HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/14/2017 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Rooms
Port Angeles, WA 98362
March 14, 2017
3:00 pm.
L Call To Order
Vice Chair Lee Whethani called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
11. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmernbers Present: Sissi Bruch, and Vice Chair Lee Whethani
Councilmernbers Absent: Brad Collins, Mayor Patrick Downie, Dan Gase, Cherie Kidd,
and Michael Merideth
UAC Members Present: Rob Fetter
UAC Members Absent: Chair Lynn Bedford and Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Craig Fulton, Gregg King, Kathryn Neal, William Bloor,
Shailesh Shere,Jonathan Boehrne, Michael Szatlocky, Jeff
Bender, and Michelle [late
Others Present: William,Atkinson
Ill. Approval Of Minutes
Vice Chair Lee Whetharn requested a motion for approval of the January 10, 2017 minutes. Sissi
Bruch moved to approve the minutes and Vice Chair Lee Whetharn seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
IV Late Items: Sissi Bruch requested to add a point of discussion on PAPA (Peninsula
Area Public Access) contract questions. Moved to V. Discussion Item A.
V Discussion Items:
A. PAPA Contract—Peninsula Area Public Access
Sissi Bruch requested information on the PAPA contract. Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works
& Utilities explained the PAPA contract is written so it, lines up with the termination of the
WAVE Contract which ends May 2017. If negotiations are not settled, the contract can be
extended. Sissi Bruch asked if there was a draft WAVE Franchise Contract available to review
as City Council has to approve this.
William Bloor, City Attorney stated many items were still under discussion. Cram Fulton or
William Bloor will provide an update to City Council in an executive session.
B. UAC Candidate Interview and Discussion
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works& Utilities, introduced Bill Atkinson who applied for the
vacancy on the UAC. Craig Fulton and Gregg King, Power Resource Manager had discussions
with Bill on the UAC position and felt he would be a good fit, [.UAC Members reviewed the
UAC Candidate application, interviewed and their welcomed Bill Atkinson to the(.:Utility
Advisory Committee.
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend to City Council to appoint the applicant to serve can the
Utility Advisory Committee to represent the community. Rob Feller seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously (3-0)
C. Second Conceptual Design Briefing for Pump Station No.3 Replacement,
Traject WWO308
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works&Utilities provided an introduction to the second conceptual
design briefing. '['his was in response to questions and requests for additional information by UAC
members at the January 2017 informational briefing on the Pump Station No. 3 Replacement Project
WW0308. Kathryn deal, P. I.U., Engineering Manager, Michael Sratloc y, P.E., Civil Engineer,
and Jeff Bender, P.E., Civil Engineer provided a ppt presentation detailing their analysis of the
issues and questions raised by UAC members in a second design briefing. Focus was on tine
stormwater inflow and infiltration (1&1) into the existing wastewater system, including the ceases
of separating the stormwater and building new infrastructure to convey and treat it,versus the
costs of continuing to process the stormwater through the wastewater plant. The presentation
explained the team's design analysis of the stormwater 1&1,outlined the costs of alternative
approaches, and described measures the City is currently implementing to control l&1. The
design team sought concurrence from the UAC for the conceptual design strategy for Pump
Station No. 3 Replacement, Project. WW0308. The first phase of construction is scheduled for
2018, after the design is finalized and contract documents are prepared.
Discussion followed with input from UAC Members to address additional concerns and
questions. UAC members were complimentary about the presentation and would like a copy
emailed to them. Members requested an evaluation of the 1&1 contribution from the Flwha sewer
system, and the costs of responding to wastewater overflows, The UAC stressed the importance
of ensuring that the wastewater system proposed will accommodate future growth. Craig Fulton
will respond to the issue brought up regarding in-house design vs consulting engineers on
whether the design concept should go to council when it exceeds $25,000.
The UAC endorsed the conceptual design strategy for Pump Station No. 3 Replacement, Project
WW0308. The next step is to move forward with final design. Staff will brief the UAC before
advertising the contract fiat•construction regarding any major changes or cost impacts. Craig
Fulton will schedule a public meeting for community input and awareness.
D. Ediz Hook Sewer Corrosion Repair Project WW01 14,Phase 1—Design Briefing
Jeff Bender, P.E,., Civil Engineer,provided a handout detailing the design briefing of the Ediz
Hook Sewer Corrosion Repair Project and discussed the major points of the design. The project
aims to reduce hydrogen sulfide gas in the concrete gravity sewer pipeline at Ediz Hook. Phase
I of the project involves installation of a vent stack in a manhole located near the Nippon Mill
site. Phase 2 of the project involves installation of a hydrogen sulfide treatment facility adjacent
to wastewater Pump Station 3, located near the base of Hill St. Phase 2 construction is planned to
coincide with replacement of Pump Station 3 in about 2021. Staff expects to request City
Council approval of the construction contract for Phase I in April or May 2017, with the
Engineer's Estimate for Phase I to be less than$30,000. Discussion followed.
Sissi Bruch moved to inform City Council that the UAC has concurred with the design
strategy for Ediz Hook Sewer Repair,Project WW0014,and recommends that City
Council approve the award of a construction contract in 2017 that fits within the approved
project budget. Vice Chair Lee Whetham seconded the motion,which carried
unanimously (3-0).
V1. Information Only Items:
A. Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony
Gregg King reminded members of the announcement sent out for the Volunteer Appreciation
Ceremony at the Tuesday, April 11, '2017' City Council Meeting. Citizen members of the UAC are
volunteers and welcome to attend.
V11. Next Meeting Date: April 11,2017
VIII. Adjournment: 5:00 p.m.
F .Chair Lynn bedford Michelle Hale,Administrative Specialist It