N C O a a d aai U a r U 4 - U N O N T c N O L > E @@ j O G N G._ z . N N N L a U aUi M2 E m ani y Q m a G m 0N> N m N L �aa a aNmO a uLd o m o S'0 3 LoU mo.n'.o .N d ac N U o o m U c U) C7 o u a v7 o m E L U > _ 0.n o. N � O oa G c6 L- N a N Z o E E o " o� c N N r y m w `o N a - � �6 ` a L L y •-a � oE a d o c O � _ Q W . 62 w Y o 0 70 O X Y X c6 G m t0 0 0 N G m N >i m 0 610 T N (� G_ N Q E— o N d U N a lA co O E.n a N y o m m E a a a u w N E N Y- G m'NO N d O � N 5 N a E a N O G a.O N c a U G O U O f6 a N N >.N a L d C f0 N N LIXJ- .Y a o c6 m 3 o os CD w N N N c6 ` O U. CI U f6.(6 N 'L" U N j N m G a 11 76 N a C N N t0 U N G N a °o U NEui ° � aGNN� z� No E a L o N ro>L m E o .� m a m 3 v a.5 Z a N E m N 3 N a U � O N O > N y n O O O ai al^ N n N N n W O � r IL` 0 0 0 N c O N� N a` u � m i m o L w C o O m m O IL E v c N d N `-'r a (V >> m m O > N L a) .-N NE w � ID� N m`6 U U 'U � O o _2a` o y me c o N m N o c o 3 o c a N -O N O O C m C 0. a E U C N N Y U > U C 'O ID at Q w 2 N m a N N 2 a ED U a O > c N �6 E N N N >� O O, t0 N N C U >'Q C O ID R a w O Of S O N O a)'00'00 O� N02 a) `O C O _[ Q N U) 0-03 > In a C > >LL =Z a� N 0R.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 TO: City Council FROM: DAN MCKEEN,CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Clallam County Board of Health Appointment Summary: Clallam County has requested the appointment of a representative from the incorporated cities of Clallam County to serve on the Board of Health. Funding: N/A. Recommendation: Send a letter of support to the Clallam County Commissioners confirming Port Angeles' endorsement of Pam Leonard-Ray, Sequim City Councilmember, as the cities' representative. Back2round/Analysis: In 2004 the Board of Health adopted an ordinance creating an expanded Clallam County Board of Health. The Board consists of the Clallam County Board of Commissioners (3), a representative of the incorporated cities (1), a representative of a hospital district(1), and 2 at-large positions (2) for a total of 7 members. The incorporated cities of Clallam County, are asked to reach consensus on a recommendation for appointment. Port Angeles, Forks and Sequim alternate appointing a representative to the BOH every three years. Sequim is next in line to appoint a representative for the 3-year term. Sequim Councilmember Pam Leonard-Ray has agreed to serve in this capacity. On January 23, 2017, the Forks City Council endorsed the appointment of Councilmember Ray to serve as the Cities' Representative. To complete the appointment, Port Angeles should also send a letter of endorsement to the Clallam County Board of Commissioners. Funding Overview: N/A. 02/21/2017 E - 52 "MORT ,", NGELES A, ............... � ' -- WASH I N GTO N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 To: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON,P.E.,PUBLIC WORKS&UTILITIES DIRECTOR BRIAN SMITH, POLICE CHIEF SUBJECT: Authorization to Purchase Police Vehicle Summary: The Police Department and the Public Works & Utilities Department are proposing the replacement of a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor with a 2017 Dodge Charger police sedan. Funding: This purchase was identified in the 2017 budget and funding is available within the Police Department Equipment Fund. This vehicle replacement is also included in the 2017 Capital Facilities Plan. The approximate cost of a new 2017 Dodge Charger police sedan (on WA State contract) and fully equipped is $48,000. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign contracts for the purchase and outfitting of the vehicle. Back2round/Analysis: This is the second and final 2017 Police Department replacement vehicle purchase for 2017. This new vehicle will replace a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor with approximately 92,000 miles. Funding Overview: The Police Department Equipment fund has adequate funding for the purchase of a new vehicle. 02/21/2017 E - 53 � '- WASH INGTO N, U. S. A, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: FEBRUARY 21,2017 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A.WEST,DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: COUNTY WIDE PLANNING POLICY RESOLUTION Summary: The City of Port Angeles will be participating with Clallam County, City of Forks and City of Sequim in a process and framework for updating the County-Wide Planning Policy adopted under RCW 36.70.A.210. Funding: NA Recommendation: 1.)Pass resolution; 2.) Appoint a Council representative to the Growth Management Steering Committee. 3.) Appoint staff representatives Nathan West, Director of Community and Economic Development and alternate Allyson Brekke, Planning Manager to the Growth Management Steering Committee. Background/Analysis: The Washington State Growth Management Act(GMA) of 1990 requires that a county that plans under RCW 36.70A.040 shall adopt a countywide planning policy in cooperation with the cities located within the county. These policies were last adopted in 1992. At that time, a Growth Management Steering Committee was appointed to review and draft the policies. On February 7h Clallam County Commissioners passed a resolution re-establishing the Growth Management Steering Committee and setting a 60 day goal for the update to the draft County Wide Planning Policies. The Cities of Forks and Sequim plan to do similar resolutions. The policies are important to ensure regional collaboration among comprehensive plans and anticipated growth within Clallam County. The Committee's role will be to review the policies in accordance with the Growth Management Act as well as affirm that the policies are still in the best interest of the each jurisdiction involved. 02/21/2017 E - 54 Following discussion, staff recommends that Council pass the attached resolution, appoint a City Council representative to the Growth Management Steering Committee and appoint Nathan West as the staff representative with Allyson Brekke as the staff alternate. Attachment: County Wide Planning Policy Resolution 02/21/2017 E - 55 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving of a process and framework for updating the County-Wide Planning Policy adopted under RCW 36.70.A.210. WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) of 1990 required that a county that plans under RCW 36.70A.040 shall adopt a countywide planning policy in cooperation with the cities located within the county; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is required to plan under the GMA; and WHEREAS, a "county-wide planning policy" is a written policy statement or statements used solely for establishing a countywide framework from which county and city comprehensive plans are developed and adopted under the GMA; and, WHEREAS, the GMA requires counties and cities to collaboratively develop county-wide planning policies to govern the development of comprehensive plans, to ensure consistency between the comprehensive plans of counties and cities sharing a common border or related regional issues, and to facilitate the transformation of local governance in the urban growth area, through annexation to or incorporation of a city; and WHEREAS, County-wide planning policies must comply with the requirements of the GMA shall at a minimum, address the following: a. Designation of urban growth areas; b. Selection and allocation of population between cities and counties as part of the review of an urban growth area; C. Procedures governing amendments to urban growth areas, including the review required by RCW 36.70A.130(3); d. Consultation between cities and counties regarding urban growth areas; and e. If desired, policies governing the establishment of urban service boundaries or potential annexation areas. f Policies for promotion of contiguous and orderly development and provision of urban services to such development; g. Policies for siting public capital facilities of a county-wide or statewide nature, including transportation facilities of statewide significance as defined in RCW 47.06.140; h. Policies for county-wide transportation facilities and strategies; 02/21/2017 E - 56 i. Policies that consider the need for affordable housing, such as housing for all economic segments of the population and parameters for its distribution; j. Policies for joint county and city planning within urban growth areas; k. Policies for county-wide economic development and employment, which must include consideration of future development of commercial and industrial facilities; and 1. An analysis of the fiscal impact. WHEREAS, in 1991, the County and the cities of Sequim, Port Angeles, and Forks reached agreement on a process and framework for adoption of a county-wide planning policy (CWPP). WHEREAS, In September 2014, the City of Sequim submitted a request to the County Commissioners to reconvene a regional collaborative process among the county and city governments to update the CWPP. WHEREAS, In February 2016, county and city community development directors and planning managers met again to develop a general strategy and schedule for updating the CWPP. Their recommendation was to reconvene a Growth Management Steering Committee to review and recommend proposed updates to the CWPP based on a similar collaborative review and approval process used for the adoption of the CWPP. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Angeles City Council that the regional collaborative planning process to update the CWPP will utilize a similar process and framework as was agreed upon between the county and cities to develop and adopt the 1992 CWPP as follows: Clallam County will reconvene a Growth Management Steering Committee (GMSC)with the cities of Sequim, Port Angeles, and Forks subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The county and each city shall appoint two representatives to serve on the GMSC. Each jurisdiction may also appoint alternates that can participate in a GMSC meeting in the absence of the regular appointee(s). 2. Any proposed CWPP updates must be consistent with the GMA and address required policies and subject areas under RCW 36.70A.210(3) and WAC 365-196-305(4)(a-h). The GMSC may also identify and recommend other issues of county-wide or regional significance to address as part of updates to the CWPP and/or to inform continued or future intergovernmental coordination needs depending on the issues identified. 02/21/2017 E - 57 3. All meetings shall comply with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW. 4. GMSC decisions are advisory and shall be based upon consensus. 5. The GMSC may request information from the county or the cities to assist in their review and update of the CWPP including, but not limited to, land use; growth trends and accommodations in cities, UGAs, region or county; population projections; CWPP implementation; or other relevant information. The county and cities shall strive to provide information requested as time and resources allow. 6. The GMSC shall consider requested changes or areas identified for review and update. 7. The GMSC shall invite and consider comments from special purpose districts, transit districts,port districts, federal agencies, state agencies, and tribes. 8. The GMSC shall submit proposed CWPP updates and related findings for acceptance or rejection to the county and city legislative bodies. The GMSC may submit planning policies for acceptance or ratification all at once or in sets of one or more. 9. Upon the receipt of all of the determinations of acceptance or rejection, the GMSC shall than make any necessary revision to the CWPP's to best accommodate the concerns raised in the determinations. 10. After all revisions have been made, the GMSC shall submit the planning policies to the legislative bodies represented in the GMSC for ratification. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of February, 2017. Patrick Downie, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney 02/21/2017 E - 58 0R.Tr NGELES =- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 TO: City Council FROM: CITY MANAGER,DAN MCKEEN SUBJECT: Alternatives for US 101 Elwha River Bridge Replacement Summary: On February 7, 2017, Council agreed by consensus to consider sending a letter of support for Option 7 of WSDOT's Design Alternatives for replacing the US 101 Elwha River Bridge. A draft letter is attached for Council consideration. Funding: N/A. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the attached letter. Background/Analysis: During the Council's regular meeting on February 7, Council agreed by consensus to discuss sending a letter to the Washington State Department of Transportation outlining the Council's support for one of the options listed in WSDOT's "Design Alternatives - US 101 Elwha River Bridge"released in December 2016. Based on Council discussion, staff drafted a letter supporting Option 7 of the design alternatives. The letter is very similar to that sent by the Clallam County Commissioners in December. In addition to the County Commissioners, the Forks City Council, the Port of Port Angeles, and the Jefferson County Commissioners have also endorsed Option 7 as the preferred alternative for replacement. It was reported in the February 13th edition of the Peninsula Daily News that funding for the bridge replacement west of Port Angeles had been included in the State Department of Transportation's proposed biennial budget. WSDOT will be in Port Angeles on February 28 to host a public open house in the City Council Chambers from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The public is invited to hear about the status of the bridge and WSDOT's plans moving forward. The open house will begin with a presentation, followed by a question/answer session. Attachments: • WSDOT's "Design Alternatives -US 101 Elwha River Bridge" • Draft letter to WSDOT 02/21/2017 E - 59 10 N C o N N � vLn >� v - 0 - w c o N O X N m w N•1 U w N v VI N v E pp o .N N bA o° v o= > pOoo > oo oC: > s' v ° u -° E - N @ V v u c o c• opo v o - _ o v v v-o o c aci o-o v .