HomeMy WebLinkAboutRon EricksonRon Erickson
934 W. Lauridsen BIvd. #209, Port Angeles, Woshington 98363;phone: (360) 452-9295
Mayor and Council Members
City or Port Angeles
PO Box ll5O
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Dear Mayor and Council members
i.l l]DEC 2 I 2017
Recently I attended a meeting at the NOLS facility in Port Angeles about the probable
Earthquake impact on the Olympic Peninsula sometime in the fuiure.
I want to encourage The City to consider reducing the recoverv costs of such a disaster
Let The City manage now the TALL TREE IMPACTS on city streets and utility lines.
Already The City has authority to maintain streets and alleys "rcasonable safe for
ordinary travel", Keller v Spokane, 146 Wn.2d 237 (2N2). Already utility companies
own easement deeds to allow them to top or remove dangerous trees to power lines,
sometimes to within 70 feet. Already insurance companies will not insure diseased trees
KNOWN to the insured. I know this because when in Sekiu in 1979 I removed a tall
maple tree with some center rot when my insurance company informed me they would
nol cover any damages if it fell on my neighbor's house. A large branch was split out of
its 100 year old companion in that storm that sank the Hood Canal Bridge.
The first primary need in an earthquake is safety and unimpeded access to higher ground.
Delays may costs lives. It is expedient that the escape routes and streets be protected.
The City could simply create an "Earthquake Relief Fund" in a trust account to accept
501(CX3) donations and ask that TALL TREES be removed. The City could contribute x
dollars for every TALL TREE removed as an incentive. We all can live to enjoy shoner
trees in our suburbia. especially if we acknowledge the removal of TALL TREES as
people's caring consideration for others.
There is one formable lone TALL TREE on The County's road maintenance facility on
Lauridsen Blvd. near "C" Street that threatens l:uridsen trafiic and utility lines. Maybe a
request that The County remove such would be appropriate aI this time.
You have hard decisions to make. Thank you for your time. Call if you can.
Res tfully,
R oll c son
,,u t
Dec. 14- 2O17
Ron Erickson
934 W. Louridsen Blvd. #209, Port Angeles, Washington 98363; phone (s60) 452.9295
Mayor and Council Members
City or Pon Angeles
PO Box I 150
Port Angeles. WA 98362
Dec. 15. 2Ol7
Recently I attended a meeting al the NOLS about the probable Earthquake impacting the
Olympic Peninsula sometime in the future. What is significanl is that Washington State
would likely be without power for 90 days, and with all the bridges and culverls would
provide limited travel between the isolated areas on the Olympic Peninsula.
The science seems formidable. A 9.0 Richtor Scale earthquake would tum most soils into
quicksand. As you know The City's Truck Roule and much of Port Angeles is built on an
ancient mudslide from the Olympic Mountains. The safest ground is likely near Peninsula
College where the geological formation of the land split the old mud flows. There, rhe
Airport, and The City's "B" Street road department may be practical lands for The City to
develop or store essential city records. heavy equipment and fuel.
It was clear we could temporarily be retuming to life as it was in the 1800's without
electricity to power water wells. Hand operated water pumps likely will become a
necessity and The City could show some foresight to allow such now within city limits.
I also believe a tax credit for new or upgraded greenhouse construction in the winter
months may be helpful to facilitate independence from outside food sources. but that
really could be a statewide program.
If you do eventually assign a committee to make recommendations to The City, I'd like
to serve on such.
Res v
t)EC 2 9 2017
Ron oll
Dear Mayor and Council Members,
It nray also be wise for The Citl'to allou, gre), uater "farming" irrigarion s)'stems lbr
homeowners. W AC 246-247 , as well as water collection systems to alleviate dependency
on city water. Such seems best to diversify waler resources. as the new 2Ol7 book. The
Fate of Ronte: Clinrute, Disease. and the End oJ an Empire by Kyle Harper, about
wealher conditions contributing to Rome's fall because of a reluctance of govemment to
deal with a food transport crisis when it occurred.