HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/14/2017 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
March 14, 2017
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes for January 10, 2017
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. UAC Candidate interview and discussion
B. Second Conceptual Design Briefing for Pump Station No. 3 Replacement, Project WW0308
C. Ediz Hook Sewer Corrosion Repair Project WW0114,Phase 1 —Design Briefing
VI. Information Only Items:
VII. Next Meeting Date: April 11, 2017
VIII. Adjournment
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2017\UAC031417\031417 Agenda.docx
Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Rooms
Port Angeles, WA 98362
January 10, 2017
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Chair Lynn Bedford called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
IL Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch, and Vice Chair Lee Whetham
Councilmembers Absent: Brad Collins, Mayor Patrick Downie, Dan Gase, Cherie Kidd,
and Michael Merideth
UAC Members Present: Chair Lynn Bedford
UAC Members Absent: Rob Feller and Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Craig Fulton, Gregg King, Kathryn Neal, Heidi Greenwood,
Jonathan Boehme, Jeff Bender, and Michelle Hale
Others Present: None
III. Approval Of Minutes
Chair Lynn Bedford requested a motion for approval of the November 8, 2016 minutes. Sissi
Bruch moved to approve the minutes and Vice Chair Lee Whetham seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items: None
V. Discussion Items:
A. Streamkeepers Water Quality Monitoring Inter-Local Agreement with
Clallam County
Jonathan Boehme, P. E, Stormwater Engineer, discussed renewing the City's 5 year Inter-Local
Agreement with Clallam County Streamkeepers. The NPDES Permit requires the City to search
for sources of water quality problems such as fecal coliform bacteria. Jonathan mentioned the
City has utilized Streamkeepers for over 15 years to monitor water quality in the five streams
within the City limits. Jonathan detailed a few of the success stories the Streamkeeper's
volunteer program has discovered during the last 5 year agreement. Discussion followed.
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the
5 year Inter-local Agreement with Clallam County in an annual amount not to exceed
$16,000 and a total amount not to exceed $80,000, and to make minor modifications to the
agreement, as necessary. Vice Chair Lee Whetham seconded the motion,which carried
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Design Briefing for Pump Station No. 3 Replacement,Project WW03-08
Craig Fulton, Director,Public Works &Utilities,began the discussion on the replacement project
for Pump Station No. 3, followed by an informational briefing by Kathryn Neal, P.E.,
Engineering Manager and Michael Szatlocky, P.E., Civil Engineer. This multi-year project will
replace undersized force mains along Marine Drive, eliminate wet-weather overflows of
combined sewage, and replace a small pump station(PS3) that was originally installed in 1969.
The briefing described the reason for the project, the conceptual design solutions, and the
estimated costs. Lengthy Discussion followed with questions and input from UAC members.
B. UAC Member Open Position Update (verbal)
Craig Fulton, Director,Public Works &Utilities distributed and discussed the one application
received to fill the remaining 2 '/2 years of Betsy Wharton's term. Discussion was held on member
representation and the committee requested to extend the application advertisement/recruitment one
more month. Craig stated he will contact the applicant to let him know the application decision has
been extended.
C. Capital Projects 2011-2016
Craig Fulton, Director,Public Works &Utilities distributed a listing of Capital Projects for 2011-
2016 per request of Sissi Bruch.
VII. Next Meeting Date: February 14, 2017
VIII. Adjournment: 4:45 p.m.
Chair Lynn Bedford Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist II
W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: March 14, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Gregg King, Power Resource Manager
Subject: Utility Advisory Committee Membership
Summary: The Utility Advisory Committee has a community representative positon open due
to a member resignation. As a result of a recent recruitment effort, one applicant is ready to serve
the remainder of the four year term.
Funding: This is a volunteer position without pay-N/A
Recommendation: Staff requests that the Councilmembers serving on the Utility Advisory
Committee 1) review the application, 2) interview the applicant, and 3) provide a favorable
recommendation for City Council to appoint the applicant to serve on the Utility Advisory
Committee to represent the community.
