HomeMy WebLinkAbout3577 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to zoning.
Section 1. Ordinance 1709 as amended,and Title 17 of tile Port Angeles Municipal .,,ode
relating to Hearing Examiner are hereby amended to read as follows:
Title 17
Chapter 17.01 - Purpose and Scope
Chapter 17.03 - Establishing Mapped Zones and Regulations
Chapter 17.08 - Definitions
Chapter 17.10- RS-7 Residential, Single-Family
Chapter 17.11 - RS-9 - Residential, Single-Family
Chapter 17.12 - RS-1 I - Residential, Single-Family
Chapter 17.13 - RTP - Residential Trailer Park
Chapter 17.14 - RMD - Residential, Medium Density
Chapter 17.15 - RHD - Residential, High Density
Chapter 17.16 - Cottage Housing Development Overlay Zone
Chapter 17.17 - Ho - Home Occupations Pefmi
Chapter 17.18 - Bed and Breakfasts44ffn+4
Chapter 17.19- PRD -Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone
Chapter 17.20 - CO - Commercial, Office
Chapter 17.21 - CN - Commercial, Neighborhood
Chapter 17.22 - CSD - Community Shopping District
Chapter 17.23 - CA - Commercial, Arterial
Chapter 17.24 - CBD - Central Business District
Chapter 17.25 - CR - Commercial, Regional
Chapter 17.26 - RS - Retail Stands- n+4
Chapter 17.30 - IP - Industrial Park
Chapter 17.31 - PID - Planned Industrial Development Overlay Zone
Chapter 17.32 - IL - Industrial, Light
Chapter17.34 - III - Industrial, Heavy
Chapter 17.35 - Junk Yards Conditional Use Permit
Chapter 17.36,- IM - Industrial, Marine
Chapter 17.37 - MCO- Mixed Commercial Overlay
Chapter 17.40- PBP - Public Buildings- Parks
Chapter 17.42 - FL - Forest Lands
Chapter 17.44- PLED - Planned Low Impact Development Overlay Zone
Chapter 17.45 - IOZ - Infill Overlay Zone
Chapter 17.50 - Adult Entertainment Uses
Chapter 17.52 -Wireless Telecommunications Towers and Facilities
Chapter 17.94 - General Provisions, Conditions and Exceptions
Chapter 17.95 - Speeial PfeN44oftsNonconforming Situations
Chapter 17.96 - Administration and Enforcement
17.10.010 Purpose.
17.10.020 Permitted uses.
17.10.030 Accessory uses.
17.10.040 Conditional uses.
17.10.050 Area,aPA-dimensional, and density requirements.
17.10.060 Off-street parking.
17.10.070 Signs.
17.11.010 Purpose.
17.11.020 Permitted uses.
17.11.030 Accessory uses.
17.11.040 Conditional uses.
17.11.050 Area,an"imensional, and density requirements.
17.11.060 Off-street parking.
17.11.070 Signs.
17.12,010 Purpose.
17.12.020 Permitted uses.
17.12.030 Accessory uses.
17.12.040 Conditional uses.
17.12.050 Area,an4-dimensional, and density requirements.
17.12.060 Off-street parking.
17.12.070 Signs.
17.14.010 Purpose.
17.14.020 Permitted uses.
17.14.02530 Accessory uses.
17.14.0340 Conditional uses.
17.14.0450 Area,aft"imensional, and density requirements.
17.14.0-560 Off-street parking.
17.14.0) 70D Signs fitted.
17.14.0780 Design and landscaping for apartments,.
17.15.0 10 Purpose.
17.15.0 201 Permitted uses.
17.15.030 Accessory uses.
17.15.040 Conditional uses.
17.15.050 Area, and-dimensional, and density requirements.
17.15.060 Off-street parking.
17.15.070 Signs permitted.
17.15.080 Design and landscaping.
17.17.010 Purpose.
17.17.011 Conflict with other ordinances.
17.17.012 Definitions.
17.17.020 Applicability.
17.17.030 Home occupations exempted.
17.17,040 Development standards.
17.17.050 Application and notice procedures.
17.17.060 Routing and staff recommendations.
17.17.080 Director of Community and Economic Development decision.
17.17.090 Special review,
17.17.095 Special review criteria.
17.17.110 Limitations.
17.17.200 Appeals.
17.17.?10) Extensions.
17.17.3,00 Revocation.
17.17.310D Penalties.
17.17.320 Existing home occupations.
17.18.010 Purpose.
17.18.030 Applicability.
17.18.040 Development standards.
17.18.050 Application and notice procedure.
17.18.070 Director of Community and Economic Development's decision.
17.18.090 Limitations.
17.18.091 Appeals.
17.18.092 Extensions.
IT 1 .100 Permit revocation.
17.26.010 Purpose.
17.26.030 Retail stand permit rewired.
17.26.040 Development standards.
17.26.050 General location standards.
17.26.060 Specific location standards,
17.26.065 Right-of-way use fee.
17.26.070 Application and notice procedure.
17.26.080 Routing and staff'recommendations.
17.26.090 Director of Community and Economic Development's decision. Limitations,
17,26.110 Revocation.
17.26.130 Appeals. Renewals.
17.26.140 Effective date and holdover provisions.
17.45.010 Purpose.
17A5.011 Definitions.
17.45.020 Applicability.
17.45.030 Peffnioed Allowed uses.
17.45.031 Conditional uses..
17.45.040 Permitted modifications of land use regulations.
17.45.050 Design and development standards.
17,4.5.060 Density.
17.45.070 Procedure for approval.
17.45.080 Pre-application review,
17.45.090 Application procedure.
17.45.100 Routing and staff recommendations.
17.45.110 Hearing Examiner public hearing—Scheduling and notice.
17.45.120 Hearing Examiner decision.-----Preliminary development plans.
17.45.130 Reserved.
17.45,140 Final approval of Infill Overlay Zone(IOZ).
17.45.160 Final action..
17.45.170 Building permits.
17.45.180 Modifications after final approval.
17.94.010 Foregoing regulations subject to this chapter.
17.94.020 Lot area not to be reduced, exceptions.
17.94.030 Use of lots or parcels containing more than minimum required lot area.
17.94.040 Yards to be enclosed within a solid fence.
17,94.050 Vacated Streets
17.94.0;0 Yard requirements for property abutting half-streets or streets designated by an
official control.
17.94.065 Develonment standards for conditional uses in Residential Zoning.
17,94.070 R*eep"en Development standards for an Accessory Residential
17.94.075 Exception to yard requirement.
17.94.080 Yard and unobstructed space regulations.
17.94.090 Vision clearance.
17.94.100 Driveways.
17.94.110 Parking svace rep-ulations.
17.94.1 20 Permitted intrusions into required yards.
17,94.130 Lot coverage exemptions.
17.94.135 Site coverage exemptions.
17.94.140 Walls and fences.
17.94.150 Storage of merchandise or vehicles in yards and rights-of-way.
17.94.155 Use of residential streets.
17.94.170 Exception to height requirement.
17.94.175 Excpptions to area requirements.
17.94.180 Minor deviations.
17.94.185 Non-zoned annexation areas.
17.95.010 VaeateA StfeetSpUq)osg.
17.95.020 NonconformingtKesLots.
17,95.030 Nonconforming U-114----441
..ue4ufei ises.
Nonconforming structures.
17.95.050 Moving of buildim 'Removal of illepal nonconforming structures and uses.
17 95 060 Tempor-afy 1—ilding'm
47.95.080 Bfeezewa-y-.
—oa i;.�,�eaed annexation afp s.
C 1 JA D.1
17.9-4.160 Pa-1-ing spy"wee fe5pul.Ki0fis.
17.96.010 Scope of regulations.
17.96.020 Interpretation.
17.96.025 Nonresidential dwelling prohibition.
17.96.030 Rules for interpreting zoning boundaries.
17.96.040 Substandard lots,recorded lots.
17.96.045 Zoning lot covenants—Applicability.
17.96.050 Conditional use pen-nit.
17.96.060 Unclassified use permit.
17.96.070 Hearing and appeal of conditional or unclassified use permit applications.
17 96.075 Temporary use penitits.
17.96.080 Variances .
17.96.090 Filing fees.
17.96.095 Zoning initiation by the Planning Commission.
17.96.100 Amendments.
17.96.110 Subdividing.
17.96.120 Enforcement.
17.96.130 Entry upon private property,
17.96.140 Notice of public hearings.
17.96.150 Appeals.
17.96.160 Code revisor.
17.96.170 Zoning code amendment.
17.96.1 S0 Penalties.
17.08,001 -General.
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this title, shall have the meanings ascribed to
them in this chapter,except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
17.08.002 -Definition rules.
In the construction of theese City's Zoning Regulations,the rules and definitions contained in this section
shall be observed and applied,except when the context clearly indicates otherwise.
A. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; words used in the singular shall include
the plural,and the plural shall include the singular.
S. The word"shall"is mandatory and not discretionary.
C. The word"may" is,permissive.
D. The word "lot" shall include the words "piece" and "parcel"; the word "building" includes all
other structures of every kind regardless of similarity to buildings;and the phrase"used for" shall include
the phrases "arranged for," "designed for," "intended for," "maintained for,"and "occupied for."
17.06.010 -"'A."
i '
A. Accessory . iing- use. , The subordinate.and incidental use eel laud or buildip
on a lotand "
. A use is to be consideree ac;cess�g_ry q it pccn is s la s
than, CD,,p zaae t ora bua(d�a "'s pr lot s taata,ws u e f mage,µ
B. Accessory residential un t &( . A habitable unit added to, created within, or detached from a
primary single-family residential dwelling that provides basic requirements for living, sleeping, eating, i
cooking, and sanitation as outlined by the International Residential building Code. An aeeessofy
ARU4 as distinguishable fi-cam a duaalera a;n that,,.unlike a durrla; ,itis(jgjrly incidental to
a detached primary single-family residence both in use and appearance. R fs must abide by the ARLJ
d;ve_o a,��c 1 — . * —
iee that is separate the p6mar
C. Adult,family l onze. A one family dwelling of a person or persons who ars: providing personal
care, room and board to more than one but not more than siva adults who ars; not related by blood or
marriage to than person or persons providing the services and who are licensed by the State of Washington
pursuant to Chapter 711.128 RCW and Chapter 388.76 WAC(Adult Family Home regulations).
D. A.16rdable housing, Residential housing available for sale or rent that requires a monthly housing
cost, including utilities other than telephone, of no more than 30 percent of the income of an eligible
household.An eligible household is one with a total household income no greater than 80 percent of the
Clallaan County median income as reported by the Washington State Office of Financial Management.
E. Alley. A public right-of-way which provides service access to abutting property.
F. Amendment. A change in language of the zoning text which is an official part of these Zoning
G. Animal husbanth y, conarraerc:ial. The care and raising of animals,ls, particularly farm animals, for
agricultural or other commercial purposes, provided that this shall not include non-commercial animal
husbandry, private horse stables,up to three dogs and cats which are not house pets,or house pets.
H. Arrerraal laarslraraclrwy, treat-ccrrrrrrrerciaL The care and raising of animals for non-commercial
purposes,provided that this shall not include private non-commercial horse stables, kennels, up to three
dogs and cats which are not house pets,or house pets.
I. Antenna. Any pole,panel,rod., reflection disc including satellite earth station antenna as defined
by 47 CFR Sections 1.4000 and 25.104, or similar device used for the transmission and/or reception of
radio frequency silmals.
J. Antenna support structure. Any building or structure other than a tower which can be used for
location of telecommunications facilities.
K. Apartment. A room, or a suite oftwo or more rooms in a multiple occupancy building,
occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit for one family.
L. Apartment building.A multi la. caa cupancv buildin&pther thact,a hotel or motel that contains five
or more dwelling gnats.
1:7-.1. Applicant. Any person that applies for approval from the City.
..�. I� p y p y k cl
1�. Application. 3`laaw process b which the owner cera parcel of land within the Cit submits a request I
to develop, construct, build, modify„ erect or use such parcel of land. "Application" includes all written
documentation,verbal statements,and representations„ in whatever form or Brum,made by an applicant
to the City concerning such a request.
N-.0. Artisan nignufitclyrit!Z,Production of goods by the use of hand tools or small-scale, light
..pquipjnent occ ing lely within an enclosed building where such.,p oduction...r
_qrrL_ __�o L_
or storage and where Lhe_productiqn va ratiqrns. ..and storage of materials related to
jdqction oce ,i Ne negatiye impact on
sqqqqgding_prq ies and.mayincludes,lkses such�asbut but limited to�wood�workin�qnd,cabinct shops,
ceramic studio JgAglry maqqfaaurin e,and similar!yp -,2r
es of arts and crafts gkqrL�paces
(_ action of
alcohol and fopd_prqcessiiig.
P, Assisted livingfiicility. Any home or other institution that provides housing, basic services, and
assumes general responsibility for the safety and well-'being of the residents(for seven or more residents)
and may also provide domiciliary care consistent with Chapter 142, laws of 2004 in Chapter 18.20.020
Attainable for saig.,pr rent that_rqctuires a monthly _using
cost, including eliyi�lq
utilities other tele . gof no mann 30 percent of the net income of an
_ phg _ _ .
household.ForpurDoses of the orecedin"gntence atigligible household is one Nkith a total net household
-n �ore4tqr than 12Q.percent of thq�Clallam County median income re,pqgd by th!��Y gLhin ton 1c _g_
State-Office of Financial Mangaggment
I7.118.0115 -"B."
A. Bed and breakjiist. Bed and 1--feakfast i •a single-family residence loeated in a fesidential zen
which remains owner-occupLiqd at all times and that eentains ffe kiteheff and shafed diflialg _-Fea that
provides lodging for guests and travelers for a period of up to 30 days,and where food service,ns typicaV
limited to breakfast which may ser�Led ernigh es bfeakfast tejq�e�
be jsLpy _t.gu is only.
B. Bed and breakfasts are outright permitted uses
in all e;emffiemial i��, residential high deffiity, and r-esidentia medium density zones, but are a
conditional use in residential single-family zones.
B. Bioretention facility is an engineered facility that stores and treats stormwater by passing it
through a specified soil profile,and either retains or detains the treated stormwater for flow attenuation.
8C_ Breezewqy a roofed open-sided passageway,connecting two buildings.
CCS. Building, cal cessory. (See "aeeessefy 11 ;IA�_,. pr use"). One which is subordinate and detached
Lro_n,arc im!_a�qil�din, wbichis_located onthe agars zoning lot as tiwc pri:alpaf ladin
_A_A U. an aftee(Papied a*d unobstfueted spaee whieh is on
the saiiie iet as the pfiffeipal building and-whi-ah Pfoyides for
F. Building, principal, The ffhqtow primary building on a lot, the building which houses the majef
pr LrnM use of the land and the structures on a zoning lot.
F. Buildings, residential. A building arranged, designed,used, or intended to be used for residential
occupancy by one or more families or lodgers.
G. Building line. Front,side and rear building lines are the lines on each zoning lot that delineate the
area within which construction of principal buildings is confined.
It Business parking lot sand/car structures. A commercial off-street parking lot or structure used)
exclusively for parking and/or storage of vehicles.
A. Carport. An accessory building or an accessory portion ofthe main building designed and used
primarily for the shelter or storage of vehicles. It is not an enclosed structure and it does not contain a
door which would allow vehicles to pass into the structure: it is open on two or more sides.
R Casino. An establishment for the purpose of providing unrestricted gambling opportunity as
regulated by the Washington State Gambling Commission, Activities regulated under casinos do not
include mini-casinos,enhanced card rooms,public card rooms, social card rooms,pull tabs,punch cards,,
lund raising events sponsored by nonprofit organizations, bingo, state run lottery games, turkey shoots,
raffles, sports pools,or other amusement games.
C. Child th -care. Child day-care means the and
sgpqryision of children that s desigq -rowth and educational experiences for
_q _qjprornote positive P
children outside the child's home for periods of less than twentv-four hours,.a,_da is-the pfovision o
stippleffiental entalFef leg's
hems a day,and tipAer-keense by the Wash'—-
,----F—faent of Sopial and 14eakh Se
The term is not intended to include baby-sitting services of a casual,non-recurring nature,or in the child's
own home. Likewise,the term is not intended to include cooperative reciprocated child care by a group
of parents in their respective homes.
D. Child dt -care center. A Phil day-eam-eentef A facility licensed by the Wa.s.hJn_gLqn State
Department of Earlv LeaminLy where child care or earl childhood education and early learmm.,,services
are orovided for thirteen or more children, mvides for*he eafe of 13 ()f fRefe eh.IA—n. Tie child day-
-P ild.-
care center shall not be located in a private family residence unless the portion of the residence where the
children have access is used exclusively for the children during the hours the center is, in operation or is
separate from the wAml useable living quarters of the family.
E. Commercial vehicle. Is a licensed (according to tonnaize), motorized vehicle desigged
for trans rtation of commodities, merchandise. produce, freight, anintals, orpasseng�and
overated in coniunction with a business, occupation, or home occurtation. This term shall
includebut is not limited to, automobiles, trucks, tractor/trailers, and vans.
E'R Commission the appointed planning Commission,
Kr. Coninion usable open sl)ace: Area within a planned overlay development which is accessible and
usable to all occupants of the development and the City, which is:
I Land which is unoccupied by nonrecreational buildings, parking areas, or traffic circulation
roads,- or
2. Land which is dedicated to recreational buildings,structures or facilities; or
3. Land which is dedicated to an open space purpose of the planned overlay development such as
preservation of natural features.
To be considered common usable open space for recreational purposes, the open space must be usable
for specific or multi-purpose activities,be located on generally level land,be regularly shaped and contain
a minimum of 1,000 square feet.
FL Conimut jtyC center A_building (jL_p2rtioq_of a building used for noj:��for- rQftt_ cultural
p(jq�gtional,reqrg tional religious or s(jq activities that he Rubliq car a designated part of the
__ea jaj_ jgA
t)ublic. usuall owned and gaperated by A_p_!&ic or ng ti Ou
it P g . E?;Anv—les QU(-IDIMm-n-i-ty:
rP ZL- _(r aenc
car ----Y_
centers are schools,places of worshi church mos, ynAgctgrue.temples, etc.).Boys and.Sjjds Clulas,
andsimilar uses, Cmmunitv center does not include fraternities ,IQOggs or 4siarajL uses.
(4.1, Conditional use permit LQU
tj A limited permission to locate a particular use at a specific :
location,where whie limited permission is required in order to ffh)dify review the controls stipulated by
these regulations on a case-b -case has'i"s a"rid to such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not
prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not he in conflict with the CilyLs Ceomprehensive
I!plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest. j[he Cjty._has some conditional uses that may It
pr —DeveKq
drninistrati ve CUP. where the Director of Community and Economic lopment is
the 4pprovalauthority.AlLother conditioqqt,uses are considered i CVP vim_ th�q(ityHearingjjN4mim
is the ativroval authority,
141 Conditional use a use permitted in a zone when authorized b
y the ari ate a rqy;Ll aro authority
but which requires a special degree of eonir-el review and may be Aqb certain conditions to make
ject to __
such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone.
I-K. Coqftwming building or structure a building that complies with all sections of these Zoning
Regulations or any amendment thereto governing size, height, area, location on the lot, for the zone in
which such building or structure is located.
J-J., Confin-ming lot a lot that contains the required width, depth and square footage as specified in
the zone in which the lot is situated.
K-.V[. Confi)rming use a use that is listed as a permitted accessory or conditional use in the zone in
which the use is situated.
M Conference center, a facility used for conferences and seminars or other community events
.arornotinoralrxb thatmma include apcommodations. for slegp ..ggd eating,
rpgrcation.ejqgrt iinment resource facilities meetjqg-..rqoms,,--fWness and hqaIth-tLa-ci—Iitiqs.--retail and
kaaersonal services vrimarily for the conference center gists.
LO. Council the City Council.
M.'P. Club o,r lodge, private a non-profit association of persons who are bona fide members paying
annual dues, which owns, hires, or leases a building or portion thereof, the use of such premises being
restricted to members and their guests,.
A. Density the ratio of the number of dwelling units per area of land, e.g., 7,000 square foot lots
would allow for a maximum density of 6.22 dwelling units per acre.
13. Department of Community and E.conomic Development (I)CFD) means City of Port Angeles
Community and Economic Development Department.
C. Detached building, see the definition for "buiLd a Wilding sepafated a minimu
of six fee! fr-ofn anothef beikhog,
D. Development any activity which would alter the elevation of the land, remove or destroy plant
life, cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed, divide the land into two or more
parcels,or any use or extension of the use of the land.
E. District a portion of a planning area which is defined by the primary uses located in that portion
of the planning area.
F. Dormitory a residence hall providing sleeping rooms,with or without eating facilities.
G Duplex, see the definition for J)Lyc
.Llling.two- inil " fe,-d building daefitaining tw
""ingle fam.-ly d-We...... WH efte ...thin the 4;aar walls buildifig.
IL Dwelling a building; or portion thereof, but not an automobile hettse trailer-, desiped ef us
exelusively "of Fesid-ential oeeupaney, inOttdiag single family dwellin s, twi family dwellings, an
y dwellings, whieh dwellings -afe- that is used exclusively
constructed in accordance with the International* Building Code', of, I-In the case of single family
dwellings, afe eoffstmet fnManufactured homes, need to u,.constructed in accordance with these
requirements , , . . .,, .r _cl t ing, dos not include a ou ,_t ailer ¢air does it
include t n+ hotels,motels or lodging houses.
*"Uniform Building Code" updated to"International Building C"ode"
1. 1J"rvelling, multi aini4i,a building or a portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units.
J. Dwelling,, single-family a building containing one dwelling unit 04Y.
K. )avcllrirl; t o fir flyc r,_cL le)
a building containing two s�rna>le-farni� dwelling; units
separate from each other.
