HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/2017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Part Angeles, Washing on May 2, 2017 PRESENTA'FION: From 5 p.m.to 5:20 p.m., Senior Accountant Tess Agesson conducted a presentation on the 2018-2023 Capital Facilities Plan.Therc being no quorum present,a Special Meeting of the City Council did not occur. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR,MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Pre.senc Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,and Councilmenibers Bruch and Whethani. Councilmeniber Collins participated via conference call. Members Absent: Councilmembers Merideth and Case. Staff Present: Acting City Manager West, Attorney Greenwood,Clerk Veneklasen., C.Delikat,K. Dubuc, S. Shere, K.Neal,B. Smith, C. Jensen.,and G. Goodworth. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Whetharn led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Creelman, 1101 East Second Street,expressed concerns over the relationship between the Council and the City attorney.He spoke in favor of Port Angeles changing to Second Class City status. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by GO Manazel or Councilinember - At the request of C'ouncilmember Whetham, staff was asked to provide fall printed agenda materials to all Council candidates after Candidate Filing Week,May 15'1'-19th" CONSENTAGENDA: At the request of Councilmember Collins, Mayor Downie pulled Item 3,1'elition to Reclassrlj,(is aSecond Class City Ballot Re„wlution, from the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1, City Council Minutes:April 18, :.012 2. Expenditure Report:F-rom April 8, 2012 through April 21, 2017 in the amount ol'$1,773,103.88 3. ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENT 4. Fluoride Advisory Vote Ballot Resolution [RESOLUTION 1112-171 5. Port Angeles Forward Committee Citizen-At-Large Appointment Motion carried 5,-0. PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Item 3.Petition to Reclassify as a Second Class City Ballot Resolution Council discussed the proposed ballot resolution. Mayor Downie read the consent agenda item,Petition to Reclassify as a Second Class City Ballot Resolution [RESOLUTION #I 1-17i. It was moved by Whetharn and seconded by Bruch to: Approve the resolution. Motion carried 4-1,with Collins opposed. PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING --- May 2,2017 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2017 Budget Amendment#1 Interim Finance Director Cindy Jensen said the first budget amendment of the year is primarily a housekeeping N—W, measure,carrying forward items from last year*s budget that were not done,and incorporating capital changes to match the Capital Facilities Plan. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3580 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2017 budget and funds. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Approve budget amendment as read. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC I]EARINGS: 1. Ordinance Proposing Adjustments to Medic I Utility Fee Fire Chief Ken Dubuc conducted a presentation on the Fire Department's response to the Washington State Rating Bureau's proposal to downgrade the City's rating which would have led to increased fire insurance rates from most insurance companies in Port Angeles.He outlined why additional staffing was needed in the Fire Department, noting the department had not added staff in 26 years despite the fact that call volume has increased 257`14)in the same time frame.He said the department is proposing a 2.5 year rate a4justinent to add four firefighter/paramedics. Chief Dubuc outlined what it would cost ratepayers for the department to add personnel. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,amending Title 13,Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic I utility rates. Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. Marolee Smith,P.O.Box 2498,asked if Council had considered adding a soda tax to use for covering increased Medic I Utility costs for those in Section 8 housing. She spoke in favor of adding firefighter/parainedic staff to the Fire Department and said the City shouldn't stop at adding four personnel,but might consider doubling that number. Laura Dodd, 228 Vashon,administer for St. Andrews Place Assisted Living,said that St.Andrews is a high user of Medic I services and that the non-profit is wholeheartedly in support of the rate increase even though they'll be substantially affected financially. She said St. Andrews wants to be behind the community and the firefighters. Councilmeniber Collins exited the meeting at 6:49 p.m. David Mabrey, 1014 Georgianna, said lie fully supports the increase to the Medic I rates in order to add four firefighters. lie thanked the Fire Department for their work. Mayor Downie continued the public hearing to May 16,2017. 2. Capital Facilities Plan Interim Director Jensen noted there was a brief presentation held at 5 p.m. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUT ON NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,,adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2018 2023,which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2018-2023. Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING--May 2, 2017 A" N Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 6:53 p.m.There being no public comment,Mayor Downie continued the, matter to May 16,2017. Council discussion followed. oTlIER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. IT Server Purchase Interim Director Jensen noted that Council had previously approved the server replacements at a cost of$123,829 before staff discovered that the reseller was no longer part of the Washington State contract. She spoke about why the IT server purchase was being redrafted and noted that overall costs were reduced. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Approve the purchase of replacement server hardware for new,server hosts in the amount of$54,173.57, including taxes, from Washington State Contract vendor Dell Inc. Motion carried 4-0. 2. ,faint. Presentation by the Parks& Recreation Department/Composite Recycling Technology Center Parks& Recreation Director Corey Delikat and David Walter, Chief Operating Officer of the Composite Recycling Technology Center (CRTC), unveiled the joint project to create recycled carbon fiber park benches at the CRTC campus for use in the City's memorial bench program. The benches, designed by local artist Bob Stokes, can be manufactured using recycled aerospace grade carbon fiber and are extremely low maintenance. Director Delikat said tile City invested in two Prototype benches which will be installed at Jessie Webster Park, and the Gateway Transit Center as tests.Those benches will be evaluated for perfonnance in October 2017. Council discussion followed. CON,rRACTS& PURCHASING 1. "Simple Steps"Master Service Agreement Amendments Shailesh Shere,Assistant Director of Power Systems,said the City has participated in the Simple Steps Smart Savings energy efficientcy Program since 2010. I-f e said all City expenses under the agreement are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy Efficiency Incentive, resulting in no net program cost to the City. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by NVhetham to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the amendments, and any subsequent amendments to the agreement with CLEAResult,and to make any minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried 4-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Bruch said she would be at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. She urged people to read the book Blue/ones to learn how Port Angeles can become a healthier city. She also attended a meeting with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)regarding the new Performing Arts Center. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Excuse Councilmembers Gase and Merideth from the meeting, Motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Whetham noted that halibut season starts oil May 41h. Mayor Downie said he had the pleasure of providing lapel pins to a number of the City's committee members, including the Public Safety Advisory Committee. No other reports were given. Page 3 of 4 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL M EFFING—May 2,2017 INFORAIATION: Acting Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and highlighted the upcoming Tomm Hall Meeting,the new City Newsletter and national Bike to Work,Week, SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Eloise Kailin,Sequim, spoke against fluoridation and asked Council to pass a Medical Independence Act resolution. Harvey Kailin, Sequirn,asked Council to pass a resolution of solidarity with Korea as nuclear-free zones. Lavatt Lukes,711 East 10111 Street,requested the Council's lielpu,ith code enfi)rcentent issues at his rental property. Mr. Lukes was encouraged to work directly with stafffroin the Community&Economic Developinent Department. Andrew Pitunan,3916 Nygren Place,spoke in support of the increase in Medic I Utility fees to acid personnel to the Fire Department. Marolee Smith,P.O. Box 2498,spoke in favor of an onibudsman for the City. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. ADJOURNMENT: Mavor Downie adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. 01 PMayor atrick Downie, 1 ifeileklasen,City Clerk Page 4 of 4