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312 W 4th Street - Building
ELECTRICAL'FERMiT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . . . 17-00000346 Date 3/21/17 Application pin number . . . 332044 Property Address . . . . . . 312 W 4TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -00 -0 -0 -8610 -0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY Application valuation . . . . 0 ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Service change ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ LOUISE M SHADEL ------------------------ ANGELES ELECTRIC 312 W 4TH ST 524 E. IST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 983622209 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 809-0893 (360) 452-9264 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL .Additional desc . Permit Fee 120.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 3/21/17 valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 9/17/17 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 120.0000 ECH EL -0-200 SRV FEEDER 120.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged ----------------- Paid Credited ---------- Due ---------- Permit Fee Total 120,00 ---------- 120.00 .00 ---------- .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 00 Ofl Grand Total 120.00 120.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: REPORT STATE SALES TAX. ,.on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE Z31 I"Z ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: I II PERMfr WILL EXPME SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECnON Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: 03/20/2017 12:23 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric CITY of PORT ANGELES PERMFI' APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street �- P.O. Bog 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 4174735 Fag: (360) 4174711 Date: 1 & 2 Single Family Dwelling Q0001/0001 Plan Review May BeRequired, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet *A 3/Z- A)� Building Square Footage: Description of abate c-,. pu" Owner Irtforma 'on ` Contractor Information Namez 014 Nam- Moaw e.ectwo. rra Mailing AddroW -a- Marling Addr= UM FROr arnEEr City: fke'A- Sia& lr Poor ;yam WAUMPhone: Far Phone. maw Fax: license # / Exp License # I Exp, 00" Item SW ' O B Unit CMM TotaI M fled by trait Cham Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $120.00 � Servloe/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $146.00 $ ServknlFeeder 4014M Amp • $ 205.00 $ Setv;WFeWw 6014000 Amp. $ 262.00 $ SewicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 373.00 $ Branch Circuit W1 Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circ ult W10 Service feeder $ 63.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 14 $ 75.00 $ Temps. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. $ 93.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. $110.00 $ Terre. ServiwtFeeder 401-M Amp. $149.00 $ Temp. Servic a Feeder 601-1000 Arm. $168.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Signal Circuit! limited Energy -1 & 2 Family Dwelling $ 64.00 $ Manufactured Horth Connection $120.00 $ Retewabie Electrical Energy - 5KYA System or less $102.00 $ Themastat $ 56.00 $ Note. $5.00 for each additional T-Stat MW.CONSTRUCTION ONLY: First 1300 Square Ft $120.00 $ Each Additional 500 Square Ft or Portion of $ 40.00 $ Each OuftildN or Detached Garage $ 74.00 $ Each Wmrrung Pool or Hort Tub $110.00 $ /20-00Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the strutlum for W years after this electrical psm-#1 is finaltzed. (2) Owner is required . to hire an eled6cai contractor I above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, l hereby certify tit I am the owner of the above warned properly or a licensed electrical contredor. I am malting the electrical dation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 1928, WAC. Chapter 296.46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specificadons and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Penna Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: 0 cash . Ct Chwk t� Cmdit cant rf ON FILE x 1-9 —r o,�t,z Application Number . . . . . 23-00001132 Date 10/19/23 Application pin number . . . 205968 Property Address . . . . . . 312 W 4TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-0-8610-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc PV system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ MEGAN HULL AND DANIEL PACE SOLGEN POWER LLC 312 W 4TH ST 5715 BEDFORD STREET PORT ANGELES WA 983622209 PASCO WA 99301 (509) 931-1663 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 240.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 10/19/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 4/16/24 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 2.00 120.0000 ECH EL-0-200 SRV FEEDER 240.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 240.00 240.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 240.00 240.00 .00 .00 Public Works and Utilities Department 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 360.417.4735 | www.cityofpa.us | electricalpermits@cityofpa.us EL1-2 SF 1 - 2 SINGLE-FAMILY ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Project Address: Project Description: □ Single-Family Residential □ Duplex / ARU Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Email: Mailing Address: Phone: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: License: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: PROJECT DETAILS Item Unit Charge Quantity Total (Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp.$120.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp.$146.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp.