HomeMy WebLinkAbout3601 ORDINANC
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
electric rates by making changes to Chapter 13,12, water rate-, by
amending Chapter 13.44, solid waste rates collections by, amending
Chapter 13.54, stormwater by amending 13.63, and wastewater by
amending 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Ordinance 2054 as amended, and Chapter 13.1 2 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to electric rates are hereby amended by, amending Chapter 13.12 as follows:
13.12.030 - Schedule R-03—Residential service.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses in single family
residences,individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental to single family
residential and farm service may be served under this schedule.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current, 120/240 volts nominal, single phase
service will be furnished under this schedule, supplied through a single meter and one point of
Q G4i�(emq rate e*etive Jamuary4-, 2414.-
4-.--Base eharge$19.14 per-month.
2-.- Enefgy el. i ge $0.0770 per kWh.
DC. Unifornz rate effective Januar
1, 201-78:
I Base charge 20.10 per month.
2. Energy charge SO.0809 per kWh.
13.12.031 - Schedule R-03—Residential service time of use rate.
A. Applicability, This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses in single family
residences,,individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental to single family
residential and farm service may be served under this schedule.
B. Character q1'service. Sixty cycle, alternating current, 120/240 volts nominal, single phase
service will be furnished under this schedule, supplied through a single meter and one point of
G Ir., use rate '�*etive"W" 0 IT .1, 21,171 (57
load h
1 1j:91
3. Eiwrgy-usageei 111
heavyleadhic)urs, .
DC. Time erg use rate e f�i�ctive.1�xnua ty 1, 201 ;
1. Base charge$20.10 per month..
2. Energy usage charge between,lune 1 and August 31 shall be $0.1147 per kWh during,heavy
load hours, $0.1147 per kWh during,medium load hours, and $0.0428 per kWh during light load
3. Energy usage charge between. September 1 and May 31, shall be 50.1265 per kWh during,
heavy load hours, $0.1265 per kWh during medium load hours and$0.0388 per kWh during light
load hours.
13.12.040- Schedule CSS-03—General service.
A. Applicability, This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with
the fallowing types of service:
1. 120/'208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps or smaller.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts,three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller.
3. Municipal tragic signal and street lights. The base charges for municipal traffic signals and
street lights includes maintenance of existing luminaries and controls by the Public Works and
Utilities Department.
4. Municipal emergency management systems. The municipal emergency management system
and City's security cameras base charge shall apply to systems with a normal operating load of 150
watts or less, which shall not be required to be metered.
5. Cable television system and other communications systems, single phase power supplies i
accordance with Section 10.2 of Ordinance filo. 3116.
6. Pole attachment fees. City-owned unmetered security camera system and wireless access
points shall be exempt from PANIC 13.14.040.
B. Character qj".service. Sixty-cycle, alternating; current at such phase and voltage as the Cit
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and on
point ofdelivery.
—Buse phdfg ..
a. 4twowsef
Municipal traffie signa4 $220 19 per-fnon&.
d. Municipal stfeet light $158.56 per-mont1k
stem $33.46-per+aenth-.
2. Energy-usage eharge.-- 0728 per-kALh
+ 7
DC. Uniform rate effective January 1, 201 8:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase$25.84 per month.
b. Three phase$64.61 per month.
c. Municipal traffic signal $231.20 per month.
d. Municipal street light$166.49 per month.
e. Municipal emergency management system $35.13 per month.
f, City's unmetered security camera system $3.64 per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0764 per kWh, except,however,municipal traffic signals and street
lights energy charge shall be $0,0821 per kWh. - Schedule GS-03---General service time of use rate.
A. applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with
the following types of service.
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps or smaller.
2. 244/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the Cit
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and on
point of delivery.
7 L},.se yh. rg
a. Single a pew taste $24.61mondtz
b. Pwee phase $64.61 per aixva
hours,2. The energyAtsage ehafg,-between june 1 and August 31 shall be$0.1033 kWh d-w-ling'heavy
lead hours, $0.1033 per-kWh during medium load
and $0.0385 p,ef kWh dtifi3. The enefgy usage charge between Septeem-bbef 1 and May 31 shall be $0.1140 kWh d1inifIg
hemy lead hours, SO.1140 per kWh during fnedium lead ,
1)C. Time orf`use rate effective January 1, 201-78:
I Base charge.
a. Single phase$25.84 per month.
b. Three phase $64.61 per month.
2. The energy usage charge between June I and August 31 shall be$0.1 83 kWh during heavy
load hours, $0.1083 per kWh during medium load hours, and 8O.O404 per kWh during light load
I The energy usage charge between September I and May 31 shall be $0.1195 kWh during
heavy load hours, SO.1195 per kWh during medium load hours, and$0.0366 per kWh during light
load hours.
13.12.041 - Schedule CSC)-03—I-eneral service demand.
A. Applicabili . This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules with the
following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/280 or 277/480 volts,three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
B. Character qf sen4ce. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
-'.,,-rniowteeffieefhPA A
4-7— Bas-e
Single phase$51.57 pef-ffKwAh-.
