HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/09/2017 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 9, 2017
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes for April 11, 2017
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Dewatering, Project WW0205 Design Update and
Construction Contract
B. 2017 Landfill Beach Nourishment, Contract CON-2017-21
C. BPA Emerging Technology Field Test Participation Agreement
VI. Information Only Items:
A. UAC Member opening -verbal
VII. Next Meeting Date: June 13, 2017
VIII. Adjournment
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2017\UAC050917\050917 Agenda.docx
Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Rooms
Port Angeles, WA 98362
April 11, 2017
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Vice Chair Lee Whetham called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
IL Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch, and Vice Chair Lee Whetham
Councilmembers Absent: Brad Collins, Mayor Patrick Downie, Dan Gase, Cherie Kidd,
and Michael Merideth
UAC Members Present: Rob Feller, Laura Dodd, and William Atkinson
UAC Members Absent: Chair Lynn Bedford
Staff Present: Craig Fulton, Gregg King, Kathryn Neal, Heidi Greenwood,
Ken Dubuc, and Jeff Bender
III. Volunteer Recognition
Mayor Patrick Downie expressed the City's gratitude to the volunteers who serve on the Utility
Advisory Committee. The Mayor recognized Rob Feller, Laura Dodd, William Atkinson, and
Chair Lynn Bedford for their hard work with a commemorative pin.
IV. Approval Of Minutes
Vice Chair Lee Whetham requested a motion for approval of the March 14, 2017 minutes. Sissi
Bruch moved to approve the minutes and William Atkinson seconded the motion, which carried
V. Late Items
Gregg King requested an information-only report on a pre-purchase request which was added to
section VI. Lee Whetham requested discussion on public comment periods for the UAC which
was added as Item E under section V. Rob Feller requested to add discussion on UAC visits to
utilities which was added as Item F under section V.
VI. Discussion Items:
A. Proposed Adjustments to Medic I Rates
Fire Chief Ken Dubuc presented a PowerPoint on new proposed Medic 1 rates. Drivers for the
new rates are 257% increased workloads with 1991 staff levels, current call volumes require
additional staff to avoid 5%-10% increase in insurance rates for all Port Angeles residents and
businesses, competition for EMTs by other communities, and support by businesses most
impacted for rate increases. Discussion on current vs. proposed rates and the impact it would
have on the community followed.
Councilmember Sissi Bruch moved to recommend the Utility Advisory Committee provide
a favorable recommendation to the City Council to conduct two public hearings during the
May 2 and May 16, 2017 city council meetings and adopt the proposed ordinance. Laura
Dodd seconded the motion and the vote passed with unanimously(5-0).
B. Marine Drive Sewer Repair Project WWO116—Design and construction
Project WWO116 is approved in the Capital Facilities Plan and is slated for completion in 2017.
This project will repair approximately 2300 lineal feet of sewer main with a plastic, non-
corrosive resistance lining. This process is cost effective and has the least impact on the
surrounding property. Discussion centered on the process and cost this process vs. alternatives.
Chairperson Sissi Bruch moved the UAC to endorse the design strategy for Marine Drive
Sewer Repair, Project WWO116, and provide a favorable recommendation that City
Council award a construction contract in 2017 that fits within the approved project budget.
Rob Feller seconded the motion which passed unanimously(4-0).
C. E Street PRV Installation Project WT0109—Design Briefing
Jeff Bender presented a power point presentation about the PRV project. Engineering staff has
designed a pressure release valve (PRV) as part of project WTO 109. The PRV will be installed
between 8th and 9th street and allows water crews to temporarily disconnect and drain the
reservoir to perform repairs. The project will be advertised for bids in late April and staff will
seek approval from the Council for award after staff has awarded the bid. Discussion followed
presentation on alternatives and costs.
Chairperson Sissi Bruch moved that the UAC endorse the design strategy for E Street PRV
Installation Project, Project WT0109, and provide a favorable recommendation that the
City Council award a construction contract in 2017 that fits within the approved project
budget. William Atkinson seconded the motion which passed unanimously(4-0).