`� u u o ;o u Q•i N N > N O '> w O v ao N v c N N N N bA O_E .'�-+ v O N_O O Ln T v S U v v v C: v c i > C O,U)•� U C•D CT > >_ O=-p v N N m V) v ° T c c °° vto �' in @ O.O '-' N N o2 ° 6N N O E - -6 O S -O Q O v ° W ccu cSu ccu -° O N G °�- N-° N G a c - - S w °N c v ° 3 N O o_ O ° E c N= 4 Z5 w � pH CL ��� wwts3QZ � �w u E".q o E m u 0 - E- � � v o bA N N c P N uV O N W N N N _6 c ¢ v LM @ v O@ v m v b a o v V N N T O V6 N V�O ?m?•�'_-E > m N O- O ) } t7. v.'L O N X V c N w - �_ bA V c N O O = @ •X N C: In Vce N N N N N - '''' @ _6 O N °_ @ N N c@ @ N W o" O. y� � I•E O c-O = >, > 'm p O 0.9 N W ° p ZV) 0' Z O N o u p ° ; °O Ljj -0 Cc: a; s N a c > '- ou= c � ao � E 6 oT Ln SO 11 o o s a@i °-p 0 o N esr -p• o v a . v w v o N c @m ° o o� m N O O Z o N Q-o O�°. z-. c - °-° N -O m mV @ N CL N m T -° I- T S N 0.0 o y p E v c v c a v o N i G o 0 fl.,E T T Q N ;9 0 m m N OrVo c ^ o ° s > o °� E c 3 E 0 0 s v O o ° O-a u -O v m on v W O m = T _ d OU M -, ° C-° bA V � '� .'�-+ ,s, ° E Q) p T O v= o u ° n °w S m o o s w T ° O O 0 p N ZN m juo u OO u ° o O cTLn NN N.� L E $flo Q°c o o n v .g D oJ_ Om ons -O a Z N 3 E DcVhi )v c _ Mo Ln L _ a(o°=v0 va v o �� 0 0 0 0 6 s Z c 3 o v a m. o c r = �s o n amu° � m v �� v nwu° @�s� � a" V)U° �s Im /i V q LM 1 ✓ /iiiiiii��///// „/ V'1 m V„ E E o f rro% C4 0Vq //%i` f v�j ° Lu ����� y ° 1/iiir /ilii J � �//////�%///��� •� ° �' / i�� �� o ° ° o 3 o � �x .-i r o x�a M I wM Cl N //Vq v rf iI =� LLJ LU {JJ - v (7 o v u > °,O �. a U m 0 Q O G q@ � S v avo �,� -p c-p E �� = v o > v , s c 0 c W p0 o v u O m c m m c p O on a LT Ou W S v c v o c a a Co a 6 -u N E ° o, c c ° E s o c v o v o u c v u v - E a v a v v C ',N' ) N w N�ol 0.0= Q) v Ln E o. 6 T v 2 v o m v O O 0 o u, v v = � v OD v v c E E o v5 T �-omcD u o 0 v ; u s o m? p_ c oy m o p s v c•u 3 E p ° ° y N v ? p'� 3 oo ac E oc >o v v . s c c c Eo u - on 6 — u c W LL'7 o J W u-6 °U Z d' R' U C °u II N E N bA N O v -ci-+ \ > N N N v S N U c U O c U O� N N N O U '> O O U_s T U c E N E N N NN w v a c U S Q c v Q c v a). m m v O o � v i � O "_� O cz •� s- Q v •� u bA'i — u v p_'� u v N N G•v N N U aZ N ami ° m m S v a v °1 E v Ln a v v Ln U,u a E ° w•m ° ° E E p ° r E o' v c o v e c c o v v E v N mN -o p > > N -O O N-p > N m W O N-p > N T > o m °� ti c c° �•o o�� ao -o o o m� 0 a c N a_s O N fl. O.= c c._ •'n O. Q= c T c O c v c O O V v c � > v �w3v " o° w3.�'R o .2pw3 S,c N N N-o > N•� •c > ob N �° c� >-6 O N -6-p f6 -6.0 c °'i.N +�+ -p N bA-p c O'�!II'� -o c °' N .N E c v u.E a v v s E c E v n v c 45�'E c E ac o v•E E v E o v•E = E o v .� W J J f�6 .ti+ Z J c4 W.I .ti+Z W J +,Z m "cti+ c m v C o •E v O. C O -o N p v i v O p_ c O X'� ~ O O. I—I— u v o c O mo v E O ovo oD ° o c o E v _6 M 1 '2 m ? 0.0-6 i9oD c4 oA ° m I— c V v -O c >.c U C m O p c .c N o -° m N •� f6.=m v s oo E u v v-p 0 N = N om,(4 E N ++ v a c c oA Q O T 'S' cLo p. m bA m-6 �_E m N v N Y w m ao N o E c� y ° o s•o N E y v._ oAo ° c o. N ° v on.c v v 3 > X v v c ° m v s v p o c N Ln c L w� v° c u.5 3 v v o p 'x c o v n c v p on= c T on m E.� T v v o o E > s3 N v a. v T ° m 3, •; = M p f6 v S v N O -6 C"c oA� S v N p -p_6 m cV c W tmi M O v-p O s m~ O.6ci vO N .,_,-p •-,W -a O m o- �o N .'"O NLn O c 9 �Ln > O s 9 v on 3 v E v v v E a s o v c Gy p v75 u +-� ;`c `^ ON '^ ) E v N v, c-p o; O m s o s s o f c axi u ¢ v)U U) v)u = msQ o a nU �w o °u a v)U N Z ZW W Z 0 W J J I m. W J l9 XLLI rr % /r LU 0 1 Q 0 / o LL oC a OC N Q GD 00 GD c� 0 F- LU Z ° Z Z CITY OF P A, NGELES 11' 017 9r Troy Cowan,Regional Maintenance Enginea.. Vials. l�uuulia [ding ham:baker,C.,ormnumcations Tanager Washington State Department of Transportation., Regional Maintenance Office 5720 Capital Boulevard Tul"n"IM1"ate'C, WA 98504 /i N" R : Design Alternatives for 101 Elwha River Bridge , W, / al✓ ////i/4////i�! [ ear fir. Cowan and Ms. Bingham Baer, This letter is to offer the Port Angeles' City Council's recommendation concerning the replacement of the Elwha Bridge on Highway 101 west,of Port 'Angeles. We understand that finding fbr the bridge replacement his beenincluded in the estate Department cafTranspaortatinnproposed biennial budget. I/i�ri�a„ /rrai/o rrr ri� i We most strongly recommend option 7 listed in V D )T's "Design Alternatives -US 101 Elwha River my frudpe released.in December 2016, From a purely vehicular traffic perspective: any option Haat classes the existing bridge(for in-place replacement)and detours traffic on State Highway 112 for access to the western half of Clallam County is 1 unacceptable, llihr�ay 11.E is in exceptionally poor ccaaaalitioaa frtunu milepost 35 to 37 due to unstable ground. About a quaver mile ofroadway near nailerA-)st 36 is gravel because the ground is so unstable it will not support pavingRequiring detouring traffic to use the.1ra ue-Piediriont Access Road and l"Aust Beach Road to return to Highway 101 is also unacceptable because of the poor condition of these ro# s, It would r he rolufhi�ticl expensive to wide-a the road to accuammo at,e the expected comm cial traffic that presently uses Highway ay 101, The only acceptable solution is one that keeps the ,resent hridge:operational and builds Hese replacement bridge either neat to it or at a location nearby. A location slightly to the south is preferable as it will initagate the existing steep approach and 90 degree bend In the current bridge. o'd of our County as 11alaway 10 1 as the most important roadway in "1allaan C.,ounty. The economic livelilacu dependent upon this lifeline.The existing bridge is over 90 years old_well past its useful lifetime, From a ligl ublac safety, econoanuic well-being,and pau�litical st;andp�oint,we strongly urge the replacement of the Elwha giver fridge while keeping the existing bridge operational until completion. Sincerely, n• in el'y Patrlek,Downie i �� ,// Mayor, on beh .f of the Port�Angeles `i�t Council phone; 360-417-4500 f Fax, 360-417-4509 TTY1 360-417-4645e'halta° www.rotyotpa.us rErnalL c0a.ff1Cu6@dtyotpa.us 0 v, E - 62 � ���/l���pt't�� Street r °oo-�pw�� Ao,.n, V98362-0217 �„ � �� P RT ,, NGELES A r WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 To: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON,P.E.,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS&UTILITIES COREY DELIKAT,PARKS&RECREATION DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Downtown Sidewalk & Tree Well Repairs, Project TR01-16-Final Acceptance Summary: Interwest, Inc., has completed the downtown sidewalk and tree well repairs, Project TR01-16. The final invoice has been received and processed in the total amount of$118,996.55. The work was inspected by City staff and no items were identified for correction. Funding: Real-Estate Excise Tax (REET 11) - $118,996.55. Recommendation: Accept the Downtown Sidewalk and Tree Well Repairs, Project No. TR01-16, and authorize staff to proceed with the project close out and the release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required clearances. Back2round/Analysis: Interwest, Inc., has completed the downtown sidewalk and tree well repairs at the following locations: • North and South sides of First Street between Cherry and Lincoln Streets • West side of Lincoln Street between First Street and Railroad Avenue • City Pier(by U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Winona bell) Funding Overview: Real Estate Excise Tax (REET II)- $118,996.55 Original Contract Change Orders Final Cost Amount $119,490.00 1 $118,996.55 There was one change order during the project to add three additional trees, but because there was cost savings within other areas of the contract, the cost still came in under the original contract amount. 02/21/2017 E - 63 O NGELES WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A.CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 To: City Council FROM: BYRON OLSON,FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CFP IT0913 iSeries SunGard Systems Upgrade/HA Redundancy Repl. Summary: Current production SunGard enterprise system server and its HA redundant backup/test server have exceeded their life cycle of 5-6 years. Current system(s) hardware cannot be upgraded again to allow for software upgrade required in 2017. The current production server is critical to our utility services/billing, accounts payable, accounting,payroll and multiple other modules utilized across all city departments and providing services to the public. Funding: Funds are coming from CFP IT0913 currently budgeted in IT 2017 budget at $250,000. Total purchase ($223,811.56). Recommendation: Staff recommends moving forward with the purchase of replacement server hardware/software in support of SunGard Enterprise system and professional IBM services to assist with the migration. Background/Analysis: Exiting server hardware and software is utilized to support multiple modules of the SunGard Enterprise management software with interconnection to multiple support Microsoft servers and e-business systems to include Click2Gov utilities billing and One Point of Sale utilized by utility customer service and permits. Critical other modules supported include accounts payable,payroll, GMBA management and budgeting. The existing hardware ware purchased in early 2010 with a lifecycle of 5-6 years. The current system has reached its standalone max storage capacity of which we are at 68% of capacity and 16 gigabytes of memory. The new proposed hardware will utilize a portion of our new SAN(storage area network) storage with its redundancy to allow for further expansion and disaster planning by allowing data to reside it two locations. The new hardware also will increase from 12 to 64 gigabytes memory and a 300% increase in CPU processing power for faster throughput. 02/21/2017 J - 1 Without replacement, the City will be unable to do its scheduled necessary software maintenance for continued operation required for daily and end of year fiscal processing. Funding Overview: Purchase consists of two servers including supporting software, maintenance at a cost of$198,554.36 including taxes from Washington State Contract vendor IBM through business partner Nordisk Systems. Purchase also will include professional services at a cost of$24,932.00 including taxes. 02/21/2017 J - 2 O NGELES WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A.CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 To: City Council FROM: BYRON W.OLSON,CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER SUBJECT: Annual Authorization for Software/Hardware Maintenance Renewals Summary: Staff is seeking Council authorization for the renewal of annual software/hardware maintenance for multiple products utilized to support phone, voicemail, network, server and desktop capabilities in support of City functions. Funding: All funds are coming from currently budgeted IT 2017 budget fund 4802 at a total cost not to exceed $550,290 budgeted. Recommendation: Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to approve the necessary annual agreements/purchase renewals for hardware and/or software subscriptions/support services. Back2round/Analysis: Currently, the City utilizes multiple platforms and software packages that require annual hardware and/or software maintenance for support, upgrades and critical patches. These packages also include rights to use products and services for the licensed period. All maintenance is renewed through the parent/owner support vendor or their authorized business partner. To maintain transparency in fiscal responsibility, Finance is submitting its entire Information Technology 4802 budget fund for purchase approval as a single authorization annually. Without product support renewals, the City would be unable to operate, upgrade, and maintain current software/hardware in support of city functions. To continue presenting only individual requests greater than $25,000 for council approval would not accurately represent the complete scope of annual software/hardware maintenance needs. Each individual request would continue to take additional staff and council resources for reoccurring maintenance purchase renewals. 02/21/2017 J - 3 Funding Overview: See Attachment A for further details of vendors,product descriptions, coverage period, FYI actuals and budgeted amounts. Attachments: • FY2017 502-2081-518-4802 Repairs & Maintenance/ Software/Hardware Maintenance 02/21/2017 J - 4 CA. a...p �A v U c RAA f6 r C RAJ 4µA'b fn c 0 f6 i f6 N, CU i .t Pu'S �µ• .W A d:&. It: a.1 `,;,. Fa'b �� 4o .�'. 6A.A1 C' O c- g A y J SII rl- �4. " d 0) 0 � kn N SAB RC v- &.ro ,� q :..... ay.W dl u.a^� n'~ 6:w I¢.0... ...... Sd'A ¢„' .. (��� .dam CC) 0...X'.. arb :`. 4,.. to cu ul N PGS a„ SwR. (Y a' PB V n.:.0 ( ;b ( ( ( mC 1 (H b,•;w ( �....� ,� aa.. (..: .�.r CM " " d" aa... „• „„�,. ICA.. ,�.�.... 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U o M to v) �g k Qw 9(' c rr RAN m3 m3 � V Q 02/21/2017 1 - 5 Cl0 C) 0 C:.) 