HomeMy WebLinkAbout3576 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending ,title 16
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to subdivisions.
"Title 16
C.`ha,)ter 16.0 ` Definitions General. Definitions and rules..
Chapter 16.04 Short Plat Subdivision Regulations
16.04.010 Purpose and intent..
16.04.020 Authority.
16.04.040 Applicability.
16.04.045 Parcels traversed by public ways.
16.04.050 Application forms.
16.04.060 Preliminary short plat-Contents.
16.04.070 Preliminary shortplat-Design standards.
16.04.080 Preliminary short plat-Routing and staff recommendations.
16.04.090 Preliminary short plat-Requirements for approval.
16.04.100 Preliminary short plat-Approval--Conditions.
16.04.110 Preliminary short plat-Approval-Effect. Appeals.
16.04130 Final short plat-Filing time limit.
16.04.140 Final short plat-Improvements-Required..
16.04.150 Ptat occupancy.
16.04.160 Final short plat-Contents.
16.04.170 Final short plat-Routing for review.
16.04.180 Final short plat-Final approval procedure. Final short plat-Filing and recordation. Resubdivision by short plat prohibited.
16.04.205 Agreements to transfer land conditioned on final plat approval-
16.04.2 10 Injunctive action to enforce chapter.
16.04.220 Violation-Penalty.
Chapter 16.08 Subdivision Regulations
1.6.0 .010 Purpose and intent.
16.08.020 Authority and jurisdiction.
4-"8T.0732 0 F—DefiRitiORS.
16.08.040 Applicability.
16.08.045 Parcels traversed by public ways.
16.08.050 Procedure.
16.08.060 Standards and policies.
16.0 .0" Requirements for acceptance of plats.
16.08.080 Variances and modifications.
16.08.090 Validity.
16.0 .09 Agreements to transfer land conditioned on final plat approval-
16.08.100 Enforcement and penalties.
16.08,110 Plat occupancy.
Chapter 16.1(1 Binding Site Improvement flan
16.10.010 Purpose
-16.10.015 L)�4 iffl.I 160Hs
16.10.020 Application
16.10.030 Review procedures.
16.10.040 Standards and criteria.
16.10.050 preliminary approval.
16. 10.060 Final approval.
16.10.070 Installation of improvements.
16.10.080 Time limitations.
16,10.090 Revisions. Appeals.
16.10.1. 10 Enforcement.
Chapter 16.12 130undary" Line Adjustments
16.12.010 Purpose and intent.
16.12.020 ALIthority.
1 " 11k4-16.12.040 Reserved.
W 12.050 Application.
16.12.060 C01-nmunity and Economic Development Department decision.
16.12.0 70 recording.
16.12.080 Appeals,
Section 1 . Ordinance 1631, 2222, 2660, and 30143, as amended, and 'I`itle 16 of
the Port Angeles l"w unicipal Code relating; to subdivisions, are amended to read as follows:
16.02.010- General. The definitions in this chanter ter ann1vto all chapters and sections of Title
16,42.424_ Definitions and rules.
A. Words used in the oresent tense shall include the future-, words used in the sin lar shall
include the nlural. and the olural shall include the sin alar.
B. The word "shall" is mand itory and not discretionary.
C. The word "mav" is ermissive.
D. The word "lot"shall include the udes
all other structures cif eve bind re ardless c>f"sim%larit to bildin xsw and the brise "used for"
shall 'include the Mmses "arraneed for." "desi2ned for," "intended for," "maintained for," and
""ot+cupied for."
E. In the construction of these Subdivision Re ulations the rules and definitions contained
in this section shall be observed and annfied.except when the context clearly indicates otherwise.
1. Access street. A street with the main function of providing, access to adjacent
properties or for local traffic.
2. Bindinz site improvement ent alma or BSIP, "Binding site improvementplan" or"BSIP"
means an ince ated site len submitted to the C it pursuant to this chapter for
a rcval of" all lamed buildin s ublic and rivate infrastructure and other
im rovc."ents and amenities to be developed as a commercial or industrial center,
3. Block. A groupof lots tracts ear parcels within well-defined and fixed boundaries.
4. Block, I" "rrsate. A block of4 0 or 544 feet b)(300 feet dimension or a minimum of
3.1 acres as created bv the ori sinal Dlatting of the Towvnsite of Port Angeles.