BiUi*g demand-.-
a-. --.—Effid for eaeh month shall be based en FOW
b. Demand asage r-hafgei $4.38 per4VAW.
DC. Un#brin rate effective January 1, 201-78.-
1 Base charge:
a. Single phase$54.34 per month.
b. Three phase 5135.91 per month.
2. Energy usage charge.- SO.0541 per kWh.
3. Billing deman&
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $4.62 per kVA.
13.12,041.1 - Schedule Cali-03--General service demand time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules with the
following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts,three phase service,panel larger than 200 amps.
B. Character gj'service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery..
. rte:
b. Th-r-ee-phaseS449.91 per montf
USe .
0728 per- kWh dming4uNwyload hours, SO4P29f**4VAi-��i an. .
3. Enefg)
d �
°, , .
lead houfs.
C, 7 me q f`use rates e ff ctiv^e January 1, 20178:
1, base charge:
a. Single phase$54,34 per month.
b. Three phase $135.91 per month.
2. Energy use charge between .Pune 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0767 per kWh during heavy
load hours, $0.0767 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0.286 per kWh during light load
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0846 per kWh during
j heavy load hours, $0.0846 per kWh during medium load hours, and$0,0259 per kWh during light
load hours.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA(`apparent powwer
during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charger $4.62 per kVA.
13 12.042 - Schedule NP-03...Nonprofit.
A. A alicabalhy. This schedule applies to all nonprofit taxa-deductible organizations.
B. Character of service, Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
2016*4---- =
a. Sin&phase S23.88-pef-fnont4i-.
b. T-4ee phase S59.6&Tef4nonth-.
2. Energv usage eharge,- 765 per kWh-.
C. C1ra%faarrra rate qffective January 1, ,201-7 :
1. Base charge.-
harge:a. Single phase$24.90 per month.
b. Three phase$62.23 per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0798 per kWh.
13.12.01421 - Schedule NP-013--.--,TM onprofit--Time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all nonprofit tax-deductible organizations.
B. Character aracter of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C -" .
1. e
lead hours,
. .
fflergy usage elflarge between . -..d May , .
1198 pef kWh
, . ,
Time amuse rate e) ct ve January 1, 201-78:
1. Base charge.
a, Single phase 824.901 per month.
b. Three phase$62.23 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between June I and August 31, shah be$01.1131 per kWh during heavy,
load hours, $01.1131 per kWh during medium laud hours, and $0.0422 per kWh during light load
3. Energy usage charge between. September I and May 31, shall be x0).1248 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0).1.248 per kWh during medium load hours, and$0 .01383 per kWh during light
load hours.
13.12.0143 - Schedule GD-04--General service demand—primary metered.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with
the following types of service:
1. 120/2018 or 120)/240)volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 40)0) amps.
2. 2401/480 or 277/4801 volts, three phase service panel larger than 20.101 amps.
3. When electric current is measured at primary voltage and delivery to the customer is at
secondary voltage.
B. Character gf'senice. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
OR1,1'�u aftat
DC. L,rnafor*m rate e ctive.January 1, 201-78:
I. Bases charge:
a. Single phase$49.45 per month.
b. Three phase 5132.30)per month.
2. "rnerwgy usage charge: S0,0482 per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power).
K Demand usage charge: 54.14 per kVA of billing demand.
13.12.1144 - Schedule GD-04--General s service demand—Primary P''r r rater —T �cif rate.
A. Applicabili . This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with
the following types of service:
1. 120/2018 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/480 or 277/4801 volts, three phase service panel larger than 20101 amps.
3. When electric currant is measured at primary voltage and delivery to the customer is at
secondary voltage.
B. Character ofsenlice. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished ander this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
1and A A4 IC Q
shall dufing,
_. l l
heavy load , ,
4:........-..EW aknd
DC. 1"tram of'use rate f f ective.1anc an, 1', 201-78:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $49.45 per month.
b. Three phase $132.30 per month.
2. !Monthly energy charge between .lune 1 and August 31, shall be S0.0683 per kWh
heavy load hours, $0.0683 pr-r kWh during medium load hours, and $01.0255 per k during ligh
load hours.
3. Monthly energy charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be$0.01683 per kWh Burin
heavy load hours, $0.0.1683 per kWh during medium load hours, and$01.01231 per kWh during ligh
load hours.
4. Billing demand:
I '
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour ofkVA( pp"a rpt power)
during;heavy and medium lead hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA.
13.12.060- Schedule PS-03—Primary spice----Customer owned.
A. pplicab li y. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a primary voltage
distribution system.
B. Character of sen,,ii~e. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase,
60 cycle, alternating, current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service under this schedule
shall be provided and metered at the point(s) of interconnection of the distribution facilities of the
customer and the City.
C. Rates under this schedule do not recover the City's cost of maintenance and repair work on
the load side of the meter. Customer payment to the City in addition to the rates under this schedule
is required for any and all maintenance and repair work performed on City equipment on the load
side of the meter, including but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all City owned
facilities. These include but are not limited to cables,terminations and transformers.