Back2round/Analysis: The Utility Advisory Committee's community representative
(Betsey Wharton)resigned in November 2016 due to time constraints and commitments. A new
community representative needs to be chosen to fill the unexpired term which ends February 28,
After two month's search one application for the community representative was received This
position is intended to be an advocate for customers of the City's utilities,.
Staff requests that the Councilmembers serving on the Utility Advisory Committee 1)review the
application, 2) interview the applicant, and 3)provide a favorable recommendation for City
Council to appoint the applicants to serve on the Utility Advisory Committee to represent these
two constituencies.
Funding Overview: PAMC 2.68.030(B)5 states "Members shall serve without pay,"
Attachments: Application for the Utility Advisory Committee
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2017\UAC031417\UAC Representive 03-2017 Application Memo.docx
Board, Commission or Committee ttee to which you are seeking appointment:
Applicant Name and General Information
�° F^ C. '.. "2A/
First Ml Last
Monte Street Address
City State Zip
a -...
Home phone Fork phone Cell phone
� !
E-mail address
Date of Birth (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal
history check to ensure;compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26A20)
Certification and Location Information (circle one)
Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes "',
Are you a citizen of"the United States? No
Are you a Registered Voter? No
Are you a.City resident? );�-ds k✓ No
If so,howl>
Iia you omi/manape a business in the City? Yes oma"
Bio you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? Yes 1>11"m
If so,please list:
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,please
Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
Employer Title Frorn(MA') To(M/Y)
Brief job description
Empioyer Title From(Miy) To(MN)
Brief job description
Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y)
Brief job description
Education - List most recent expen nce first
V Ye No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study duated��?
t) 6:' L A 41 AIA 6-1t�
7 z;E::17 Xes
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study 6—r a-cTu.a t e d?
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships- List major activities you have participated in
during the last live years
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members
Brief description of your participation: ��-7 S ZZY17 7- 72
Organ izati on/Location Groups purpose/objective #of members
Brief description of your participation:
Why are you interested in sen7ing on this particular Board or Commission?
)Miat in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board?
C: z--, - /V�
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Commission?
-�-)'4 i?)j
Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application.
Applicant Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK
360-417-4634 or j-v,enekla oa)cityofpa.us
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5"' Street
PO Box 1.150
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation,please contact the City Manager's Of at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
-- WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: March 14, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Second Conceptual Design Briefing for Pump Station No. 3 Replacement,
Project WW0308
Summary: In January 2017, staff presented an informational briefing describing the reason for
the Pump Station No. 3 Replacement Project WW0308 (Project), the alternative conceptual
design solutions, and the estimated costs. UAC members requested additional information on
several issues affecting the conceptual design strategy. Staff will present their analysis of the
issues and questions raised by UAC members in a second design briefing.
The Project is a significant multi-year effort that will replace undersized force mains along
Marine Drive, eliminate wet-weather overflows of combined sewage, and replace a small pump
station(PS3) that was originally installed in 1969. The final project costs could vary from $3.4M
to $9.2M, depending on which design alternative is chosen for the portion of the alignment along
the Boat Haven. Construction costs for Phase 1 are currently estimated at$820,000. Design is
ongoing in 2016, and the project may be advertised for construction late in the year, with
construction scheduled for 2018. The UAC will be briefed again on the final design for Phase 1
before the project is advertised for bids.
Funding: Funds are available in the approved 2017 budget,for Wastewater Utility capital projects,
account 453-7488-594-6510 in an amount of$70,000 for design (in-house). The total estimated
construction budget for Phase 1 is $820,000 for 2018. This project is programmed in the approved
Capital Facility Plan. Budgeted expenditures have occurred in past years for planning and design.
Recommendation: It is requested that the UAC concur with the conceptual design strategy as
described below for Pump Station No.3 Replacement, Project WW0308.
