HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/13/2017 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Rooms
Port Angeles, WA 98362
June 13, 2017
3:00 pm.
L Call To Order
Chair Lynn Bedford called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
11. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch, Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd, and Vice Chair Lee
Councilmembers Absent: Brad Collins, Mayor Patrick Downie, Dan Gase, and Michael
UAC Members Present: Chair Lynn Bedford and William Atkinson
UAC Members Absent: Rob Feller and Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Craig Fulton, Gregg King, James Burke, Teresa Reed-
Jennings, Shailesh Shere, Kathryn Neal, William Bloor,
Michael Cyr, and Michelle Hale
Others Present: Citizen; Richard French
111. Approval Of Minutes
Chair Lynn Bedford requested a motion for approval of the May 9, 2017 minutes. Cherie Kidd
moved to approve the minutes and Vice Chair Lee Whetham seconded the motion, which carried
IV Late Items:
A. Solid Waste Tipping Fees—Verbal—V. Information Only Item D
B. Public Comment Period Update—VI. Discussion Item B
C. Vice Chair Lee Whetham requested a round of introductions be made as there
were new faces in the meeting. Chair Lynn Bedford agreed and introductions
were made
V Discussion Items:
A. Landfill Post-Closure Professional Services Agreement, PSA-2017-05
Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager announced this was tier last UAC meeting as she was
retiring at the end of June. Committee members congratulated and thanked her.
Kathryn explained the conditions of the Municipal Solid Waste Handling Facility Permit
SLW08-00 1,the scope of the site, and the landfill engineering support requirements for the
contract approval. 'rhe City originally entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to
provide landfill engineering services in support ofthe Port Angeles Landfill post-closure pen-nit
in 2008 and the City has been more than satisfied with Aspect's performance, responsiveness,
and the established relationships with City Operations and Engineering staff. Aspect's
experience with the prcject makes them uniquely qualified to provide the continuity in service.
Discussion followed,
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the
Landfill Post-Closure Consulting Services - Professional Services Agreement with Aspect
Consulting in an amount not to exceed $115,000 in Year I and $670,500 over the rive year
life of the contract,and to make minor modifications to the agreement as necessary.
Cherie Kidd seconded the motion,which carried unanimously. (5-0)
B. Public Comment Period
Vice Chair Lee Whetharn asked for the status of an initiative request he made at the April 2017
UAC meeting regarding public comment period at community meetings. Craig Fulton, Director,
Public Works & Utilities stated they did get a consensus from the City Council to add public
comment to all the committees and the City Manager/City Clerk's office was working on a
policy to bring forward. City Attorney Bill Moor explained the City Council directed a number
of changes relating to permanent committees, boards, and commissions. One of the changes had
to do with standardization of public comment period for all of the committees. Bill stated
another was to change the location of the meetings to the City Council Chambers, which will
better facilitate public comment. Bill is currently reviewing the ordinance for presentation to
council. He informed the UAC they have the authority to have public comment at the committee
meetings by adding it as an agenda action item. The ordinance should be complete within two
months. UAC members chose to wait for the ordinance.
V1. Information Only Items:
A. 2016 Consumer Confidence Water Quality Report
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works & Utilities stated the annual report is required by the State
and the Federal government to be distributed to City customers outlining the quality of their
drinking water and knowledge of the City system, The report details unique systems, programs
and possible contaminants. Questions were asked on the fluoride water quality monitoring
results. James Burke, Deputy Director of Operations stated the City stopped testing the fluoride
in August 2016 and the results in the report were an average of 2016. James stated the sampling
conducted are mandated requirements by the State. UAC members requested the report add in
the words "Stopped adding fluoride August 2016". Members also requested to test yearly for
natural fluoride. James Burke will research what labs can test for fluoride at that low level.
B. Electric Meter Lockbox—verbal
Shailesh Shere, Assistant Director, Power Systems, discussed a new trend coming from the
residential Community; 100 requests so far. Residents have growing concerns with the elements
surrounding tile meter housing and want the gate locked. Determined tile best option is a
lockbox. Shailesh stated there is no provision in the ordinance for a cost, and he is looking for
the support of the UAC as to whether he should present a proposal for this provision. The cost of
material and 30 minutes of labor to install each lockbox is $150.00. Shailesh stated this would
be strictly for residential boxes. Discussion followed. UAC members agreed there should be a
standardized price.
Sissi Bruch made a motion to recommend to move forward with this idea to City Council.
Vice Chair Lee Whetham seconded the motion,which carried unanimously. (5-0)
C. UAC Utility visits—verbal
Gregg King, Power Resource Manager followed up request at the last meeting with scheduling
two site visits. 1--le will send invitations via email. The visits are: Friday, June 30`h pm, at Morse
Creek and Friday, July 21', am at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Gregg is still working on
scheduling the Water facility. Vice Chair Lee Whetham requested to invite the City candidates
through the City Manager's office.
D. Update Solid Waste Tipping Fees -verbal
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works &Utilities provided an Update on the Solid Waste
ordinance. Craig stated in the ordinance he has the ability to waive or reduce transfer station
tipping fees for heath and wealth fare, environmental cleanup, etc. However the ordinance does
not address private residents. Mr. Fulton stated there are a number of task forces working with
private property owners to clean up their property and he does not have or want the ability to
waive or reduce fees, but does want to incentivize the cleanup of these properties. The City is
working on ordinance changes for reducing fees if property owner is working with a task force in
cleaning up tile property and also adding the ability to put a lien on the property to recoup Cost Of
tipping fees. The UAC would like to hear from the Hoarding"Task force when it comes before
Council. The UAC would also like to see a list of agencies who receive waivers and also have a
statement for the newsletter broadcasting these good programs.
E. IJAC Member Candidates-verbal
Craig Fulton, Director, Public Works& Utilities reminded members that UAC Chair Lynn
Bedford requested to resign at the last meeting. Lynn will continue attending meetings while a
replacement is sought. Craig stated there are three candidates to replace Lynn. Craig will
request the candidates attend the next meeting for the committee to interview and make a
VII. Next Meeting Date: July 11,2017
VIII. Adjournment: 4:16 p.m.
I C Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist 11