I Base
�. All bill W �. Septem74j*r kW4i-.
a. B e_aeh month shall be based -
b. Deman usage chafl-0. $4.99
BD. Unybrm rate c-JI&ctive.1anuary 1, 201-78:
1. Base charge: $331.49 per month.
2. Energy usage*charge:
a. All billings between ,lune 1 and August 31: $0.0303 per kWh.
j b. All billings between September 1 and May 31; $0.0496 per kVA.
3. Billing de man&
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA of billing demand.
13.12.061 - Schedule PS-03----Primary service customer owned—Time of use rate.
A. APP licab, litwy. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a primary voltage
distribution system.
B. Character of"service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase,
sixty cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service under this schedule
shall be provided and metered at the point(s)of interconnection of the distribution facilities of the
customer and the City.
C. Rates under this schedule do not recover the City's cost of maintenance and repair work on
the load side of the meter. Customer payment to the City in addition to the rates under this schedule
is required for any and all maintenance and repair work performed on City equipment on the load
side of the meter, including but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all. City owned
facilities. These include but are not limited to cables, terminations and transformers.
heavy lead houfs,$0.04 fif
load � ,� ,
1x*14iotff .
4. Billing nd:
E D. Time caf use rate efjctive
Januar-1, 201-78:
1. Base charge: $317.95 per month.
2. Monthly energy charge between June 1 and. August 31, shall be $0.0430 per kWh during
heavy load hours, 501.04301 per kWh during medium load hours, and$01.01160 per kWh during light
Load hours.
3. Monthly energy charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be$01.0776 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $01.01776 per kWh during medium load hours, and$01.01235 per kWh during light
Load hours.
4.. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be basedon the maximum hour of kVA(apparent power
during heavy,and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $5.201 per kVA of billing demand.
i - Schedule PS-04—Primary service---City owned.
A. Applic°abili�y. This schedule applies to all accounts where the City owns and operates x
primary voltage distribution system when electric current is measured at primary voltage an
delivery to the customer is at secondary voltage..
B. Character of`ser vice. Service to be furnished underthis schedule is unregulated three phase,
60 cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal.
G. G41ifigo rale effeetive Januar
,–se eharge.
a. All-hi-l1i-
DC. nifrrrm rata efectivedanuar*y l„ 201-78°
I. Bae charge: $331.49 per month.
2. Energy usage charge..
a. All billings between June 1 and August 31: $0.0303 per kWh.
b. All billings between September 1 and May 31: $0.0496 per kWh..
3. Billing clerrrarecl:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA(apparent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA of billing;demand.
13.12.066 - Schedule PS-04—Primary service--City owned_ Time cif"use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where the City owns and operates a
primary voltage distribution system when electric current is measured at primary voltage and
delivery to the customer is at secondary voltage.
B. Character ofservice, Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase,
60 cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal.
C. ,bates under this schedule do not recover the City's cost of maintenance and repair work on,
the load side of the meter. Customer payment to the City in addition to the rates under this schedule;
is required for any and all maintenance and repair work performed.on City equipment on the load
side of the meter, including but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all City owned
facilities. These include but are not limited to cables, terminations, and transformers..
D. Time oj'uese rate:
I. Base charge: $304.96 per month.
. Monthly energy charge between June 1 and August 31, $0.0457 per kWh during heavy load
hours, $0.0457 per kWh during medium load hours,and$0,0367 per kWh during light load hours.
3. Monthly energy charge between September I and May 31, $0.0473 per kWh during heavy
head hours, $0.0473 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0332 per kWh during light lead
4. Billing Demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall he based on the maximum hour of KVA (apparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Monthly demand charge between September I and May 31, shall be$4.79 per KVA.
c, Monthly demand charge between June I and ,August 31, shall be $4.79 per KVA for 95
percent of all KVA and S 10.03 per KVA for five percent,of all KVA.
13.12.071 - Schedule IT-I IIndustrial transmission.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where power is taken at transmission
B. Character~ol'service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three-phase:
60 cycle, alternating current at transmission voltage, 69 KV nominal.
C. Poirot of cle>lia"cry. Service under this schedule shall be provided and measured where the
customer's facilities interconnect with the facilities of the City and the Bonneville Power
U. Serike policy. Service under this schedule is subject to the customer service policies of the
B. Rate and charges. The rates and charges for service hereunder is the sum of the amounts
determined in accordance with sections 2 through I I for each.month.
I. Definitions: Initially capitalized words used herein have the meaning set forth in the BPA
agreement, the Tiered Rate Methodology, or as defined below:
"BP'A"means the Bonneville bower Administration.
"BPA Agreement" means the agreement between the City and BPA, dated December 1, 2005,;
Contract No. 09PB-1.3093, as amended from time to time.
"CH "means the City's Contract High 'Water Mark.
"Customer" means the person or entity that purchases power from the City, using the service
governed by this section. "Customer" may hereafter be abbreviated as "Cu."
'"Custarraer f"iacility" means facilities or premises owned by the customer and served by power
purchased pursuant to this section.
