HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/14/2017 Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles,WA 98362
November 14,2017
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
IL Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes for October 14,2017
IV. Late Items
V. Public Comment— The Utility Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for Public
Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its
most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. Individuals may speak
for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than
20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. (Taken from
Council Rules of Procedure Section 12).
VI. Discussion Items:
A. Proposed Adjustments to 2018 Utility Rates
VII. Information Only Items:
A. Utility visits for UAC and City Council
VIII. Next Meeting Date: December 12,2017
IX. Adjournment
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Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
October 10, 2017
3:00 p.m.
I Call To Order
Chair William Atkinson called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
II Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch, and Vice Chair Lee Whetham
Councilmembers Absent: Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd
UAC Members Present: Chair William Atkinson, Mattias Jarvegren, and Rob Feller
UAC Members Absent: Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Gregg King, Teresa Reed-Jennings, Bill Bloor,
Glen Goodworth, Jeff Bender, Marian Bodart,
and Michelle Hale
Others Present: (3) Three citizens
III. Approval Of Minutes
Chair William Atkinson requested a motion for approval of the September 12, 2017 minutes.
Sissi Bruch moved to approve the minutes and Rob Feller seconded the motion. Motion carried
IV. Late Items:
A. Sissi Bruch requested to have, in a future meeting, a discussion regarding the
public education on the interconnectivity of water,wastewater, and irrigation. She
was concerned about a "Keep your lawns green"utility bill insert that was sent out.
V. Public Comment: None
VI. Interview Citizen At-Large Candidates
Interviews were held for the three candidates for the UAC citizen at-large position. Using a list
of preferred questions, UAC members questioned each of the candidates. Discussion followed.
Vice Chair Lee Whetham made a motion to appoint Paul Collins as the Yd Citizen at-Large
representative for the Utility Advisory Committee. Seconded by Mattias Jarvegren.
Motion carried 3-1-1(reclusion)
Vice Chair Lee Whetham made a motion to further recommend City Council approve the
Utility Advisory Committee motion of appointing Paul Collins as the Yd UAC Citizen At-
Large representative. Seconded by Sissi Bruch. Motion carried 5-0
VII. Discussion Items:
A. FY2017-19 Water Quality Stormwater Capacity Grant Contract No. WQSWCAP-
Teresa Reed-Jennings, City Engineer requested UAC members recommend City Council to authorize
the City Manager to sign the two year grant agreement with the Washington State Department of
Ecology. The grant provides financial assistance to fund National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES)program activities. Discussion followed. Sissi Bruch requested a list of past items
and costs covered by this grant for previous periods and proposed future costs for the new grant.
Vice Chair Lee Whetham made a motion to recommend that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to sign the FY 2017-19 Water Quality Stormwater Capacity Grant agreement
with the Washington State Department of Ecology in the amount of$50,000, and any
subsequent amendments or minor modifications to the agreement. Seconded by Rob Feller.
Motion carried 5-0
VIII. Information Only Items:
A. Strategic Update on CFP 2017 Accomplishments and 2018 Plans
Teresa Reed-Jennings, City Engineer provided an updated of the Capital Facilities Plan on the 2017
accomplishments and 2018 plans for the Utilities Advisory Committee. Sissi Bruch requested to
know how the CFP projects tie to the comprehensive plan. Sissi Bruch requested to know what
measurements the City uses to decide when a project needs to be done or maintenance and what
measurements the City uses to determine the level of service to be put on the list.
IX. Next Meeting Date: November 14, 2017
X. Adjournment: 4:55 p.m.
Chair William Atkinson Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist 11
WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: November 14, 2017
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Proposed Adjustments to 2018 Utility Rates
Summary: On December 31, 2017 the Electric, Water, Wastewater and Stormwater rates will
expire. In addition, although rates are approved through 2019 for the Solid Waste Collections,
these rates need to be revised based on current expenditure forecasts contained in the 2018 Budget.
Revised rates for all of these utilities are being presented for review and recommendation for
adoption by the City Council. The recommendation is for approval of just a one year rate revision
Funding: The approval of the proposal presented will not increase expenditures, but will require
some rate increases in 2018 that will generate the required revenue to meet budgeted expenditures.
Recommendation: Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee provide a favorable
recommendation to the City Council to adopt the recommended 2018 rates upon completion of the
mandatory public hearings, which will be scheduled at a later date.
Back2round/Analysis: Rates for Electric (Ord. No 3539), Water, Wastewater and Stormwater
(Ord. No 3538)utilities were adopted on September 1, 2015 to set rates through 2017. Revenue
and expenditure analysis was completed to determine the rate requirements for 2018 based on the
2018 Budget expenditures and non-rate revenue. Some rates were determined to already meet
expenditure requirements, thus no change in rates are recommended. Other rates will require
differing levels of rate increases to achieve the required revenue levels.
The Solid Waste Collection rates were adopted on June 3, 2014 (Ord. No. 3507)to set rates from
2015 through 2019. The approved rates have been implemented for 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Approved rates are also currently in place for 2018 and 2019. In October the surcharge portion
of the rate was eliminated for the remainder of 2017 and future years.
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A COSA (Cost of Service Analysis) for SW Collections was completed and current funding
levels were evaluated to assess the future revenue requirements. The result of the analysis is a
recommendation to cancel the existing 2018 and 2019 approved rates and replace them as per the
Funding Overview:. The approval of the proposal presented will not increase expenditures, but
will require some rate increases in 2018 that will generate the required revenue to meet budgeted
After presentation of the proposed rate changes, the request of the Utility Advisory Committee is
to recommend the adoption of the rate revisions to the City Council.
Budgeted Rate Changes
Electric 0.0%
Water 0.2%
Wastewater 1.8%
Stormwater 5.4%
SW Collections 5.9%
Standard Residential Bill 1.3%