1.1. Dwelling unit one or more rooms which are arranged,designed or used for ocerg agcy as��fg
living quarters for ofte the exclusive use of a single family maintaininp,.a household, only, Geraplet,
1'ermangryt 1 r installed kitchen facilities, shall always be ineluded ovtd
within =h the.dwelling unit.as well as sleetai end sanita facilities.
17.08.030- "E."
A. Engineer means a professional civil engineer, licensed by and in good standing in the State of
B. Enlargement an increase, in the size of an existing structure or use, including physical size of the
property, building,parking, and other improvements,
C", Entertainment seraricc w�..est, .bli hments e k ged iproviding...entertainrne t foo a fee ng
such activities Wwas dance halls studios. visual and/or performing grts,_theatrica�rc�ciuctioa�«, bandis
orchestras,and other musical entertainment.
GD. Environmentally sensitive area an area which includes any of the following critical areas and
ecosystems:wetlands,streams or stream corridors,frequently flooded areas,geologically hazardous areas
(erosion,landslide,or seismic hazard areas),significant fish and wildlife habitat areas,and locally unique
natural features(ravines,marine bluffs,or beaches and associated coastal drift,processes).
D.E. Erected" construction of" any building or structure or the structural alteration of a building or
structure, the result of which would be to change the exterior walls or roof or to increase the floor area of
the interior of the building or structure.
KE Establishment, business or commercial a place of business carrying on an operation, the
ownership and management of which are separate and distinct from those of any other place of business
located on the same zoning lot.
1 Ci. E �s°tirr. (pre-existing a use, lot, or building that existed at the time of the passage of these the
(mit 'sir Z n ,ng regulations, or prior to jqpyary4, 1971.
17A.035 _ T.e"
A. Family one person or two or more legally related persons living together, or not more than six
unrelated persons living together as a single, nonprofit, housekeeping unit, provided that there shall not
be more than four unrelated persons living together with legally related persons as a single, nonprofit,
housekeeping unit.
13. arrraiCy"arra-circ r ide°r fir° rrri �rrrrrtt jZ& l care
, a
facility liggLijsq (y the ashin ton State 1Jc rarlraunt of J arly l earn ng whr ra_.clak,ld care or early
childhood education and ear y..lgAMjqgjeryieps�arerqvided for twelve or fewer children in the miler
living quarters where the licensee resides.
C. F'arndng, cornmercial the planting and cultivating of crops for agricultural or other commercial
purposes, provided that this shall not include private gardening or greenhouse structures accessory to
single-family residences.
D. F-ence that phi a structure that is built, constructed, or composed of parts joined together of
material in some definite manner in which the prime purpose is to separate and divide, partition,enclose,
or screen a parcel or parcels of land. Fences may be constructed of wood, masonry,ornamental metal,or
other such materials. For the purpose of this,ordinance,plant materials are not considered a fence.
E. Fuel yard or bulk plant that portion of a property where flammable or combustible liquids are
received by tank vessel or tank vehicle and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of distributing
such liquids by tank vessel,tank vehicle, portable tank or container for subsequent resale and not to the
consuming public.
A. GaLqgqza deckk
j&.2M4ddng stnjqLqnL or part thereof used or intended to be used for the
pA&n&.aqd storage of y��hicles...
A.B,. Garage, private residential a building or structure that is amcgesso to a single- or vtwo-family
dwelling,eflief than a pef4ien of the main buildingi enclosed on not less than three sides,and designed or
used only for thepgkiry and 4wIter-Aff storage of vehicles, primarily only those vehicles belonging to
the occupants of the main buildi .&ygtjjM
R.0 Garage,public,a structure or Dortion thereof.other than a private customer and employee garage
or vrivate residential , grqge
,used Primarily for the parking and storage of vehicles and available to the
gegerqt.public.a building or stmetufe o0w thaft a private gafage, used for-the -f-stefage-Of
au4omebiles,or-where fnetef vehieles afe kept for-r-emunera4ioa,hife—,af-sa4e,
pj or structure otlig flign a pjbvate residential garageused for the care
car,.. automobiles and not the same as a service station as defined within these rgguflatiqns.
C. Gmitp
uffit ift whieh the residents
sisted by an outside agene or- orgaftization. Some examples of g t"31 L . 31.14-
state Neensed
homes foF the handieapped and physiteally disabled,-hemes 14 the —ally ill, bef"es for- !hose Wi
developm excWpt that gfoup homes do not iftelude adtilt family hemes,
affangempats or Fes�A_ Fe f4eilities. T'hey also iffelude "Ime 1.1111-11-A -1-
e-a mes fef fesidenti
atefs t;ar- febabilitation ffem aleohol and ddn,ws, andd tfansitional housing fef Vietiffis of defRestie
E. Group 41 A
buildjU.2ortjQjLcafes,bj �k��oWlg�
Lu Idin r . of buildjngs Linder unified control
g —
and in a nintlities.foor living, slqqp ng. sajjitatipja, satin, nd kin for
occupancy for residential uses; and which does not otherwise meet the definition of another residential
use defined in.t chapter ail does not include M.1y f To ljyj N i ity thg is licen� d ILe
his ch4pL_ �pq_� _W ag� q W _
State of WashinLton, Eatintz and cooking areas_M"bq_shared in wholeor art.
17.08.045 -"H."
AIla ed roof.
A4B. Height the total distance in feet from average ground elevation at perimeter walls as determined
by the final grade noted on the building plan approved by the City to the highest point of the structure.
The final grade shall not exceed the pre-alteration grade as it existed prior to excavation. For the purposes
of this title, a grade is established only when the City Building Inspector verifies the grade. '1"he height
restrictions in this title shall not apply to-eh+weh spires, monuments, chimneys, antennas, water towers,
elevator towers mechanical equipment, and other similar rooftop appurtenances usually required to be
placed above the roof level and/or not intended for human occupancy or the provision of additional
habitable space; provided that mechanical equipment r(x)ms and screening are set back at least ten feet
from the edge of the roof and do not exceed the maxi b iLd
maximum P _in
S,heiby more than ten feet 4t-h�.
glit __
Other architectural appurtenances such as ornamental cupolas parapets, and spires, not exceeding the
maximum bqLldin ha, by rpalr „than
ten feet in height and diameter, are also exempt from height
8C. Home occupation is an occupation or business activity which results in a product or service, is
conducted in whole or in part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly incidental and subordinate to the
residential use of the property.
CU. Hospital an institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary and emergency services of a
medical or surgical nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State law.
DEL. Hospital, mental(including treatment ol"alcoholic ')an institution licensed by Washington State
agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities, care, and treatment for cases of mental and nervous
disorders and alcoholics. This use can include community residential service businesses.
1-F. Hospice a facility for the terminally ill.
FG. Hostel a residential structure or commercial building where transient accommodations for 30
days or less (daily or weekly) for the traveling public are provided and for which the accommodations
contain no more than one shared kitchen facility and do not have individual sleeping rooms. Hostels are
differentiated by housing type and/or owner occupancy as follows:
I Owner occupied single-family residential hostels are allowed in the same zones as bed and
breakfasts, by app val ofa s-peeial use pefmit.
2. Non-owner occupied commercial structure hostels are allowed by the same process and in the
same zones as hotels and motels.
ff. L&Lgl a facilit offerin transient lodging acccammodations for 30 days or less to the general
pqblicaqd,jhat maiinclude additional facilities and servi�ps
:,,-suchas r
services etc
144. House pets domestic animals such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, rodents, andreptiles, not including
inherently dangerous species of animals,which sleep and are primarily housed in a dwelling unit together
with their owners.
17,0 .050 - 'T"
other-wisp detfe-0-1.
usuall le, i -dd-iti(n Plefin-i -ed-use--
B.A. Impervious suafiice a hard non-vegetated surface area that either prevents or retards the entry of
water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A hard non-vegetated surface
area which that causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow
from the flow present, under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces
include,but are not limited to, rooftops, walkways,patios,driveways, parking lots or stormwater areas,
concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces
that similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater. Vegetated roofs and minimal excavation
foundations, subject to conformance with applicable Department of Ecology BMPs, are not included in
the total impervious area.
B. Infill Overlav Zone (104: A site-sDecific development that has been approved by the
City under the provisions of Chapter 17.45 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
17.08.055 - 'T"
A, Junk yard an open area where waste or scrap materials are bought,sold,exchanged,stored,baled,
packed, disassembled, or handled, including but not limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags,
rubber tires,and bottles.Ajunk yard includes an auto wrecking yard but does not include uses(established
within enclosed buildings.
17.08.060 -'%."
A. Kennel a place where four or more dogs or cats, four months old or older,or any combination of
such dogs and cats,are kept,whether by the owners of the dogs and cats or by persons providing facilities
and care, whether for compensation or not, provided that the number of dogs and cats counted shall not
include house pets.
B. Kitchen a room or space which is constructed or equipped to facilitate the washing,cooking,and
storing of food; kitchen facilities include plumbing for sinks and electrical wiring for ovens and stoves.
IT08 .065 - 'T."
A. Landfill, swnitat�y an area devoted to the disposal of refuse, including incineration, reduction, or
dumping of ashes,garbage,combustible and non-combustible refuse,and industrial solid wastes.
& Legal building, structure, land use any building, structure or use of the land that complies with
all zoning requirements.
C. Legal noncoqf6rtning building or structure, A legally established building or structure which met
the applicable zoning code requirements in effect at the time the building or structure was constructed,
but which fails by reason of such adoption,revision or amendment of the Zoning Code,to conform to the
present requirements of the zone in which it is located.
D. Level of service an established minimum capacity of public facilities or services that must be
provided per unit of demand or other appropriate measure of need,
E. Lot a lo- is-a Zo-ming 1(4, e*eept as the eonte%t shall indieate a lot of fe'40M' lot is
a _r42Apigcqed
parcel,plot,tract or area of land in common ownership creat by subdivision
_fqr sale lease or rent. A lQt.has the characteristics of being able to be ocg!Agjqd or
capable of beipl-pccuied by one or more principal buildings, and the accessorybuildiri&i_ r uses
2— -
customarily incidental tothem and including the
_Mn svaces required under this c and hayin its
principal lotfront4gq�on a street.
F. Lot area the total area within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any primary access easements or
G. LotAontage. 'rbe length of the front lot line measured at the street ri zht::Qt-jypy_Jine. Alleys are
not considered jight-qf,mn providing a lot fronta q.Lot, eo r a lot sittiated a4 the i-+.ePIee*H
'Off two
Of flior-e Stfeets,
line of an abutfing let
H. l,21.,Irre Iagr., A lot that has n irrg ,u!A shape,s h:_as narrow necks,.po, nts,legs and panhandles
that supply the required minifflum lot width:
L be-, owugh a lot m lines abmting Publie Sti-e-6-WL-I)h are usually more 0
. ,
,,shall be deemed ffoat jot lines:
. Lot_linea q,,ofrecord bcaundin a lot,that divides one lot from another lotorfrom a taublic car ;
ria�vate sqegt or anv ottaer sau llie riaht-of-wav or nublic svace.
J. s,t,.w1'rnicrrrcllc (czlscr rrd:rawra czs llr ,_ lot enerall in the shape of a_.fl.aat where access is
ttypicall farovided by narrow. t)riy right of-wav or c.Irivewavalso known as the`yanhandl ."
1. Corner lot. A lot at a iunction_of.and frontigg2s can two or more intersecting streets, fbmjjqg an interior
angle of less than 1 JwS.te rees.
2. Interior last.A lot other than a corner or through lot.
.Doublecaratca e or thr�rae�lot. last havigg ftont � _c�ta t�ao� V oa a aroa��rt�ate �➢1q1,stre ts.
Both lot lines abutting streets shall be deemed front lot lines. Lots with rear alley fronta«e shall not be
considered throe h lots.
.Rever.sc.� m sarrtcx cr crt, . double, rcasata o WtI ,gh lot_that is not accessible from one of the parallel or
noninterseeting streets,on which it fronts.
L. Lot, zoning a single tract of land located within a single block, which at the time of filing for a
building permit, is designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used,developed,or built upon as
a unit,under single ownership or control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot of record.
lid.M !gat line,.frontw . I the case of an interior„lot
suss the lot fr aaaa street right-of=way , and in the case of a double fronta d, or throu�Wlot, a line
sc,,parati. .the lot from a stree�ht-of=way from which strive ac cess q4 be permitted and located b
the City. In the case of a comer lot, a �arotaert owner may si�natq-e ther line s� arati.n the lot frons
street rigbt-of=wa s as the vrimary front lot line therefore creating a subs cent front lot line. hea two
the bound-a—,Am gith the"affoWeSt Width Shall b- the&OfIt jet
die I.-PA lot line and sethailes shall be
,_ ,
if net determined dwi..' gubdivisie
For a lot with 1pn irregular
sh_� arrow nes;km drat and a laand�front lot lust is the shortest lot line adicaini_ h panhandle
pqqjgpAjjhp lot exclqdin2 the unbuildable portion of th .cp ale.
L. 1 N. Lot line, rear that boundary of a lot which is most distant from and is most nearly parallel to the
front lot.line.
M.O. Lot lirre, .snide any boundary of a lot which is not a front nor a rear lot line.
R Lot zerq. Aa concept utilized to,permit a structure or wallv_of a building to be located on a.
ropgrt lane
:Q. Lot coverage. The amount or percent of the ground area of a lot on which buildings are located.
This amount/percent shall include all buildings which are partially or totally enclosed and covered by an
impervious roof, including any garages,carports,covered patios,and cantilevered portions of a building,
and structures covered by an impervious roof even if not fully enclosed. Lot coverage does not include
the first horizontal 30 inches of the roof overhang, nor does it include uncovered decks and porches or
other structures not higher than 30 inches from the ground.
0. Lot q4ve,�rd a par-eel of land that is f;egistemed lot
Coun .
,PR. Lot width the horizontal distance between side4at lines of a lot measured at right angles to the lot
depth along a straight line parallel to the front lot line at the minimum required building setback line.-at
the 4ont setbaek lin,4' ffo"._ _5e her-iZental d.---. ifmst also me
i-xige-ed-the miftimum lot w h fequir-ed.
QS. Low impact development (LID) facilities/l MPs are distributed stonriwater management
practices, integrated into a project design, that emphasize pre-disturbance hydrologic processes of
infiltration, filtration, storage, evaporation and transpiration. LID facilities/BMPs include, but are not
limited to: bioretention, rain gardens, permeable pavements, roof downspout controls, dispersion, soil
quality and depth, minimal excavation foundations,vegetated roofs, and water re-use.
Kr. Low-powered, net1worked telecommunications facilities those facilities with maximum
transmitter peak output power that do not exceed one watt and are less than 14 inches by 16 inches by
eight inches with an antenna no greater than 30 inches.
A. Manqfactured home factory built, single-family structures that meet the National Manufactured
Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.05401), commonly known as the HUD(LJ'S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development)Code,and that also meets the following requirements:
I. Consists of two or more fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36
feet long;
2. Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate federal agency indicating compliance with the
construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),as amended
and as approved by the State of Washington;
3. Is placed on an on-grade permanent foundation or on footings and piers or on blocks in
accordance with HUD's specifications for the specific home and has skirting installed so that no more
than one foot of the skirting is visible above grade;
4. Has all transport appurtenances removed,
5. Is served by underground electrical power,- and
6. Was originally constructed with and prior to occupancy has a composition or wood shake or
shingle, coated metal,or similar roof of not less than 3:12 pitch.
R Marina, A system of piers, buoys, or floats that provide a centralized site for extended moorage
for more than four vessels for a period of 48 hours or longer. For regulatory purposes,yacht club facilities
and camp or resort moorage areas would also be reviewed as marinas.Boat launch facilities and the sales
of supplies and services for small commercial and/or pleasure craft users may be associated with marinas.
Where such amenities are included,the marina is considered a multi-use marina.
C. Afassag!e. 'The method, art or science of treating the human body for hygienic, remedial or
relaxation purposes by rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping, rolling or manipulating the human body of
another with the hands, or by any other agency or instrumentality.
D. Massage parlor. Any premises where massages are given or furnished fior, or in expectation of
any fee, compensation or monetary consideration, except:
I. Facilities adjunct to athletic clubs,medical facilities,hotels,motels or beauty salons, and
2. Enterprises licensed by the state and operating as approved home occupations.
E. Aledicalldental building. A building or group of buildings designed for the use of physicians and
dentists and others engaged professionally in such healing arts for humans as are recognized by the laws
of the State of Washington.
F, Mixed use structure. Angle structure_pL
sin I buildin containin two or more.complementary,
physically and functionally ww nt mated or mutgally-supporting_gs ; such s... hqq
nianufacturinp,mail, pRblic sejXicg,,or entertairtmqP11
F,G. Mobile home. (See the definition for Trader, house).
G.11 Motel. See definition for"(urate ."Aft es ab.1.6.1--men
eommodations, with badweem, with or without kitehea f4eilities, leeated oft a single Zelfflalg lot and
designed for 11se by trmsieat4oufi%6-.
WI Mouirfteight terminal. A building or area in which freight brought by motor truck is assembled
and/or stored for routing intrastate and interstate shipment by motor truck.
17.05.075 -"V*
ANeighborhood an area located within a district where people live,which is defined by the primary
type and/or density of the residential units located in that particular area of the district.
R Neighborhood density+—I-- igh ofhaod Units Pef aeFe allem
by zening when stfeets, parks, eleetfiea. substations, and othef ne '-FF'
in the the number of dwellin units er ross�acre allowed
by underIvint-, zone or zones.
C. Noncoobrming building or structure any building or structure that does not conform with the lot
area, yard, height, or lot coverage restrictions in these Zoning Regulations fegulations,or-is designed
a+ A— in Whieh ,-+eA
infended for-a use th____H04, e0fifOFM te fegulatiefts-14 11—e –, either
at the effective date of these regulations or as the result of subsequent amendments to these regulations.
D. Nonconfi)rming lot a legally established lot, the area, dimensions or location of which met the
applicable zoning code requirements in effect at the time the lot was created,but which fails by reason of
such adoption, revision or amendment of the Zoning Gode these Zoning Regulations, to conform to the
present requirements of the zone in which it is located.
E, Nonconjbi-ming use any use of land,building or structure which does not comply with all of these
Zoning Regulations or of any amendment hereto governing use for the zoning district in which such use
is situated.
F. Noxious matter material capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction, or
is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of!individuals.
G. Nursing home or convalescent honze. Any home or residential facility licensed per 18.51 RCW
that operates or maintains facilities providing convalescent or chronic care for a period in excess of 24
consecutive hours for three or more patients not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who by
reason of illness or infirmity,are unable to properly care for themselves. Nothing in this definition shall
be construed to include any"assisted living facility".
A. Qff-street parking space an area of at least 81/� feet in width and 17 feet in length,or as otherwise
provided in Chapter 14.40 PANIC situated on territory other than a public or private street,alley,highway
or traffieway,and used only for the storage of'vehicles.
B. Open space natural areas of unique or major physical features such as shorelines,bluffs,beaches,
lagoons,waterways,ravines,streams,rivers,takes,wetlands,wildlife habitats,and other environmentally
sensitive areas deemed of significant importance to the community by the City;landscaped areas such as,
parks, playfields, golf courses, outdoor stadiums, and public landscaped areas such as those along
boulevards and around public buildings; improved outdoor areas such as piers, playgrounds, plazas,
promenades or trails,tennis courts, viewpoints, and other outdoor spaces open to the public.
C. OWner any person with fee title or a long-term leasehold to any parcel of land within the City,
who desires to develop,or construct,build,modify,erect,or use such parcel of land.
ITO&O85 -T."
A. People with functional disabilities people with functional disabilities means: (1) a person who,
because of a recognized chronic physical or mental condition or disease, is functionally disabled to the
extent of. (a)needing care,supervision or monitoring to perform activities of daily living or instrumental
activities of daily living, or (b) needing supports to ameliorate or compensate for the effects of the
functional disabilities so as to lead as independent a life as possible, or(c) having a physical or mental
impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities, or(d) having a
record of such impairment; or(2)being regarded as having such an impairment, but such term does not
include current, illegal use of, or active addiction to a controlled substance.
B. Permeable pavement pervious concrete, porous asphalt, permeable pavers or other.1brnu of
pen4ous or porous paving material intended to allow passage of water through the pavement section. It
often includes an aggregate base that provides structural support and acts as a stormwater reservoir.
C. Person any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or other legal entity,
private or public,whether for profit or not for profit.
D. Planned Industrial Development (Pll)) A PID is a site specific development which has been,
approved by the City Council under the provisions of chapter 17.31 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
E. Planning area a large geographical area of the City,which is defined by physical characteristics
and boundaries.
F. PRD Planned Residential Development.
G. PrincZi�acrl use. the primary use of land or buildings on a lot as distin wished from a subordinate
or accg5sory use. A use is considered principal when it qgqu i CCI�e t or more of a-huildiqg's total
Gf 1. Prq/essional offices offices used as a place of business conducted by persons engaged in
recognized professions, and others whose 1-i"ness aoiyities eensist ehiefly of sefyiees to
distinguishe m the handling of eemmedities.
141. Public facilities public facilities include streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road
lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systerns, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and
recreational facilities,and schools,
Quaii tmhhe a ehar-aeter-isAie of seemingly like but no'. --.e, F-Mie entity, haA4fIL-, 4he
ehafaeter-isties of bein publie -M-wh as open aftd M-6-11—Ale +-- -all. —Hze"s Without diserifaifiatieft of any
or-gaftizatio" is
4t dais time there are no definitions beginning with the litter Q
Ip.tlK090- "R."
A. lie>claysyication a change in zoning boundaries upon the zoning map which is an official part o
these Zoning regulations,
B. Reconstruction the act of constructing again.
C. Recre ation jiicility or area, a facility or area for recreation purposes, such as a
swimming pool, park, tennis court, playground or other similar use. epeFated
D, Recre ationa1 p u p ose an empress intent of a space design and development to service a particular
healthful or aesthetic activity.
