HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/04/2017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 4, 2017 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present., Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Brach. Stan"Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Acting Clerk Martinez-Bailey.,K. Neal,and S. Sheer. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input firom Attorney Bloor, Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session, under authority of RCW 42.30.11 0(l)(i),to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel, and RCS 41X 11 0(l)(c), to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price, for approximately 50 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:05 p.m. R,F,'FLJR.N TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:54 p.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the Special Meeting at 5.54 p.m. CALL,TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmenibers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Acting Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C.Delikat,K.Dubuc,K.Neal. J. Viada, A.Brekke,and C. Jensen. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Downie led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MAYfERS,PROCLAMATIONS& EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Volunteer Appreciation Proclamation City Manager Dan McKeen recognized the efforts of volunteers and presented a video slide show which displayed many different volunteer groups working throughout the City of Port Angeles.Mayor Downie spoke about the positive impact volunteers have in our daily lives and read a proclamation on behalf of the City Council and City Manager, in the honor of the volunteers who dedicate their time towards the betterment of the City. Ile encouraged all the volunteers to stand and be recognized and invited everyone to stay and have a piece of cake. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 6:18 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:30 p.m, PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING —April 4, 2017 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Transportation Benefit District Ordinance Public Works & Utility Enginecring.Manager Kathryn Neal presented an PowerPoint slide that included key points on the Transportation Benefit District,reminding Council that it was the second reading of` he ordinance. 'The Mayor continued the public hearing. John Ralston, P.O. Box 898,spoke in support of the ordinance,but asked several questions and noted items that felt needed to be addressed. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Council discussion followed. Councilmeniber Wbetharn asked for staff to comment on questions asked during public comment. Manager McKeen addressed several of the questions. Council discussion followed, Mayor Downie read the ordinance by title., entitled. ORDINANCE NO.3578 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, enacting a new Chapter 11.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code"Port Angeles Transportation Benefit District"; establishing a Transportation Benefit District: and fixing a time when the same shall become effective. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to: Approve ordinance as read. Motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: Susan Moorehead, West 13"'Street, spoke about the local crime and drug problem and commended the Port Angeles Police Department. She suggested getting a work party together that includes City Council and community members. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as ddermined b City Mann er or Councilinember— Manager McKeen introduced Interim Finance Director Cindy Jensen and spoke about her background in finance. At the request of Councilmember Merideth,Council agreed by consensus to direct staff to set up a town hall meeting to discuss drug related issues and their impact on the City, to include the Police Chief and Parks and Recreation Director. CONSENT AGENDA: The Mayor read the consent agenda. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Gase to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. Expenditure Report: From March I Ith through March 24th in the amount of$3,251,111.25 2. Overhead Reconductoring,Project CL06-2016/Final Acceptance 3. Material Purchase:Yard/Area Light Replacement,Contract MEC 17-04, Project 01,02-12/Award Contract Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: I. Update to Personnel Policy&Procedures Manual,Chapter 6—Attendance& I lours of Work Manager McKeen spoke about the proposed policy updates,saying it was the intention of staff to meet the needs of both internal and external customers through approved alternate work schedules. Manager McKeen said the update would add accountability,recognizing that there had not been a process in which alternate work schedules had been addressed. fie said that there are some employees that work outside the 8-5 work time and said through this process staff could identify positions where an alternative work schedule would make most sense. Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—April 4,20117 Mayor Downie read the resolution, RESOLUTION NO. 10-17 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington.. amending the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual by adding Section 6.04 to Chapter 6—Attendance&Hours of Work. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to: Approve resolution as read. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-1 with Whetham opposed OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Report on Petition to Elect a Full New City Council if Abandoning City Code Status Manager McKeen provided background on the citizen petition and recognized the fundamental process in which citizens exercised their rights through grass roots efforts. Manager McKeen recognized Attorney Gerald Steel and City Attorney William Bloor's opinions on the petition, adding that there is question if state law would allow the election of a full City Council. Because of this question,he sought outside legal counsel through Attorney Hugh Spitzer,Professor of Law at the University of Washington. Manager McKeen outlined the three options Attorney Spitzer offered. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Merideth to: To request the City Manager bring Council a resolution that places this petition on the ballot as it was written. Motion carried 7-0. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. City Pier Transient Moorage Float Replacement—Project PK 11-06 Director Delikat discussed the float replacement project and explained changes to the original plan, including grant funding the City would be able to use for the project. He said the project should be finished by June and would have an update to Council on the finish date as it gets closer. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Whetham to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to make an additional float purchase under the same contract as,project PKI 1-06,with Topper Industries, Inc., of Woodland,WA,pending permitting and grant funding approval from the Recreation and Conservation Office and the Army Corp of Engineers for a not to exceed price of$75,000. Approve and authorize the City Manager to award and sign a contract for the City Pier Transient Moorage Float Replacement Project,PKI 1-06,with Topper Industries,Inc.,of Woodland WA,in the amount of$194,365.54 including applicable taxes,and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Merideth thanked the Lefties baseball team for practicing with the local youth baseball teams. Councilmember Gase apologized for not being at the farmers market. Councilmember Whetham spoke about the upcoming fishing derby and said he plans to attend with his family. Mayor Downie spoke about the Americorps Mayor's Day of Service and their work at Francis Street Park now known as 9-11 Memorial Park. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet emphasizing the City's ability to maintain a balanced 2017 Budget despite the temporary curtailment of the recently sold Nippon mill. He spoke about how the Page 3 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—April 4, 2017 City positioned itself to deal with the shortfall of revenue. He also announced the City earned the 2017 WellCity Award. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Mike Libra,316 Power Plant Road,congratulated the Council for voting to put the second class city item on the ballot and offered his contact information should anyone want to reach him about their group Our Water,Our Choice. David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana, read a statement saying two groups he represents, Code Choice PA and Fluoride Choice PA,plan to educate the public on the differences of second class and codes cities. Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin, 306 West Third Street, announced his intention to run for Council and said he looks forward to participating in the process. Jess Grable. 1117 South Peabody Street, thanked Council for agreeing to host a town hall meeting to discuss drug addiction. Dale Wilson,4th Street,praised the Port Angeles Police Department for a recent arrest. He also thanked the Council for voting in favor of putting the initiative on the ballot. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Patri Downie,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey,A( 7g City Jerk Page 4 of 4