HomeMy WebLinkAbout001186 Original ContractCity of Port Angeles
Record # 0011EG
THIS AGREEMENT is entered irto *i"Zfiuy ot Mtetlpr . 20t6. by. and
between the Ciry'of Port Angeles. Washington. a municipal corporationJrereinafier called ',tity.,,
and the Pon Angeles Regional Chamber ofCommerce. a non-profit corporarion hereinafter called
WHEREAS. the Contftrctor operates a visitor center pursuanl to an Agreement betueen the
Citv and Contractor enrered on January 12. 2016: and.
WHEREAS. the Contractor desires to enhance tourisl promolion services by operating apromolion agency. advertising. publicizing. and otherwise distributing information foi the purpor
of attracting and welcoming tourists to the Cit-v of Port Angeles. and marketing speciat evenrs and
festivals occurring within the Ciry* of Port Angeles.
Now. THEREFORE. in consideration of the above representations and the mutual
covenants and agreements herein" the parties agee as follo*.s:
A. Tourisr Promotion Senices
(I) The Contractor shall implement a rebranding project to enhance rhe
operation and accessibilir)- of the !'isitor center and update informarional brochures
that are distributed lor the pupose of attracting and *elcoming touriss ro rhe Cir1..
of Port Angeles- The projecr shall include the elements described in the Staremenr
of Work atrached as Exhibit A.
(2) The Contractor shall organize a twodal. Tourism Summit to be held in the
Cit-v of Port Angeles in 2017. The projecr shall include the elemenrs described in
the Statement of Work anached as Exhibit n.
(3) The Contractor shall recommend to the City goals for 2017 measurable
outcomes to determine the success of the tasks undertaken by the contractor. If
approved. these outcomes shall be provided in the marketing plan submitred ro the
Citf in January' 201 7.
B. Record Keeoins and Reponing.
The Contractor shall maintain records and report to the City as tbllo\.\,s:
8ur1eryuru uo peseq srrdpue Blpeu prros uo uodar pus amsgahl 1)
;o aEeluarrad ear lzuoda: uo uodar puB amseel/{ .s.(up do1 puu .saqrc
dot 'uolrecol rotlsr^ 'slrsrAJo Dqumu sE qrns slrqap umurururBurpnliur
'3trsqa^r- Sugalreru Jo uonqrst^ uo sousrtsls apnlrul [JErJs aseqf
'sgoga Buqslruut patEIeJ qe^\ uo poseq scrl,(luuB godu pue amsseli\l .J
'tuauee.6y sq1 ol lu?nsmd parrnbal saqr.tqce aql
turoJuad ot sasssursnq eare salaEuy uo6 r tueds..(auou3o lmoure aq1 .3
pue sle1oq ,(rr3 ur (aE?rue rd) seru, f,rednr:u:ffi1ffi::m
agt sarnpo:d rql uorloruo:d pue Eursrga,rpe go i"aXr aqr ,Suuapl .q
'BFsuruad ldur,(1g eqt
uo suo4euqsap ro sertlJ J3r{to ur salE.t ;(cuedncJo arfl ol quauqsrlqstsa
Sur3pol pue slatoq ,Op) tuog (aEutuauod) sspr ,{ctredncco sqt ar#ruo3 .3
.s;ueuqsrlqera Eu6po1 pue slapq selaEuy
po6 .yo .i1r3 ruo.r.; (aEqueuad) sater ,{ruednoJo udal pup amsBar{ .g
'alels .ro ,{.ormor taqlouE urorJ (tu)
-ro :tqErura,lo EuL(ers ro .(sp aql roJ ssoulsnq ro eJuaprsal
3o aceld rraqt uog ,(em auo aJoru Jo saltur {gg Em11a,rer1 1n)
Bu,isrs pue ssau!*.,.',""0;J:jfffi::ff ,lff ::l$ff*
:ssla8uy uod ol Eurla,rea aldood 3o s.raqumu aqt iursparcur aJE
suogs uogourord usrmot s.rop?nuo3 aqt moq EurEDsuoruap strgl .V
:Eulno11o3 oql lseel
lB apnlJut l?.ql ,&rJ rql ol suodar ueuum {pagunb eprirord lJBr.ls rotrBBuoJ a{I ([)
'lauunb aqt ro3 sasuadxa pue
sanuaArJ $r pr]? IreJluoJ srql ol lusnsmd pauuo.;rad urrq ssq IJoA\ leq,$ Surqursap
.i1rg'(1:auznb suoda: uauuu rprm _{tr3 aqt apr,lord Jlpqs JoloertuoJ JqI (U )
ruord-uou ro3 sald'ulr6 Buqrmoccv *,orr:oJ'i;:r:ljl':fr Hlff, :ff;XT'tuatuaarEy sqt lopun pauuo;rod seJl,ues lle rog sesuadxa puu sanua^rr aqt
tcagar (1arcrn3ss teql sploJar pup $(moccp urBlurcu l1zrls JolJelluoJ eqf ( I)
(4) 'l'he Conracror sha.ll submit to the City informarion needed to complv u.ith
the reporting requiremenls of RCW 67.28.1116. The inlbrmation itutt U.