. epair, minor, imcri aravements to correct deficiencies resulting frc�ci normal wear and tear far
pgprovt menta not re uiri�nt; ....ruildin i�ci� t.
Ii F Residence a building or structure,or portion thereof, which is designed for and used to provide a
place of abode for human beings.The term ""residence" includes the term"residential" as referring to the
type, or intended use,of a building..
. Restoration. The act of putting back or bringing back into a former or original state.
H. Retail stand. A small moveable cart that is operated from a fixed location and is
desianed and sized to be readily moved under the control of one person but not under its own
Right-ql-way. Land acquired or dedicated for purposes of a street, highway, sidewalk, alley,
avenue, other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or easement or any combination of such
uses for which the City has regulatory authority,.
14-J 1 RooJ. A structure covering any portion ofa building or structure,including the projections beyond
the walls or supports.
I TO& 9a - "S."
A. "Service,station an establishment that provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations
incidental thereto,limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automobile accessories;automobile j
washing(not including auto laundry); waxing and polishing of automobiles,tire changing and repair(not
including recapping); battery service, charging, and replacement (not including repair and rebuilding.),
radiator cleaning and flushing(not including steam cleaning and repair); installation of accessories; and
the following operations if conducted wholly within a building: lubrication of motor vehicles, brake
servicing, wheel balancing, tire testing, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, fair belts,
wiring, water hoses,and similar parts.
,. & Setback the required minimum distance from , betwee any lot line and that establishes the
uil4jig,envelope within which any structure or building.may be erected or placed.
i. _aS trSc,cw r r tfir:.that extends th full width of the to betc n the rant lot line
and the distance desi r1ated in the City's ZA)ninLy Regulations.
iL Setback rear - a s acethat, extends the full width of the 1pt,_the rear lot line and the :
distance deli Hated un tla ...City's Zo in Y -g l t o s.
iii. _ tlacac side - a_s ac; hat extends from w„the front setback line to the rear setback line
between the side lot line and to the closest,,, ualdin can the s mq L9t or to a distance
do anted in the City's Zoning Re ug_l tions,,
C. Shopping center a group of commercial establishments planned, constructed, and managed as a
total entity,with customer and employee parking prodded on-site,provision for goods delivery separated
from customer access, aesthetic considerations and protection from the elements, and landscaping and
signage in accordance with an approved plan.. Shopping centers are further defined by size and the area
their shoppers come Brom:
1. A community shopping center features a junior department store and contains approximately
150,000 square feet of gross leasable area and has a site area of ten to 25 acres. Its clientele draw is
approximately a ten-minute drive from the center.
2. A neig lx)rhood shopping center generally offers goods necessary to meet daily needs,occupies
up to ten acres, has up to 100,000 square feet of gross leasable area,and draws its clientele from a five-
minute driving radius from the center.
D. Short tc rwr a r ea tcz,,,,1_aa..elging_c rw ucst roomfi used,wrcmed or occu ied for west, Slee aing_purtarscs
tear a eriod oftirng_ 0 days or less,Arad that contain kitchen t4g�ilities for fooi;Lprcaration includin abut
not limited to,rq ors,stoves and ovens This definition includes dwelling LIE!;rCs„used,rented ear harr d
out for vacation homes or short-term rentals that allow ,uest tos fy or 30 days or less,Dwelling units
yare ptansielnred lon -term rentals and not extended stay
used., rented orwhired out for log er than Q da s
DE. Sign any letters, figures,design symbol,trademark,or device intended to attract attention to any
activity, service, place, subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance, article, machine, or
merchandise, and including display surfaces and supporting structures thereof.
Y Sign, advertising a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or
entertainment conducted,sold,or offered elsewhere than upon the premises on which such sign is located
or to which it is affixed.
F.G Sign, area the area of a sign shall be the sum of each display surface including both sides of a
double-faced sign,as determined by circumscribing the exterior limits on the mass of each display erected
on one sign structure with a circle,triangle,or quadrangle connecting all extreme points,Where a sign is
composed of two or more individual letters mounted directly on a wall,the total display surface,including
its background, shall be considered one sign for purposes of calculating sign area. The structure
supporting a sign is not included in determining the area of the sign,unless the structure is designed in a
way to form an integral part of the display.
.H, Sirs ie- amily residence one detached dwelling can an individual lot for occupancy by one family.
I4.1 Site coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved
driveways, sidewalks,patios, and other impervious surfaces.
I..i .5mart grc wih. A mix of land uses that include the following:
I. Take advantage of compact building design,
2. Create a range of housing opportunities and choices,
I Create walkableneighborhoods;
4. Faster distinctive,attractive communities with a strong sense of place;
. Preserve open space„natural beauty and critical environmental areas;
6. Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities;
T Provide a variety of transportation choices;
8. Make development decisions predictable, fair and cost effective;
. Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.
Note---Added by Ord. 3548 and renumbered all following sections.
'Fed to fnedif�the -tvulated by these fegulaioasi- as t_0
hall nal I--.
Ks 5tor "the space between the floor and the ceiling above said floor. cru basement shall be considered
a story when more than half of the basement height is above the finished lot grade. A half-�gqMshall be
considered wh(-n tlge space between a floras and cgij i ab ve said floor h :,_at least.one interior side wall
that is 5 feet or less in high
L. Street a vehicular way Haat affords a primary means of access to abutting property.
M. Street right-orfI wcay lime the boundary line between a street and abutting property. ."his y or
MU n t snatch a property's front lot line.
N. Sir acture anything constructed in the ground,or anything erected which rewires location on the
ground or water,,or is attached to something having location on or in the gqound and is over 30 inches in
height above the ground level,but not including fences or walls used as fences six feet or less in height.
Cl. 5truc,turaul alteration any change, other than incidental repairs, which would prolong the life of
the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls,columns,beams, or girders.
P. Subordinate less important than and secondary to a primary object, usually in these ZA)ning
Regulations refbrring to an accessory use.
Q. Supernzaxrhn a grocery store on a site larger than one acre and with multiple retail departments
such as drugs,photo,video,deli, flowers, seafood, bakery,etc.
17.08.10 - "'T."
A. Telecommunications facilities or wireless telecommunications facilities any antermas, cables,
wires, lines, wave guides, and any other equipment or facilities associated with the transmission or
reception of communications which a person seeks to locate or has installed upon or near a tower or
antenna support structure.
13. Through lot(See"lot,through").
C. Tower or wireless telecommunications mmuniccations toww"er - a self-supporting lattice:, guyed, or monopole
structure constructed from grade which supports telecommunications facilities. The term "tower" shall
not include amateur radio operators"equipment, as licensed by the FC'C.
D, TownLiouse,A dwellini dt lochs own lot that shares one or more comn car ababuttingated on
walls with one or more_dWqI"Iin),unitseach located on its own lot.A townhouse does not share common
floors/ceilings with other dwell ipZ_Aknits_
DE. Townsite block a block of 450 or 500 feet by 300 feet dimension or a minimum of 3.1 acres as
created by the original platting of the Townsite of Poll Angeles.
Ii.F. Trail a pedestrian facility which is designated for travel and recreation purposes and which may
include sidewalks,portions of roadways, natural surfaced walkways, and structures such as bridges.
F.G. D-ailer, house(ijutomobile trailer, mobile home, recreational vehicle, vacation trailer)a Nrchicle
without motor power designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to be used for human habitation, a
motor vehicle designed to be used for human habitation, and a manufactured home which does not meet
City Building Code or state and federal manufacturing standards.
G.H. Trailer park, trailer court, mobile home park, recreational vehicle park any premises on which
are parked one or more vehicles designed,intended,arranged,,or used for living purposes,or any premises
used or field out for the purpose of supplying to the public a space for one or more such vehicles,whether
such vehicles stand on wheels or rigid supports.
W. L Trellis. A lattice work structure designed to support plant growth. Trellises that demarcate an
entryway to a yard, are detached from any other structure,other than a permitted fence,on the site, have
a minimum sideNvalk span of four feet, depth of two feet and a height of eight feet, is exempt from the
requirement for a building permit and is not considered a structure.
IT08.105 -"U."
A. Unclassified use permit a limited permission to locate a particular unusual,large-scale, unique or
conditional use at a particular location,whieh where limited permission is required to modify the controls
stipulated by these regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove
detrimental to surrounding properties,shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not
be contrary to the public interest. An unclassified use Dermit is 2Eocqsscd in the same manner as a
conditional use rmit.
B. Unclass�fied use a use which is not listed as permitted in any zone and which requires a special
degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in
the same zone.
C. Use the purpose or activity for which the land, or building thereof, is designed, arranged or
intended,or for which it is occupied or maintained and shall include any manner of"performance of such
activity with respect to the performance standards of these Zoning regulations..
egulations.(We,p4neipai the main use of land of bt .."M a suboFdinate or-aeeesse
BD. Utility building or structure an installation to provide utility service, including wireless
communication facilities to which the structure height is equal or less than the maximum building height
of the zone in which it will be located.
17.0&110 - "W'
A. Variance pgrrn ssion for an adjustment or relaxation to the literal requirements of the QjtyLs
Zmi:ng Regulations keft of the SP! fegula4e*s to for a particular property or
structure and/or,buildigg-Qn arqqLcular oMT!y. whieh prepe beeatise of speeial eiretimstanees
appheable to F':...-5- emmonly enjoyed by other-pr-opei4ii-es. —einity a"d
B. Vegetated rooj,�(also known as ecoroofs and green roofs)consist of thin layers of engineered soil
and vegetation constructed on top of conventional flat or sloped roofs.
1.7.11 .1.1 -"W."
A. Wireless communication fiacilifies (WCF.v) an unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or
reception of wireless telecommunications services, including support structures, antennas, accessory
equipment, and appurtenances, used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide, or offer personal wireless
communication services. WCFs include but are not limited to antennas, plies, towers, cables, wires
conduits, ducts,pedestals,vaults,buildings,and electronic and switching equipment.
B. Workllivespace an arrangement of space that combines a living area and working area where the
living area is subordinate and,gccessory in size and use to the work space.
17M.125 - "" "
A. Yard, an open space on a zoning lot that ties between Q
k(z pdqqjpqLhgiIdjqg,kr builL
dinand the
nearest lot ficwhieli-is n P ind level to th-e sky,
qto remain a eupied
except as otherwise permitted in the pefmiaed intimsion in requifed yafdi in these Fegulatwfts,
xteods along and at fig" a 4--+. of width speeified in the yafd.fegul-a-Was I f the
z0fling distfiet in Whieh sue.h.zeniing J—* i
Yard,fr-ow extends along the f4-1 Wo 9..A— 104 lines and
the elesest building oft the-safne-4 t, r t( a distanee designated in Zoning Regula6ef1s;
G ,between the two d te
!he elosest pfineipal building oft the Im istimee designated in Zoning Regulations.-
D. Y-44 ii-d-o along a side ` 1- sidelet
line the elosest btti"fig on thesame lot,of to A;,+-- —.---*..A
aing Regulatiows,
I7.08.130- '7."
A. Zone an area defined as to boundaries and location, and classified by the Zoning Regulations as
available for certain types of uses,and which other types of uses are excluded,
B. Zoning A9t a single tfaet of laffd loeated witl4a a single bloek, Whiph at th-e of filing fef a
bUilding p _-, '- A--ated by its E)Wn r- as a +o
...... T to be used,developed,or-built upon a
aunit,tmd Y not e0i"Aide w4h a lot effee0FI-J,
J or F"
G.13. Zoning lot covenant an agreement, on a form provided by the Department of Community and
Economic Development, which is recorded at the County a�Audftor's Office by a property owner of two
or more adjacent lots and which designates said lots as a single, insepafable buildin lot of record.
17.10.010 -Purpose.
This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single-family residential
neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single-family homes on standard townsite-size lots. Uses
which are compatible with and functionally related to a single-family residential environment may also
be located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides the basic
urban land use pattern for the City's single-family residential neighborhoods, following a standard
rectangular street grid system of 60-foot rights-of-way for local access streets and 300-foot by 450 or
500-foot blocks with 0_foot by 140-foot lots and usually located in areas that are largely developed and
closer to the center of the City.
17.10.020 -Permitted uses.
A. Adult family home.
B. Detached single-family residences.
C. l' em ted home occupations.
D. Fami I da q res.
Vii, Ctrraup liyin n
17.10.030 -Accessory uses.
A. Garages and carports.
B. Greenhouses, gazebos, storage sheds, and similar accessory structures.
C. Swimming pools and cabanas.
D. Private television satellite reception dishes.
E. tither accessory cases determined by the Director of Community and Economic
Development to be compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.10.040 - Conditional uses.
A. Accessory residential units..
C-B. Art galleries and museums.
0 C. Assisted living facility.
D. led and breakfasts.
E. Child day-care centers and schools.
F. Communications transmission buildings and structures; e.g., radio tower.
G. Community centers.
H. Duplexes(Two-family dwelling) on lots greater than 10,500 square feet in area.
1. Home occupations.
i. Gfoup 1-10effles -A 1--p-
.l. libraries.
K. Nursing and convalescent homes.
ML. Public housing authority offices and maintenance structures, located on public housing
authority housing sites.
M. Public parks and recreation facilities.
ON. Public utility structures.
P-0. Radio and television stations, provided that antenna is on site.
QP. Residential care facilities.
RQ Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
IT 10.050-Area,aPA-dimensional and density requirements.
A.The folloAiny-ALea and dimensiorlal_N a, Iv to all RS-7 zones:
Measurement T Limit
lot area 7,0D0 sf
Minimum lot width/frontage 50 feet
Density, minimum net n
Density,maximum net' 1 units/7,000
Maximum building height 30 feet
Maximum lot coverage 30%
Maximum site coverage 501yo
Minimum front setback 20 feet
Garag,e entrance setback n
Minimum rear setback 20 feet
Minimum side setback 7 feet uW
Minimum side setback(street) 13 feet
Minimum side setback(alley LO feetWp
FmijrF I"M
, 4
n 01�gs, 8,
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 10 feet
one-third of the lot
Minimum side setback for
accessory structures in the rear 3 feet
one-third of the lot
Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every 7,000 square feet of lot area (6,22 units/gross acre),except
that an "accessory residential unit"and conditionally approved duplexes shall be exempt from density
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Heigh t2 rima structure
b lldin Vit
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
, I
Provided however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may
re wired when the vrovertv contains a bluff" ravine stream or similar feature asspecified in Title
B. In Locations where stormwater runoff from structures,paved driveways,sidewalks,patios
and other surfaces is designed to infiltrate ora-site, according,to the requirements in.Chapter 5 of
the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, Portions of the
project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PANIC 17.94.135 for
C. Conditional cases shall comply with the development standards in subsection 17.94.065.
Rear-.-- 20 feet, en feet for- detaehed aeeess ngs or aeeec,sofy fesidential units in
the feaf one
residential units in the fear-one third of the lot-
Side, ybyobM:tA�t, 13 feet-
of gr-aph F below-.
, , sidewalks,
Affigelew -wieesw mantial, "1 (14 the-
riTR� ,• l«
2 A 25 height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
IA unit" and
L Conditional w um stand a bseytion
Fefefenee, or-as may ID ied by the C w
One sib per lot is permitted. This sign fftay shall b one square foot in area, unlighted, and displaying
only the name of the occupant(or as otherwise specified in 17.94.065 44W); provided that official
traffic suns, street signs, and identification and warning signs for public utility buildings and structures
be are exempt from these restrictions.
17.11.1110- Purpose.
This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single-family residential
neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single-family homes on larger than standard townsite-size
lots. Cases that are compatible with and functionally related to a single-fammly residential environment
may be located in this zone, because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides for variety
in the urban land use pattern for the City's single-family residential neighb,orhoo—S, fellewing-a
minimum 75-foot front lot lines-;--and 60-foot rights-of-way for collector arterial streets in large
rectangular blocks and usually locatedeatil"ingM 4 . on the 'meter of the developed town center
and originally .u�latted neighborhoods.
17.11.020-Permitted uses.
, Adult family home.
B. Detached single-family residences.
V, Exempted homec�c,cutuations.
D, Family Ela Care Venters.
E. Grou Livin .
IT 11.030-Accessory uses.
Garages and carports.
B. Non-commercial greenhouses, gazebos, steerage sheds,and similar accessory structures.
V. Non-commercial animal husbandry provided that:
I Hoofed animals are housed no closer than 100 feet from any property line.
2. A minimum of one acre per hoofed animal is maintained.
3. A minimum five-foot high fence is installed on property lines.
4. Other animals are housed no closer than 25 feet from any property line.
D. Private(non-commercial)horse stables,provided that:
I Stables are constructed no closer than 100 feet from any property line.
2. A minimum area of one acre per horse is maintained.
I A minimum five-foot high fence is installed on property lines.
E. Private television satellite reception dishes,
F Swimming pools and cabanas.
cy Other accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development to
be compatible with the intent of this chapter.
IT 11.040-Conditional uses.
A. Accessory residential units.,-'.
B. Commercial nurseries and greenhouses.
C. Art galleries and museums.
R Assisted living facility.
F. Chumhes.
FE Bed and Breakfasts.
F. Communications transmission buildings and structures; e.g.,radio tower.
G. CommunityCenters
GH. Child day-care centers_aftj
WI. Duplexes on lots not less than 14,000 square feet in area.,
L Gr-ettp homes and hespiees,
J. Libraries.
K. Nursing and convalescent homes.
L Public parks and recreation facilities.
M. Public utility structures.
NPublie W-01 sehools.
ON. Radio and television stations,provided that antenna is on site.
PO. Other uses,compatible with the intent of this chapter.
Subj'W to the provisions of Seciion 17.94,070,.:-�Develo x�nqq',tandards for Accg�sso�iRmes�ijddcnfia,ll�U)nits."
17A 1.050 -Area.affddimensiotial and density,rqqqjrerqqnts.
A. The following.area and dimensional reouirements ail ly to all R$-9 zones:
Measurement Type Limit
Minimum lot area 9,000S
Minimum lot width/frontage 75 feet
Density, minimum net n
Density, maximum net 1 units
Maximum building height 30 feet
Maximum lot coverage 30%
Maximum site coverage 501yo
Minimum front setback 25 feet
Garage entrance setback ft
Minimum rear setback 25 feet
Minimum side setback 7 feet
Minimum side setback (street) 13 feet
Minimum side setback(alley) 10 feet
ffff FM=Tl"m
a Mow
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 10 feet
one-third of the lot
Minimum side setback for
accessory structures in the rear 3 feet
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Height prima nt structure
building hei&ht
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
building foot tint
A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
. .
. ,
one thifd of the4ol-,
Provided, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may be required
when the property contains a bluff,ravine, stream„or similar f'cature ass cif ed in Title 15 PANIC.
, _ ,
F- . In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, paves driveways„ sidewalks, patios and
other surfaces is designed to infiltrate can-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the City of
Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, portions of the project can be exempt
from lot and site coverage calculations.(See PAMC. 17.94.135 for exemptions.)
G. 4Ai mum buikhmg height, 34-feet,
I,-- fi��of lot afee(4.84 unitsigfe6s
aefel e*eept di.at an "aeoessefy fesidentia. unit" and eendifienally approved duplexes shaIl be exempt
I Com'. Conditional usay. Conditional uses shall comply with the fninimufa development standards in
su4seet 17.a'A 94.0165 PANIC., , Or-as may be iner-eas
by the City Gouneil to
17.11.06f1.Off-street parking.
Parking shall be provided as required by chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal.Code.
One sign per lot is permitted. This sign shall be one ware foot in area, unlighted, and displaying only
the name of the occupant(or as otherwise specified in 17.94.065 PANIC Table°"A") provided that official
traffic signs, street signs, and identification and warning signs for public utility buildings and structures
are exempt from these restrictions.
17.12.01 tl-Purpose.
This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve suburban sized single-family
residential neighborhoods consisting of"predominantly single-family homes on larger than standard sized I
townsite-sized lots,while maintaining densities at or more than four primary dwelling units per acre.Uses
that are compatible with and functionally related to a single-family residential environment may be
located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential
uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally.This zone provides for variety in the urban land
use pattern for the City's single-family residential neighborhoods, following a curvilinear street system
of non-through public and private streets with irregularly shaped lots, minimum 75-foot front lot lines„
and 60-foot rights-of-way for collector arterial streets in large rectangular blocks and usually located in
outlying areas.
17.1 .f1 0-Permitted uses.
A. Adult family home.
B. Detached single-family residences.
C. Exempt Lhomq_o_qc ations.
D. 11,amily day care enters.
E. Crcmuv1
17.12.030-Accessory uses.
A. Garages and carports.
B. Greenhouses,gazebos, storage sheds,and similar accessory structures.
C. Non-commercial animal husbandry provided that:
I. llocafed animals are housed no closer than 100 feet from any property line.
2. A minimum of one acre per hoofed animal is maintained.
3. A minimum fine-foot high fence is installed on property lines.
4. Other animals are housed no closer than 25 feet from any property line.
D. Private non-commercial horse stables,provided that:
I. Stables are constructed no closer than 100 feet from any property line.
2. A minimum area of one acre per horse is maintained.
3. A minimum five-foot high fence is installed on property lines.
F. Private television satellite reception dishes.
F Swimming pools and cabanas.
G. (Other accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development to
be compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.12.040-Conditional uses.
A. Accessory residential units.
B, Commercial nurseries and greenhouses.
C. Art galleries and museums.
D. Assisted living facility.
E Bed and Breakfasts.
F. Communications transmission buildings and structures;e.g., radia tower.
G Commu.! center.
f1, Child day-care centers and Pare-schools.
441. Duplexes. (16,5001 square feet).
Q. p hemesarm h Hospices.
JK. Libraries.
