HomeMy WebLinkAbout001244 Original Contract E("(�,)r\JOIAKI [)PAL L( PN�L-, I [ ( R�PC P A T i 1',
The City of Port Angeles
Record # 00 1244
3 b 0,4 7(4
v", A I
I'HIS AGREEMEN'r, made this 15day of 201"1"; by and between the City of Port
Angeles, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as"city"),and the Clallarn County
Economic Development Corporation, a non-profit;corporation (hereinafter called"Corporation").
WHE'REAS,the Corporation is a nonprofit educational and research corporation of the State of
Washington-. and
WHEREAS, tile city is therefore interested and concerned with the economic utilization of'
services-, and
WHEREAS,the city has need of research and education in regards to these and other aspects of
its operations; now,therefore,
In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein andM7 )�.j&,,,qt1qched 2014 w-
201 Strat is Direction with Action Mcin the parties agree it as follows:
.............. ...........—
Performance by Corporation
A. 1'he Corporation agrees to carry out the action strategy that coincides with the 2017-2021
Strategic Direction, (see appendix A)
K '['he Corporation shall report on a quarterly basis to the City in regard to the progress the
A�)rporation has made toward the performance metrics that are outlined in the 2012-2021
Strategic Direction.
C, The Corporation shall serve as a countywide contact for development activities, and it
Nvill facilitate the development process with prospective companies and appropriate
governmental entities. '11rough EDC participation,,tile City will be kept apprised of the
Planning,development, and construction of necessary infrastructure to support various
D. 'I'lle Corporation shall maintain records and report to the City as follows:
I. 'file Corporation shall maintain accounts and records that accurately reflect the
revenues and costs for the Corporation*s activities. 'I'liese financial records, and
all records related to the performance of tile contract, shall be available for
inspection at monthly EDC Board meetings.
1 "The Corporation shall USC its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to
the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant
to this Contract.
E Corporation shall become actively,engaged in advocacy for the unique needs of Clallain
County's citizens and agencies.
A,L L A f,Aj (11"C")U Ij T Y/ EC C) f(:: 1)FV E F)M E 1j I
IL Performance by the City of Port Angeles
A. For the services rendered by the Corporation,the City Nvill provide,by payment in cash,
the amount of(five thousand)$5,000 Dollars.
B. Payment by the city shall be made in four installments, payment to be made during the
first month of each quarter.
C. The City shall participate, when applicable as determined by the City, by providing
expertise to accomplish the actions of the Clallani Economic Development Corporation.
Ill. Term This agreement shall be for a ten-n of one year, commencing on .lanUary 11. 2017.
IV. Assi2nment This agreement may not be assigned by either party to this agreement except by
signed amendment,.
V. Termination ]'his agreement may be terminated upon thirty(30)days' notice.
IN U77NESS WHEREOF', the parties hereto caused this contract to be exeCLIted the day and year
first here in above written.
City of Port Angeles Clallam County Economic Developinent
y 7,
Dan McKeen Bob Schroeter
City Manager Executive Director
By: By:
Veneklase Do as S� ]on
Jenni"fe o 11
City Clerk Ch, rrna
Appy ed as to Fon-n:/
illiarn E. Bloor
City attorney
Clallam County
Strategic Direction
Clallam County Economic Development Corporation
Updated - March 2017
905 "west 1E Street, SLht s 222/223 • Ptd Box 1085
Part Angeles, WA 98362
w m . , m e, a
Strategic Direction-,.- .............. ...........____......
Purpose of this Strategic Direction ..............--------...... 34,
EDC Organzatbn, Roles, and Responsibibties—..................... ...... ............ ......... -3 4
Areas of Focus—..... . .......................... ....... ....... ....... ............. .... ...-45
Countywide Economic Devebprnent Fundamentals.... .,............ ........... .......... ... 4
Economic and Demoor aphR c Condi6on of our County ... .......... 5-t 6
Assets and
ChaHenges and Constrannts (or in other �words -Oppor,tunities),,,,,,., ,,,,.,..,,........
Strategic Objectives-l'...,.,,...,...",....,.,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,... 68
Desired 0aHani County, Economic Conditbns in 2018 ........ ............ 68
EDC Performance Metrics ...... ....... 7,8
Action Strategy for the EDC- ........... ........ 8-1-0-'
IART ONL Object�ves ... ...... ................ ......
PART TWO: Action................ ............. ............... ...... ...... ....... 9-1-4
PARTTHREE: Goaas Outcomes (2018-2021)""..11,.11,.,.,..u.. ..,,.......
