HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/21/2017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washingtoil March 21, 2017 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEE'rING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmenibers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Merideth and WhethaTn. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeon,Attorney Bloor.,Clerk Veneklasen., C.Fulton., N. West,and H. Greenwood. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor,Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session,under authority of RCW 42.30.11 0(l)(i),to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel,and RCW 42.30.11 0(l)(c), to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price,for approximately 50 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:03 p.m. RE'ruRN TO OPEN SESSION: "I'lie Executive Session concluded at 5:54 p.m. No action was taken. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeon,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C.Delikat,K. Dubuc,C.Fulton,B. Smith, T. Agesson,and N.West, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Whetham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MAT'T'ERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1, Life Saving Medals Police Chief Brian Smith and Mayor Downie honored Cominunications.Officer Chelsea Jensen and Police Officer Jeff Ordona for their calm,professional determination during life threatening circumstances,using considerable skill,to save the life of another person. 2. Awards Ceremony for the Port Angeles School District's Martin Luther King,Jr.Race Equality Essay Contest Winners Dr. Marc Jackson, Superintendent of the Port Angeles School District,and School Board Member Cindy Kelly joined Mayor Downie in recognizing winners of the school district's Martin Luther King,Jr.Race Equality Essay Contest. Superintendent Jackson announced the winner's name, school and teacher. Students in attendance came to the front of the Chambers to be recognized and receive a certificate.The whiners were: PORTANGELES ary couwn- MEETING— March 21„24 I' Place, Grade K: Logan Wyatt Botero,Franklin(Talimadge) 2"Place Grade K: Jonah Poovey,Jefferson(Wolfley) 31 Place,Grade K: Kya Baker,Roosevelt(1-libler) I I Place,Grade 1: Addisyn Horton,Jefferson(Lunt) 2"1 Place,Grade 1: Levi Jimenez,Jefferson(Lunt) 3,d Place,Grade 1: Evelyn Johnson,Roosevelt(Adams) I"""Place,Grade 2: Chloe Pearson,Hamilton(Heydom) 21 Place,Grade 2: Henry Zelenka,Hamilton(Schmidt) 31 Place,Grade 2: Miriam Cobb, Franklin(LeBlanc) I"Place,Grade 3: Nicholas Morrison.Jefferson(Murphy) 211 Place,Grade 3: Milo Smith,Roosevelt(Kuch) 3,d Place. Grade 3: Arlo Pullara, Roosevelt(Longin) I I Place,Grade 4: Brodey Jacobs,Roosevelt(Hartman) 21 Place, Grade 4: Cole Beeman,Roosevelt(Mordecai-Smith) 311 Place,Grade 4: Liz Munro,Jefferson(Young) 11 Place,Grade 5: Isabelle I-elton,Dry Creek(Martin) 2nd Place,Grade 5: Lauryn Chapman,Roosevelt(Karen Doran) 31 Place,Grade 5: Jackson'fesreau,Franklin(Thomason) I"Place,Grade 6: Lillien Erlwein,Franklin(Kays) 2,d Place,Grade 6: Zackary Pierce,Roosevelt(Prorok) 3,d Place,Grade 6: Bryant Hoch,Jefferson(Bruning) Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 6:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:27 p.m. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACEI)ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Man er or Councilmember-At the request of Manager cKeen, Mayor Downie added the following items to the"Other Considerations"section of the agenda: I. FOIA request Verbal report 2. Nippon Lease Assignment 3. Nippon Water Supply Contract Assignment PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Transportation Benefit District Ordinance Public Works and Utilities Director Craig Fulton conducted a PowerPoint presentation that outlined why a Transportation Benefit District(TBD)was needed and what could be accomplished through the TBD.He noted a typo that appeared on the Council memo, which stated that the sales tax, if approved by voters Nvould be .02%. Ile said it should have read.2%.Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie opened the Public Hearing at 6:52 p.m, Marolee Smith, P.O. Box 2498, spoke against an increase in sales taxes. She spoke about other expenses that have risen in the past several years. Site said Port Angeles has a stagnant median household income and that 20% of the population is on Social Security.She said Council is asking a lot from citizens. David Mabrey, 10 14 Georgiana Street,spoke in favor of the Transportation Benefit District because of the fact that it would spread the burden to tourists and visitors,not just City residents,to pay for streets.He said there are an incredible amount of calls for service from City residents to fix streets and add ADA ramps. Page 2 of 5 PORT`AN(3 E'LES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—March 21, 2017 Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, enacting a nevv Chapter 11.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code "Port Angeles Transportation Benefit District'*; establishing a Transportation Benefit District; and fixing a time when the same shall become effective. Mayor Downie continued the public hearing to April 4,2017. PUBLIC COMMENT: Richard"Doc" Robinson, 1133 West Sixth Street, spoke about proposed zoning changes.He said that Serenity House operates as an economic stimulus and provides housing and rent assistance for 6-7,000 people. Community& Economic Development Director Nathan West noted that there were no changes proposed having to do with human services or transitional housing, Steven Schneider, 102 Northwestern Place in Sequini,spoke about a 10 year study to improve housing in the area. He expressed concerns that some zoning ordinances could be unconstitutional. Susan Hillgren, 12 Pearce Road,director of TAFY(The Answer For Youth), said the organization recently moved into the old Gross's building. She spoke about the services'l"AFY is able to offer in the new building. Bill Kildall,533 East Vashon, commended City Council for recognizing young people in the Port Angeles public schools,lie spoke against zoning restrictions for human services and transitional housing which he said are discriminatory. David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana Street,presented two checks from the group,Inclusive Park&Rec,to fund prizes and asanikan for the Port Angeles Fishing Derby. John Ralston,P.O. Box 898,spoke against zoning changes that relate to extended-stay lodging. He said the changes will result in a loss of 30 to 40 R130s,and$600,000 to$800,000 in revenue. Marolee Smith,P.O. Box 2498,said there is a lack of sympathy for homeless. She said there is a need to look at how Port Angeles has failed its citizens. CONSENT`AGENDA: At the request of Deputy Mayor Kidd,and Counciltnembers Merideth and Whetharn,Mayor Downie pulled Item 3, the Lincoln Park BMX Track()perator Facilioy Use Agreement from the Consent Agenda. