HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/06/2017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles,Washington
June 6, 2017
Deputy Mayor Kidd called the Special Meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:17 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmernbers Bruch, Gase,Merideth and Whetham.
Members Absent:Councilmember Collins,
Staff Present: Acting City Manager West, Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,and C.Fulton.
Based on input from Attorney Bloor,Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority
of RCW 4230.1 10(l)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 35
minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:20 p.m.
The Executive Session concluded at 5:55 p.m.No action was taken.
Mayor Downie adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55 p.m.
Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present:Mayor Downie,Deputy Mayor Kidd,Councilmembers Bruch,Gase,Merideth and Whethain.
Councilmember Collins joined the meeting via conference call.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Acting City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Vencklasen, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, B.
Smith,and T.Agesson.
Councilmember Bruch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Wings of Freedom Days Proclamation
Deputy Mayor Kidd read a proclamation declaring June 19 through June 25 as Wings of Freedom Days. Alan
Barnard accepted the proclamation and spoke about the WWII aircraft being brought to Port Angeles for the public
to tour,ride,and experience.The proclamation was issued jointly by the City Council,Board of Clallarn County
Commissioners and the Port of Port Angeles Board of Commissioners in recognition of the historic aircraft,their
pilots and crews.
2. Presentation of the Citizen Service and Police Star Awards
Police Chief Brian Smith and Serenity House Director Doc Robinson presented the Citizen Service Award to Viola
Ware,Serenity House Program Director of Coordinated Intake Youth and Young Adult Services,and the Police Star
Award to Deputy Police Chief Jason Viada for their Downtown foot patrol program. Chief Smith spoke about the
Program,calling it a coordinated outreach effort in which Ware and Viada contacted people who were either in
homeless encampments or present on the street to inform them about the range of services available to them.
3. Proclamation in Honor of Port Angeles High School Orchestra Director Ron Jones
Mayor Downie read the proclamation in honor of Ronald Jones..Director of the Port Angeles High School(PARS)
orchestra since 1975. Port Angeles School District Superintendent Marc Jackson spoke about Mr. Jones' many
accomplishments,noting that his students performed at Carnegie Hall in New York every four years since 1989,a
total of eight times. Student representing Mr. Jones' first 7 Camegic Hall performing orchestras were on hand to
perform a musical tribute to their former teacher.
1. 2017 Comprehensive Plan Annual Amendment
Planning Manager Allyson Brekke conducted a PowerPoint presentation which provided an overview of the proposed
amendments. Acting Manager West spoke about the implementation plan incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan
and staffs intention to bring back a condensed version to Council at a future date. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Downie opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 p.m.
Bill Atkinson,West Side Port Angeles,said that quality is long remembered after the price is forgotten.He said at the
end of the day if you do a good job you'll be glad that you did. Mr. Atkinson encouraged Council to implement
measureable goals and said there are commercial software packages available that are relatively simple and
inexpensive that could be utilized for tracking those goals.
Dale Wilson,West Side of Port Angeles.,spoke about the infrastructure of the Mount Angeles View project which he
said will destroy 33 useable homes. He said the project is not going to offer affordable housing or build a Boys &
Girls Club. Mr. Wilson said he tried to get the Housing Authority to issue an RFP to do something creative with the
33 homes,or find another lot where they could build the project instead of tearing down the homes.He asked Council
to remove the Mount Angeles View project from the Comprehensive Plan unless the Housing Authority finds some
way to use the 33 homes.
Marolee Smith,P.O. Box 2498, said she agrees with Councilmember Bruch that the City should track things and see
what the return on investment is for projects. She spoke about new ways to budget that looks much further into the
future and sets longer-term goals. She spoke in favor of including customer service metrics into the Comprehensive
Rachel Lee, 3124 South Peabody, spoke about how the Housing Authority apartments will help those who can't
currently afford housing in Port Angeles. She said that anyone who wants the 33 houses can have them,they just have
to pay$3,000 to$4,000 cost to move them.Ms.Lee said she spoke to people at the Pennies for Quarters organization
to see if they could use the left over housing materials. She agrees there should be measureable,achievable goals in
the Comprehensive Plan in order to see that the City is moving forward.
Mayor Downie continued the Public Hearing to June 20,2017.
Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington adopting amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.
Council discussion followed.
2. Wetlands Protection Ordinance
Acting Manager West said the wetlands ordinance relates to Growth Management Act requirements.He said that after
review of regulations protecting critical areas, staff found one ordinance that needed to be updated, and he outlined
the proposed changes to the ordinance.Council discussion followed.
Mayor Downie opened the Public Hearing at 7:33 p.m.
Marolee Smith,P.O. Box 2498,asked if there was a map of the wetlands within the City.
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Mayor Downie continued the Public Hearing to June 20,2017.
Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Title 15, Chapter 15.24 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to Wetlands Protection.
Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 7:37 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m.
Carl Rice, 1004 North Old Nelson Way, spoke about the poor condition of the alleys in Port Angeles, He asked what
could be done,and suggested crushed rock be added in the deteriorating alleyways.
David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana, spoke regarding Council absences during strategic planning sessions and said there
was adequate notice given about where the sessions would be held.
or Councilmember-
1. At the request of Acting Manager West, Mayor Downie added the Olympic Community Action Program's
(OlyCAP's)request for a letter in support of community service block grant funding as Item 12.
At the request of Councilmember Merideth,Mayor Downie pulled Item 5,the Consultant Agreement for utility Cost
of'Service Study,from the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. Expenditure Report:From Aki,6, 2017 through May 26, 2017 in the aniount of$2,732,790.12
2. 2017 Pavement Repair Project,Contract CON-2017-03 /Final Acceptance
3. 2017 Electric Utility Pole Testing Project/Award Contract
4. Civic Field Roof Replacement Project I Final Acceptance
Motion carried 7-0.
ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENT: Consultant Agreement for Utility Cost of Service Study
Councilmember Merideth inquired as to why the City was going out-of-house to do the study.Public Works&Utilities
Director Craig Fulton explained the need for unbiased third-party analysis,and said that because of the unique nature
of the study,the City did not have the appropriate expertise in-house.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with FCS Group to perform the work described in the
attached scope of work for an amount not to exceed$41,885, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Ethics Ordinance Revision
Attorney Bloor said the ordinance reflects the wishes of Council to adopt the recommendation of the City's
Insurance Pool,WCIA(Washington Cities Insurance Authority),to adopt the State's Code of Ethics for Municipal
Officers and require elected officials to receive ethics training annually. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Downie continued the matter to June 20,2017.
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Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 2.78 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to the Code of Ethical Conduct.
2. Park Improvement Fund
Parks &Recreation Director Corey Delikat explained why the department wants to establish a maintenance account
for new revenues that are received for the use of Civic Field and use the funds for future capital improvements.
Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title.,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 3.15 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to Funds.
Mayor Downie continued the matter to June 20,20I
1. Interagency Agreement with the City of Seattle for UBIT Services
Director Fulton said the agreement allows Port Angeles to use the City of Seattle's under-bridge inspection
equipment,at a savings compared to leasing similar equipment from a private company. Council discussion
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Gase to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the 5 year Interagency Agreement with the City of Seattle,and to
make minor modifications to the agreement,as necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Letter of Support for Community Services Block Grants
Acting Manager West said that OIyCAY1 sent a letter to the Mayor requesting that the Council send a letter to
Senator Patty Murray in support of Community Services Block Grants.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to:
Direct staff to prepare a letter of support.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. 2017 Power Line Tree Trimming,Project CON-2017-11
Director Fulton outlined why the project was necessary to support the City's reliable electrical system. Council
discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Brach to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Asplundh Tree Expert Co. for 2017 Tree Trimming,
Contract CON-2017-I1,at the rate of$214.00 per hour,in an amount not to exceed$125,000.00,and to make minor
modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Marine Drive Sewer Repair,Project WW01-16
Director Fulton spoke about the corroding sewer piping present in an environinentally/archeologically sensitive area.
He said that technology will fix pipe degradation without the need for excavation,and the project will extend the life
of the piping by at least 30 years.Council discussion followed.
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It was moved by Gase and seconded by Whetham to:
(1)Award and sign a construction contract with Flow Technologies,Inc.,for the Marine Drive Sewer Repair,
Project WWOI 16, for a contract amount of S170,555.07 including applicable taxes,and to make mitior
modifications to the contract,if necessary and(2)issue change order(s)to the contract in an aggregate amount not to
exceed the available contingency of$35,000.00,provided the City Manager report the change order(s)to City
Council at its next regular meeting following issuance of the change order(s).
Motion carried 7-0.
3. Second Amendment to Professional Services Contract Regarding Elwha Dam Removal Project
Attorney Bloor spoke about-",by the City needed the services of Lane Powell law firm. lie said that the amendment
to the agreement identifies a scope of work that will carry through the balance of 2017,allowing Lane Powell to
continue the work they are doing on behalf of the City. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Gase to:
Authorize and approve the City Manager to execute a Second Aniendinent to the Agreement with Lane Powell PC
in accordance with the terms described in this memo and to make any minor modifications to the agreement, if
Motion carried 7-0.
Councilmember Collins said he appreciates being able to participate in meetings by phone when he is out of town.
Councilniernber Whethant stated that he respects the rights of citizens to address Councilmembers about their duties
as representatives. lie said that until recently he had been employed at Olympic Medical Center,and because of that
he had a conflict of interest in attending strategic plarming sessions at the facility. Councilmember Whethain said he
is being transparent in his duties representing the citizens of Port Angeles.
Councilmember Gase attended the Farmer's Market on Saturday with Councilmember Bruch.
Deputy Mayor Kidd said Civic Field Stadium was packed for the Lefties first game. She said the North Olympic
Discovery Marathon brought in thousands of people to Port Angeles,and that she participated by handing out a
couple of medals to the runners.
Councilmember Merideth said the BMX track is cleaned up,painted,and there are many more cars there than lie's
ever seen before. He said that on June 24"they are having Olympic Day Racing.Ile encouraged people to attend
and/or drive by and check out the refurbished facility.He said the community should be proud of how the BMX
track looks arid that it gives young people something else to do.
Councilmember Bruch attended the Farmer's Market, and noted there was very little discussion about city issues.
She suggested there might be a better venue for reaching constituents,such as having office hours on Fridays.
Councilineniber Bruch attended the Lefties game and said that Civic Field looked beautiful. She also noted the new
field at Billy Whiteshoes Memorial Park on the Lower EINvba Road.
Mayor Downie reported that he had an extraordinary week which was highlighted by being able to throw out the
first pitch at.the Lefties baseball game.He spoke about people joining together in the community,
Acting Manager West joined Council in commending the work of the Parks Department in getting Civic Field in great
condition during a very tight time frame. Director Fulton introduced new City Engineer Teresa Reed-Jennings who
he said brings a great deal of municipal and private experience to the City.
Dale Wilson, West Port Angeles,said the first live coverage of a sporting event,the Lefties baseball game,was shot
by members of Port Angeles Area Public Access. He informed Council of North Olympic Skills Center student's
nornination for an Emmy Award.
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David Mabrey, 1014 Georgiana, said he was devastated about President Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord and
spoke about how climate change can be addressed at the local level.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m.
Yatrick Downie,Mayor j ylifer Veneklasen,City Clerk
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