$205.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp.$262.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp.$373.00 $ Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $63.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $75.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp.$93.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp.$110.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp.$149.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp.$168.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $96.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy - 1&2 DU.$64.00 $ Manufactured Home Connection $120.00 $ Renewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less $102.00 $ Thermostat (Note: $5 for each additional)$56.00 $ First 1300 Square Feet $120.00 $ Each Additional 500 square feet``$40.00 $ Each Outbuilding / Detached Garage $74.00 $ Each Swimming Pool / Hot Tub $110.00 $ TOTAL $ Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature (□ Owner □ Electrical Contractor / Administrator)Permit #: New Construction Only [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] PREPARED 10/18/23,13:48:08 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00001132 312 W 4TH ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL 240.00 TOTAL DUE 240.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment Megan A Hull312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362DRAWN BY:DATE:9/19/2023IJADESIGNSOLGEN POWER5715 BEDFORD ST,PASCO, WA 99301P: 509-931-16631PAGE #PV 1ABCDEFGH12345 54321GENERAL NOTES1. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANYWORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFYTHE DESIGNER OF ANY DISCREPANCIESWITH THE DESIGN IN ANY CAPACITY.ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDATIONS, CODES,OR REGULATIONS & RULES OF THEAUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION, WHICHSUPERSEDED THE NEC.2. ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED BYCONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENTOF WORK.3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLSAFETY PRECAUTIONS, OSHAREQUIREMENTS ETC. FOR THE SITE,INCLUDING EXISTING SITE HAZARDS.4. SYSTEM IS GRID INTERACTIVE/INTERTIEDVIA A UL LISTED POWER-CONDITIONINGINVERTER.5. SYSTEM HAS NO ENERGY STORAGE OFANY KIND, OR UPS.6. ALL SOLAR MOUNTING FRAMEWORK TOBE GROUNDED.7. FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTEDINSTALLATION PRACTICES AND WIRINGSPECIFICATIONS.8. ALL WORK TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITHTHE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODES.(IBC)9. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE INCOMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONALELECTRIC CODE (NEC).ELECTRICAL NOTES1. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THEDISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BEENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, ASIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OFTHE HAZARDS. (PER ART. 690.17)2. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OFTHE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILLBE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM.(PER ART. 210.5)3. A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTINGLABORATORY SHALL LIST ALLEQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITHARTICLE 110.3.4. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHSTRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY POINTSINTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING5. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDEDAT THE UL-LISTED LOCATION PROVIDEDBY THE MANUFACTURER USINGUL-LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE.6. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTSSHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENTGROUND CONDUCTORS AND GROUNDEDAT THE MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL.7. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODECONDUCTOR SHALL BE SIZEDACCORDING TO ARTICLE 250.166B &690.47.AERIAL VIEWRESIDENCE PHOTOSHEET INDEXPV 1 COVER PAGEPV 2 SITE PLANPV 3 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMPV 6 PLACARDCONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDIN THIS PACKET AND SUBSEQUENT CUTSHEETSSHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OFANYONE OUTSIDE SOLGEN POWER. NEITHERSHALL IT BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OUTSIDETHE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THERESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM SOLGEN POWER.CUT SHEETS ATTACHEDPV 4 CHIKO MOUNTINGPV 5 MOUNTING DIAGRAMSTRUCTURAL ONLY9/19/2023 Inverters will be setup with the IEEE 1547 anti-islanding NEWSINDEX:NUMBER OF MODULES:16MODULE TYPE:INVERTER:MODULESMAIN SERVICEZNSHINEZXM6-NH120-360MHoymiles Series3COMBINER BOX4124" O.C.2" x 4"RAFTER SPACING:RAFTER SIZE:SYSTEM SIZE DC:SYSTEM SIZE AC:SYSTEM SIZE DC:5.760kWSYSTEM SIZE AC:4.800kWSYSTEM SIZE DC:SYSTEM SIZE AC:AC DISCONNECT5UTILITY METER21'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1' - 6"Megan A Hull312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362DRAWN BY:DATE:9/19/2023IJAABCDEFGH12345 54321DESIGN1PAGE #PV 233/256" = 1'-0"DRAWING SCALE:SOLGEN POWER5715 BEDFORD ST,PASCO, WA 99301P: 509-931-1663CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDIN THIS PACKET AND SUBSEQUENT CUTSHEETSSHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OFANYONE OUTSIDE SOLGEN POWER. NEITHERSHALL IT BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OUTSIDETHE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THERESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM SOLGEN POWER.ROOF AREA: 1290.1801Ft2PV AREA: 314.02Ft2ROOF %: 24.34%CIRCUIT 1CIRCUIT 2SOLAR OFFSET21345COMP. SHINGLEWAC 