FinalNote ...... ........ .......... ........ 1,01-2
ved necesiary lit rrfeTy be
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�,,rnd oppop thot rjnach'(nrg the c(':"),ve're d penod
Purpose of this Strategic ire io
4 "To describe in quantitative ternns the econorrnic condition of C,iallarn County un
2018, so that we will know and be able to r narna e our progress toward that future
* To enable Oallarn County governments and private businesses to cooperate using
strategic intent,
i To provide a basis for mobilizing publicand private caapita6; and
0 To connect ends"with means.
i.. .To describe the Ualiarn County econorniic environment.
* To provide a concise accounting of assets and habilities
+ To derive the maxmum econorrnic retUrin from assets, and overcome or mitigate
EDC Organization, 1 , and Responsibilities
The CiMlani County Board of Commissioners has designated ClaHairn County Economic
Development Corporation ("EDU) as the recipient of State of Washington ,Associate
Development Cir anizatlon ("ADO") funding, should the EDC seek to contract for such
funding. (Seas Revised Code of Washington, § 4 , 0.080( )(a).
The EDC is a private, non-profit organization, governed by a Board of Directors„ operating,
in accordance with itsBy-Laws, and subject to Section 501(c)(6) of the U,5, internal
Revenue Code,
it is the EDC role and respernsibility to understand* assist, partner, cooperate,
collaborate and coordinate with all sectors of our community to prorraote the healthy
growth of Clallarn Courlty,,
The EDC acts as a portal to an expansive network of business contacts, tools, and
solutnons for both public organizations and private businesses,
The Clalla"arn EDC's mission is to "set the table" for economic growth„ to identify„
understand and align the econornic driers throughout the County; and to be the
advocate for Clallarn County commerce,
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Economic and Demographic Condition of our Counity
• Pcapulatb n: —73841
• Between the ages of 25 and 0- —32,110 ( 3%of the m mau pa".pWam'uon)
• Working or looking fora work, "31,227 (97%c)ff peo n(.1 ages 20 60)
• Median age: —49.8
• Veterans, —12.4%
• Four federally recognized bribes
• U nernployrnnernt rate, -8,191,6
• l de tarn household income: $47,253
• Per capita iuncor°mne: "'538,545
• Non-farm businesses,- 2,253
• NUm ber of Busurnesses: 2,337
• Totai Business Revenue, —$792,025,972
Assets and n s
• Trees grow wm eU throu hcnut the County, and forest products are a major export,
• SoOs are good throughout the County and the 5epnruirnn Dungeness erness area maintains a
century-old irrigation network to support both plant-based and amnurnakbased
• Port Angeles Harbor, is a maintenance Bred umn -free, deepwater port, located on
shipping directly on shipping routes for all Puget Sound and southern British
Columbia parts,
• Sport fishing and commercial fishing are well established industries,
• Olyrnplc National nal Pardo, as well as other locations throe hoot the County are a
major tcrurisrnn draw,
• The climate and rural nature of Oaharn COUnty draws a vm bramnt retirement
pcnpu.ulatio n, and provides a great place to raise a family,
• A privately owned passenger and wrehucle ferry connects downtown Peart AngOes to
Victoria, British Columbia (the provincial capital),
• There are several public and privately owe ned general and comnnrmnercial airports
throughout the County,
• OaHam County has a strong history of work4ig together as a community,
• Schools and health care are both trustworthy and corn prehensive,- Penmnsula
CoHege has a strong academic and workforce training program, and f=ederal and
State research FacHities are located here,
• Telecom n1 U n�cations„ including broadband serve ce speed, is very good, and
distribution us gettnng even better day by day.
Cheine nges and Constraints (or in other words—Opportunities)
• UaHarn County has no natural gas pipeline or rail link,
• US Highway 101 is the only road hnk between east and west sides of the County,
• SubstanfiaHy 0 foodstuffs and consumer goods must be arnported, and afl solid
waste must be exported,
• Broadband t0econirnunications service to the west side of the County needs to be
• The tax and regulatory environment, both state and fede14, make it increas4lg�y
difficWt to SUstain historic COUnty natural resource-based kidustries, and create
sigrifficant obstacles to expansion, and even survrvafl, of business in general,
• Federal and State duscretionairy budgets are Under stress arid will be increasingly
unable to sustain their historic level of financW support to local governments and
non-governmental organizations,
• We will increas4igly need to rely on our own financial resources to support publicly
owned economc infrastructure,
• The avaHablhty of financing for srnaH business owners and entrepreneurs.
