HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 N Oak Street (16) 1-18 SAID IAYT IUAT 0t�a -
f - hew -
, S �'i FI i 2 C 1 T I fang S ( eemt'd) J. IIM16Ia LIt - A. SCOR B. TEST
♦ - •'1 shall ut of a th steel,12- x welded Censtawtian,925 1W warkIns Pweeae, Oontrutor shill Tarnish ana install Complete tangratn" Control for tin All piping .hall be tested .¢w w♦tw• at Dull v'vta Pressure.
E• shY� t1N rot LSs than 1P S 60". radiant hitting ty$ta in the floor, and the system In the Call be code before anyMiping te
atoll be gtlw>♦latd J L1✓T• wi • , and,Shall terfle4 ]D' O• above [rade iD '`'. - I,rg, _eoraaalmd tr shall vi witnessed by
a pmtuta Mao ldit capper sireS6ad opemiag. L. ' IIPAYSIUI TAE[ 7QPPOM . . I ,+ . representative
F• SVCTIUI LIDS. _ , atoll M utiMga rode from the ca 111tri. - ' - eYst1 be Johnson Sarvim Co.,,or Yiar. 1L-HoY rose" '
.2. $hd.l be prarlbd Ntwwi the all tank ad MO burner, aim as msrked;,shsU L. AIR TWIT TALT[S d ✓ , pe 7•ell or r equal. 1 C• .hail ISM be PIPING ;sed tWl.
,•f anter the tank $kens • healing, ad teralato 3- show the Doha of %.% tank $hall Be Provided Where shorn m the drawings, flat operated type, Orimrll C.
NTlT�1 CURRq. -
y:": in a root valve. A sauced the* vein oball be provided at the bursr. 't -+ No. IWI or Crone for each system shall consist of a pneumatic intermediate act 1
L y Yo. 9810. or equal. Pa•e t us •Din ora D. The col PIP.DD r
In troch do surface temperature of the testing wediea 1s adeus ted imeratl7 _ drained
cold t tuesystwa shall he we graded that alt alae ad
. O• RIIlI1p LI>t • - . . In Proportion to the wU1de temperature.
aball be promded keawan W bnrsr and the oil Y. BRAIN CO2 , . , drwined at the Belyr idea.
UM, alai r marded; .pall •. e1e11 be pevldad at eeqa 10. point in On
enter the took them a b� coconut.to the motion pipol Shell terminate with bat end, Arco No.-171, or equal. �W' 3/2' ti e, bey operated, D. in eachSTAT eace, , ♦. E. NOT YTER LR PLae INC Cagswylcm
call fast above t{ra bob$" - in each ccs., sna11 M far use with too Wriostata, one at the rating aha11uds. Cold water the,
-i H JOIYTS .+ N. BILUCDAI PITTINGS adieu, and ons outdoors; for Continuous operation at our room temperature. C l^CI Pte wow, cheek wow, and L111sf wool
. 4- tie I2'cwlatlng »moon th" Check valve, at oppwlto W of tank free
connection, drain 4q law point.
atoll he Detroit verism NO. 117. Saraofla4a or dqual, of pattern u tat°h's[• E. T7� UI TALTi .. /
in p1pSng snail N ran 11th litkarae area gl7daire. "_'• operated, shall be Provided at cash circulator, connected to either !'i P. RQ.IID FALvE 0.1
' 0. fllEn W S[ TO rLpfJB CO _ �7wR�1�waraOLa
•I. TENT ah�l110e ogreMl to the to thft e thedoofiFstam or t Fanal,to return the water_ tP the "turn min; r af� be Similar No, 9045, ralanr Mo. 127. a egcQ, piped to tank .
shell be Installed In the ground below the slan shall be Lrulatod Ydwcrieed
The lack AM ptpi� bhall M tested b rid a tight vaeuroo of 24• for 24 lames aaWr 'Insulation aorN/ shall be ins talled in vitrified the concrete 1 , ,
4 Ckfilling. Sts test .hall be made is the Presence of the Ar Elect
- - -
•.or rcpseaentatfw. tett all Joints wall commuted.
