HomeMy WebLinkAbout3581 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,amending Title
13, Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating; to
Medic I utility rates.
Section 1. Ordinance leo. 3215 as amended,and fort Angeles Municipal Code sections
13.73.400 and 13.73.410 (Part D) are amended to read, as fellows;
13.71400. - Charges established.
In accordance with the rate study presented to the City Council,effectivear July
1, 2017, the base rates and fees for the Utility shall be a follows:
.._.. _ _ .... ......._ _...._.... _......... w . ......w_w _ .._.......
User Classification Rate
Residential . . $99.72 per year,per unit
. ..... ...... .. _ _: .__. . .. _ .. .. ...... "... .. ..
Assisted living facilities* $44,424-.00$14,243.04 per year, per classification
....__ .... .. .. _..,.,
24-Hour nursing facilities* S2,666.001,521.96 per year, per classification
Group homes* $4011 40 per year, per classification
w. ...... _- __.. --...- _ ." ....__...
Jail facilities* 41,756.00 $2,563.92 per year, per classification
Schools* $3,241.00 i586.56 per year,per classification.
Commercial/Business $108.36 per year,per unit
Apartments/Housing Authority $11,720.228 e-r earper classification
City public areas/ Iunicipal ,,74-00$43,760.7 per year, per classification
* Rates for individual facilities do not include allowable exemptions and vary based upon
their percentage of use within that classification. For individual facility rates, with allowable
exemptions, see Exhibit A. , the 2015 eaehe
s , shall be .inereased .
73.400 anti
, ,, the 2016 eaeh rate established by section .
In accordance with the rate studV Dresented to the Citv Council effective Januar v 1 2018 the
base rates and fees for the Utilit shall be as hallows:.
__ Jana. 20118
User Classification � ........���� Rate
Residential mmmm _...._._... ..-.--. $10)3.92 er ear er unit
Assisted L ivin _._. ...___... _ ` l 43 .tll er ear er classification
24-Dour $2000.76_ er earper classification
Groglorries _.. ...__ w_w wwww_ _ w_ __.. $423.36 er ear, per classification
Jail Facilities*m $2744.16 er ear,per classification
__... _ w..�.._....... _._.__w
Schools* $7124.16 er ear, per classification
Commercial/Business 114.00 per year, ver unit
A eats Ilcausin Autl carie
$12,979.56 79.56 er year, er classification
City Public Areas/Municipal X46 X53.21 Ver year,per classification
* Rates for individual facilities do not include allowable exem tions and vary based upon
their percentage of use within that classification. For individual facility rates with allowable
exerrintions. see Exhibit B.
In accordance with the rate stud resented to the Cit Council effective Janua 1 2tJ19 the
base rates and fees for the Utility shall be as follows:
_ Janu 2 !�1
._..w_w....w..�...Cser Cl�sifiationRate
Residential $106.08 12er 3LegL er unit
Assisted Livin 21 850.56er ear er classification
24-Hour ursin * 3' 5.0 ver ear Der classification
Cron. homes* _..... 435.+ 5 _ er ear r classification
Jail. Facilities* 23 .56per year, per classification
Schools* $7442.88 per ear er classification
Commercial/Business _ 117.4 'per year,12cr unit
Ata,artments/Housm A $13,929.96 ver year.per classification
Cit public Areas/ lunici al 4 4139.84 er ear, per classification
Raters for individual facilities do not include allowable exemptions and vary based upon
their percentage of use within that classification. For individual facility rates, with allowable
exemptions, see Exhibit.C.
13.73.410 - Medicaid adjustment.
As provided in PAMC 13.73.300, the base rate established above shall be adjusted for persons
who are Medicaid eligible and who reside in a nursing facility, boarding home, adult family
home, or receive in-home services. The method and amount of such adjustments are shower on
the attached Exhibit A, dated.Jud 1, 2017 which supersedes and replaces any prier Exhibit A,
is hereby adopted and approved. Also attached is Exhibit B for fees effective January 1, 2018
and Exhibit C for fees effective January 1, 2019.
Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the
correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering,
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3 Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application
to any person or circumstances, are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance, or application
of the provisions of the Ordinance to other"persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power
specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum. This ordinance
shall take effect on July 1, 2017 after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof
consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of fort Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the ,qday of May, 2017. rim
� .
atrick Downie, lvlay r
I ifer enelasen, City Clerk William E. Bloor, OAttorney
PUBLISHED: Mal 1 ,2017
By Summary
Exhibit A
Starting July 1, 2017
....................... . ._ ... ..._
User Classification Facility Proposed Annual Fee
..___ _...
24 Hour pursing Crestwood S 1,52 1 9
Group Homes Serenity House S 187.32
Clallam Hostelries 10 .60
2nd Street House _.1.08448........_
Assisted Living Laurel. Place , 77.2f1
t. Andrews Place ._.._....._.. ww_�I~µ µ2,356.32
.. .__.._....................w _........................_..
Park View Villa S 8()37.12
Peninsula Manor S 272.28
Schools Lincoln S 221.28
Franklin 382.92
Hamilton .��____�_w__._�.._._.__.�._..�........�......�..._ ...... 32.92
..._.__ww.._.m.......w.ww__. Jefferson 63.6
Peninsula College S 1,177.28
PARS S 1,958.04
................... ............................... .....__.n_..._.._.___._.._.