"Demand" means the amount of energy delivered to the customer at the paint of delivery (as
measured in whole kilowatts) integrated over the 60-minute period during the City"s CSP. For
purposes of such calculation, the 60-minute periods shall begin at the beginning of each whole
hour and run for 60 consecutive minutes until the end of such whole hour.
�_� ~^.~CC is the City's customer charge
I �
No credit on the Cu CC will be given or paid for using electricity in amounts less than the Cu
4. De nzand charges fbr service.
The customer demand charge(Cu De) is the demand charges for a month to be paid by customer.
The Cu DC each month shall be calculated by the following formula:
Cu CSP is the demand of the customer facility(in kilowatts)during the City's CSP in each month.
Cu CDD is the amount set out in section 2. above.
Cu A.HLH is the average of the customer facility's actual hourly Tier l loads during the HLH in
each month in kilowatts.
DR is the demand rate charged to the City.
No credit will be given or!said for using demand in amounts less than the Cu CDt .
5. Load shaping charges and credits.
The customer load shaping charge(Cu LSC) is the load shaping charges for a month to be paid by
The Cu LSC each month shall be calculated by the following formula:
Cu LSC= (Cu AL-Cu SSL) x LSR
Cu LSC is the net of the load shaping charges and credits for a month apportioned to customer,
with customer paying net load shaping charges to the City, and the City paying net load shaping
credits to customer, less an amount calculated by the City using the load shaping adjustment true-
up rate.
Cu AL is customer's monthly HLH and LLH loads.
Cu SSL is customer's shaped system load as set out below..
LSR is the load shaping rate applicable to HLH and LLH periods.
HLH SSL 13.12.071 Schedule IT-1.1
Industrial Transmission FY 2017. SSL Allocations
FAL204-7-ff kWh FALW74T lc-�r
Oetob— October- 6,902,363
_ 14,286,314 39,291
13eoe� ber 216 44, , 201- 8,541,140
jan 7468
t r ,
, 4 1= 1711,41:7,663
May-24P 174, A)8-,PA May404-7-
.7 R„ �na7 �r
�4.,P A' , Rine.r 01 m��r,
1 l 2047 r 2,�'� My 2014 6-,903,569
ust in 1 17
septeffil-w. -2017 ► S 117EY -14 ,
'ED 0 * .* wyY.
. ..... ..
FY 2018 IT kWh FY 2018 IT kWh
October 2017 746,52( _ October 2017 401,242
November 2017 9_�2) November 2017 524_,704
December 2017 873,072December 201177 528,439
January 2018 739,809 January 201 457,648
Eebrum 2018 620109 February 2?018 361 574
March 2018 734,989March 2018 427,288
0181 7�4,1t4 April 2018 398,693
Ma 2018 1,.044,808 'la 20118 594,482
Juni;2018 846,106June 2018 447,251
Ju_ X018 742,482 July 2018 393,194
Au ni t 2018 841,480 August 2018 4_1_6J26
Sqptember 2418 728,427 September 2018 411,096
Based on Bonneville Power Administration's BPA 8 Record of Decision
6. Additional charges: In addition to the charges calculated above, customer shall pay to the Cit
each month all casts,charges,surcharges,adjustment charges and penalties,and conditions incurre
by the City and attributable to customer, including but not limited to those applicable under th
BPA agreement, the TR1` 1, BPA rate schedules and general rate schedule provisions, networ
agreement, tariffs, and general rate schedule provisions.
7. basic charge: Beginning on October 1,2015,the Customer will pay to the City a basic charge
of$4,234.44 per month. Beginning on October 1, 2416, the customer will pay to the City a basic
charge of$4,440.00 per month.
8. Transmission charges: The monthly wholesale transmission cost to the City based on the
metered energy and demand associated with prodding service hereunder.
9. Taxes: An amount calculated to recover the actual tax obligation of the electric utility and
City for State public utilities tax and City, public utility tax and any other applicable taxes. In
addition, customer shall pay each month any and all federal, State, local and City taxes as may be
levied,imposed or due, which arise from,or in connection with the provision of electric service to
customer pursuant to this ordinance.
14. Calculation of utility taxes: The customer shall pay to the City each month the amount
necessary to fully satisfy the City's obligation for State and local utility taxes. For utility tax
purposes, the gross income from the customer shall be the sum of subsections 3 through 9 above,
plus the amount necessary to satisfy the City's obligation for Mate and local utility taxes.
11. Rates and charges far service.-The City has no obligation to provide service to the customer
facility in excess of Cu C'HWM and its Cu CDD. If the customer facility takes service in excess of
its Cu CHWM and/or its Cu CDD, customer will pay the City all costs, charges, surcharges and
penalties attributable to such service.
12. If the City pays or receives a load shaping charge true-up adjustment charge or credit in any
fiscal year, then a pro-rata portion of such charge or credit will be apportioned to customer as
determined by the City, plus an amount calculated by the City using the load shaping adjustment
true-up rate.
13.12.472 - schedule L-43—Lighting.
A. . licab lett'. This schedule applies to all approved unmetered yard and area lights.
B. Installation. Yard or area lights are available upon request. Upon approval by the Public
Works and Utilities Department, lights will be installed only on existing utility-owned poles for :
the use and convenience of customers. A one-year contract for service will be required before the
light will be installed. Customer ownership of lighting is limited to existing lights only.