51-54A-1204.2.1 IFC2018EXCEPTION 5STRUCTURAL ONLY9/19/2023 (N) UTILITYAC DISCONNECT240V/30A NEMA 3RNON-FUSIBLE,VISIBLE-LOCKABLELABELED(N) PV OCPD2P - 25A(E) LOADS200AMAINDISCONNECTUTILITYSERVICE120/240VSINGLE PHASE200A RATEDMAIN SERVICEPANELL1GN-G25A LOAD-SIDESOLAR OCPD(Opposite end of the main disconnecton the busbar - NEC 705.12(B)(3)FACILITY GROUNDGROUND RODNEMA3R RATEDJUNCTION BOX: SHALLCOMPLY W/ NEC 110.3& 314.6(N) 240V/60A PV125A LOAD CENTER, NEMA 3R RATED348128 ZNSHINE ZXM6-NH120-360M MODULESWITH HOYMILES HM-1200 MICRO INVERTERS11 ZNSHINE ZXM6-NH120-360M MODULEWITH HOYMILES HM-300 MICRO INVERTER(1 OF 2)(2 OF 2)34121214 ZNSHINE ZXM6-NH120-360M MODULESWITH HOYMILES HM-1200 MICRO INVERTERS2 ZNSHINE ZXM6-NH120-360M MODULESWITH HOYMILES HM-600 MICRO INVERTERS1 ZNSHINE ZXM6-NH120-360M MODULEWITH HOYMILES HM-300 MICRO INVERTER(3 OF 3)(2 OF 3)(1 OF 3)20A20AMegan A Hull312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362DRAWN BY:DATE:9/19/2023IJAABCDEFGH12345 54321DESIGN1PAGE #PV 3NOT TO SCALEDRAWING SCALE:SOLGEN POWER5715 BEDFORD ST,PASCO, WA 99301P: 509-931-1663CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDIN THIS PACKET AND SUBSEQUENT CUTSHEETSSHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OFANYONE OUTSIDE SOLGEN POWER. NEITHERSHALL IT BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OUTSIDETHE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THERESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM SOLGEN POWER.LOAD CALCS - TOTAL AMPS AVAILABLEBUS RATING 120%TOTALMAIN BREAKERX=-=MAX BREAKER SIZE200A1.2240200A40ABREAKER SIZE CALCSMAX AC OPERATING CURRENT125%TOTAL BREAKER SIZE19.92Ax1.25x24.90A=25ACOMBINER BOX PANEL SIZE CALCSNUMBER OFMODULESNOMINAL OUTPUTCURRENTTOTAL 125%CIRCUIT #BREAKER SIZETOTALNUMBER OFMICROINVERTERSCOMBINEDTOTALC3#8 AWGTHWN-2, CU#8 AWGTHWN-2, CUD**4#8 AWGTHWN-2, CU#8 AWGTHWN-2, CU* TAG A CABLE WILL BE RUN THROUGH ATTIC WHERE POSSIBLE ** TAG D ONLY IF APPLICABLE *CONDUCTOR SCHEDULECONDUCTORSGROUNDTAG IDWIRES INCONDUITMINIMUMWIRE SIZETYPE, MATERIALMINIMUMWIRE SIZETYPE, MATERIALA*6#12 AWGPV CABLE, CU#6 AWGBARE, CUB5#12 AWGTHWN-2, CU#8 AWGTHWN-2, CUMAX AC OPERATINGCURRENT FOR HM-1200, 600, 300INVERTERTYPENUMBERR OFINVERTERSNOMINAL OUTPUTCURRENTTOTALCOMBINEDTOTALHM-12003X 5.0A = 15.00A= 19.92AHM-6001X2.46A=2.46AHM-3002X 1.23A = 2.46AX=1CIRCUIT 1 (1 of 2)1XCIRCUIT 1 (2 of 2)==821.23A5.0A=x1.25=1.54A=14.04Ax1.25=10.00A20A1.23A12.50AX1CIRCUIT 2 (1 of 3)1CIRCUIT 2 (2 of 3)CIRCUIT 2 (3 of 3)X21==X==412.46A1.23A5.0A==x1.25=x1.25=x1.25=10.86A20A5.00A1.23A2.46A1.54A3.08A6.25ANOTES:1. 200A UTILITY METER GLOBE ONLY. (EXISTING)2. 200A LOAD CENTER. (EXISTING)3. 30A RATED NON-FUSED LOCKABLE AC DISCONNECT.(NEW)4. 125A RATED COMBINER PANEL. (NEW)ALL CONDUIT SIZES ARE MINIMUM SIZESALL WIRE SIZES ARE FOR COPPER WIRE1234 Inverters will be setup with the IEEE 1547 anti-islanding Megan A Hull312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362DRAWN BY:DATE:9/19/2023IJADESIGN1PAGE #PV 4ABCDEFGH12345 54321SOLGEN POWER5715 BEDFORD ST,PASCO, WA 99301P: 509-931-1663CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDIN THIS PACKET AND SUBSEQUENT CUTSHEETSSHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OFANYONE OUTSIDE SOLGEN POWER. NEITHERSHALL IT BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OUTSIDETHE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THERESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM SOLGEN POWER.ATTACHMENT DETAILSCALE: NTS1ATTACHMENT DETAIL (ENLARGED VIEW)SCALE: NTS2ENLARGED VIEW(E) COMP SHINGLE ROOF2" x 4" RAFTER @ 24" O .C(N) PV SOLAR MODULESUNIRAC SM LIGHT RAILPV SOLAR MODULESROOF / DECK MEMBRANEFLASHING2.5" MIN.EMBEDMENT2X-0.25X3.5" SS HEX HEAD LAG BOLTSWITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT AND SSEPDM BONDED WASHERCOMP SHINGLE ROOFBUILDING STRUCTUREEND / MID CLAMPCHIKO #537 RAIL1. TOTAL WEIGHT (MODULE & RAIL): 807 LBS2. RAIL WEIGHT: 84 LBS3. MODULE WEIGHT: 723 LBS4. DISTRIBUTED WEIGHT: 2.64 PSFSTRUCTURAL ONLY9/19/2023 10'-1"14'-7"15'-9"40'-6"7'-1"17'-1"Megan A Hull312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362DRAWN BY:DATE:9/19/2023IJAABCDEFGH12345 54321DESIGN1PAGE #PV 545/256" = 1'-0"DRAWING SCALE:STRUCTURAL NOTES:1. 48" MAX SPAN OF RAIL TO DISTRIBUTE WEIGHTOVER SUPPORT OF TRUSSES2. MOUNTING FEET ARE IN APPROXIMATE LOCATION.3. MOUNTING FEET SHOULD BE STAGGERED ASSHOWN IN DIAGRAM2MOUNTING DIAGRAM1MOUNTING DIAGRAMSCALE: NOT TO SCALESOLGEN POWER5715 BEDFORD ST,PASCO, WA 99301P: 509-931-1663CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDIN THIS PACKET AND SUBSEQUENT CUTSHEETSSHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OFANYONE OUTSIDE SOLGEN POWER. NEITHERSHALL IT BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OUTSIDETHE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THERESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM SOLGEN POWER.MOUNTING FEETPV MODULECHIKO #7 RAIL48"ROOF 1TILT:34°AZIMUTH:122°ROOF 2TILT:28°AZIMUTH:122°ROOF 3TILT:20°AZIMUTH:213°STRUCTURAL ONLY9/19/2023 NEWSMegan A Hull312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362DRAWN BY:DATE:9/19/2023IJADESIGN1PAGE #PV 6ABCDEFGH12345 54321SOLGEN POWER5715 BEDFORD ST,PASCO, WA 99301P: 509-931-1663CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDIN THIS PACKET AND SUBSEQUENT CUTSHEETSSHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OFANYONE OUTSIDE SOLGEN POWER. NEITHERSHALL IT BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS OUTSIDETHE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THERESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM SOLGEN POWER.CAUTIONPOWER TO THIS BUILDING IS SUPPLIED FROM THEFOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTSLOCATED AS SHOWN:6"x6"312 W 4th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362SOLAR PV ARRAY WITHMICROINVERTERSROOF MOUNTEDUTILITY METERMAIN SERVICE PANELAC DISCONNECT Open Energy For All Features Description Hoymiles 1-in-1 microinverter, which can be connected to one panel and used in various applications, is one of the most flexible solar solutions. With the maximum DC voltage of 60 V, Hoymiles microinverter is a PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment and conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218. All of the three models listed are equipped with reactive power control and are compliant with IEEE 1547, UL 1741 and CA Rule21. 