HomeMy WebLinkAboutOlympic Eductional Service District 114,,\.,2\,z1. --."a\.r
Olympic Educational Seruice District 114
105 National Avenue North . Bremerton, WA 98312
(360) 4786880 - FAX (360) 405-5813
Serving fle
/\?scp & Ot{rpb tunhsukr Office of the Superintendent Gregory J. Lynch
April 21,2017
Patrick Downie, Mayor
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5rh streer PO Box I 150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: OESD School Safety and Security Cooperative Invitation
Dear Malor Downie,
Please accept this invitalion to attend the Olympic Educational Service District I l4 (OESD I 14) School Safety
and Security Cooperative Executive Leadership Nerwarking Brcakfasl on May 8, 2017, 7:30 AM at the
Silverdale Beach Hotel (Best Western! RSVP by contacting Teri Lee at 160-405-5817 or tlee@oesdl l4.org.
The Cooperative was formed in 2014 and includes schooldistrics in Kitsap, Jefferson, Clallam and Nonh
Mason Counlies. Its charter is to assist school districts with preventing, preparing and responding to
emergencies; either natural or man-made. A major focus ofthe Cooperative is to provide coordination and
communication between all stakeholders who provide school safety and security support. Our stakeholders
include law enforcement, mental health, local and federal govemment emergency management services
Recently, all Kitsap County law enforcement and emergency management services (First Responders) signed a
memorandum of understanding (MOU) specif,ing how they will work together in responding to a crisis. Firsl
Responder leadership emphasized the importance of written agreements ahead ofa crisis and suggested
exploring the development ofa similar MOU between school districs, law enforcement, fire and emergency
management in supporl ofschool districts throughout our region. Because lhe size ofthe supponing
stakeholder group could extend beyond traditional partnerships and j urisdictions during a significant school
crisis, a more inclusive MOU needs to be explored.
To promote our collective efforts, and more clearly communicate with the various communities, a draft
resolution announcing our partnership and the steps necessary for potentially developing a more inclusive
MOU between stakeholders will be a topic ofdiscussion during our Networking Breakfost on May 8, 2017.
The intent in developing a common resolution is to share the information with elected boards and other
govemment officials and enlist their support ofour colleclive efforts. To further promole our efforts to the
greater community and as a demonstration ofunity, we are inviting members ofthe local media to join us for
our breakfasl discussion.
Plan to join us. We look forward to seeitrg you. Feel free to contact me any time at
360-478-6880 or via email glynch@oesdl l4.ore.
Gregory J
Board of Dir€cto]3
Elizabelh Drew a Carl Johnson a Shirley Johnson a Katie Proleau a Donn Ring a Conrad Green a Clifi Huenergard
Gregory J. Lynch, Superintendent
oESD 114
Together be
O D 114 Olympic Educational Service District 114
105 National Avenin heath • Bremerton, WA 98312
(3501) 478-6880 • FAX (360) 405-5813
suving the
soya&0"Pic Poninsuids Office of the Superintendent Gregory J. Lynch
.lune 2 , 20)17
Patrick Downie, Mayor � ��
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150, 321 L 5th street
Port Angeles A862
Dear Mayor [::Downie,
As hart of multi-county regional effort to enhance school safety and security(SSS)please.see the attached
proposed resolution. For three years now,the Olympic Educational Service District has periodically
convened senior leadership meetings focusing on topics that would improve SSS, and coordination and
communications between stakeholders. Stakeholders included senior leaders from Kitsap, Mason,Clal lam
and Jefferson Counties as well as Emergency and LaNv Enforcement leaders covering school districts,
community colleges and multiple jurisdictions at the Tribal,community,,city,and county levels throughout
the region.
'rhes stakeholders recently gathered during a May 20117 regional school safety and security breakfast in
Silverdale,and reviewed the attached resolution.
The purpose of the resolution is to:
• Formalize our collective commitment to enhance SSS and build partnerships.
• Highlight the need to continuously improve communications and coordination.
• Raise public awareness about ongoing efforts to improve SSS between school districts,community
colleges and multiple jurisdictions at;the Tribal,community,city, and county levels.
• Positively influence SSS related state legislation..
• Use as a means to garner additional resources e.g, state and federal grants.
• Fork on a document highlighting SSS common terms of reference to enhance interagency
communication and coordination during an emergency.
In conjunction with alae stakeholders listed above,we ask governing commissioners,boards,and councils to
consider supporting the attached resolution and let us know your level of interest in participating by
September 21 by contacting°rina Schulz at tschu11t gtl,14o or 360-478-68801.
If there is a preferred point of contact in your organization,please provide us with their contact information.
An invitation will soon be coming your way with additional details for our next Regional SSS breakfast on
September 25,2017. All state legislators in our Region will receive a similar invitation. During the
September 25 meeting,we will review several SSS initiatives, including an update on our resolution
Thank you in advance for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you.
Carl R. John n, Gregor n
Board Chair Superit tdent
Cal..,/ts: Enclosure,
Cc: (k.itsap,Mason,Clallam and Jefferson Counties)Law Enforcement and Fire Chiefs„Community Colleges and School District
leaders,Mental Health professionals,County Emergency„encyr Mana ement leaders,.County Commissioners,Mayors,Tribal
Council Leaders
Board of Directors
Elizabeth brew 0 Carl Johnson 0 Shirley Johnston 0 Katie Proteau 0 Donn Ring• Conrad Careen 0 Cliff Huenergard
Olympic Educational Service District.
Inter-Agency School Safety and Security
Resolution for Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap and Mason Counties
WHEREAS, (insert name of local government (tribal, city, county), community college, school
district) supports the right of students and staff to attend colleges and schools that are safe and
free from violence and harassment; and
WHEREAS, establishing a strong senior leadership commitment at city, county, state, tribal,
community college and school district levels where shared ownership for school safety is
recognized by all leaders and a commitment to foster partnerships between local government
including city/county government elected officials,tribal councils, community college boards,
and school boards remains essential; and
WHEREAS, providing a safe college and school environment that ensures both the physical and
emotional safety of students and staff creates the conditions necessary to foster academic
achievement; and
WHEREAS, the most effective approach to creating safe college and school environment
requires a comprehensive, coordinated effort including local government, community colleges,
school districts, law enforcement, emergency services and communitywide strategies where all
institutions, organizations and individuals accept responsibility for their critical roles and
collaborate to establish a positive environment for teaching and learning in our colleges and
schools; and
WHERAS, during a large-scale emergency, natural or man-made, regardless of city, county,
school district or reservation boundaries and jurisdictions, community colleges, school districts,
law enforcement and emergency services will be required to work together to ensure student,
staff and community member safety; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, (insert name of local government (tribal, city, county),
community college, school district) is committed to attend periodic joint/inter-agency senior
leadership meetings hosted by the Olympic Educational School District including college, school
district, law enforcement and emergency services and mental health senior leaders to review
and discuss matters pertaining to community college, school and community safety,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, (insert name of local government (tribal, city, county),
community college, school district) is committed to working on a memorandum of
understanding outlining common vocabulary and procedures that could be adopted by
community colleges, school districts, and first responders at the city and county levels in order
to enhance planning, communications, coordination and response time during a natural or
man-made crisis impacting community colleges and school districts.