KI- Nursing and convalescent homes.
LM. Public parks and recreation facilities.
MN, Public utility structures.
NO. Public and private schools pef'Fable A.
Off. Radio and television stations,provided that antenna is on site.
P . Residential care facilities..
Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
IT 12.050-Area,and dimensional and density requirements.
A."r e followri�area and dimensional,_rgquirements 4 ply to all R -11 zones-.
Measurement T`��e Limit
.w__ Minimum lot area _ w11�Cltltl sf .w.......
Minimum lot width/frontage 75 feet
Densily, minimum net n a _._....
Density, maximum net 1 units/11,000
Maximum building height 30 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Maximum site coverage 5
Minimum front setback 2.5 feet
a Garage entrance setback n a
Minimum rear setback 25 feet
Minimum side,setback 7 feet
Minimum side setback (street) 13 feet
Minimum side setback(alley) 10 feet
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 10 feet
one-third of the lot
Minimum side setback for
accessory structures in the,rear 3 feet
one-third of the lot
4 Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Heightprima[y structure
building h
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint I prima Ly structure
building footprint
Provided,however,that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may he required when
the property contains a bluff, ravine, stream,or similar feature,-gLsaq�LifigLin TiLlq-15 PANIC.
:7.12.0511 A— A --;-effients;
A. 4fittio"um k9t 11,0001 6"'Effe
B. A&imum lot o4dth.4454eet-,
Reap., 25 fi�et, exeept ten feet fbr-Aleteehed- eeessery buildings and aeeessefy fes.-de iff the Fear
-of the let;
Side, iff r- t fef de—hed aeeesserzy buildings and ae_eS---,
anits in the r-ea e�-A th ir4i'Af
Side, abf0ttilfg tj Ntfeet.- I t;aet;
evef, that additional fniftimum selbaeks to enswe a
bui Wing si—ffmy be when the stream, of
I). Mix4mum lot eo�ww&gie--- -40 per-eent,--j— r--gfaph Fw bele
Afii*iniu#",94e eove&qge.- 50 pefeeat,,,;,u-1-Jj—t to paragfaph4L.-4e1ow-
FL B. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, paved driveways, sidewalks,
patios and other surfaces is designed to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in
Chapter 5 of the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual,portions
4 A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PANIC 17.94.135 for
unit"heqghe, 30 feet-.
and eenditie
C. Conditional uses. eConditional uses shall comply with the minimum standards in PAM
_L7t,94.065. ww
17.1 .060-Off-street parking.
Parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Cade.
IT 12.070 - Signs.
One sign per let is permitted. This sign shall be one square foot in area, unlighted, and displaying only
the name of tlae occupant(car as otherwise specified in 17.94.065 Ta" )-provided that official traffr
signs, street suns, and identification and warning suns fear public utility buildings and structures are
exempt from these restrictions.
17.14.0110 -Purpose.
This is a medium density residential zone„that allo wrs a mix of'single-family,!MT:f pijWduple es�,multi
Tamil dwellirag_s at a density greater than single-family neighborhoods but less than th
higher densities of the RHD lone, The permitted uses in the RMD Tone are also intended to be mor
restrictive than the RlID?sane. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible.Few nonresidential
uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated wit.
nonresidential uses. "rhis zone provides fear variety in tlae urban land use pattern for the City's lower
density multi-family residential neighborhoods (at twice the density of the City's basic single-family
residential neighborhoods)with direct access on an arterial street, usually located in outlying areas with
large tracts of vacant buildable land,and serving as a transitional use between low density residential uses)
and commercial/industrial uses,
17.14.0120-Permitted uses.
A. Accessory residential units. 1
K Adult family homes.
C. Apartments Individual, nits,notmapggMgp_ a gldi gsI
D. Bed and breakfasts. exp
E. Child a cares.,
E. Short_lerm renwS
C:t__.__, G1rca�iTMviw.
E-It ~.._._Single-family res•. s dwe11ing5.
1. Ev"inti-family dwellitu!s,(four units or less)
J. Townhouses Lfour attached units or lessl
1 TwoLfiamily
,,,dwellings dupleqs
x---,�g-- — t=
L� Subjeqt to the 9 ..yisions Section 17,94.070 PAMC, jjenc q to gqqq Standards for Ac!�q�
Residential Units."
17.14.03025-Accessory uses.
A. Garages and carports.
B. Greenhouses, gazebos,storage sheds,and similar accessory structures.
C. Exempted home occupations.
D� Swimming pools and cabanas.
O.E Private television satellite reception dishes.
KF Community recreation rooms and laundry rooms.
VQ Playground equipment.
G�H Manager's office.
9.1 Other accessory uses determined by the Director of Community,and Economic Development to
be compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.14.040-30-Conditional uses.
A. Art galleries,a*d museums-.and aquariums.
B. Assisted living facility.
C, (7hild day eam eefl*---, —I-e- siheels*
DC. Communitv centers Chumhes per-Tabhe A.
ED. ospices.
Tim Home occupations.
F. Libraries.
G. Nursing and convalescent homes.
ff Public parks and recreation facilities.
L Publie and pfivate sehools per-Table-A,
J-. E Residential care facilities.
W- residefitialml
K -0e
W. Utility buildings and structures.
M.K. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.14D5044--Area,and dimensional and density requirements.
A. ri`lre followigg arq4 and d m gs anal r uirements....Ap2_y tc fi✓ID r s:
I M111Measurement Type Limit
Minimum lot area 3.,500
Minimum lot width/frontage' 40 feet
Density, minimum net 41 units acre
Density, maximum net 14 units/acre
Maximum building height 35 feetW
Maximum lot coverage 50%
Maximum site coverage 75
_..... Minimum front setback" 15 Beet
Garage entrance setback 20 feet
. ..........
Minimum rear setback 15 feet
Minimum side setback? _._ 5 feet
Minimum side setback street _www_ 5 feet
Minimum side setback(alley) 5 feet
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 5 feet
one-third of the lot
Minimum side setback for
accessory structures in the rear 5 feet
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Heights primary structure
building hetet
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
building footprint
Adova shall be a feet.uafe
Townhouses can be the width of the interior units
Parches and covered entries may project up to six feet into the front setback.
a Townhouses are exempt from side setback standards internal to a development. However„townhouse shall
meet applicable side setbackstandards for adjacent lots outside of the development,
9A 25+9 height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
000 square feet of lot area-,-f4us�
mnotexee ,
tinit fee-eaeb additional -1,500 square feet of let area. (Ma-i—am
have of 13 feet.
Rear., No residential gtfuetufe shall be permitted within 25 feet of the fear pfopeity
I units are permitted not elosef than ten feet to the rear-pfope"
, subjeet to paragraph F. below.
F.B. Exceptions to maximum lot and site coverage:
I, An additional ten percent coverage that enables development to achieve the allowed maximum
density ofthe RMD zone per 17.14,040.-BA,; car
. An additional ten percent coverage for development that is reserved as affordable housing. All
applicants seeking bonus impervious surface for inclusion of affordable housing shall provide a
mechanism to ensure that affordable housing remains affordable for the life of the project. Such
mechanism shall be approved by the City Attomey in conjunction with the Department of Community
and Economic Development,and shall be recorded on the land title-, in addition:
3. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and
other surfaces is designed,to infiltrate on-site,according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the
City of fort ,Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, portions of the project
can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See P AMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.)
C. Conditional uses. Conditional uses shall com_,l with th _lminimum standards in PAW
17.14.06 -50.Off-street.parking.
Parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 14.40 of the fort Angeles Municipal Code.
17.14.070 - Signs peFraitted.
A. Permitted uses.- Signs not,jar er than ten square fret,jightedbut not flaskirig_or intermittent.One
per building,
B. Conditional uses: Size and type as spccafled in 1 7.94.065 PANIC.
One sign per building is alle %eeed tee squar --shall not be fl-shing
17.14.080-70- Design and landscaping for apartments.
A. All designated outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection system
containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a vision-
obscuring fence six feet in height.
B. All lighting on the site shall be directed away from adjoining residential properties and public
C. Unused space that is over 24 square feet in area and results from the design of parking space
arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped.
D. All required parking areas shall include tree landscaping of at least two trees, for each
group of six or fewer parking spaces with a minimum of two trees, exclusive of any required
perimeter landscaping. Vegetation within LID facilities may be used to meet landscaping
requirements. The trees shall be of a type approved by the City, and be at least two-inch caliper
at time of planting, and placed in a minimum planting area of 100 square feet. Trees shall attain
a minimum height of at least 20 feet at maturity. Alternatively, landscaping plans with
functionally compatible planters and equivalent vegetative cover may be submitted for approval
by the Director of Community and Economic Development as mitigation for this requirement
when site constraints deem necessary. Refer to and 15.20.080.A.4 PANIC for
appropriate pruning and vegetation management techniques.
E. All parking lots shall be screened by a three-foot to six-foot vision-obscuring fence or
vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property; except that parking lots with less
than 900 square feet of contiguous area shall be exempt from this subsection E landscaping
F Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no more than
eight consecutive parking spaces. Islands with vegetation within LID facilities may be used to
meet landscaping requirements and may exceed maximum eight consecutive spaces.
Underground parking and parking included in a parking structure arc excluded from this
& At least 30 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mixture of ground cover, shrubs, and
17.15.0 10-Purpose.
This is a high density residential zene fi)f Multi family fesidefitial Stfuettwes. Compatible uses R,+ay b
alloweid by eenditional tise xaMed as a r-esidef.4i.-al
be eompatible. Fkaux nA�rp idefft'jal uses afe al�!OsAed i"th�is P:
efltefpfises afe -
then only eond4ionally, beeause
basie ufhan land use pa4e... t,. the C4y--,highef density molti family fesidential
neighbefhoods (at seven times the density of'I,-
T- basie single family r-esidential neighborheeds),
following a sta*d Pal eta*gtila street gFid systafn of 60 too! r-ights of way for- loeal aweess-Afeets�
300 ti*4 by, 450 or 500 to-* leemed ift afeas that afe lafgely developed and Pleser-to
the eenter-of the City.
This imulti-fatnil dvellin structures. Sonne oinresidenti I
uses are allowed in this gone and then onl conditionailuse n i al and use int ac s
assoc _i � 0 ote t
gone rovides e basic urban land use attem for t
Cit 's us te i
are I An 0 ds and are usua 11 loc ated in areas th t
chaser e center o J, v and in clolit, r!roximity ton,
trans rt4fion routes. mary
17.15,020 -Permitted uses.
A. Accessory res
ential qjaits.
AB. Adult family homes.
C. .._
_!§(individual ga its and ap tmeutbuttdipgs.
LF7. fed
and breaLfasts.
P. Lifld day(:a s.
E. m_ hart term rejqtal.
Crreru living.
R.H. Multi-family dwelling
(;:L Single-family fee -1
.nypLf i ng�.
J. R
&_T"wo-famjl3A.weI�Iins or duplexes.
17.15.030-Accessory uses.
A. Ex
_em�ted ham q�uation.s.
AD. Garages and carports.
BC. Greenhouses,gazebos, storage sheds, and similar accessory structures.
C D. Swimming pools and cabanas.
DE. Private television satellite reception dishes,
FF Community,recreation rooms and laundry rooms,
FQ_- Playground equipment.
GH. Manager's office.
141. Other accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development to
be compatible with the intent of this chapter.
IT 15,040 -Conditional uses,
A. Art galleries,a*d museums-. and�au ri ms.
B. Assisted living facilities.
C. Comm
D- Chumhe"i per-Table A.
DE Funeral homes and mortuaries,
E Group h—omeRy all . Hospices.
G. Homg_()ggMp4tions.
H . Libraries.
114. Nursing and convalescent homes.
L publie and Pfiyate- -heels pef Table-A-.
JJ Public parks and recreation facilities.
K. Residential care facilities.
L. Seeial seFvi,-e ageneies providing 24 hetw r-esidential ea
M Utility buildings and structures.
N Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.15.050–Area,and dimensional and density requirements.
A.The f6llowi9SI.ALeadhnqiIsional Aad density requircrqg a l to allRILI? ones.
Table 17.15.050-1
............ ............
Measurement Type Limit
Minimum lot area n
I Minimum lot width/fronts ge9 30 feet
Density, minimum net 10 units/acre
Density, maximum net 40 units/acre
Maximum building height 35 feet
Maximum lot coverage 501yo
Maximum site covers e 759
Minimum front setback'O 15 feet
Garage entrance setback 20 feet
Minimum rear setbac'k, —------—15feet..
Minimum side setbackli 5 feet
Minimum side setback (streets 5 feet
Minimum side setback(alley) 5 feet
9 Townhouses can be the width of the iinterior units
Porches and covered entries may project up to six feet into the front setback.
Townhouses;are exempt from side setback standards internal to a development, However,townhouse shall
meet applicable side setback standards for adjacent lots outside of the development.
I Minimum rear setback for
accessary structures in the rear 5 feet
ane-third of the lot
Minimum side setback for
accesso structures in the rear 5 feet
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Height" primary structure
__. Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
building footprint
- 7,000 squary feet.
."t exeeed two "�elling units Squafe fee---+, of let af ea plus one
Fq�om�, 25 feet "m fient-lo"ifie,
the let. _I1_'l-_+_-ehed aeeessor-y buildings ae-ee-s-so—Y residential units only, +,,e
may be pefmiaed to within thfee feet ef the side iine.On eofnef lots,
have a- e of 13 4 unless more is required Y
h*e_ r
E. AAX.ippiumisite etqveowge- 75
a .
B,. Exceptions to maximum lot and site coverage.
1. An additional ten, percent coverage that enables development to achieve the allowed maximum
density of the RI-ID zone per 17.15,050.13A.; or
1 An additional ten percent coverage for development that is reserved as affordable housing. All
applicants seeping bonus impervious surface for inclusion of affordable housing shall provide a
mechanism to ensure that affordable housing remains affordable for the life of the project. Such
mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney in conjunction with the Department of Community
and Economic Development, and shall be recorded on the land title; in addition-
3. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and
other surfaces is designcd: to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the
12 A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, portions of the project
can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.)
G. A4".ifflufff im"Mg height 3=5feet-.
17.17.010- Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that an occupation or business undertaken within a
dwelling unit located in a residential zone is incidental and subordinate to the primary residential
use and is compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood. This chapter provides
for home occupations within residential zones to be permitted through an administrative
conditional use-speeial-use permit process.
17.17.011 - Conflict with other ordinances.
Should any of the provisions or definitions of any other chapter of Title 17 conflict with or
overlap any of the provisions or definitions of this chapter,whichever imposes the more stringent
regulations shall prevail.
17.17.012 Definitions-.
A. V-11--me eppiqw0i n" -s a speeial use that allowo frOF an oeeUpation 1--inesS -Betivity th-8t.
fesults --.a pfodaet or sef-vice and '- ---A.
XV, 4ed in wholewo-. Ifl, pffl-L in tifto uffit, and
is elearly ineidenW and subordinate to the_A . I
entla use of the property.-
.-e-e-n—sed (aeeor4ing to tonnage), moteri'eed -yehiele desit-Imed
transpoirtatieft of eommodities, fnerehandise, produee, ffeight, anifnals, or passengers-,�
operated in eot�unetion with a business, ow-u-Plation, of: home oeeupratieff. This term Sh
im4ude, but is not limite-A
..1efs, andvan
17.17.020 - Applicability.
An administrative conditional use permit home oeoupation peffflit in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter is required for all home occupations occurring in residential use
districts except those exempted pursuant to PAMC 17.17.030. A home occupation use pem+Wis
an administrative conditional use ~ l- e permit as defined in PANIC 17.08.OW2
17.17.050 - Application and notice procedures.
The application for a home occupation permit use shall be submitted on a form obtained from
the Department of Community and Economic Development and shall be acknowledged by the
owner of the property, if other than the applicant. In addition to the notice procedures contain ed
in PANIC 18.02.050, notice shall be mailed to the latest recorded real property owners within at
least 300 feet of the boundary of the site as shown by the records of the County Assessor. Mailing
Labels shall be provided by the applicant.
17.17.11 - Limitations.
A. Once a home occupation pefff4t-gse has been i%tiedgpproved, it shall not be transferred to
another person or to a location other than as stated on the permit.
B. The initial time limit on approved home occupation peFfflits uses shall not exceed one year,
after which time extensions may be granted as provided in this chapter.
17.17.210- Extensions,
A. Extensions of approved home occupation pits-gses shall be considered in accordance
with the same procedures as for the original permit application and may be granted for
specified or unspecified time periods provided that the following minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions; and
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
B. Upon written request for an extension submitted to the Department of Community and
Economic Development prior to the expiration of the home occupation penRituse, said
pennit-gse shall be automatically extended for 90 days to allow the City to review and
process the extension request.
17.17.300- Revocation.
Any permit issued pursuant to the terms of this chapter may be revoked in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 1, Section 13, Ordinance No. 2050.
17.17.310- Penalties.
A. Any person violating any provision of this chaptershall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00. Each day that a violation continues shall
constitute a separate offense.
B. In addition to the criminal penalty of subsection A. hereof, any person opt-rating under an
exemption authorized by any portion of this chapter shall be deemed to have forfeited said
pen-nit as a result of said violation. Such person shall be required to apply for a home
occupation pennit-use pursuant to the provisions of section 17.17.050. Failure to apply for
and obtain an administrative conditional use permit for a home occupation use-home
Oeoupation pefffik. pursuant to section 17.17.050 shall subject the person to the penalty
specified in subsection 17,17.314.A.
17.17320- Existing home occupations.
A. Home occupations, other than those specifically exempted under PANIC 17.17.030,
established prior to the effective date of this chapter and not having a home occupation
use int in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall, within 90 days after the
effective date of this chapter, initiate an administrative conditional use permit-home
oeeWafio*-4vrm4 application. After the 90-day period, the home occupation shall be
considered to be in violation of this chapter.
B. Time extensions of administrative conditional use permits for home occupation uses its
lawfully established prior to the effective date of this chapter shall not be approved unless
the home occupation complies fully with this chapter.
17.18.Of 0- Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that a bed and breakfast is compatible with its
surrounding properties, and when located in a residential neighborhood, to preserve the
residential character of the neighborhood and the surrounding residences. This chapter provides
for bed and breakfasts within residential zones to be permitted through an administrative
conditional use Mit-speeial-use-pen*tt-process,.
17.19.020 Definition,,4.
A "bed and breakfasi" is, a single family r-esidenee loeated in a residential ixone, eontaining
one kite-he- --A ,U--A A. Foviding lodging I'-- pes
1� � .1—C, --- .1--ts and trayele" for-a pefi
of up to 30 days and s rily breakfast;on]),to people registefed to uste the
fef jodgi-cl fequir-e f4pilities. more than just meals. A bed
if, D A 11 4,11 117 A Q
as defined —.095.
aiid bfeak.cd-S. s a
1'7.1 .030 - Applicability.
A bed and breakfast aLsepen*it-in accordance with the provisions of this chapter is required for
all bed and breakfasts occurring in residential zones. A bed and breakfast Mc
TennA shall not be
required within commercial zones. A bed and breakfast_use mit is an administrative
conditional use �it-, as defined in PAM C 17.08.OW20 I
1"7.1 .040- Development standards.
All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the following development standards:
A. All bed and breakfasts shall be located in single-family residences and shall exhibit no
outward appearance of a business or of a nonresidential nature, other than permitted
B. All bed and breakfast operators shall live on the premises.
C. A bed and breakfast with four or fewer rooms for flet shall provide parking, spaces for
the operator and guests. Bed and breakfasts with more than four rooms for let shall
provide parking spaces for the operator, guests and employees.
D. All off-street parking areas shall be screened in a manner that is compatible with and
respectful of adjacent properties,
E. All on-site signs shall be no more than five square feet in area, indirectly luted, and
parallel to the building fagade to which they are attached unless they are freestanding
in the yard. freestanding signs cannot exceed three feet in height but may be
perpendicular to the fagade. The light source shall be shielded from abutting property
and rights-of=way. There shall be a maximum of two freestanding signs.
F. All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the applicable local and state fire and health
Ci. Bed and breakfast uses shall not be transferable to new locations.
H. Size and area requirements:
No. of Rdrms. to Let Mian. Lot Area
Cts 7,000 sq. ft. (RS-9, 9,000 sq. ft.)
5----5 14,000 sq. ff. (RS-9, 18,000 sq. f1:.)
9-1228,000 sq. ft.
.... _ .
1. Any change in the ownership, structure, or the site plan requires a revised permit.
17.18.050 -Application and notice procedure.
A. The application for a bed and breakfast Wase shall be submitted on a form obtained
from the Department of Community and Economic Development and shall also be signed
by the owner of the property if other than the applicant. In addition to the notice procedures
contained in PANIC 18,02.0 50, notice shall be mailed to the latest recordf real property
owners within at least 300 feet of the boundary of the site as shown by the records of the
County Assessor. Labels shall be provided by the applicant.
B. Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of this chapter, the Department
of Community and Economic Development shall route it to all appropriate departments.
Each City department shall submit to the Department, of Community and Economic
Development recommendations and comments regarding the application.
4 Limitations.
A. Once an administrative conditional use pgrmit. has been issued, it
shall not be transferred to another location.
B. The bed and breakfast usey
Ir- shall be valid caul for so long as the bed and breakfast
complies with the requirements of this chapter and the conditions of approval.
C. Any change in the ownership requires a minor amendment in accordance with 17.96.070
Any char recto the structure, or the site plan requires a revised permit.
DE. The initial time limit for approved bed and breakfast uses pefmitsshall not exceed one year,
alter which time extensions may be granted as provided in this chapter.
17.18.092 - Extensions.