submiued to the Ciry by December 3 I . 201 7.
(5) Audirs. contracror will cooperare nith the city by facilirating audits by the
Citl' of Contractor finances al times as designated by rhe Cir1.. Contracroi will
provide all financial informarion requested by the City anrJ comply. with
requirements of the washington State Auditor for reporting. disburseminrs. and
legal compliance.
(6) _ The Contracror's reprcsentative. when requested. shall appear before the
City council to report on the contractor's activiries and planned hrrwe activities
pursuant to this agreemert and to answer questions,
l7l To the extent feasible, Contractor shall cooperate onjoint effons with other
local entities such as PADA, PABA. EDC. Visitor's Burcau, Tourism commission.
(8) The Contractor shall use ils best efforts to economize on overhead expenses
to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant
to this Contract.
(9) 81 March 31.2017. rhe Conrracror shall identi$ addirional performance
measures that can be used to determine the eflicacy and benefits oi its tourism
promotion activities. The contractor shall report on these additional performance
measures in the fourth quaner of20l 7.
The perlbrmance of the contractor shall commence on the lsr day of January.. 201 7.
and shall terminate on December 31. 201 7.
Conr n tbr Tourist ion Acti vities.
From January l. 2017 through December 3l. ZOl7. the Ciry shall reimbursc
Conlractor for expenses the contraclor incurs to promote tourism within the city.
but in any event nor to exceed sixteen thousand ($16,000) Dollars.
As to expenses incurred by the contractor that are eligible tbr reimbursement under
this Agreement. contractor shall submit monthly invoices to the City. and ciry' \ .ill
pay Contractor monthly within 30 days after receipt and approral by rtre Citl
Surpeoccns e$ ul pequJsap tuau,{ed IBuU aqt tdacxa ra,toosteq.n uorlesuadurot
.iue ol rolrp^rtuo) aqt allllue tou lpqs uousnruual qons pue.,gr3 aqt iq iuatuaa:iy
-Io r{r?aJq e elnlrlsuoc lou JI"qs qderSerud srql 01 luansmd ftr3 aq ,(q tuatuaa.lEy
srr{lJo uortuuruJel 'tuatuaa.6y srql otEurr,rua ,(eru .uoqalcsrp alos slr ut ..it1; aqr
lua^a qrns ,{us ur urql .:xodord lurJaJrp B ol ro arnpaco:d lua.ragyp efq papru*i
ueeq e^?q plnoqs tueueeJEv sql luql sorBlrap (t) ro .luaurearSy srqt u:.ro3.r!d
ol anunuoJ ol JolJslluoJ aqt.;o .(1rlqe aql qJusal Jo 'suotlrpuoc .slrturl (€) Jo
'.ilradordurr otur pelalue se$ ro pro^ sr luauraarEy srqt teqt spug (z) ro.rolrelluoJrql rlttm lJBrluoc p otut latua ol .{llJ aql Jo ,&rlrqB aql strpEa, .ro .suorttpuoJ