01 02 03 Microinverter Datasheet HM-300N HM-350N HM-400N Easy installation, just plug and play With Reactive Power Control, compliant with CA Rule 21 Region: North America V202108 © 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. hoymiles.com sales@hoymiles.com 05 04 Compliant with U.S. NEC-2017&NEC-2020 690.12 rapid shutdown External antenna for stronger communication with DTU High reliability, NEMA 6 (IP67) enclosure, 6000 V surge protection Model HM-300N HM-350N HM-400N Input Data (DC) Commonly used module power (W)240 to 405+280 to 470+320 to 540+ Maximum input voltage (V)60 MPPT voltage range (V)16-60 Start-up voltage (V)22 Maximum input current (A)11.5 11.5 12.5 Output Data (AC) Peak output power (VA) 300 350 400 Maximum continuous output power (VA)295 349 382 Maximum continuous output current (A)1.23 1.42 1.45 1.68 1.59 1.84 Nominal output voltage/range (V)1 240/211-264 208/183-228 240/211-264 208/183-228 240/211-264 208/183-228 Nominal frequency/range (Hz)1 60/55-65 Power factor (adjustable)>0.99 default 0.8 leading…0.8 lagging Total harmonic distortion <3% Maximum units per branch2 13 11 11 9 10 8 Efficiency CEC peak efficiency 96.7% CEC weighted efficiency 96.5% Nominal MPPT efficiency 99.8% Nighttime power consumption(mW) <50 Mechanical Data Ambient temperature range (°C)-40 to +65 Dimensions (W × H × D mm)182 × 164 × 29.5 Weight (kg)1.98 Enclosure rating Outdoor-NEMA 6 (IP67) Cooling Natural convection – No fans Features Communication 2.4GHz Proprietary RF (Nordic) Monitoring S-Miles Cloud3 Warranty Up to 25 years Compliance UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SA (240 Vac), CA Rule 21 (240 Vac), CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16, FCC Part 15B, FCC Part 15C PV Rapid Shutdown Conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems Technical Specifications © 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. *1 Nominal voltage/frequency range can vary depending on local requirements. *2 Refer to local requirements for exact number of microinverters per branch. *3 Hoymiles Monitoring System. DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 Page 1 Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 80037982 Master Contract: 261002 Project: 80037982 Date Issued: 2020-06-12 Issued to: Hoymiles Converter Technology Co., Ltd. No.18 Kangjing Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310015 CHINA Attention: Xingyao Zhang The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators 'C' and 'US' for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US' for US only or without either indicator for Canada only. Issued by: Yang (Jason) Lei Yang (Jason) Lei PRODUCTS CLASS - C531109 - POWER SUPPLIES-Distributed Generation Power Systems Equipment CLASS - C531189 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation-Power Systems Equipment - Certified to U.S. Standards Grid Support Utility Interactive Inverter, Models HM-250,HM-250N, HM-250T, HM-250NT, HM-250A, HM- 250NA, HM-300, HM-300N, HM-300T, HM-300NT, HM-300A, HM-300NA, HM-350, HM-350N, HM-350T, HM-350NT, HM-350A, HM-350NA, HM-400, HM-400N, HM-400T, HM-400NT, HM-400A, HM-400NA, HM-450, HM-450N, HM-450T, HM-450NT, HM-450A and HM-450NA, Rack mounted. For details related to rating, size, configuration, etc., reference should be made to the CSA Certification Record, Certificate of Compliance Annex A, or the Descriptive Report. *Note: This product is PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 Article 690.12 and CEC-2018 Sec 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according to maQXfacWXUeU¶V iQVWUXcWiRQV. Certificate: 80037982 Project: 80037982 Master Contract: 261002 Date Issued: 2020-06-12 DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 Page 2 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS CSA-C22.2 No. 107.1-16 - Power Conversion Equipment *UL Std. No. 1741 - Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources (Second Edition, Revision dated February 15, 2018) *Note: Conformity to UL 1741-Second Edition (February 15, 2018) includes compliance with applicable requirements of IEEE 1547-2003(R2008) , IEEE 1547.1-2005 (R2011) and California Rule 21 and Supplement SA. Open Energy For All Features Description Hoymiles 2-in-1 microinverter can connect up to 2 panels at once and maximize the PV production of your installation. With the maximum DC voltage of 60 V, Hoymiles microinverter is a PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment and conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218. All of the three models listed are equipped with reactive power control and are compliant with IEEE 1547, UL 1741 and CA Rule21. Microinverter Datasheet HM-600N HM-700N HM-800N Region: North America V202108 © 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. hoymiles.com sales@hoymiles.com 01 02 03 Easy installation, just plug and play With Reactive Power Control, compliant with CA Rule 21 Compliant with U.S. NEC-2017&NEC-2020 690.12 rapid shutdown 05 04 External antenna for stronger communication with DTU High reliability, NEMA 6 (IP67) enclosure, 6000 V surge protection Model HM-600N HM-700N HM-800N Input Data (DC) Commonly used module power (W)240 