� y
C. Maintenance. The Public Works and Utilities Department retains ownership of the area
lighting; maintenance of City owned lights shall be the responsibility of the Public Works and
Utilities Department, maintenance of customer owned lights shall be the responsibility of the
D. Rates effoe6*ve4anu&ry4-,441-6---
LIZ- 1—
1 .
c ,
a. 100 watts or less! -.47
, . _. .
2 T„ r.,, .,+n,
ED. Rateseffective January 1, 201-78:
1. Lighting ovvned by the Public Works arca Utilities Department:
a. 100 watts or less: $12.43 per month.,
b. More than 100 watts,but 150 watts or less: $17.94 per month.
c. More than 150 watts,but 20101 watts or less: $19.96 per month.
d. More than 200 watts. $23.16 per month,
2. Existing lighting which rt,,mains owned 1,the customer.-
ustomer.a. 100 watts or less: $9.94 per month.
b. More than 100 watts, but 1501 watts or less: $14.37 per month.
c. More than 150 watts, but.200 watts or less: $15.95 per month.
d. More than 200 watts; $18.5 0 per month.
13.12.073 _ Schedule MW-03—Municipal water pumping.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to municipal water pumping facilities where the
connected load is greater than 500 kVA.
B. Restrictions, "rimers approved by the public Works and Utilities Department shall be installed
to prevent pumping during, restricted hours as determined by the Public Works and Utilities
C. Character p "service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is three phase, 60 cycle,,
alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished and
this schedule, applied through a single meter and one point of delivery.
h during
wEnefgy , .
heavy load houfs, $0.0885 pef4Wh4u4,ng-mt*fttH*110-A t—.— ^-A CA AA )A 1"Wil A-�fl
4w— d
h "'A (appaFen4 power)
dtifing heavy 11oad 1-11
ED. Time of u e r to for bills effivive after.January 1„ 201-78:
1. Basic charge. " 380.44 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between:lune 1 and August 31, shall be$0.0552 per kWh during heavy
load hours, 50.0552 per kWh during medium lend hours, and $0.0292 per kWh during light load
3. Energy usage charge between Septernher 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0932 per kWh during
heavy load hours, 50.0932 per kWh during medium load hours,and $0.0447 per kWh during light
load hours.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA(apparent power)
during heavy load hours.
b. All other months and hours: $5.05 per kVA.
Section 2, Ordinance 2181 as amended, and Chapter 1.3,44 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to water rates arc hereby amended by amending Chapter 1.3.44 as follows:
13.44.010- Monthly residential flat rate.
The monthly residential flat rate for each service shall be ,
*:-ve $88.81 for 2018. The flat rate shall be charged to each single family residence
served by a separate meter and to each residence served by a common meter. if requested by a
customer served by a separate meter,the customer may be transferred to the metered rate
specified in section 13,44.020, provided that first an amendment to any existing easement that
specifies a flat rate is granted by the easement property owner and approved by the Public Works
and Utilities Director.
13.44.020-Monthly residential metered rate—Within City.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to water service to single family
residences within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. For the purposes of this section,
"single family residences" are defined as structures designed for occupancy by a single family
only, containing a complete kitchen unit. Structures which are not "single family residences"
include,but are not limited to,duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and rooming houses. The charge
is based upon the size of the meter, as specified below:
Service Size Janu4a 1 201
with 5/8-inch meter $30.07 $34. $31.0"
with /4-inch meter $3 "$33. 5
1-inch meter .$36.42
1-1/2-inch meter $67.46 569.70
2-inch meter $105.50 U094-64109.00
B. Metered consumption for uta to 1,000 cubic feet shall be$2.3328-a".39 1 c 1164 ")1 jr, -A
2 eotiw $2.4103 for 2018 for each 100 cubic feet consumed.
C. Additional consumption up to 1,500 cubic feet shall be $2.9495 and $3.023
2017 rvspee4vely X3.0475 for 2018 for each 100 cubic feet consumed.
D. Additional consumption beyond 1,500 cubic feet shall be$3.5558 and $3.6453
2044 $3.6739 for 2018 for each 100 cubic feet consumed.
13.44.025 Commercial and all other monthly metered rates.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to commercial and all other water'
services other than those provided for under sections 13.44.010 through 13.44..040 of this chapter,
within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. The customer charge is based upon size of
the meter. The customer charges are as follows:
Service Size Efectiwe
January 1 2015
2W 2W
with 5/8-inch meter _ 466 $50.05
with 3/4-inch meter $49.67 S52.95 $53.36
1-inch meter $54.83 S58-4-5-$58.90
I-1/2-inch meter1f3.7a
2-inch meter &146-W $1`649--$157.91
3-inch meter $263.71 P: . . $283. 3
4-inch meter $431.01 $4-59-48-$463.08
6-inch meter 4&$912.19
8-inch or 10-inch S1,350.39
B. Metered consumption shall be S2.2981 for each 100 cubic feet
consumed for 2016 and 20P 2018 r-e t om.
