HomeMy WebLinkAbout001303 Original Contract City of port Angles
Record # 00 1303
4b @ewe „wniR C it6 of Port Angeles
r.° +2I I..5"'street LIC''ITEI) PUBLIC 'W1T(' RKS PROCESS
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[ ] Request for Quotation
Contract Title: Cla-Val Valves Repair and Maintenance Project Number: CQN-2 1Z 3fi
THIS CONTRACT is entered into the date last below written between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON
("City")AND CASCADE WATER SYSTEMS ("Contractor").
They Contractor shall perform the work as described in Attachment"'A"(Attachment°"A" may include Contractor's
Proposal, Scope of Work, Statement of Work, Plans, Specifications, and any Cather related Contract Documents)
which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein.
All work under this Contract is to be completed as indicated (check one):
All work under this Contract is to be completed by this date:
All work under this Contract is to be completed 1Q days from the Notice to Proceed, No work is
to be performed prior to written Notice to Proceed by the City.
The performance period under this Contract commences 10 calendar days after notice to
proceed and ends 90 days th r aftgr ear after contract award).
A. The City shall pay the Contractor for the work performed under this contract (check one):
Force Account-Time and material, not to exceed:
Force Account-Time and actual expenses incurred, not to exceed:
0 Force Account• Unit prices set forth in the Contractor's bid or quote, not to exceed:
E Firm Fixed Price set forth in Contractor bud or quote in the amount of: $15,566.24
The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment, in accordance with and as
described in the Attachment "A".
The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of any sort whatsoever
that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for
in this contract and every part thereof; except as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the
City of Part Angeles.
B. The Contractor shall maintain time and expense records, which may be requested by the City, The contractor
shall submit invoices to the City for payment for work performed. All invoices must reference the City's contract
number. Invoices shall be in a format acceptable to the City.
C, The City shall pay all invoices from the Contractor by marling a City warrant within 30 days of receipt of a
properly completed invoice.
D. All records and accounts pertaining to this Contract are to be kept available for inspections by representatives
of the City for a period of three (3)years after final payment. Copies shall be made available to the City upon
11roJect 9 t:°ON-2017-3 flage 1 leo; 4/8/2015 _ .
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Contractor, upon the Occurrence of any one or more of the events hereafter specified.
1, The Contractor makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors.
2. A receiver is appointed as a result of the insolvency of the Contractor.
3, The Contractor persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails to complete the work required herein.
4. Contractor fails to rnake prompt payment to subcontractors for material or labor.
5. Contractor persistently disregards federal, state or local regulations and ordinances.
6. Contractor persistently disregards instructions of the Contract Administrator, or otherwise
substantially violates the terms of this Contract.
7, The City determines that sufficient operating funds are not available to fund completion of the work
contracted for,
C. In the event this Contract is terminated by the City, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further
amounts due under this Contract until the work specified in Attachment "A" is satisfactorily completed, as
scheduled, up to the date of termination. At such time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this
Contract exceeds the expense incurred by the City in finishing the work, and all damages sustained by the City or
which may be sustained by reason of such refusal, neglect, failure or discontinuance of employment, such excess
shall be paid by the City to the Contractor. If the City's expense and damages exceed the unpaid balance,
Contractor and his surety shall be jointly and severally liable therefore to the City and shall pay,such difference to
the City. Such expense and damages shall include all legal costs incurred by the City to protect the rights and
interests of the City under the Contract, provided such legal costs shall be reasonable,
A. On payment to the Contractor by the City of all compensation due under this Contract, all finished or
unfinished documents and material prepared by the Contractor with funds paid by the City under this
Contract shall become the property of the City and shall be forwarded to the City upon its request.
B. Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or assembled by
the Contractor under this Contract will be kept confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or
organization by the Contractor without prior written approval of the City or by court order.
Any claim against the City for damages, expenses, costs or extras arising out of the performance of this
Contract must be made in writing to the City within thirty days after the discovery of such damage, expense or
ioss, and in no event later than the time of approval by the City for final payment. Contractor, upon making
application for final payment, shall be deemed to have waived its right to claim for any other damages for which
application has not been made, unless such claim for final payment includes notice of additional claim and fully
describes such claim,
The Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department or his/her designee shall have primary responsibility for
the City under this Contract and shall oversee and approve all work to be performed, coordinate communications,
and review and approve all invoices, under this Contract.