to 405+280 to 470+320 to 540+ Maximum input voltage (V)60 MPPT voltage range (V)16-60 Start-up voltage (V)22 Maximum input current (A)2 × 11.5 2 × 11.5 2 × 12.5 Output Data (AC) Peak output power (VA) 600 700 800 Maximum continuous output power (VA)590 696 766 Maximum continuous output current (A) 2.46 2.84 2.90 3.35 3.19 3.68 Nominal output voltage/range (V)1 240/211-264 208/183-228 240/211-264 208/183-228 240/211-264 208/183-228 Nominal frequency/range (Hz)1 60/55-65 Power factor (adjustable)>0.99 default 0.8 leading…0.8 lagging Total harmonic distortion <3% Maximum units per branch2 6 5 5 4 5 4 Efficiency CEC peak efficiency 96.7% CEC weighted efficiency 96.5% Nominal MPPT efficiency 99.8% Nighttime power consumption (mW) <50 Mechanical Data Ambient temperature range (°C)-40 to +65 Dimensions (W × H × D mm)250 × 170 × 28 Weight (kg)3 Enclosure rating Outdoor-NEMA 6 (IP67) Cooling Natural convection – No fans Features Communication 2.4GHz Proprietary RF (Nordic) Monitoring S-Miles Cloud3 Warranty Up to 25 years Compliance UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SA (240 Vac), CA Rule 21 (240 Vac), CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16, FCC Part 15B, FCC Part 15C PV Rapid Shutdown Conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems Technical Specifications © 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. *1 Nominal voltage/frequency range can vary depending on local requirements. *2 Refer to local requirements for exact number of microinverters per branch. *3 Hoymiles Monitoring System. DQD 507 Rev 2019-04-30 © 2018 CSA Group. All rights reserved. Page 1 Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 80035475 Master Contract: 261002 Project: 80035475 Date Issued: 2020-04-03 Issued to: Hoymiles Converter Technology Co., Ltd. No.18 Kangjing Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310015 China Attention: Xingyao Zhang The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators 'C' and 'US' for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US' for US only or without either indicator for Canada only Issued by: Yang (Jason) Lei Yang (Jason) Lei PRODUCTS CLASS – C531109 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation Power Systems Equipment CLASS – C531189 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation-Power Systems Equipment - Certified to U.S. Standards Grid Support Utility Interactive Inverter, Model HM-500, HM-500T, HM-600, HM-600T, HM-700, HM-700T, HM-800, HM-800T, HM-500N, HM-500NT, HM-600N, HM-600NT, HM-700N, HM-700NT, HM-800N, HM - 800NT, rack mounted. For details related to rating, size, configuration, etc., reference should be made to the CSA Certification Record, Certificate of Compliance Annex A, or the Descriptive Report. *Note: This product is PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 Article 690.12 and CEC-2018 Sec 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according to manufacturer’s instructions. Certificate: 80035475 Project: 80035475 Master Contract: 261002 Date Issued: 2020-04-03 DQD 507 Rev 2019-04-30 © 2018 CSA Group. All rights reserved. Page 2 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS CSA-C22.2 No. 107.1-16 - Power Conversion Equipment *UL Std. No. 1741 - Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources (Second Edition, Revision dated February 15, 2018). *Note: Conformity to UL 1741-Second Edition (February 15, 2018) includes compliance with applicable requirements of IEEE 1547-2003(R2008) and IEEE 1547.1-2005 (R2011) and California Rule 21 and Supplement SA. Open Energy For All Features Description Hoymiles 4-in-1 microinverter is one of the most cost-effective module-level solar solutions, as it can support up to 4 panels at once and maximize the PV production of your installation. With the maximum DC voltage of 60 V, Hoymiles microinverter is a PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment and conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218. All of the three models listed are equipped with reactive power control and are compliant with IEEE 1547, UL 1741 and CA Rule21. Microinverter Datasheet HM-1200N HM-1500N Region: North America V202108 © 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. hoymiles.com sales@hoymiles.com 01 02 03 Easy installation, just plug and play With Reactive Power Control, compliant with CA Rule 21 Compliant with U.S. NEC-2017&NEC-2020 690.12 rapid shutdown 05 04 External antenna for stronger communication with DTU High reliability, NEMA 6 (IP67) enclosure, 6000 V surge protection Model HM-1200N HM-1500N Input Data (DC) Commonly used module power (W)240 to 405+300 to 505+ Maximum input voltage (V)60 MPPT voltage range (V)16-60 Start-up voltage (V)22 Maximum input current (A)4 × 11.5 4 × 11.5 Output Data (AC) Peak output power (VA) 1260 1200 1500 1350 Maximum continuous output power (VA)1200 1109 1438 1246 Maximum continuous output current (A)5 5.33 5.99 5.99 Nominal output voltage/range (V)1 240/211-264 208/183-228 240/211-264 208/183-228 Nominal frequency/range (Hz)1 60/55-65 Power factor (adjustable)>0.99 default 0.8 leading…0.8 lagging Total harmonic distortion <3% Maximum units per branch2 3 3 2 2 Efficiency CEC peak efficiency 96.7% CEC weighted efficiency 96.5% Nominal MPPT efficiency 99.8% Nighttime power consumption (mW) <50 Mechanical Data Ambient temperature range (°C)-40 to +65 Dimensions (W × H × D mm)280 × 176 × 33 Weight (kg)3.75 Enclosure rating Outdoor-NEMA 6 (IP67) Cooling Natural convection – No fans Features Communication 2.4GHz Proprietary RF (Nordic) Monitoring S-Miles Cloud3 Warranty Up to 25 years Compliance UL 1741, IEEE 1547, UL 1741 SA (240 Vac), CA Rule 21 (240 Vac), CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16, FCC Part 15B, FCC Part 15C PV Rapid