13.44.030 - Industrial usage rate--Within City.
A. For the purposes of this section, "industrial customers"" are defined as customers whose
average monthly potable water consumption is in excess of 350,000 cubic feet per month, where
such average is computed by dividing total annual month period by 12„ provided, that this rate
shall not apply to public wholesale customers of the City, whose rate shall be established by
contract as set forth.in PANIC 13.44.060,
B. Metered consumption shall be $1.9464 1-� $2.092 for 2018
fespeegvety for each 100 cubic feet consumed.. for user outside City limits.
All water service furnished to a user outside the City limits shall be charged at the rate of 150
percent of the schedule for rates and charges as set forth herein or as amended. This section shall
not apply to the resale rate and wholesale contract sales.
13.44.050 .--Irrigation rate.
The following monthly customer charges are applicable to agriculture and residential and
commercial landscaping irrigation service within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles.
For the purposes of this section, the irrigation rate is available for separately metered services
used exclusively for agricultural and irrigation purposes. The charge is based upon size of the
meter as specified below":
Customer Charge Per Month On Bills
Service Size Effective
January 1, 2018
20" 244-7
with 5/8-inch meter . 541.55
with 3/4-inch meter $44.22 $53-4-7-$45.17
I-inch meter 90 X48.93
i '
1-1/2-inch meter .33 _$80.15
2-inch meter $4- - 131.2
3-inch mete 4 .11 *4
4-inch meter__. i X252$384."74
Metered consumption shall be ._ � $2.1643 043 for
2018 for each 100 cubic feet consumed.
13.44.055 - Resale rate.
In circumstances under which the Director determines pursuant to PANIC" 13.32.020.F. that it is
appropriate to allow a customer to furnish City water to a subsequent purchaser for the purpose
of resale or transfer of the water outside of fort Angeles, the rates and conditions for such water
shall be as follows:
A. The regular monthly and usage metered rates for the water service at which the water is
obtained shall continue to apply..
B. A surcharge shall be paid for water consumption in excess of 100,000 gallons at the rate of
$0.0052 per gqLlon for Q1 . This
surcharge reflects the commodity value of water for resale or transfer as well as the fact that such
irregular purchases of City water are not required to pay service connection or latecomer system
development charges as do other new customers of the water utility and the fact that single, large
purchases of water can have a negative impact on the City's water utility and source of supply.
C. Said surcharge may be used for special water utility purposes such as water system or water
quality improvement projects.
D. Any fees charged by the customer to the subsequent purchaser shall be subject to the approval
of the Director.
E. The purchaser shall be required to execute a hold harmless agreement, acknowledging that
the City makes no representations as to the quality of the water and indemnifying the City and it
officials and employees against any claims, lawsuits, or damages that may result direetly o
indirectly from the purchase,of water from the City of fort Angeles.
Section 3. Ordinance 3243 as amended,, and Chapter 1.3.54 of the bort Angeles Municipal
Code relating to solid waste rate collection are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.54 as
13.54.050- Schedule R-01----Residential weekly service.
A. The rate per month for one collection of a 90-gallon refuse container per week and the rat
per month for each additional refuse container shall be the rates shown in the following table:
� ��� �� i,,. p� ,��, �i ,�� ���,��Y a
� f
��.. Total Rte � Rate Tot a
$37.02x37.0-2 $38.84 $41,45
Upon request, a refuse container collection in addition to the weekly collection may be made and
a utility service fee shall be charged per occurrence in accordance with PANIC" 3,74.414.8.3. If a
person does not request every-other-week service in accordance with PANIC 13.54.464.A. the
rate specified within this section shall apply.
B. Upon request a 96-gallon recycling container may be provided and shall be collected every
other week. The recycling container and collection of the recycling container shall be provided at
no additional charge.
C. A utility service fee in accordance with PANIC 3.70.0 10,13.4. shall be charged, per container
each time the same person at the same service location. (1) changes from Schedule R-01-----
Residential Weekly Service to Schedule R-02—Residential Every-Other-Week Service; or ( )
requests a recycling container where the recycling service has been voluntarily discontinued or
terminated in accordance with PANIC 13,54.154.H.
D. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume recycling service if the same person at
the same service location voluntarily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection, an
recycling services providing that electric service is maintained.
13.54.E 60- Schedule R-02—Residential every other week service.
A. Ippon request the rate per month for one collection of a 94-gallon refuse container and the
rate per month for each additional refuse container shall be the rates shown in the fallowing table
Rate Rate Totem Re
82472,0 x 4:74 74
B. A refuse container set out in accordance with the scheduled date and time for weekly
service shall not be collected. Upon request, a refuse container collection in addition to the everyi
other week collection may be made and a utility service fee shall be charged per occurrence in
accordance with PANIC; 3.70.014.B.3.
I ,
C. Upon request a 96-gallon recycling container may be provided and shall be collected every ,
other week. The recycling container and collection of the recycling container shall be provided at
no additional charge.