�, pipes
N: _ _ F. 1111TWX ACTICM r C. Noe KM, 00TS1D6,
J. St»!lD •, P. [HARING ar HL&TDG TSTOt �` Ogration.Ef valves Shall be such as to full
y bypass the boiler then air is 3 shalt M ent1_f"* wag wall b'drento with oft the Sync... - r Ivbe.,
,75,s r La
Shell N pyewided, rode of black steel. 1/4'-A 1• oteSs SeCLooa. graduated in •, will be dos at the oapletion of the wort be the Architect's +rechmnled ltglwr, .. S °PYdtio°a •Sm Y marked, American Towadry Co.,e. be.,13, as
lsakwe M oto side, 6' longer than the dlmwtbr Of ten took.,fitted with Orin • a A ties basica and a bill will be rendered to
the eatrwtor for the saDYni pt 0. 01TDOOR THUNCCTAts r e i' �r or•peal. s
of pegW 1angY with 6' ring. _ this conics. Contractor 4411 Include lar hfs bid the Sun of TooNm&*d Twen4.y rive _ spall be located where ;bore; shell be shielded from the direct rays of the • 11. I= BION IYSna BUILD=
^ polled ((4225.00) vhich.is to be Wed u an allowance to cover the cost of bal6xiyg sun by ■ shield of proper type for the wadltion. skull he Ser1Lr N-8260, a '.
i. ANTI SVM TAR - heating system. Atp diffe"roe between the cast of this bslsru . empm sioo fuestr 3/4• nisi, into Urud
work and the - '•a Jibe nickel plate finish, with wheal beadle end.WS Oowrntla.—resat,.
shell b.-prOvid" at high point of wet Gn linea Detroit Lubrication No. (g�-lOpJ mining at of the s mawaaw e11a11 be added W or deducted ft,, U+s H. DO" THIMOSTAT
u, equal. .. )) contract oowrut, Y the We req r. •hall M cu. P ovide stop
into the .110114 w tea dentia of the apply
. � ai- te won we, atoll M hosted on the Ilse lis at the point show. L sane wS. Provide clop !n line add of hang bill.
L. Oat FIR Dr1TI4 I. BBTTINO OF INSTOpY! ,.' I.' AIR tlAY s.
Yob �rrargam�M with the lapel gas eamPsrp to hew gY tnoe>�ut Into the wilding A. SCUR - - • Is each we, shall be as fallow, shall be provided at each rater commsc%.I" to plm/ing fixtures, pbv
and the water inmtalled. Pay all costs involved. Run the gas line thea the water -
to tens oil burner ignition eoeneeta with ertoff valve. Contractor shall furnish and install too Cireula f For the Coiling Syatemr - St ee deg., above hero At ten o�oar W1D, 16F deg. car .San co inter Comeetlan, aregaly 1111w 1oa[I ..
./ system. tJAlg pupa or the radMML 1041 ' do
b. indoor bulbi at.7t) dK.,at the outdoor bulb, we deg. at the indoor ., 172 lm OPIINYS •
]nl.l 170UCTIC Aa NUlDO iy,I TPI [ - ri R. TM
i Ta Iter TAeor S tent - K I8 wing. phew are St tbe.outdoor bulb, 130 deg. A. '".
y1. Cunt P� meted Dn of the orttirifugal type Claes .. >' CoRtractAn, shall
tarnish and install the entire
is counted en + °ccNed: n mouse the Prep wine oe tkF'•iaaoar bale at 'Kl meg. On the outdoor kale 72 a.
�yeotorwtis batt,,st disk she lastcol the tosyte4 egal2mawt for the heating of .1 top. Pry At the bottom, and equ�d for wrtoiCe wall wanting, wtor at elm 't I' , e. on ten ;moor bulb • � ayeta for. the ilding. sealtarr sea.
Peed rich rcralul seal instead of packing. _ Temperatures Mtw.n the two points in each we shall vary N em inverse _ 1,
C. UNJIFACTINE . .straight line ratio. - ' B. T cT or Ideal yInSgU
shall be Birekftald, DYUTS Nibwr,41ticncele Ante, or equal. shoal be BdI A Gossett �ries 1512. - le. • V Shell be wade with water ata of not Inns Q. sTaaci'UII '- J. LI11IT1bG TM1r05TAT, t � t Sika. pie `�
P" D. YTIW . .hall be ijbd for each . ter insertion ttem tolled Soo the .e 1aes �� act len. tole 2 kaure; skull ad&*
shall be ronrtraated of iWt ttepl. welded Skrt, I50 She. sorting PMS&Ar*, ,{ #hall he Y follow, _ flow,line, Jult beyond the mixing Point; shall Dmction to limit the water .j I, ,UP'lPi^e is'found to bat, SL oral M eot*-.,14�j ~.