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Whetham to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I. City Council Minutes:Alarch 7, 2017 2. Expenditure Report:From Fehr uev-v 25, 2017 thivugh March 10, 2017 in the amount qfSI,459,377,94 3. ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENTAGENDA 4. Utility Advisory Committee(UAC)Representative Appointment Motion carried 7-0. ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Lincoln Park BMX'frack Operator/Facilily Use Agreement Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Merideth chose to recuse themselves due to potential conflicts of interest. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Bruch to: Sign the Lincoln Park BMX'Irack Operator Facility Use Agreement. Motion carried.5-0,with Merideth and Kidd recused. Page 3 of 5 PORT ANGIE'LES ary COUNCIL MEETING-- March 21,2017 ORDINANCES NOT REO [TIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Municipal Code Amendments to Titles 2, 14, 16 and 17 Director West noted the significant changes that occurred from Reading I to Reading 2 of the ordinances,and he noted that any references to human services and transitional housing had been removed. He also referred to a handout titled "Addendum to Title 17 Ordinance" that showed minor changes recommended by the Legal Department for codification purposes.Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie read the ordinances by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3574 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending Chapters 2.18 Hearing Examiner,2.36 Planning Commission and repeating Ordinance 1796,Chapter 2.52,Board of A4justinent of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. ORDINANCE NO.3575 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to parking space requirements. ORDINANCE NO.3576 AN ORDINANCE of`the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Title 16 of the Port Angeles,Municipal Code relating to subdivisions. ORDINANCE NO.3577 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amendingTitle 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to zoning, It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Collins to: Approve[as read]. Motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by CoRins to: Approve the addendum to the"fitle 17 Ordinance. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. FOIA Request to the National Park Service Attorney Bloor said that as part of negotiations Nvith the National Park, Service (NPS) related to the Elwha Water Facilities,the City as filed a number of records requests with NPS over the past nine months,but the City has received very little information in response.Hesaid the City's contracted attorneys recommend that Council authorize the filing of a FOIA lawsuit in order to compel a timely response to the City's records requests. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Collins to approve the motion as stated by Attorney Bloor to: Grant the City Manager the authority to approve and authorize litigation to enforce FOIA request. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Nippon Water Supply Contract Assignment and Nippon Lease Assignment Manager McKeen said Nippon entered into a purchase and sale agreement with McKinley Paper,with an anticipated closing date at the end of the month. Prior to closing,lie said there are certain items that need to be satisfied.The City is involved in two of those items--the consent to assignment of the lease,agreement for 90-year lease originally signed in 1967;and the 30-year water supply contract executed in 1989.Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Collins to: Authorize the Mayor to sign the request for consent for the Nippon water supply contract assignment and to sign the request for consent for the Nippon lease assignment. Motion carried 7-0. Page 4 of 5 ]PO R'I'ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—March 21,2017 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilineinber Whetham said the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers will host the 21'annual Kids Fishing Derby. Councilinember Case commended Manager McKeen for his recent presentation to the Chamber of Commerce and Police Chief Brian Smith and Deputy Chiet'Jason dada for a presentation to the Port Angeles Business Association. Deputy Mayor Kidd thanked Council for its support of the fishing resolution,and noted that the broader community is also supporting it. Councilmember Bruch thanked Chief Smith for letting her borrow the book-,Blue Zone Sohition. She thanked those citizens who take the future of the community in their own hands. Mayor Downie reported he and Councilmember Collins attended Clallam Transit Board meeting in Forks,where Mr. Collins was recognized for his 8 years of service on the board. Mayor Downie and Clallam County Commissioner Mark Ozias hosted a community forum on opioid issues which was attended by 40 representatives who are committed to working on the opioid problem. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen said at the next Council meeting cominunity volunteers would be recognized for their many contributions to Port Angeles. He also said lie would present his report on petition to elect a full new City Council if reverting to second class city status. Director Fulton spoke regarding the Department of Health(DOH)'fracer Study that was explained in an information memo to Council. fie said at the City's request,D014 has agreed to allow the contractor to test the City's water system to use chlorine instead of fluoride. Council discussion followed. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Dale Wilson,Fourth Street,expressed concerns about water rights going to the Nippon mill site, David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana Street,spoke against an auditor position and an animal control officer. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Gast to: Adjourn. Motion carried 7-0. Mayor Downie a4jounied the meeting at 8:49 p.m. Patrick townie, Mayor Jennnifer eneklasen, City Clerk Page 5 of 5