HomeMy WebLinkAbout001264 Original Contract The City of Port Angeles
701 Pike St.Suite 1200 Record # 001264
Seattle,WA 98101
May 24, 2017
Caldwell '
Mr. Dan McKeen
City Manager
PO Box 1150
City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles,WA
Subject: Environmental Consulting Support
Firewall Management Procedures
Western Port Angeles Harbor Site
Dear Dan:
Brown and Caldwell (BC) is pleased to write to you regarding our proposed work for
Owens Corning(OC)to provide technical support services related to the Western Port
Angeles Harbor Site, located in Washington.
I initially wrote to Mr.Craig Fulton at the City of Port Angeles (City)on 12/20/16 to
outline this proposed engagement,the likely scope of work,and the fact that although
we did not see it as an actual or positional conflict of interest,we wanted to make sure
the City did not have any objections before proceeding. Our policy is that in all cases
where a waiver is sought, BC will respect the decision of its clients to avoid the
appearance of an actual or positional conflict of interest.
This letter,which is sent to both you and OC,describes the steps BC will take to avoid
any appearance of or actual conflict of interest between the City and OC with regards to
services BC provides to the City and to OC.
As a national environmental engineering firm with over 50 offices nationwide, BC works
for various public and private clients in the range of engineering capacities. BC
maintains Standards of Conduct and Business Ethics and other policies, procedures,
and protocols to address ethics in business and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
The materials are covered initially as part of new employee orientation,on an ongoing
basis with other topics of relevance as part of local or project efforts,and as required on
specific projects.
Under those procedures, we use reasonable and good faith efforts to identify potential
new projects that might intersect with past or current clients. When that occurs,we
review the relevant factors and determine appropriate steps to take, given those unique
500393785 v1
Dan McKeen
City Manager
May 24, 2017
Page 2
Here, we identified that OC's potential project might intersect with our separate project
work for the City. We also identified that we did not believe it was a conflict.
Importantly, and as already observed in our previous e-mail, BC has never performed
environmental cleanup services for the City, nor does it intend to perform those services
in the future. Nonetheless, and in consideration of our value for, and appreciation to,
the City as a client, we affirmatively seek out the City's approval to proceed with the
To make sure our policies are implemented properly, BC plans to institute several steps
intended to put an "ethical wall" between the City and OC projects.
First,we plan to designate the OC project and any inactive or currently ongoing City
projects as "confidential projects" in our internal BC "WorkSmart" Project Delivery
System. This will limit access to project files - such as correspondence and related
project deliverables- by project personnel to those assigned to their respective project.
We will similarly label hard copy file folders "confidential," and have them stored in a
secure manner inaccessible to personnel in that same office who may be working on the
other project.
Second, we will also plan to have separate project teams working on City projects that
have historical or current knowledge of the City's stormwater and wastewater systems
from those workingfor OC at this Site. Those personnel that have a substantial
involvement in one project will not participate in the other project.
Third, and consistent with the above efforts and structure, we will institute an ongoing
effort to educate and reinforce these restrictions with the respective project teams. This
will include addressing it as an agenda item as part of internal project meetings and
doing a "refresh"on these requirements at least annually and with new individuals
joining one of the project teams.
We believe that these steps should fully address the City's potential concern. If you
have any remaining questions or concerns,though, please let us know. Otherwise, we
would ask that you confirm that we have the City's permission to proceed as outlined
herein by counter-signing where indicated below and return an electronic copy to me.
500393785 v1
Dan McKeen
City Manager
May 24, 2017
Page 3
Thanks again for your cooperation and assistance in this regard.
Very truly yours,
Brown and Caldwell
-� - --
Tadd Gi recht, P.E. Ste e Anderson, P.E.
Client Service Manager West Business Manager
Cc: Bill Bloor,City of Port Angeles
Paul Lewandowski, Owens Corning
Ankur Tohan, K&L Gates
Accepted and agreed:
City of 7ngeles
Title: C141 YvIO n"e--
Date: S 1 301
500393785 v1
00/ 96" (-(
Kari Martinez-Bailey
From: Craig Fulton
Sent Thursday, August 10, 2017 3:08 PM
To: Marian Bodad| Kari Martinez-Bailey
Subject: FW: Owens Corning
|ythis the 2ODecember 2O16"Letter° you are looking for?
K/Craig '
From:Tadd Giesbrecht [noai|to:TGieubrecht@8nmnCa|d.cmnn]
Sent:Tuesday, December 2O, 2816]:O1PM
To: Craig Fulton<Cfu|ton@dtyufpa.uo>
Cc: Martha Knowlton<mknowiton@BrwnCald.com>;Jim Claffey<JClaffey@Brwncald.com>
Subject:Owens Corning
It was good toconnect with you last month over lunch. VVerecently saw anote from Vanirthat the final construction
report for the pump station was issued and that the system is working well with no downtown overflows since it
came on-line. Congratulations tnthe City on this major milestone.
On another topic, Brown and Caldwell has been approached by Owens Corning(OC)to provide technical support
services related to the Western Port Angeles Harbor Site, located in Washington (Site). While,to the best of our
knowledge, BC has never performed environmental cleanup services for the City ofPort Angeles (Qh/), asthe City ia
a potential liable person (PLP) under the Agreed Order with the Washington Department of Ecology to complete a
Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study(RI/FS) at this same site, we wanted to let you know about our possible
involvement onOC's behalf.
More specifically, OC is currently in discussions with the western Port Angeles Harbor PLPs to participate in the
RKPSprOCeSs asdefined inthe Order. BCs involvement would include, but is not limited to, participation in PLP
group meetings; review of historical and environmental documents; review of technical documents prepared by the
PLP group; and provision nftechnical expertise toDCand its counsel.
Although wedonot see this 8s anactual o/potential conflict Dfinterest, vve appreciate and value our relationship
with the City and want to make you aware of this pursuit and affirmatively confirm that the City does not have any
objections. |fyou could confirm that this is okay OnOrbefore January 5,that would b*appreciated. Otherwise, we
plan onengaging inthis work inearly 2O17.
Uyou need any additional information, Vryou would like ustotalk to anyone else at the City regarding this matter,
please let rneknow.
Tadd Giesbrechtx P.E.
Vice President
Brown and Caldweii I Seattle„WA
T 206.749.2888 I C 206.794.5608
Udvvett *
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