5. Boundciry line adiustment. A division of load rude for the puMose of altieratica la
adjusting,boundM lines between planned or unplatted lots or both which does not
create anv additional lot tract parcel,site or division nor create any lot tract creel
site or division which contains insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum
requirements for width and area for a building site and may be accomplished in
nonconfort'ning situations when the dearee of nonconfortnitv is not increased.
. City. The City of Port An Teles.
7. Collector arterial.street, A street which provides for movement within the smaller
areas which are often definable neighborhoods and may be bound by higher class
minor or rind al arterials. Collector arterials serve very little "throu traffic" but
serge a high portion of local traffic requiring direct access to abutting land uses.
8. Commercial mercial or industrial center. "Commercial center" or "industrial center" means
a development complex of mixed commercial and/or industrial businesses that share
facilities and are organized bv some form of common management. A business and
office Dark. an industrial park, a co orate campus, and a shopping center are t ical
examples of commercial or industrial centers.
. Commission. See"Plannine Commission."
10. CommunLtjl and Economic Development 1 arta ent or Dew-trrrent. "Communit
and Economic Development Department" or "Qe ent" means the Communit
and Economic Development Qppartment 9f the City.
11. Comprehensive Plan. The Com rehe'nsive Plan adopted by the Council in
com liance with the Growth Mana gment Act of 1990 and which indicates the
general locations recommended for residential commercial and industrial land uses
or zones and for streets artspublic buildings, and other public improvements. The
Comprehensive flan includes all its Appendices and individual comprehensive
service and facility plans such as the Capital Facilities Plan the Comprehensive
Fater Flan and the Comprehensive Partes flan.
12. Council. Port Angeles City Council.
1.3. Crosswalk-way. A right-of-way dedicated to Dublic use ten feet or more in width
which cuts across a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and
14. Cul-de-sac- court or diad end.street A short street having one end open to traffic
and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turn-around.
15. Dedication. The deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for public uses
reservine to the owner no other rights than such as are compatible with the full
exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted.
The intention to dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner by the presentment for
filing of a final short plat or final subdivision plat showing". the dedication thereon
and acceptance of the dedication by the City shall be evidenced by the approval of
such final short plat or final subdivision plat.
16. Desired to-ban design of t e City. °The lard use vattern and street system as described
by the Comprehensive Flan land use map and olicies the zoning mgp and
regulations, the subdivision regulations and the Urban Services Standards and
17. Easement. A gant by the property owner of the use of a strip of land by the public, a
!c oration or persons for s ecific purposes.
18, Final short plat. The final drawing of the short subdivision containing all the
elements and rgguirements set forth in this cha ter.
19. drat subdivision plat. The tonal drawing of the subdivision and dedication pMargil
for filinja for record with the County Auditor and containing all elements and
requirements set forth in this chapter..
20. fleari?lg Examiner. The City establishes a Hearing Examiners stem per PAMC
21. Integrated site. "Integrated gated site" means one or more parcels of land opgrated as a
single development site for the purposes of shared facilities and common
mane s�mt.
22. Lot. A niece, Parcel. lot tract or area of land in common ownership created b
subdivision or its legal e uivalent for sale lease or rent. A lot has the characteristics
of being able to be occupied or capable of being occu ied by one or more principal
buildin es and the accessory buildin s or uses customarily incidental to them and
includina the open spaces reuuired under this chapter and having its principal lot
frontage on a street.
23. Lot area. The total area within the lot lines of a lot erccludin z any primaryaccess
easements or;panhandles.
24. Lot kontage. The length of the front lot line measured at the street right-of-waline.
Alleys are not considered right-of-way providing a lot fronts„fie.
25. Lot Lr~r .e alar. A lot that has an irregglar shape, such as narrow necks, s� lags
and panhandles
6. Lot litre. A line of record bounding,a lot that divides one lot from another lot or from
a vublic or vrivate street or anv other vublic right-of-way or public space.
27. Lot, Panhandle. also I noK,,n as ler . A lot generally in the she e of a flag, where
access is typically rovided by a narrow, private right-of-way or driveway also
known as the" anhandle."
. Lot types.
i. Corner lot. A lief, at 'unction of and frontin on two or mare intersectio
streets formin.�an intc°rior an of Ic ss than 35 de ees.
ii. Interior lot. A lot Cather than a corner or through lot.
iii.Double roma e car ti ro lot. A lot Navin froota xe on two arallel or
4pproximatel arallcl streets. Soth lot lines abuttin stress shall be deemed
front lot lines. Tuts with rear alley frontage shall not be considered thrcau gh lots.
ivr Reverse roma re lot. A double fronta e or throe lief that is not accessible
from one of'the ara11e1 or neaoint ectin streets can which it fronts.