19U oomtractruct lglsp` OpK Hard !'4 ]t }�crpture to s saiLrw of SU Setting by taking p"oedmnom ower the ;,
operated the eel valve. Setting points Shell be N follows ye. .0. PITCz
D. TANK 9Ia Cor System-7P �� -
•f wall M 24• dlarter 51. 1 ei Ceiling Sys tea lA tD y of Mrlantal boll am waste
1 mgt 200 gal. storage. l S to T futures DSPiag snail be.
1 1. Mars p m�e D. CAST IBM PIR
R. UAK Sam B9 SDPPOEM . , shall been Motor ILP. - Ceiling 153 - � �`b* f1mL gw"ty wall ping. Fitting. shall be of ver quality v : -
by D.ehepsd rods from the'wiling, attached to steel plate$ Chat in the conerete. � apt= TfJ" X. T1U>11UU7TAB r I .-L Pipe +ed.•Npcctal2y a&& for drainage pwecoea•
F. KLMM Us - ng arta �4 a bkal.l he p"viwdltfokime, all mercurial type. �I [. FMIMGS Uo XX13,TATE ASU TO PIPM ".
than be provided in the tank• siwrte' a 6•. .P. •WGM[TIC S1=11 (S) One on the tall In eagrwaww
ch cone, tly eesu"d to the wall. shall be be hlaek we et treof Cruise, golworte or Grimal
with wduvol • pc'ctSctlon, with Start-etop push button station - b pattern, is the Iloo lint of each circul C. a Scott piping, 10% tarn restated pattern; an vent ngarwtaehra, a opal
� tags Snd °rerload S( ) Orr, SnNrtia 1
0. THMKWW is the cover, shall be R-0 dad for each rotor. (c) Out, junction pattern, In the return llrr of Such circuit. rwgklar pathew.
Shall be provided. 1♦ertIa type, Net in tank at centerlinal Arco No. 561, _ A { - T. 902E AMD USfE PITDq ABOTg Di�lr. 2• Alp &AMM
Capitol )le. 201 or equal, so located that it Can be wily read from the floor. 1 76 UDIA4 MATIMa - metre 6ysm AIR PIPIE_:, FUR TOPMU1DME RMW►TIOM _ s alweightro
l be victory weight cast in mil piDel mc1Lr tkwa 20 , galvrdsad atesl
- shall be provided between the,veter Mater in the boiler and the hot water tank. P oollale wrctlona 041.1 1arnLh and instal: RM411 at floor type tudlan' Mating la Contractor &boll fu•ruieb and install �10te Nr plpireg m4uired I� O. SOIL a = PEPM "CUM
t of the b"Ang. for the operation of the temperature Sita tan, is accordsnee with # victory might cast 1 it Pipe,iAm US en 26
I. rLQ CCWMCL #ALTL - iM v k ,- the following. ( rib" Laving building evil In Out p1" em1Lr then 2• air.
err; be pray ddd In the circulator circuit, weighted cheek type, which shall open 3.1 Lawns or OOILS+ \" .1� building wall. . .y .�•
against the circulator hesde but which shall.clove tightly against gravity head. +•.. , I� °D to bring the p1Pd two inches balm the floor lis, the will - B. PIPE ` eamufactui•ed for feyrwraLu" , H. WALL SMO eiATpl MMW SDpPCgTSCast w•rr gg f - -
J. ClIca"M e � , 9v "to sLD. be71tg Conttrol purposell be Me& s. dvaniad steel Specially :• r , Vertical Mon adjustable �..
0.160. fitted
agthfo th
spall b provided L the circulating lis betwwn LM weter banter and the but � � - '1-a60, t1Lted w1N a�pL of la'agr for
-Lor took, type That em O& directly a the PdpiMs Threat or Bell A Gossett 1 4 Dw e!be wileTlarll N C. SIlb Ct' WIMB • i in accordance with the details of.tr aiautsaL q arses, Installed
aswayrts , ec equal, ret Iah Soso, rated at not lam than 20 gal. par min. wit • mDD°rt'•d ad ow;er•ets bloc". _ shall be not lwi than T/8# L brembe lyra thermostat to velem, VON- ,e
!' -0• bed; motors 220 v111t, o1ngL phase, equipped with r eserlad cutout _. D.
I fLNi
Switch. All Ping Shell N Stallard,wlght D. 1MSfALIATIOP "hall be provided for ecce trap wales noted otherwise. hot piping below
wrought 1"e pipe, s1 • u uses D larger, shall be LdeUry w ht wt iron
.Jr + • Pfinished sectyas of the buildd 1n tMAbplpipe hall be Pia; all 1 aborutlg,�aD°w2' and 3• W galvaniud Steel Pip,.