A. Extensions of approved bed and breakfast pits-uses must be submitted in writing pricer
to the expiration date of the original permit approval and shall be considered in accordance
with the same procedures as for the original permit application.An extension may be granted
for specified or unspecified time periods, provided that the following minimum criteria are
1. The use complies with the permit conditions and
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
B. Upon receipt of a written request for extension of ama rov d bed and breakfast use tit
(pricer to expiration of the permit) said-permit use shall automatically be extended for 90
days to allow the City time to review and process the request.
17.20.040-Perrnitted uses.
A. S General commercial uses:
1. Financial services offices, such as banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate service
1 Personal service facilities, such as barber and beauty shops.
. Business and professional offices.
4. Chemical ical de endenc treatment and detoxification centers.
4 . Child day-cares eentefs and pfe sehoels.
-+f-. Medical/dental clinics and offices and laboratories.
0-7 Small animal veterinary offices..
.. 1lcs ital
B. evidential:
1. mopt
All residential uses �rrtjitted in tlzc�.l Banc.,
1710.080. 0.080 —Accessory uses.
L 1L acc:es:ca uses erm.i ted in he RMI_zone.
L Other AAccessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Developme 't
to be compatible with the intent of this chapter are permitted.
17.20.1 60-Conditional uses.
A. Art:,galleries,aftd museums:and a uarigms.
B. Assisted living facilities and residential care facilities.
C. Business colleges, trade schools,and personal instruction such as music,art,and dance sch(x)ls
R Short term rental.
4zE Medical supply stores.
F Comcenters�; .
un t
G es-a d h4jospices.
1-1. Libraries.
1. hotels, motels and hostels.
J Nursing and convalescent homes,
K Off-street parking structures and lots not associated with a permitted use on the same site.
L Public parrs and recreation facilities.
llw Utility buildings and structures.
l�k Funeral homes and mortuaries.
Other uses compatible with
the intent of this chapter.
IT20.200 -Area and dimensional requirements.
A. The following area and dimensional refiremeats ably to all C-0 zones:
Measurement Type limit
Minimum lot area 3,000s
Minimum lot width/frontage" 40 feet
Maximum building heig t 30 feet
Maximum lint coverage 50%
Maximum site covers e u 75
Minimum front setback- 1.5 feet
Garage entrance setback 20 feet
Minimum rear setback ....w 15 feet
_.. Minimum side setback's. 5 feet
1 Minimum side setback street 5 feet
Minimum side setback aIle 5 feet
fl MI
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 5 feet
one-third of the lot
Minimum side setback for
accesso structures in the rear 5 feet
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Hei htrr" primary structure
buildm height
Not to exceed theta___
Maximum Building Footprint prima structure
building footprint
. AAA,
no" res�ntifd
13 Townhouses can be the width of the interior units
14 Porches and covered entries may project up to six feetinto the front setback.
11 Townhouses are exempt from side setback standards internal to a development. However,townhouse shall
" meet applicable side setback standards for adjacent lots outside of the development.
16 A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
to the feaf PFOP
Side- Seven feet ffem the 0- , e#),line. De4aeheedd buildings efily ( n the maF ofte third of thea
lot may be peanfmi. 4 to wi*L.
..ff thfee feet of the side line. On eofner"s the side yafd abuttiRg the stfeet
shall have a btf-i".
5 below.
..o. .
F.I In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and
other surfaces is designed;to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 of the
City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, portions of the project
can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PANIC 17.94.1: 5 for exemptions.)
G, Udtmomtnt buikiing4wighi-3
1'7.21.01 Q -Purpose.
This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for businesses Haat are of the type
providing goods and services for the day-to-day needs of the surrounding residential neighborhoods.
Businesses in this zone shall occur on sites no larger than one acre and shall be located and designed to
encourage both pedestrian and vehicle access and to be compatible with adjacent residential
neighborhoods. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to multi-family
residential uses are allowed; .This zone provides
for variety in the urban land use pattern for small commercial districts serving individual residential
neighborhoods with direct access on an arterial street and design standards compatible with residential
development. Mixed use buildings ark uccauu._rage in this zone.
1"7.21.440-Permitted uses.
rtt ep—
B_; A artment buildings,;
AC, Art galleries, and museums.and aquariums.
D) Artisan manufactuurip `
REIAssisted living and residential care facilities,
0". Business colleges; music,art, and dance schools.
C:w. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate services offices.
FLI Business and professional offices.
FI. Child day-cares eentefs and pfe sea ;
.l. Commaunz°ty centers.
G& Drug stores,pharmacies.
L -Mort term rent4L
44M. Food and beverage establishments, such as restaurants and cafeterias,
IN1 Food item retail sales, such as bakery shops, delicatessens and grocery stores,
LE., Medical/dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
MQ. Medical supply stores,
l�K. Nursing and convalescent homes.
0S. Personal service facilities,such as barber and beauty shops,
PT- Public parks and recreation facilities,
Reeoftstfueti "e"ts to resi
RU. Repair services, such as appliance repair, shoe repair and TV and stereo repair services.
�d in PAMG-I gh44e"RUD Ze tie, m
the first wis, — -
Self-service laundries.
Specialty shops such as gift,florist,hobby,antique,candy,ice cream,movie rental,bicycle,book,
computer,toy, and retail pet stores.
-VX. Sma[I animal veterinary offices.
When located on the qprnnri or subse uent floor of a building,or basement floor or locatedonhe ground
th n detached a �e structure�Ih on a twi s in operation,
Vol 0�
0 sr t a is�
i cc s
loca the round a hti�hu��me joestrian-oriented use adLoLninq the building's
i r uirZn
floor—:ce �e�ee
w a c
2 r uses ted on
LO 0 street
t S
ntran n a
17.21.160 Conditional wes-
D. Funefal hofnes and fnefwafies.
G. Off st-re— s and lots,
et pffk4g-A��
H. Self
.�-Rd ledges.
j. Utility buildings afid stFu4wes7
1721.1641 Conditional uses.
A. Fire stations.
B.Frozen_food or cold storaLye lockers.
C. Funeral homes and mortuaries.
D.w Gasoline servie eislands,accesscar to convenience or eror ,w
E. Hotels, motels and hostels.
�",._ Off street parking structures and lata.
Cr. Self-service ear washes.
Clubs and lodges.
I."_....._ U!Llity buildi.ns , truc-tures.
1 tither uses cpt a..,,trate with the intent of this chap`ems.
17,21.24111 - area and dimensional requirements.
A. ,000 squefe fee!. Residential us OR—One fifm floor-shall eemply with RUD
" 17.1-5.0201 . A. "Che f�allc _ n area and dimensions] re n rements
pply to all CN zones:
Measurement Type limit
Minimum lot area 50...
Minimum lot width fronta e 50 facet ._
Maximum building height 35 feet
Maximum lot coverage 50% pp
Maximum site coverage 80%
Minimum front setback
Garage entrance setback
15 feet from an
--- -- _ alley orad":scent
Minimum rear setback residential zone
Minimum side setback
Minimum side setback Cstreetl _- n a
Minimum side setback(alley) 15 feet
gg i
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the,rear
one-third of the lot 15 feet from any
M [ley or adiacentinimum side setback for residential zone
accessory structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Height" primary structure
building hgight
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint Primary structure
building foot rine
50 f
nimum se�bae , stfuenife s ithift 15 � et Of aft alle5� OF aft59 Adjaftfl'
thia has a fesidential izeniag elassir-e—ion
D. Afa*im um lei 50 perievent, subjee4 to paffigraph F. below.
F. Aki*irmum site W 80 Pen eat, WbJeet to paragmph R below.
F B. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and
other surfaces is designed;to infiltrate on-site, according to the requirements in Chapter 5 ofthe
City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines manual, portions of the project
can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.)
1721040 Pemiaed sj.ses-.
A �+ -1.
I Z XX 4 ...—Seurns.
B. Finaneial sefyiees offiees-, su" as banks, finaneial inst-i'Wtions, --su—ne-e
teM estate
S i6es Offices.
C. hops
se. otee f4eilities, siieh as bafbef and beauty s
--A 1 ;++4-
Business eolleges, tfade schools, sueh as, musie, aft, and da�nce
E. Business and pfefessional offiews-.
17 A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
F. Child day eafe eentm ----I pre sdioels.
Ir—Equipment renta4s.
j. Food s, suph as festatifalits, ea---as, drive in festatwarAs-,
s s ,
lounges, u A--+ ,,–+-- -aee ss to a�n alley abutting fesideatially ze
L. General
M...........Ha ware-mss..
0. Libfafies.
existing or
""" Resident— , AMC . ,
gift,X. Sefviee stations;
, fital, ,
book, eomptitef, ,toy, .
1722.040 -Pennittud uses,
A. _. .Ayart.ments.°
B. Ayartme t,buildings.
•._. Art,galleries mus Ms d aquariums.
D. _artisan mamifr
iqu ing,.2-
__Short tm�i.rental.
L---j,jnanc,al s jcq,o1figes s as-bAnks financial_Lnstitutions.insurance.And real estate serviq§
(L---ZqspnaI s!prv�iccfa&Ijtjessuch as baker and laeaut shcr s.
H--.--Rqsmess cQljMs trade schoolsd
,grL qnon sur to�as musg,art and clancgschool,,,
L—Agsiness and m—fessionkt offices.
L Child da��s.
K. -,("r�naznunit`�:.centers,
L--.-L) u staresphamiacies,
M.—E-.qWpment rentals.
Vii.—Y,Qod-and 1 vsrpge est4.bljshment&-such as restaurantscafeterias drive-i�-restaurants cocktai
lounges-pn(Ltaverns rov -hj_Kqs restaurant�-p —ided t drive
,jhg_ ,Lestaurants..Aith—cockt�M—lounges,,.and tavern
that hayc_(Lirect cult(jiner access-Io an alley abut_
-- -- tinj, rggdentially.,.Agned-pro ertty shall be conditiona
(). 1 racad item retail sales such as bakery slcalicatessens, rc> ery stt::,¢ s end ,rTnarkets.
P. --siLeagral mcrck4Adise saje�,
Q.—Hardware gqrgs.
R. —Llousehold furnish -u.
�ins stpres,,,such ALAppUiLqgA�)res.,furniture stores oCt ice e u,
�— -ment starg
and stereea stores.
S. Libraries.
U. MtL-dical sumly stores.
W.----Public-parks an4jKcreat recreation facilities.
DV and stqrgo�air
Y—, Self-
.,service laqndromats.
I. Service statigQs�.
yi_ _
AA. SiLmAhops.
1113. Saeca1ty sea such as ift fTerrist c
spam toy, rqt I�etsto�res, A�d�ice,;Lr
eam movie rental bic cue,lcaak
QC Sz�a Llanimal vLqt
when located on :1 second or subs'El cent flbor of a bu i Id I ior
basement floor or located on tyre round
floor wit al nonresidential uses in o eration.
For uses located on the round floor a hi7h volurrne edestrian-orientedI joining the building's entrance
on a street is rea�ulred.
17.22.160-Conditional uses.
A. Clubs and lodges.
B. Drive-in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and taverns that have direct customer
access to an alley abutting residentially awned property.
C. Fere stations.
DFrozen food or cold storage lockers.
Few. Funeral homes and mortuaries.
F. Flotels,motels and hostels.
H.G. Off-street parking structures and lots.
1H. Self-service car washes.
R Utility buildings and structures.
J. Cather uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.22.200-Area and dimensional requirements..
The followingarea and dimensional
requirements apply to all CSD:canes:
Measurement Type Limit
Minimum lot area's
Minimum lot width/frontage 50 feet
.._.. _
Maximum building height 35 feet
Maximum lot coverage
._ n_ 50%
Maximum site coverage 80%
Minimum front setback
-.....- 15 feet from any
Garage entrance setback alley or adiacent
.......Minimum rear setback residential zone`9
Minimum side setback
as All newly created lots.shall have a minimum area adequate to provide for required setbacks and parking.
as No loading structure or dock with access onto the alley shall be built within 15 feet of an alley.Driveway
access onto an alley shall maintain a vision clearance triangle.The vision clearance triangle shall extend ten feet
along the alley and 15 feet along the edge of the driveway, measured from the point of intersection of each side
of the driveway and the alley right-of-way Pune.
� Minimum side setback street n a
Minimum side setback(alley)
�ww..w..15 feet
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 15 feet from any
one-third of the lot15
or adjacent
Minimum stile setback for residential zone
accessoEy structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
_w.. Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Height20, primary structure
building height ._.
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Foot runt primary structure
building footprint
43. .
alley shall be buihi within 15 feet of afl alley. Dfiveway neeess onto aij all--j, sh-11
e 1 eafen ee tf i ant-0-i- 'm—e v i on a 1 eafaffee f,---aft&-le s h I I ex -4 4-- 4r-,-- along the alley and 15 A�et along the
17.23.040-Permitted uses.
A. mg-'shGeneral commercial uses:
I. Artisan anufactur .°
4-2. Auto supply stores, service stations, self-service gas islands,car wash facilities and turn shops.
23. Building material stores,, cabinet shops, glass stores, hardware stores, lumber yards, paint stores
and plumbing supply stores.
4. Conference centers.
20 A 259 height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope requfired of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is(located.
r-iffks,putt putt golf
45. F)rug stores, pharmacies.
Vii. afLort term rental.
" . Farm equipment stores,garden supply stores, nurseries,
8. Food and beverage establishments, such as cafes, cafeterias„ restaurants, take-out lunch stands
drive-in restaurants, cocktail lounges and taverns„ provided that drive-in restaurants, restaurants suit
cocktail lounges, and taverns, that have direct customer access to an alley abutting residentially zone
property, shall be conditional uses.
Food item retail sales,such as bakery shops,candy and ice cream stores„delicatessens, fruit an
vegetable stands,grocery stores, liquor stores„meat and fish markets and supermarkets.
910. General merchandise stores, such as clothing and shoe stores„ department, stores, second-han
stores,antique stores,pavan shops,sporting goods stores and variety stores.
911. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores, furniture stores, office equipment stores
and stereo stores.
4-012. Motels,hotels and hostels.
41133. Medical supply stores,
Q14. Dealerships of neve and used automobiles, trucks, trailers„ motorcycles, recreational vehicles,,
tractors, boats, including related sales, leasing and servicing.
4415. Specialty shops, such as gift, florist, hobby, antique„ candy, ice cream, movie rental, bicycle,
book, computer,toy,and retail pct stores.
-1^416. Shopping centers, not exceeding 100,000 square feet in building floor area.
B. arvpices°.-
1. Art galleries,aPA museums,and gquariums.
2. Business colleges,trade schools and personal instruction such as music,art, and dance schools.
3. Business and professional offices.
4. Chemical dependency treatment and detoxification centers.
5. Child day-cares,eewe
6. Commercial recreation establishments and entertainment sservices, su!6' as bosvlin alle
theaters-Crnovie and others ski tin djjk .,tt putt gpl!f courses, climbing, ALalls and arcades.
. Equipment rental stores.
9. Financial services offices, such as hanks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate services
I . :Frozen food or cold storage lockers.
1111. Funeral homes and mortuaries.
412. bouw4fitsLaundromats,commercial mid self-service,dry cleaning shops and tailor shops.
4-213. Libraries.
4-314. Medical/dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
4-4115. Personal services facilities,such as barber shops and beauty shops,exercise and reducing studios
and travel agencies.
-1-5116. Printing,blueprinting, photo developing and reproduction shops.
4-617. Public parks and recreation facilities.
4-718. repair services shops, such as appliance repair, furnishings repair shops,shoe repair and TV and
stereo repair services.
419. Sign shops.
W.X Small animal veterinary offices.
20211, Utility buildings and.structures.
C: Inst tuticrnal.-
1. Clubs and lodges.
1 Apartments'
2. A artment buildin s.
pfier.to , .
Zone,use&,-as peffflitw in -1.020,the Residewial High Density PUK)
E. Transportation and communiccation.-
1. Conference,centers,auditoriums.
. Ferry, seaplane,airplane, and helicopter facilities.
3. Mass transit terminals.
4. Parcel delivery service terminals.
5. Radio stations,T'V stations and newspaper buildings.
6. Vehicular services buildings, such as ambulance service, automotive and truck rentals, and
vehicle maintenance and repair shops, not including auto body and paint:shops and auto engine
repair shops.
F Wholesale.-
1. Mini-warehouses,transfer,moving and storage facilities.
I Warehouse buildings and yards.
3. Wholesale stores.
' for uses located on the ground floor, a high volume pedestrian-oriented use adioining the building's
entrance on a street is required.
1 When located on the second or subsequent floor of a budding,or basement flooror located on the ground
floor within a detached accessory structure that is on a lot with Drind oal nonresidential uses in operation.
I7.23.080 - Accessory uses.
Accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development to be compatible
with the intent of this chapter are permitted.
17.23.160-Conditional uses.
A. Auto body and paint shops and auto engine repair shops.
B. Drive-in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and taverns, all of which have direct
customer access to an alley abutting residentially zoned property.
CFire stations.
D, Licensed impound yards.
EMassage parlors, saunas and steam baths, as primary use.
F. Nfiefobrewer-ips.
GE. Of premises outdoor advertising signs.
HG. Off-street business parking structures and lots.
Ifl. Recreational vehicles,vacation trailers, and campers courts and parks.
11, Salvage and recycling buildings.
KI. Shopping centers,exceeding 100,0,00 square feet in building floor area.
L . Social service agency buildings providing 24-hour residential care.
ML. Kennels,provided:
1. Buildings and structures are soundproof.
2. All run areas are surrounded by an eight-foot solid wall or fence.
3. Animal runs are to be constructed in such a manner that no animal can see another.
W. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.21200 _ area and dimensional requirements.
A. Mnimum W a" - 7,000 square I.Peft". ResideatW uses an the first fleor shall eemply with the
fe set aek requir-efnea4s.
A. 7"fie followvin area and dimensional re a retests atatal to all CA zones:
Measurement Type Limit
Minimum lot area.'
Minimum lot width/frontage 50 feet
Maximum building height 35 feet
- __...
Maximum lot coverage 60%
Maximum site coygrage 80%
Minimum front setback n a
Garage entrance setback n a wwwµµ mm W
�......IT�. 15 feet from any
Minimum rear setback alley or adjacent
residential zone
15 feet from any
Minimum side setback alley or adjacent
residential zone
Minimum side setback(street) -nLa
_.._ Minimum side setback(alley) 15 feet
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear
one-third of the lot 1.5 feet from an
alley or adjacent
Minimum side setback for residential zone
accessory structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Heght" primary structure
building height
............. .......
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
building footprint
R. 50
to eth .z.a
Ree'e- or an alley No stfuetufe shall be built wit.... —1-leet of �fi alley Of a-
11 All newly created lots.shall have a minimum area adequate to provide for required setbacks and parking.
12 A 5%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
e*eept that
���;afd shall be fequifed.
35 fi�et.
17.23.21 tl -Off-street parking.
(See Chapter 14.40 P'AMC ,
17.24.041 -permitted uses.
A. ,�Qeneral commercial uses:
1. Artisan„ralanufacturi '
-T . Auto supply stares.
3. ahog tenn rental.
�!l. Hardware stares, paint stares and plumbing supply stores.
45. Food and beverage establishments, such as cocktail lounges, eafes, cafeterias, restaurants,
sidewalk cafes (subject to the permit requirements of the Street Use Ordinance No. 2229 as amended by
2350),take-out lunch stands and taverns.
6 Food item retail sales, such as bakery, candy and ice cream stores, delicatessens, fruit and
vegetable stands,grocery stares, liquor stores,and meat and fish markets.
7. General merchandise stores, such as clothing and shoe stores, department stores, drug stores,
second-hand stores,antique stores,pawn shops,shopping centers(100,000 square feet or less in building
floor area),sporting goods stores and variety stares.
178. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stares, furniture stores, office equipment stores
and stereo stores..
. Motels,hotels and hostels.
9LQ Specialty shops such as gift,florist,hobby,antique,candy,ice cream,movie rental,bicycle,book,
computer, toy,and retail pet stores.
For uses located(Lt tete_ nrt flags a hi vc luno ,to a-urian-ariz s ted use adiaan n c trail A9L tntranc e can
a street is reuuired.
B. Services:
c es:
I Art galleries,and museums.and aquariu; m�.
2. Business colleges, trade schools, and personal instruction such as music, art, and dance schools.
3. Business and professional offices,
4. Business services offices, such as accounting, tax, employment, management consulting, and
printing services.
5. Child day-cares eentefs and pfe-seheets-.
6. Commercial recreation establishments and entertainment services, such as bowlin alleys,
theaters nnovie aij
d..gjhers sl.iqg
_dnk&_pM9-pqtt,jL .
Qtf course-&climbiji walls and arcades.
- ---g
6. C htffeheS Per table A.
T Conference centers.
-78. Financial services offices,such as banks, financial institutions,insurance and real estate services
99. Self-service laundries and tailor shops.
910. Libraries.
4-011. Medical/dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
4411 Medical supply stores.
4-213. Personal services facilities, such as barber and beauty shops, exercise and reducing studios,and
travel agencies.
4-314. Public parks and recreation facilities.
4415. Repair services shops,such as appliance repair, furnishing repair,shoe repair,and TV and stereo
repair services.
C. Institutional:
1. Clubs and lodges.
2. Research vessels.
D. Rasidentiak
1, Residential uses,as pemitted in PAMC 1:7.15.020, the Residential High De"-ity R D 90fle,on
the fifst goof or above with a pr-imafy eommefeial use leea4ed ffonting that pet4ion of the site faeing
str-eet- A9qijments.,'.
2. Avartment buildings.
E. Transportation and communication:
I. Conference centers,auditoriums.
I Ferry, seaplane and helicopter facilities.
3. Mass transit terminals and multimodal centers.
4, Off-street business parking structures and lots.
