HomeMy WebLinkAbout001196 Original ContractCity of Port Angeles
Record # 001196
City ofPort Angeles
Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau
This Agreement is made between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city and
municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter refened to as the 'City") and
Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureaq a nonprofit corporation of the State of Washington
(hereinafter collectively called the Grantee) for the project described in this document and ic
attachments (herein called the Project).
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 67.28.1815, the City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend
special excise tax funds for "paying all or any part of the cost of tourism promotioq acquisition
of tourism-related facilities, or operation of tourism-related facilities." "Tourism-related facility"
means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed
with volunteer labor that is: (a)(i) Owned by a public entity; (ii) owned by a nonprofit
organization described under section 501(c)(3) of the federal intemal revenue code of 1986, as
amended; or (iii) owned by a nonprofit organization described under section 501(c)(6) of the
federal internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, a business organization, destination
marketing organization, main street organization, lodging association, or chamber of commerce
and (b) used to support tourism, performing arts, orto accommodate tourist activities; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that Port Angeles lodging tax funds be expended for
tourist promotion services within the City of Port Angeles; and
WHEREAS, the Grantee has agreed to perforrn the work and improvements described in the
attached applicatioq and
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Grantee do mutually agree to the following terms and
conditions regarding the above mentioned property to be improved using City funds through the
todging Tax Grant Program:
The Grantee will complete in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined by the City the
work described in the Project Overview that is attached hereto, marked as Attachment A, and
incorporated herein by reference. A listing of detailed project tasks is marked as Attachment B,
and incorporated herein by reference.
The Grantee warrants that they are to perform the proposed project described in Attachment B.
Grantee agrees to complete work described in the attached application by December 31,2017.
In the event the Director of Community and Economic Development finds that the Grantee has
prosecuted the work with reasonable diligence but, due to factors beyond its reasonable control,
the Grantee is unable to complete the work within 180 days, the City Manager is authorized to
extend the time to complete the work.
The Grantee shall be responsible for the management of the entire prqect.
The City will reimburse to the Grantee the amount of $2,500.00, for eligible incurred costs and
expenses for the Project according to the budget shown on the Attachment B. Only the work
that is outlined in Attachments A & B will be eligible for reimbursement.
It is understood that this agreement is funded with Lodging Tax program income funds. The
Grantee acknowledges and agrees that the funds must be used only for Lodging Tax eligible
Disbursement of funds shall be made only after the Project is complete and certified by City staff
to be in compliance with the approved desip. All documentation for payment must be provided
at one time to the City for one payout, and the receipts must be provided no later than six (6)
months after the application has been approved or as stipulated in the request for an extension.
Payment will be made to the Grantee by the City within four weeks after City deems all Project
costs and documentation to be complete. Payment shall be made only to the Grantee.
The Grantee's submission must include iternized invoices detailing the work completed and
materials purchased, with proof that payments in full have been made to Contractors and
vendors, if applicable.
Grantee acknowledges, and agrees to inform its Contractor, that the City has no obligation to pay
the Contractor for work perforrned for the Grantee under this Program. This agreement shall not
be construed or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or parties, and no
third party shall have any claim or right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever-
Unless otherwise agteed to in writing by both parties, the Grantee's total reimbursement under
this agreement, including labor and materials, shall not exceed the maximum sum of$2500.00
The budget for labor and materials is found in Attachment B. Budgets for each line item may be
modified upon mutual agreement between the two parties, but in any event, the total payment to
Grantee shall not exceed $2,500.00.
A. General Comoliance. The Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable Federal, state and
local laws, regulations, and policies, goveming the firnds provided under this agreernent.
Effective Date. Grant was approved by the City Council on November l, 2016 which is the
effective date of this agreement.