L. CIDWp TckCQ1DQ. � t R: TOm7 lng Skull be alowrrd ,Don Y malls '[ vlPsi.
Neel] be by ons• of an electric apastot, Intension type, witk mereury tub All O&W ISAll-be shop t and round. t�
owitdh, of Noraold a Nfmmapolis-SOM we11 msrrtowtnre. Aga tat shall be located Shall be delivered to the sni�tsp Aft be finished to the adyt ebe led tor, at tin shop[ - J• TRRNIW7IOM OT TORS
M took, at . sed er11 be Set to start ten OUO$Utor at.135 dog. - M flnirlred aalU, ,easy to he Net
in PUN. _ N, TEST shall be st low than 10• above ten 2;Owf lot lase •
and a 'St atZ/a LC a F. JOIETII 0 w tow shall be code ata ".sure of 10 Ins. - to LM mild or r thea 15 -0• thea W'°DSwri
ton lag of switoh Shell b of prfrpa pias to start sed , of LM conplated piPi+u[' ant P LKa on, foot ,Dow.sere fn opeal,rg, r
oto the cirodstor. without the use of a "IA7. A allowed aquastat, of All Joints in the i- - r square inch. ` -
aawa type Y fes flrwt, @ball be set in the eine of the tetleS, mot at-150 ., . la the trade. The welding ing s all be atoll be melded. ealdlng ekaiVw doe by wan akilled pe W I• DOPMSMTS .
connected in Sort** with the first aquartet in Such a eemar tent the Circulator `, [m welding or electric welding.�lon wlding; nontr actor r7 anploy either T. AIR SOPPLT aril be wt Sr•a veil pip; victory wigkt. .
cunt wawa if ten water in the boiler it not shove tea ratting. Yur•nith and .-• - - shall he Wren Ire the air compressor spsoifled under ^Air Compw"oes .'
L• JOINTS ]N IW Ade :e
Install stats. y wiring 1y arbros cable between the Otreelator fetor and 4 0• PRLSfJR TE_T - ' ,iuforf-va3e, 9restu" reducing valor, red [s[• shall N ptrovlddd ret this . shall be tightly Peeked witthgoake n Lawimg not leas tkm 17.2• depth of Lad
the afu$tete. Loh veil •hall b '"Jetted to •.47draali. present. tett atter - connection. t • ria. This Spas ekdl N filled with Sad at oe Pour, aril be pthofCaulked,
'1 Pe quare inch. Tbit test shalt be'wdm In the shop gy s fbricsticn of 500 Ibe - ruce- and Spall sbdl tines eydta ten anll.
1-14 BOT 1ATY MUTDO P37M ny of each test shell be not Iowa than'one hose: 617 Car Cad the duatioe I.� XLTZR S�TICE km -
- r Y. FUSHIIG it .
A. Conten . . _� V. "t" TL.T Contract& shell f Vh and install the later "mice for the bwildireg. .• shall
h bepre Ufa ere Pipe pat" terve $tie ret win 4 lb. shut ley
'tcrelah W Ssta11 all Piping in Carenecticrr with LM het water r After th$ w1L �h0in PLAAMP and'drwnlle twet Of 200 IN O011C"U Slow a" P°utrd, sgcr cs11 S A. �� ' , frem On Pips, and ren at
hit .tr be Subjected to e
. ':• least 10 is all dlfectlos
than 6 hmh. per square Shen for a perlog of wt Lea - . ♦ R. NATER TAP, lomat ]2• above LM rest around the pip, /schplp akall be eoaterflahy
B' SINTd - I ' - - s Yoke arrengeNnto with the City Authorities to obtain a tap 1n ten water ' k with a 4 lb. led Sleeve, turned down iuside of ad owes.
shall be a 2-pipe, forced Mtfw.ter, closed type. - I• MISS TO Mui �! sin, of Proper lip, and PV all coots imolvod. � flashing at lout 2•. $� Overlapping lover
C PIR All of the above testa shall be withers be, - . e
rperd,ehall be herd-drawn Copper ta"js other Sod der the ArehlUet or rept a tsti". C. MEM Ba AND SIM017 TALTg E'- 01JsagOBIS
.retch 4 installed endo pl1 pips) J• CODS CUUECTIONS - shall be provided Outside the be11dSng, ekSfu lirweted lay W City. r Stroll be Provided at all location r'aqulrwd to peal$ c of all Seoer
Standard wight'blaa stool. -. In each cue a le Cal and
'.. This work shall ConfOM to stasdaxd cit?reguLtiorr. peter will - Jt : tkearepset piping. This Shell include the dew at all me Cal Neelo, the meat
ball be Lens a balanClrrg fitting and gat* vel" we the return aids Only. be fr•niabed by the City. This centfuctor shell PRY all costs in this of all horizontal min rams, and elsewhere Y Showa. openirgs shall be aloud
with treas Screw Plage.