Strategic Objectives:
Desired Clallarn County Economic Conditions in 2018
• Jobsu No net loss of private sector jobs between the 2010 census and 2020 census
• Employment (ages of 25 to 60) 5% ernployable citizens will be either ernpboyed or
Iooking for employment (up from the current 93%)
• Median wages: Consumer Price Index pWs 4%
• Median household income,- Consumer Price IIndex phis 4%
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303 941,jol ASajejjS uoi:pV
OBJECTIVE: Recruit new businesses based on "cost Wdership,
differentiation, and focus," We are driven by these three strategies outlined
by KchaO Porter of Harvard Business Schooln his 1985 book, "Competitive
'The Pacffic Northwest is again growing faster than most areas in 'the U.S, 6n
Seattle, unemployment appears to be heading boo 5 percent, horne prices
are rising sharply, as are rents, and busirtesses are outgrowing their spaces.
Signfficant growth both north and south of Seattle began abOUt 40 years ago
and 1-5 and 99 are now choked Mth traffic. Expansion east, which began
about 35 years ago, is now being slowed by congested traffic corridors and
geography. Forward iooking Seattle busmess leaders have few options and
should be iook4ig west.
in sum, to the west hes, 0allarn County and we have plenty to offer expanding
* "Cost Leadership" — lower costs of Wd, bUddings, homes, rents, power,
and labor.
* "Differentiation" - in terms of Yestyle, beauty, and a workforce eager to
be trained and hired.
* "Focus" —we need to make it very easy for any desirable bUsiness to
locate here and for its employees to want to live here.
PART TWO: Action
Economic development is a team sport. The EDC needs to understand, assist, partner,
cooperate, c0aborate and coordinate with all sectors of our cornrnunity to promote the
healthy growth Of OUr County.
The EDC requires a small team with high energy and a, tioas for action. The current EDC
budget pllan cabts for an ultlemate team of no less than three in6ividnaafi s, At least two
members MH be eqUaRy focused on objectives A and B. The third tearn member will
manage the office and be the master coordinator of all activity, including that with the
Department of Commerce. ROUtine, dependable and reliable BRE visits will be carried
out. We will do OUr best to assist any company that faces zonling issues, financing
issues, and other typical obstacles and challenges. Concurrently our energy,will focus on
the face-to-face marketing of Clallam County to companies in the Northwest starting,
specificaUUyu Alan greater .Seattle. Over tone that marketing effort MU expand further east
Ura concentric circles after real resWts have been delivered. Claustra County has plenty to
offer and is a logcal place to go. A strong and prtapedy financed EDC team Ml
accelerate our Ctaurnty"s drive two the future.
PART THREE: Goak & Outcomes (2018-2021)
1. Support 15 companies to significantly expand or to locate in Clallam County.
2., Induce $75 to $100 miillion of investment in new facilities.
. Create over 500 new direct jobs.
. Ensure an ever-building pipeline of new projects:
a. Some of which will fit our current business segments,
b. Some of which may represent new industries,
c. Have a growing hst of prospective companies evalUating the area for
expansion or relocations.
Hilal Note
As the Action Strategy described above is seem to be effective, the team intends to
expand the CUallam County Outlook to include a 10 year perspective.
Te 2'
F10 Box -)11111
3 6 0 4 Y7 V'r)"I, F1 J1 1 C"I
June 26, 2017
Mr. Dan McKeen
City Manager
City of`fort Angeles
P.O. Box 1.15
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Dear Mr. McKeen:
On behalf of the Clallam County Economic Development Corporation, we truly appreciate the
continuing support of the City of Port Angeles in our work as the County designated economic
development organization. The Clallam EDC values our many public and private partnerships,
and particularly that with the City of Port Angeles, that help make mutual and broad economic
successes possible.
We have enclosed the 2017 contract that was approved by the City on May 16, 2017 at the
regular city council meeting. There are two original sets and both have the signatures required
for the EDC. At your convenience, after signature by the City,please return one original set to us
for our records.
Thank you again for your continued support and should there be, any ftirther questions on this
matter, please feel free to contact me or EDC CEO Bob Schroeter at [EDC office number].
iiI PW
initfer Lind
Director of Operation & Finance
Cc: Bob Schroeter, CEO/Executive Director
Douglas Sellon, Chairman
Nathan West, Director of Community &Economic Development
A FIIIVcf(' Non-Pn')filt Vllorl"fnq f"-)t