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Appr,rc^ltIon ron ATpoINTMENT ro Bo,l,no, CoMMISSIoN on Couurrrnn
Board, Commission or Committce to which you are seeking appohtment:
Clallam County Opportunity Fund Advisory Board (as city ol Port Angeles representative)
First MI Last
510 S. Liberty St
Home Street Address
Port Angeles WA 98362
City zip
360-452-4639 360-477-0180
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
Date ofBirth (to be compl€ted only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposcs ofcriminal
history check to ensure compliance with Port Angel€s Municipal Code 22,6.020)
Certification and Location Information (cincte one)
tu€ you employed by the City ofPort Angeles?
Are you a citizen ofthe United Stares?
Are you a Registered Voter?
Ar€ you a City resident?
Ifso, how I have been a continuous PortAngeles city resident since .l-30-'1998
Do you orrr/manage a business in the City?
Do you hold any professional licenses, regisrations or certificates in any field?
Ifso, please list:
MAY 5 2017
Applicant Name and General Information
John C.
E-mail address
Yes @
Are you aware of any conflict of inter€st which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please
exolain:' None
Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
Sound Publishinq lnc. Group publisher and edilor 1012011
Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
ln charge of all operations ol Peninsula Daily News, two weekly newspapers (Sequim Gazette and Forks Forum)
and monthlv Olvmoic Homes-Land real estate maqazi ne and those publications' news and advertisinq websites.
1 0120'l 5
Briefjob desoiption
HoME Newspapers LLC Publisher and editor 1/1998 912011
Briefjob description
The New York Times Co
Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
ln charge of all operations of the tworounty (Glallam and Jefierson) Peninsula Daily News and its news and
advertising website.
PresidenUCEOiEditor-in-Chief , New
York Times Syndication Sales Corp.
Employer Title From (M,Y) To (M/Y)
ln charge of The New York Times News Service, New York Times feature syndicate and New York Times Licensing
and Permissions which handled trademark and merchandise marketing for the Nevv York Times newspaper-
Briefjob description
Education - List most recent experience first
ifomia State Polytechnic
211988 1?r'1997
Uni Pomona Calif
8.S., Language Arts
Degee eamed/Major area of study
lnstitutiorl/Location Degree eamed/Major area ofstudy Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Craduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships - List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
(1) PortAngeles Business Association, which champions heallhy, vibrant economic growth
in Port Angeles and all of Clallam County. BO
(2) One ol the projects I personally directed every year beginning in r998 was fiePeninsulaTlomeTundl
the newspaper's annual charity done in association with Olympic Community Action Programs (OlyCAP). My
last year overseeing the Home Fund's annual six-week holiday tund-raising drive was 2014, when a new
record of $271 981 was set
Organizatior/Location Group's purposdobjective
(3) lN ADDITION, my community service includos:
# of members
Brief description of youI participation:
Port eles R Chamber of Commerce . President, Port Downtown
Yes No
Degree eamed/Major area of study
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective # ofmembers
Briefdescription ofyou participation: PABA president 20t6; PABA board member, 2016, 2017.
Association (2005). President, Port Angeles Multi-CulturalAlliance (2007, 20OB). Also president, Allied Daily
Newspapers ol Washington, a statewide press associatio, (2004).
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
I am committed to exoanding Port Angeles'/Clallam County's economic. cultural and civic bases to achieve
economic stability through growth, diversity and quality business development. I also believe In providing a
recoqnizinq the responsi biliw to Dreserve our history, communitv values and sensibilities.
What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board?
I would bring to the advisory board broad experience and knowledge ol Port Angeles and all of the North
Olympic Peninsula (Clallam and Jetferson countjes) earned over almost 20 years as a local iournalist and
understand the board process and how to deal with differences of opi nion. lcan be supportive or disaqree with
positions and can respect the decisions of the board even if they dilter from my opinion.
What is your understanding ofthe responsibilities of this particular Board or Commission?
The Opportunity Fund Advisorv Board evaluales oroiect proposals and makes re@mmendations to the
county Board of Commissioners; recommendations include whelher the project funding request should be
a loan or combination of both. I've read CCC Chapter 5.40 (010-080 and amendments)outlinino the
Opportunity Fund program, and "Opportunity Fund Policy 530'in the Clallam County Administsative Manual.
Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application.
I believe I have (1) the necessary expertise to help accomplish the board's obiectives; (2) a reputation tor
lo preoare for and attend meetinqs
5 c.AM Mav 4, 2017
Applicant Signature Date
Submit completed forms to:OFFICE OF IIIE CITY CLERT
360417 4634 or jvenekla@cityofoa.us
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5ft Street
Port Angeles, WA 9E362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ifyou need special accommodations because ofa physical
limitation, please contact the City Manager's Ofiice at 417.4500 so appropriale arrangements can be made.