Shutdown Conforms with NEC-2017 and NEC-2020 Article 690.12 and CEC-2021 Sec 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems Technical Specifications © 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. *1 Nominal voltage/frequency range can vary depending on local requirements. *2 Refer to local requirements for exact number of microinverters per branch. *3 Hoymiles Monitoring System. DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 Page 1 Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 80017010 Master Contract: 261002 Project: 80036969 Date Issued: 2020-03-12 Issued to: Hoymiles Converter Technology Co., Ltd. No.18 Kangjing Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310015 CHINA Attention: Xingyao Zhang The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators 'C' and 'US' for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US' for US only or without either indicator for Canada only. Issued by: Yang (Jason) Lei Yang (Jason) Lei PRODUCTS CLASS - C531109 - POWER SUPPLIES-Distributed Generation Power Systems Equipment CLASS - C531189 - POWER SUPPLIES - Distributed Generation-Power Systems Equipment - Certified to U.S. Standards Grid Support Utility Interactive Inverter, Model HM-1500, HM-1500T, HM-1200, HM-1200T, HM-1000 and HM-1000T, THM-1500, HM-1500N, HM-1500NT, HM-1200N, HM-1200NT, HM-1000N and HM-1000NT, rack mounted. For details related to rating, size, configuration, etc., reference should be made to the CSA Certification Record, Certificate of Compliance Annex A, or the Descriptive Report. *Note: This product is PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 Article 690.12 and CEC-2018 Sec 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer¶s instructions. Certificate: 80017010 Project: 80036969 Master Contract: 261002 Date Issued: 2020-03-12 DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 Page 2 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS CSA-C22.2 No. 107.1-16 - Power Conversion Equipment *UL Std. No. 1741 - Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources (Second Edition, Revision dated February 15, 2018) *Note: Conformity to UL 1741-Second Edition (February 15, 2018) includes compliance with applicable requirements of IEEE 1547-2003(R2008) , IEEE 1547.1-2005 (R2011) and California Rule 21 and Supplement SA. ZXM6-NH120 Series Znshinesolar 9BB HALF-CELL Black Monocrystalline PERC PV Module Improved Aesthetics 355W丨360W丨365W丨370W丨375W 9BB www.znshinesolar.com Founded in 1988, ZNShine solar is a world’s leading high-tech PV module manufacturer.With the state-of-the-art production lines, the company boasts module capacity of 6GW. Bloomberg has listed ZNShine as a global Tier 1 PV module maker. Today Znshine has distributed its sales to more than 60 countries around the globe. IEC61215/IEC61730/IEC61701/IEC62716/UL61730 ISO 9001: Quality Management System ISO45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 14001: Environmental Management System E-mail:info@znshinesolar.comTel:+86 519 6822 0233 Add : 1#, Zhixi Industrial Zone,JintanJiangsu 213251,P.R. China / PACKAGING CONFIGURATION Piece/Box Piece/Container(40’HQ) Piece/Container(with additional small package) Note: please read safety and installation instructions before using this product丨Subject to change without prior notice © ZNSHINE SOLAR 2021丨Version: ZXM6-NH120 2109.E MECHANICAL DATA Solar cells Cells orientation Module dimension Weight Glass Junction box Cables Connectors *STC (Standard Test Condition): Irradiance 1000W/m², Module Temperature 25℃, AM 1.5 *Measuring tolerance: ±3% ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 丨 STC* Nominal Power Watt Pmax(W)* Power Output Tolerance Pmax(%) Maximum Power Voltage Vmp(V) Maximum Power Current Imp(A) Open Circuit Voltage Voc(V) Short Circuit Current Isc(A) Module Efficiency (%) Maximum Power Pmax(Wp) Maximum Power Voltage Vmpp(V) Maximum Power Current Impp(A) Open Circuit Voltage Voc(V) Short Circuit Current Isc(A) *NMOT(Nominal module operating temperature):Irradiance 800W/m²,Ambient Temperature 20℃,AM 1.5,Wind Speed 1m/s ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 丨 NMOT* 44℃ ±2℃ -0.36%/℃ -0.29%/℃ 0.05%/℃ 1500 V DC -40℃~+85℃ 20 A 5400 Pa / 2400 Pa TEMPERATURE RATINGS NMOT Temperature coefficient of Pmax Temperature coefficient of Voc Temperature coefficient of Isc WORKING CONDITIONS Maximum system voltage Operating temperature Maximum series fuse Maximum load(snow/wind) *Do not connect Fuse in Combiner Box with two or more strings in parallel connection *Remark:Electrical data in this catalog do not refer to a single module and they are not part of the offer.They only serve for comparison among different module types. I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE(365W) P-V CURVES OF PV MODULE(365W) Voltage [V]Current [A]Voltage [V]Power [W]DIMENSIONS(MM) Front View Back View ZXM6-NH120 Series Znshinesolar 9BB HALF-CELL Black Monocrystalline PERC PV Module Mono PERC 120(6×20) 1755×1038×35 mm(With Frame) 20.5 kg 3.2mm, High Transmission, AR Coated Tempered Glass IP 68,3 diodes 4 mm² ,350 mm MC4-compatible 31 806 0 10 20 30 40 500 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Incident Irrad. = 1000 W/m² Cells temp. = 25 ° C Incident Irrad. = 800 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 600 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 400 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 200 W/m² 0 10 20 30 40 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Cells temp. = 25 °C Incident Irrad. = 1000 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 800 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 600 W/m² Incident Irrad. = 400 W/m²Incident Irrad. = 200 W/m² Barcode 2 Mounting holes Label Drainage holes Grounding holes Grounding