A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers
harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in
connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole
negligence of the City.
B, Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in
the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or
resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and
volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is
further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's
waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 C'W, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This
ProJect 4 CON-2017-36, Page 3 ReN, 4/8/2015
waiver has been mutually negotiated by the patties. The provisions of this section shall survive,the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.
The Contractor shall maintain insurance as set forth in Attachment B,
This Contract is subject to Chapters 39.12 and 49,28 RCW, amendments thereto and regulations issued
thereunder, relating to prevailing wages, benefits and other requirements. Workers shall receive no less than the
prevailing rate of wage. Contractor shall examine and be familiar with Such requirements. No claim for additional
compensation will be allowed which is based upon a lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of any such
requirements by the Contractor or a failure to include tri Contractor's price adequate increases in such wages
during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor is advised to consult the Washington State Department
of Labor and Industries to determine the prevailing wages that must be, paid.
This public works project is being done in Clallarn County, Washington State wage determinations for ClaHam
County Journeymen and Apprentices can be found at:
ftWs.,J]Rf ftps.s mA@-,g—0v110-1'/wags.1!
The applicable wage determinations to use have an effective date on the Wd due date.
A copy of the applicable wage rates is available for viewing at the Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities
Contracts Office. In addition, this agency will mail a hard copy of the applicable wage rates upon request.
For a contract award under$2,500, and in accordance with RCW 39.12.040(2), the contractor or subcontractor is
authorized to submit a combined Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages&Affidavit of Wages directly to the
City of Port Angeles at final invoicing. Submission shall be made on the form developed by the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries and avadaUe from the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities
In case any dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for a specific trade, craft or occupation
and such dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties in interest, Including labor and management representatives,
the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries, and his
decision shall be final, conclusive, and binding on all parties involved in the dispute.
This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The
venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clailam County, Washington.
When a special "brand or equal"is named it shall be construed solely for the purpose of indicating the standards
of quality, performance, or use desired. Brands of equal quality, performance, and use shall be considered,
provided Contractor specifies the brand and model and submits descriptive literature when available, Any bid
containing a brand which is not of equal quality, performance, or use specified must be represented as an
alternate and not as an equal, and failure to do so shall be sufficient reason to disregard the bid.
All goods, services, work, or materials purchased herein are subject to inspection and to approval by the City. Any
rejection of goods, services, work, or materials resulting because of nonconformity to the terms and specifications
of this,order, whether held by the City or returned, will be at Contractor's risk and expense.
ProJect 9 CON-2017-36 Page 4 Ro 419/2015
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City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "A"
Engineering Office WORK BY CONTRACTOR
Public Works and Utilities Department
The contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the project
described below. Unless otherwise provided for in the Statement of Work, the Contractor will be responsible for
obtaining and paying for any and all permits required for this work,
Site Point of Contact: Jason Hart at 360-417-485,5.
Work Hours and Schedule., The contractor will be allowed to work from 7 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through
Friday. Work outside of these hours may be requested from and is at the discretion of the City Engineer.
Permits: None
1.0 Project Description
Bid Item 1: Annual Servicing
General Description: Inspection of Cla-Val Valves.
Specifications: Servicing shall consist of cleaning all strainers in the main valve, exercising the valves, and
checking the calibration to insure Cla-Val valves are properly functioning per the manufacture's specifications.
The City shall supply all equipment, one City staff member with knowledge of the water system, and complete
any documentation required for confined space entry. Additionally, the City shall provide any necessary traffic
control revisions for work in the right-of-way.
Servicing Parts and Locations:
Below is a list of Cla-Val valves requiring inspection services:
2" model fi90G-0 I AS
Viewcrest & Peabody
6"' model 9 90G-0I AB
2** model 4 90G-0 I AS
.......... Craig & Porter
6- model 4 90G-01AB
3" model 4 90G-0I AS Del GLIZzi Kii� motel 8 (S. of' Ilwy 101)
8" model 4 90G-01 A B
2" modef 490G-0lABC'SK(' Fail-1110LInt Pump Station
6" model 090G-0 I BC'SY KC
4- model 4692G-0I BC'K('O Fail-1110LInt PUITIP Station
8" model 492D(1-07l3('.S)i'KC0 Campbell & Wabash
6- model 490G-0 I BCS Y
IT,C'—)j e 9-0, G--0 1 BC S- Y..............
