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City Council
February 22,2017
RE: Design Alternatives for US 10t Elwha River Bridge
Dear Mr. Cowan aod Ms. Bingham Baker,
This letter is to offer the Port Angeles' City Council's recommendation conc€rning the replacernent ofthe
Elwha Bridge on Highway 101 west of Port Angeles. We understand that fimding for the bridge replacement
has been included in the State D€partment ofTransportation's proposed biennial budget.
We most strongly recornmend option 7 listed in WSDOT's *Desip Alternatives - US 101 Elwha River
Bridge" released in December 2016.
From a purely vehicular traffic perspective any option that closes the existing bridge (for in-place
replacement) and detours traffrc on State Highway 112 for access to the westem halfofClallam County is
unacceptable. Highway I 12 is in exceptionally poor condition from milepost 35 to 37 due to unstable
ground. About a quarter mile of roadway near milepost 36 is gravel because the ground is so unstable it will
not support paving. Requiring detouring traflic to use the Joyce-Piedmont Access Road and East Beach
Road to return to Highway 101 is also unacceptable because ofthe poor condition ofthese roqds. It would
be prohibitively expensive to widen the road to accommodate the expected commercial trafftc that presently
uses Highway 101 .
Highway I 01 is the most important roadway in Clallam County. The economic livelihood of our County is
dependent upon this lifeline. The existing bridge is ov€r 90 yean old - well past its usefirl lifetime. From a
public safety, economic well-being, and political standpoint, we strongly urge the replacernent of the Elwha
River Bridge while keeping the existing bridge operational until completion.
ck Downie
ayor, on behalf of the Port Angeles City Council
Mr. Troy Cowan, Regional Maintenance Engineer
Ms. Claudia Bingham Baker, Communications Manager
Washinglon State Department of Transportation, Regional Maintenance Office
5720 Capital Boulevard
Tumwater, WA 985M
The only acceptable solution is one t}lat keeps the present bridge operalional and builds the replacement
bridge either next to it or at a location nearby. A location slightly to the south is preferable as it will mitigate
the existing steep approach and 90 degree bend in the current bridge.
Phone: 360-417-4500 / Fax: 360-41 7-4509 / TTY : 360-417 -4645
Website: wvrrw.cityofpa.us / Email: council@cityofpa.us
321 East Fifth Streel / Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217