D. A utility service fee in accordance with PANIC,4 shall be charged per container
each time the same person at the same service location: (1) changes from Schedule R-Chu-----
Residential Every Other Week Service to Schedule R.-0I—Residential Weekly Service; or (2)
requests a recycling container where the recycling service has been voluntarily discontinued or
terminated in accordance with PANIC 13,54.1 a0.1 ; provided., however, this paragraph shall not
apply to any changes or requests made during the two weeks beginning six r-4o after
the effective date of any amendments to the rates under Schedule R-Ill or Schedule R-02.
E. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume recycling service if the same person at
the same service location voluntarily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection, and
recycling services providing that electric service is maintained.
E Under no circumstances shall the rate for any single dwelling or multiple dwelling be less
than the rate specified in this Section, except as allowed by PANIC 1.3.20.
13.54.070 - Schedule R-03---Residential yard waste service.
A. Upon request the rate per month per 96-gallon yard waste container for one collection of yard
waste every other week during the months of March through November and once per month during
the months of December through February shall be the rates shown in the following table. The rate
per month for each additional yard waste container shall be as shown in the following table.
1 ,... iii pfl� �� �; �� � �� ��� i,�a •i e ��IIi.i IdI
Rate $9.0403 $4.24
B. A utility service fee in accordance with PANIC shall be charged each time the
same customer at the same service location requests the yard waste service where the yard waste
service has been terminated.A utility service fee in accordance with PANIC 3.70.010.B.4. shall be
charged for each additional yard waste container if the additional container is discontinued by the!
same customer at the same service location within a period of 120 days.
C. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume yard waste service if the same person at
the same service location voluntarily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection, and yard
waste services providing that electric service is maintained. Schedule R-04--Residential temporary service.
Upon request a 90-gallon or 300-gallon temporary refuse container will be provided and the
utility service fee to deliver each container shall be in accordance with PAMC The
utility service fee for each collection of a 90-gallon refuse container shall be P. $8.00. The
utility service fee for each collection of a 300-gallon refuse container shall be $23.25.
Requests to deliver,remove and collect a temporary refuse container shall be made at least 24
hours in advance.
13.54,090- Schedule C-01--Commercial 90-gallon service.
A. The rate per month for one collection of a 90-gallon refuse container per week and semi-
weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container shall be the rate shown in the following table.
The rate per month for each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly collection
of a refuse container shall be the rate shown in the following table. The rate shall be reduced by ,
4.6 percent for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
Rate TOW Rate TO Ra4e TOW
S4444 $34.84 $3" 38.67 $38.14 $41.74 $44-.7-4
B. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any commercial building be less than the rate
specified in this section,
13.54.095 - Schedule 1-0)1.—Industrial 90-gallon service.
A. The rate shall be $24-.7-5 23.00 per month for one collection of a 90-gallon refuse container
per week, and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container. The rate per month for
each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly collection of a refuse container
shall be $24,7523.00. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its
agencies and instrumentalities.
B. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any industrial facility be less than the rate specified
in this section. 13.54.10101- Schedule C-02--Commercial 300-gallon service.
A. The rate per month for one collection of a 300-gallon refuse container per week and semi-
weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container shall be the rates shown in the following
table. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly
collection of a refuse container shall be the rates shown in the following table. The rate shall be
reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
Rate Total Rate TO Rate TO
$99724 S88-.24 $90-.99 97.76 $90.99 $93.78 $93.7
B. Where approved by the Director, a 300-gallon refuse container may be shared by up to five
persons. The Director shall determine the rate charged to each person that shares the use of a 300-
gallon refuse container based on each person's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule C-02—
Commercial 300-Gallon Service. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any person that shares
a 300-gallon refuse container be less than Schedule C-01—Commercial 90-Gallon Service. The
rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
C. Where a restricted use container is required by the Director, the Director shall determine the
rate charged to each person that is assigned a restricted refuse container based on each commercial
dwelling's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule C-02—Commercial 300-Gallon Service. '
Under no circumstances shall the rate for any person that is assigned a restricted refuse container
be less than Schedule C-01—Commercial 90-Gallon Service. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6
percent for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
13.54.105 - Schedule 1-02—Industrial 300-gallon service.
A. The rate shall be $75-.0579.75 per month fear one collection of a 300-gallon refuse container
per week and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container. The rate per month for
each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly collection of a refuse container
shall beS7-5�. 79.75. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its
agencies and instrumentalities.
B. Where a restricted use container is required by the Director, the Director shall determine the
rate charged to each person that is assigned a restricted refuse container based on each industrial
facility's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule I-02-Industrial 300-Gallon Service. Under no
circumstances shall the rate for any person that is,assigned a restricted refuse container be less than
Schedule 1-01 -Industrial 90-Gallon Service. The rate shall be reduced by 4,6 percent for the
federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
13.54.110- Schedule C-03—Commercial recycling service.
When the commercial recycling service is requested in addition to semi-weekly collection of
cardboard, the rate shall be the rate shown in the following table per month for one collection of
a recycling container per week for each location within the City limits of Port Angeles, The rate
per month for each additional recycling container and each additional weekly collection of a
recycling container shall be the rate shown in the following table:
Rate W.80 $13.80 $i 3.80
13.54.120 - Schedule C-04—Commercial temporary service.