identification 996±2 Barcode 1 Junction box 375 0~+3 34.40 10.91 41.20 11.51 20.59 365 0~+3 34.00 10.74 40.80 11.33 20.04 360 0~+3 33.80 10.66 40.60 11.24 19.76 370 0~+3 34.20 10.82 41.00 11.42 20.31 279.80 31.90 8.76 38.40 9.29 268.50 31.40 8.55 37.90 9.08 355 0~+3 33.60 10.57 40.40 11.14 19.49 264.70 31.20 8.47 37.70 9.00 272.10 31.60 8.62 38.00 9.15 275.80 31.70 8.69 38.20 9.22 FF0002 DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 © 2018 CSA Group. All rights reserved. Page 1 Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 80049804 Master Contract: 262247 Project: 80049804 Date Issued: 2020-07-21 Issued to: ZNSHINE PV-TECH Co.,Ltd. #1 Zhixi Industry Zone, Jintan, Jiangsu, 213251 China Attention: Xingjuan Rui The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators 'C' and 'US' for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US' for US only or without either indicator for Canada only Issued by: Tom Yang Tom Yang PRODUCTS CLASS - C531110 - POWER SUPPLIES-Photovoltaic Modules and Panels CLASS - C531190 - POWER SUPPLIES-Photovoltaic Modules and Panels - Certified to US Standards Mono Crystalline-Si photovoltaic modules with maximum system voltage of 1500 V dc, Safety Class II PV modules. Models with 166 mm Cells ZXM6-NH156-xxx/M, xxx=455 to 485, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NH144-xxx/M, xxx=420 to 450, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NH132-xxx/M, xxx=385 to 410, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NH120-xxx/M, xxx=350 to 375, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP156-xxx/M, xxx=455 to 485, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP144-xxx/M, xxx=420 to 450, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP132-xxx/M, xxx=385 to 410, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP120-xxx/M, xxx=350 to 375, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO156-xxx/M, xxx=455 to 485, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO144-xxx/M, xxx=420 to 450, in step of 5 W Certificate: 80049804 Project: 80049804 Master Contract: 262247 Date Issued: 2020-07-21 DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 © 2018 CSA Group. All rights reserved. Page 2 ZXM6-NO132-xxx/M, xxx=385 to 410, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO120-xxx/M, xxx=350 to 375, in step of 5 W Models with 158.75 mm or 156.75 mm Cells ZXM6-NH156-xxx/M, xxx=420 to 440, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NH144-xxx/M, xxx=390 to 410, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NH132-xxx/M, xxx=355 to 375, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NH120-xxx/M, xxx=325 to 340, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP156-xxx/M, xxx=420 to 440, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP144-xxx/M, xxx=390 to 410, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP132-xxx/M, xxx=355 to 375, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NP120-xxx/M, xxx=325 to 340, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO156-xxx/M, xxx=420 to 440, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO144-xxx/M, xxx=390 to 410, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO132-xxx/M, xxx=355 to 375, in step of 5 W ZXM6-NO120-xxx/M, xxx=325 to 340, in step of 5 W ZXM6-78-xxx/M, xxx=400 to 430, in step of 5 W ZXM6-72-xxx/M, xxx=355 to 400, in step of 5 W ZXM6-66-xxx/M, xxx=340 to 365, in step of 5 W ZXM6-60-xxx/M, xxx=295 to 330, in step of 5 W Note: 1. All electrical data are shown as relative to standard test conditions (STC) (1 000 W/m2, (25 ± 2) °C, AM 1,5 according to IEC 60904-3). 2.Manufacturer’s stated tolerance is ±3% for Voc and Pm, and Isc. APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61730-1:19 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61730-2:19 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing UL 61730-1:2017 Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification - Part 1: Requirements for Construction UL 61730-2:2017 Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification - Part 2: Requirements for Testing DQD 507 Rev. 2019-04-30 © 2018 CSA Group. All rights reserved. Page 1 Supplement to Certificate of Compliance Certificate: 80049804 Master Contract: 262247 The products listed, including the latest revision described below, are eligible to be marked in accordance with the referenced Certificate. Product Certification History Project Date Description 80049804 2020-07-21 Original certification #537 RAIL CHIKO 537R aluminum rail is designed for roof mounti ng syste m,it c ould be applied on all roof mount system.A variety of lengths can hel p to reduce unnec essar y cut. E asy i nstallation H ighcl ass anodized Tilt- in nut Uni versal on roof mount system PRODUCT LINE I tem CK-FT-R537B2-2400 CK-FT-R537B2-3500 CK-FT-R537B2-4700 Pr oduct N ame CHIKO 537 Black Rail 2400mm CHIKO 537 Black Rail 3500mm CHIKO 537 Black Rail 4700mm TECHNICAL DATA Main Mate rial Wind Velocity Xi=3 1918.082 mm4 Yi=8 1501.592 mm4 AL 6 005-T5 Up to 60 M/S ORDERING SPECIFICS Stan dard Pac kaging Dimensions We ight 8pcs/unit 320/384/504 pcs per pallet 2400/3500/4700 mm 14/20/26 kg COMPONENT LIST MATERIAL Aluminium Rail QTY 01 www.chikolar.com/www.chikosolar.com Phone:86-21-5997 226 7-801 Fax:86-2 1-59972 938 ADVANTAGES WARRANTY #537 RAIL SPLICE KIT CHIKO aluminum rail splice kit is designed for 537R rail connection from back to p osi tion. Move easily a nd econ omically to install the r a ils. E asy i nstallation H ighcl ass anodized PRODUCT LINE I tem C K-637-1-200 Pr oduct N ame CHI KO 537 Rail Splice Kit TECHNICAL DATA Main Mate rial Wind Load Sno w Load AL 6 005-T5 Up to 60 M/S 1.4 KM/M 2 ORDERING SPECIFICS Stan dard Pac kaging Dimensions We ight 50PCS/BOX 200PC S/CTN 50*38*20CM 30kg COMPONENT LIST