Phase 1 — Enlarge sewer mains in Marine Drive from the Marina to the intersection with
Cedar Street, to eliminate overflows of combined sewage in that area. Coordinate project design
with planned improvements to the Olympic Discovery Trail and traffic safety improvements.
Phase 2 — Enlarge force mains from Hill Street to the east end of the Marina. If feasible,
utilize the abandoned industrial water line (IWL) to avoid risks/costs of excavation. Coordinate
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2017\UAC031417\WW0308 Pump Station 3 Replacement Design Brief 2 Memo.docx
pulling new sewer pipes through the IWL with Stormwater Utility projects to minimize
mobilization costs. At Hill Street, install CIDP lining to seal the sewer main.
Phase 3 —Replace Pump Station 3.
Pump Station No. 3 Replacement, Project WW03-08, was first included in the Capital Facilities
Plan in 2008, and was programmed for in-house design in 2016. The goals of the project are to
replace a small pump station (PS3) that was originally installed in 1969 and to eliminate wet-
weather overflows of combined sewage that occasionally flood homes, businesses, and roads
(Marine Drive) on the west side of Port Angeles.
Pump Station 4 (PS4)has recently been upgraded as part of the CSO Phase 2 project, and system
overflows into the harbor from formal(permitted) CSO outfalls have been eliminated this winter.
PS 3 pumps sewage (domestic wastewater) and stormwater inflow and infiltration(I&I) from the
base of Hill Street along Marine Drive to PS4. Hydraulic analysis and field measurements reveal
that the force mains are undersized, and that merely improving the pumps at PS3 will not resolve
the flooding issues. A more comprehensive approach is required that involves increasing the size
of the sewer mains downstream of PS3, sealing the Hill Street sewer, and then upgrading PS3.
Phase 1 of the project would involve increasing the pipe capacity from the east end of the Marina
to the intersection with Cedar St., and would have the immediate benefit of eliminating
wastewater flooding in that area(the eastern half of the project area)/
The first phase of construction is scheduled for 2018, after the design is finalized and contract
documents are prepared. This is a significant multi-year project, and the final project costs could
vary from $3.4M to $9.2M, depending on which design alternative is chosen for the portion of
the alignment along the Marina. Construction costs for Phase 1 are currently estimated at
$820,000 and design costs for the entire project are approximately $175,000.
In January 2017 UAC meeting, staff presented an informational briefing describing the reasons
for the project, the conceptual design alternatives, and the estimated costs. Committee members
had questions related to whether staff had adequately considered disconnecting stormwater
inflow and infiltration from the combined sewer system, and whether the goals of the project
could thereby be attained more efficiently. The questions are summarized as follows:
1. Where does flooding occur? It is ultimately caused by stormwater peaks in the sewer
pipes, but what is the hydraulic limitation in the system that results in flooding.
2. How often does it occur—is it important that it be resolved?
3. What does it cost the Wastewater Utility to treat the stormwater in the combined system?
4. Is it feasible to separate the stormwater from the sewer pipes flowing to PS3?
5. What would be the cost of the alternative approach? Potential saving to the Project and
the Wastewater Utility, compared to the cost of new stormwater infrastructure.
6. What is the City doing now to control I&I?
Staff will present an analysis of the stormwater inflow that will facilitate a discussion of these
questions, and of the Project design approach.
-- WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: March 14, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Ediz Hook Sewer Corrosion Repair Project WW0114, Phase 1 —
Design Briefing
Summary: The Ediz Hook Sewer Repair Project WW0114 (Project) aims to reduce hydrogen
sulfide gas in the concrete gravity sewer pipeline at Ediz Hook. The pipeline has been heavily
damaged by hydrogen sulfide corrosion. The Project is being constructed in two phases, in 2017
and 2021. Phase 1 involves installation of a vent stack in a manhole located near the Nippon Mill
site. Staff will be requesting bids for Phase 1 construction this month, and expects to request that
City Council approve a construction contract in April or May. The Engineer's Estimate for Phase
1 is less than $30,000.