Independent Contractor. Nothing contained in this agreement is intended to, or will be
construed in any manner, as creating or establishing the relationship of employer/employee
between the parties. The Grantee will at all times remain an "independent contractor" with
respect to the services to be performed under this agreement. The City will be exempt from
payment of all Unernployment Compensation, FICA, retirement, life and./or medical
insurance and Workers' Compensation Insurance, as the Grantee is an independent
D. Hold Harmless The Grantee will hold harmless, defend and indemnifu the City from any
and all claims, actions, suits, charges and judgrrents whatsoever that arise out of the
Grantee's performance or nonperformance of the services or subject matter called for in this
E. Workers' Compensation.The Grantee will provide Workers' Compensation Insurance
Coverage for all of its employees involved in the performance of this agreement
F. Fundine Source Recomition. The Grantee will insure reco gnition of the roles of the City in
providing services through this agreement.
Suspension or Termination. The City may suspend or termirate this agreement if the
Grantee materially fails to comply with any terms of this agreement, which include (but are
not limited to) the following:
. Failwe to comply with any of the rules, regulations or provisions referred to herein,
or such statutes, regulations, guidelines, policies or directives as may become applicable at
any time;
. Failure, for any reason, of the Grantee to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its
obligations under this Agreernent; or
o Submission by the Grantee to the City of reports that are incorrect or incomplete in
any material respect.
A.ial t Accoun S The Grantee agrees to adhere to
accounting principles and procedures required therein, utilize adequate intemal controls,
maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred.
B. Documentation and Record Keepine. The Grantee will maintain thorough records pertinent
to the activities to be funded under this agreement, including records adequate to document that
the funds were expended on lodging tax eligible activities.
C. Access to Records and Retention. All such records and all other records pertinent to the
work undertaken under this agreement will be retained by the Grantee for a period of six years
after the City's final audit of Project, unless a longer period is required to resolve audit findings
or litigation. In such cases, the City will request a longer period of record retention.
D. Audits and Insoections. All Grantee records with respect to any matters covered by this
Agreement will be made available to the City and duly authorized officials of the state and
federal govemment, at any time during normal business hours, as often as deemed necessary, to
audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts ofall relevant data.
Any deficiencies noted in audit reports must be firlly cleared by the Grantee within 30 days after
receipt by the Grantee. Failure of the Grantee to comply with the above audit requirernens will
constitute a violation of this agreement and may result in the withholding of future payments.
E. Reportine The Grantee, at such times and in such forms as the City may require, will
fumish the City such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or services
undertaken pusuant to this agreement, the costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in
connection therewith, and any other matters covered by this agreement.
The City's failure to acl with respect to a breach by the Grantee does not waive its right to act
with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. The failure ofthe City to exercise or enforce any
right or provision will not constitute a waiver ofsuch right or provision.
This document states the entire agreement between the City and the Grantee for the use of funds
received under this agreement and it supersedes all prior communications and proposals, whether
electronic, oral, or written between the City and the Grantee with resPect to this agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Grantee have executed this agreement as of the
date and year last wrinen below.
Bu u
Approved as to
William E. B r, City Attomey
Attachments: A - Pro.ject Overvrew
B - Scope of Work and Budget
Date: A-
Grantee: Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau
Section A: Brief Description
Contract for a Conversion Study to be conducted to determine how much money converted travelers
spent in the area and to calculate a marketing ROI.
Goals/Expected Results,?roducts: Determination of money converted travelers
spend in our area and a calculation of marketing ROI.