.D. On still
- - R. COILS SULL W T>miT'1N) connection. ty
On Steel Dope.Shell b wt Sven standard weight. _ - ) � thru an autamtic sent valve at the "turn headerIn each also, 1-27 [ice VM,
E. PITC; s 177 RADIANT IRl7INT_--91. u stet. D. arll be [slvW Ad afoul, standard wlgrt• _
room..oomb provided in the PSP1a4aJwt sufficient to bTcin the piping at the boils A, VA: ... 30M _ -
. _ pip for W
1 - a i. DEPTH OF Il1RI Conttweot shall fennioe erw Ss 411 all Curate Swear connection
F. RTDNADLIC T7NT • 'r. ) living Ind Office ,Nactii e� Us buila u111ng type
rkdlswL heating Systa for the ena11 be not less than feet. ,y �1�.
&hell he'sde M all piping deter construction, at net l+m than 75 14s. .pa < dam' .*. CUD iTml IUWN
Squoow inch. At Cabletim, the writes Shell be tested at a tydramlic pressure g• P2R lU gOIIg .sure redwing valve, valved bypass. P. BMg2bit >RIi'D1itNCT
of 25 lbe. per square ince. Mall be Still sot, of strainer, Dre
• r m wad tisere and vad drain ttvu Carmel. to Nd stent Spwa.rlere shown, a now- aft•drar OcPpe tubing. vel . li1 we ,,,� °'Deni"[ to be put !q-tee city sewer
shall b provided j@ Such of the tae Mating Clreuita, as in the floe, ens in �,�, After p*LiS 'A to Plane. and befo" it L .U. shallbeSimilar, 9-9030. iwiwr So. 5e4, or equal. . C. of
the return, -1-fell$' check type.stdeh will Seat tight '*an the circulator Ia �fuu11C Git of net Iesa tun plastered In, St stool be - r PdPisg sWl N 3• •-0• view finished gran to the oenterllco.
not rumor` and w}'y1 t leant mO led. [Iww a .
qo hkaimpt the gravity head;.Bell A GCarett ma4factare, L 1 per sgrrs*a,laeh. - PRLSSLYLpT�C IMO -00DO
or equal, Seco sA ten 111rwwLtor. e) D• BADIAMT C3= - R. �� '
shall b dailLr 9.9000. LLlq-MrllSr No. 172, or equal.
H. pggssUlg I�TIATR -� - be al' b`f h�a wood Joh, to Suit the d mesiar oral `��pELLu . t .
shall consist ofs Data calve, check vdve, 11allor X-9030 strainer, 1aeller - sae plus. teaWste, All pipe in,arp os anal phdig sh�. Band,the I. Ola[ reducing velsei 0 to 150 r .�
i( XCD Fracture tinting sales,.idler 9-9050 relief voles all of the above srmatly LM aba11cN provided on leen olds a wrutete
3/b aim. 1 '-� F. supparr Q COIN lbe•toaL; 1-1/2' dial; Iron we,lDrNS r3R1 lrriyumvyhCxbft or •, a
f11,1M' T T CMtARt1L1 • K/RK {}y� 1! -
1. 7he csilt tla31 be eaeurvd to the JY. P. North wwhotum, i 1 11 R P I F E C 1 S . grecs-:•.hew....N. hen U• 1. t
S1rgTi I®.Ilo T1LTE to tbe f1�4t relief valve, of omen type ate ' ~I on Aentere at roue�'eWid- l�of ltens rteof �LwiN soft tabs. ` e IC AA7tffi PIPDR i, a e ,� s a s.
shall be provided t.�dditla acoedlti[ A'__ F(R� 46 -4. - -
,i ane foot ale anra-ad wire 1-11 IIUaST ,w/'_a•`` T4_• PMI- ANGELL✓ 4�
rsfacdure, Cad Set too Pomade hlgbet. • P. COIL CmQtrfaRa LJ[_. vert 24:
d , A. SCOR n`
? _ In m#4 step Shall Contractor shall furrrleh and install the mrd" System of domestic �t5 �Y.t6R;1�'Mk.P
be thtV ■ gata vain and a.��..`
� v fit0lNg a W reh;n a1dt. ML and told later piping. � _- -. - -•.�..- - _
- r,