MATERIAL Aluminium Rail Splice Kit SUS30 4 Inner H exa gon M8*12 SUS30 4 Star W asher M8 SUS30 4 Hexagon Thin N ut M8 QTY 01 02 02 02 www.chikolar.com/www.chikosolar.com Phone:86-21-5997 226 7-801 Fax:86-2 1-59972 938 20 0m m 49mm ADVANTAGES WARRANTY www.chik olar.com/www.chik ousa.com Phone:86-21-5997 226 7-801 Fax:86-2 1-59972 938 Universal Grounding Mid Clamp I nte rgate d Grounding E asy insta llation H igh c l ass anodized Tilt- in n ut Adjustable range 30-50mm ADVANTAGES PRODUCT LINE Item C K-777R537-KS(30-45)D-40 Product Name CHIKO Grounding Universal Black Mid Clamp 30-50mm For 537R COMPONENT LIST TECHNICAL DATA Main Mate rial AL 6 005-T5 ORDERING SPECIFICS Stan dard Pac kaging 80PCS/BOX 320PCS/CTN Dimensions 50*38*20CM We ight 24kg D=30-50 MATERIAL QTY Black Mid C lamp 01 SUS304 Bolt M6 01 SUS304 069 Nut 01 Rivet 02 Spring 01 Plastic Plate 01 CH IKO Universal Grounding Mid Clamp is designed for 537R Black Rail, available for solar panels with thickness from 30-50mm. www.chik olar.com/www.chik ousa.com Phone:86-21-5997 226 7-801 Fax:86-2 1-59972 938 Item CK-750R537-30/42-0301-40 Product Name CHIKO Intergated Grounding Black End Clamp Universal 30-42mm COMPONENT LIST TECHNICAL DATA Main Mate rial AL 6 005-T5 MATERIAL QTY End Clamp A|B 01 SUS 304 Bolt M6 01 SUS304 Nut 01 SUS304 Spring Washer M6 01 SUS304 Washer M8 01 Rivet 01 ORDERING SPECIFICS Stan dard Pac kaging 80PCS/BOX 320PCS/CTN Dimensions 50*38*20CM We ight 32kg D=30-42Universal Grounding End Clamp I nte rgate d Grounding E asy insta llation H igh c l ass anodized Tilt- in n ut Adjustable range 30-42mm ADVANTAGES CHIKO End Clamp is designed base on 537R rail to fix module on the end of r ail,have founcti on of i nte rga ted gr oundi ng,30mm to 42mm thi ckn ess modul e are available. PRODUCT LINE www.chikolar.com/www.chikosolar.com Phone:86-21-59972267-801 Fax:86-21-59972938 Grounding Lug CHIKO grounding lug is designed for fixing grounding cable going through smoothly between each rails. COMPONENT LIST MATERIAL Grounding Lug SUS304 Inner Hex Bolts M8*20 SUS304 554 Nut SUS304 Star Washer SUS304 Inner Hex Bolts M8*25 SUS304 Spring Washer SUS Square Nut M8 Easy installation High class anodized Tilt- in nut TECHNICAL DATA Main Material Tighten torque Safe torque AL 6005-T5 15N.m 20N.m QTY 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 ORDERING SPECIFICS Standard Packaging Dimensions Weight 140PCS/BOX 560PCS/CTN 50*38*20CM 29kg ADVANTAGES PRODUCT LINE Item CK-592R537-1-120 Product Name CHIKO Grounding Lug For #537 Rail WARRANTY THE COMPLETE ROOF ATTACHMENT SOLUTION FEATURING TECHNOLOGY FLASHKIT PRO is the complete attachment solution for composition shingle roofs. Featuring Unirac’s patented SHED & SEAL technology, a weather proof system which provides the ultimate protection against roof leaks. Kitted in 10 packs for maximum convenience, flashings and hardware are available in Mill or Dark finishes. With FLASHKIT pro, you have everything you need for a quick, professional installation. YOUR COMPLETE SOLUTION Flashings, lags, continuous slot L-Feet and hardware CONVENIENT 10 PACKS Packaged for speed and ease of handling FLASHKIT PRO 25 YEAR FULL-SYSTEMWARRANTY TRUSTED WATER SEAL FLASHINGS FOR QUESTIONS OR CUSTOMER SERVICE VISIT UNIRAC.COM OR CALL (505) 248-2702 FASTER INSTALLATION. 25-YEAR WARRANTY. FLASHKIT PRO IS THE COMPLETE FLASHING AND ATTACHMENT SOLUTION FOR COMPOSITION ROOFS. FOR QUESTIONS OR CUSTOMER SERVICE VISIT UNIRAC.COM OR CALL (505) 248-2702 PRE-INSTALL •Locate roof rafters and snap chalk lines to mark the installation point for each roof attachment. •Drill a 7/32” pilot hole at each roof attachment. Fill each pilot hole with sealant. STEP 1 INSTALL FLASHKIT PRO FLASHING •Add a U-shaped bead of roof sealant to the underside of the flashing with the open side of the U pointing down the roof slope. Slide the aluminum flashing underneath the row of shingles directly up slope from the pilot hole as shown. Align the indicator marks on the lower end of the flashing with the chalk lines on the roof to center the raised hole in the flashing over the pilot hole in the roof. When installed correctly, the flashing will extend under the two courses of shingles above the pilot hole. STEP 2 INSTALL L-FOOT •Fasten L-foot and Flashing into place by passing the included lag bolt and pre-installed stainless steel-backed EPDM washer through the L-foot EPDM grommet, and the raised hole in the flashing, into the pilot hole in the roof rafter. •Drive the lag bolt down until the L-foot is held firmly in place. It is normal for the EPDM on the underside of the stainless steel backed EPDM washer to compress and expand beyond the outside edge of the steel washer when the proper torque is applied. TIP: • Use caution to avoid over-torqueing the lag bolt if using an impact driver. •Repeat Steps 1 and 2 at each roof attachment point. STEP 3 ATTACH L-FOOT TO RAIL •Insert the included 3/8"-16 T-bolts into the lower slot on the Rail (sold separately), spacing the bolts to match the spacing between the roof attachments. •Position the Rail against the L-Foot and insert the threaded end of the T-Bolt through the continuous slot in the L-Foot. Apply anti-seize to bolt threads to prevent galling of the T-bolt and included 3/8” serrated flange nut. Place the 3/8” flange nut on the T-bolt and finger tighten. Repeat STEP 3 until all L-Feet are secured to the Rail with a T-bolt. Adjust the level and height of the Rail and torque each bolt to 30ft-lbs. INSTALL FLASHKIT PRO FLASHING STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 INSTALL L-FOOT ATTACH L-FOOT TO RAIL FLASHKIT PRO INSTALLATION GUIDE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 11/6/2023 23-1132 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Solgen Power PROJECT ADDRESS 312 W 4th St