HomeMy WebLinkAbout001222 Original ContractCity of Port Angeles
Record # 001222
Our organization, called "Helping Hands", volunteer our services to perform only the services as
outlined in the attached scope of volunteer work for the City ofPort Angeles (hereinafter "City.').
We understand that we will not be compensated for our work but we volunteer to perform in a
responsible manner. If we decide to discontinue volunteer service our contact penion (designated
below) will notifr the City's Director of Parks & Recreation.
We understand and agree that:
None of the group is to appear for volunteer service under the influence of any drugs or
The City has included our hours of volunteer service in the Washingon State Deparhent of
Labor and Industries coverage for volunteer workers.
Our organization will provide the City with a roster of individual participants including the
names, ages and hours worked.
Our organia1i611 will report any injuries sustained by participants during their volunteer
activities to the City immediately upon occurrence. Notice will be provided on the
Incident/Accident Report Form fumished by the City.
Our organization is responsible for direcdy supervising the activities of all the individuals in
our group who will be doing volunteer worlq and therefore, in consideration of our
organization and mernbers being permitted to perform services on City property, our
organization agrees to defend, indemnifo and hold harmless the City and its officials,
employees and agents from any damage claim or lawsuit for injury, illness, damage or other
loss ofany kind to anyone including members ofour organization that might arise out ofour
activities or the actions of any individuals ofour group, except for injuries or damages caused
by the sole negligence of the City.
The City may terminate this agreernent at any time without cause, and that we are
volunteering our services at will and may be asked to discontinue such without prior notice or
Scope of Volunteer Work
The group, "Helping Hands" want to volunteer thei time by keeping the City owned
property along Peabody Creek clean. This work will primarily involve rash pick-up and rernoval.
In exchange for the work, the City will provide trash bags, gloves, safety vests, and litter pick-up
This agreement will be in effect for the duration ofour volunteer services beginning this date.
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City of Port Angeles:
Dan McKeen, City Manager
Oxnfu,r \oruL\orln
Volunteer Organization,
"Helping Hands":
Deana Volker, Primary Contact Person
Addrcss: 136 East 8th Street #133
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Phone Number: (619) 920-9244ffi
as to form:
William E. Bloor, City Attomey