The project will result in: See attached Application
Project Activities Project
2lAGeneralAdmin Materials
Labor s2,500.00 Labor
| "''*'
2017 Applicotion for port Angetes lodging Tox
Organization/Agency Name: OLYMptc pENtNSUtA VtStTOR BUREAU
Federal iax lD Number: 91-1355@4
Event or Activity Name (ifappricabre): orympic peninsura Area conversion study
Contact Name and Title: Marsha Massey, Executive Director, OPVB _ Administrator, OPTC
Mailing Address: P.O. Bor 670 Cty: port Angeles State: WA_ Zip:98362_
Phone 60.45 s52 Email Address: director@olympicpeninsula.o
Check all service categories that apply to this application:
X Tourism promotion/Marketing
X Operation ofa Tourism promotion Agency
Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization
Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the followint applies to your agency:
-x- Non-Profit (l',d,' w oI clirmt rca'profit orpomte .{igrst4,t o, ,,rth woshtnoton tuory of saoa2)
_ Public Agency
I am an authorized agent ofthe organization/agency apprying for funding. I understand that:
o I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2017. If awarded, my organization intends to enter intoa Municipal Sewices contrac1.1vrth the city: provide liability insunnce for the duralion of thecontract naming the city as additionar insured and in an amouni determi."a uy tr," citylur'i nr. ro.a permir to use City property. ifapplicable.o The City of Pon Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurrcd by my organization/agency andonly after the service is rendered,paid for if provi ded by a third party,and a signe.d Request forReimbursemena form (or other form acceplable to the C ity) has been subm ined to rhe City. including copiesof invoices and paymeflt docu OD
My agency will be rcq uired to mit a rcport documenting economic impact rcsulrs in a format determinedb_r the C
Signature IL
Printed or Typed Name: Marsha C. Ma
Date: October 5,2016
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: S 2
Supplemental Questions-\ ou mar u\e rhir lirrnr or a scparat{: shcct ol papcr for ansu ers
1. Describe your tourbm{elated actiyity.
. lf an actiyity, list the name, date(sl, and proj€cted oyerall ettrndance.o Describe why toudsts wil travel to port Angd6 to attend your went/activrty/tacirity.
This is a s€oarate fundin! reouest for a speciar proiect, separate from the annuar oprc budget funding.
clallam county (oPVB) and Jefferson county (Tcc), along with Port rownsend and potentially sequim, intend tocontract for conversion study to be conducted. The obiective of the study is to quantify olympic peninsula inquiryconversion rate, determine how much money converted travelers spent in the area, and ultimately to calculate amarteting ROl.
2. lsome the estimotes in 82 ore required Stote tow
As-a destination marketing organiation, we provide data on a broader, destination-wide basis. our datawillreflect t6vel t.ends, traver spendin& and economic impact on the broader county or overap oympicPenimula basis.
3. tt tat methodolosy did you use to calctrtate the estimates?
Metrics for destination come from a variety of data, incrudiry wA Dept. of Revenue (city and countylodging tax), Dean Runyan Report, visitor center counts, Smith Travel Report.
(lhts oppllcotion is lor on oreo conversion study is donned lor tote 2h6/@tty 2O7Z)
4. Oescribc the pdor success of your evenvactlvityfacility in attracting tourirts.
The olympic Peninsula Tourism commission (oprc) is a cooperative marketing partnership amongcities, counties and regional marketing entities that, together, have been working for over 10 years to marketth€ broader destination of the olympic Peninsula to out of area visitors- our focus is completely on peoplewho will travel more than 50 miles to the destination, with primary emphasis on those whowill siay overnightin the destination- Target market areas are the "r-5 corrid o( , frcm Eelringham to portrand, with emphasison Metro Seattle; Metro ponrand; victoria, Bc and vancouver Island; ard, in cooperation with visit seatt,eand the Port of seattre, key inbound internationar markets, primariry uK, Germany, France, and growing Asaanmarkets' continuing success is measured by increased media coverage for the olympic peninsula; increasing
City ot Port Angelo3 Tourisfi promotiofl Applicalion tntoamation page 6
As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide an estimate of:
Overall attendance at your proposed activity,{acilitya n/a
Number of people who will travel more than 50 miles for your event/actavityb n/a
Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people who wi travel from
another country or state n/a
Number of paid lodging room niShts resultinS from your proposed event/ activity/ facility(exompk: 25 poid r@ms on kidoy ond 50 Nid @oms on Soturdoy . ZS poid lodging .oom oight )n/a
Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people who wall stay overoaght
in Port Angeles or the port Angeles area
Of the p€ople staying overnight, the number of people who will stay in pAtD
accommodations (hotel/motel/bed-breaKast) in port Angeles or port Angeles area
demand by tour operators for the Olympic Peninsula; growing visitor counts throughout the peninsula, risinglodging tax revenues throughout the peninsula.
while we can collect a wide variety of data on visitor requests, visitor interactions, lodging tax revenues, etc.,we need an independent conversion study to allow us to accurately calculate not. rhis proposed study willbe done on a broad basis, and will be made available to funding partners.