9. Lot tonin-a. A sin ile tract of land located within a single block which at the time of
filing for a building permit is deal * ated b its owner or develo e as a tract to be
used develocl or built a on as a unit under sin le owershi or control. A tonin
lot may or mav not coincide with a lot of record.
30. Lot line cont. In the case of an interior lot a line separating the lot from a street
right-of-way and in the case of a double frontage or through lot'a line, separatin
the lot from a street t-of-wayfrom which a drive access ma be emitted and
located by the City. In the case of a corner lot a property owner may deli gmate either
line spparating separatingthe lot from street right-of-ways as theri ar front lot line therefore
creating a subs cent front lot line. for a lot with an irregular she e narrow neck
int and panhandle,the front lot line is the shortest lot Eine adjoining the panhandle
portion of the lot excluding the unbuildable portion of the ole.
31. Lot line rear. That bounder of a lot which is most distant from and is mast pearl
parallel to the front lot line.
32. Lot line side. Any boundary of a lot which is not a front nor a rear lot lime.
33.Lot line zero. A cone t utilised to ermit a structure or wall of a buildin to be
located on a propertly line.
34. Minor arterial street. A street which provides for movement within the large sub-
arts prescribed b rind al arterials.lIior arterials m also servethroe traffic"'
but provide much more direct service to abutting land uses than prind al arterials.
35. Owner. A perso uasi-
ublic corporation, or an combination thereof
36. Planned,Residential Development(PRD). A planned residential development is a site
specific development which has been gapproved by the City Council under the
rovisions of Chapter 17.1.9 of the Dort. Angeles Municipal Code. It ma include a
subdivision of land in which residential lots are desigLied in clusters of individual lots
with park and o ens ace areas between clusters and in which lots ma be below the
minimum lot widths and lot areas rNuired by the Zoning Code.
37. Planning Commission. "Planning Commission" means the Planning Commission of
the Citv. as designated in Cha ter 2.36 of this Code.
38. Preliminaa short plat. "Preliminary shortplat"means an approximate drawing of a
short subdivision showing the general layout of streets and alleys, lots blocks and
other elements of the short subdivision.
9. Preliminary subdivision Plat. An qpproximate drawing of a Drowsed subdivision
showin > the eeneral layout of streets and ails s lots blocks and other elements of
the subdivision consistent with the reciuirements of Chapter 16.08.
40. Principal arterial strut. A street which provides for movement across and between
large sub- arts of an urban re `on and serve predominantly "throe trips" with
minimum direct service to abutting land uses.
41. Short subdivision. "Short subdivision" means the division or redivision of land into
four or less lots tracts arcels sites or divisions for the purpose of sale lease or
transfer of ownership.
42. Sketch. A drawing showin> rc..) sed lot-layout, building line setbacks and proposed
locations and width ofstreets,width and area of each lot sanitary and storm drainage.
43 Street. A ri t-of-wa , dedicated to ,public use, which provides vehicular and
pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
44. Street system improvements. The acquisition of right-of-way and/or easements
desi mn inspection, adin avin installation of curbs Iters sidewalks street
lighting, traffic control devices and other similar improvements in accordance with
City standards.
45. Subdivider - developer-. A person who undertakes the subdividing or the
resubdividing of a lot tract or Darcel of land into two or more lots or other divisions
of land for the puTose,immediate or future of transfer of ownership or development,
including all char es in street or lot lines.
46. Subdivision. The division or redivision of land into five or more lots tractsparcels,
sites or division for the vurDose of sale lease or transfier of ownershi .
'WeekA. rr
fneans a gFoup of lots,—.M.-ts or-pit e4,;within well defined afid fixed .
B. rr rr
meafis the City of Peft Angeles.7
ar as
Means the
Co an E-conomie Do elopment DepaFtment of the City.
as III
eomplian-W -ith the Growth Manage— .990 and MAN general loomi
feeemm.m. 4.4 , ._Btfial land es of . • *
buildings, eats. The
Facilities W'Itef Plan and the Compfelien
, .the r.
aa" tP
, li Uses,
thereon, --I sho# plat showing th
shall be evideneed by the ownef by the pfesentment for- filifltl-
the dedieation by thew
11 be evideneed-by-4he
ral. design 04h an
desefibed by the Comprehensive Plan!and u_semap and , ,,
. ad Gt .
