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Record # 001230
V(DrEverlaw Price Quotefor New Port Angeles Matter 1, a w
...................... ................ ................
Below is a price quote for Everlaw,the fastest and most intuitive ediscovery platform on the market.As
always,we will also provide any site-wide new features to you free of charge as they are released over the
lifetime of your case.
We are excited to introduce you to the platform trusted by AmLaw 200 firms,8 of the top 10 class action
firms,and over 65%of state attorneys general.We are confident that you,too,will find Everlaw to be a
superior solution for your ediscovery needs.
Please call me at(510)859-4257 if you have any questions or concerns,
AJ Shankar
CEO, Everlaw
................... .......
* Unlirndted user licenses
00/month/case minimum * Unlimited processing of standard data
0UnHmited production
. UnHrnted training and support
& UnHrnited features, including analytics
• Blazingly fast review of images,text, and natives * Continuous,flexible predictive coding
• Powerful document-and case-level analytics * Drag-and-drop visual search interface
• Bank-grade security with end-to-end encryption 0 Automatic document contextualization
• Dedicated, experienced support teams 0 StoryBuilderTm argument outlining tools
• Risk-free with no long-term contracts 0 Predictable and transparent pricing
r(844)EVERLA W www.everlaw,corn
w Everlaw Price Quotefor New Port Angeles mutter
EVE' r � aw
Lets keep it simple,
Our Pates
These are the only fees we charge for using every aspect of Everlaw:
500/'month/case minlmurn M µ M .,M,
These rates are based on the data size after expanding any top-level compressed file(e.g.,a ZIP file
containing all the data,or PST files containing emails)a but before any other processing,and represent the
only fees you'll pay.There is no extra cost for:
• Importing standard data into Everlaw(including any required processing)
• Producing data out of Everlaw(into any standard format)
• Unlimited user licenses
• Unlimited free multi-cast training sessions
• Unlimited product support
• Unlimited analytics, including predictive coding, email threading,and near-deduaping
These costs cover both pre-processed data(would include an opposing part)(s production of images,text,
and a load file),as well as unprocessed data(would include raw native files-e.g., Microsoft Office files,
multimedia files,etc. -collected directly from a client's computer systems).
Special processing for non-standard data(i.e.„anything other than raw natives or properly-produced
data)may incur additional fees for technical work,charged at 1 4 /hour, depending on the state of the
There is no additional cost for producing documents, if necessary. Once you have selected documents to
be produced to opposing counsel„we will convert the images to the required format" Bates stamp,apply
redactions„ renumber, map metadata,and adhere to an agreed-upon protocol, Hosting,produced data
will "incur costs at the per-GB hosting rate.
o Long,-term Contracts
We are confident that you will be happy working with Everlaw. However, if you are not satisfied for any
reason,we day not require long-terra contracts so you are free to terminate our agreement at any time.
1(84 4)E VERCir° www,ever(utw,com 2
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EvEverlaw Price Quote for New Port Angeles Matter
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Everlaw Is thoughtfully architected to be the fastest, most powerful,and easiest solution on the
market.We bring the superior software experiences you're used to in your consumer life—the blink-and-
you'll-miss-it speed of Google and the blissful usability of Apple products—to your litigation toolkit.
Save Precious"flume with Optimized Review
Intuitive, Lean.Fast,Our user interface helps you get to where you need to go,then gets out of the way so
you can get down to work. Move from document-to-document nearly instantaneously. Use intuitive
keyboard shortcuts,view metaclata and native documents in-screen,display attachments and email
threads,and utilize flexible and elegant tagging,coding,and categorization.
Work from Anywhere with Mobile and Browser Support
Enjoy the beinefits of our cloud infrastructure by reviewing or administering from anywhere, Everlaw is
accessible from any modern web browser,including Chrome, Firefox,Safari,and IE 9+, You can also check
on case progress or review documents on any iPad,iPhone,or Android device.
Rest(Easy with Defensible Security
With Everlaw,you're in control. Expert folders, user groups,and robust permission control let you decide
who can use what features and perform which actions. Everlaw also uses secure hosting facilities.The
primary data source is stored on secure AWS cloud servers,which surpass industry standard for privacy
and security.AWS servers have SAS 70 Type ll certification and are RPS validated.
Tap Coll ect�ive Wisdom with Easy CoHaboradoin
Communicate as you work with built-in messaging and collaboration tools. Evedaw lets you store
conversations alongside documents,search document notes,to find collaborators'comments, share
searches and tags with colleagues,and monitor real-time activity on a shared feed.
Stay on Top of the Case with PowerfW AnMytics
Review shouldn't be a black box.All document updates are visible immediately,so you can use Everlaw's
comprehensive analytics to monitor activity in real-time, identify reviewing trends, and estimate time to
Call on Our Expertise with Dedicated Support
Give us a call,send us an email, or shoot us a message.We want you to get the most out of Everlaw,and
never charge for helping you to use our product or educating you about it.
1(844)EVERLA W www.everlaw,corn 4
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