0 C:.) 0 C) ffr C) 0 RAJ C.":> C.') a C:.) a"r„MrGC:.) a C) U) C) C.) RAJ .m 4k a�„"b Lf)" L,P IILB"�b ¢,�wY v U c RAJ co „G C RAJ co > n a C u a"d y co co a... 0 m.. � W Q/ � ar ¢�s U,.. b v— CCk al) Cllb a 0 oo Cllb .� p x.. .... S.R. )x. Cr .&. �.. a 1 rra V) W a)M a ."d:` .,µ �,w Q) i, ':&. ^,"y arra tea ,.4 y S +,^y' ^a o" C'4"h "d" 4,1 a'eV ;,, CY,„ E a) n a,:,'W Cllb ^"�" a a ar a,'�W �g a) ull � c "� ¢"U at) ) a ra q�^ry�. 0 .M.. C U E a) tea SII�' �. 0 a�,Y Vb SII�' """ aaa a cu a� aaa a� A.P mw C E $ a.a a)M ,.. '�) a a^a Cllb ara Q,M ti,Pb a^a Cllb )'.&. a.� ", a.a aCa ara .__. Y a „ c CY.1 & _ a)M a".7 - . :.) qa'"y )Ma1 CCY a»: CCY 4 4'�W M CJ'b n...V &.r"a- 'hip t.... a) U "CS al) ,,, t.. a" Cob a_. C.. C.. d w ^Y C g a4a C N + a"a a_. qua a.w a,r ". qua .. ara ,.� tea C ¢"r J' w C M o am'„" .b.0 ^.b.0 M o cu a,"„� (11.) "�".4 6rD tea k.1 a.... . 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C,Y a'MY a,)D M cc Ca".a a�D ::) a,� 4.8 .�_ �s ..:.% ....% C_ ) a,.a S..R. a,_. .aw' '"3 aCY C,.. :'" .% ICY _3 ) �_. 4.C:7 ,.. 4,P;d .) ,.. tea add"➢ )'n ¢w' CY.1 x a)M S..R. V'kflM CC,.4 aCM a,.. m.o aC% nu o U aµ a,. g ° k,1 e•""p &.8 �..,M a,_. �, N muM C'n s ?.. 4 �Id cu E ""C �: a�a '�' a�b a�a � �� p 00 lzt 00 c-1 00 O N CV b O d." u s d." Va t a Va as bus ,a ,r 0 0 0 a.�M aux a,a O fu N � m w� k Haha t Wa to W» mo m " 0 F � 4 in Q ..' Q,�a Kw' 'W�I'L,VI aW�a m fu Qm C (n m' p E add V) ) va 02/21/2017 J - 6 Cl C) 0 C) 0 C.) 0 c�) 0 c�) 0 RAJ C) 0 C) 00 0 C) C.) Lf� 0 Ld") c�) ) (2) C.) C.) �Y) C,UJ rj M Y) CA. c RAJ fo c C) �Y) re) C RAJ • Lf) U) co > Ld Ld Ld co 3: _0 co cc '0 V� 0 c cc cu W 5 0 k� —: W 0 cu 0) U) U CNI ru .0 0 ca On cc kn 0- -- 5. 0 0 0 0 U 0 cu V) E W o kf� %_ ,=. L- U,� +- I cl +l 4- dl �: 0 0 4- CU r) W J �f� 0) V� '14 4 d ul c sa (11.) c U� C 0 0 < u 0 V� u E CU m 00 0 M U °"'- cu cl zf� 0 2 k� (:I C-. 4, 0 CL fo 0) cu c o o V� co 0 Cl Cl 0 ra CO 4 d a) "a d .-- > N (Y) aj Ti Q) V� 4 d 4 d •C l4tf C-� cl, v� - cn Y %-. % fo uq > 0 M 0 cu Cc' 0 4 d ca 3 11 1 0 E cu L- N 0) 06 c I'll c '.CC,'"a"a"�' d�tV.,e,..,,'A.na w CU (11) E- q 0 .-a) L- cl, 0 0 D 4 d 0 0 ..... ..... Ro, rLa- (3 g, �I a) 14 r 0 0 u z cu 0 a 0 �5 Cl cu '0 Lai T� 4- > 4 d �l 0 4-1 0- 0 11 1 c M L E 101 0, E 0 E) 3 0 0 0 0 U� 'U.s C) 0 ru E 0 <11) kr V� ZA U� 0 -0 7c cu C) F6 kn ) G 0 ul 0 :3 0 C Ul :— -0 ��3 (11.) -3 c_ L- < > c c: C� -0 05 c: a) c RAJ 0 -0 C C :D c cu < w w Z, 0 (411.) �2 < 2 < -�E 00 lzt ob r-1 00 rG 0 0 0 0 kf� ul CA Ull 0 0 0 1-1 0 0 0 rr 76 4 d O CL,, CA ELI A 0 Id E E 0 fu i� 0 z Q haw RAJ 0 E 0 > z z let 02/21/2017 J 7 C„j U. c a) U c: 3u„3 fo C ce. rr) .c ILA C 0 f6 f6 ru O �, �'� N 3«.> P C”" tv) C «, aWs k O 0 airfo cs a.:� 3"3 3C,Y 4d ) 3,Y C�k &„i��„b S..R. ¢_b c'j 3C,Y 311.b A'C'M �...p .... Q) ) " " i '#-+ V'k ¢."✓ C.) c q, V'b Va , co Cu ca CY.1 Y3"„k .b.w k."wp'�13fa CL CA U a) ,ar.s ¢"U °a” Pl'� ,ar.s .�,a 3CµY ua)' 3.¢_II 4 m. 0 ��"�"."�� V' r (1) Vs V:v. �'In: a (. 4'III�dC �� a:Y ) C"C'M d„„Y _. :3 n' u 3... " _. 01.1 N 3u„3 0) 00 Izt 00 cH Ln 1—l 00 O N L Ln ) a„"' 0 s Vi O O 3�w� wa.. V nce. 3'" �s a.a 3w O � 4-1 N � L.L O O U a) Q -1 O O +2 z C” t N LU 0 0 0 U s= u aV) j 02/21/2017 J - 8 O NGELES WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A.CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 To: City Council FROM: BYRON W.OLSON,CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER SUBJECT: CFP IT0614 Server Replacements Summary: Our current DMZ, Corpyard DR, VM Virtual Center hosts are more than 7 years old and have become performance and expansion inhibited. The current servers support our e-business Click2Gov utility payments, Laserfiche WebLink Internet clients and internal management servers. Replacement server hosts will quadruple our current server host capabilities while moving away from standard rotating hard drives to solid state memory drives for enhanced disaster planning. Funding: Funds are coming from CFP IT0614 currently budgeted in IT 2017 budget at $150,000. Total purchase ($123,829.31). Recommendation: Staff recommends moving forward with the purchase of replacement server hardware for new server hosts for DMZ hosting, Laserfiche clients and management servers. Background/Analysis: Existing hardware utilized in virtual server cluster/management systems has started to impact performance and capabilities due to equipment limitations on memory and expandability. Physical hosts support multiple virtual servers per host with shared resources. The current hosts are limited to minimal expansion and 288 gigabytes of memory. The new proposed hardware has multiple expansion slots and capacity of up to 1.5 terabytes of memory. In addition, the replaced hardware will be utilized for the support of a test environment being utilized to test various processes and upgrades without impacting production systems. The test environment will also be utilized for staff training and problem resolutions. The lifecycle of the new servers is 5-7 years depending on utilization load and environmental conditions. The current systems being replaced range from 7 years to 12 years in active production. 02/21/2017 1 - 9 Without replacement, continued and more severe limitations on performance and capabilities will occur. Lack of test environment will cause continued testing in a live production cluster with unknown consequences and additional future issues. Funding Overview: Purchase consists of 4 servers at a cost of$113,575.88 and two servers at a cost of$10,253.43 including taxes from Washington State Contract vendor IBM/Lenovo through business partner Nordisk Systems. 02/21/2017 1 - 10 RT NGELES • -- WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21, 2017 To: City Council FROM: DAN MCKEEN,CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: City Of Port Angeles 2017 Work Plan Staff is pleased to present to the City Council, the City of Port Angeles 2017 Connnunity Work Plan. This document provides a brief overview of the City's major projects and activities. The Work Plan does not include most of the routine projects or programs. Instead, it focuses on the major projects being worked on throughout the City's various departments. It takes a significant amount of work on a daily basis to provide municipal services to the citizens and businesses within the City of Port Angeles. The delivery of utilities,public safety services and recreational activities need legal, financial and planning support; this assistance is labor intensive and requires long-term planning and oversight. These services are what most citizens would probably refer to as "routine" and "expected." Perhaps what may be less obvious is the incredible amount of work being accomplished"behind the scenes." The City's Work Plan is intended to be a communications tool between City Council and Staff. By referring to the Work Plan, which includes objectives, rationales, additional workload on staff and where each project fits into the Council's goals, Council can gain a better understanding of each project. The City Council may also use the Work Plan as a communications tool with the community. The Work Plan includes a timeline illustrating the approximate duration of each project and staff will provide City Council and the community with a year-end report to document the Work Plan's progress. A hard copy of the City of Port Angeles 2017 Connnunity Work Plan will be provided to each Councilmember so notes can be made for future reference. The Work Plan is available on the City's website on the City Manager's page or by following this link: http://wa-portangeles.civicplus.com/409/City-Work-Plan Council is scheduled to participate in a strategic planning effort that should be concluded in April of this year. Based on the strategic planning product, adjustments to the 2017 Community Work Plan may be needed. 02/21/2017 L - 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY WORK PLAN 2017 A/ GER Submitted to the Port Angeles City Council by: Daniel McKeen, City Manager William Bloor, City Attorney Corey Delikat, Parks & Recreation Director Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works & Utilities Brian Smith, Police Chief Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer Nathan West, Director of Comm. & Economic Development City of Port Angeles 2017 CoimnuniU Work Plan Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................IIV DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................IIV BUDGET FOCUS AREAS ................................................................................... V TIMELINE........................................................................................................VI ADJUSTMENTS................................................................................................VI ACCOUNTABILITY ..........................................................................................VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.....................................................................................................VII FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT.......................................................................... 1 LONG-RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN....................................................................... 1 2016 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT(CAFR) .......................... 1 UNION NEGOTIATIONS FOR AFSCME&IBEW.............................................. 1 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT—OPERATING&CAPITAL.......................................... 2 MUNICAST BUDGET&FINANCIAL FORECASTING PROJECT.............................. 2 UTILITY RATE DEVELOPMENT/ANALYSIS....................................................... 3 ANALYTICS USING COGNOS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE(BI) SOFTWARE ........... 3 FIRE STATION MAINTENANCE.......................................................................... 4 SELL,TRANSFER OR DISPOSE OF EXCESS MORSE CREEK PROPERTIES............ 4 LIGHT OPERATIONS FACILITY RELOCATION..................................................... 4 TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT.............................................................. 4 SALARY SURVEY FOR NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES................................... 5 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY FUNDING ........................................................... 5 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTIES........................................................................ 5 PUBLICSAFETY................................................................................................................. 6 EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER ................................................................... 6 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TRAINING............................................................ 6 FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL REORGANIZATION...................................... 6 CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS(COOP)PLANNING ............................................ 7 MASS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TRAINING.......................................................... 7 POLICE SCHEDULING AND PAYROLL TO AN ELECTRONIC PLATFORM............. 7 Page 02/21/2017 L - 3 Citv of Port Angeles 2017 Community Work Plan Table of Contents CO-LOCATE PORT ANGELES POLICE DETECTIVES............................................ 8 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2017-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN ........................................ 8 PENCOM-JEFFCOM CONSOLIDATION.............................................................. 9 INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM(ICS)TRAINING................................................ 9 NEWFIRE ENGINE.......................................................................................... 10 PLAN FOR A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY...................................................................... 11 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN(CFP)FOR 2018-2023 ......................................... 11 AFFORDABILITY INDEX.................................................................................. 11 COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PROJECT—INTEGRATION............................... 12 DEVELOP OPERATIONS PLAN FOR ELWHA SURFACE WATER FACILITIES....... 12 ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION SWITCH GEAR REPLACEMNT................................ 12 HIGH DENSITY ZONE CHANGES ..................................................................... 12 HARBOR SEDIMENT CLEANUP AND REMEDIATION ........................................ 13 PROTECTION OF CITY'S MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER RIGHTS ........ 13 COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR ZONING ADJUSTMENTS.......................................... 13 RACESTREET................................................................................................. 13 COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR ZONING ADJUSTMENTS.......................................... 