5. Radio stations,TV stations and newspaper buildings.
6. Vehicular rental services facilities,including light,trucks,automobiles,,motorcycles,mopeds and
T. Vessel moorage, including marinas and docks for pleasure boats, Coast Guard vessels, and
When located on the second or subse cent floor of a building,or basement floor,or located on the ground
floor within a detached accessory structure that is on a lot with principal nonresidlential uses in operation.
IT24.080 Accessory uses.
Accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development to be compatible
with the intent oft is chapter are permitted..
17.24.16 _Conditional uses.
A. boat sales, marine items and related servicing facilities.
B. Fire stations.
C. Glass Stores
ED. Self-service gas islands and gasoline service islands,accessory to convenience or grocery stores.
FE. Social service agency buildings providing;24-hour residential care.
Utility buildings and s�met
E Other uses compatible withthe intent of this chapter.
17.24.200-Area and dimensional requirements.
A. The f6Jlowing area and dimensional r uirements gpply to all C.BQ Zones:
Measurement Type Limit
__..._ -^-___.4w444w._..__w
inimum lot areae n..a
Minimum lot width/frontage nLa
Maximum building l 45 feet w._w.tei h ...w
Minimum BuildingHeight 3 stories floors��
Maximum lot coverage � nn..na
Maximum site coverage n a
Minimum front setback 26 nLa
Garage entrance setback n a
23 All newly created lots shall have a minimum area adequate to provide for required setbacks and parking..
24 Additionai height may be approved through a conditional use permit process that considers the impacts upon existing
views and solar protection,shadow impacts,and factors such as the height of the bluff south of First Street.
zs All new structures in the CBD shall have a minimum of two functional floors or stories above adjoining street level.
26 At least 50 percent of the front property line shall be abutted by a building;provided„however,that for the purposes of
this section,a publicly accessible plaza,square„outdoor dining area,or similar area shall be considered a building.
Loading structure
Minimum rear setback must be 15 feet
from any alley
Minimum side setback 27 10 feet from any
Minimum side setback(streetj alley or adjacent
Minimum side setback(alley) residential zone
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear 15 feet from any
one-third of the lot alley or adjacent
minimum side setback for residential zone
accesso[y structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Not to exceed the
Maximum Buildiniz Height" primary structure
buildiniz heipht
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
building foot Tint
A. M4pjjMUVj k9i area .. 3,SQO Sq"Fe f
eel D'A__j
on the fifs! floof shall eomply wigiAND
Feaf Setbalak r-e"iMMeVAS.
B. Ahni'MUM�Wf wid*2_5_feet_
G. Seth 44Wk4mg envelepe di-oan eeq.-
Side, ��ne,exeept no stfuittim shall be built withift we" 1`6e+of Way Pfepef4y that has a residential z0flift
elassifimioff �40 side ye-A Yhen abut4ing green beit, of ia"tAa4 zeae44,ot-,
emeept that kw gr-ound stF:uetures a seven fee4 s.
.4e a-A A-11
Y . A.-Bber-equifed;
Rear-.- Ne*e, emeept Ro leading stFuetufe _I__1I_be btlilt Within 15 fe�of any ajjjp,5
ot the &E�, pfepei4y lifte shall be abut4ed by a building; pfeN,ided, however-,
that for-the pufposes of this seet-en —1-4-ely aeeessible pla-2,a, squarv, oatdoof dinifig
afeft St-11 1—
Wisidefed a buiWing,
DcA, *imuffl lot and sife e~fW
.......... 4—
By be appFoNged thfough a eonditional a
peffiiit pr-oeess that eonsideps the impaets epon e*is4i.ffg views and selaf pr-oteetion, shadow impaets, a
fiietor-s saeh as the height or the I-1--r1r Stfeet-.
FE. Miwimum buii6fiffgh �ghi�All newstruetafes iff the CBD shall heye a ffliniimum_V+
o fufietiona,4
4 irs Amr skwries abow aE�Oiftiftg s4reet
27 No side yard shall be required when abutting a commercial,green belt,or industrial zoned lot;except that for ground floor
residential structures a seven-foot side yard shall be required.
28 A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal structure in
the zone that the property is located.
17,25.040- Permitted uses.
A. Refail., General commercial uses:
i. Artisan mapgfactazrin
4-2 Auto supply stores, service stations, self-service gas islands,car wash facilities,and tire shops.
2-1. Building material stores,cabinet shops,glass stores, hardware stores, lumber yards,paint stores,
and plumbing supply stores.
-34. Businesses selling medical supplies, goods,instruments,,medicine and similar items,
5. Short term rental.
Commefeial r-eefeation es—ablishnients, SU W 1 9 theatefs(fn( Vie a-A
6-5. Farm equipment stores,garden supply stores, nurseries,
76. Food and beverage establishments, such as cocktail lounges, cafes, cafeterias, drive-i
restaurants,restaurants,take-out lunch stands,and taverns; provided that drive-in restaurants,restaurant
with cocktail lounges, and taverns, that have direct customer access to an alley abutting residentiall
zoned property, shall be conditional uses.
5-7. Food item retail sales outlets, such as bakery shops, candy and ice cream stores, delicatessens,
fruit and vegetable stands, grocery stores, liquor stores, meat and fish markets, including frozen or cold
storage food lockers and supermarkets.
99. General merchandise stores, such as catalogue sales stores, clothing and shoe stores, department
stores, drug stores, second-hand stores, antique stores, pawn shops, sporting goods stores and variety
109. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores, furniture stores, office equipment stores
and stereo stores.
114-4. Motels,hotels and hostels,
1244. Dealerships of new and used automobiles, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles,
tractors,boats, including related sales, leasing,renting,and servicing.
134-2. Specialty shops, such as gift, florist, hobby, antique, candy, ice cream, movie rental, bicycle,
book, computer,toy, and retail pet stores.
144-3. Shopping centers,
B. Sen7ices:
I Art galleries,a*d museums-. and
2. Business colleges,trade schools, and personal instruction such as music,art, and dance schools.
3. Business parks and professional offices.
4. Business services offices, such as accounting, tax, employment, and management consulting
5. Cemeteries.
6. Chemical dependency treatment and detoxification centers.
7. Child day-cares. wU00 S.
8. Commercial recreation establishments and entertainment servicL-s,,.such as bowling all ys,
tfcixaktrcvf nwal lm and
G .Commun.it�cea�tr;
10. Conference centers.
911. Equipment rental stores.
4,012. financial services offices,such as banks,financial institutions,insurance and real estate services
4-1-13. frozen food or cold storage lockers.
4-214. funeral homes and mortuaries.
4-415. Laundries,commercial and self-service,dry cleaning shops,and tailor shops.
4416. Libraries.
4-517. Medical/dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
4-618. Personal services facilities, such as barber and beauty shops, exercise and reducing;studios, and
travel agencies.
4-719. Printing,blueprinting,photo developing and reproduction,and sign shops.
4-920. Public parrs and recreation facilities.
-19 1. Repair services shops,such as appliance repair,shoe repair,and"FV and stereo repair services.
2-0222. Veterinary offices,clinics and kennels.
C. Institutionak
I. Social clubs, lodges and fraternal organizations.
2. Schoolscoanm niter centersI.
D, Re i ential.-
1. artmLtzats)
. A artment buildings.
, remodeling,
-Atial stfuetwes existing or- establishedPriof to januafy 1, .
I Residential tis
.. peFmiaed , the Residential Hi h Density zeffer4w'-4he
E. Transportation and communication:
1. Conference centers and auditoriums.
Ao"NN 2. Airplane and helicopter facilities.
3. Mass transit terminals.
4. Parcel delivery service terminals.
5. Radio stations,TV stations and newspaper buildings.
6. Vehicular services buildings, such as ambulance service, automotive and truck rentals, and
vehicle maintenance and repair shops,not including auto body and paint shops.
F. inolesale.-
I. Storage services buildings, such as frozen food and cold storage lockers, mini-warehouses,
transfer,moving and storage facilities.
2. Warehouse,buildings and yards.
3. Wholesale stores.
When located on the second or subsequent floor of a buildinq, or basement floor, or located on the
ground floor within a detached accessory structure that is on a lot with principal nonresidential uses in
I7.25.160-Conditional uses,.
A. Auto body and paint shops.
B. Drive-in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and taverns that have direct customer
access to an alley abutting residentially zoned property.
C. Fire stations.
D. Licensed impound yards.
E. Massage parlors, saunas and steam baths,as primary use.
F. mieR4W�J�
GF. Off-premises outdoor advertising signs.
143 Off-street business parking structures and lots.
IH. Recreational vehicles, vacation trailers,and campers courts and parks.
11. Salvage and recycling buildings.
KJ. Social service agency buildings providing 24-hour residential care.
LK. Utility buildings and structures.
ML, Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.25100-Area and dimensional requirements.
A. The foil 11 CR zones:
Measurement Type Limit
Minimum lot area 7
Minimum lot width/frontage 50 feet
Maximum building height 35 Beet
Maximum lot coverage fxt)%
Maximum site coverage 8Wo
Minimum front setback n a
Garage entrance setback n a
_. 15 feet from an
Minimum rear setback alley or ad`acent
residential zone
_._..w..w_ 15 feet from an
Minimum side setback alley or adiacent
residential zone
Minimum side setback(street l n a
Minimum side setback(alley) _ 15 feet^^FMµF
Minimum rear setback for
accessory structures in the rear
one-third of the lot 15 feet.from an
Minimum side setback for Alley or adjacent
residential zone
accesso structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
-.._...... Not to exceed the
Maximum Building_Height29 primary structure
building h ht
Not to exceed the
Maximum Building Footprint primary structure
building foot rine
A. 441f I--- -1___ teet. Residential uses on the fifs, Aee- sh-all eo"ly with
25 A 25%height bonus is available if the detached structure is within the building envelope required of a principal
structure in the zone that the property is located.
or a*alley. No side yafd shall e-fe-quir-ed mphleff M 'Oiled lot, that fe
sidential and
35 feet-.
17.26.010 - Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that retail stands are appropriately located in the
commercial and public areas, are compatible with the uses allowed in such areas, and are
conducive to the public health, safety and welfare, and to promote the diversity of retail stand
activity. This chapter provides for retail stands to be permitted through an administrative
conditional use a-s a permit process.
1 7 "fes Y'20 Definitions.
A Retail stand is a ,
moveable eaft that is operated ffoffl. a loea4iofi affd is-
and sized to be readily fneved under the eoatfol of one pefsen but net under its e
17.26. 30- Detail stand permit required.
No retail stand shall be permitted in the City of Port Angeles unless an administrative conditional
use permit Fetail fmA is approved pursuant to, and in compliance with, the provisions of,
this chaptcr. A retail stand pefmit is an administrative conditional s. 'af-use permit as defined
in PA:MC l 7.08. Q2_ 0 II ,
17.26.1165 - Right-of-way use fee..
In addition to the 'l-4andadministrative conditional use permit fee, retail stand users that are
to be located within City right-of-way shall also be rewired to pay to the City of Port Angeles
an annual rental fee in the amount set forth in PANIC 3.70.040,which shall be paid prior to initial
occupancy on a pro-rata basis for use beginning during the calendar year and shall be paid on
January 1 st of each calendar year thereafter.
17.26.070- Application and notice procedure.
050, aotie*shall be mailed to the
latest feeorded feW propefty ownefs wMin at least 300 feet of the boundafy of the site—as Aow"
by the meords of the County Assessen I abels shall be provided by the The application
for a retail stand--qseVefmA shall be submitted on a form obtained from the Department of
Community and Economic Development and accompanied by the following..documents:
A. Certification that adjacent property owners and/or businesses, including those one
entrance to the left and one entrance to the right,both at street level,have been notified
by the applicant of the application request and that the applicant has paid all applicable :!
dues, assessments, and taxes.
B. Detailed scale drawings of the retail stand to be used including materials,specifications,
and drawings showing all four sides of the stand,including any logos,printing, or signs
which will be incorporated. An example of the type of drawings required may be
obtained from the Department of Community and Economic Development. Color
schemes must be indicated on the drawings. For existing retail stands, five by seven
color photographs may be substituted for drawings.
C. An accurate drawing(plot plan to scale)of the retail stand and its location.The drawing
must show the public or private place to be used, including design and size of the retail
stand and support equipment accessories as placed adjacent to the retail stand during
D. If the area to be occupied is City-owned, such as a sidewalk, plaza, public access site,
or parking lot, the permittee must obtain and retain a minimum of$500,000.00 public
liability and property damage insurance coverage, naming the City as co-insured, and
must sip an agreement to indemnify and hold the City harmless.
E. The scheduled hours of operation for the season that includes times of day, days of the
week, months of the year, and scheduled closings.
F. Documentation for all Drovertv owners within 300 feet of the Drowsed retail stand use
location as shown by the records of the Count y Assessor.
17.26.100- limitations.
A. An administrative conditional use permit retails-stand pity may not be transferred to
another person or to a location other than that stated on the permit.
C-f a peliOA
B. A pefmit stand loeated in a publie right of way shall be appfoy�ed
GD, A permit for a retail stand located on private property shall be approved for an initial period
of time not to exceed one year.
17.26.135 - Renewals.
A. Renewals of approved permits shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures
as for the original permit application,provided that the following minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
B. Permits for a retail stand use located in a public right-of-way shall be granted on an annual
C. Permits for a retail stand use located on a private property may be granted for a period of
one to five years.
D. Preference may be given to a renewal request before a new application for that retail stand
location shall be considered.
17.32.020- Permitted uses.
A. Manufacturing buildings for:
I. Clothing, shoes and garments.
2. Electrical, electronic and communications equipment.
3. Handicrafts,jewelry, musical instruments and toys.
4. Assembly of machinery,such as but not limited to engines,vehicles,boats,aircraft,and
parts thereof
5. Medical, dental, optical, and orthopedic instruments and appliances.
6. Assembly of metal products, such as small arms, pens, office furniture, tools, and
household appliances.
7. Microbreweries.
8. Assembly of mobile and modular homes and home components.
9. Wood products, such as cabinets, furniture, fixtures, and pre-fabricated building
B. Retail buildings:
I. Adult entertainment businesses.
2. Auto and truck service stations,gasoline service islands.
3. Chain saw sales and service stores.
4. Cocktail lounges and taverns.
5. Restaurants and cafes.
6. Retail sales, such as hardware stores, lawn and garden equipment and supplies, hand
tools, building, electrical, and plumbing materials and supplies.
C. Wholesale distribution:
1. Warehouse buildings and yards,.
2. Wholesale stores.
D. Services:
1. Building maintenance and janitorial services buildings.
2. Equipment rental stores, including heavy equipment.
3. Funeral homes and mortuaries.
4. laundry and dry cleaners buildings.
5. Machinery maintenance and repair shops.
6. Mini-warehouses.
7. Business and professional offices.
8. Research and development laboratories.
9. Storage yards and maintenance shops for builders, contractors, and governmental
10. Small animal veterinary clinics, offices and kennels.
E. Transportation and communication:
1. airports, airport terminals and related facilities.
2. Freight companies terminals..
3. Household moving and storage buildings.
4. Mass transit terminals.
5. Off-street business parking structures and lots.
6. Parcel delivery service buildings.
7. Printing,publishing, and book-binding buildings.
8. Vehicular services facilities,such as automotive and truck rentals, vehicle maintenance
and repair shops,auto and truck body and paint;shops,and auto and truck engine repair
9. utility buildings and structures.
F. Other:
1. Shipping containers used for storage.
2. artisan manufacturing.
17.34.020- Permitted uses.
A. Automobile body, fender, laundry, paint shops and wrecking yards.
B. Bakeries, wholesale.
C. Battery rebuild,tire repair and recapping,.
D. Boiler works.
E,. Book, newspaper and magazine printing and publishing.
F. Bottling plants, creameries.
G. Cabinet and carpenter shops.
H. City pound (animal shelter).
1. Draying, freight and trucking yards and terminals.
J. Dry cleaning: clothes, carpets,rugs, laundries.
K. ]dight club,pool hall,dance hall,boxing arena,arcade,shooting gallery,adult entertainment
business, or similar amusement enterprise.
L. Sawmills, paper mills, pulp mills.
M. Ship building, storage, repair, boat havens,marinas.
N. Storage yards; building materials, tractors, trucks,boats, equipment.
>. Transportation or freight terminal.
P. Truck, trailer,tractor, and motorcycle,repairing, overhauling,rental, or sales.
Q. utility buildings and structures.
R. Small animal veterinary clinics, offices, and fennels.
S. Aggregate quarry facility.
T. Warehousing, distributing plants.
U. Wood products manufacture.
V. Manufacturing,processing,packing, storage of-
1. Alcohol.
. Brick, the or terra-cotta.
3. Brooms, brushes.
. Celluloid or similar cellulose materials.
.� .S. Cloth, curd or rope.
y 6. Concrete.
7. Electrical products and appliances.
. Food and food products.
. Delp reduction.
11. Machinery.
11 Paper and pulp.
13. Prefabricated buildings.
14. Signs, all types.
15. Salt works.
16. Vegetable or other food oil.
W. Shipping containers used for storage.
X Artisan manufacturing.
17.45.010 _ Purpose.
The Infill Overlay Zana1�_OZ) is designed to provide alternative zoning
regulations that permit and encourage design flexibility through the implementation of smart
growth practices to promote infill, maximum density, attainable housing, and functional
innovation in developments that are both transit and pedestrian oriented and which blend into
the character of the existing neighborhoods. It is intended that an Infill Overlay-Zoae-(IOZ)will
result in a residential environment of higher quality than traditional lot-by-lot development by
use of a design process that includes within the site design all the components of an urban
residential environment, such as walkability, access to transit, and a variety of building types, in
a manner consonant with the public health, safety and welfare and results in a specifically
approved, site design.
IOZ's arc aimed to implement smart growth practices on infill or redevelopment sites that are
surrounded by existing development and infrastructure. It is also intended that an IOZ may
combine a number of land use decisions such as conditional use permits, rezones, and
subdivisions into a single project review process to encourage timely public hearings and
decisions and to provide for attainable higher densities than is required or may be permitted
between single-family and multi-family zones. The consolidation of permit reviews does not
exempt applicant(s) from meeting the regulations and submitting the fees and applications
normally required for the underlying permit processes.
Few nonresidential uses are allowed in this overlay zone and then only conditionally,because of
Land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses. Incorporation of conditionally permitted
commercial neighborhood uses and mixed use developments can be achieved through the IOZ
review. This overlay zone provides for the creation of infill developments and smaller self-
contained residential neighborhoods that complement the existing neighborhood without
following a standard system of public streets and lot design and with opportunities for residential
and commercial neighborhood developments not usually permitted in residential zones.
17 45 dill t" efin tie
A. 44ainabk-heusing.-- ResidentW housing available for sale or.fent that fequir-es a flienthly
housing , including u6lities other than telephone,
household. of no fnefe than 30 pereent of the nineeme of an eligible
For-pttfpeses of the pfeceding sentence, an eligible househeld
is one with a total net household ineome no gFeater- than 120 pefeent of the Clallafn Cetmt
median ineofne as feported by the Washington State Offiee eif Financial Managem-en-A.
B. Afill O�wrhiy- Zone 6k*:. A site speeifie development that has been appfoved by t
City under the pfovisions of Chapter- 17.45 of the Poft Angeles Muflieipal Code.
C, Xe�be4eed density.-- The numbef of dwelling units per- gress aer-e allowed :b
IOZs may be established considered when the subject property is:. , s,, eet to final approxFryr
a. located in the RHD, RMD and RS-7 residential districts. An 07. sha
b. Ceontain a minimum lot area of 201,000 square feet.but sha4l be limited to less than 3.4 A I
aer-es in sme with densities permit4ed per the under-lying Fene of zenes per- . 11-- site
C. If composed of more than one lot or parcel, they should be contiguous. lots ^r- .,,,..eal�
Minimum lot area may net be aehieved by ineluding areas ifieluded in pr-opei4y that has been
d. Not part of a subdivision receiving final plat approval Wiled within the preceding five
developments greater than one ae+e in size. All 107-,s sha4l eensist of a deek,eeleopment that is-
primarily residential in fiattife.
17.45.030 - Pe,..,,Wed uses Allowed uses,
All principal, accessory and conditional uses ermitted in the underl 'n zones are allowed in
of zones:
17.45.031 Conditional uses.
Cendifiena4 uses may be allowed similafly to these eonditionally pefmWed in the tmdef4)4
r ✓ se e ca
hbor-hood fesident-,.
17.45.040- Permitted modifications,of land use regulations.
The approval of an IOZ may include modifications to the requirements and standards of the
underlying land use regulations of the zone in which the project is located subject to the
limitations of this chapter. No approval shall include a modification, variance, or waiver of the
exterior- ack areas required by the underlying zone along the exterior property lines of the
IOZ,-of of the environmental requirementsOr+1 D
ter regfam as included in Title
15 of the PANIC and of any building permit, clearing and grading permit and stormwater peripi
,,.,..ided inChapter- 173 14 WAC.
IT45.050 - Design and Development Standards.
The following standards shall apply to all IOZs:
A. All street and utility improvements shall be constructed to standards specified by the City
...;A+U� -1
of Port Angeles. Stfeet widths mayvafy fm— ..-ired, in the subdiYision fegulatiofts,
and linterior streets may be either public or private. Streets intended to be dedicated to the City
must meet minimum street desigp standards set forth in the City of Port Angeles Urban Standards
And Guidelines Manual, with exception to minimum street widths. Street widths may vary from
widths required if they achieve the goals of the IOZ. All reauests for variations to street widths
must obtain approval by the Cit v Enginee[.. In suitable locations, common parking areas may
suffice without the provision of interior streets. On—site Off-street parking requirements should
be consistent with Title 14 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
B. All IOZs shall devote at least-30 20 percent of residential units to attainable housing.
C. All IOZs shall provide for a mechanism to ensure that attainable housing remains
attainable in perpetuity. Such mechanism shall be approved by the Director of Community and
Economic Development and be stipulated on the final plat.