'slltull (l) .(e.t\ ,(uB ut rsql replo :o uorlcunlur rrE sanssr ]mo, p lue^a eql ul
tueuaa:8y srqt.;o qJBaJg .r, uorlJas ut lno les suorsr,rord
uollEuruua eql qllm acuBpJorJD ur luatuear8v slql elEurulet {eru .{ued:eqr3
lN3 33UDV lO N OI.TVNIhAI3.I- '9
'alaldurot peuraep rq lpqs tuatuaa.dy srql
.lo uolguruuot aqt urql'uortgloh pauodmd aqt perpstuer to lureldurorJo amp, eql
pa^orurl tou spq paUFou.{ued eq.eun qrnsJo pua orl leJr pue Joelaq uou?lol^e uaaq sur{ J:eql lerll paurrelc sr U ularaq,r srelncrued aql Eur.(3rrads .aorlou
uallu$ ,siup {tur^\r lsua[ rc IUed Eulpuago sql enr6 l[Brls rsn?r qJns JoJ ,tuuruurl
ot 3u!:lsap .(uud aql ruqt papr..rord .tuauraalEy srql atarruuet ot fued roqo aqt
anllue lleqs qrBetq leualuur qrns.tuauraer3y slql (q U uodn pesodurr serup aqtJo
,iue :o ura:aq ualuprprm $ueuaAo, rqt.;o .(ue qoeerq {lJeyatetu lpqs iuuu iaqiall
'lrerluorJo qJearq.roJ $eIJo.,r\Bl a1e1g prp lq8u raqo r(ue ro lueuaar8y
stql ,lsuluutl ot tt{Bl-t ,seruBd aql Jo narl ur lou pup ol uo0rppe ur sr uogdo srql'eJrlou qrns Jo tdl$ar eql acurs passed aluq s,(zp uat pue {UDd Aurqcuatq aqi ot
qJEarq lBuotpru q3nsJo,Juou uelu,n ua,rrE suq u IIlm rqSH snl| ssrJJaxe lou [lBrJs.ilred aq 'lele.4\oH .patelduloJ ro uaTq uaoq seq uollc? elrlrsJroc [rlrm saJL{Jrs
ro stuatuXed ploqqllr ot ]q8u a$ se,r.resa: {ued Eurqcuarq-uou aq1 tuaua:rEy
snn Jo suorlrpuoJ ro suuel aqt Jo qlEalq lullrlsru s,Jued raqlra Jo tue_re eql ut
EJV:ruE 't
1-o sardo3 . prruu^pe uaeq a^E g .rr*, " *"ul1t'oiT,rll, 1'.I i:.,lr#lilllr,,'l;
.{lr3 aqr acrorur .(eu rolJul}uoJ or0 '(.J}a .sproapv a1ioo9 .looqacel) eousrpg
ur tuau.{ud a:rnba: saa-; Eursus,rpe i(ua JI .l! ,(q parmrur saal alsl .roJ JolJe.DuoJ
,ql a$nquter tou 11hr .Qr3 rql 'ra^r.{ioH .sr olur prcs 3o aau?rsap ro rs8euuyli
('In the event this Agreement is terminated prior December 3 I . 201 7. a final pal.menr
shall be made to rhe Conrracror. which. when added to an).palmens previousll
made. shall reimburse the Contractor for costs actually incurred as of the <tare of
tcrmination. Final payment shall not include compensation tbr loss of anricipated
income. Excepr for the final paymenr, no additional palmenr shall be dueorow.ing
to the Contractor on any grounds w.hatsoever. As a substantial element of thi
consideration for the ciqv entering into this Agreement. the Contraclor herebr
uaives and relinquishes any right. claim or cause of action for additional
payment. As of the date of termination. all rights and obligations of the Contractor
to the Cit). and of the Cir)- to the Contractor. shall cease and determine.