Phase 2 of the Project involves installation of a hydrogen sulfide treatment facility adjacent to
wastewater Pump Station 3, located at the base of Hill Street on Marine Drive. Currently,
construction of Phase 2 is planned to coincide with replacement of Pump Station 3 about 2021.
It is necessary to construct Phase 1 before the Marine Drive Sewer Repair Project WW0116.
That project involves cured-in-place pipe (CIDP) lining of the concrete sewer lines to strengthen
them and to protect them from further corrosion. Staff will bring a separate presentation to the
UAC for Project WW0116, and anticipates requesting City Council approve a construction
contract in May 2017 for this CIDP project. Both projects are programmed in the approved
Capital Facilities Plan.
Funding: Funds are available in the approved 2017 budget, for Wastewater Utility capital
projects, account 453-7488-594-6510 in an amount of $175,000. The total estimated Project
budget is $375,000.
Recommendation: It is requested that the UAC concur with the design strategy for Ediz Hook
Sewer Repair, Project WW0014, and recommend that City Council approve the award of a
construction contract in 2017 that fits within the approved project budget.
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2017\UAC031417\WW0114-Ediz Hook Sewer Repair Phase 1 Design Briefing Memo.docx
The Ediz Hook Sewer Repair Project WWOl14 (Project) aims to reduce hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
gas in the concrete gravity sewer pipeline at Ediz Hook. The pipeline has been heavily damaged
by H2S corrosion. The Project is being constructed in two phases, in 2017 and 2021. Phase 1
involves installation of a vent stack in a manhole (MO12) located near the Nippon Paper Mill
site. The vent stack will be 8 inches in diameter and approximately eight feet high. The air vent
will allow air currents to draft ventilate the gravity sewer lines. See attached drawing. Phase 1
originally also included replacement of a section of concrete pipe that was discovered in the
2014 annual CCTV sewer inspection to be so compromised by H2S, in that the crown of the pipe
was completely missing (see photo 2). In November 2016, the pipe collapsed, and was repaired
by City Public Works Operations crews, thus does not need to be replaced as part of this project.
Staff will be requesting bids for Phase 1 construction this month, and expects to request that City
Council approve a construction contract in April or May. The Engineer's Estimate for Phase 1 is
less than $30,000.
Phase 2 will install a fan-driven air scrubber near Pump Station 3 to draw air from the gravity
sewer mains at a higher rate than venting alone. The result of the projects will be a significant
reduction in hydrogen sulfide concentrations and long term protection of the gravity sewer
mains. Currently Phase 2 construction is planned to coincide with the final phase of the Pump
Station 3 Replacement, Project WW03-08, about 2021. After Phase 1, a separate capital project,
"Marine Drive Sewer Repair" Project WWO116, will install a corrosion resistant lining in the
concrete pipes to repair minor defects and provide better H2S protection. The complete Ediz
Hook Sewer Repair Project (Phase 1 and 2), will result in an air quality treatment system
removing the hydrogen sulfide gas from the sewer main between manhole M012 at Nippon to
Pump Station 3.
The original wastewater system that services Ediz Hook was installed in 1969 as part of the City
wide sewer system improvements and the construction of the first wastewater treatment plant.
The original wastewater lines were a mix of cement concrete pipe and asbestos concrete pipe.
The installation of the Ediz Hook force main extension (corrosion resistant pipe) serving the
Coast Guard base and the businesses on Ediz Hook was installed in 1997. Wastewater
discharged from the Ediz Hook force main has a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas
which has caused severe corrosion of the gravity sewer mains between manhole M012, located
near the Nippon Mill site, and Pump Station 3, located at the base of Hill Street.
Funding Overview: Funds are available in the approved 2017 budget, for Wastewater Utility
capital projects, account 453-7488-594-6510 in an amount of$175,000. The total estimated
Project budget is $375,000.
Ediz Hook Sewer Corrosion Repair
Project WWO114
Z 2
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Photo 1 Manhole M012 Photo 2-CCN of Damaged Sewer Pipe
Replace the aging portion of the1969cross-town wastewater collectionsystem west ofthe rebuiltpump station 4.