D. Common parking and landscaped areas shall be maintained as an integral part of the site
and may not be segregated as a separate parcel or parcels unless such parcels are to be owned by
a homeowner's association.
E. All IOZs shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space,
common recreation facilities, private roads, utilities, parking areas, and other similar
development within the boundaries of the IOZ in form and manner acceptable to the City.
F. All IOZs shall ensure that proposed structures blend into the residential character of the
surrounding neighborhood. Multi-family uses in a predominately single-family neighborhood
should simulate a single-family residence in appearance.
G. Platting shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate the subdivision of
land. Lots in a platted IOZ may be sold to separate owners. No further subdivision of land within
the IOZ will be permitted unless a formal amendment to the IOZ is approved.
H. Conditional use permits shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate
conditional uses that may be allowed in the underlying zone(s). In addition to the conditional
uses allowed in the underlying zone(s), commercial neighborhood uses(as permitted per section
17.21.040 PANIC) may be considered for conditional use permit(s) during the IOZ approval
process. No further conditional use permits except home occupations will be permitted within
the IOZ unless a formal amendment to the IOZ is approved.
1. For any underlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated through the IOZ
overlay process,the criteria and development standards of that underlying land use process shall
be met. Any subsequent land use decision made pursuant to an underlying land use regulatory
process shall also require a formal amendment to the IOZ.
J. To encourage design flexibility,maximum density,and innovations that result in a higher
quality residential environment than traditional subdivisions, site planning and architectural
review that address specific criteria are required of all development in the IOZ. Where
applicable, the design of IOZs shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible:
I. Maximize the urban density of the underlying zone,;
2. Provide affordable housing and attainable housing that complements the surrounding
residential environment;
3. Provide a walkable, active, and transit oriented environment including, but not limited
to, bicycle or pedestrian paths, proximity to public transit, children's play areas, and common
open space areas;
4. Preserve scenic view corridors,both internal and external to the site; and
5. Ensure Tthe design of all open space areas and building structures shall be compatible
with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed.
K. All IOZs shall comply with the goals and policies of the Port Angeles Comprehensive '
17.45.060 - Density.
Every IOZ shall be allowed the density of the underlying zone or zones in which the site is
located and a bonus of two additional units per acre on the portions of the site exclusive of
environmentally sensitive areas. Where possible maximum density of the underlying zone shall
be attained. All IOZs shall exceed the minimum density per Table 17.45.060A. Density credits
for environmentally sensitive areas protected by Title 15 PANIC shall be allowed in addition to
the base density calculated for the buildable area of the site per subsection and
subsection 15.24.070.F.
Table 17.45.0,60 A-Minimum and Maximum allowable densities
(inclusive of 2 unit bonus)
Minimum Density Maximum Density
(Units Per Acre) (Units Per Acre)
RS-7 4.84 8.22
RMD 8.22 14.44
RHD 14.44 40.56
17.45.070 - Procedure for approval.
The procedure for approval of an IOZ shall be composed of four steps:
A, Conceptual plan and pre-apnlication submittal and neighborhood meeting. This step
occurs before an IOZ application is,accepted as complete by the City,
B. Public hearing on the preliminary development plan and, if applicable, the preliminary
plat and other permit actions;
C. Approval by the Hearing Examiner of the preliminary development plan and other
actions as applicable after the close of the public hearing; and
D. Action on the final development plan and plat by the Dqpartment of Community and
Economic Development (DCED DepaAment. Final approval may only be granted after all
conditions of approval have been met or bonded for by the applicant. No lots may be oftered for
sale prior to preliminary plat approval by the Hearing Examiner.
17.45.080 - Pre-application review.
Prior to applying for an IOZ, a developer shall submit a conceptual plan to the Depa#ment
GemmLmity and Eeenemie
,pfnent(DCED). The conceptual plan will be reviewed for its
general compliance with the intent, standards and provisions of this chapter and other City
ordinances by the appropriate departments of the City, and written comments in regard to the
plan will be furnished to the developer. The conceptual plan shall contain in sketch fonn all of
the information required in subsections 17.45.090,E. and G.
After the conceptual plan review and prior to accepting an IOZ application,the City shall require
a neighborhood meeting. The neighborhood meeting shall be organized and sponsored by the
project proponent. Neighbors within 300 feet of the proposed location shall be included in
notification of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to solicit information regarding
design alternatives to minimize any adverse impacts from the IOZ and to alleviate community
17.45.100 - Routing and staff recommendations.
Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of section 17.45.090,the DepaAnwnt
of GOffhHUfl_4--A fnentI9CpD)shall route the same to all appropriate City
departments. Each department shall return recommendations and comments regarding the
application to DCED. The Planning Division shall prepare a report to the Hearing Examiner
summarizing the factors involved, the recommendations of other departments and the DCED
including findings of fact and conclusions. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the applicant
and copies shall be made available, at cost, for use by any interested party.
17.45.110- Hearing Examiner public hearing,--Scheduling;and notice.
Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of'section 17.45.090, the DCED
shall schedule a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Public notice shall be given as
provided in section
17.45.120- Hearing Examiner decision---Preliminary development plans.
Prior to making a decision on an application for a preliminary 1OZ, the Hearing Examiner shall
hold a public hearing. The Hearing Examiner's decision for approval, denial, or approval with
modifications or conditions shall be in written form based upon compliance with section
17.19.050 and the following criteria:
A. The proposed development will comply with the policies of the comprehensive plan and
further attainment of the objectives and goals of the comprehensive plan.
B. The proposed development will, through the improved utilization of housing densities
landscaping, and integrated circulation systems, create a residential environment of higher
quality than that normally achieved by traditional development of a subdivision.
C. The proposed development achieves smart growth goals and principles through infill,
redevelopment, and establishment of a pedestrian and transit-friendly environment.
D. The proposed development will be compatible with adjacent, existing and future
E. All necessary municipal utilities, services and facilities, existing and proposed, are
adequate to serve the proposed development.
F. Internal streets serving the proposed development are adequate to see anticipated traffic
levels and the street system of the proposed development is functionally connected by an
improved collector street to at least one improved arterial street.
G. If the development is planned to occur in phases,each phase shall meet the requirement,
of a complete development.
17.45.130- Deserved.
Editor's note--Card.3548 § 22,adopted,Dan. 5,2016,deleted§ 17.45.130 entitled"City Council
action—Preliminary development plans',which derived from Ord.3294,adopted,Aug. 31,2007
17.45.140 - Final approval of Infill Overlay Zone (IOZ).
Application for final approval of the IOZ shall he submitted to the DCED Gofwnunity "an"
within two years of preliminary development plan approval; provided
that for phased IOZ"s each phase shall have an additional one-year period for final approval;an
provided further, that an applicant may apply to the DCEQ
,.oMent Depa#nwnt,and the department may approve,one or more one-year extensions a
the Director may deem appropriate. Extension approvals shall be made in writing.The site mus
"pry, be under one ownership prior to final approval by the DCED
DevelopmetDepaAmt%t, and the application for final approval must be made by the owners of
the entire site. The application shall include the following:
A. A title report showing; record ownership of the parcel or parcels upon which the IOZ is
to be developed.
B. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of common open space,
and on-site facilities. If development is to be done in phases, each phase must be identified and
meet the requirements of this section.
C. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of environmentally
sensitive areas and their buffers. If development is to be done in phases, each phase must meet
the requirement of this section..
D. Final development plans that shall be in compliance with the approved preliminary
development plans,
E. The final plat, if applicable, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RC:`W and Chapters 1.6.04 and
16.418 PANIC".
F. Development and phasing schedule.
G. Bond or other form of security acceptable to the City in a sufficient amount to complete
the project or submitted phase, as determined by the City.
H. Covenants, conditions and restrictions and/or homeowners` association agreement.
17.45.16O - Final action.
The lCl 1 shall review the application
'for final approval and shall approve, deny, or approve with modifications the final development
plan and, if applicable, the final plat. Approval of the final development plan shall be by
ordinance and a cope of the final IOZ shall be filed with and made a part of said ordinance. The
zoning, map shall be amended to indicate the extent of the approved. IOZ, and all future
development of the site shall be in conformance with the approved IOZ.
1"x.45.1 fl - Modifications after final approval.
The final approval shall be binding upon the development. Design variations from the plan must
be submitted to the DC ED for approval
and amendment of the ordinance,except for minor changes, as follows:'The DC"ED is authorized
to allow minor adjustments in the development schedule, location, placement, height, or
dimension of buildings and structures,not to exceed an alteration often percent in height or ten
feet in any other direction,when such minor changes and alterations are required by engineering
and other circumstances not foreseen or reasonably foreseeable at the time of approval of the
final development plans; except that such adjustments shall not increase the total amount of floor'
space authorized in the approved final IOZ, or the number of dwelling units or density, or
decrease the amount of parking;or loading; facilities, or permit buildings to locate closer to the
closest boundary line,or decrease the amount of open space,or decrease the recreation facilities,
or change any points of ingress or egress to the site, or extend the development schedule for not
more than 12 months.
17. 4.030- Use of lots or parcels containing more than r ainimum required lot area.
When a si,_.._n e lot contains suhstafAiaIly two or more times the minimum lot area required for
the zone in which it is located, and the owner desires to use each unit of area equivalent to the
minimum lot area as a separate building site, provided not more than four such units result, and
no dedication of streets, alleys,or other public ways,public easements or public utility easements
are involved, such area units may be so utilized by subdividing the land into individual recorded
lots by complying with 58.17 RC V" and PAMC" 'Title 16.
When such units are thus defined, then all of the provisions
of these regulations governing the use of a lot in the zone in which such property is located shall
apply thereto. Each resulting unit shall be required to have frontage upon a dedicated public
street or road.
17.94.040 Meastir-efnenteffr-ontand-,kle-yaf&.
stfeet or allay shall be measufwl ffofn the pfopefty line that abuts the right of way 1
17.94k40-Yards to be enclosed within a solid fence.
A. EvM wteck ig, salvia e °unk used iumberds,ecauipment and material storage dards shall
becoMpletglyenclospd vittlain a auildin or within a continuous:solid fence no less than six feet in baeiaht
or tp,a-. e ter hei t if such height is needed to screen coanpL11 ao e
ll the rasions of such ay r s.
B. _. alv_ and building material establishments shall contain all items for display or sale within
structure or behind a sigt,,,-pbscuring fence not less than six feat in height_N9part ofaare:uc1 fired front
side or rear yard setbacks shall be used for the sale,car dis la of .said items.
I T 4.050_Vacated streets
Vacated streets alleys, laces and coal-de-sacs shall assume the zone classifications of the property that
ad`oinecl such street., alley. Place or cul- -sncQto vacation. Where zone classification differs from
one side to the other the boundary line shall be at the harmer center lime of such vacated street alley,
as a(Le or cul-de-sac.
17.44.065.. vela rrment Standards for Conditional Uses in Residential Zonirag.
Front Rear
Side Side
Art Galleries and 10 sq.ft.
Museums unlit or
indirectly lit
Bed and Breakfasts:
See PAMC 5 sg. ft.
RS-9 Chapte indirectly lit
RS-11 17.18
Day CaFe(;PF4eF6 7,000 sq.,
Child Daycare 0 5 sq.ft. unlit
24 sift.
Churches or other 25,000 sq. 35 reader
places of worship ft. 100 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 0 board
indirectly lit
Transmission 10 sq.ft
Structures, Radio/TV — — unlit
Stations and Towers
10,500 sq. 75
Duplexes: RS,-7 Zone ft. ft. 00
RS-9 Zone 1100050. ft,
Libraries Yzacre 100 ft, 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 10 sq.ft,
ft. unlit
Nursing, 1 acre 200 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 4-0 10 sq. ft.
Convalescent Homes, ft. unlit
Assisted Living„
Public Parks and 20 sq.ft.
Recreation Facilities j unlit
Public utility � 9,000 t � 10 � �I 20 sq. l
75 ft, 25 ft. 1 8 ft 25 ft. j _ �
Structures ft. ft, unlit
Public and Private Schools:
acres+ 1
Elementaryr Schools acres 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40— 25% 1 s%ft.
ea. 100 ft,
10 acres+
Middle Jr.and Sr. 1 acre per 40
40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 25% 100 sc� ft
HighSchool s ea. 1013
24 s ,ft.
20,000 s . j
Private School
100 ft. 140 ft, 4th ft. 40 ft. 40 25% reader
ft. board
indirectly lit
_.... dee a .. lzc:alrale 7ane..fcrr_minimum standards
17,94.070 - revel rnent tarrdards fc�r arr�1 c cesscrr [tesidential l in t AFRI i
An A ft , n.ar zone shalt cath t vaith the foq iuvr ru ve1gp ent standards:
cam, ca fi u�ratinn, n 1 I LD naa lie locat either wit �ttac ed tea or etac hed from tl�e_ , Ma
structure housin the rima sin le-fmil ..residenc�.
l3. Ilezasis . C ral _r C may lie created in cern"unction with each. i�� lie t miI residence.Dhe ARU
must be located on the same tonin lot as the sin ale-famil ,residence.
C. Minimum lot sine.An ARU shall not be established on any parcel smaller than 5,000 s care Beet.
D.Maximum unit sire.Th�Lcrs's floor area calculqtLd frorg mis ed,,Agl to f. shed wall e� f„a ,_eacistin
structure an addition or Wawa detached structurrrverted t;ca onructed fiar the urease of creatin
an.ARU shall not exceed 50%of theZpqilr�+ar�r �a t � rtr�� �- m ii esid
detached Yara g and/or a detached accessory building. 'rhe unit ma y qQt.be more than one-bedroom.
E. Setbacks and lot Covera e. Additions tq--exLs!Lng_structures. or the construction of new detached
stnLct4res associated withthe establishment of an ARU shall not exceed the allowable lot coverage or
croach into reqqired s(Ltbacks..as orescribed in the underlyipg zen g.
F. Scale and visual subordination.The ARU shall be visually subordinate to thepLim
_qoLqnnt. If the A&
is located with an existing residence, thero.can only be one main entrance located on the yriMAa street-
facin', facade of the singlg-j"aro , residential structure, unless the residence contained additional
entrances before the ARU was proposed.An excqptiLon tca this regulation is an entrance that does not have
access from the P-round, such as an entrance from a balconv or deck. Detached ARUs are exemt)t from
this standard.
1. B, j1ding Height and Footprint: If the ARU !is detached,,from theme q-pdipADLajAgle-family
residence,it must abide by the building height 4nd footprint of the particular zone where the ARU
is located.
G. Parking. One additional oto strut_sparking_space isre Tired for the ARU. Thq..off-street pOrkin,
r arcments set forth in action 1 4C1 shall be maintained for the nrimary residence in addition to the
qquirgd arkip&.
H. Construction standards. The deli gnan4jc onstruction of the ARU shall conform to all a plicable State
and C ity standards,in the huil(fip 1, any other ant)
Zalumbin electrical,mechanigIl ire ea tb and licable
codes. The ARU shall be served bv water and electrical services that are separate From, the primary
residential survives.A separate addrgs must be created for the ARU.
17.94.07 05 - Exception to yard requirement.
When the side lot line of a lot in any zone adjoins the side lot line of a lot in a more restrictive
zone, the adjoining side yard for such lot shall not be less than the minimum side yard required
in the more restrictive zone.
17.94.110-._Parkin ace regulations.
All sVla or arkin of .merchandise or vehicles shall be confined to the
pyMqqy lines.No.space for the sale diV ay,"r gLkinjrof any merchandise or vehicles shall-be-pgnnitted
, _L -- — -
in the fifffit-of-wav of an mublic street uteri t-of-wav use vennit is first obtained. DiscretLonan(
,ovals r
approyAe airedunder the Zon jig Cqdg
__ - — -may be conditioned to require the necessary screening,
lighting,entrances and exits for off-stregS
17.94.175 - Ex�sto area requirements.
For the purpose of encouraging the construction of off-street parking under or within a buildin
rather than in rears side, or front yards, the following ea cgptions to minimum lot areas shall be,
For each ten-foot by 20-foot area to be vennanently reserved and used fora parking space under
or within a buildina. a lot area credit of 300 square feet shall be vennitted. Said lot area credit
can be deducted from the required minimum lot area, or can be used to increase a Proportional
number of permitted dwelling units in motels and multi-family structures.
17.94.1 85—bion-zoned annexation areas.
Any afea not �y pn.of to annexation shall automatioally upon annexation b
17.95.010 PuMose.
Lt is the a rposc a ad intent cif"this C lea ter to recd .ize that sornc lotsstructures and uses within the
community were established pri r yj the ad and subs quent
amendments and do not conform to thu,preag t r quiremenvj of the zone in hich�_t�are located. It is
further the intent of the City ontinue, but to
prohibit or limit the enlarge! .gport ion or extension of such uses to ensure the undo_�rlyi uc ease
of the City's zonin, districts are a held and abide by the goals and volicies of theComp eh(zs vq Plan..
These provisions provide for the development of the comMgnit '�i�lat_ted lots the alto rance, of re air
and rehabilitation of the communit 's existint„and_historic building stock and the gderly termination off"
nonconforming structures and uses t�rtar�ote thew ublic.,health, ;a e an�eneral welfare nd tci brim
these structures and uses to confi rr ait r swath_the goals_and_pohc:es of the...0"omprehgnsive wPlan. This
cher is intended_to2r�vegt he e., ansion of nonconforming structures and uses to the maximum extent
feasible to establish criteria under which such gstructuresn and_uses may be continued QL_pos.s blur'
expanded, and to proyide for the correction or removal of such nonconfornities _in an equitable,
reasonable and time1v manner.
17,95,020 Ngn onfo LL igg. Lts.
, „ Substandard lcat ccar~ded lits!, Substandard lots of record that have le=as than the, minimum
re ureed arca or,width in any tope, and the lot was of record on the efTective date of these zgpin,
ru ulat:ons ";Ianu_ f 971,x, such.lot ;hall be deemed to have coxa lied with the minimum recgd lot
area or w idtla in such zone.
B3 Com,licrrace watts ffid and Dimensional Requirements. All new structures or additions to
structures on any nonconformin lots nIgst meet all setback
bgigIlLand.other construction requirements,
for the zone in whichthero_prty. s located.
C RoyndaryPine�fdjgtrra nts Rg,strlc°tive Covenant,, and Parcel Consolidation. A boundaz�r line
y ad"ustment restrxqive covenant, or argeI cc nsol%dation approved b_y tb 11 be required prior to
issuancecif a lauildin r ennit when a nonconformiU_And cyanfoMiiMjQt ar w onti a us and o vnu by
taeacne wperscan, .building or structure ma be pennitted on said lot of record,Drovidine it meets all
other rectuirementsfor such zonae.
17.95.030 Nonconforming,uses
A. Confintyince qfra;onec�wr rrrrrair rc. . n use law�fiall e ,istf�n , ricer tca the ade tion date c ,t es
ana'n�ryfeulationsJanuary 4, I971 aaayWfa continued at the size and in the manner ofea ep operation eis"ti�a
upon s qh date,e g; t as.hereinafter s e tied.
B. Terminatio
n f noncan brrnin ar cs. l xce t m,as oth�erwvisc s ecified in this hatX a a�,011ae ri g at to
pp c rate,and maintain a nonconformin.g use shall terM nate when the structaare s or build-in„ sl housing
such use are destroyed by anv means to an extent of'more...than 75 Mp ent of its replacement cost at the
time of destruction. Replacement cost is determined by utilirinp-the most cqmently ac QpLed�itof Port
gJes buildin valuations as established for building permits. However, in the event a structure or
building ousf a.Ronconfornain use is damaged lr .,natural dis-aster or eatg-
nonconlorming use ay be reestablished through a conditional use permil roe dumrp as set forth in
Chapter 117.9 i oftf his titlew. Such reestablishment shall,compjy to,the maximum extent reasonablyy fa�asibl
with the requirements of these Zonina> e ulations.
C, Chan t crr e scc ns rr "naracw n ra rarzrz r,s eaa an lawrful noncan arm quse of any
structure or land in Any district lass beeza than ed to a conformi:gse it stj not herc:�after be chance
to anv nonconforrning used except as hereinaffca i bifi dµ.
I. c wr id nonc° n arrrrairxp nonresidential use. A lawful nggLonformin nonresid ntial use may be
changed, to another nonconfQr in ,,.nonresidential use or expanded, by obtaining an administrative i
conditionalu� tit as described in C` a ter 1x.96 crfthis"�itl
a. Criteria. To ,,approve a conditional use aermit to char e or w_e and 4...nonconformin
nonresidential use, the rovosed nonconform nI; usu must be more appropa iate o tlr ...zone where the
ro erty containin the use is"located tI'ta the istin ay nonconformin use and that no unsafe or
gi ealtll conditions are, etuateci. In malcin 1 such a detr--m natiop the follow�i ca teria to addition
to the criteria applicable to all conditional use permits shah be considered:
1) '�`raf im uc tis both on-situ and off-site- _
) Off-strutyarlcinand loadiniz ree uirements-
3) 7 1he isual.impact on the surrounding are
4) The de, not compliance with the adopted brow d olid and„thas c apte_r
5) The level of conflict with other uses in the surrcauaa,dinna area-
6) ":he presence of other nonconformitae in th ,_surrQund n area;.
7) :fhe dem to which any ngunsafe or hazardous conditions would be miti ated°
8) jFhe viability of the sub`ect structure and
9) On-site and off-site impacts_tom naise:,_dust sada e surface wear gpnd titer ccanta ination or
other environmental im acts,
eawbil noncan ornain,residential useX.wA lawful nonconforminL,residential use,may he reduced
in terms of the number ofdwyelh'n8 qna in an e:,f"ff ort.to achieve greater conformance with the underlyig6y
zone. A lawful nonconforming,residential use shall not be perrrrru:qted tglwancr as the number of dwell
units. The expansion of nonconfor n x„residential use may odor uta to 20_percent of the e i�tin to�a1
residential arta a lon a the number of dyrellinp unats on the lot is not increased.Any_eWac ;ion beyond
SII peccant of the; existin, total residential area mires aar administrative_conditional use eamit to be;
obtained_per the criteria listed in Section 17.95,03 C".I.a PANIC In instances where new construction
' is allowed, all_qppLro nate develo anent revaewA ApprrQyals as re uired bv the PANIC and a City building
cp wait staall bgw.obtained prior to theinitiationof construction.