(l ).
The contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair. equal and
non-discriminatory treatment of all percons. without respect to race. creed or
national origin. and. in particular:
(l ). The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employmenr practices and
will welcome applications for emplolment in all positions. from qualified
individuals who are members of minorities protected b,,- federal equal
opponunit;-/alfi rmative action rcquirements: and,
The Contractor shall comply with all requiremens of applicable f'ederal.
state or locat laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto. relating to the
establishment of nondiscriminarory requirements in hiring and
employment pracdces and assuring lhe senice of all persons rvithout
discrimination as to.rn). person's race. color. religion. sex, Vietnam era
veteran's status. disabled veteran condition. physical or menhl handicap. or
nationa.l origin.
The panies agree rhat an;- dispute related to this Agreemenr shall first be submined to theCitl lvlanager and the Conractor's Representarive, and they,shall attempt to resol'e that
dispute. lf the citl Manager and contractor's Represenhrive are not able to resoh.e rhat
dispute. the dispute shall nexl be submitted to the ciry council and to rhe conrracror's
Representative. Those entities shall auempr to resol'e rhe dispute. lfthel.are not able to
resolve the dispure. the dispute shall be submined to mediation. The partiis shall agree on
one mediator. If mediarion is unable ro resolve rhe dispute, then eirhei party mal.taie such
legal action as they deem appropriate. The venue of an1, lawsuit related ro'this Agreement
shall be in Clallam Counq.,. Washington.
lJdseJ qrh\ ,{crtod acuamsur {r11gqe11 Ju.tauao FrcrrururoJ s.rolc?ltuoJ eql reprm prmsur
tre sB pourgu eq 1pqs,tt13 aq1 '(m[u1 Sursrua,rpe pue ,ftnfur leuoued pue .srorrsrruoi
tuapuadapursuorlsredo 'ses*ua:d uor.; Eursue,{lrlqel; raloc IIBrls pue r0 00 cJ rruo,J
atuaJjntco osl uo urllur aq llsqs aJuemsu {tltnen leleuao pra!au[uo.) .a
,(or1od oqr.,{rxsacausl .,r,,^;l;';$,flffillffiffii,^'",T'##,1,,,H::','#,tfff
V) ttlloJ (OSI) erUO sarhras octrs.msul uo uauur aq lpqs a8aa,roS .so;c,qrn pasurg
puP peJH 'pau.{iG.uou 'prun\o Ip Euuairoc ,JtrBmsur ,{flme!T alrqouotnv .l
:,trolaq paqprsep sad,,0 rqt;o acuemsur urstqo lFtls lotreltuoJ
55ffislF-ms$imtr1utti{- .v
',{1rnba ur ro meJ le alqupzne ..{psurar ,t,e o1 asmocar s.&g3 egt 1nurl asr.t'3qro.ro .eruunsur
qcns ,tq papr.rord e8Branoc aql ot rolrutuoJ eqr3o,irrjroeri eqr rlull ol panrlsuor aq lou
lpqs tuauaarEu aqt ,{q pa.lrnbar su ,JtrBJnsut Jo oJlr"uattneru s,rotte4uoJ .uoqgltrur.I oN
'stuaEu su 'rorr,rluoJ aq i(q :eprmeraq vo.n. eqr r. ;;"j;$l"u; ,*'lrfi:#Jur Jo uo{l asue ,{uur qcrqm i(yado:d ot a8eursp ro suoerad o1 saunfur .ro1 iurelj lsuruEetJuemsm 'lueruaerEy aql Jo uoqernp aql JoJ utsturau pue amrord Jpqs'rotoejuo3 aq1
'.0t3 aqt.lo acueirlBau
alos aq iq pomur saEuurup puu saynfur rol tdacxo luewea:By srqrlo ejuzu:oyaa ur
rotJetluoJ aBJo suorssruro Jo sJorra .stoe aqt uro:3 BuuFsal loJo lno Eursue .saal ,{auJore
Surpnpul stlns ro sassol .saEeurep .sarm lur .sturulc
1p pue ftre uo{ ssaluueq sJaaltmlo^
pue saalo;dua 'sprclgo 'staf,rJJo s1t ',{1r3 aqr ploq pue ,sruuapur ,puaJop lleqs rolreluoJ
'r?t aurof,ur pn? ..{lunoas plJos .rf,u"Jnsul
tuatu.(olduam 'ol patlutl lou rnq .flulpnlrur .pa:mbar ro pxoduri ,uo,1nquruo, ,o