3- niodel 45OA-0 I B Campbell & Wabash
I"" model 41246-0I Del GUZZi & Lindberg Rd
3" model 4 90G-01 ASDel GLIZA & Lindberg Rd
8" model 4900 -0 I A B
3" model 490-01 A'S _.�_ _ ,._ Golfc.ourse Road
6-model i 90G0IAB
Course I oad
ProJect# ('0N-2017-36 Page 7 Re,-4/8/201 i
I?..:nraciel 208
1 Street Reservoir --_-_
16" model 92(i-(1 1 E3 _._ Jones Street Reservoir m
12- model 60-013BY Rannc,y Well
-model 52-01-60E Rannel____
10- model 80-013BYWater'Freatment Plant
10" model 80-(BBB _._._.....w._ Water-Treatment Plant
16" model 60-08-1141 Wate.r'1 reatment Plant.
16 model 60-08-114K " ater Treatment Plant
Bid Item 2. Com2lete Rebuild
General Description: Complete Rebuild and Maintenance of Cla-Val Valves
Specifications: Complete rebuild/replacement of all rubber parts in the main valve and pilot systems with
factory repair kits. Cleaning of cover and seating chambers, cleaning of all screens, filters, all spud controls, and
cleaning of restriction fittings. Repair has to be in accordance with manufacture's original specifications. The City
sha11 supply the Cla-Val factory repair kits.
Service Parts and Locations:.
Perform complete rebuild, which shall consist of replacement of all rubber parts in main valve and pilot systems
with factory repair kits, cleaning of cover and seating chambers, cleaning of all screens, filters, all speed controls,
and cleaning of restriction fittings, on the following;
_... _._...... ....... ._..... .. ....._. ._._' Highland Hills Community
8"model 6 OG-tl1AB
ProJeet 4 (-'(:111-?(117-36 Page 8
City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "B"
Engineering Office INSURANCE
Public Works and Utilities Department
lnclutle.� col'Wtw0ion itinilori(II w;-vice, tree mainteiltince, puintilig,
electricul vvork,jr)luntbitv, illovers, (lilt)oil sitenlaintelialice qgreenlelffs.
The Contractor shall procure and maintain fi.)r the duration ofthe Agreement, insurance against claims
far injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise frorn or in connection with tile
perf6rmance of the \sork hereunder by tile Contractor. their agents. representatives. employees or.
No Limitation
Contractot's maintenance of insurance, its scope ofcoverage and lit-nits as required herein shall not be
construed to limit the liability ofthe Contractor to the coverage provided by Such insurance, or
otherwise limit the City's recourse to any rernedy available at law or in equity.
Minimum Scope of Insurance
Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described beloxv:
I. /Vitornobile Liabil.ity." assurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and [eased vehicles.
Coverage shall be �N ritten on Insurance Services Office (ISO) loran C`A 00 01 or a substitute f6ri-n
providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide
contractual liability coverage.
2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written oil ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and
shall cover liability arising from premises. operations, independent contractors, prodL)CtS-
completed operations, stop gal) liability, personal injury and advertising inpljry, and liability
assumed Linder all insured contract, The('ornnict-cial General Liability insurance shall be
endorsed to provide the Aggregate Pcr Project
ject Endorsement ISO forma CG 25 03 11 85 or ail
cquivalcnt endorsement. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial
General Liability Insurance f'or liability arising from explosion, collapse or Underground prollerty
darnage. The 01-v shall be name([ as an insured under the Contractor*s Commercial General
Liability insurance policy with respect to the work pertbrnied for the City using ISO Additional
111SUred endorsement CG 20 10 10 Ot and Additional Insured-Cornpleted Operations
endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage.
3. Workers` Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of
Minimum Amounts of Insurance
Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits:
Project if CON-2017-36 Page 9 Re\,41812015
I. ALItOnlObile ljahil�ityv insurance with a Illini[TWIll combined single limit for bodily injury and
property, damage of``ii 1.000,000 per accident,
2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1.000,000 each
OCCUrrence. $2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000.000 products-completed operations
aggregate limit.
Other Insurance Provision
'File Contractor*s ALItOnl0bile Liability and General Liability insurance policies are to
contain,, or be endorsed to contain that they shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any
insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the
Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute With it.