Tributaryareaserved by
PumpStation3& MarineDrive
Project WW 0308
Utility Advisory Committee
March 14, 2017
Pump Station 3 Design
(per January UAC briefing)
Construction will correct the following problems:
Pump Station 3 Project ww0308
Estimated Construction Costs
$3,110,000 for Preferred Alternative
Questions From January UAC Briefing
•What does it cost to treat stormwater (I&I) at the WWTP?
•Is it feasible to separate stormwater from the wastewater
•What will new stormwater infrastructure cost?
•What is the City doing now to control I&I?
Stormwater Inflow Analysis
Staff Contributors
Mike Szatlocky, PE
Wastewater Design
Source Analysis
Jeff Bender, PE
Wastewater Statistics
WWTP Capacity
Wastewater Flow
Lucio Baack, EIT
Flow Monitoring
Data Analysis
Wastewater Flow
Vince McIntyre,
Flow Monitoring
Stormwater Flow
Stormwater Design
Kathryn Neal, PE
Source Analysis
Cost Analysis
Craig Fulton, PE
Cost Analysis
How Does the Stormwater Enter the Wastewater System?
Prior to 1979, all City sewers were designed as a combined system
Planning Study Recommendations
1989 2006
1978 Port Angeles Sewerage Facility Planning
Sources of Stormwater
Wastewater Mains Subject to Groundwater Infiltration
Source: 1978 Port Angeles Sewer Facility Evaluation
Tier 1: High Infiltration Rate
Tier 2: Medium Infiltration Rate
Tier 3: Low Infiltration Rate
Tumwater Street
Point of Discharge
Pump Station 3
Point of Discharge
Brick Manholes
Source: 1991 City Field Survey
Red Brick Manholes
Concreted Brick Manholes
West Basin
East Basin
Tumwater Street
Point of Discharge
Pump Station 3
Point of Discharge
Sources of Stormwater
(Surface Runoff)
Manholes Receiving High Amounts of Surface Water
Source: 1991 Sanitary Sewer Study, 2017 GIS Mapping
Low Manhole or Storm Drain Connection. Size
Indicates Relative Area Captured by Manhole
Total Area Captured in West Basins = 58.9 Acres
Pump Station 3
Point of Discharge
Tumwater Street
Point of Discharge
Known Roof, Yard & Basement Drains Connected to the Wastewater System
Source: 1978 Sewerage Facility Planning Study
Known Connections to Wastewater System
identified by smoke testing as part of the 1978
Sewerage Facility Planning Study
Accuracy of the smoke testing is estimated at
50% -an estimate taking into consideration
system aging, system expansion, and
inaccuracies in the smoke test.
Pump Station 3
Point of Discharge
Tumwater Street
Point of Discharge
How Much Stormwater?
Measured Wastewater System Flows
at Three Critical Points
Dry Season –Wastewater Only
Typical Combined Wastewater System Flow Patterns
Wet Season –Wastewater & Infiltration
Average Dry Weather Flow (gpm)Average Wet Weather Flow (gpm)
Conversion Factor:
100 gpm = 0.144 MGD
695 gpm = 1 MGD
5th & “L” Street
Meter Point
Inflow Peak 1150 GPM
Rainfall Peak 0.2 In/Hr.
Tumwater Street
Meter Point
Inflow Peak 930 GPM
Rainfall Peak 0.2 In/Hr.
4th Street –Wet & Dry Season Base Flows
Meter Point
No Wet Season Infiltration
Identical Curves show there is no
significant infiltration in this portion
of the system.
4th Street –Typical Storm Event
Meter Point
Inflow Peak 0.18 In/Hr.Rainfall Peak 390 gpm
Inflow for this location includes
stormwater pumped from the
City landfill settling ponds.