14 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT&TOURSIM CONTRACTS AND RFPs.................... 14 NPDES PHASE 11 CODE IMPLEMENTATIONS .................................................. 14 ROWING CLUB RELOCATION.......................................................................... 14 HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM........................................................... 15 NEIGHBORHOOD LEVEL CODE COMPLIANCE.................................................. 15 COUNTY WIDE PLANNING POLICY................................................................. 15 WETLANDS ORDINANCE................................................................................. 15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................ 16 CABLE PUBLIC ACCESS CONTRACT RENEWAL............................................... 16 CLALLAM COUNTY P.U.D WATER CONTRACT............................................... 16 TELEVISION CABLE FRANCHISING.................................................................. 16 NPS ELWHA WATER FACILITIES DISPOSITION................................................ 17 WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT.......................................................... 17 FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM................................................................. 17 EVENT GRANT ADMINISTRATION................................................................... 18 Page ii 02/21/2017 L - 4 City of Port Angeles 2017 CommuniU Work Plan Table of Contents ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT&TOURISM CONTRACTS AND RFPS ................... 18 COMMUNITY AIR SERVICE............................................................................. 18 CHOOSE-LOCAL PROGRAM ............................................................................ 18 WAYFINDING PROGRAM................................................................................. 19 INTERPRETIVE SIGNS...................................................................................... 19 EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT.....................................................................................20 OFF-SITE COMPUTER BACK-UP SERVER FACILITY ........................................ 20 CLICK2Gov3 BUILDING PERMIT MODULE UPGRADE..................................... 20 SOCRATA OPEN DATA PROJECT..................................................................... 21 SUPERVISORY TRAINING................................................................................ 21 UPDATES TO PERSONNEL POLICY&PROCEDURES MANUAL......................... 21 IMPLEMENT CITY-WIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM........................ 22 PUBLIC RECORDS ........................................................................................... 22 RESEARCH CHANGE IN CITY GOVERNMENT................................................... 22 COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT..................................................... 23 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY............................................................................... 23 SECURITY CONTROL FOR CITY FACILITIES .................................................... 23 OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY.............................................................................................24 CIVIC FIELD STADIUM/COMPLEX................................................................... 20 CITY PIER TRANSIENT MOORAGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT ........................... 20 ERICKSON PLAYFIELD CAMERA REPLACEMENTS........................................... 20 CALISTHENICS PARK...................................................................................... 21 GEORGIANNA PARK........................................................................................ 21 HILL STREET OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL..................................................... 21 Page iii 02/21/2017 L - 5 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Introduction INTRODUCTION On a daily basis it takes a significant amount of work to provide municipal services to the citizens and businesses within the City of Port Angeles. The delivery and maintenance of utilities,provision of public safety services, sponsorship of recreational activities and the legal, financial, and planning support for each of these are all labor intensive activities requiring long-term planning and oversight. These services are what most citizens would probably refer to as "routine" and"expected." What perhaps is less obvious to the basic delivery of municipal services are the one-time projects that represent an incredible amount of work being accomplished "behind the scenes." The intent of this Work Plan is to be a communications tool between City Staff and the Council, by providing a brief synopsis of some of the many projects being worked on throughout various City Departments. Through this Work Plan, the Council can gain an understanding of the projects, the objectives of the projects, the rationale behind them, and where they fit into the overall Council Goals. The Work Plan can also be utilized by the Council when communicating with the community about the various ongoing projects throughout the City. DEVELOPMENT The development of this Work Plan began in April of 2011 when the strategic goals for the City were developed by the Council and Department Directors. Several Council members attended these work sessions. The resulting goals were then brought forward to the full Council, where they were reviewed and then formally adopted at a Council meeting. After the goals were adopted, each department Director was asked to provide input to the Work Plan, in the form of brief overviews of the major projects that their respective Departments were involved with. These projects were originally developed from several primary sources: • Regulations and agreements with Federal, State, regional and local agencies • Council discussions and deliberations • Recommendations from Citizen Advisory Committees • Input from staff During work plan development, the Directors were specifically asked not to include the regular, ongoing projects that pertain to the daily delivery of municipal services. Rather, they were asked to provide input regarding those projects that would potentially have the greatest impact on the City—those projects that Council and the public would be most interested in. Page iv 02/21/2017 L - 6 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Introduction Once these projects were identified, they were then arranged under the Council Strategic Goals where they were most applicable. Then a brief project or program objective was added, with the intent to provide a quick, "big picture"look at the overall desired outcome of the project. Finally, a rationale was included, detailing the reason for undertaking the project and the expected results. The following is an example of the format: BUDGET DEVELOPMENT -Operating & Capital Objective: Provide the financial planning and legal authority to obligate public funds. Rationale: The Budget sets forth the inflow and outflow of all City resources, and is adopted annually by the City Council. The budget provides four main functions, including Policy Document, Operational Tool, Communication Tool, and Financial Planning Tool. The Budget is a requirement of State law. Since the City's budget is adopted at the fund level, expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at that level. The City's budget is generally amended at least once during the year, but may be amended up to four times depending on changes that occur during the year. All appropriations lapse at the end of the year, and unexpended resources must be reappropriated in the subsequent period. Many of the projects and programs listed in the work plan involve the actions of multiple departments. For example, the City Manager and Finance Department may take the lead on developing the budget, however each department spends a considerable amount of staff time preparing their respective portions and providing input into the overall City financial plan. BUDGET FOCUS AREAS During the 2012 budget development process, we added a slight revision to the Work Plan. In order to clarify and focus the broad strategic goals outlined by Council, three "Focus Areas"were developed and incorporated into the document. These focus areas were determined after a number of discussions that considered input from Council and staff. The three focus areas are: • Preserving and Protecting Our Assets — Physical Infrastructure — Financial Infrastructure — Employee Infrastructure • Strengthening Community Safety and Welfare — Public Safety/Emergency Services — Criminal Justice — Environmental Quality of Life Page v 02/21/2017 L - 7 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Introduction • Planning and Building for the Future — Economic Development — Partnerships — Sustainability During the budget development process, these focus areas helped us to prioritize the allocation of resources, enabling decisions that directed limited funding to those areas that were emphasized by Council. In addition, by referring to these focus areas; we were better able to reassess existing expenditures that are not addressed in the focus areas. TIMELINE Included in Appendix A is a timeline for each of the projects and programs listed in this Work Plan. As a part of the timeline there is a graphic representation of the anticipated length of the project. The timeline is an approximation. Each of these projects and programs will have obstacles and constraints that can affect the timeliness of completion. Also, even though the timeline only reflects 2017, many of these projects and programs will be ongoing and extend well into the coming years. ADJUSTMENTS Council is scheduled to participate in a strategic planning effort that should be concluded in April of this year. Based on the strategic planning product, adjustments to the 2017 Community Work Plan may be needed. ACCOUNTABILITY The City Manager, in conjunction with Senior Staff members, will be providing mid-year and year-end reports to Council on the status of ongoing projects and programs that are listed in the Work Plan. The reports will be provided in the Information section of the Council Agenda packet. By placing it is the Information section, both the Council and the general public will have the ability to monitor ongoing major City projects. Page vi 02/21/2017 L - 8 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Acknowledgement ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to acknowledge each Department Director and their staff for the development of the Work Plan. Their dedication and diligence made this Work Plan possible. It is important to note the majority of projects are due to the self-initiative of Senior Staff. They recognize the value of developing a Work Plan and stepped up to contribute very valuable information and resources. I want to recognize the following individuals for their contributions and direct support in preparing the 2017 Work Plan: • Bill Bloor, City Attorney • Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works &Utilities • Corey Delikat, Director of Parks & Recreation • Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief • Brian Smith, Police Chief • Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer • Nathan West, Director of Community& Economic Development • Abbigail Fountain, Human Resources Manager • Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk • Kari Martinez-Bailey, Administrative Assistant Page Vii 02/21/2017 L - 9 02/21/2017 L - 10 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Governinent FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT Provide consistent and quality municipal services that maximize return on investments, leverage outside resources, are equitable for local taxpayers, and increase the opportunity for economic development. LONG-RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN Objective: Update Long-Range Financial Plan to reflect the time period of 2018—2023. Rationale: Allow for the City to maintain its "5+1" forward look for the budget. This will include the next year's budget plus a five-year forward projection of revenues & expenses. The Long Range Financial Plan will identify City priorities,forecast future revenues and expenditures, and adopt Council policy direction related to the budget. The City anticipates facing significant operating and capital budget funding challenges for the near future and needs to develop plans to guide decision making on how to move forward. City Council recognizes that the status quo is not a viable option and that existing practices must change for Port Angeles to maintain financial stability. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) Objective: Complete 2016 year-end accounting entries and financial reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Rationale: Washington State law requires all local governments to submit their financial reports 150 days after the close of their fiscal year. The statute does not provide for any extensions. Staff currently anticipates the arrival of representatives from the State Auditor's Office by mid-April with a completion of the audit by mid/late May 2017. UNION NEGOTIATIONS FOR AFSCME & IBEW Objective: Complete union negotiations with AFSCME and IBEW union for 2018 and beyond. Rationale: AFSCME contract expires December 31,2017 and the IBEW union contract expires April 30, 2018. Negotiations are scheduled to begin in March 2017. Page 1 02/21/2017 L - 11 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Governinent BUDGET DEVELOPMENT—OPERATING& CAPITAL Objective: Provide the financial planning and legal authority to obligate public funds. Rationale: The Budget sets forth the inflow and outflow of all City resources, and is adopted annually by the City Council. The budget provides four main functions, including: • Policy Document, • Operational Tool, • Communication Tool • Financial Planning Tool The Budget is a requirement of State law. Since the City's budget is adopted at the fund level, expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at that level. The City's budget is generally amended two to four times per year, depending on changes that occur during the year. All appropriations lapse at the end of the year, and unexpended resources must be re-appropriated in the subsequent period. Staff is beginning to prepare for Council review Amendment 41 to the 2017 operating and capital budget in March 2017. Additionally, staff is making the initial preparations for the 2018 operating and capital budget process that will have its formal kick-off in May 2017. We anticipate that a proposed City Manager Recommended Budget will be ready for Council review in early October 2017. MUNICAST BUDGET & FINANCIAL FORECASTING PROJECT Objective: More accurately and efficiently forecast revenues and expenditures for long- range planning as well as construct debt and spending scenarios. Rationale: The use of the MuniCast software to assist with long-range planning will help improve financial decision making by compiling data that can easily be utilized to more accurately budget and forecast. The MuniCast software also has the ability to manipulate the data based on scenarios entered into the module in order to provide a clear analysis of any impacts the changes may have. This information can then be presented with a variety of simple and easy to understand charts and graphs populated by the software to give additional insight on financial trends and future needs. Page 2 02/21/2017 L - 12 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Governinent UTILITY RATE DEVELOPMENT/ANALYSIS Objective: Establish biennial rates by providing projected expenditures and the associated revenue structure required to generate revenues to match planned expenditures. Rationale: Beginning in 2016,responsibility for the Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Setting was transferred from Public Works & Utilities to Finance. With the exception of Solid Waste, the City has adopted utility rates through the end of 2017 (Solid Waste has adopted rates through the end of 2018). During 2016, staff developed the generalized model to be used as the foundation for all future Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) and rate-setting for each respective utility. In 2017, we will bring forward for Council consideration, Cost of Service Analysis for: • Medic I • Electric Utility • Solid Waste • Stormwater Utility As information is developed and the costing and rates models begin development, we anticipate on-going briefings of the Utility Advisory Committee and periodic updates to Council on the progress being made to date. We plan on bringing to both UAC and the City Council proposed rates for the 2018—2019 fiscal years by mid-year 2017. ANALYTICS USING COGNOS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI) SOFTWARE Objective: Use Cognos BI to extract data already in SunGard to deliver new insights, improve decision making ability, or identify areas needing attention. Rationale: There is a wealth of information in our SunGard enterprise system. Data by itself has little to no value unless we are able to extract the data and present it into meaningful and actionable information. Cognos BI allows us to gather the data already available and present it in reports and dashboards using visualizations and key performance indicators so that employees can make better informed decisions. The City will need to invest in and support enhanced training for employees to allow the City to gain full advantage of the benefits that Cognos BI will generate. Page 3 02/21/2017 L - 13 City of Port Angeles 2017 Coininunity Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Governinent FIRE STATION MAINTENANCE Objective: Complete major Fire Station maintenance projects. Rationale: The fire station is beginning to show its age. The facility is subject to heavy use 24/7/365. The kitchen cabinets and upstairs carpeting are showing signs of significant wear and many of the major appliances— dishwasher and refrigerators— are at end of life. The second floor carpeting and kitchen cabinets will all be removed and replaced and all areas will be painted. The rooftop air handling units will be replaced and the majority of the station lighting will be replaced with more energy efficient LED lighting. Funding for these projects was identified in the CFP for 2017. SELL, TRANSFER OR DISPOSE OF EXCESS MORSE CREEK PROPERTIES Objective: Sell the excess Morse Creek property and return revenue to the affected utilities (water and electric). Rationale: The property associated with the Morse Creek Dam and the Morse Creek hydro generation system have been declared excess and can be sold. The sale of the property would generate financial resources that can be returned to the City utilities (water and electric). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has recently provided guidance for the surrendering of the FERC Hydro-Generation license.Working cooperatively with surrounding property owners will be critical. LIGHT OPERATIONS FACILITY RELOCATION Objective: Commence scope development and cost estimates for new Light Operations facility at the City's Corp Yard. Rationale: The City purchased property adjacent to the Corp Yard to relocate Light Operations out of the leased Port facility on O Street, which was originally intended to be a temporary location. Moving Light Ops to the Corp Yard would create operational efficiencies and eliminate the monthly lease payments for the O Street rental facility. TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT Objective: Create a Transportation Benefit District. Rationale: City streets are in a poor state of disrepair as the City has no dedicated funding source allocated specifically for street infrastructure improvement. Currently, funding for Streets must compete for scarce General Fund resources with Police, Fire, and Parks requirements. A Transportation Benefit District will create a funding source that can only be used for maintaining Street infrastructure. Page 4 02/21/2017 L - 14 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Governinent SALARY SURVEY FOR NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES Objective: Complete a salary survey for the Department Directors, Managers and Non- Represented employees. Rationale: To gain a better idea of where the City stands in salary compared to other Washington cities and local public entities, City Council directed staff to conduct a total compensation survey for its non-represented employees. This includes department directors, managers, administrative staff and other non-represented employees. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY FUNDING Objective: Explore the possibility and feasibility of an additional source of funding for the City's public safety functions. Rationale: The City's police force and its fire and medic crews are understaffed, and this fact has been recognized for several years. Both the police and the fire departments are funded entirely out of the City's General Fund, and revenue for the General Fund has been stagnant over the past eight years. Moreover, it appears there will be no significant increase in revenue for the General Fund in the next several years. Therefore, additional sources of revenue are needed to support police and fire. There are a number of possible sources of additional revenue. Each one has pros and cons, and each one requires legal analysis to determine the feasibility and suitability for Port Angeles. In the end, complete information must be presented to the City Council, and the Council will decide what, if anything, will be done. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTIES Objective: Assist in the marketing and possible sale of City owned properties in the downtown and on Lincoln Street. Rationale: The City owns several properties in the downtown and on Lincoln Street. The City Council declared some of these properties as surplus. Several interested parties contacted the City expressing interest in purchasing these properties. City staff will assist in negotiating the sales, drafting purchase and sale agreements, and completing closing documents. Page S 02/21/2017 L - 15 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Public Safety PUBLIC SAFETY Our community is recognized as a safe place to live, work and play, and is known for excellent public safety services that are provided by well-trained and highly- competent personnel. EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER Objective: Ensure a functional City emergency operations center. Rationale: Emergency Operations Center (EOC) needs are being gathered as part of the 2018 — 2023 Capital Facilities Plan and will evaluate equipment needs and other requirements to fully stock and operate an EOC at the Fire Station. Included in that assessment will be evaluation of remote satellite access. We anticipate that the EOC funding request will be included as part of the 2018—2023 CFP that will go to Council in May 2016 for review prior to adoption. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TRAINING Objective: Provide ongoing training utilizing the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) to ensure key City staff members are familiar with the plan. Rationale: The CEMP document provides emergency response guidance to all levels of City personnel. The CEMP follows the format of State emergency management documents. It is important that key City staff personnel are familiar with the plan and are able to utilize it in the event of emergency. Monthly senior staff training will be provided starting in April of 2017. The City and County are working to meld their respective CEMP documents into a single, generic document that will meet the needs of both organizations. City and County to work together with ongoing training and Web EOC integration. FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL REORGANIZATION Objective: Explore options that will enable the Fire Department to provide more effective risk-based response to the community, enabling for more positive outcomes. Rationale: The Fire Department has seen a 240%increase in workload over the past 26 years and has not added any personnel resources to meet the increased workload. The Department recognized it was not able to respond to an increasing number of simultaneous calls for service—negatively impacting its primary mission. To meet the need, the Department implemented a new staffing and response option that effectively doubles the initial transport-capable response for EMS incidents. This is a departure from traditional fire department operations,prompted by a changing emergency services environment. The change will be monitored closely and modified as necessary. Page 6 02/21/2017 L - 16 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Public Safety CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS (COOP) PLANNING Objective: Develop a Continuity of Operations (COOP)plan for the City. Rationale: FEMA has identified COOP planning as a priority for all levels of government. COOP plans identify a succession plan for essential positions within the City and the essential functions of the organization. The plan then provides for the timely and orderly continuity of those essential functions following an emergency event. COOP plans also address the protection of facilities, equipment,records and other assets that support the essential functions. Fire will work with IT to identify needs to enable the fire station and the Senior Center to be utilized as COOP locations in the event City Hall cannot be occupied for any reason. All Departments to provide a succession matrix and list of essential functions. MASS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TRAINING Objective: Provide training for appropriate staff on the County-wide mass telephone communication system. Develop guidelines for appropriate use of the system. Rationale: The City subscribes to the Clallam County Everbridge mass notification system. The Everbridge system allows users to send mass notifications to all phones within a pre-designated user group or an identified geographic area. Charges are not levied based upon use, so the system is very cost effective. Guidelines will be developed that dictate how and when the system may be used, and who is authorized to utilize it. Staff training will be provided for key personnel from Fire, Public Works and Police. Training will be provided by Clallam County Emergency Management personnel. First training to be conducted in first quarter 2017, then ongoing. POLICE SCHEDULING AND PAYROLL