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1406 Campbell Ave - Engineering
LEAK REPORT -.-..-,---..------.- .--.- ----- --~ leak #. \ Client 2f\ -r:41' \(1 ~~-') WItt- Oate...._ ?, -I fa - OE ~ Location ~ ;<%ro~ l.L;bc" t: ~P8e-Z< R~ .::;~~~~~_.;. =: Tech In ftials - TIme In. /,;1. 'O~ TIme Out / ""/.:c;PrYJ. Total Time 7,.(' ~ Leak Classification- ;:P::::: Estimated GP M- \ ~.) 0 Set-up Diagram ~ Leak Type: Main,X HYd__ Service Une Valva - -- Meter Curbstop - Service Connection Consumer Side Undefined - Other .--.----- - -.--..... -- - Iq.s'OF;l {'c..I:: '" Cover Tvpe: Asphalt _ Concrete_ Soil ;;s::. Grave/_ ~ Correlations --- E 0 (A-n1pet:""t.C~ """'" '" lqO~ "I ~Q ~ 7<-/ t,6 " "- 6' "- To -=:> ~O ? /3 7~~C 01'::- ~ t'Li <( I<.(SO r;)d) <z.op (f 1'1 L t'?t-i<..., 7(". 4{/;-- FRoM.. '" scan time filter point ht footage -/ .-/1~ b_ B :l "O~ ?4 (..0 f' "