D. "Simple Steps"Amendment 1 to Exhibit A-1,Amendment 2 to Exhibit A-2, and
Exhibit A-3 to MSA
Gregg King presented a series of amendments to the "Simple Steps" energy conservation
program administered by CLEAResult. The amendments accomplish three things: 1)renew
participation in the appliance rebate program, 2) extends participation in the light bulb and
shower head reduction program, and 3) adds an LED and shower head kit to be distributed to any
Port Angeles resident who requests once. Total increased cost of the program will not exceed
$260,700 and all costs qualify to 100%reimbursement under the BPA energy conservation
program resulting in no net costs to the City.
Chairperson Sissi Bruch moved that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable
recommendation to the City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the
amendments, and any subsequent amendments to the agreement with CLEAResult, and to
make any minor modifications as necessary. Robert Feller seconded the motion which
passed unanimously(4-0).
E. Public Comment at UAC Meetings
Discussion commenced on if all City committees would be required to provide a public comment
period for a second-class city under Washington state law. The city assistant attorney was not
aware that a public comment period is required, but regardless the city can always receive public
comment via email, US mail, and other communications formats. The city assistant attorney will
review the Washington State statue and return with an answer.
F. Utility Facilities Tours
Rob Feller wanted to know the status of utility facility tours. With the weather improving, staff
will schedule new tours of Port Angeles utilities.
VII. Information Only Items:
A. Equipment Pre-Purchase Approval for Project WW0205 WWTP Biosolids
Dewatering Project
The new screw press for biosolids dewatering requires a six-month period to build-to-order.
Engineering let the UAC know that they will be requesting City Council permission to order the
screw press before an equipment contract is in place so as to avoid delays in the project.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: May 09, 2017
IX. Adjournment: 5:12 p.m.
Chair Lynn Bedford Gregg King, Power Resource Manager
F' '
,`— W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
w F
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: May 9, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Dewatering, Project WW0205
Design Update and Construction Contract
Summary: The Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP) Biosolids Dewatering project will replace
the aging belt press at the plant with a new screw press, and upgrade ancillary equipment including
the polymer feed system. Replacement of this system is critical to the continued functioning of the
wastewater treatment plant. On July 18, 2016 the City entered in to a contract with Kennedy/Jenks
Consultants to provide design services and construction support. Final plans, specifications and
estimates have been prepared by Kennedy/Jenks and the project is ready to be advertised for
Funding: Funds for project design and construction are available in the approved 2017 budget for
Wastewater Utility capital projects (account 453-7488-594-6510) in an amount of$1,435,000.
This project is funded by wastewater utility rates.
Recommendation: Provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to award a
construction contract in 2017 that fits within the approved project budget.
Back2round/Analysis: The Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP) Biosolids Dewatering project
will replace the aging belt press at the plant with a new screw press, and upgrade ancillary
equipment including the polymer feed system. Replacement of this system is critical to the
continued functioning of the wastewater treatment plant.
The UAC was briefed on the design concept for the Project in May and June of 2016, and
forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to award a professional services agreement
to Kennedy/Jencks Consultants. The contract was signed on July 18, 2016, and provides for
engineering design and construction support.
Page 2
Kennedy/Jenks has completed the final plans, specifications and estimates, and the project is ready
to be advertised for construction. No significant changes to the project design concept emerged
during the final design process. Due to the expected construction cost above $1 million, the
construction contract does contain provisions for an apprentice utilization program.
Bid opening is scheduled for June 2017. After the bids are opened and the lowest responsive,
responsible bidder is verified, City Council approval will be requested to award the construction
contract. The current construction cost estimate range provided by Kennedy/Jenks is $1M to
The dewatering press and polymer feeding system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP)were
installed as part of the 1993 plant expansion project. Both the dewatering press and polymer feed
system are 23 years old and are at the end of their service life. The manufacturers for both pieces of
equipment are no longer in business and replacement parts are not readily available. Critical and
frequent breakdowns have been reported by WWTP personnel causing long shut down periods for
this crucial piece of equipment. These breakdowns have required parts to be manufactured at a local
machine shop in order to bring the systems back into operation. The dewatering press and polymer
system are critical systems at the WWTP. Catastrophic failure of these systems would necessitate the
transport of biosolids to a remote processing facility which would be costly. Additionally, the
existing belt press and polymer feed system have to be operated manually which requires a dedicated
operator during press operations.