sexq lef,ol puB-alsls'FreP.J lluJo luau,{ed rol [l111qgsuodsa.r [nJ rumssB llurls rotrErluoJeq1 'papr.to:d aq ol sacr^las aqt Jo spqrp at11 Jo arueuuoJrad aqt tca:rp pue lortuoiot .(tr:oqlne rql suq 'rolJertuo3 tuapuadapur rm sE .rolrenuoJ aq1 saaio;dtui srr or .(1r3
eqt :(q papr,rord slLt3uaq eql ot palluua lou sr pue,gr; aq13o asloldua ue 1o, ., rojrr.,1rojaql seurtua SuureJluoJ tuapuadapur Jo ter{l sr tJertuoJ srqt iq patea:r uo,1e1., oq1
ssoluus ploH,ruottB:)rI lur.urpul
.EJ TSNI CNV ssSlhruvH clotl '6
.SNIVrs uor.)\r8tNoJ rNl(nt:ft:rcM- '8
to the work performed for the City.3. workers' compensation coverage as required by the rndustriar rnsurances
laws of the Sute of Washington.
B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance
Contractor shall maintain the follo*ing insurance limits:
I . Auromobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit tbrbodilt injury and properry damage of$1,000.000 per accidenr.
2. commercial General Liability insurance shalr be *ritten with rimirs no less
than $ I,000.000 each occurrence. $2.000,000 generat aggregate.
C. Other nsurance lslons
The insurance policies are to contain. or be endorsed to contain. the following provisions:
l. The contractor's insumnce coverage shall be primary insurance as respect
to the City. An1.' insumnce. self-insurance. or insurance pooi coue.age maintained b1i figcitv shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute uith it.
2. The contracror's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not
be cancelled by either party. except afler thirty (30y 6u". prior wrinen notice 6'y cenified
mail. retum receipt requested. has been given to the Ciry.
D. Acceotabilitt of tnsurers
Inlyance is to be placed with insurers w'ith a current A.M. Best rating of not less thanA:VII.
E. Veri ion ol'C
Contractor shall fumish the ciry with original cenificates and a copy'ofthe amendatorl
endorsements. including bur nor necessarill limited ro the additional insured endorsemeni.
evidencing the insurance requirements of the contractor before commencement of the
All rights. including inrellectual property rights. udtings. programs. data. records.
documents. exhibits. photographic negatives. presentations. or othei materials ofanv kind
or nature prepared b,v the contractor in connection with the performance ofthis Agreement
shall be the sole and absolute propert)' ofrhe cirl' and conititute '.work made foi hire" as
that phrase is used in federal and/or stare intellectual propeny lau.s. An1. signs purchased
or prepared by the Contractor in connection with the performance of thii Alreement shall
also be the xrle and absolute property of the Cit1..
LJpon termination or the expiry of this Agreement. the Contractor agrees to immediately
deli'er ro city. all rights. including inrellectual property rights. writings. programs. data-
records. documents. exhibits, phbtographic negarives. presentations. *eb sites and web
domain names. and other materials ofany kind or nature prepared for or by. the Contractor
in connection with rhe performance of this Agreement. ail such marerial slall be delivered
to rhe cil)' and received by the clrY prior ro transmittal of final payment to the conrractor.
The panies agree that this contract is the complete exprcssion ofthe terms hereto and an'oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further. ani
modification oithis Contract shall be in r.rriting and signed by both panies.
lN WTINESS wHEREoF- the panies hercto caused $is contract ro be executed the day and year
first herein above wrinen.
