HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/07/2017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 7, 2017 CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Peart Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase. Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: Deane. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Greenwood, Clerk'Veneklasen. C. Delikat., K. Dubuc, J. Burke, B, Smith,T. Agesson,S.Carrizosa,and A.Brekke. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT. Maya Gentry, 923 Fast I 01 Street, spoke in favor of the ordinance changes that would allow scooters to be ridden in Erickson Skate Park. Colleen Robinson, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, 728 East Front Street, spoke about the Rally in the Alley event which she called a holistic approach to neighborhood revitalization that empowers residents with a hand up not a band out, Chuck Preble, 1792 Chickencoop Road in Sequim,spoke about problems on the Olympic Discovery Trail(ODT), Ile said that ODT is a great asset to the City,but has become a place for thieves to use for access and escape. He asked City administration and the Council for a focused and coordinated effort to fix these problems. Jaidence, 824 Billy Smith Road and Becca Manson, 2208 Fast Third Street, shared their concerns about plastic bag pollution and asked the Council to ban plastic bags in the City. Jeff Bohman,3753 Canyon Circle„said be is part of the Peninsula Trails Coalition which advocates for completion of the Olympic Discovery Trail. He asked Council to join the coalition and many Cather entities in appealing to the State Parks Commission to plan for and develop the trail through Anderson lake State Park. John Ralston, P.O. Box 898, said he was impressed by the preliminary budget presentation and the follow up information that he received from.City staff, lie is concerned about the unknown liability that the City can get into when taking ownership of blighted properties. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON HIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Mana zer or Councilinember- 1. At the request of Mayor Downie,Council agreed by consensus,to discuss concerns about Olympic national Park increasing its entry fees. Mayor Downie added the discussion as item 1 . 2. At the request ofCouncilmembers Collins and.Bruch,Council agreed by consensus to discuss the possibility of implementing an ordinance banning plastic bags. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 7,2017 RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Resolution Declaring the Acquisition of 4017 Fairmount Avenue is Necessary to Eliminate Neighborhood Blight Senior Assistant City Attorney Heidi Greenwood gave a presentation on the 2-year history cif the City's efforts to get the owner of 4017 Fairmount Avenue to comply. She outlined the steps necessary for Council to declare the property a neighborhood blight and to eventually sell it at a fair market value. Council discussion followed. The Mayor invited public comment about the agenda item. Bonnie Stehr, 100.11 Spruce Street, said the derelict property has become a problem for the entire neighborhood and that she and her neighbors would like to see the City take action. Joyce Solleder, 4118 Fairmount Avenue, said she moved back to Port Angeles in 2013 to get away from blight in California. She asked Council to pass the resolution, saying the house at 4017 Fairmount had been in that condition for 5 years. Jim Creeltrian,P.O. 101.said the house likely has asbestos siding and cautioned the City about taking ownership. fie inquired as to whether taxes have been paid on the property. Daniel Myrick said he is a transient that would occupy a structure like the Fairmount house. He said the community should pull together and help the owner rather than have the City take ownership. Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO,24-17 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,declaring that the acquisition of real property located at 4017 Fairmount Avenue, Port Angeles, Washington, is necessary to eliminate neighborhood blight and authorizing condemnation of the property. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Approve the resolution as read. Motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Property Tax Levy for 2018 Budget Officer Sarina Carrizosa conducted a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed property tax levy for 2018. She spoke about property tax highlights and limitations.Budget Officer Carrizosa provided a 10-year levy rate history and spoke about the tax costs to homeowners. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington, levying regular ad valorem property taxes for the fiscal year 2018,and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clailam County Commissioners. Mayor Downie opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. There being no public comment, the Mayor continued the public hearing to November 21,2017. Mayor Downie read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO.25-17 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,authorizing all increase in the regular property tax levy of 1%,or$44,687.37 over the highest lawful levy for 2018. Page 2 of 5 PORT ANGELES CI"I"`t''COUNCIL MEETING—November 7, 2017 It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Collins to: Approve the resolution as read. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Assumption of the Port Angeles°Transportation Benefit District Acting Finance Director Tess Agesson said that Council is being asked to assume the,.Transportation Benefit District as a cost saving measure that creates a more,efficient administration procedure and open reporting of all taxes collected and spent.Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of fort Angeles,Washington,by which the City assumes the rights,powers,functions, and obligations of the Fort Angeles Transportation Benefit District,and amending Chapter 11.24 of the fort Angeles municipal code. Mayor Downie opened the, public hearing at 7:14 p.m. There being no public comment, the Mayor continued the public hearing to November 21, 2417.. CONSENT AGENDA: At the request of C.ouncihnember Bruch,Mayor Downie pulled Item 5,the Wave Franchise Extension of Time Ordinance and PA.I?A Contract Extension from the Consent Agenda.Council discussion followed. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Gase to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes: October 17, 2017 2. Expenditure Report:From October 7, 2017 to October 27, 21717 in they amount gI'S2,534,352.41 3. WSDOT Maintenance Agreement 4. Memorandums of Understanding with the[,LSCC;Cutter Sivor°e1f"i.sh 5. ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENTAGENDA Motion carried 7-0. PULLED FROM CONSENT: Wave,Franchise Extension of"Gime Ordinance and PAPA Contract Extension Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by W'hetham to: Approve the Wave Franchise Extension of Time Ordinance[Ordinance No. 359 1]and PAPA Contract Extension. Motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REOUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Parks&Recreation Municipal Code Updates Parks&Recreation Director Corey IDelikat outlined the proposed ordinance changes,including the proposal to allow multi-use apparatus at Erickson Skate Park. He said the proposal is supported by the Nor'wester Rotary Club, which was instrumental in getting the skate park built. Director Delikat said the ordinance also includes two park. name changes previously approved by Council. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Bruch inquired about a more permanent name for West End Park. Mayor Downie conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapters 3.74, 14.26, 12.4:14, and 12.12 pertaining to housekeeping changes in City parks fees,definitions and operations of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows. Page 3 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 7, 2017 Mayor Downie continued the matter to November 21,2017. O'FUER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations Planning Manager Allyson Brekke said that in accordance with RCW, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has provided recommendations to City Council for the use of Lodging Tax funds. She summarized the corm-nittee's, funding recommendations,for a total of$827,000 in 2018 total expenditures. Council discussion lbllmved. Sean Coleman,Lincoln Park BMX Track Operator,spoke about his group*s work to rehabilitate the track and how lodging tax firrids would be used to further improve the track and facilities in order to attract riders from around the state.He said a 45-day delay would adversely effect the volunteer group*s efforts. Council discussion followed, It was moved by Collins and seconded by Gase to: Approve the Lodging Tax Committee's recommended budget and direct staff to prepare,necessary budget amendments for Council review. Motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Whetham to: Ask the Lodging Tax Committee to look at additional capital facilities projects for 2018,subject to the City Attorney's legal review. Motion carried 6-1,with Kidd opposed. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 8:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:33 p.m. 2. Increase to Olympic National Park Entrance Fees Mayor Downie spoke about concerns that citizens have expressed regarding an increase to fees for entrance into Olympic National Park (ONP). He requested that the Council direct staff to prepare a letter urging this not be done because of'detrimental impacts on the economy Council agreed by consensus to direct staff to write a letter to ONP voicing Council's disapproval of this direction. Manager McKeen said that staff would draft a letter and provide to Council as an information item in the next Council packet. 3. Ordinance Banning Plastic Bags Council agreed by consensus to discuss the possibility of enacting an ordinance to ban plastic bags. They further agreed do have the discussion at a Council meeting in January. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. E Street Reservoir Pressure Reducing Valve Station Deputy Director of Public Works James Burke said seven bids were received for the E Street Reservoir Pressure Reducing Valve Station Project„and that Nordland Construction was,the lowest responsible bidder. It was moved by Merideth and seconded by Whetham to: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the"E" Street Reservoir PRV Station, Project wT oi- 09,with Nordland Construction NW of Nordland,WA, in the total bid amount of$176,692.00, including applicable taxes,and to make minor modifications to the contract. Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Collinssaid that despite the cold weather,he enjoyed his time at the Farmers Market on Saturday. Page 4 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 7, 2017 Councilmember Gase said fie, would be,attending the Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Coast Guard Base. Deputy Mayor Kidd said she would be joining Council member Gase at the base to celebrate Veteran's Day Councilmember Merideth said fie would also attend the Veteran's Day Ceremony at the Coast Guard Base,but would be in the general seating area. Councilmember Bruch thanked the new councilmembers coming onboard,saying that they are already getting to work, Mayor Downie thanked the Council candidates who've faithfully attended meetings. fie said lie recently attended a drug court graduation and that it was marvelous to see how the program works to improve lives. No other reports were given. INFORMA,rION: Manager McKeen said the Council had been asked to provide a letter of Support for Anderson Lake State Park Multipurpose Trail.Council agreed by consensus to provide the letter. SECOND ]PUB11C COMMENT: Reggie Mason, 3238 West 1811 Street,said Olympic Discovery Trail runs along his property, and fie spoke about his frustrations with the criminal behavior of some trail users.He asked that a fence be built along the trail. Jim Creelman, P.O. 101,recommended that the City Council handle the house at 4017 Fairmount Avenue by giving it to the Clallam County Health Department. Daniel Myrick, spoke about squatter's rights in Washington State, and said that fie would be occupying 4017 Fairmount Avenue later that evening. He encouraged the Port Angeles community to have positive thoughts. ADJOURNAIENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 9:11 p.m. 4 1 1) trick Downie,e,Mayor ennifer r'"eneklasen,City Clerk, Page 5 of 5