Wastewater System Capacity Limitsand Flooding Frequency
Large Amount of Stormwater Inflow and Infiltration Into WW System
Undersized Pumps @ PS3
Undersized Force Main Between PS3 & Boathaven Drive
Undersized Gravity Main Between Boathaven Drive & Cedar Street
Affected Structures & Marine Drive Manholes
Pump Station 3
Point of Discharge
Buildings on
Marine Drive
Manholes on
Marine Drive
on 4th Street
Marine Drive Overflows
Source: 2015 Modeling Study
400 GPM Overflow –Tumwater Street 500 GPM Overflow –Harborview Drive
400 GPM Overflow –Marine Drive100 GPM Overflow –Marine Drive
Estimates Made With Municipal Sewer & Water Overflow Ruler
Frequency of Marine Drive Flooding Due to Runoff Peaks
Overflows Occur When Rainfall Intensity Exceeds 0.30 Inches Per
Hour. Frequency of 8 to 10 Times Per Year on Average
Year 2015
Year 2016
How much Infiltration and Inflow?How much reduction is possible?
•Peak Storm Flows for West Basin
•Yearly Flows at the WWTP (entire City)
Maximum Infiltration & Inflow
for Average Peak Storm Flows in the West Basin
Groundwater Infiltration Leaky Manhole Covers Roof & Yard Drains Low Manholes and Stormdrain
Leaky Manhole
Roof & Yard
Yearly Volume of Wastewater & Stormwater Treated
Wastewater Treatment Plant 28
Total WWTP Yearly Flow
913.5 MG
Sanitary Sewer 74.0%
Infiltration 18.9%
Total Yearly Flow West of
Pump Station 4 –333.2 MG
Total Yearly Flow East of
Pump Station 4 –177.3 MG
Total Yearly @ Francis Street
403.0 MG
Inflow 7.1%
Stormwater Separation:
Design Constraints and Solutions
Unintended Consequences –Shane Park Drainage Basin Flooding
Shane Park
(25-yr storm)
Drainage Basin Boundary
10th & M
(25-yr storm)
Shane Park Drainage Basin has
NO OUTLET. All runoff ends up in
a wetland at 10th & M Streets.
Unintended Consequences –Shane Park Flooding
Flooded Area –25 -Year Storm
Typical Raised Brick Manholes
Unintended Consequences –10th & M Street Flooding
Regulatory Wetland
Flooded Area –25 -Year Storm
Conceptual Stormwater Project
Design Strategies
to Resolve WW Collection System Overflows
Option 1:Project WW0308 as presented in January
Continue to intercept and treat Stormwater in the Wastewater System
with enlarged wastewater mains that include stormwater and a
reconstructed PS3
Option 2: Separate Stormwater in the West Basin
Construct new Stormwater infrastructure to convey & treat Stormwater
prior to discharge into Port Angeles Harbor; coupled with a reduced PS3
that only conveys wastewater flows
Option 3:Current practice
Continue to intercept and treat Stormwater in the Wastewater System
with a reconstructed Pump Station 3; and construct new Stormwater
infrastructure on a project-by project basis over a longer time period to
separate Stormwater as utility system revenue allows.