(ween of Angels S 150.24
Stevens _._ S 1,150.32
w--ww-ww--_-w-.__ _ _.._...._ _...w_www._..wwww.................
Jail Facilities Adult and juvenile S2,563.92
H demand user classifications that do not qualify for an exemption cannot have a per-unit
fee less than that of the Commercial/Business classification.
Apartment Address ..................... Annual Fee
-_ ---
Tempest 112 North Albert ................................... 871.5
Gerald Austin Apartments 1305 East 1st S 909.36
Bavview Avartments 306 West 1st 669.72
81h Street A artments 615 West 8th 539.64
Morning Glory 529 East 1" 456.72
Rozelle 212 West 3rd 639.24
Jean Tyson
405 East Front 234.36
Uptown 120 South Laurel 402.96
Housing Authority 1 323 East 2nd $ 3,189.00
Housing Authority 2 i 401 East 5th $ 1,823.52
Maloney Heights 2311 West 8th $ 1,983.96
Exhibit B
Starting January 1, 2018
User Classification Facility Proposed Annual Fee
24 Hour Nursing Crestwood $ 2,000.76
Group Homes Serenity House $ 197.64
1 Clallarn Hostelries $ 111.36
2nd Street House S 114.48 ...........
........................... .......................
Assisted Living Laurel Place $ 5,202.96
St. Andrews Place $ 3,069.72
Park View Villa $ 9,782.04 .....................
Peninsula Manor $ 375.48
Schools Lincoln $ 234.72
.......................... -------
Franklin S 407.76
Hamilton $ 407.76
Jefferson $ 494.28
Peninsula College $ 2,008.56
PANS $ 2,095.08
Queen of Angels $ 246.24
Stevens $ 1,229.88
Jail Facilities___w_.______. Adult and juvenile _._._....__.__. $ 2,744.16 ---__
*High demand user classifications that do not qualify for an exemption cannot have a per-unit
fee less than that of the Commercial/Business classification.
Apartment Address Annual Fee
Tempest _.._._w..._....... 112 North.Albert u $ 916.92
Gerald Austin Apartments 1305 East lst $ 1,075.80 www ww _........_.._
Ba iew artments306 West 1 st $ 704.52
StreetA artments 615 West 8th $ 567.60_
Morning Glory 529 East 1` $ 480.36
Rozelle21.2 W est 3rd $ 672.48
Jean Tyson 405 East Front $ 246.36
Ltptown 120 South Laurel $ 423.72
Housing Authority 1 323 East 2nd $ 3,692.40
Housing Authority 2 401 East 5th $ 2,111.76
Maloney Heights 2311 West 8th S2,087.64
Starting January 1, 2019
User Classification Facility Proposed Annual Fee
24 Hour Nursing Crestwood $ 2,395.08
GroupHomes Serenity House 203.28
Clallam Hostelries S 114.72
2'd Street House S 117.96
_..__..__.. _..... ._.._...........__..__W _ _..............
Assisted Living Laurel Place $6,572.76
St. Andrews Place $3,652.08
............. _........_..............._._ ____-
Park View Villa $11,163.60
Peninsula Manor $ 462.00
_........_. _._......._.._........
Schools Lincoln $ 242.04
_................_._.. _______. __........
_..____ _.......w_
Franklin $ 421.20
__w....._... _.'' _.___............_ .www._...
Hamilton $ 421.20
_................__............. _
Jeterson S 510.84
._. ._......�.. Peninsula College ..___..__ $ 2,078.28
PANS $ 2,167,80
_u.........._..m._m ween of Angels $ 329.52
_._._................_ _........_.....
Stevens $ 1,272.12
Jail Facilities .__._.................._...__ Adult and juvenile $ 2,839.56
*HiB,h demand user classifications that do not qualify for an exemption cannot have a per-unit
fee less than that of the Commercial/Business classification.
A artmell t Address Annual Fee
Tem est_____w�..._...._....._� 112 North Albert $ 942.96
Gerald Austinu A artments 1305 East 1'` $ 1,213.20
Bayview Apartments 306 West l" 724.56
$ 724.56
8t Street A ents_..........w.._... 615 est 8` 583.68
& lornin � C1lc�r ............m. _.._..__ 529 Fast Is' $ 493.92
Rozelle212 Nest 3 $ 691.44
Jean T so. w__...._ 405 Fast Front $ 253.20
Uptown 120 South Laurel $ 435.72
Housing Authority l� 323 Fast 2n" $ 4,099.32
Housing Authorit401 Fast 5" $ 2,344.92
MaloneyHeights 2311 West 8t; $ 2,147.04
Summary of Ordinance adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on May 16, 2017
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Title 13, Chapter 13.73 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic I utility rates.
This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall be in force and take effect July 1, 2017
after publication according to law. The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in
the City Clerk*s office, on the City's website at www.ci1yo1hA,1!s, or will be mailed upon request.
Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk,
Published by summary: Sunday, May 21, 2017