G. Aafi4nal short as
elements and
set A)fth in this ehapter:
14. "Let"
A .4 -he tefm shall
means a ffaetional pa- of -.*I.*-'.-' land with fixed b0tin ii ies. T
1. as ra
fneans, t�he Planning Commission of the City,
as designated-in
Chaptef 236 of t1fils.
aa' as
the general 1 --e-I ts and alleys, lot-s' Woe'— and othew
K. as subdivision"
sale,means the divisioa of redivision-0-IFI, - four-or-less lot-~*par-eels, site or,dwisions for-the pufpo,-,e of
lease of transfer of ownership.
16.04.070 - Preliminary short plat—Design standards.
All preliminary shoat plats shall confirm to the following design standards:
A. Right-of-way access.
1. Each lot shall abut on a dedicated, improved and. maintained. City street that connects
directly to an existing improved street and that meets current street improvement standards as
set forth in the Comprehensive plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and
18.08.130, with the fallowing exceptions
a, Streets may be established interior to sites within the Industrial Heavy(IH)zone without
dedication as a public street. In all ether respects,such streets must be developed and maintained
to meet current street improvement standards.A nate shall be placed on the final recording myl ar
that such street(s) shall be maintained to the above standards by the property owner(s).
b. An exception from the right-of-way access requirements in this section shall be allowed
for a single residential or commercial lot within a proposed short plat,provided that the following
conditions are met:
i. The single lot contains an existing habitable dwelling that abuts and is accessible by
emergency vehicles over an existing 20-foot-wide all-weather street that does not meet City
standards, and
ii. 1. all other lots in the short subdivision shall meet the right-of-way access standards of
this section; or
2. all lots abut an improved private street that is otherwise built to City access standards
but may not be a dedicated street.
. Sidewalks and other planning; features that assure safe walking conditions for students
who walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW 58,17.060 and RCW 58.17.110.
B. Lot design.
1. The minimum area shall be equal to or greater than that required by the Zoning Code as
now enacted or hereafter amended.
2. The minimum depth shall be the total distance between the required front and rear yard
setbacks plus 15 feet.
. The minimum lot width is the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the
front setback line,provided the average horizontal distance between side lot lines must also meet
or exceed the minimum lot width required, and shall be as required by the Zoning Code as now
enacted or hereafter amended.
4. The front lot line shall be the boundary of a lot that abuts a street. On a panhandle lot.,the
front lot line and setbacks shall be determined during the short subdivision process, or, if not
determined during short subdivision review, shall be determined by the Community and
Economic Development Director,
5. a. Pafthandlelrregular lots may be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient
frontage width to provide each new lot with the minimum lot width as required by Title 17 for
the underlying zone.
b. E- tel.ppanhandle or lots shall meet the following criteria:
L The narrow portion of the panhandle or fay, lot shall have a minimum width of 20 feet
and shall serve no more than one lot,.
it. The required lot area width and depth shall not include any portion of a the panhandle.
iii. Dead-end access streets and/or driveways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided
with a turn-around that has a minimum 80-foot diameter (without parking) or a minimum 90-
foot diameter (with parking) asphaltic concrete or permeable pavement street or an alternative
approved by the City consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance, the Port Angeles Urban 1
Services, Standards and Guidelines Manual, and the Inteniational* Fire Code, except that an all-
weather gravel surface section may be approved for turri-arounds that are anticipated to be
temporary due to the future extension of the roadway.
*"Uniform Fire Code" updated to "International Fire Code"
C. Naturat jeatures. The lots and lot arrangement shall be such that no foreseeable
difficulties will be created, due to topography and other natural conditions, for the securing of
building permits to build on all lots in compliance with the Zoning Code and the Environmentally
Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinances, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and all other
applicable regulations.
D. Large lots. Where property is subdivided into lots that are of sufficient size to be
resubdivided, the lots and streets shall be arranged so as to permit later resubdivision in
conformance with the Zoning Code, as now enacted or hereafter amended, the Subdivision
Regulations Ordinance, as now enacted or hereafter amended, and this chapter.
A. 4eeess stow. A stfeet with the main
Exon: 04fovidifig aeeess to adjo-en
. ,rLI1 __J_1t Pfoperties
r-l0eAl tr-affic,.