Acceptability of Insurers
Insurance is to be placed \\,ith insurers\kith a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: VII.
E. Verification of Coverage
Contractor shall furnish (fie City, with original certificates and a copy ofthe amendatory endorsements,
including but ]lot necessarily limited to tile additional insured endorscrnerit. evidencing the insurance
requirements ofthe Contractor bel'ore commencement of the work.
Fhe Contractor shall have sole responsibility f'(,)r determining the insurance coverage and limits required,
it'any. to be obtained by subcontractors. which determination shall be made in accordance with
reasonable and prudent business practices.
G Notice of Cancellation
The Contractor shall provide the City and all Additional Insureds for this work with written notice of
any policy cancellation. within two bUsiness,days oftheir receipt Of SLICII notice.
Failure to Maintain Insurance
Failure on the part ofthe Contractor to maintain the insurance as required Shall COIlStitUte a material
breach of contract, upon which the City may, after giving five business days notice to the Contractor to
correct the breach, initilediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, PrOCLUT or reneW such
insurance and pay any and all prernit.1111S in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be
repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion ofthe City. offset against funds due the
Contractor frorn the City.
project 9 CON-2017-36 page 10 Re\ 4,x/2015
City of Port AngeOes ATTACHMENT "C"
Engineering Office CONTRACTOR'S QUOTE
Pubbc Works and Litififies Department
ProJect 9 CON-2017-36 Page I I Re%, 4/8/201�
Pagv t
Cal, s,Cc,%, sti
Order NunibmE',H076
Ordert)ate: 8129/2011,
P.O. MIX 100 024 Thir(I St. Lafayette, Of 97127 Prepared By: Renee Sterba
(503)8044556 Fax J 503) 864-2701 Saleiperson: 0000
Customer Number: RAC454
Sold ,fo: ShipTo:
Cil� of Port Angc�os 0t-v offlml Angeies
32� E. �th Street 3 2� F Sth Street
Pon Ana&i, WA 98362 Poil�%ngcfes, WA 98362
uslotner 11.0. Ship VI A VO,W Terms
Hid kn vakv NO TERNIS
Item Code Unit Ordered Shipped Back Order Price Aftiount
Valve Repair& Maintenance
'111":R-DIE NI RA) 0,0 0,0 17000
MAN 1,3,60 00
Pel Diew P(er 10all'Day
1AB( R—) IIR Y) 0,0 (0 32500 9,75000
2 Man Lahor Rate
LABOR2 I tR 100 (M) 0 0 325,0() 3,250,00
2 %,Ian Labor Rate
L,Ai3()R HR 00 0.0 0.0 217 50 0,00
per mall fil,01"9lay
Net Order: 14,Y-)0,00
Less D�Scounv 0.00
Freidit: 0.00
SalesTax: I,2 06.24
All materials returns are subject to a 20% re-stocking fee. Order-Total: 5,566 'r4
ProjectTitle: Cla-VaG Valves it n�➢ adn n Pro) umber: CQN-X317-3Er
The bidder hereby bids the following amounts for all work (including labor„ equipment, time
and materials) required to perform the work in the Statement of"Werk and this package.
1. Bid Items
Bid Item 1 —Annual Servicing: Lump Sum"
Bid Item 2_ Complete bebuil& Lump Sum: .,-..�
Sales Tax (8.4%) �
Total Bid " .
2 The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has received Addenda I'~•ao(s).
Enter"N/A" if none were issued to this bequest for Quotation package.
. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phone number and address, to which
address ali communications concerned with this bid and with the contract shall be sent, are listed
below. Any written notices required by the terms of an awarded contract shall be served or mailed to
the following address"
Contractor Inform tign:
1. Company Dame: "
2. Address:
"f. City, Mate, Zip Cade: e .... V.. (I ps
=1. Phone Number: ` a ���"�._...__��C
5. Contractor Registration �Iunnber4. -- �
_ .. 4147
ty, dot f�untlr: �r�.���
7, WA State In ustrOa Insurance Account Number L14
8. WA Mate Emooyment geCUr ty Dept, Number:
g. State Excise Tax Peglstration NUrriber: �. �..,�4 , ..
The bidder represents that A is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perforin
the services set forth in this
Signed by
"ritle c:
Printed Larne:
..._._..._w__..................... _ __......
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