5. ls there a host hotel for youi nent (yes orNo X l? lfyes, list the host hotel.
6. Describe Vou target tourist audience (location, d€mographics, etcr.
(a) greater Puget sound area (r-5 corridor): Bellingham to portrand, emphasis Metro seattre and MetroPortland
(b) British Columbia / Vancouver tsland - Victoria BC
(c) targeted international markets, in conjunction with visit seattle and pon of seattle initiatives (primarity uK,France, Germany, China, Japan, S.Korea)
7 Describe how you will promote your went/activityfacility to attract tourists.
Some area marketint initiatives include:
Production and distribution of annual destination travel planner (11O,OOO copies);
0estination website
Oestination promotion via social media engagement
co-op advertisinS in wA state Traver pranner, wA State scenic Byway Guide and Maa and Mv cohoMagazine (for the Canadian market)
Spring and fall advertising campaigns, to attract off-season visitors (print, dititar, metro-area buses)Producing / supporting familiarization tours for international lournalists and/or tour operatorsPublic relations outreach
Regular consumer communications via e-newsletters to opt-in database
8. Describe how you will promote lodgint establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the Citvof Port Angeles.
The purpose of a brand perception and conversion study is to determine a baseline level of destinationbrand awareness, and the conversion rate of visitors who inquired about traver to the orympic p""i"irr"(who requested traver information and/or visited the website) and itren urtimatery travered to theolympic Peninsura. of the known visitors, what activities dii they engage in, how much did they spend?
This proiect proposes to partner with Jefferson county, as well as key olympic peninsula cities such asPort rownsend, Port Angeres and Sequim for a broader sampring size and urtimatery the abirity to sharethe data findings across multiple jurisdictions. rt will arso provide a .onrInon measurement tool for aI touse in calculatint visitor impact, thereby giving us a more cohesive understanding of the econo.l. irpaaof the tourism industry to the orympic peninsura and our respective municiparities. we expect the datefindings to have about a S year shelf life.
Cily of Port Angetes Tourism promolion Apptrcatron Information Page 7
9, Are you applying for Lodging Tax ft.rnds from another community (yes X
other jurlsdiction(sl and amount(s, requested.
Clallam County LTAC: 510,000, approved
Jefferson County LTAC (approved up to S2O,OOO)
City of Port Townsend: S2,5OO
Email bbraudrick @citvof pa. us
City Hall Street Address: 321 E. Fifth Street, port Angeles
+ You must complete and sign the cover she€t with this packet.
10. what is the derall budget for your event/activityracirity? what percent of the budget are you
requestirts from Port Aryeles LodginS Tax Fund?
we wilr go out for an RFp for finar project. Estimated totar costs is s3s,ooo - s4o,oo0. Based on that,the requested Port Angeles LTAC contribution would be about 6%
u' what will You cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not ayailable orrecommended?
This project will be done by the two counties, regardless of additional funding.
Port Angeles funding would allow them to benefit from the findings ofthe study.
we know that tourism is an important economic driver for the orympic peninsura, and that many
businesses and municiparities depend on the revenues and tax revenues generated by visitor spending.
It is important to be able to quantify that economic impact, and to be able to share that economic imf,aawith business leaders, elected officiars, and the popuration a arge. Additiona y, aI municiparities
dealing with lodging tax funds are required to provide economic impact data to washington JLARC. Aprofessionally conducted brand awareness and conversion study would provide valuable benchmarking,
as well as usable data as to the effects of some of our marketing activities. This data will be useful to allthe participating municipalities-
Application Oeadline: September 14, 20L6 3:30pm- received at port Angetes City Hall.