When a 90-gallon or 300-gallon temporary refuse container is requested, the utility service fee to
deliver each container shall be in accordance with PANIC 3.70.010.B.4. The utility service fee
for each collection of a 90-gallon refuse container shall be S64.56.75 The utility service fee for
each collection of a 300-gallon refuse container shall be$21.8 2 .25 Requests to deliver,
remove and collect a temporary refuse container shall be made at least 24 hours in advance.
13.54,125 - Schedule 1-03—Industrial temporary service.
When a 90-gallon or 300-gallon temporary refuse container is requested, the utility service fee to
deliver each container shall be in accordance with PANIC The utility service fee
for each collection of a 90-gallon refuse container shall be S5,470 6.00.The utility service fee for
each collection of a 300-gallon refuse container shall he$44XS21.00. Requests to deliver,
remove and collect a temporary refuse container shall be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Section 4. Ordinance 3367 as amended, and Chapter 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to stormwater rates are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.63.090 as follows:
13.63.090- Monthly charge.
A. The owners of all real property in the City containing impervious surfaces shall pay a monthly
stormwater utility charge at the rate as set forth in this section.
B. Single-family and duplex residential fees. liffeetive"antlar .......er
utility ehafge4of-e�- ��' y and duplex Fesi,—Jefloal property shall be-$4444 Effective
January 1, 204-7 2015, the monthly stormwater utility charge for each single-family and duplex
residential property shall be $16.00. $16.87.
C. The monthly stormwater utility charge for all commercial/multiple property shall be
calculated by dividing the total impervious area in square feet by 4,000 square feet, times the
single-family and duplex residential fee. The minimum monthly fee for a commercial/multiple
property shall be not less than the monthly fee for a single-family dwelling, and the maximum
monthly fee shall be not more than ten times the monthly fee for a single-family dwelling.
D. City streets, State highways,private streets with storm and surface facilities in place meeting
City standards, and other public or private owned properties or portions thereof having their own
NPDES permitted storm and surface water runoff facilities which do not discharge to City facilities,
shall be exempt from the monthly charges set forth in this section.
Section 5. Ordinance 2394 as amended, and Chapter 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to wastewater service rates are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.65 as
13.65.010- Single residential unit monthly rate..
A. Each residential unit and each living; unit connected to the City wastewater collection,
treatment and disposal system shall be charged a monthly customer charge during months in which
water is consumed, except when exempt by 13.61.090 PANIC. This section shall not apply to a
residential connection to the City water system for agricultural and irrigation purposes in
accordance with 13.44.050 PA:MC,
B. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds 430 cubic feet
shall be:
Effective[late � ,January 1,
Base Rate $54.86 5 8. - $60.0°9
CSCE $21.47 $22.94 $22.88
Total Rate V 6 3-3 $81.55- 2.'97
C. 'rhe rate for customers whose monthly water consumption falls below 430 cubic feet shall
Effective Cate January 1., January 1,2W 2018.
Base Rate $55 56.55
CSS _ $20.54 X20.49
Total bate $70.86 $75.7 $77,04
13.65.020 _ Commercial and industrial rate.
Each commercial and industrial wastewater customer connected to the City wastewater
collection,treatment, and disposal system, including commercial and industrial wastewater
customers in the unincorporated E1. GA, except when exempt by 13.61.090 PAMC, shall be
u� January f,
Effective Mate 20" 2W 2018
Base late $16.2618.34
Total Rate $21.28
JanuElective Date
January 1,
.241-7 2018
Consumption Rate
100 cubic feet
Ct 1.! 5
Total Rate 86-.6-7 S749-$7.54
This section shall not apply to a commercial connection to the City water system for agricultural
and irrigation purposes in accordance with 13.44.050 PAMC.
13.65.030 - Commercial and industrial equivalent plumbing fixture rate.
A commercial and industrial wastewater customer, at its option, may apply in writing to the
Department of Public Works and Utilities to have their wastewater charges calculated at:
Effective Date January 1,
Charge per SS6 14
CO .. S2--0-5-$I 18
Total Rate per
fixture f .3
Section -Corrections. The City Cleric:and the codifiers of"this ordinance are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction
of the scrive er's,'cleric:,al errors, referenc ; to other local, state, or f` -ral laws, codes, n-les or
regulations,or ordinance numbering,section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
,Section - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or circumstanceN, are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section -Effective Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise ofa jxmer specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
at a regular said oun
PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles Yularmeetingofs, dC cil
held on the 10 day of December,2017.
ick f ownte, Mayor
m E. Bloor,City Atto ey
AT'11 EST:
(4J-nLn f�e�r Ve—n e -Ia—,s , Chit Clerk
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending electric rates by making
changes to Chapter 13.12. water rates by amending Chapter 13.44, solid waste rates collections by
amending Chapter 13.54, stormwater by amending 13.63, and wastewater by amending 13.65 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall take effect five days after passage and
publication of summary.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's offrce, on the City's
website at wrvr,l.c ityolira or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published by summary : December 23, 2017
Summary of Ordinance adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on ]@!94.!lr-U.