HomeMy WebLinkAbout2127 W 8th Street - Building (2) N.
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321Fast Fah Street—P.O.Box 1150/Pert Angeles Win,98362 1;;;;;;
P11:(360)417-4735 Fax (360)417-4711 / 1411111POr
Data ' at2 SingleFamily Dwelt*
*Plan Review May Be Required.Reese Complete Efectrical S i -,:, Informal=Sheet
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LiceisetlExp. License#1E . -7 rg4a rT iRr.
ltMr Ur*align at Total(ayMunotied hvUniEawn*
Service/Feeder200Amp. S 12&00 $
e&Fee2Di-400Amp. $1400 - $
ServicarFeeder40i-6001Imp $205.00 $ .
SerdnerFeeaer6D1 l0O0 Amp. $262.00 $
Servs elFeeder mar 1000 Amp. $37300 $
Stanch Crci$tMenke Feeder $ 6.00 $
Branch Uncut WOService Feudal* $ 63.00 r $ (n•„,c.,
EachAdd'WGonsl Branch Circuli $ 5.00 / $ 5'
&arch Circuits 1-4 $ 75.00 $
Temp Service(Feeder=Amp. $ 93.00 S
Temp S 20i-0OOAmp. $110110 _ $
Temp.SerteelFeeder401630 Amp- $14000 $
Temp_Ste16011000Amp_ $168.00 $
Signal CS+ r tI UMW Energy-1&2 Fainly Dorm $ 64.00 $
Manufactured Home Comfort $12000 $
Rene/r�bleBeiEr y-510fASystemarL $1020 - $
Thermostat $ 56.00 _,
Nota Santa additicsral T-Stat
Rist1300 Sure FL $124.00 $
Each Additional=Square Ft a Portion of $ 4040 $
Each Outbdimg orDatsChed Garage $ 74.00 $ -
Each Port orHof-Mb $110.00 $
t if.'. Total
Owner as defined byRCW.1928261:(1)Omer will occupy the strrrc aefatwo yewsaltarthis permit's tamed.(2)Owner isrequfeed
to hire anelecMcalcontractorifabove said property isforrsale,rent ortease_Permit ecokesaftersixmonthsoflastinspection.
Ater reefing the above statement.I hereby certify that 1 am the owner ofthe above named properly era Groaned electrical core ac I am making
the electrical instalidon order-4m in compffance with the electrical laws,M.EC,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC Chapla296488,The City of Port
Angeles Abminpal Code.end May and PARC 14.05:050 reganring Elecidcal Pane Apprzalions.
• Signature of awmer,decided r t or or dinkiestadministrator: 0 cam+ 0 chick
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