To be clfiue for comideratron, your conrprete p.op6ar mr6t be ]eceived by the deadrine.
The committee will rwi* proposals in a publk meeting and detemine frrrdiru recipieltts and leyels oftundltrg.
Submit one oraginal and one digitat copy to:
City of Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
c,/o Ben Eraudrick, Community and Economic Development Department
321 East 56 Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
or No ) ? f yes, list the
City of Port Angetes Tourism promotjon Apptication tntorrhanon
Application lnstructions and Gcneral Cuitlelincs
Page 8
= You mav use the supprementar Form or typ€ the questions and answers on separate sheets of
= Pleas€ number each pate in your packet, except fo, the optional brochures/information.
Attach in 8.5x11 format:
l. ltemized budget for your event/activityfacility (income and expenses).2. Description and budget showing how you intend to use the amount requested from the city of port
3- A copy of your aSency's current non-profit corporate registration with the washington secretary of state.4. A copy of your agency's City of port Angeles business license.5 (optional) Brochures or other information about your event/activityffacility, in particular items showingrecent tourism promotion efforts.
The proposal and
website copies of
all documents filed with the crty are pubric records. The city mav choose to post on its
the proposals and attached documents,
City of Port Angeles policy Statement
Port Angeles's Lodging Tax Fund wifl be the pramary source of city funding for activities, op€rations, andexpenditures designed to increase tourism. The city does not make any multi-year commitments fortourism promotion services. However, service providers are not limited or prohibited from making annualrequests of the same nature-
The city intends to maintain a reserve in the Fund, and will assess on an annual basis how much of the Fund toappropriate in a given year.
The Port Angeles city council has created a Lodging Tax Advisory committee to conduct an annual process tosolicit and recommend Lodging Tax funded services for Gty Council consideration.
The city of Port Angeres wil onry consider proposars for use of the Lodging Tax Fund from pubric andnon-profit agencies.
HIGH PRIORITY will be given to tourism activities that:o Have a demonstrated potentialor high potentialfrom the committee's perspective to result in overnightstays by tourists in lodging establishments within th€ City of port Angeles.
' Promote Port Angeles and/or events, activities, and places in the city of port Angeles to potential touristsfrom outside clallam county.
' Have demonstrated or high potentiar from the committee's perspective to resurt in documentedeconomic benefit to port Angeles.
' Have a demonstrated history of success in port Angeres, or are proposed by a group with a demonstratedhistory or high potential of success with similar activities.
o Minimize dupllcation of services where appropriate and encourage cooperative marketing and/or includesan element of cooperation or partnership.
Crty ot Po( Angetes Tourism promotaon Applicetron Intormation p.ge 9
(,eneral Inlbrnration
O! a6ed
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Cop..dic.rs: Rcgslrdiot D€trit - WA Secretay aa Stale
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PO 8o)( 5lO
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srQUlr,.W 9€382
POm Ar{6EtES. WA 9€353
&rnB.t ,t Lar. Cr6.at rodte
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poRr AxGELtg tV 9E363
Itt6:rvrww.s(rs.wa.gorlcaf EJs€rctt_detdl.aspxali =@lOZ4Z
Ralilr.rd^F tnto.ltudoi
P.O 8or 570
618 S. Peabody St., Suite F
Po.t Angehs, WA 9t362
Offic€: 360.452.E552
October 5, 2016
To: Ben Braudrick, Department of Community and Economic Development
F om: Ma.sha Massey, Olympic peninsula Visitor gureau
Re: City of Port Angeles Business License
Dear Ben,
One of the documents that is required for this application is our City of port Angeles business license
We do not have to have a business license through the city, according to the parameters of our
orSanization. rf there are any sort of documents you need in prace of this ricense, prease me know.
Mars a
Executive Director, Olym pic Peninsula Visitor U
Administrator, Olympic peninsula Tourism Commission