B. Sm
.ffer seKp-. An afft or.strip of la�nd leeated lai#ed %xith tfees and sh.mbs .1. t'.11 Hide
a sffeen betwee�n eown;etiag land uses. (Par-ks, playgfounds and the site of publie buildings are
So L4jftjeS j*Sj4j U.,M.- I
C. G911eetor ar�er4ai street. A streetwhieh pr-ovid— IrOw ovement within the sma4er-arvas
9 - —A —,1—U9441414d hu bigh
whiA are often defiff"I'M ef elass (mi
rials. Coll ME-EIMS S
efNAe 3VILAr-y lit4le "thfough tfaffie" but sefve a hi.1 r4oeg
tfaffie fequifing diFeet iteeess to abutting land uselln
D. Commiss"Off. The City of PeA Angeles Planning Go
E. Communio, and Dei4opmen. 'Pet-d-i
-mem, oil Depar4ment The City of Poft
Angeles Community affd- Eeonemiy,Development Depaftmen
Aet of 199 -eneral locations r-eeofn ended
for , a and industrial land uses of zones and for- ,y
buildings, publie
an includes all its
tf,.fe . +,
and ;ndividiwll' e and ieh as the Capital }
G. Geuned-.44mtkagele5,City-C�i�
fnoR in
ten f�et or whiel
he owner no other-fights than sueb as afe eompatible with the full exer-eise and ef�oyment-of
dedieation+I.t-.efeo .ee o. the dediegition by the City shall be evideneed by the
of SUeh filial
.iiisim. plat.
K. De-sir-14Gio� The and use F system as deseFAwd-Jayw
n by tfip of land the td ,
Pmal plat-. The fina4 drawing of the subdivision and dedieation prepared fi)f filing for
N. ImpmvememA . ,, ith ro , sidewalks,
a e speeified on �,,,
eedd the front ofsaid4ot
or any eembination ther-eeft-i
1'uu^ An� ..ryry
stfip of land 1— dw panhandle.
speeifty, development whieh has been appFeved- I1-Y +I-.-- City Couneil under- 4.".-.-- ps-wisions of
Chapter- 17.19 of t_he_.Pot4 Angeles Munieipal Zode. ....ude a subdivision ofia-fid in whieh
Zoning C
with the fequifewrents-of this hapter-.
sef�viee to uses;
, .
a lot,
~ of pafeel of d into two or 110tS ,
ifamediato of , of tfansfff
lot nes.
Subdiv.. , , , ,.,
of division fff the PM Mmose of sale, lease, of s
pp plan" or
planned publie and private inffastrueture and oth
t1 WA of CP", dustrial 9A'
businesses that shafe faei4fies,-�
4 by oma
w. .. business and offieepark, an industfial
G. Integrated site. "Integfatedsite"
fneans one or-mofe par-eels of land epef-ated as a single
16.12.010 - Purpose and intent.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for the approval of boundary line
adjustments in order to ensure that such divisions of land are accomplished in an orderly manner,
with proper records, and in compliance with applicable laws. A boundary line adjustment is
intended to qpply to boundary changes, or to recti property use constraints or the location of a
lot lane. The intent of a boundary line adjustment is not to evade requirements that would be
associated with the subdivision redivision or distribution of land.
This Chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority of Chapter 58-17 RCW, RCW 35A.63.100(3),
and the police power granted the City of Port Angeles by the Constitution and laws of the State
of Washington.
16.12.030 - —e finition..
both,A boundwy line aE�ttstmont is defin ——Sion Of land Faade fef the pHrpose of alteration
by a4justing beufldary lines, between planned of ufoatted lots or-
whieh does fwt or-eat
any additional let,tfae4, pafeel, site, or division, nef efeate an),let, tfaet,par-eel, site, or-di,,4sien
whieh eontains insuffieient area and dimension to meet mi ifefneffts for width and
Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including,., but not limited to,
the correction ofthe scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance numbering;section/subsection
numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3- Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or CiMUnistartces,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
.Section 4-Effective Date. This Ordirtarice,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated
to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five
(5)days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 21 day of Mamh,2017.
Patrick Downie,P yoror
W i, to r-.. B ldor,"Vlfy Attorney
Eiff' V'enelasen,-C
PUBLISUIED: Kw-J, %- ,)4 , 2017
By Summary
Summary of Ordinances adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on March 21, 2017.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 2.18 Hearing
Examiner, 2.36 Planning Commission and repealing Ordinance 1796, Chapter 2.52, Board of
Adjustment of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 14.40 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code relating to parking space requirements.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Title 16 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to subdivisions.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Title 17 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to zoning.
These ordinances are not subject to referendum and shall be in force and take effect 5 days after
publication according to law. The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the
City Clerk's office, on the City's website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request.
Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published by summary: Friday March 24, 2017