Funding Overview: Funds for project design and construction are available in the approved 2017
budget for Wastewater Utility capital projects (account 453-7488-594-6510) in an amount of
$1,435,000. This project is funded by wastewater utility rates.
F' '
,`— W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
w F
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: May 9, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: 2017 Landfill Beach Nourishment, Contract CON-2017-21
Summary: Beach nourishment is required annually at the Port Angeles Landfill seawall, as a
condition of the Shoreline Permit issued for the seawall that was constructed in 2007. The purpose
of the permit condition is to mitigate for natural erosion along the bluff face that is prevented by
the seawall construction. The 2017 Landfill Beach Nourishment project will place 2600 cubic
yards of clean beach nourishment sediment on the landfill shoreline immediately waterward of the
454-foot seawall. The project will be advertised for bids in late May, and after bids are opened,
City Council approval will be requested for award of a construction contract.
Funding: This is a required Landfill Post-Closure activity, and funds are available in the
approved 2017 Solid Waste Utility budget in the amount of$50,000, (404-7585-537-4810).
Recommendation Provide a favorable recommendation that City Council award a construction
contract in 2017 that fits within the approved proj ect budget.
Back2round/Analysis: Beach nourishment is required annually at the Port Angeles Landfill
seawall, as a condition of the Shoreline Permit issued by the Department of Ecology for the
seawall that was constructed in 2007. The purpose of the permit condition is to mitigate for natural
erosion along the bluff face that is prevented by the seawall construction. Other permits, obtained
for construction work at the landfill that upgraded the seawall in 2016, reflect the requirements of
the shoreline permit, and also include permit conditions for the annual beach nourishment.
The 2017 Landfill Beach Nourishment project will place 2600 cubic yards of clean beach
nourishment sediment on the landfill shoreline immediately waterward of the 454-foot seawall.
Beach nourishment material will come from materials stockpiled during the Landfill Stabilization
project. Placement of beach nourishment material will be accomplished by haul trucks and
bulldozers working on the existing seawall toe armor. The work is in accordance with the
approved 2016 Beach Nourishment Plan, and will comply with all conditions of the WDFW
Hydraulic Project Approval and the Army Corps of Engineers NWP 13 permits. For instance, all
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May 9,2017 UAC Meeting
Re: CON-2017-21 -2017 Landfill Beach Nourishment
Page 2
work waterward of the seawall shall take place during low tide. Beach nourishment was
successfully completed last year, and staff will give a short presentation describing the work.
Funding Overview: This is a required Landfill Post-Closure activity, and funds are available in
the approved 2017 Solid Waste Utility budget in the amount of$50,000, (account 404-7585-537-
"1111"""""""'W Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: May 09, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
FROM: Gregg King, Power Resource Manager
SUBJECT: BPA Emerging Technology Field Test Participation Agreement
Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has solicited for partners in a
Commercial HVAC Efficient Pumping Systems (CHEPS) Emerging Technology(ET) Field Test
for the assessment of adjustable speed drive technology in HVAC pumping systems. The
proposed field test are at two facilities owned by Clallam County. Implementation of the grant
requires an agreement between Clallam County and COPA.
Funding: Funding for materials, installation, and monitoring for the field test are to be provided
through a combination of a BPA ET Grant and BPA Energy Efficiency Incentive (EEI)monies.
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the UAC provide a favorable recommendation for the
City Manager to sign an agreement with Clallam County for the CHEPS grant.
Back2round/Analysis: The BPA is researching the energy efficiency potential of replacing
constant-speed pumps in HVAC systems with variable speed pumps in buildings with varying
heating and cooling loads and long hours of operation. Staff has identified two locations within
our electric service territory as prime locations for the field test: the Clallam County Courthouse
and the Clallam County Juvenile-Family Services buildings.
Estimated cost and energy savings from preliminary assessment of the HVAC systems at the two
locations are $40,701 and 30,691 kWh/year.
An agreement between COPA and Clallam County for the CHEPS grant has been drafted and
reviewed by the City Attorney's Office.
Staff recommends that the UAC provide a favorable recommendation for the City Manager to
sign the Participation Agreement with Clallam County.
N:\UAC\DepDir\UAC Memo for Emerging Technologies Grant Participation Agreement.docCHEPS Grant
Funding Overview: Material and installation cost would be provided by a combination of an
EEI rebate estimated at $6,694 and an ET grant at $34,007. The City and Clallam County will
also provide in-kind contributions of staff time and minimal travel expenses.