Br Br':
uti\ e Director
ennt eneklascn. Cirl. Clerk tvV lliam E. Bloor Citl'Attomey
AGRI f MFNI S&C()NTRA( Is:016 Agrmts&Cootr&1s( l|s nbe, tounsrn paonorim aarEma tor2Ol7d(.rll it
Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce
Tourism Promotion 2017
Scope of Work
Porl Angeles Visitor Center Operations.
Some of the results ofthis project that we envision include:
' Udated ourside signage for the Visitor center. including internationar symbol
' Design and printing of a Port Angeres Informarion brochure. *ith useful
inlormation visitors oflen ask the most aboul including popular activities. sites
to visir. local facts and stories. an attractir€ downtown ietail map. and special
inlercst topics.. This effon will require several steps, from design ro printing. and is
expected to last about ttree months. fortowing rebranding. Note:-this does
not conllict or overlap with rhe Vertigo Marketing brochure. which is
designed to attract visitors to pon Angeres. Rather. this will be designed to
help visitors once they've made that decision and are either here. o. iruking
plans to come here.. Corresponding updates to the wur*,.mrlangeles.orc website
The Pon Angeles Visitor Center is already one of the busiest destinations for touris6 in all of
Westem Washington. with nearly 60.000 visitors expected to be served by this facility in the 2016
calendar year. This branding update. together with its supporting promotional materials. will
improve the visitor experience in pon Angeles. with targeted mapping. activiq menus. and other
updated visitor information materials-making them more accessible and improving their
usefulness. our strateg)i is for visitors ro become our ambassadors -either by *.uy of d."ilding rostal the nighr (if they haven'r fuadr'). retum and stay. anolher time. or pasiing along their
experience ro others who visir and sta1.. we are requesring $10.000 ro help tundlhis;ivir).
expecting the total cosr of this project to easill exceed $10,000. and potentialll. receir ing
supponing funds from other sources. But the decision abour total investmeniand effort to suppon
this activiry- will hinge in pan on whether this request is funded.
Scope of Work - Pg. I
The Pon Angeles Regional Chamber ol commerce. which operates the pon Angeles Visitor
Center on behalfofthe cit5 ofPon Angeles. will undertake a rebranding project in the beginning
months of 2017. in order to update information provided to visitors, make the Visitor Cenrer
opemtions more accessible and recognizable, and improve the visitor experience. especialS. lbr
visitors from afar. u'ho are unfamiliar *ith our area and have man.v questions. Much of the work
required for this project will be completed intemalll'to save on costs. but there *.ill be significant
expenses for materials. design. prinring. and signage as a pan of this project. This funding requesr
is made to help fund some ofthe cosls of those expenses.
2. 2017 Olympic Peninsula Tourism Summit - pon Angeles.
The Ol1'mpic Peninsula Tourism Coalition IOpTC) hosts a Tourism Summir each year. during rhe
shoulder season (october or November) w'hich is attended by summit participants and tourism
vendors from around the region. Although rhe Tourism Summit used ro L n"ti in port Angeles.
for the past fe* years ir has been held at Forr worden, in pon Townsend. The oprC ana *rJcityof Pon Angeles have agreed ro hold the 2017 Tourism Summir in pon Angeles, wirh rhe pon
Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce as the main organizer. The Tourism
Summit has. in the past. been a one{ay event. bul this year that has been expanded to one-and-a-
half days. and for 2017, we *ould like to organize a two{ay Tourism Summit. ln addition ro
building more content into the Tourism Summit. u,e would also like to increase anendance -liom
the normal l0o- 150. ro more than 250 attendees -many of rhem staying ovemighr in pon Angeles
hotels. In order to meet our goals. we u'ilt need to increase our markering efforts tbr the Tourism
Summit. as r,lell as help pay for an event organizer to manage the event.
we are requesting $6.000 to pay for marketing the Tourism summir. as well as partially funding
the cost oforganizing the event.
Scope ol Work - Pg. 2