TO AN ELECTRONIC PLATFORM Objective: Utilize "Executime" software owned by the City to increase staff efficiency and enhance the quality of scheduling and payroll processes within the Police Department. Rationale: This is a carry-over project from 2016. There is cost savings and a workload reduction for both Police and Finance staff once this software and new process is implemented inside the Police Department. The project eliminates Police Department paper time sheets and manual data entry by the payroll specialist. The archival process reduces physical records storage needs and provide enhanced records accessibility. In progress right now is the "build" testing and training. The build includes entering the various Patrol and PenCom schedules and the respective employee bargaining unit contract rules. Supervisors and managers will be able to run reports on overtime by the specific funding source, the employee or by work unit. The software will reduce the supervisory and management time spent auditing timesheets for accuracy. Page 7 02/21/2017 L - 17 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Public Safety CO-LOCATE PORT ANGELES POLICE DETECTIVES Objective: Co-locate the existing criminal investigation divisions of the Port Angeles Police Department and the Clallam County Sheriffs' Department into one shared work space. Rationale: Port Angeles Police Department (PAPD) and Clallam County Sheriff's Office (CCSO)criminal investigators (Detectives)have similar training and experience, and carry similar violent crime or major felony case workloads. Both agencies share coordination of the multi-agency Major Incident Response Team and have an existing agreement and practice that allows for mutual assistance on incidents or investigations. Co-location will allow criminal investigators to better collaborate, share information and synchronize efforts both formally and informally in manner that leverages the strengths of both agencies. There will be operational efficiencies and may be cost savings in overtime for both agencies. The current Patrol and Detective workspace does not meet operational needs. The Patrol Division will absorb the workspace vacated by Detectives. The proposed PAPD and CCSO shared workspace will be in a location that offers the best infrastructure and least cost to the respective agencies, and is expected to be a location that is adjacent to the current CCSO Detectives and the Clallam Emergency Operations Center. POLICE DEPARTMENT 2017-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN Objective: Complete, communicate and disseminate a Department wide strategic plan that supports both the City Strategic Plan and the City Comprehensive Plan. Rationale: The establishment of a Department wide strategic plan allows for the examination of all programs within the Department. This insures that all staff time is directed toward accomplishment of the Department's core mission and the City's comprehensive and strategic plans. Each division or group within Operations and PenCom will examine their respective programs, projects or collateral duties. Each of these areas of responsibility will have one person designated as responsible for the identification and regular assessment of the program within the five year plan. The written plan will be frequently discussed and revised to ensure that all Department members understand the Department plan for the next five years. Under the direction of the Chief of Police and Regional Emergency Communications Director, Department staff are working together at regularly scheduled intervals. This will result in both a strategic plan and also improved communication and collaboration becoming ingrained into the Department culture. Page 8 02/21/2017 L - 18 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Public Safety PENCOM—JEFFCOM CONSOLIDATION Objective: Continue the ongoing administrative and operational consolidation of the 9-1-1 communications centers of Jefferson and Clallam Counties. Rationale: The 2016 Regionalization Study concluded that there are operational efficiencies and enhanced resource capacity to be realized as both Jefferson and Clallam Counties continue to combine their respective 9-1-1 centers. The Jefferson County Director serves under contract as the PenCom Manager and has a title of Regional Emergency Communications Director. Ongoing 9-1-1 center combination efforts continue to include: • Full development of a GIS mapping solution that will incorporate both counties into a unified map for field units and dispatch. • Connectivity to ensure that field units from any agency within either county will have access to appropriate records from any agency within either county. • Further development of the "Enterprise" version of CAD and combining of licenses for both 9-1-1 centers. • Refinement of a cost and agency billing formula that will determine the inter- local agreement establishing a unified 9-1-1 center for both Clallam and Jefferson Counties. • Voice over internet console(VOID)purchase and installation. The results of this work plan will further inform and support our future regionalization decisions. INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM(ICS) TRAINING Objective: Identify key personnel who need training in the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Work with Human Resources to update job descriptions so that the training becomes a position requirement. Rationale: The management of any large scale incident requires the effort of numerous trained individuals. This becomes more evident if an incident lasts beyond one or two 12-hour operational periods. After key personnel within the City management structure are identified, a training program can be established. The majority of this training is available on line and can be accomplished with minimal work interruption. Working with Human Resources, the Fire Department will identify appropriate job descriptions to include mandatory ICS/NIMS training requirements. Page 9 02/21/2017 L - 19 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Public Safety NEW FIRE ENGINE Objective: Place new fire engine in service and provide operator training. Rationale: The Department will be receiving a new four-wheel drive mini-pumper. This new fire engine will be a radically different piece of firefighting equipment from the traditional full-size pumper and it will require a substantial amount of training to be able to use it effectively. This equipment will also help the Department meet its operational reorganization work plan. Delivery of the new engine is expected in late spring or early summer. Training to be ongoing after delivery. Page 10 02/21/2017 L - 20 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Coininunity PLAN FOR A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY Strive to provide a diversity of attractive neighborhoods and commercial districts that foster affordable living, walking environments, and a strong sense of place. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (CFP) FOR 2018-2023 Objective: Provide a planning document that details all active/ongoing projects for the current year as well as proposed capital improvements,maintenance contracts and future projects. Rationale: The City needs to plan for funding and workload impacts of current and future capital projects. This allows the City to make financial decisions on all expenditures. The comprehensive documents will allow for all costs to be considered, not just operational costs. Historically the capital needs of the City have impacted the reserves and ability of the City to maintain its infrastructure. Failure to plan for infrastructure replacement can cause more expensive repairs to keep the City running smoothly. This document will combine proposed capital spending for the entire City in one place along with prioritizing of City resources for the proposed spending. Each division will provide input for their areas of responsibility and a comprehensive document will be presented to City Council for consideration. The document will be used to budget for the current year, as well as provide guidance for Cost of Service Analysis (COSA)for all utilities. For utilities and all other operating departments, the cost of the work referenced above must be included in all COSA analysis or budget operational analysis prior to the adoption of any budget or granting of approval for any such work. Development of departmental requests for inclusion in the CFP are currently underway. We anticipate briefing sessions with Council in April/May and adoption of the Capital Facilities Plan& Transportation Improvement Program before the June 30 deadline. AFFORDABILITY INDEX Objective: Update the 2014 Affordability Index for current conditions present in 2017. Rationale: Staff will update the 2014 Affordability Index to reflect current conditions using the most recently available data. In that effort, we will re-examine the comparability of local taxes,utility rates and disposable income against a number of our regional benchmark cities. Page 11 02/21/2017 L - 21 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Coininunity COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PROJECT—INTEGRATION Objective: Ensure seamless integration and operation of the existing wastewater system with the new Combined Sewer Overflow infrastructure recently completed. Rationale: With the completion of both Phase 1 and 2 of the Combined Sewer Overflow project infrastructure, Wastewater operations will be "`road testing"the new systems to determine the most efficient and effective operational parameters in both high flow and low flow seasons. Ensuring minimal or zero overflows will be the goal. DEVELOP OPERATIONS PLAN FOR ELWHA SURFACE WATER FACILITIES Objective: Develop a plan for future City operation of Elwha Water Facilities (EWF) after transfer from the National park Service (NPS). Rationale: The City is in negotiations with the NPS for the eventual turnover of the EWF to the City. City staff will begin the development of an operation plan in anticipation of a final negotiation settlement. ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION SWITCH GEAR REPLACEMENT Objective: Commence the multi-year project to replace aging switchgear at the City's electrical substations. Rationale: The City's seven substation switchgears were installed between 1968 and 1979 and have passed, or are close to, the end of their useful life. Timely replacement of equipment is critical to ensure substation failure does not occur. City will work to complete one to two substations each year. HIGH DENSITY ZONE CHANGES Objective: Incorporate changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code that provide more efficient use of the higher density development zones. Rationale: Port Angeles has a limited land base with the National Park to the south and Strait of Juan De Fuca to the North. For that reason it is important that we efficiently use property within the City limits. Current development trends have not resulted in the highest and best use of high and medium density zones. Zoning code amendments will be processed that allow for enhanced development opportunities in these zones. Page 12 02/21/2017 L - 22 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Coininunity HARBOR SEDIMENT CLEANUP AND REMEDIATION Objective: Continue to participate in development of the strategy for the Harbor cleanup and Natural Resource Damages (NRD)remediation. Rationale: In 2012, the Department of Ecology named the City of Port Angeles as one of the Potentially Liable Parties (PLP) responsible for cleanup of contamination in the Port Angeles Harbor. The City and other PLPs negotiated an Agreed Order with Ecology. The Agreed Order requires the PLPs to prepare a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for harbor cleanup. Additionally, the federal (NRD) Trustees have asserted damage claims against the City and the other PLPs. The City and other PLPs deny they are subject to the claims of the federal trustees but acknowledge they may be subject to NRD claims under state law brought by DOE. The issues have evolved since 2012. Work on the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study was interrupted by several unanticipated questions and circumstances, but now it should be completed by the end of 2017. In the meantime, the PLP group is considering the possibility of a comprehensive resolution of NRD claims. Each step along the way with each of these issues could have significant consequences for the City's ultimate liability and requires detailed analysis. PROTECTION OF CITY'S MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER RIGHTS Objective: Long Term Preservation of City's Water Supplies. Rationale: The NPS announced expectations that legal obligations to the City be fulfilled by October 2016. However, as of the end of 2016, legal obligations had not been fulfilled. The City has two water rights in the Elwha. One is a water right to 150 mgd,which was obtained in the 1920s. It is commonly referred to as the industrial water right, although DOE recognizes it as a"municipal"water right. The other is a permit to take water from the Ranney well for domestic purposes. The federal legislation that authorized removal of the Elwha dams specified that the Department of Interior must protect the quantity and quality of both water supplies. The goal is to continue participation in negotiations with NPS and assure that the legal obligations owed to the City,particularly with regard to the City's municipal and industrial water supplies, are fulfilled. RACE STREET Objective: Initiate a complete street design for the Race Street Corridor. Rationale: In 2015, the City was awarded a Federal Lands Access Grant for the design of the Race Street Corridor. City staff will work with the National Park Service to design the street and identify construction funding for the project. Page 13 02/21/2017 L - 23 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Coininunity COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Objective: Re-evaluate zoning with an eye on protecting the City's prime commercial corridor. Rationale: Due to national trends in diminished demand for retail space there is limited growth occurring in the City's commercial corridors. The limited demand for these properties has resulted in a proliferation of not for profit services throughout these corridors. Some of the activity associated with these services is having a negative impact on existing businesses and zoning adjustments may be necessary to prevent further deterioration of the corridors. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM CONTRACTS AND RFPS Objective: Implement new contracts for Economic Development and Tourism Promotion and initiate a late summer request for proposals for Lodging Tax expenditures. Rationale: City Council has evaluated all Economic Development and Tourism Promotion contracts for effectiveness and overall performance. The outcome of these efforts has resulted in a need for new contracts for all participating service providers. New contracts will be developed with the goal of setting a high standard for performance measures and outcomes. NPDES PHASE II CODE IMPLEMENTATION Objective: Integrate NPDES Phase II Code Changes into Building Permit and Land Use Application review process. Rationale: In 2016 substantial code changes were made to implement newly required National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit requirements. The changes require a re-invention of all Community and Economic Development Department applications and processes. A substantial amount of staff time will need to be dedicated towards assisting members of the public and the development community in understanding these new requirements. ROWING CLUB RELOCATION Objective: Work with the Olympic Peninsula Rowing Club to relocate their existing facility. Rationale: In winter of 2017 the City owned building currently leased by the Olympic Peninsula Rowing Club experienced structural failures due to wave and erosion damage from winter storms. The building was posted no occupancy and it was determined that the building should be immediately relocated to avoid adverse risk to the City should the structure fail and cause environmental harm to the nearshore environment. Page 14 02/21/2017 L - 24 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Coininunity HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM Objective: Re-introduce a housing rehabilitation program for low income families in the City of Port Angeles. Rationale: In recognition of declining quality of older housing, the City has budgeted for support of low income households. The City contributions will enable repairs and emergency upgrades to maintain acceptable and living standards and avoid nuisance related impacts to surrounding neighborhood housing. NEIGHBORHOOD LEVEL CODE COMPLIANCE Objective: Clean up code compliance issues in at least three(3)specific neighborhoods. Rationale: The Community and Economic Development Department no longer has a full time Code Compliance Officer. Code compliance is completed on a complaint basis only and is then prioritized with issues impacting neighborhoods first. Currently no less than three (3) neighborhoods have pending nuisance related cases that City staff is working to resolve. These issues constitute cases where initial attempt to attain compliance have not been successful. COUNTY WIDE PLANNING POLICY Objective: Clallam County is undertaking a re-write of the County Wide Planning Policies which ensure regional coordination among comprehensive plans throughout the County. Rationale: The City will be required to participate in the update of County Wide Planning Policies which ensure regional consistency between jurisdictional comprehensive plans. Staff and council representatives will be appointed to work on this important policy changing effort. WETLANDS ORDINANCE Objective: The State Department of Ecology has recommended that the State Department of Commerce require an update to the City of Port Angeles Wetlands Ordinance. Rationale: Washington State Department of Commerce has required that these updates be completed no later than June 30,2017. The Washington State Department of Ecology recommended changes have the potential to create substantial encumbrances on privately owned property. Staff will work with both State agencies to arrive at acceptable changes that meet the needs of all parties involved. Page IS 02/21/2017 L - 25 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Economic Develoninent ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Strive to create a balanced and diverse local economy, while maximizing employment and educational opportunities for the entire community with a well- maintained infrastructure designed for future growth. CABLE PUBLIC ACCESS CONTRACT RENEWAL Objective: Work cooperatively with the cable Public Access provider for continuity of service, as the WAVE franchise agreement is renegotiated. Rationale: The City approved Peninsula Area Public Access (PAPA) as the City's public access provider under the expiring cable franchise agreement. The new WAVE cable franchise will require establishing a new Public Access provider contract. CLALLAM COUNTY P.U.D.WATER CONTRACT Objective: Resolve long term water Agreement concerns with the Clallam County Public Utility District(PUD), utilizing long term service area agreements. Rationale: In 2006, the City entered into a long-term agreement(30 years with options to extend)to sell treated water to the PUD. This ensured a steady supply of water to the PUD in exchange, in part, for future infrastructure needs such as a reservoir. The City has been selling water to the PUD at a lower rate than other customers outside of the City limits. The PUD has not constructed the agreed upon reservoir noting that the cost and growth rate does not justify the expenditure of funds. It is desired to resolve the issue without the need to litigate the conditions of the agreement. Intent for 2017 is to restructure the Agreement, and create new agreements to allow PUD to remain the water and electric service provider after UGA annexation, similar to Wenatchee/Chelan PUD agreement. This has many benefits to both the City and PUD. Included will be a Utility Franchise Agreement, new Electric Service Area Agreement, new Water Service Area Agreement, and an updated Wholesale Water Agreement. TELEVISION CABLE FRANCHISING Objective: Complete the WAVE Cable Franchise negotiations in 2017. Rationale: The current cable franchise agreement with WAVE expires in May 2017. Negotiations have been ongoing throughout 2016,with several franchise sections still to be agreed upon. The current franchise can be extended until final negotiations are completed. Page 16 02/21/2017 L - 26 City of Port Angeles 2017 Coininunity Work Plan Economic Develoninent NPS ELWHA WATER FACILITIES DISPOSITION Objective: Evaluate options for disposition of Elwha Water Facilities. Rationale: In 2015, the NPS announced it's desire to divest itself, by October 2016, of operation and ownership of the Elwha Water Facilities (EWF). The EWFs include all of the facilities constructed on the Elwha river by NPS in anticipation of the changed circumstances to be brought about by the removal of the Elwha river dams. Portions of the EWF are essential to deliver water to the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant and to the Industrial customers. Other portions of the EWF are not necessary to the City, and those portions should be demolished. In 2016, negotiations began between the City and the NPS for the transfer of some of the EWF to the City and the demolition of other portions of the EWF. Those negotiations are expected to increase in scope and intensity during 2017. WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Objective: Inspire private sector investment and community pride in the Downtown's Railroad Avenue area by creating a welcoming International entrance and an attractive and functional place on the waterfront for the community to gather and enjoy. Rationale: The Waterfront Development Project is a $17 million capital project to redevelop the downtown waterfront. The project is divided into eleven phases to ensure the city can move forward with various phases as funding becomes available. Construction is completed for Phase 1 (The Esplanade) and Phase 2 (West End Park). An RFP will be issued for vender activities in West End Park. Phase 3 for the City Pier and Hollywood Beach areas of the project will begin a process for conceptual approval. Grant opportunities are simultaneously being sought for the design of future project phases including Railroad Avenue (east), City Pier Park, and Hollywood Beach. FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Objective: Promote and encourage private sector investment for building improvements resulting in increased property tax values and more attractive commercial corridors. Rationale: The Facade Improvement Program provides up to $10,000 in matching funds to private businesses willing to improve their facades or signs. The program stimulates redevelopment and has generated significant private sector investment to improve the Port Angeles tax base and aesthetics of commercial corridors. In 2017 an additional focus will be directed at commercial properties that have had a long history of vacancy. Page 17 02/21/2017 L - 27 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Economic Develoninent EVENT GRANT ADMINISTRATION Objective: The City has taken over the responsibility of awarding event grants from the Lodging Tax Fund. Rationale: In accordance with State statute, the City's Lodging Tax Committee should be responsible for reviewing event grant awards. For at least the past 13 years this function was performed by the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce. Staff has created a new process for issuance of these grants and ensure that recipients comply with Lodging Tax related State Statutes. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM CONTRACTS AND RFPS Objective: Implement new contracts for Economic Development and Tourism Promotion and initiate a late summer request for proposals for Lodging Tax expenditures. Rationale: As directed by Council staff continues to evaluate Economic Development and Tourism Promotion contracts for effectiveness and overall performance. Due to this initiative all contracts are short term in nature. Multiple contracts including the Clallam County Economic Development Council and Port Angeles Downtown Association expired in 2016. The Vertigo Marketing contract will also expire in 2017. A new contract with the Small Business Development Center will be executed to support business start-ups for low income individuals. It is anticipated that no less than twenty (24) contracts will be executed in 2017 for tourism and economic development. COMMUNITY AIR SERVICE Objective: Work with the Port of Port Angeles to secure community air service to William Fairchild International Airport. Rationale: In 2015 the substantial effort was made to derive a short list of airlines that would be interested in providing community air service to William Fairchild International Airport. Air service is essential for the success of new and existing businesses in Port Angeles. The City will work to provide incentives for new air service and to successfully obtain the commitment of one of the short listed companies. CHOOSE-LOCAL PROGRAM Objective: Promote and educate the community in making conscious decisions to purchase products and services locally, support local businesses, and contract locally for professional services. Rationale: A conscious choice to shop locally will provide for a more sustainable local economy. Staff will continue to promote and encourage shopping local, documenting the benefits of spending dollars in the local community. Page 18 02/21/2017 L - 28 City of Port Angeles 2017 Coininunity Work Plan Economic Develoninent WAYFINDING PROGRAM Objective: Implement a comprehensive citywide wayfinding program. Rationale: The City's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommended approval of $100,000 for the continued implementation of the City's Signage and Wayfinding program. City Council approved the funding in November of 2016 and staff will follow through with design amendments and implementation in 2017. It is anticipated that the remainder of the project will be completed with an additional 2018 funding request. INTERPRETIVE SIGNS Objective: Re-invent and restore waterfront interpretive signage from the Rayonier Mill Site to the Valley Creek Estuary. Rationale: Numerous interpretive signs have been implemented along the Port Angeles Waterfront. Many of them have become vandalized, damaged, or weathered. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommended funding for the re-design of these signs as well as the introduction of new interpretive signs to be introduced to the program. Signs are envisioned to be interactive and low maintenance. Page 19 02/21/2017 L - 29 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Excellence in Governinent EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT Strive for government that is predictable, accountable, and honest, actively seek citizen involvement,and incorporate clear and achievable goals that are committed to success. OFF-SITE COMPUTER BACK-UP SERVER FACILITY Objective: Provide the ability to recover vital information after a large-scale disaster by installing an off-site server facility in a location away from City Hall. Rationale: Access to data stored on the City's computers will be essential for on-going operations in the event of a failure at the City's primary data center. Such an emergency could preclude access to or use of the primary City data center or the need to operate an Emergency Operations Center for a limited duration while the City works to recover from a disaster. An off-site back-up data center is necessary to recover vital data should a significant event(such as fire, flood, or other damage)occur at City Hall. This will be accomplished utilizing a phased approach. Phase One, disaster recovery site completion first with minimal equipment but all possible critical data at two locations including server backups. Phase Two, duplication of backup data to a State sponsored/owned secure facility. Off-site local storage is the first step. We have already begun development of a redundant site at the Corp Yard and work on that project should be complete in 2017. In 2017, work will commence on the implementation of the City's remote data storage facility with work focused on determining the location for the data storage (Washington State site in eastern Washington or the Yakima County site). The termination of the AMI project has allowed the City to re-assign server and storage assets for this project. CLICK2GOV3 BUILDING PERMIT MODULE UPGRADE Objective: Improve customer service for the building permit process. Rationale: The Click2Gov3 module for building permits will allow customers to create, view and pay for building permits on-line. Providing on-line service will allow the City to be more "builder friendly" and encourage further development. Moving more customer services into on-line applications will allow for enhanced customer service across a wide variety of services requested or needed by the public. Project planning for implementation is currently underway with full installation and operational functionality anticipated in mid-2017. Page 20 02/21/2017 L - 30 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Excellence in Governinent SOCRATA OPEN DATA PROJECT Objective: Continue monthly updates via the on-line data reporting portal linked to the City's SunGard enterprise management system that is available to the general public. Rationale: The need for increased transparency is a critical need for all levels of government; especially for local, municipal government. The Socrata Open Data portal will continue to provide monthly, updated financial information to the public with direct and transparent on-line access to: • Open Budget • Open Books (Expenditures) • Open Payroll In this effort, the public will be able to examine financial information on-line, and download data and reports, that covers budget vs. year-to-date actual spending and revenue collection; an "open checkbook"where the public can search what vendors we have paid and how much we have paid them; and how much we have paid employees (salary, overtime, additional pay, and employee benefits). SUPERVISORY TRAINING Objective: Provide supervisory training opportunities for the City's management personnel. Rationale: Human Resources and the City Manager will be working on a mandatory training criteria that supervisors must meet during their year-long probationary period. Additionally, the Washington Cities Insurance Authority(WCIA) annual audit topic for 2017 is focused on supervisory training and any potential deficiencies found during the audit will be included in the training plan. UPDATES TO PERSONNEL POLICY & PROCEDURES MANUAL Objective: Update the City's personnel policies as needed and take to the City Council for approval. Rationale: The City Manager and Human Resources Manager are developing a list of policies that need to be added to the Personnel Policy & Procedure Manual. These include at a minimum: • Temporary work from home • Non-standard work week process (approval) • Guidelines for paid administrative leave • Re-evaluate internal/external complaint procedures Page 21 02/21/2017 L - 31 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Excellence in Governinent IMPLEMENT CITY-WIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Objective: Increase efficiency in the management of City records. Rationale: Implementation of a City-wide Records Management Program is ongoing and expected to last several years. In 2016 the City upgraded is Enterprise Content Management(ECM) system, Laserfiche, and began work to optimize its use. An ECM system will help the City effectively manage its records and automate its many business processes. An ECM system will also meet the requirements for public records that apply to all government agencies in the State and for security and protection of records and data. In 2016 the City began the process of bringing the Finance Department onto Laserfiche, with the goal to increase efficiencies and make all aspects of the department as paperless as possible. That effort will continue into 2017. Staff also plan to bring two other departments onto the ECM system in 2017. The City is evaluating sustainable staffing solutions that will continue to move the Records Management Program forward. PUBLIC RECORDS Objective: A restructuring of personnel responsibilities to provide assistance to the City's Public Record's Officer in response to records requests and records management. Rationale: In the last quarter of 2016, the legal Department took over the responsibility of providing support to the City's Public Records Officer. That function previously was performed by a person who was a half-time employee in that role. The Legal Department is able to absorb that function into and along with its other duties, without increasing staffing, due to a combination of efficiency and training. RESEARCH CHANGE IN CITY GOVERNMENT Objective: Analyze the consequences of passage of a petition to change Port Angeles back to its former status as a second class city. Rationale: In 2016 the City was served with a citizen petition to change Port Angeles from a Code City back to its former status as a Second Class City. A backward transition, such as proposed, has never before been on a ballot in Washington State. There are many questions as to what that such a change would mean, and there is no precedent. City staff will analyze the consequences of what approval of the petition would mean to City government and prepare a factual statement for City Council and the public. Staff will be prepared to take further action, if any, as directed by City Council. Page 22 02/21/2017 L - 32 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Excellence in Governinent COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT Objective: Conduct a Council retreat for the purpose of determining the next two year's three or four key goals and action strategies to achieve the City's vision. Rationale: Port Angeles, like many cities, has significant opportunities it can build on if its leadership can come together with a collective vision, and a roadmap to achieve that vision. A strategic planning process is one of the most widely used tools to develop a community roadmap and is used to prioritize initiatives, resources, goals, and department operations and projects. The strategic plan is a "big picture" document that directs the short long-term efforts and resources toward a clearly defined vision. Once developed, the strategic plan will influence the City's community work plan and its operating and capital budgets. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY Objective: Advocate on the City's behalf,protect the City's interests and keep Council informed on legislative issues affecting the community. Rationale: In partnership with Council, Staff will work to advocate on the City's behalf and will periodically update Council on key issues and activities during the 2017 State and Federal legislative sessions. Staff will pay particular attention to the legislative issues to protect the City's municipal interests, including topics representing a financial benefit or consequence. In addition, the City of Port Angeles recently became a legacy partner of the North Olympic Peninsula Legislative Alliance. Staff is working to prioritize City Council approved legislative priorities into the regional priority list. The City will leverage the support of other partners to attain positive legislative outcomes for the local community. SECURITY CONTROL FOR CITY FACILITIES Objective: Security and efficiency controls for City owned buildings. Rationale: In 2016, the City Manager developed a security team to look at the City's infrastructure and make security improvements. The first facility that will be configured is City Hall. Improvements to the facility will include the following: • Construction of a new "Visitor" entrance will be located between the counter of Economic Develop and the Customer Service payment Counter. • Future installation of a proximity control system that will utilize proximity cards and readers for primary city buildings and facilities. Page 23 02/21/2017 L - 33 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Our Unique Coininunity OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY Maintain our community as a place where our citizens enjoy a superior quality of life composed of abundant recreational resources, a unique natural setting, thriving cultural opportunities, and a balanced economic base. CIVIC FIELD UPGRADES Objective: Extend the useful life of Civic Field to provide a safe and fully-functional venue for a wide variety of athletic, cultural, and community events. Rationale: In 2015, the City secured $453,000 in grants to replace the field lighting system with new LED lighting technology. In 2016, the City was able to secure a West Coast League baseball team, which will benefit Civic as the owners are looking to improve portions of the stadium. The first phase of their improvements focuses on the north entrance and they have applied for a facade improvement grant for this project. In addition, because the team will bring in visitors to the community, the City applied and received $150,000 in lodging tax funds. This funding, along with left over funding from the recent lighting project, will help complete the following projects over the next two years: • Replace the roof on the grandstands • Purchase new home run fence • Rebuild new dugouts • Repaint the facility • Install new sound system CITY PIER TRANSIENT MOORAGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT Objective: Replacement of the City Pier Transient Moorage Floats. Rationale: In 2015,the City applied and received a Tier 11 Boating Infrastructure Grant in the amount of$268,575 to replace the City Pier Floats. The City continues to work with the Washington State Recreation Conservation Office on this project with installation slated for summer of 2017. ERICKSON PLAYFIELD CAMERA REPLACEMENTS Objective: Upgrade the security cameras at Erickson Playfield. Rationale: This project is to replace the current camera system at Erickson Playfield with technologically advanced systems and software, allowing for clearer reception and pictures for better security. The current system has reached the end of its useful life and the new cameras will be integrated into our system, which require less time for IT staff. Page 24 02/21/2017 L - 34 City of Port Angeles 2017 CoininuniU Work Plan Our Unique Coininunity CALISTHENICS PARK Objective: Installation of a Calisthenics Park at Erickson Playfield. Rationale: In 2015, a citizen brought forward the idea of the installation of a Calisthenics Park at Erickson Playfield. Enough funding was raised to purchase the workout equipment in 2016 and the citizen is still attempting to raise funds for the rubber mat surfacing. Once all the funds are raised and the equipment is purchased, staff will provide the installation. GEORGIANA PARK Objective: Upgrade the playground facilities at Georgiana Park. Rationale: The City, a local citizen, Olympic Medical Center, and the Quinn Redlin Kintner Endowment for Accessibility has teamed up to raise funds for a new playground at Georgiana Park. The playground has been purchased with installation starting this spring. HILL STREET OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL Objective: Complete a design for the Hill Street Olympic Discovery. Rationale: In 2016,the City executed agreement for a$200,000 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation. The grant will allow for the connection of an important missing link in the Olympic Discovery Trail connecting Marine Drive to West Port Angeles. 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