HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Shargel 1/31/2018 M1F�, L • PORTANGELES U JAN 5 2n 1 U _ JAN 3 12018 WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: U Ll r� t^r, Vf TI S Applicant Name and General Information r First MI Last ( bas/ rJA _:+ Home Street Address Po Pj&15 Z-C's ('u A — City State Zip Home phone Work phone Cell phone I S ria r E-mail address Date of Birth (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one) Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? YesI Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No Are you a Registered Voter? LY e� No Are you a City resident? CYD No If so,how long Y Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes /Nd Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? Yes 0 I0) If so,please list: 1 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Cormnission? Tf so;please explain: 1 _ Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first,or attach a resume i i c �c r J cCsy Gl,t )O,-J P 1 R l,I±lvt / 3 ;odd Employer nn Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) (J�Ci Ut 0 or c? rin Brief job description Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) Brief job description Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y) Brief job description Education-List most recent experience first S't o`n Uu t v , ' �T�l t f rU lqe� No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study raduated? U C ( P, �7 r✓ri Lt�& Yes Q Institution/Location Degree eamed/'�lajor area of study Graduated? oy 1-r r t-BG!` i� fJ r/� �, r�G ,'`/ % Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships -List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members Brief description of your participation: 4&k c ('i/A a r 0 t V6 ilio,1c6r Hwyl(e GT �;C � V Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective #of members v(?r, r✓'C �C, < V;o u- /� Brief description of your participation: �� /�/1^��Ll l�d �'�—n G a G�d f C✓'�+C ((Y r} C✓� 6,% ;/� '"c�S by To 7-0 A" 2 i Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? C to it r d ' fG�. I t „ �j f(�c ��� ��.x ✓mss ���� I � il(c"" �i'�tJ�C t i7'• . I 1 0 --HA.0 C141i�1'V-, 4 t� What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board? r.),j' y _�� pJb i/C5s 0 fti' c{GST j�n� p P, fin What is your understanding of the responsibilities o t particular Board or Commission? j Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. Applicant SznacAppli gnature --- Date Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JENNIFER VENEKLASEN,CITY CLERK 360-417-4634 orjvenekla@cityofpa.us City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5'"Street Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. 3 Lodging Tax Committee Candidate Questionnaire 1. Describe the importance of balancing Lodging Tax related expenditures on: capital, operations, events, and marketing. What do you feel is the highest priority and why? In the past, we seem to have gone from one "extreme" to another in dividing up the Lodging Tax income. To correct that, Council has advised us to put a renewed emphasis on capital expenditures. This is all good; except that we have learned that, "if we build it they will come" only as we market what we have built and only as we maintain it and have support for keeping it operating (including the expenses involved in yearly activity). So a balance needs to be kept. 2. How will you support implementation of event funding? Recognizing the fact that funding for events is limited, explain how you feel historic events should be weighed against new event opportunities. How will time of year play into your decision making? Events that have had a high success rate in (1) serving locals and (2) attracting people to this city should be funded. However, we must be wary of increasingly adding to the financial support for each additional year...as the trend seems to be that the activity requests a 10% or more increase year-to-year. In my opinion, some events should, after time, be less dependent on this tax. Admittedly, they have a "right" to expect support, since the event has attracted people and tax money. But it is also true that start-up events need funding in order to reach out and attract people, too. Last time, I felt we were in danger of increasing support for the larger events and cutting the smaller ones to the bone. A balance needs to be met, and if anything, we need to continue to support the birth and growth of new activities. 3. What is your future vision of Port Angeles as a tourism destination? Well, I came to Port Angeles first as a tourist! And the attraction was not the activities that were and are organized here, as much as the natural surroundings. However, I realize that attracting people here for events gives them their first look, perhaps, at these surroundings. So I applaud all the new ventures (Art in Plein Air, Shakespeare in the Park, Arts and Draughts, etc.) and am happy that our marketing firm is making a real impact in getting the word out. It is obvious that logging and fishing are no longer driving forces here; and we are a perfect tourist destination as well as a starting off point for other destinations. 4. Based on your current involvement in the tourism industry(if any) do you perceive any conflicts of interest? How will you address any potential or perceived conflict of interest? My involvement in the tourism industry is only as a "user". No conflict should arise. I am involved in the arts and in parks and recreation, but not employed or paid in any way..except pleasure.