HomeMy WebLinkAbout001004 Original Contract (2)001004
Cosey Reeter
223 Cook Ave Ext,
Port Townsend, WA 98368
1206) 724-2391
Sc of Work
Projec'l: Strolegic plon
Consultont Objective: Focililote ond compleie o 2-4 yeor strolegic plon for the Cily of Port Angeles using lhe
OGSM method (see ottoched) resulling in no more thon live high level gools.
Deliver the following services:
I . Focilitole one I.5 hour prep meeling ond two 4-hour plonning workshops
2. Provide group cooching ond odvisement on objeclives, gools, strotegies, ond toctics.
3. Droft ond finolize strotegic plon using OGSM modelwith 2 rounds ol feedbock ond revision
4. Review, onolfze, ond opply secondory reseorch os needed.
. Prep meeting Fridoy, Februory 3,2017 (1.5 hours) Jock Pittis Conference Room
. Plonning workshops ot Olympic Medicol Center:
o Fridoy, Februory 24th 9:30-2:30 Foirshter Room
o Fridoy, Morch Iolh 9:3G2:30 Wendel Room
. Slrolegic plon first droft distributed to Client for review within one week of finol workshop.
. Round I feedbock due to Consultonl revised droft distributed 10 Client
. Round 2 feedbock due 1o Consultonl
finoi drofl distributed to Client
Consullont Fee: $1650
CONSUTIING SERVICES - The Client employs the Consultont to periorm the services oullined in the Scope of Work
Further wott beyond this scope will be negotioled ond ossigned os on oddendum.
3. PAYMENTTO CONSUI,IANT - Client will be invoiced for lhe full omount upon completion on or by 3/31/l7 ond will
remit poyment lo Consultonl within 30 doys. lncidentols ocquir.ed by Consultont sholl be pre-opproved ond
reimbuBed by Client.
Prepored by Cosey Reeter qg jeylqglqleyqlppceto
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Client: City of Port Angeles
Contoct: Kori Mortinez-Boiley
(360) 41 7-4s00
2. DURATION - This ogreemenl sholl commence l/25117 ond end 3131/17. Either porty moy concel the ogreement
in writing ot which point payment will be pro-roted to the doy of terminotion.
4. CONFIDENTIAL INFOIMAIION . Any informolion received from Client will be treoted by Consultont in full
confidence ond nol shored wilh ony other persons or orgonizotions unless permitted in writing by Client.