1. Re�rairs �r�_.,......lterqt�q jggl, caa to in-.. uildin or structure huusi a
nonconiormin use shall be Dermitted to bewre aired, altered and remodeled, prcawicjn&_said Lgpa rs.
alteration and remodel meet all agrOicable zonima and fire and building coda re ulretnents and ra ided
further that said alterations do not:
1. Intensify car otherwise redefine the nonconforming use;
_....._Include demolition of the ex%stin le at building or structure to an extent of more than 75 percent
o its N lacemcnt cost qtthe time of demolition. Replacement cost is detennined by...utilizing the most
currently adoptpd adoptedCity of Port Angeles building.valuations as established for building permits-and
3. ww Continue be and one vear_from the date that alterations commence or if such date is unknown,
then the date that the alterations were first re Carted or reascanalal a able of being rQQqgdjo the City.
E. ChanzcLrr raraTMrr,err i Oran e in o nurship,tenant _r�rr nagentont of a lej),,41 nonconforming
use shall not affect its nonconformin status:vrovided.that the use does not chance or iintensifv.
F. _w_Abandonment. If....41y legal nonconf.o. in use is abandoned and/or cease ww or anreason
whatsoever for a continuous ng of one year,4gy future use of such land,and/or buildping or structure
shall,be in copfcanrni. to tyre zone in_ Ulrich ut IT located rrs s ci cl la t rc urs laticansµ
G. Nvrrccrrrc�rrrraarrce, as cx rcrrrltartzrrreaarticrr°r. All above regulations shall apply to each
nonconforming rise that comes within the City by means,of annexation from date of annexation,
H. _._ uildir ,grit. cyrcl cerci cuextc�s o oc°crrnancy prohibiteiL When any nonconforming use is no
lqggtqr_pejMittqd_pqrsuaxjtAo the rovrisions of this clan ter no t rttnrt for a use shall tli reafler issued
for further continuance, alteration orex�crn, Any.perrrrit issued in error-shall not be construed as
allovvirag he contLnAjApgofthe nonconfor ipg use.
17.9 ,, 40 Nonconformine structures.
A. _ C o atiLnuance qLtLqgcqnIbrnfingstrycture. Any structure or buildin aw�full gxi sting riot to the
a opatigL date catw_these Zonin Re Mations (Ja,nuar 4, 1971) may be continued at the size and in the
location inti a such date ex t at s lie e
jAqfter_sppcifted.or in the case of si Anage as specified in
Title 14 PANIC".
B. _.Termination of more on sagging,truetarr e, l xcept;...as otherwises ecrfied i.n this caljapter�,mt,bt�r�t
to maintain the size and location of a noncejgformin ,structure_._qr buildin, shall tgrrninate when the
structures or,_buLlc rn,g(_) are de tr aend bany_me ii r to an extent of more than pont of its
replacement cost at the time of destruction._ Replacement cost is deterrrrLggd by utilizing thq most
eurrc�iiti dopted,,_`it of Port An e es buildin aluations as established for buildin errrrits. However,
in the event a legal, nonconforrntn structure gar building is dammed b natural disaster or c atastro►lam
including firetiac Wont on:fcarm n► strut Cure mai be r t stalalished tea the extent that it oacisted b f`o e the
time of darnaLye. and within the pit t xrstirr , nonconforming; structure bounwdaries provided that the
restoration or reconstruction do not increase the degree of nonconformity and provided that such
restoration or reconstruttroabswithin orifi year oft date of such damage.
C _w ,., firncrr„r airs, Arrexisti Y legal,nonconforming building„or structure that doesnot cel
zorrin r.,ea�enre»rtts shall be rmitted to be rtpatred,
D. New construction. An existin le al buildin or structure that does not comtaly with zoning and
burl in g code re u t nt ,shall be permitted to be altered remodeled and exDand d„�e,�raavidin_e,, the
alters itan�rerriot el and eatp cion mit all a liable zoz in and fire and buil a n core uirernents and
prayided further that s-aid_new construction does not.
110"N L lncrease in flee ree o#'norac crra.fornait b more than.ane�rcent,
I Include demolition of the existing,legal. noncont"onning building orstructure to an extent of
more than 75 nscent of its replacement cost at the time of demolition, Replacem.ent cost is determined
b aztilizin flee most currently adopted City of Pgrt les building valtka ,s as established for
huilding verprnits,gjd
3. Cqntirjqq kae cand two ears from the date that new construction commeriggi, or if such d;
4tp is
unknownthen the date that the new construction were first renortedor reasonably capable of being
revorted, to the ,
The extent ofd rr
14ge to or demolition of a nonconfonnit1g.,hLilding or structure shall be determined by
the Building_Qf] Idiniz Official's Bete nnination of the extent
of the damagg or demolition. a review by a third art day C �qs�
,,_y q_Qtv avvroved consultant rnav be obtained.
All costs incurred in obtaining this third vart v review are to be aid by the aggrievedart
E. Nonconlbrtrwnce as a resull of annexation. All aboveEPP lqt,ions shall Apply to each
Ul t
nonconformingLy that comes within the nexation,
_stpggture or building
F. Buildinrinits and cqrhficqte .o nonconfortniqg_�tructqtq is
no len er errrritteel ursuant to the revisions ol'this cher,no it for a structure shall thereafter he
issued for ftirdier continuance,alteration,prT m
_ex ansion. An errnit issued _gMjt.shalI not be construed
as allowine the continuation of the nonconforming structure.
17,95.050 Removal ofjIlegal nonconfortninstructures and uses.
Nothing contained in this chapter shatLbe construed to allow for the continuation of illegal structures and
uses. IlIeLyal structures and uses shall be rqmov
Sd sub jectjo the provisions
Vaeated st+e-ets,all saps shall assome +.I--- -----.-e elassifieations that
Heys, pleoes and d-i
A. st+eet, alley, plaee of oul d ve ation. Where zeae
ene side to the othow the bou.n.dafy line shall be at the fofffief eentef line of sueh vaeated s+---+
plaee, of eul de-sae,
P.95.020 Noneonfia
t' ___ f the land, e*is4ffgaf
A ln'71'i i1
e4ablffi the time of the adoption of these fegaWk.... SR A be ........
eea+._tte a
not be expanded.
Re-O."Ve yfeeffl-111h g, dfI4 reeew-r-w-Off� A legal, eonfoFming building-of-4f+�
housing a "ofteon.ro—Ho-T _ A_11 I_
.1 _: be peffnittled to be --mied, ahefed, femedeled, of rvpoa.4mete
Pfevidiag said 4ion-1-1 ._oot-a. ......... Mid bailding e
Fequir-ements aHA __4A_A altefatiefts do WOA___P__ffA+1�_l....IA_ ee oi:s4e afea ase
by a aoneefifemung use.
C. Abapf-Wffo".' If M*y floneonp-fming ase of 1 Iffl-bu i 1ding or-stf uei s
ases for-an); -efied of one yeaf or- ffterv, any futtife use of sueh land aoWo
building or- stfuotufe shall be in- hieh
w4 .
pi jou oouoj a!jn9sqo
-"No otp 10 Hopeff!UH
�uasOqO P(4 01 A"(4
, a „
.f QMWfUif, 40 4WT
TA1341 *'44
, w
c. w
fa 04. td
A' .
Awpaujo pe4iej c
,A ny afea not ze-fi-ed bY the City priof to anne*afion shall autematieally upon annexation b,and subjeet to the p-ovisto-as, ,
and--equifefliffits of thee--o-ne most eensisten�Plan as detefmined by the City.
iin . _. ..us Zoning Code, billuds shall be
,, , Lightl .
17.9".14A Paikingspayeregulations
All spaee used for the sal .SP of any mer-ehandise of vehiele s
to the pr-opefty lines. No-Mmee thesale displaya
shall be peffflittt-A of way street, tmiess a. 610114 04fw:
--.-...e-d-. Diser-etionary app vffld fequifed under- the —&-ming Code may be eonditioned to
s-efeefting; lighting; ,
r off street parking. r
do not 2 inehes in height and fouir- feftt. in 11, -1 withiff-my
publie 4ght of way of on any ut.1-ty-ole
CHAPTER 17.96-ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT - Zoning lot covenants-----Applicability.
Zoning lot covenants, as defined in PAd1t1C 17.08.130.C, mays be used offly to allow a
property owner to designate two or more adjacent lots as a single lot of record when the existing
two or more lets: ,
A. Have a legal residential structure encroaching onto said lots; or
B. Results in a lot that meets the zoning and subdivision requirements.
A zoning lot covenant is not intended to allow the circumvention of applicable platting;
regulations and is intended to allow the consolidation of properties by a property owner for
development and use by the owner.
--The covenant shall be recorded with the County Auditor's Office and a copy of the
recorded covenant shall be provided to the Department of Community and Economic
Development. Once filed, the covenant may only be removed through compliance with RCW
58.17 and Chapter 16.04 or 16.08 City's
I7.96.070- Hearing and appeal of conditional or unclassified use permit applications.
A. Notice and hearing.16r conditional or unclassified use permits. Upon filing an application
for a conditional or unclassified use permit in which the application sets forth fully the grounds
for, and the facts deemed to justify, the granting tufa conditional or unclassified use permit, the
Hearing Examiner shall give public notice, as provided in PAMC 17.96.140, of the intention to
consider at a public hearing the granting of a conditional or unclassified use permit.
The Hearing Examiner's decision shall be final unless appealed to the City Council.
B. Decisions, Conditional or unclassified use permit decisions issued by the Hearing
Examiner, shall he set forth in writing and shall be accompanied by written findings and
conclusions. Decisions shall be deemed efTective upon adoption of the written decision, findings
and conclusions. A 14-day appeal period shall commence upon such adoption. On the next
business day following the effective date of the decision,or as soon thereafter as practicable,the
Department of Community and Economic Development shall mail copies of the decision,
findings and conclusions to the applicant and anyone else who has in writing requested such
notification and shall place a legal notice of decision in the local newspaper.
C. Appeals.
1. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Hearing Examiner may appeal the decision
to the City Council.
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Community and Economic
Development in writing within 14 days following the date of the decision.
3. The City Council shall conduct a closed record hearing on the appeal of the Hearing
Examiner's decision. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County
Superior Court in accordance with PANIC 17.96.150.
D. Permits void after oneyear. All conditional or unclassified use permits shall become void
one year from the date of granting such permits if use of the land or buildings or applying for
necessary building permits(s)has not taken place in accordance with the provisions in granting
said requests.
E. Extensions of approved conditional use permits. Extensions of approved conditional use
pen-nits shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures as for the original permit
application, affel may be gFmted for a period of ofte to five yeaFs, provided that the following
... J "
minimum criteria are met
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
Upon written request for an extension submitted to the Department of Community and Economic
Development prior to the expiration of the conditional use permit, said conditional use permit
shall be automatically extended for 90 days to allow the City adequate time to review the
extension request.
F. Minor amendment rad approved conditional use permits. A minor amendment to an
Aporoved conditional use permit maybegranted by the Director of Commggity-and-Economic
1. A written request for amendment must be submitted to the Qqpartment of Communis
and Economic Devclo meet, minor amendment ma be anted if all of the following,findings
are made. &0"Offii
n a minor.afae--'--+ be fnade to an appr-oved eonditiona4 use pefMit i-A
a. The amendment does not charyethe ypproved conditional use pe ni-inefease the
intensity by more than ten percent of the original approval. For those immeasurable
changes, of which the ten percent does not apply, the char >c shall not increase the intensi of
use; and
b. The amendment will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to
property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located,_;-,�
e. I— tx).+ A afid gA—f Rot. —A days priof to th
2. Any applications that are not granted a minor amendment pursuant to this section must obtain an
amendment through the City's nonnal conditional use permit procedure.
17.96.075 -'pens pora OLuse-gqrmits
A., -. The Director of the Dqp of Community
PprpqLe., criteria and review authqd�y .._L:_ Aament _an d
Economic Development p
may _use ernjftfor the construction and occupancy o
authorize terqp2KgpL
temoor Idin sincludipg_Mobile homes-use0ig on:uqqtion with construction or reconstruction
pTqiqg1L or otheiL,,circumstance re uirin a tem Lara installatican and Deco ane fear a racad not to
exceed erne,yqgLSucks i9W(-) (backs of
the zonewhere the tqtn ar rmttis;to occur irovid...ed to rqtcqtjhe pull is health.saf and
-2pL-y-u_sg pe-
welfare.'reMpqrary use raenijitall
pEgyisipray of these rqgeLlationLs lout must.be consideredILa
_pqhLic hearing, efore thOjearing Examiner.
B. Extensions. Upon m!rittra re nest the Director
of Communis and Economic DgyglgpMqn1ia
issue an extension for Aperig not to exceed six months.
RgqqqgLfi�T.extensions exceed nits with
V. ecifi -orization shall also be considered
ied fiMq nods of ant earin
_pu�i3L�h h fore the 1- n,&,,
_ge _ —
Examiner and MU be anted fora JAwLyears ollg3yM&rqinimuni
of one to f' provided that the f
criteria are met:
I The use gOgMplies with the perm.t conditions.
I There have been no significant adverse changes in circumstances.
C. _&pgals.
1. ARy_pgrsog v by the (Iqc -Hgqrmg-B����
--_gggn _decision of the Director gE
�e qd,,,
decision as allowed in Sections 2.18 060 and 2.18.065 PAMC.
2. eats stk� Development_ 11j be submitted jig, Devel nt �Jn
writing_ r„ 15 kayLtollowi_gge dateset b
resolution for such action.
17.96.080—Variances And deeisions
e4 n! nie Depvplopment shall he eensider-ed by the Board of Adjustment in aeewdanee wi
powers nd . ,
neesubmitted hp denial, unless there has been a r-e
A. Review Authority,
As delegated in Section 2.18.060 the Cit 's HearinLy Examiner shall be herebv authorized and directed
to hear anddecide on all variarmcepplic tions vaith + xggtign.to variatuces pertain to pa
reauirements or standards as described in. Section 14.401.130.
B. Application Requirements.
A re ue�t for one Qr more variance shall be made by] lin,an ap hcation,and the reired,_ees as outlined
i. .._C` a
2Ler 1W.70 I'AJMC:`, vrAll tF� _Department ofCommunit and Economic Devela�yinent t least 301
calendar days prior to the review authority's consideration of the-gpplicatioq. Thea lication shall be
accompanied by the materials as_.described in the variance application checklist as Provided by the
Ile cart ntThe Cw.... a .mun y an economic De velo anent. Staff ma re airs the a licant and/or
revresentative to furnish such additional written information or su ,palemental materials as may
necessary to..enable Staff and the review author to d tprrning le�a� 1�ndin or,the aplivation about
whether or not the variang ' shall be granted,
C. Criteria and Public Noticing and.Hearing Re uirements.
1.No variance shall be Lranted by the Hearin, H aminer until after a public head is adequately noticed
and held as hercinafter vrovided, and until after the D artment of Community and Economic
1?gyopment has found that the e rrovisiuons of all father ordinances, with which compliance is r�nired
have beton fulfilled. In acting on an application for a variance the Hearing Examiner shall have and
gx iso on %cu ur sdiction...n receivin tinting or de_u�>all applications for such variance uses as
prp do for in this chapter and shall have the power to place in such pennits conditions or limitations in
its iudLyment„Lequired ttg secure adgqal tcctign to the rune or localiI n which such a is to be
permitted, The H-Hearina;Examiner must also„find;.
a. The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses
ot`etherpr rt ev_in the vicinity d zone in,which the vroope ty on behalf of which the application was
filed is located, and
b. That such variance is n cess, because of sDecial circumstances relating to the sire, shave,
tppggraphy.locatign, or surroundin s of the sub`ect to._ ,! L(Eiv do rt vv tth use ri lits and rivile es
permitted to other prV Mert;ies in the vicinity and zone in which the subiet t ro is located and
c "H`lut the--gr of such variant:-e shall not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to the property gr Lmpart�;c�ements in Clue vicinity and,uzone i which the subject ro grtt i situated.
_ "rhe of C omnunitw It5lrall lid a,twi. me,,_.date and Dace "otublic iuearion
such ap 1p kation, Which date shall not be.less�than ]5 days atter not -Manner-
-, . By United States mail addressed to the applicant and to the owners ofW1 adjai i—g abut,�rWjN�Vgrty
Pr_o -rt separated from therho cased use by a street highway or ether public road or alley shall be
construed to be adjoining or abutting for the purpose of giving notice; and notices addressed to the last
known of the arson ma in the latest ro talc pa c t shallµbis deemed faro r,notreeto the
owner of such_property.l
. B rimed notice ostedin g:...c nsc ousrice at or near the location of the proposed use-
c.,y.pulalzs ,i mnotice thereof in the official newspaper of the City. Such notice shall contain the name
of the-avoli,.cant or anDficants. the le yal descri tion of the 'DroDeTtv involved the special property use
re ueste�d the
-date, timg an(t puce.of the; yuhlic heari iz thereon and shall + that an Derson
interested may appear at such public hearing and be heard either for oragainst such application.
3. A ,,sue f pblic, gang jk,, eari g Ex a!er shall,proce to:hg a1,1,wPer_s t.s�r� sent who desire to
be heard either for or against such lication and shall render its decision upon such application at the
conclusion of such hear armor as soon thereafter as reasqnably passibleµmm� augldi ar t th eaflec
issued for such shall be in accordance with arid sub, ect to,all t( .,,::,.s an .conditions contained in
the decision of the flearina Examiner.
4. The Heariny Examiner shall maintain in the office of the Department of Community and Economic
evelopmerat full and co_rrrplete written records of llarcaerne din, s, factual Bpd nf;,s and conclusions
reached on any all such applications.
D.Authorization and limitations on anvroval.
Whenever the He4dpg Ex iner shall authorize the issuanc _w f e�rmit fc>r a Varian � ld_�in war nit
and/or occu ane ennit must be obtained by the applicant within one year from the date of the Hearing
Examiner's decision. Following on _ygar.,the Hearing Examiner's decision shall cease to be effective.
When a varianceis„deni«�d�a q�L"a plicatic�n fcarwthe „saFr�e vr�ar�cpot be sulai,lted fear a period ofwan year fo lowin thew erlial les there has been a revised ro sal si nificant change in
circumstances or new information becomes available to support a variance.
E. Revocation.
In addition to all other Denalties vrescribed in this cha ter whenever in the opinion of the Director of
rn gMMynjtyand Economic Deyelo ment,any_person ranted.A as variance fails to,c.....'oinp;l with
all of the terms conditions or limitations of such Dennit and of the decision of the 1--learina Examiner
authcarizin .the font of such�ermitk h shall.issue an order, in vw�ritint,r uir that allµfurther work.
on the oremises or use thereof be stopped until the violation has been corrected. If the violation is not
corrected or if the work on the remises or use thereof'is not stcr ed or sus dad until such violation is
corrected the Director shall dive written noticeto the ownsTr orn occutaant of the premises deemed in
violation that the Department Will apply to the Hearing Examiner for an order revoking the permit for the
variance, written notice shaYl spe"%fy_the timeztheLdAte a_n lace when the Department will a ar
before the flearine Examiner to reguest such revocation and shall advise the owner or oceu,Wpg„nt cif the
remises deemed to be in violation that such owner or aca cup4 t is at libert. to ap And be heagt with
react to the re uest of the Foe artme t for„such wwrevocation. Such notice shall be mailed to the owner or
ccupant of the vremises deemed in. violation h certified mail with a return pecei t re nested. at least
five dayS Dr or to the date s ecifaed in such notice as beinLy the. date of the hearing, At the,..hearin the
Perin>Examiner shall have the power to sustain or overrule the carder of the Dqpartment and to revoke
tPr,e pea�mit ranted for such varaanca q.T e airs ative�vote of the Fleari.n Examiner shall lac necessary
before the order of'the lie artment is
declared to be overrule. The Hearn Examiner shall keep, in the
office of the Doargent full and colpplete written records of all
�eedin ,.__'actual fmdigand
conclusions 911the Hearin Examiner in all suqh,h ngs.
F. Appeals from Hearing Examiner decision
As outlined in Section 2.18.060 of the PAMC.,the decision of the Flearina,Examiner is the final decision
of the City. in those qq§�gs the dee i§i�ionof t�heljg4b4g Examiner Ag Superior Court.The
appeal_Lo S
AWgdor (Logg-must b ...,flled within 15 days of the date the Hearin kAaminers_kgLsion is
TAB " .
IAI nu
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Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance arra
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of the scriveneCs/clerical e . s,reference,ordinance numberingsection/subsection
numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3-Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance,or its application to any person
or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4- Effective Date. This Ordinance,beim an exercise of power specifically delegated
to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall tape effect five
(5)days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 21 dna of March,2017.
Patrick C) rile,Mayor
AS TO R7 lel
Willi �`�. Bloor, C r Attorne
nTeneklasen, City Clerk
By Summary
Summary of Ordinances adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on March 21, 2017.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 2.18 Hearing
Examiner, 2.36 Planning Commission and repealing Ordinance 1796, Chapter 2.52, Board of
Adjustment of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 14.40 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code relating to parking space requirements.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Title 16 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to subdivisions.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Title 17 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to zoning.
These ordinances are not subject to referendum and shall be in force and take effect 5 days after
publication according to law. The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the
City Clerk's office, on the City's website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request.
Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published by summary: Friday March 24, 2017