2017 Emerging Technologies Field Test
Commercial High Efficiency Pump Systems
Participation Agreement
This Participation Agreement is between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County.
The City of Port Angeles (COPA) in partnership with the Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) is conducting field tests of Commercial HVAC Efficient Pumping
System (CHEPS) through retrofitting commercial HVAC pumping systems with
integrated variable speed HVAC pumping systems.
COPA and Clallam County staff have identified five (5) CHEPS retrofit sites to be part of
this Field Test:
One (1) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E 4th Street and
Four (4) at the Clallam County Juvenile-Family Services, 1912 W 18th Street.
In consideration of mutual benefits to be derived here from and covenants made
herein, COPA and Clallam County agree:
Section A: Responsibilities of Clallam County
Clallam County will manage the following tasks-
asks:1. Design, procure, install, commission, and operate the CHEPS units
identified in the attached CHEPS Project Information Forms, incorporated
into this agreement by reference. The CHEPS units must remain in
operation for a period of 365 calendar days (Test Period) unless
destroyed through no fault of Clallam County. Upon installation, the
CHEPS units will be the property of Clallam County including title and risk
of loss.
2. Track and provide COPA, within thirty calendar days of installation, with
expense information related to the CHEPS installation including:
a. Engineering and design
b. Material and equipment procurement
c. Installation of equipment
3. Document in-kind staff time contributions associated with the five CHEPS
installations including time spent in measurement, verification, and report
writing. Provide these documents to COPA within thirty calendar days of
the end of the Test Period.
4. Allow COPA and BPA to install metering and data-logging equipment to
collect, share, and report energy consumption data and analysis related to
the CHEPS project at the above specified locations. COPA will install the
equipment at the beginning of the test period and the equipment will
remain in place for the duration of the Test Period.
5. Allow COPA and BPA to collect through the metering and data-logging
equipment as well as utility bills the following: consumption data, sub-
metering data, and data-logging collected during the project.
6. Allow COPA and BPA representatives access during normal Clallam
County business hours within five days of a request to the referenced
CHEPS sites for measurement and verification of CHEPS units
installations, operations, and performance during the Test Period. This
will include allowing COPA access to the metering and data-logging
7. At the end of the Test Period, in cooperation with COPA staff prepare a
brief memo addressing any pertinent findings from the field test including
the following questions:
a. Did the replacement unit perform as expected?
b. Are building operators/occupants satisfied with the new system
performance? Have there been any issues or comfort complaints?
c. Can this design and installation be replicated in other Commercial
d. Are there any obvious market barriers to using this replacement or
retrofit strategy?
Section B: COPA Responsibilities
COPA will:
1. Assist Clallam County with selection and design of referenced CHEPS
2. Provide metering, data-logging, and data analysis related to CHEPS units
3. Provide reimbursement to Clallam County for documented CHEPS
expenses including unit design, procurement, and installation cost up to
$40,000. COPA will provide this reimbursement within thirty days of
invoice submission from Clallam County. COPA will only reimburse
Clallam County for expenses listed in the attached CHEPS project
information forms that are incorporated into this agreement by this
4. Remove the associated metering and data-logging equipment within thirty
days of the completion of the Test Period.
5. In cooperation with Clallam County staff prepare a brief memo addressing
any pertinent findings from the field test including the following questions:
a. Did the replacement unit perform as expected?
b. Are building operators/occupants satisfied with the new system
performance? Have there been any issues or comfort complaints?
c. Can this design and installation be replicated in other Commercial
d. Are there any obvious market barriers to using this replacement or
retrofit strategy?
Section C: Term
The term of this agreement shall commence upon the date of the last signature affixed
below and will terminate upon completion of Test Period and the associated reports.
Section D: Indemnification
Clallam County shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials,
employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses
or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of
this agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the
Section E: No third-party beneficiaries
No provision in this agreement is intended or shall create any rights with respect to the
subject matter of this agreement in any third party.
Agreed and Accepted:
Clallam County City of Port Angeles
Signed: Signed:
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Date: Date-
ate:Attest:Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
William Bloor, City Attorney