Costs of Stormwater Separation Alternatives
Grouting or CIPP Lining Sewer Mains for Infiltration Reduction
Total $12,443,10050% effective
Cost $216/lf
Protect Sewer Mains from Infiltration
Disconnect Roof, Basement & Yard Drains 37
Protect Sewer Mains
from Inflow
Originating on Private Property
Crown Park
Stormwater Construction Projects to Reduce Inflow
Upper H Street Tumwater Street
Low Manhole
New Storm drain
Stormwater Projects Construction Cost Estimates 39
Project Cost
Crown Park Stormwater Improvements $4,274,900
Upper H Street Stormwater Improvements $2,970,300
Tumwater St. Stormwater Improvements $6,012,900
Roof and Yard Drain Disconnection $840,000
Minor Manhole Disconnection $10,000
Grouting/CIPP Lining Infiltration Reduction $12,443,100
TOTAL $26,551,200
Wastewater Project AlternativesConstruction Cost Estimates
Project Construction Cost
Cost Comparison of Alternative Strategies
Project Construction Cost 20 Year Depreciation
20 Year O&M Cost Total Cost
Life Cycle Cost Estimate
Yearly Volume of Wastewater & Stormwater Treated After Modifications
Wastewater Treatment Plant 42
Total WWTP Yearly Flow
Sanitary Sewer 74.0%
Total Yearly Flow West of
Pump Station 4
Total Yearly Flow East of
Pump Station 4 Total Yearly @ Francis Street
Inflow & Infiltration
Infiltration Reduction
Saves $30,000/Year
(73.7 MG)
50% of
Cost $12.4 M
78% of Inflow
Construction Cost
$14.1 M
Inflow Reduction
Saves $7,030/Year
(17.3 MG)
City of Port AngelesCapital Facility Plan
Inflow and Infiltration Control Projects
Number Project Cost Timing
WW0111 Sanitary Sewer I&I Reduction (Front St. Separation)$367,500 2016 (complete)
TR1616 Green LID Alleys $502,334
Including $403,425
DOE grant
2016 (complete)
WW0116 Marine Drive Sewer Repair $222,000 2017
TR0416 1st/2nd/Valley/Oak Green Alley $470,000 2018/2019
WW0815 Laurel St. Sewer Separation $275,000 2019/2020
WW0715 Oak St. Sewer Separation $265,000 2019/2020
WW0118 Upper H St Stormwater Improvements –Shane Park $1,800,000 2018 + PL
WW1215 Shane Park Sewer Separation $280,000 2023
WW1115 First & Second Alley Sewer Separation $120,000 PL
WW0416 Sewer Line Infiltration Reduction $300,000 PL
WW1315 Pine Hill Sewer Separation $275,000 PL
2017 Marine Drive CIPP Lining, Project WW 01-16
(Infiltration Reduction)
Cast In
H Street Stormwater
Basin –2014
Raingarden Project
Station 3
H Street
Outfall –2017
IWL Utilization
Upper H Street
Stormwater Basin
Integration With Stormwater Construction
H Street Stormwater Outfall Project DR 02-13
Future Upper H Street Stormwater Improvements
Station 3
Future Upper H
Street Gravity
Planning Study Recommendations
1989 2006
1978 Port Angeles Sewerage Facility Planning
1.Construct H Street stormwater project in conjunction
with Pump Station 3 reconstruction
2.Retrofit leaking manhole covers to eliminate minor
sources of stormwater inflow
3.Investigate cost effective stormwater projects that
reduce the percentage of surface water inflow
4.Identify and rehabilitate major infiltration sources
5.Identify potential grant sources for stormwater
separation projects
Long term Strategy for I&I Control
Requested Action:
UAC Concurrence with
Pump Station 3 Replacement, Project WW0308
conceptual design strategy
In addition, pursue I& I Reduction projects through the
CFP process
Pump Station 3 Replacement, Project WW0308
Conceptual Design Strategy
•Phase 1 –Enlarge sewer mains in Marine Drive from the Marina to the
intersection with Cedar St, to eliminate overflows of combined sewage in that
•Coordinate project design with planned improvements to the Olympic Discovery
Trail and traffic safety improvements on Marine Drive.
•Construction estimate is $820,000 in 2018.
•Staff will return to brief UAC on final design before going to bid.
•Phase 2 –Enlarge force mains form Hill Street to the east end of the Marina
•If feasible, utilize the abandoned IWL to avoid risks/costs of excavation
•Coordinate pulling new sewer pipes through IWL with Stormwater projects to
minimize mobilization costs
•Install CIPP lining to seal the Hill Street sewer main.
•If Marina bulkhead must be repaired, this will delay Phase 2 implementation.
Coordinate with Port of Port Angeles
•Phase 3 –Replace Pump Station 3
In addition, pursue I& I Reduction projects through the
CFP process